Awesome List Updates on Oct 19 - Oct 25, 2020
85 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Piracy
- IMDb Scout Mod Adds links to IMDb pages from the torrent, ddl, subtitles, streaming, usenet and other sites.
2. Awesome H2o
- Mastering Machine Learning with Spark 2.x Alex Tellez, Max Pumperla, Michal Malohlava. (2017)
3. Awesome Flutter
Media / Video
- CamerAwesome (⭐1k) - Community camera plugin rework by studio
4. ALL About RSS
Apps / Outline Processor Markup Language
- RSS Savvy 811
Hosted Readers / Outline Processor Markup Language
钉钉 / 酷Q Plugin
- 钉钉 RSS 推送机器人 839
🔖 Microblogging Platforms / 酷Q Plugin
Aggregators of Indieblogs / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
5. Awesome Sdn
6. Awesome Broadcasting
- BBC NMOS Joint Reference Implementation (⭐13) - A Vagrant provisioning to build 4 virtual machines, an IS-04/IS-05 Node, IS-04 Registry, BCP-003-02 Authorisation Server, and the NMOS Testing Tool.
- Easy-NMOS (⭐66) - A starter kit that allows the user to launch a simple NMOS setup with minimal installation steps, composed of three Docker containers: an NMOS Registry, a virtual NMOS Node, and the AMWA NMOS Testing Tool.
- nmos-cpp (⭐152) - An implementation of the AMWA Networked Media Open Specifications in C++, including an NMOS Registry and a toolkit and example of building an NMOS Node.
- nmos-js (⭐33) - A simple browser-based NMOS Client/Controller with an IS-04 Registry browser and IS-05 Connection Management.
7. Awesome Board Games
Pachisi, the national game of India, dates back to 4 AD and remains popular today. Parcheesi is the westernized version. Parcheesi is typically played with two dice, four pieces per player and a gameboard with a track around the outside, four corner spaces and four home paths leading to a central end space. Moving all four pieces to the home position wins the game.
Players | Min. Age | Time |
2 - 4 | 8 | 30-60m |
Stone Age
In Stone Age, players live in the early days of human history, competing for food and collecting resources to expand their tribe and achieve new levels of civilization. Take turns assigning your tribe members to limited areas on the board that benefit you in different ways, sequence your actions strategically and feed your people to avoid losing points or resources.
Players | Min. Age | Time |
2 - 4 | 10 | 60-90m |
8. Awesome Libgdx
Resources / Visual Effects
- libgdx-screenmanager (⭐102) - A screen manager for libGDX supporting various transition effects
9. Awesome Umbraco
- 24 Days In Umbraco - yearly advent calendar for Umbraco content.
- Candid Contributions - a fortnightly podcast discussing all things Umbraco and open source.
- Official YouTube Channel - the Umbraco community YouTube channel.
Backoffice extensions
- Contentment - A handy collection of Umbraco components developed for use in your Umbraco projects.
10. Awesome Elixir
Date and Time
- calixir (⭐3) - Calixir is a port of the Lisp calendar software calendrica-4.0 to Elixir.
- Walkman (⭐54) - Isolate tests from the real world, inspired by Ruby's VCR.
11. Awesome Engineering Team Management
Roles / Engineering Managers
- “One of your roles is to act as an information filter in both directions” (source) - Some tips on how to balance which kind of information needs to be shared or muted.
- A vitally important part of the job: being a crap shield - “A lot of the work of an EM is wading into the slurry pit with a shovel so your team are free to get the job done”.
Engineering / The Technical Engineering Manager
- Do engineering managers need to be technical? - Yes. “Looking forward to the next 30 years of management trends, only a few things seem certain: Managers should be technical, and the definition of technical will continue to change.”
- “The best managers I met tended to be those that if the circumstance required it, could do the job of those two levels below.” (source) - Another way of putting it: managers needs domain knowledge and to know the work their reports do.
- “Over the years we have developed the policy that it is important for the supervisor to thoroughly know and understand the work of his group.” (source) - This quote is from David Packard (HP co-founder), decades before current management fad.
Career / Presentations
- Levels of abstraction in engineering management - Another take on the differences between Manager, Manager of Managers, Head of Org and Head of Function.
- Amazon Wants to 'Win at Games.' So Why Hasn't It? - “Any product manager can go between any business—from groceries to film to games to Kindle. The skillset is interchangeable. They just have to learn the particular market.”
Health / Acquisition
- Good sleep, good learning, good life - An e-book-sized synthesis on sleep research “with a view to practical applications, esp. in people who need top-quality sleep for their learning or creative achievements.”
12. Awesome Vue
Resources / External Resources
- Vue.js Workshops - Learn Vue 2, in browser, by building 3 applications: Landing page, Todos App and Podcasts aggregator.( Vue.js, Vue-Router, Vuex, Vue-Axios, Vue-Apollo )
Components & Libraries / Frameworks
- uiv (⭐941) - Bootstrap3 components implemented by Vue2.
13. Awesome Datascience
Books / Visualization Tools
- Exploring Data Science - free eBook sampler
- Exploring the Data Jungle - free eBook sampler
- Math for Programmers Early access
- R in Action, Third Edition Early Access
- Data Science Bookcamp Early access
- Pandas in Action - Early access
- Advances in Evolutionary Algorithms - Free Download
- Genetic Programming: New Approaches and Successful Applications - Free Download
GitHub Groups / Book Deals (Affiliated)
14. Awesome Python
Task Queues
- celery - An asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing.
15. Awesome Newsletters
General Section / Svelte
- Active forks. A weekly newsletter for open source enthusiats with a list of repositories and their recently active forks.
16. Awesome Java
Networking / Text-Based User Interfaces
- sshj (⭐2.5k) - Programmatically use SSH, SCP or SFTP.
17. Awesome Credit Modeling
- Machine Learning in Credit Risk Modeling - James (formerly CrowdProcess) is a now-defunct online credit risk management startup that provided risk management tools to financial institutions. This whitepaper offers an overview of machine learning applications in the field of credit risk modeling.
Credit Scoring
- Multiple classifier application to credit risk assessment - (Corrigendum) - This paper explores the predicted behaviour of five classifiers for different types of noise in terms of credit risk prediction accuracy, and how such accuracy could be improved by using classifier ensembles.
18. Awesome Scientific Computing
Meshing / Triangular and tetrahedral meshing
- pygmsh (⭐865) - Python interface for Gmsh. (Python, GPL 3, GitHub)
Visualization / Mesh tools
- vedo - Library for scientific analysis and visualization of 3D objects based on VTK. (Python, MIT, GitHub (⭐2.1k))
Other libraries and tools / Mesh tools
- preCICE - Coupling library for partitioned multi-physics simulations (FSI, CHT, and more). (C++, LGPL 3, GitHub)
19. Awesome Substrate
- AssemblyScript (⭐18) - Maintained by LimeChain.
- Python (⭐54) - Maintained by Polkascan Foundation.
20. Awesome Roslyn
- Introducing C# Source Generators - Original announcement of the C# 9.0 Source Generators feature. Explains what source generators are, in which scenarios they are useful, and shows how to write a simple source generator.
- New C# Source Generator Samples - Samples on how to write a non-trivial code generator driven by additional, non-code files like CSV files or Mustache templates.
- C# Source Generators (⭐905) - Comprehensive list of additional learning sources, samples, and experimental and productive source generators. A perfect reference once you grasp the basics.
Source Generators
- DpDtInject (⭐24) - Proof-of-concept of a dependency injection container that transfers huge piece of resolving logic to the compilation stage. Offers additional compile-time safety and fast runtime resolution.
- JsonSrcGen (⭐140) - Reflection-free JSON serializer. Allows extremely fast JSON processing by generating reflection-free serializers at the compile time.
- Source Generator Playground - Online application that lets you experiment with source generators. Perfect for learning and testing your ideas. Write your own source generator or learn from built-in examples and see the generated output.
- StrongInject (⭐718) - Compile-time dependency injection container. Compile-time checked, reflection-free and runtime code generation free, thus fast and app-trimming-friendly.
- StructPacker (⭐50) - Low-level, lightweight and performance-focused serializer for C# struct types. Auto-generates C# serialization code to achieve peak runtime performance and efficiency.
- Svg to C# Source Generators - SVG to C# compiler. Compiles SVG drawing markup to C# using SkiaSharp (⭐3k) as rendering engine.
21. Awesome Corda
- Corda API reference - Corda public API reference.
- DAML for Corda (⭐66) - DAML smart contracts for Corda.
- Testacles (⭐3) - Tools to grow CorDapp test suites.
- Auction (⭐1) - A demo auction CorDapp.
22. Awesome Ebpf
Articles and Presentations / cBPF
23. Awesome Yew
Articles / Frameworks
24. Awesome Pokemon
Resources & Others / Wiki
- (⭐2.3k) - Offline-capable Pokédex web site
25. Awesome Ruby
Machine Learning
- rumale (⭐836) - A machine learning library with interfaces similar to Scikit-Learn.
26. Awesome Crystal
- Envy (⭐8) - Load environment variables from YAML
Web Frameworks
- grip (⭐281) - The microframework for writing powerful web applications
27. Awesome Iot
Software / Frameworks
- Iotivity - IoTivity is an open source software framework enabling seamless device-to-device connectivity to address the emerging needs of the Internet of Things.
28. Awesome Geek Podcasts
In Russian
- linkmeup - Podcast about Networks, Telecom and other IT.
29. Awesome Incident Response
IR Tools Collection / Memory Analysis Tools
- Memoryze for Mac - Memoryze for Mac is Memoryze but then for Macs. A lower number of features, however.
30. Awesome Ionic
- Ionic Vetur Intellisense (⭐3) - Vetur support for Ionic Components for tag and attribute autocompletion
31. Awesome Elm
Examples / Other editors
- Bolster (⭐8) - An end-to-end encrypted journal app.
32. Public Apis
API: AlienVault Open Threat Exchange (OTX)
Description: IP/domain/URL reputation
CORS: Unknown
Games & Comics
Description: Programming, Miscellaneous and Dark Jokes
Auth: No
33. Awesome Ios
Tools / Collection View Layout
- Swift Package Index - Swift packages list with many information about quality and compatiblity of package.
34. Awesome Cpp
- KArchive - A library for creating, reading, writing and manipulating file archives like zip and tar. It also provides transparent compression and decompression of data, using formats like gzip, via a subclass of QIODevice. [LGPL]
- mrpt-serialization (⭐2k) - Versioned serialization to binary or text formats. [BSD] website
35. Awesome Eslint
Plugins / Libraries
- TypeGraphQL (⭐17) - Linting rules for TypeGraphQL, targeted at finding common mistakes.
36. Awesome Robotics
37. Awesome Programming for Kids
Upper Elementary
- Finch Robot - A small robot designed for computer science education with support for multiple programming languages.
38. Awesome Deep Learning
Table of Contents / Books
- TensorFlow 2.0 in Action - by Thushan Ganegedara
39. Awesome Actions
Utility / Docker Container Actions
- NSFW Detection (⭐16) - Detect NSFW content in committed files.
40. Open Source Mac Os Apps
- AUHost (⭐113) - Application which hosts AudioUnits v3 using AVFoundation API.
- Audacity (⭐12k) - Free, open source, cross-platform audio software
- AutoMute (⭐246) - Automatically mute the sound when headphones disconnect / Mac awake from sleep.
- Background Music (⭐16k) - Background Music, a macOS audio utility: automatically pause your music, set individual apps' volumes and record system audio.
- BlackHole (⭐15k) - BlackHole is a modern macOS virtual audio driver that allows applications to pass audio to other applications with zero additional latency.
- CAM (⭐50) - macOS camera recording using ffmpeg
- Clementine (⭐3.7k) - Clementine is a modern music player and library organizer for Windows, Linux and macOS.
- Cog - Cog is an open source audio player for macOS. The basic layout is a single-paned playlist interface with two retractable drawers, one for navigating the user's music folders and another for viewing audio file properties, like bitrate.
- LocalRadio (⭐367) - LocalRadio is software for listening to "Software-Defined Radio" on your Mac and mobile devices.
- Lyricism (⭐73) - macOS app to show you lyric what currently iTunes or Spotify is playing.
- LyricsX (⭐4.7k) - Lyrics for iTunes, Spotify and Vox.
- Mous Player (⭐71) - Simple yet powerful audio player for BSD/Linux/macOS.
- Scope (⭐49) - Audio Oscilloscope
- ShazamScrobbler (⭐117) - Scrobble vinyl, radios, movies to
- Sonora (⭐931) - Minimal, beautifully designed music player for macOS.
- SpotMenu (⭐2.9k) - Spotify and iTunes in your menu bar.
- SpotSpot (⭐134) - Spotify mini-player for macOS.
- Suohai (⭐128) - Audio input/output source lock for macOS.
- Tickeys (⭐1.4k) - Instant audio feedback for typing. macOS version.
- Tuner (⭐53) - Musical Instrument Tuner
- [Un]MuteMic (⭐131) - macOS app to mute & unmute the input volume of your microphone. Perfect for podcasters.
- eqMac2 (⭐5.7k) - System-Wide Equalizer for the Mac.
- fre:ac (⭐1.4k) - The fre:ac audio converter project.
- iTunes-Volume-Control (⭐254) - This app allows you to control the iTunes volume using volume up and volume down hotkeys.
- jmc (⭐496) - jmc is new macOS media organizer.
- shairport-sync (⭐7.2k) - macOS/Linux/FreeBSD/OpenBSD Airplay audio receiver.
- waveSDR (⭐211) - macOS native desktop Software Defined Radio application using the RTL-SDR USB device.
Utilities / Text
- NoiseBuddy (⭐727) - Control the listening mode on your AirPods Pro in the Touch Bar or Menu Bar.
- PlayStatus (⭐150) - PlayStatus is a macOS app that allows the control of Spotify and iTunes music playback from the menu bar.
- Layout Designer for UICollectionView (⭐2.6k) - A simple but powerful tool that helps you make complex layouts for UICollectionView.
- Ultra TabSaver (⭐266) - Ultra TabSaver is an open-source Tab Manager for Safari
- Duplicate Finder (⭐128) - It's a useful tool that would help you to find all duplicate files which have the same names in the specific folder.
- Grayscale Mode (⭐94) - Manage grayscale mode from menu bar.
- MeetingBar (⭐4.5k) - Menu bar app for your calendar meetings
- Nocturnal (⭐318) - Menu bar app featuring darker than dark dimming, Night Shift fine tuning, and the ability to turn off TouchBar on MacBook Pro.
- SlimHUD - Cyanocitta (⭐391) - Replacement for MacOS' volume, brightness and keyboard backlight HUDs.
- Calculeta (⭐24) - Calculator for macOS which working on statusbar.
- macOS GateKeeper Helper (⭐238) - Simple macOS GateKeeper script. It helps you to control your GateKeeper.
- Android tool for Mac (⭐5.4k) - One-click screenshots, video recordings, app installation for iOS and Android
- ArchiveMounter (⭐124) - Mounts archives like disk images.
- BeardedSpice (⭐2.8k) - Control web based media players with the media keys found on Mac keyboards.
- Buttercup Desktop (⭐4.3k) - Secure password manager for mac and other platforms.
- Catch (⭐428) - Catch: Broadcatching made easy.
- Clear Clipboard Text Format (⭐10) - Easily clear the format of your clipboard text with Clear Clipboard Text Format.
- CoreLocationCLI (⭐218) - Get the physical location of your device and prints it to standard output
- CornerCal (⭐239) - Simple, clean calendar and clock app for macOS.
- Crypter (⭐458) - Crypter is an innovative, convenient and secure cross-platform crypto app that simplifies secure password generation and management by requiring you to only remember one bit, the MasterPass.
- ECheck (⭐8) - Small tool to validate epub files for macOS.
- Flying Carpet (⭐3.5k) - cross-platform file transfer over ad-hoc wifi, like AirDrop but for Mac/Windows/Linux.
- Funky (⭐22) - Easily toggle the function key on your Mac on a per app basis.
- Gray (⭐1.3k) - Pick between the light appearance and the dark appearance on a per-app basis with the click of a button
- Kap (⭐18k) - Screen recorder application built with web technology.
- KeePassXC (⭐21k) - Cross-platform community-driven port of the Windows application "Keepass Password Safe"
- KeeWeb (⭐12k) - Cross-platform password manager compatible with KeePass.
- Kyapchar (⭐68) - Simple screen and microphone audio recorder for macOS.
- Lunar (⭐4.6k) - Intelligent adaptive brightness for your external displays.
- MacPass (⭐6.7k) - Native macOS KeePass client.
- Maria (⭐642) - macOS native app/widget for aria2 download tool.
- Meme Maker (⭐70) - Meme Maker macOS application for meme creation.
- Monolingual (⭐523) - Remove unnecessary language resources from macOS
- Mos (⭐14k) - Smooth your mouse's scrolling and reverse the mouse scroll direction
- Noti (⭐910) - Receive Android notifications on your mac (with PushBullet).
- PB for Desktop (⭐508) - Receive native push notifications on macOS, Windows and Linux.
- Padlock (⭐2.7k) - A minimal, open source password manager for macOS.
- PowerShell (⭐45k) - PowerShell is a cross-platform automation and configuration tool/framework that works well with your existing tools.
- ScreenCat (⭐3k) - ScreenCat is a screen sharing + remote collaboration application.
- SlowQuitApps (⭐1.2k) - Add a global delay to Command-Q to stop accidental app quits.
- Telephone (⭐1.1k) - SIP softphone for macOS.
- ToTheTop (⭐38) - Small macOS application to help you scroll to the top.
- calibre (⭐20k) - cross platform e-book manager.
- fselect (⭐4k) - Command-line tool to search files with SQL syntax.
- homebrew-cask (⭐21k) - A CLI workflow for the administration of macOS applications distributed as binaries
- iOScanX (⭐38) - Cocoa application for semi-automated iOS app analysis and evaluation.
- mac-sound-fix (⭐27) - Mac Sound Re-Enabler.
- wechsel (⭐79) - manage bluetooth connections with your keyboard.
- Übersicht (⭐4.6k) - Keep an eye on what's happening on your machine and in the world.
- Mackup (⭐15k) - Keep your application settings in sync (macOS/Linux).
- Syncalicious (⭐387) - Keeping multiple macOS preferences in sync can be painful, but it shouldn't be.
- UrBackup (⭐652) - UrBackup is Client/Server network backup for Windows, macOS and Linux.
- shallow-backup (⭐1.2k) - Easily create lightweight documentation of installed applications, dotfiles, and more.
- Beaker Browser (⭐6.7k) - Beaker is an experimental peer-to-peer Web browser.
- Brave Browser (⭐18k) - Brave browser for Desktop and Laptop computers running Windows, macOS, and Linux.
- Finicky (⭐3.7k) - Always opens the right browser.
- Helium (⭐3.6k) - Floating browser window for macOS.
- browserosaurus (⭐1.7k) - macOS tool that prompts you to choose a browser when opening a link.
- otter-browser (⭐1.8k) - Otter Browser aims to recreate the best aspects of the classic Opera (12.x) UI using Qt5.
- seb-mac (⭐100) - Safe Exam Browser for macOS and iOS.
Productivity / Text
- Pennywise (⭐3.8k) - Pennywise opens any website or media in a small floating window that remains on top of all other applications. It's a great alternative to Helium.
- QOwnNotes (⭐4.7k) - Plain-text file notepad and todo-list manager with markdown support and ownCloud / Nextcloud integration.
- Sessions (⭐149) - Safari extension to save your working sessions
- Itsycal (⭐3.3k) - A tiny calendar for that lives in the Mac menu bar.
- ClipMenu (⭐907) - Clipboard manager for macOS.
- Clocker (⭐567) - macOS app to plan and organize through timezones.
- ControlPlane (⭐1.8k) - Automate running tasks based on where you are or what you do.
- Flycut (⭐2.5k) - Clean and simple clipboard manager for developers.
- KeyHolder (⭐391) - Record shortcuts in macOS, like
- Kiwix (⭐482) - Kiwix for iOS and macOS, build on Swift.
- Linked Ideas (⭐364) - macOS application to write down and connect ideas.
- Mac Screenshot Tracker (⭐62) - An open source, free and hackable screenshot tracker. Re-watch what you've been working on!
- Maccy (⭐13k) - Lightweight search-as-you-type clipboard manager.
- Manta (⭐5.3k) - Flexible invoicing desktop app with beautiful & customizable templates.
- PDF Archiver (⭐301) - Nice tool for tagging and archiving tasks.
- Paperless Desktop (⭐585) - Desktop app that uses the paperless API to manage your document scans.
- Quicksilver (⭐2.7k) - Quicksilver is a fast macOS productivity application that gives you the power to control your Mac quickly and elegantly.
- Quickwords (⭐106) - Write anything in a matter of seconds. Create snippets that can substitute text, execute tedious tasks and more.
- SelfControl (⭐4k) - macOS app to block your own access to distracting websites etc for a predetermined period of time. It can not be undone by the app or by a restart – you must wait for the timer to run out.
- Speed Reader (⭐145) - Read faster with the power of silencing vocalization with SpeedReader.
- StickyNotes (⭐72) - A Windows 10-esque Sticky Notes app implemented in AppKit.
- Strategr (⭐304) - No-fuss time management.
- Thyme (⭐577) - The task timer for OS X.
- Timer (⭐2.5k) - Simple Timer app for Mac.
- Toggl Desktop (⭐1.9k) - Toggl Desktop app for Windows, Mac and Linux.
- TomatoBar (⭐2.2k) - Pomodoro Technique Timer for macOS with Touch Bar support.
- TrelloApp (⭐23) - Unofficial wrapper application for written in Swift. This is almost a "Hello World" for a site specific browser.
- Watson (⭐2.5k) - A CLI application for time tracking.
- Whale (⭐280) - Unofficial Trello app.
- Yomu (⭐195) - Manga reader app for macOS.
- macOrganizer (⭐103) - macOS app for organizing files or removing unnecessary files.
- status-bar-todo (⭐116) - Simple macOS app to keep TODO-list in status bar.
- stretchly (⭐4.6k) - Cross-platform electron app that reminds you to take breaks when working with computer.
Wallpaper / Text
- Plash (⭐3.5k) - Make any website your desktop wallpaper.
- 500-mac-wallpaper (⭐26) - Simple macOS app for the status bar to automatically download photos from to a local folder that can be set as a source of wallpapers.
- ArtWall (⭐25) - ArtStation set as wallpapers from artwork.rss
- Artify (⭐178) - A macOS application for bringing dedicatedly 18th century Arts to everyone
- BingPaper (⭐159) - Use Bing daily photo as your wallpaper on macOS.
- Desktop Wallpaper Switcher (⭐12) - Win / Linux / macOS tool for managing and cycling desktop wallpapers.
- Muzei (⭐245) - Muzei wallpaper app for macOS.
- Satellite Eyes (⭐664) - macOS app to automatically set your desktop wallpaper to the satellite view overhead.
- Sunscreen (⭐59) - Sunscreen is a fun, lightweight application that changes your desktop wallpaper based on sunrise and sunset.
- WallpaperMenu (⭐9) - macOS menubar application for navigation through beautiful pictures on the web and set them up as your desktop image.
- pyDailyChanger (⭐8) - pyDailyChanger is a program that changes your wallpaper daily.
- Beagle IM (⭐183) - Powerful XMPP client with support for file transfer, VoIP and end-to-end encryption.
- ChitChat (⭐1.9k) - Native Mac app wrapper for WhatsApp Web.
- Electronic WeChat (⭐14k) - Better WeChat on macOS and Linux.
- Element (⭐11k) - Element is a collaboration app (currently Electron) for the Matrix protocol.
- Franz (⭐4.5k) - Franz is messaging application for services like WhatsApp, Slack, Messenger and many more.
- Google Allo for Desktop (⭐117) - Native macOS & Windows desktop app for Google Allo.
- GroupMe (⭐87) - Unofficial GroupMe App.
- MessagesHistoryBrowser (⭐87) - macOS application to comfortably browse and search through your history.
- Seaglass (⭐525) - A truly native Matrix client for macOS.
- Signal Desktop (⭐15k) - Electron app that links with your Signal Android or Signal iOS app.
- Telegram (⭐5k) - Source code of Telegram for macOS on Swift.
- Telegram Desktop (⭐26k) - Telegram Desktop messaging app.
- Textual (⭐1.9k) - Textual is an IRC client for macOS.
- Torchat-Mac (⭐87) - TorChat for Mac is a macOS native and unofficial port of torchat.
- WhatsAppBar (⭐46) - Send WhatsApp message from menu bar.
- Wire Desktop (⭐1.1k) - Standalone Electron app for the chatapp Wire.
- Balance Open (⭐289) - App for all the world’s currencies.
- CoinBar (⭐113) - macOS menu bar application for tracking crypto coin prices.
- Crypto Bar (⭐410) - macOS menu bar application built with Electron.
- Float coin (⭐10) - Native menu bar app with floating window and support for many Exchanges.
- DB Browser for SQLite (⭐21k) - SQLite database management GUI.
- DBeaver (⭐40k) - Universal database tool and SQL client.
- Medis (⭐12k) - 💻 Medis is a beautiful, easy-to-use Mac database management application for Redis.
- MongoHub (⭐2.4k) - Add another lightweight Mac Native MongoDB client.
- Postbird (⭐1.5k) - PostgreSQL GUI client for macOS.
- (⭐7.3k) - The easiest way to get started with PostgreSQL on the Mac.
- (⭐354) - The easiest way to get started with Redis on the Mac.
- Robo 3T (⭐9.3k) - Robo 3T (formerly Robomongo) is the free lightweight GUI for MongoDB enthusiasts.
- Sequel Ace (⭐6.7k) - Sequel Ace is a fast, easy-to-use Mac database management application for working with MySQL & MariaDB databases.
- Sequel Pro (⭐9.1k) - MySQL/MariaDB database management for macOS.
- (⭐518) - The easiest way to get started with mongoDB on the Mac.
IDE / Text
- Apache Netbeans (⭐2.6k) - Apache NetBeans is an IDE, Tooling Platform and Application Framework suitable for development in Java, JavaScript, PHP, HTML5, CSS, and more.
- Atom (⭐60k) - The hackable text editor.
- LiveCode (⭐484) - Cross-platform development IDE.
- Vim (⭐36k) - ubiquitous text editor
![Vim script_icon]
- ZeroBraneStudio (⭐2.6k) - ZeroBrane Studio is a lightweight cross-platform Lua IDE with code completion, syntax highlighting, remote debugger, code analyzer, live coding, and debugging support for various Lua engines.
Graphics / Text
- ColorSet (⭐213) - ColorSet is a macOS utility and framework allowing developers to manage custom interface colors with ease.
- Aseprite (⭐29k) - Animated sprite editor & pixel art tool (Windows, macOS, Linux).
- Gaphor (⭐1.9k) - Gaphor is the simple modeling tool for UML and SysML.
- GifCapture (⭐941) - Gif capture app for macOS.
- Gifcurry (⭐1.3k) - Video to GIF maker with a graphical interface capable of cropping, adding text, seeking, and trimming.
- Gifski (⭐7.8k) - Convert videos to high-quality GIFs.
- InfiniteCanvas (⭐132) - Proof of concept Mac drawing application.
- Material Colors Native (⭐267) - Choose your Material colours and copy the hex code.
- Pencil2D Animation (⭐1.5k) - Pencil2D is an animation/drawing software for macOS, Windows, and Linux. It lets you create traditional hand-drawn animation (cartoon) using both bitmap and vector graphics.
- ScreenToLayers for macOS (⭐151) - ScreenToLayers is a macOS application to easily capture your screen as a layered PSD file.
- macSVG (⭐1.2k) - macOS application for designing HTML5 SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) art and animation with a WebKit web view.
Development / Git
- Cashew (⭐5) - Cashew macOS Github Issue Tracker.
- GPM (⭐18) - macOS application for easily operating GitHub Projects.
- Git Interactive Rebase Tool (⭐1.6k) - Full feature terminal based sequence editor for interactive rebase.
- GitBlamePR (⭐29) - Mac app that shows pull request last modified each line of a file
- GitSync (⭐97) - Minimalistic Git client for Mac.
- GitUp (⭐12k) - The Git interface you've been missing all your life has finally arrived.
- GitX (⭐801) - Graphical client for the git version control system.
- Gitee (⭐1.1k) - Gitee, macOS status bar application for Github.
- Github contributions (⭐75) - GitHub contributions app, for iOS, WatchOS, and macOS.
- GithubListener (⭐25) - Simple app that will notify about new commits to watched repositories.
- GithubNotify (⭐25) - Simple macOS app to alert you when you have unread GitHub notifications.
- Gitify (⭐4.5k) - Your GitHub notifications on your menu bar.
- Streaker (⭐183) - GitHub contribution streak tracking menubar app.
- TeamStatus-for-GitHub (⭐47) - macOS status bar application for tracking code review process within the team.
- Trailer (⭐1.2k) - Managing Pull Requests and Issues For GitHub & GitHub Enterprise.
- Xit (⭐1.1k) - Xit is a graphical tool for working with git repositories.
Development / JSON Parsing
- JSON Mapper (⭐27) - Simple macOS app to generate Swift Object Mapper classes from JSON.
- JSON to Model class (⭐91) - Template based highly customizable macOS app to generate classes from JSON string, supports many languages.
- JSONExport (⭐4.8k) - Desktop application for macOS which enables you to export JSON objects as model classes with their associated constructors, utility methods, setters and getters in your favorite language.
- j2s (⭐231) - macOS app to convert JSON objects into Swift structs (currently targets Swift 4 and Codable).
Development / Other Development
- ChefInspector (⭐9) - Node and Attribute viewer for Chef
- macho-browser (⭐120) - Browser for macOS Mach-O binaries.
- vegvisir (⭐199) - Browser based GUI for LLDB Debugger.
Development / Web Development
- CoreOS VM (⭐399) - CoreOS VM is macOS status bar app which allows in an easy way to control CoreOS VM on your Mac.
- Corectl App for macOS (⭐167) - Corectl App is a macOS Status bar App which works like a wrapper around the corectl command line tool corectld to control the server runtime process.
- Insomnia (⭐35k) - Insomnia is a cross-platform REST client, built on top of Electron.
- KubeMonitor (⭐126) - KubeMonitor is a macOS app that displays information about your active Kubernetes cluster in your menu bar.
- KubeSwitch (⭐59) - KubeSwitch lists the available kubernetes cluster contexts on the mac, in Mac's Menu bar.
- Lantern (⭐233) - Dedicated Mac app for website auditing and crawling.
- LocalSites (⭐73) - Simple Menu Bar (Status Bar) App for macOS listing local Bonjour websites (as Safari 11 no longer has Bonjour Bookmarks).
- aws-s3-uploader (⭐142) - Simple macOS app for uploading files to Amazon Web Services.
- iTunesConnect (⭐47) - macOS app to let you access iTunesConnect.
- ndm (⭐2.1k) - Npm desktop GUI.
- nodeScratchpad (⭐110) - Evaluate Nodejs/JS code snippets from Menubar.
- stts (⭐525) - macOS app for monitoring the status of cloud services.
Development / iOS / macOS
- AVXCAssets Generator (⭐344) - Takes path for your assets images and creates appiconset and imageset for you in just one click.
- AppIcons (⭐267) - Tool for generating icons in all sizes as required by macOS and iOS apps.
- AppStoreReviewTimes (⭐14) - Gives you indication about the average iOS / macOS app stores review times.
- AppleTrace (⭐806) - Trace tool for iOS/macOS.
- Asset Catalog Tinkerer (⭐2.4k) - App that lets you open .car files and browse/extract their images.
- Assets (⭐35) - Assets is a macOS app that manages assets for your development projects (Xcode, web, etc).
- Attabench (⭐1.3k) - Attabench is a microbenchmarking app for macOS, designed to measure and visualize the performance of Swift code.
- Board For GitHub (⭐80) - Small application to monitor your GitHub project web page in a native macOS app 🐙!
- Brisk (⭐671) - macOS app for submitting radars.
- Cleaner for Xcode (⭐1.6k) - Cleaner for built with react-native-macOS.
- CocoaRestClient (⭐2.4k) - Native Apple macOS app for testing HTTP/REST endpoints.
- Corona Tracker (⭐1.5k) - Coronavirus tracker app for iOS & macOS with maps & charts.
- FilterShop (⭐98) - macOS App to explore CoreImage Filters.
- IconGenerator (⭐1.4k) - macOS app to generate app icons.
- Iconizer (⭐889) - Create Xcode image catalogs (xcassets) on the fly.
- (⭐415) - App for macOS which is designed to generate consistent sized icons of an existing application in various states, jiggling (shaking) etc.
- InjectionIII (⭐4k) - overdue Swift rewrite of Injection.
- Knuff (⭐5.2k) - The debug application for Apple Push Notification Service (APNs).
- LayerX (⭐175) - Intuitive app to display transparent images on screen.
- Localization Editor (⭐1.5k) - Simple macOS editor app to help you manage iOS app localizations by allowing you to edit all the translations side by side.
- Localizations (⭐128) - Localizations is an macOS app that manages your Xcode project localization files (.strings).
- Menubar Colors (⭐183) - macOS app for convenient access to the system color panel.
- Notarize (⭐112) - Notarization status monitoring tool for macOS, supporting multiple developer accounts
- PodsUpdater (⭐529) - macOS app which helps you manage dependency releases in your Podfile.
- ProfilesManager (⭐592) - Apple iOS/macOS Provisioning Profiles management,.provisionprofile, .mobileprovision files manager tool for mac.
- PushNotifications (⭐2.3k) - macOS app to test push notifications on iOS and Android.
- ResignTool (⭐409) - This is an app for macOS that can (re)sign apps and bundle them into ipa files that are ready to be installed on an iOS device.
- Resizr (⭐41) - MacOS application for creating AppIcon for iOS and Android apps.
- SmartPush (⭐2.2k) - iOS Push Notification Debug App.
- TransporterPad (⭐57) - iOS/Android app deployment tool for macOS.
- WWDC (⭐8.6k) - Unofficial WWDC app for macOS.
- (⭐102) - Powerful app for downloading subtitle for each WWDC session video since 2013 in (srt) format.
- calabash-launcher (⭐30) - iOS Calabash Launcher is a macOS app that helps you run and manage Calabash tests on your Mac.
- iOS Images Extractor (⭐2k) - iOS Images Extractor is a Mac app to normalize, decode, and extract images from iOS apps.
- iSimulator (⭐1.2k) - iSimulator is a GUI utility to control the Simulator and manage the app installed on the simulator.
- xib2Storyboard (⭐133) - Tool to convert Xcode .xib to .storyboard files.
Images / Text
- Iconology (⭐128) - Edit icons and then export to Xcode, icns, ico, favicon, macOS iconset, or a custom collection.
- APNGb (⭐313) - macOS app which assembles and disassembles animated png files.
- Crunch (⭐3.4k) - Insane(ly slow but wicked good) PNG image optimization.
- ExifCleaner (⭐1.9k) - Remove image metadata with drag and drop, multi-core batch processing, and dark mode.
- Freehand (⭐99) - macOS Status Bar App for quick sketch.
- Gimp (⭐4.9k) - Gimp is GNU Image Manipulation Program.
- ImageAlpha (⭐471) - Mac GUI for pngquant, pngnq and posterizer.
- Katana (⭐356) - Katana is a simple screenshot utility for macOS that lives in your menubar.
- PhotoMiner (⭐118) - macOS app for finding and lost forgotten photos on your disks.
- Screenbar (⭐117) - macOS menubar app for automating screenshots.
- Seashore (⭐456) - Easy to use macOS image editing application for the rest of us.
- WebPonize (⭐7) - WebPonize is a macOS App for converting PNG, JPEG, animated (or not) GIF images into WebP.
Downloader / iOS / macOS
- App Downloader (⭐334) - Easily search and download macOS apps from the huge
homebrew cask
app catalog.
- Get It (⭐575) - Native macOS video/audio downloader. Think of it as a youtube downloader that works on many sites.
- Motrix (⭐45k) - A full-featured download manager.
- Pillager (⭐90) - macOS Video Downloader written in Swift and Objective-C.
- YouTube Downloader for macOS (⭐469) - Simple menu bar app to download YouTube movies on your Mac. I wrote this as a test project to learn more about app development on macOS.
- udemy-downloader-gui (⭐6.1k) - desktop application for downloading Udemy Courses.
Editors / CSV
- TableTool (⭐1.3k) - simple CSV editor for the macOS.
Editors / JSON
- JSON-Splora (⭐1.9k) - GUI for editing, visualizing, and manipulating JSON data.
Editors / Markdown
- Gingko (⭐360) - Tree-structured markdown editor for macOS, Windows, and Linux.
- MacDown (⭐9.4k) - Markdown editor for macOS.
- Mark Text (⭐47k) - Realtime preview markdown editor for macOS Windows and Linux.
- Pine (⭐3.3k) - A modern MacOS markdown editor.
Editors / TeX
- Qilin Editor (⭐434) - Text editor for exact sciences with built-in KaTeX/AsciiMath support.
Editors / Text
- CotEditor (⭐6.4k) - Lightweight Plain-Text Editor for macOS.
- MacVim (⭐7.5k) - Text editor for macOS.
- Noto (⭐270) - Plain text editor for macOS with customizable themes.
- SubEthaEdit (⭐1.4k) - General purpose plain text editor for macOS. Widely known for its live collaboration feature.
- TextMate (⭐14k) - TextMate is a graphical text editor for macOS.
- VimR (⭐6.7k) - Refined Neovim experience for macOS.
Extensions / Text
- BetterPiP (⭐90) - Use native picture-in-picture with browsers such as Google Chrome for HTML5 videos.
- PageExtender (⭐146) - Extend pages with your own CSS and JS files.
- PiPTool (⭐355) - Add the Picture-in-Picture Functionality to YouTube, Netflix, Plex and other video broadcasting services in macOS.
- PiPifier (⭐758) - PiPifier is a native macOS 10.12 Safari extension that lets you use every HTML5 video in Picture in Picture mode.
- Swimat (⭐1.6k) - Swimat is an Xcode plug-in to format your Swift code.
- nef (⭐200) - This Xcode extension enables you to make a code selection and export it to a snippets. Available on Mac AppStore.
Finder / Text
- Clipy (⭐7.6k) - Clipy is a Clipboard extension app for macOS.
- CopyQ (⭐8.7k) - Clipboard manager with advanced features
- FiScript (⭐499) - Execute custom scripts from the MacOS context menu (CTRL+click) in Finder.
- OpenInCode (⭐909) - Finder toolbar app to open current folder in Visual Studio Code.
- Quick Look plugins (⭐18k) - List of useful Quick Look plugins for developers.
Terminal / Text
- Finder Go (⭐1.1k) - macOS app and Finder Sync Extension to open Terminal, iTerm, Hyper from Finder.
- cd to... (⭐2.3k) - Finder Toolbar app to open the current directory in the Terminal
- Alacritty (⭐56k) - Cross-platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator.
- Bifrost (⭐78) - A tiny terminal emulator for serial port communication (macOS/Linux).
- Console (⭐410) - macOS console application.
- Hyper (⭐43k) - Terminal built on web technologies.
- Kitty (⭐24k) - Cross-platform, fast, feature full, GPU based terminal emulator.
- OpenTerminal (⭐105) - App for macOS that opens a new Finder window and changes the current directory to the folder launched by the app.
- iTerm 2 (⭐15k) - Terminal emulator for macOS that does amazing things.
- wallpapper (⭐3.3k) - wallpapper is a console application for creating dynamic wallpapers for Mojave.
Games / Text
- Battle for Wesnoth (⭐5.5k) - Turn-based tactical strategy game, featuring both single-player and online multiplayer combat.
- Boxer (⭐774) - The DOS game emulator that’s fit for your Mac.
- Dolphin (⭐13k) - Powerful emulator for Nintendo GameCube and Wii games.
- OpenEmu (⭐16k) - Retro video game emulation for macOS.
- OpenRCT2 (⭐13k) - Re-implementation of RollerCoaster Tycoon 2.
- Screentendo (⭐1.1k) - Turn your screen into a playable level of Mario.
- Stockfish (⭐507) - Beautiful, powerful chess application.
Medical / Text
- InVesalius (⭐622) - 3D medical imaging reconstruction software
Keyboard / Text
- AnnePro-mac (⭐133) - macOS application for controlling AnnePro keyboard over bluetooth.
- Fluor (⭐1.9k) - Handy tool for macOS allowing you to switch Fn keys' mode based on active application.
- GokuRakuJoudo (⭐1.2k) - Karabiner-Elements configuration manager, rescue to bloated karabiner.json
- Karabiner (⭐3.8k) - Karabiner (KeyRemap4MacBook) is a powerful utility for keyboard customization.
- Karabiner-Elements (⭐19k) - Karabiner-Elements is a powerful utility for keyboard customization on macOS Sierra (10.12) or later.
- Thor (⭐1.2k) - Switch the right application ASAP.
- Unshaky (⭐3k) - A software attempt to address the "double key press" issue on Apple's butterfly keyboard
Mail / Text
- Correo (⭐150) - Menubar/taskbar Gmail App for Windows and macOS.
- Mailspring (⭐15k) - 💌 A beautiful, fast and maintained fork of @nylas Mail by one of the original authors
- Rambox (⭐6.4k) - Cross Platform messaging and emailing app that combines common web applications into one.
- SimpleLogin (⭐45) - Email Alias solution: protect your real email address.
- dejalu (⭐630) - Fast and Simple Email Client.
Menubar / Text
- Airpass (⭐469) - Status bar Mac application to overcome time constrained WiFi networks.
- AnyBar (⭐5.9k) - macOS menubar status indicator.
- DatWeatherDoe (⭐522) - Simple menu bar weather app for macOS written in Swift.
- DisplayMenu (⭐47) - Simple (bare-bones) macOS menubar extra to apply display presets.
- Dozer (⭐8.2k) - Hide MacOS menubar items.
- Hidden Bar (⭐11k) - An ultra-light MacOS utility that helps hide menu bar icons
- KubeContext (⭐403) - import, manage and switch between your Kubernetes contexts on Mac.
- MenuMeters (⭐3k) - CPU, memory, disk, and network monitoring tools for macOS.
- Menubar Brightness (⭐81) - macOS app to change the screen brightness on the menubar.
- Night Shift Control (⭐60) - Night Shift Control is a simple macOS menubar app for controlling Night Shift. It's aim is to bring features from f.lux which are missing from Night Shift such as disabling Night Shift for certain apps.
- PSIBar (⭐25) - Quickly hacked up PSI macOS status bar app.
- Quickeys (⭐66) - A mac menu bar app that provides note taking functionality though a quick dropdown menu.
- SensibleSideButtons (⭐1.9k) - Small menu bar utility that lets you use your third-party mouse's side buttons for navigation across a variety of apps.
- Shifty (⭐1.2k) - macOS menu bar app that gives you more control over Night Shift.
- gSwitch (⭐890) - macOS status bar app that allows control over the gpu on dual gpu macbooks.
- iGlance (⭐2.4k) - macOS System Monitor (cpu, memory, network, fan and battery) for the Status Bar.
Music / Text
- Carol (⭐109) - A minimal and beautiful lyrics app that stays in the menu bar of macOS.
- ChordDetector (⭐88) - Tiny menu bar app that listens iTunes and Spotify to detect chords of songs!
- DeezPlayer (⭐50) - Deezer Desktop app for Windows, Linux and macOS.
- Lilypond UI (⭐30) - Create beautiful musical scores with LilyPond.
- SoundCleod (⭐960) - SoundCloud for macOS and Windows.
- Spotify-Cli-Mac (⭐179) - Control Spotify without leaving your terminal. 🎶
- YouTube-Music (⭐2.8k) - macOS wrapper for
- iTunes Graphs (⭐51) - macOS app to visualise your iTunes library as graphs.
- lyricsify (⭐87) - Simple Spotify lyrics viewer menu bar app for macOS in Swift.
News / Text
- Diurna (⭐102) - Basic/Classic Hacker News app, used as a Cocoa & Swift learning platform.
- NetNewsWire (⭐8.3k) - Feed reader for macOS.
- Vienna (⭐1.8k) - Vienna is a RSS/Atom newsreader for macOS.
- hacker-menu (⭐1k) - Hacker News Delivered to Desktop.
Notes / Text
- FSNotes (⭐6.4k) - Notes manager for macOS/iOS: modern notational velocity (nvALT) on steroids.
- FromScratch (⭐717) - Little app that you can use as a quick note taking or todo app.
- Jupyter Notebook Viewer (⭐751) - Notebook viewer for macOS.
- NoteTaker (⭐174) - Simple note taking app for macOS and iOS which uses Realm and CloudKit for syncing.
- Notes (⭐18) - Notes is a macOS application built to create notes, using text amongst other formats: images, videos, contacts, and etc.
- Simplenote (⭐1.5k) - Simplest way to keep notes.
- joplin (⭐45k) - Note taking and to-do application with synchronization capabilities for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS.
- notable (⭐185) - Simple note taking application.
- tmpNote (⭐88) - Very simple macOS app to make temporary notes.
Other / Text
- Cakebrew (⭐4.8k) - Manage your Homebrew formulas with style using Cakebrew.
- DevDocs for macOS (⭐460) - An unofficial DevDocs API documentation viewer.
- Gas Mask (⭐3.7k) - Hosts file manager for macOS.
- Hosts (⭐1.6k) - Cocoa GUI for /etc/hosts.
- ImageOptim (⭐9.2k) - GUI image optimizer for Mac.
- Keyframes Player (⭐70) - Simple macOS app to preview animations created with Facebook's keyframes framework.
- Lepton (⭐10k) - Democratizing Code Snippets Management (macOS/Win/Linux).
- Letters (⭐27) - Teach your kids the alphabet and how to type.
- Platypus (⭐2.8k) - Mac developer tool that creates application bundles from command line scripts.
- React Native Debugger (⭐10k) - Desktop app for inspecting your React Native projects. macOS, Linux, and Windows.
- Reactotron (⭐15k) - Desktop app for inspecting your React JS and React Native projects. macOS, Linux, and Windows.
- RktMachine (⭐37) - Menu bar macOS app for running rkt in a macOS hypervisor CoreOS VM.
- (⭐46) - macOS app that contains a full Ruby installation (for use with Ruby/Gosu).
- Shuttle (⭐4.6k) - Simple SSH shortcut menu for macOS.
- SwiftyBeaver (⭐5.9k) - Convenient logging during development & release in Swift.
- Unused (⭐1.4k) - Mac app for checking Xcode projects for unused resources.
- Vagrant Manager (⭐1.9k) - Manage your vagrant machines in one place with Vagrant Manager for macOS.
- macGist (⭐128) - Simple app to send pasteboard items to GitHub's Gist.
- syncthing-macosx (⭐2.7k) - Frugal nativemacOS macOS Syncthing application bundle.
Player / Text
- IINA (⭐38k) - The modern video player for macOS.
- MPlayerX (⭐1k) - Media player on macOS.
- MacMorpheus (⭐296) - 3D 180/360 video player for macOS for PSVR with head tracking.
- Movie Monad (⭐421) - Desktop video player built with Haskell that uses GStreamer and GTK+.
Podcast / Text
- Cumulonimbus (⭐746) - Simple, beautiful podcast app.
- Doughnut (⭐206) - Podcast player and library for mac
- PodcastMenu (⭐1.3k) - PodcastMenu is a simple app which puts Overcast on your Mac's menu bar so you can listen to your favorite podcasts while you work.
- mkchromecast (⭐2.2k) - Cast macOS and Linux Audio/Video to your Google Cast and Sonos Devices.
Screensaver / Text
- Aerial (⭐21k) - Apple TV Aerial Screensaver for macOS.
- Brooklyn (⭐5.6k) - Screensaver inspired by Apple's Event on October 30, 2018.
- Image-As-Wallpaper (⭐6) - Utility application helps with selection of images for using as desktop wallpaper or in screensaver on Mac computers.
- Irvue (⭐264) - Screensaver for macOS.
- Life Saver (⭐210) - An abstract screensaver based on Conway's Game of Life implemented with SpriteKit
- Predator (⭐152) - A predator-inspired clock screensaver for macOS
- The GitHub Matrix Screensaver (⭐571) - The GitHub Matrix Screensaver for macOS.
Security / Text
- Cloaker (⭐406) - simple drag-and-drop, password-based file encryption.
- Cryptomator (⭐12k) - Multi-platform transparent client-side encryption of your files in the cloud.
- LuLu (⭐9.8k) - LuLu is macOS firewall application that aims to block unauthorized (outgoing) network traffic.
- Swifty (⭐895) - Free and offline password manager.
- stronghold (⭐1.1k) - Easily configure macOS security settings from the terminal.
Sharing Files / Text
- Deluge (⭐1.5k) - Lightweight cross-platform BitTorrent client.
- NitroShare (⭐1.6k) - Transferring files from one device to another
- Rhea (⭐91) - macOS status bar app for quickly sharing files and URLs.
- Transmission (⭐12k) - Official Transmission BitTorrent client repository.
- Tribler (⭐4.8k) - Privacy enhanced BitTorrent client with P2P content discovery.
- mac2imgur (⭐966) - Simple Mac app designed to make uploading images and screenshots to Imgur quick and effortless.
- qBittorrent (⭐28k) - BitTorrent client in Qt.
Social Networking / Text
- Caprine (⭐7k) - Elegant Facebook Messenger desktop app.
- Goofy (⭐957) - Unofficial Facebook Messenger client.
- Leviathan (⭐39) - Leviathan is a iOS and macOS client application for the Mastodon social network.
- Messenger (⭐2.9k) - macOS app wrapping Facebook's Messenger for desktop.
- Product Hunt (⭐636) - share and discover your favorite new products and applications.
- Quail (⭐56) - Unofficial esa app.
- Ramme (⭐3.3k) - Unofficial Instagram Desktop App.
- RedditOS (⭐4k) - A SwiftUI Reddit client for macOS.
- Simpo (⭐41) - macOS menubar app to post status quickly.
Streaming / Text
- Galeri (⭐40) - Perpetual artwork streaming app.
- OBS Studio (⭐60k) - Free and open source software for live streaming and screen recording.
System / Text
- AppPolice (⭐1.1k) - App for macOS with a minimalistic UI which lets you quickly throttle down the CPU usage of any running process.
- Apple Juice (⭐511) - Advanced battery gauge for macOS.
- Clean-Me (⭐1.8k) - Small macOS app that acts as a system cleaner (logs, cache, ...).
- Diagnostics (⭐197) - Diagnostics is an application displaying the diagnostic reports from applications on macOS.
- DisableMonitor (⭐1.4k) - Easily disable or enable a monitor on your Mac.
- Fanny (⭐1.3k) - Monitor your Mac's fan speed and CPU temperature from your Notification Center.
- HoRNDIS (⭐3k) - Android USB tethering driver for macOS.
- Juice (⭐760) - Make your battery information a bit more interesting.
- KeepingYouAwake (⭐5.6k) - Prevents your Mac from going to sleep.
- Latest (⭐3k) - Small utility app for macOS that makes sure you know about all the latest updates to the apps you use.
- Loading (⭐611) - Simple network activity monitor for macOS.
- Overkill (⭐512) - Stop iTunes from opening when you connect your iPhone.
- ProfileCreator (⭐1.3k) - macOS Application to create standard or customized configuration profiles.
- Sloth (⭐8.3k) - Sloth is an macOS application that displays a list of all open files and sockets in use by all running applications on your system.
- Turbo Boost Switcher (⭐1.5k) - Turbo Boost Switcher is a little application for Mac computers that allows to enable and/or disable the Turbo Boost feature.
- macOSLucidaGrande (⭐232) - A small utility to set Lucida Grande as your Mac's system UI font.
Touch Bar / Text
- Muse (⭐636) - Spotify controller with TouchBar support.
- MyTouchbarMyRules (⭐4.2k) - App to customize your Touch Bar as you want.
- Touch Bar Preview (⭐82) - Small application to display your designs on the Touch Bar of the new MacBook Pro.
- Touch Bar Simulator (⭐1.9k) - Use the Touch Bar on any Mac.
VPN & Proxy / Text
- ShadowsocksX-NG (⭐32k) - Next Generation of ShadowsocksX.
- Specht (⭐818) - Rule-based proxy app built with Network Extension for macOS.
- SpechtLite (⭐2.9k) - Rule-based proxy app for macOS.
- Tunnelblick (⭐2.9k) - Tunnelblick is a graphic user interface for OpenVPN on macOS.
- clashX - A rule based custom proxy with GUI for Mac base on clash.
- rvc-mac (⭐18) - Ribose VPN Client macOS Menu App.
Video / Text
- Acid.Cam.v2.OSX (⭐114) - Acid Cam v2 for macOS distorts video to create art.
- AppleEvents (⭐824) - Unofficial Apple Events app for macOS.
- (⭐761) - Best way to watch the latest and greatest videos from your favourite developer conferences for free on your Mac.
- Datamosh (⭐103) - Datamosh your videos on macOS.
- Face Data (⭐77) - macOS application used to auto-annotate landmarks from a video.
- GNU Gatekeeper (⭐75) - Video conferencing server for H.323 terminals.
- Gifted (⭐25) - Turn any short video into an animated GIF quickly and easily.
- HandBrake (⭐18k) - HandBrake is a video transcoder available for Linux, Mac, and Windows.
- MenuTube (⭐121) - Catch YouTube into your macOS menu bar!
- OpenShot (⭐4.3k) - Easy to use, quick to learn, and surprisingly powerful video editor.
- Quick Caption (⭐74) - Transcribe and generate caption files (SRT, ASS and FCPXML) without manually entering time codes.
- QuickLook Video (⭐2.6k) - This package allows macOS Finder to display thumbnails, static QuickLook previews, cover art and metadata for most types of video files.
- Subler - Subler is an macOS app created to mux and tag mp4 files.
- VLC (⭐14k) - VLC is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player
- Vid Quiz Creator (⭐3) - macOS application to insert quizzes within video playback and play those videos to receiving devices using the LISNR API.
- WebTorrent Desktop (⭐9.7k) - Streaming torrent app. For Mac, Windows, and Linux.
- Yoda (⭐423) - Nifty macOS application which enables you to browse and download videos from YouTube.
Window Management / Text
- Amethyst (⭐15k) - Automatic tiling window manager for macOS.
- AppGrid (⭐644) - Grid-based keyboard window manager for macOS.
- Desktop Profiles (⭐171) - An innovative desktop/window manager for macOS
- Hammerspoon (⭐12k) - Staggeringly powerful macOS desktop automation with Lua.
- Phoenix (⭐4.4k) - Lightweight macOS window and app manager scriptable with JavaScript.
- Rectangle (⭐26k) - Rectangle is a window manager heavily based on Spectacle, written in Swift.
- ShiftIt (⭐5.5k) - Managing windows size and position.
- Slate (⭐7.8k) - Slate is a window management application similar to Divvy and SizeUp
- Spectacle (⭐14k) - Spectacle allows you to organize your windows without using a mouse.
- Yabai (⭐23k) - A tiling window manager for macOS based on binary space partitioning.
41. Awesome Digitalocean
Configuration management
42. Mind Expanding Books
Philosophy And Psychology
Name: The Slight Edge - Secret to a Successful Life
Author: Jeff Olson
Goodreads Rating: 4.39
Year Published: 2005
Name: Passions Within Reason: The Strategic Role of the Emotions
Author: Robert H. Frank
Goodreads Rating: 4.34
Year Published: 1989
Name: The Gift of Fear: Survival Signals That Protect Us from Violence
Author: Gavin de Becker
Goodreads Rating: 4.18
Year Published: 2000
Name: The Elephant in the Brain: Hidden Motives in Everyday Life
Author: Kevin Simler, Robin Hanson
Goodreads Rating: 4.05
Year Published: 2017
Autobiographies and Biographies
Name: Becoming
Author: Michelle Obama
Goodreads Rating: 4.53
Year Published: 2018
Name: My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla
Author: Nikola Tesla
Goodreads Rating: 3.96
Year Published: 2006
Science and Medicine
Name: Things to Make and Do in the Fourth Dimension
Author: Matt Parker
Goodreads Rating: 4.19
Year Published: 2014
Logic and Problem Solving
Name: Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction
Author: Philip E. Tetlock, Dan Gardner
Goodreads Rating: 4.10
Year Published: 2015
Name: Problem Solving 101: A Simple Book
Author: Ken Watanabe
Goodreads Rating: 4.10
Year Published: 2009
Language / Miscellaneous
Name: The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language
Author: Steven Pinker
Goodreads Rating: 4.02
Year Published: 2000
Nature / Miscellaneous
Name: Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
Author: Annie Dillard
Goodreads Rating: 4.11
Year Published: 1974
43. Awesome Veganism
- Dandies - Delicious, soft, melting, and all natural marshmallows with vanilla, pumpkin, or peppermint taste.
- Daiya - Amazing cheesecakes, frozen pizzas, various cheesy products, and more desserts.
- Happy Cashew - Creamy, delicious cashew based milk product alternatives, with a big variety of brie style cheeses and more.
- Valsoia - Absolutely amazing Italian ice cream, ice cones, hazelnut spread, and other food products.
- Vantastic Foods - Massive selection of plant-based products, including their own brand with different types of delicious sausages, slices, and more.
44. Awesome Testing
Blogs / Mind Mapping & Documentation
45. Awesome Robotic Tooling
Network and Middleware / Controller Area Network
- Open-Vehicle-Monitoring-System-3 (⭐416) - The system provides live monitoring of vehicle metrics like state of charge, temperatures, tyre pressures and diagnostic fault conditions.
46. Awesome Ai in Finance
Time Series Data
- AutomatedStockTrading-DeepQ-Learning (⭐272) - Build a Deep Q-learning reinforcement agent model as automated trading robot.
- Quantitative-Trading (⭐35) - Papers and code implementing Quantitative-Trading.
47. Awesome Machine Learning
Clojure / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- clj-boost - Wrapper for XGBoost
- lambda-ml (⭐76) - Simple, concise implementations of machine learning techniques and utilities in Clojure.
Clojure / Deep Learning
- MXNet - Bindings to Apache MXNet - part of the MXNet project
- Deep Diamond (⭐432) - A fast Clojure Tensor & Deep Learning library
- (⭐100) - Clojure wrapper for deeplearning4j with some added syntactic sugar.
- dl4clj (⭐99) - Clojure wrapper for Deeplearning4j.
Clojure / Data Analysis
- Tablecloth (⭐315) - A dataframe grammar wrapping, inspired by several R libraries
- Panthera (⭐189) - Clojure API wrapping Python's Pandas library
- Geni (⭐290) - a Clojure dataframe library that runs on Apache Spark
Clojure / Data Visualization
- Hanami (⭐398) : Clojure(Script) library and framework for creating interactive visualization applications based in Vega-Lite (VGL) and/or Vega (VG) specifications. Automatic framing and layouts along with a powerful templating system for abstracting visualization specs
- Saite (⭐140) - Clojure(Script) client/server application for dynamic interactive explorations and the creation of live shareable documents capturing them using Vega/Vega-Lite, CodeMirror, markdown, and LaTeX
- Oz (⭐832) - Data visualisation using Vega/Vega-Lite and Hiccup, and a live-reload platform for literate-programming
- clojupyter (⭐837) - A Jupyter kernel for Clojure - run Clojure code in Jupyter Lab, Notebook and Console.
Clojure / Interop
- Java Interop - Clojure has Native Java Interop from which Java's ML ecosystem can be accessed
- JavaScript Interop - ClojureScript has Native JavaScript Interop from which JavaScript's ML ecosystem can be accessed
- Libpython-clj (⭐1.1k) - Interop with Python
- ClojisR (⭐154) - Interop with R and Renjin (R on the JVM)
Clojure / Misc
- Neanderthal - Fast Clojure Matrix Library (native CPU, GPU, OpenCL, CUDA)
- fastmath (⭐247) - A collection of functions for mathematical and statistical computing, macine learning, etc., wrapping several JVM libraries
- matlib (⭐25) - A Clojure library of optimisation and control theory tools and convenience functions based on Neanderthal.
Clojure / Extra
- Scicloj - Curated list of ML related resources for Clojure.
48. Awesome Javascript
Data Visualization / Runner
- GraphicsJS (⭐991) - A lightweight JavaScript graphics library with the intuitive API, based on SVG/VML technology.
Spreadsheet / Runner
- Luckysheet (⭐16k) - Luckysheet is an online spreadsheet like excel that is powerful, simple to configure, and completely open source.
49. Awesome Nosql Guides
Overview of NoSQL
- The NoSQL Ecosystem - A chapter written by Adam Marcus from "The Architecture of Open Source Applications" book, this chapter is geared more towards systems architects needing to learn more in-depth understanding of how these systems are built.
Data Structures and Modeling
- NoSQL Data Modeling Techniques (2012) - This article provides a short comparison of NoSQL system families from the data modeling point of view and digests several common modeling techniques.
50. Awesome List
- Social Enterprise (⭐102) - Building an organization primarily focused on social impact that is at least partially self-funded.
51. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Document Management - Integrated Library Systems (ILS)
- RERO ILS - Large-scale ILS that can be run as a service with consortial features, intended primarily for library networks. Includes most standard modules (circulation, acquisitions, cataloging,...) and a web-based public and professional interface. (Demo, Source Code (⭐75))
Software / Miscellaneous
- 2FAuth (⭐2.6k) - A web app to manage your Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) accounts and generate their security codes. (Demo)
52. Awesome Earth
- US Damn Removal - 70 percent of the dams in the United States are now more than 50 years old, with almost 2,000 of them rated as "high-hazard". About 1,000 dams have failed over the past four decades, killing 34 people, and now many are no longer adequate to handle the intense rainfall and floods of a changing climate. With dams causing wild salmon populations to go extinct, their only benefit is hydropower, yet dams are woefully inefficient by modern standards. For example, the Tugalo Dam in Georgia destroyed 597 acres of temperate rainforest to produce 45 Megawatts, which is the equivalent of 7,500 homes adding 6kw rooftop solar panels. We should tear down these dams as soon as possible, be that when their contract runs out or sooner, instead of wasting tax-payer money operating them or trying to revive them. More on Last Week Tonight.
53. Awesome Seml
- Archai (⭐373) - Neural architecture search.
- FairLearn - A toolkit to assess and improve the fairness of machine learning models.
- Great Expectations (⭐7.4k) - Data validation and testing with integration in pipelines.
- LiFT (⭐159) - Linkedin fairness toolkit.
- Model Card Toolkit (⭐314) - Streamlines and automates the generation of model cards; for model documentation.
54. Free for Dev
Code Quality
- — EverSQL - The #1 platform for database optimization. Gain critical insights into your database and SQL queries automatically.
Security and PKI
- DJ Checkup — Scan your Django site for security flaws with this free, automated checkup tool. Forked from the Pony Checkup site.
55. Webcomponents the Right Way
- - Component IDE for web platform developers.
56. Alternative Internet
- Younity is a "personal cloud" that lets users share their files between their devices, without uploading them to one centralised server.
57. Awesome Software Patreons
People Doing Open Source Work / Hardware related
- Adam King - RLTrader, Tensortrade and other trading related projects.
58. Awesome Video
DRM, Security & Content Protection / Case Studies & Best Practices in DRM
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to DRM - A gentle guide to the world of Digital Rights Management. It includes a technology overview of AES, EME, CDM, CENC, Keys, and then explores popular DRM technologies such as Google Widevine, Apple FairPlay, Microsoft PlayReady, and finally, Multi-DRM.
59. Awesome Svelte
Official Resources
YouTube Channels
- svelte-preprocess-markdown (⭐138) - Write Svelte components in markdown syntax.
UI Libraries
- carbon-components-svelte (⭐2.8k) - Svelte implementation of the IBM Carbon Design System.
- svelte-favicon-badge (⭐101) - A custom component that adds a favicon and a badge that you can use to show for example number of unread messages, etc.
- svelte-calendar (⭐546) - A lightweight datepicker with neat animations and a unique UX.
Test / Form Components
- jest-transform-svelte (⭐35) - Jest Transformer for Svelte components.
Editors / Visual Studio Code
- Svelte 3 Snippets - Svelte 3 Snippets for VS Code.
60. Awesome Cli Apps
Entertainment / Chat
- kirc (⭐523) - Tiny IRC client.
61. Awesome Canvas
Canvas / Examples
- Particles.js [show me the code] • Beautiful particles created using canvas.
- Space Noodles • Amazing example about line movement and animation.
62. Awesome Cmake
- toolchains (⭐89) - For cross-compiling with CMake. They are meant to be mainly used on ArchLinux.
63. Awesome Selenium
Cloud Services / Desktop GUI Automation (non-browser-centric)
- LambdaTest - Test your website for cross browser compatibility on 2000+ real browsers & OS. Get Free Trial.
64. Awesome Swift
- Tactile (⭐713) - A safer and more idiomatic way to respond to gestures and control events.
65. Awesome Python Data Science
Deep Learning / TensorFlow
- Keras - A high-level neural networks API running on top of TensorFlow.
Deep Learning / Others
- Tangent (⭐2.3k) - Source-to-Source Debuggable Derivatives in Pure Python.
- autograd (⭐7.1k) - Efficiently computes derivatives of numpy code.
- Caffe (⭐34k) - A fast open framework for deep learning.
- nnabla (⭐2.7k) - Neural Network Libraries by Sony.
66. Awesome Xamarin
- DryIoc (⭐889) - Fast, small, full-featured IoC Container for .NET.
67. Awesome Django
Third-Party Packages / Admin
- django-admin-env-notice (⭐325) - Visually distinguish environments in Django Admin, for example:
Third-Party Packages / Search Engine Optimisation
- django-check-seo (⭐158) - Check SEO of pages.
68. Awesome Gnome
Third-party Apps Plugins / Design Tooling
- Nautilus Terminal (⭐326) - Integrates a terminal into Nautilus.
69. Awesome Mac
Reading and Writing Tools / Note-taking
- Gooba - Writing app and task manager with a simple and interactive design.
QuickLook Plugins / System Related Tools
- quick-look-plugins (⭐18k) - List of useful Quick Look plugins for developers
70. Awesome R Learning Resources
Topic Areas / Functions
- stat.berkeley - Introduction to Functions - An introduction to functions in the R language by the organizers of Integrating Computing into the Statistics Curricula (U.C. Berkeley).
Topic Areas / Math
- Descriptive Statistics - A tutorial of descriptive statistics which are used to summarize data in a way that provides insight into the information contained in the data. Author: Salvatore S. Mangiafico.
- Essential Math for Data Science - An article discussing the key mathematical topics to master to become a better data scientist. Author: Tirthajyoti Sarkar.
- Gallery of Statistical Distributions - Author: NIST/SEMATECH.
- Plotting distributions (ggplot2) - A tutorial for plotting a distribution of data. Author: Winston Chang.
Topic Areas / Shiny
- Awesome R Shiny (⭐805) - A curated list of resources for R Shiny. Author: Rob Gilmore.
- Building Shiny Applications with R Tutorial (Deprecated) - Introductory tutorial to Shiny. Note, this tutorial is deprecated. Author: RStudio.
- Building Shiny apps - an interactive tutorial - This tutorial is a hands-on activity complement to a set of presentation slides for learning how to build Shiny apps. Author: Dean Attali.
- How to Start with Shiny - Detailed introductory video tutorial. Author: Garrett Grolemund.
- Learn Shiny - The video and written tutorials on this page are primarily designed for users who are new to Shiny and want a guided introduction. Author: RStudio.
- Shiny Articles - Various articles covering individual Shiny topics at a more advanced level. Author: RStudio.
Topic Areas / Viz
- Awesome ggplot2 (⭐1.6k) - A curated list of awesome ggplot2 tutorials, packages etc. Author: Erik Gahner Larsen.
- Chart Suggestions — A thought-starter on choosing the way to show your data - Author: Andrew Abela, Ph.D.
- Color Hex Color Codes - Author: Color-Hex.
- Combine Multiple GGPlots into a Figure - Author: Alboukadel Kassambara.
- From Data to Viz - From Data to Viz leads you to the most appropriate graph for your data. Author: Yan Holtz.
- ggplot2 - Modify components of a theme - How to modify components of a theme in ggplot2. Author: the developers of Tidyverse.
- Graphics in R with ggplot2 - A detailed guide for the use of graphics within ggplot2. Author: Antoine Soetewey.
- r-color-palettes (⭐1.5k) - Comprehensive list of color palettes available in r. Author: Emil Hvitfeldt.
- The Data Visualization Catalogue - The Data Visualization Catalogue is a project developed by Severino Ribecca to create a library of different information visualization types.
- The Graphic Continuum - The Graphic Continuum shows the many different types of visualizations available to us when we encode and present data. Authors: Jonathan Schwabish, and Severino Ribecca.
- The R Graph Gallery - A collection of charts made with the R programming language. Author: Yan Holtz.
- Time Based Heatmaps in R - Author: Laura Ellis.
- Top 50 ggplot2 Visualizations - The Master List (With Full R Code) - This tutorial helps you choose the right type of chart for your specific objectives and how to implement it in R using ggplot2. Author: Selva Prabhakaran.
Topic Areas / Wrangling
- Data Wrangling Part 1: Basic to Advanced Ways to Select Columns - Author: Suzan Baert.
- Data Wrangling Part 2: Transforming your columns into the right shape - Author: Suzan Baert.
- Data Wrangling Part 3: Basic and more advanced ways to filter rows - Author: Suzan Baert.
- Data Wrangling Part 4: Summarizing and slicing your data - Author: Suzan Baert.
Topic Areas / Uncategorized
- Fakir - Create Fake Data in R for Tutorials - Author: Colin Fay.
- Syntax equivalents: base R vs Tidyverse - A detailed comparison of base R and tidyverse. Author: Hugo Tavares.
Blogs / Uncategorized
- Data Imaginist - Thomas Lin Pedersen is a data scientist turned software engineer who focuses on improving researchers’ interactions with the data they produce.
- Stats and R - Through his blog, Antoine Soetewey (PhD in statistics) aims at helping academics and professionals working with data to grasp important statistical concepts, and shows how to apply them in R.
Books / Uncategorized
- Answering Questions with Data - This is a free textbook teaching introductory statistics for undergraduates in Psychology. The textbook was written with math-phobia in mind and attempts to reduce the phobia associated with arithmetic computations. Author: Matthew J. C. Crump.
- Engineering Production-Grade Shiny Apps - This book covers the process of building a Shiny application that will later be sent to production. Authors: Colin Fay, Sébastien Rochette, Vincent Guyader, Cervan Girard.
- Geocomputation with R - This book is about using the power of computers to do things with geographic data. It teaches a range of spatial skills, including reading, writing and manipulating geographic data; making static and interactive maps; applying geocomputation to solve real-world problems; and modeling geographic phenomena. Authors: Robin Lovelace, Jakub Nowosad, Jannes Muenchow.
YouTube / Uncategorized
- Andrew Couch - Topics include modeling, creating functions, dashboards, and forecasting.
- Ben Stenhaug - Topics include saving and reading data, map functions in purrr, t-tests, item response theory, and the basics of R and the tidyverse.
- Colin Quirk - Topics include regular expressions, data types, Shiny, and gganimate.
- Data Analysis and Visualization Using R - Topics for the online course Data Analysis and Visualization Using R.
- Data Science with Tom - Topics include time series, analyzing word relationships with ggraph and tidytext, and tidymodels.
- David Jablonski - The UC Berkeley R Bootcamp playlists include videos on R basics, handling data, performing calculations, programming, graphics, workflows, and statistics.
- David Robinson - Topics include graphing for EDA, data manipulation, animated mapping, visualization, text mining, time series, forecasting, regression, bootstrapping, package development, network graphs, ANOVA, JSON, simulation, survival analysis, and tidymetrics. Click here (⭐381) for detailed TidyTuesday screencast annotations.
- Dragonfly Statistics - Topics include numerical computing, generating random walks, markov chains, encoding categorical variables, probability, correlation plots, feature engineering, time series, binary classifiers, models, data.table, confusion matrices, machine learning, geocoding, summary statistics, and simulation.
- Julia Silge - Topics include predictive text modeling, impute missing data, tidymodels, sentiment analysis, multinomial classification, principal component analysis, data preprocessing and resampling, and multinomial classification.
- Numyard - Topics include working with dataframes, for loops, basic math, vectors, lists, creating functions, data types, and random sampling.
- Richard Webster - Topics include the paste function, the apply family of functions, while and for loops, conditional statements, visualization, removing NAs, and combining data.
- Simplilearn - The R Programming for Beginners playlist includes videos on data science, charting, data visualization, algorithms, business analytics, regression, random forest, SVM, clustering, time series, modeling, and analytical techniques.
- Statistics Globe - A collection of short but detailed tutorials on how to work through common problems you will face while using R. Topics include data formatting, reordering data, strings, and ggplot2.
- StatQuest with Josh Starmer - The Statistics and Machine Learning in R playlist deals with principal component analysis, random forest, regression, ROC and AUC, and ridge, lasso and elastic-net.
- TidyX - TidyX is a screen cast where the hosts select code from the TidyTuesday project and go through their code line-by-line, explaining what they did and how the functions they used work. They also break down the visualizations they create and talk about how to apply similar approaches to other data sets. The objective is to help more people learn R and get involved in the TidyTuesday community.
71. Awesome Stacks
GraphCMS React + Apollo ↗ / Resources
72. Awesome Rust
Applications / Web Servers
- mufeedvh/binserve (⭐1.1k) - A blazingly fast static web server with routing, templating, and security in a single binary you can set up with zero code
73. Awesome Vehicle Security
- Pentesting vehicles with YACHT (Yet Another Car Hacking Tool) -A presentation that discusses different attack surfaces of a vehicle, then continues to describe an approach to car hacking along with tools needed to analyse and gather useful information.
74. Awesome D3
Utils / Third Party
- d3-annotation (⭐733) - Annotation helper with built-in annotation types
75. Awesome React Components
- react-tabbordion (⭐80) - demo - Universal, semantic and CSS-only components for creating Accordions and Tabs.
- react-muze (⭐16) - React wrapper for muze(free data visualization library for creating exploratory data visualizations in browser, using WebAssembly)
Form Components / Select
- react-functional-select (⭐193) - demo - Micro-sized & micro-optimized select component for React.js.
76. Awesome Ads
Best Practices
- Coalition for Better Ads - A group of companies (Google, Facebook, etc) that publish research about how to improve the online consumer ad experience and defined some standards.
77. Awesome Tensorflow Lite
Helpful links / Other
- TensorFlow Lite Examples - Android (⭐34) - A repository refactors and rewrites all the TensorFlow Lite Android examples which are included in the TensorFlow official website.
78. Awesome Fuzzing
- The Fuzzing Book (2019)
79. Awesome Linux Containers
Security / Links
80. Awesome Cl
- cl-liballegro (⭐59) - Interface and bindings to the Allegro 5 game programming library. zlib.
81. Awesome Blazor
Component bundles
- Smart UI for Blazor (⭐65) -
Component library for Blazor including Grid, Kanban, Gantt, Chart, Docking, Pivot and more. Website.
2D/3D Rendering engines / Others
- BlazorContextMenu (⭐538) -
A context menu component for Blazor (Demo).
Tools & Utilities / Others
- Blazor Printing (⭐119) -
Print and save PDF documents with a native print dialog in a Blazor Server or client Application.
82. Awesome Non Financial Blockchain
Identity Applications / Public Blockchain Identity
- Jolocom - Self-sovereign identity wallet.
83. Motion Ui Design
Libraries / JavaScript
- useAnimations - micro-animations icon library;
84. Awesome Ros2
Packages / Application layer
- Apex.Autonomy - Apex.Autonomy provides autonomy algorithms as individual building blocks and is compatible with Autoware.Auto.
Forks / Build system (ROS2)
- Apex.OS - Apex.OS is a fork of ROS 2 that has been made so robust and reliable that it can be used in safety-critical applications.
85. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
- Architecting Modern Web Applications with ASP.NET Core and Microsoft Azure (2020) - Steve "ardalis" Smith (PDF) (🚧 in process)
- ASP.NET with C# (2008) - Vijay Mukhi, Sonal Mukhi, Neha Kotecha
- Diving into ASP.NET WebAPI (2016) (⭐13) - Akhil Mittal (PDF)
- Introducing ASP.NET Web Pages 2 (2012) - Mike Pope (PDF)
- The Little ASP.NET Core Book (2018) - Nate Barbettini (PDF)
Assembly Language / Blazor
- ARM Assembly Language Programming - Peter Knaggs (PDF) (🚧 in process)
- Assemblers And Loaders (1993) - David Salomon (PDF)
- The Art of Assembly Language (2003) - Randall Hyde (PDF) (🗃️ archived)
- x86 Disassembly - Wikibooks
- Zen of Assembly Language: Volume I, Knowledge (1990) - Michael Abrash
C / Non-X86
- Hashing - Prakash Hegade
- Programming in C - Kishori Mundargi
- Structures and C - Prakash Hegade
Flutter / Phoenix
Graphs / Neo4J
- Fullstack GraphQL Applications with GRANDStack – Essential Excerpts - William Lyon (PDF) (email requested)
Haskell / Spock Framework
- Haskell Notes for Professionals - Compiled from StackOverflow documentation (PDF)
- What I Wish I Knew When Learning Haskell - Stephen Diehl (PDF)
HTML and CSS / Spock Framework
- Atomic Design - Brad Frost
- Magic of CSS - Adam Schwartz (HTML) (🚧 in process)
- Web Visual Effects with CSS3 - Thomas Mak
Linux / TeX
- Linux commands Notes for Professionals - Compiled from StackOverflow documentation (PDF)
PHP / PicoLisp
Python / Constraint Logic Programming (extended Prolog)
- How to Code in Python 3 - Lisa Tagliaferri (PDF)
- Python 101 - Michael Driscoll (HTML, TEXT)
R / Tornado
- Data Analysis and Prediction Algorithms with R - Rafael A. Irizarry
Scratch / Play Scala
- Scratch Programming Playground - Al Sweigart (HTML)
Unix / Deno
Visual Basic / Deno
- Prev: Oct 26 - Nov 01, 2020
- Next: Oct 12 - Oct 18, 2020