Awesome List Updates on Sep 28 - Oct 04, 2020
77 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Competitive Programming
Tutorial Websites
☆: ★★☆
Name: 演算法筆記 (Algorithm Notes) (Chinese)
Description: One of the most popular tutorial websites among the Taiwanese competitive programming community. The maintainer for this website spends immense efforts on researching algorithms.
2. Awesome Flutter
English / Game Engine resources
Portuguese / Game Engine resources
Spanish / Game Engine resources
3. Awesome Software Architecture
Design Patterns
- Ports and adapters pattern - Decouple the application core logic from the services it uses.
4. Awesome Ansible
- Ansible Doctor (⭐136) - Simple annotation like documentation generator for Ansible roles based on Jinja2 templates.
5. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / Computer Vision
- pytessarct (⭐6k) - Python-tesseract is an optical character recognition (OCR) tool for python. That is, it will recognize and "read" the text embedded in images. Python-tesseract is a wrapper for Google's Tesseract-OCR Engine (⭐65k).
6. Awesome Typescript
Validation / Playground
- json-schema-to-ts (⭐1.5k) - Dynamic type inference from JSON schemas
7. Tools
Code Playgrounds
8. Awesome Webgl
- First steps in WebGL - Learn what WebGL is and how it works by drawing a triangle.
9. Awesome Code Review
- A Better Code Review Decent set of patterns and anti-patterns for code reviews.
10. Awesome Building Blocks for Web Apps
- OnceHub - Scheduling via ScheduleOnce and meeting management via InviteOnce.
- Honeybadger - Error, uptime and check-in monitoring.
Consent Management
- CCM19 - German cookie consent manager.
11. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Content Management Systems (CMS)
- Kirby - A flat-file CMS that adapts to any project.
Table of Contents / Components
- Spatie Open Source - A collection of open-source PHP and Laravel packages.
12. Awesome Developer First
- Baremetrics - Subscription analytics for Stripe.
CMS (headless)
- ElegantCMS - Headless CMS builder.
- Sendgrid - Email API.
- ImageKit - Automate image optimization, transformation, and delivery.
Payments & Pricing
- Stripe Payments - Accept payments and move money globally with APIs.
13. Awesome Jamstack
Jamstack Sites Showcase
- Creative Designs Guru - Built on Eleventy.js hosted on Netlify and styled with Tailwind CSS
API / Forms
- Arengu - Build signup and login forms with Arengu, enable social login, add 2FA or use passwordless flows to authenticate users with your API or identity provider.
14. Awesome Music
Audio Tools
- Cecilia (⭐232) - a Pyo-based graphical environment for music and signal processing.
15. Awesome Kotlin
Links / Official Links
Links / Resources
16. ALL About RSS
Web Feed Specifications
specifically from (a certain platform) / Wechat Subscription Accounts (微信公众号)
Tutorials when knowing how to run code / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
😣 Services that have stopped supporting RSS / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
17. Awesome Wpo
Minifiers - HTML / Meetups
- Minimize (⭐161) - Minimize is an HTML minifier based on the node-htmlparser,currently, HTML minifier is only usable server-side. Client-side minification will be added in a future release.
18. Awesome Vulkan
19. Awesome Geek Podcasts
In Arabic
- Ask Developer - An online audio podcast in Egyptian Arabic dialect discusses the technology and software development landscape in Egypt and Middle East.
- Tech and Coffee - About technology and its pioneers.
- Essam Cafe - Weekly episodes with people, possibly we agree or disagree with them, it is important to learn and benefit from some and a small weekly episode on a random topic from the Twitter nominations.
- Tech Tracks An Egyptian Arabic podcast discussess technology news.
- Khedr W Business - Topics are in two axes: 1- Management and entrepreneurship, and what is related to them in terms of investment, operation, marketing, partnership, etc. 2- Life, relationships, success, and methods drawn, and how we live it in a way that ensures reconciliation with oneself.
- State of E-commerce - An Arabic podcast for e-commerce, business and marketing to help business owners measure, understand and develop their online sales.
20. Awesome Hacking Locations
Austria 🇦🇹 / Vienna
List of Awesome Hacking Locations, organised by Country and City, listing if it features power and wifi. Inspired by the awesome lists (⭐258k) thing.
This is a community curated list, please submit your PR with the spots you know and love for hacking!
Q: What makes a hacking spot awesome?
A place where you would go and take your friends to go hacking with, power and wifi are a plus, having coffee and snacks is a bonus. We are excluding for now places that require a subscription or membership of somekind (unless that membership can be done at the of the visit moment and it doesn't require a long term commitment).
Wifi | Power | Climatization | Address | Open Hours
---- | ----- | -------------- | ------- | ----------
Hackerspaces are great places to hack, and in fact they are so great that they have their own list curated for many years now, if you are looking for a hackerspace, please consult:
CoWorking offices are awesome, but typically require a long term commitment, if you are looking for something more stable for a long term stay, look at
21. Awesome Wardley Maps
- Reaching Cloud Velocity: A Leader's Guide to Success in the AWS Cloud - Chapter 2.3 Mapping Your Way Through.
22. Awesome Gatling
Tools / Plugins
- gatling-jwt - An extension to Gatling 2.0 to help make JWT-signed requests.
23. Awesome Json
- FrontAid CMS - Content Management System that supports arbitrary data model structures.
24. Awesome Python Data Science
Reinforcement Learning / Others
- TF-Agents (⭐2.9k) - A library for Reinforcement Learning in TensorFlow.
Deployment / NLP
- fastapi - Modern, fast (high-performance), a web framework for building APIs with Python
- binder - Enable sharing and execute Jupyter Notebooks
Web Scraping / Synthetic Data
- Pattern (⭐8.8k): High level scraping for well-establish websites such as Google, Twitter, and Wikipedia. Also has NLP, machine learning algorithms, and visualization
25. Awesome Ros2
Packages / "System" bindings
- ROS2-Integration-Service (⭐12) - ROS2 Integration and Routing which provides a complete tool to integrate other technologies with ROS2 easily and enable ROS2 on WAN/Internet.
- soss (⭐61) - The System Of Systems Synthesizer is used to integrate ROS2 via ROS2-Integration-Service with other (communication) systems.
26. Awesome Elixir
- ymlr (⭐22) - A YAML encoder for Elixir.
27. Awesome Deno
Showcases / XML
- GitHub Profile Trophy (⭐5.2k) - 🏆 Add dynamically generated GitHub Trophy on your readme
28. Awesome Vehicle Security
Libraries and Tools / JavaScript
- Cohda Wireless - V2X DSRC Radio and Software
29. Awesome Cpp
- Boost.Beast (⭐4.4k) ⚡ - HTTP and WebSocket built on Boost.Asio in C++11. [Boost] website
30. Awesome Terraform
Community Modules / Miscellaneous
- terraform-aws-lambda-auto-package (⭐27) - A terraform module to define a lambda function which source files are automatically built and packaged for lambda deployment.
Tools / Community providers
- flora (⭐26) - Terraform version manager.
- - Doing serverless with Terraform - is an opinionated open-source framework for developing, building, deploying, and securing serverless applications and infrastructures on AWS using Terraform. Read more (⭐775).
- terraspace - The Terraform Framework
31. Awesome V
- vproto (⭐55) - Protobuf compiler and runtime in V.
32. Awesome Bitcoin
- Nigiri (⭐280) - CLI to quickly fire up a a Bitcoin regtest box along with Electrs and Esplora. Includes faucet and push commands.
- hal (⭐167) - Bitcoin CLI swiss-army-knife (based on rust-bitcoin).
Blockchain API and Web services
- Esplora (⭐1k) - Self-hosted blockchain explorer.
Blockchain Explorers
- - Blockchain explorer with API (mainnet, testnet and Liquid).
Full nodes
- btcd (⭐6.3k) - Go-based full node since 2013.
33. Awesome Ddd
Libraries and Frameworks / JVM
- Spine Event Engine - a CQRS/ES framework for building cloud applications. Defines Bounded Contexts with their Commands, Events, and Entity states in Protobuf. The backend logic is written in Java, on top of the Proto-generated code. Client code in Java, JS or Dart communicates with the backend via gRPC.
34. Awesome Prisma
👾 Projects Using Prisma / Tutorials with NestJS
- NestJS Crud Prisma (⭐60) - Crud for restful api's built with NestJS and Prisma (uses NestJSX CRUD (⭐4k))
35. Awesome Home Assistant
In case you need help / Official Communities
- Home Assistant Facebook Group - Facebook group for enthusiasts.
In case you need help / Other Communities
- Home Assistant Community Add-ons Discord - Get support on the Home Assistant Community Add-ons.
Public Configurations / Other Communities
- Andrea Iannucci (⭐61) - Also known as SeLLeRoNe. Regularly updated.
Add-ons / Official Add-ons
- DuckDNS (⭐1k) - Updates your Duck DNS IP address and generate SSL using Let's Encrypt.
- File editor (⭐1k) - Browser-based configuration file editor.
- Mosquitto (⭐1k) - Fast and reliable MQTT broker.
- Terminal & SSH (⭐1k) - Allows logging in remotely to using a web terminal or SSH client.
- Samba (⭐1k) - Access your configuration files using Windows network shares.
- NGINX SSL proxy (⭐1k) - Reverse proxy with SSL termination.
- deCONZ (⭐1k) - Control a ZigBee network using ConBee or RaspBee hardware by Dresden Elektronik.
- TellStick (⭐1k) - Run a TellStick and TellStick Duo service.
- Ada (⭐1k) - Ada is voice assistant powered by Almond which is open and privacy-preserving.
- Almond (⭐1k) - The Open, Privacy-Preserving Virtual Assistant.
- HomeMatic (⭐1k) - HomeMatic central based on OCCU.
- Let's Encrypt (⭐1k) - Get a free SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt; an open and automated certificate authority (CA).
- MariaDB (⭐1k) - An open source relational database (fork of MySQL).
Dashboards / Custom Cards
- Auto-Entities Card (⭐717) - Dynamically adds entities: 🔮 Magic.
- Animated Weather Card (⭐342) - Nice looking card showing the weather, with subtle animations.
- LG WebOS Remote Control (⭐242) - Remote Control for LG TV WebOS.
DIY / DIY Projects
- QuinLED - DIY Wi-Fi LED dimmers and controllers using ESP32 boards.
36. Awesome Rust
Development tools / IDEs
- Kakoune
- kakoune-lsp (⭐628) - LSP client. Implemented in Rust and supports rls out of the box.
37. Awesome Tailwindcss
- 💼 Leading Trim (⭐110) - Adds utilities to trim text whitespace, using Capsize (⭐1.6k).
38. Awesome Electron
Podcasts / Other
39. Awesome Python
- graphene (⭐8k) - GraphQL framework for Python.
- xonsh (⭐8.2k) - A Python-powered, cross-platform, Unix-gazing shell language and command prompt.
40. Awesome Quantum Computing
Development Tools
- Mitiq - Python toolkit for implementing error mitigation techniques on quantum computers.
41. Awesome Fastapi
- FastAPI Simple Security (⭐343) - Out-of-the-box API key security manageable through path operations.
42. Awesome Stock Resources
Illustration / Unspecified License
- - ©️ CC-BY licensed vector image illustrations with sources.
Vector Graphics / Unspecified License
- Open Doodles - ©️ CC-0-licensed vector sketches/cliparts with generator and compositions.
43. Awesome Powershell
- Research Triangle PowerShell User Group - Very active PowerShell and automation user group. Meets on first and third Wednesdays. All skill levels welcome.
- Research Triangle PowerShell User Group YouTube Channel - large catalog of user group meetings and demos by community members. 150+ hours of content.
44. Awesome Agriculture
Remote Sensing and Imagery / Shapefiles
- Awesome Vegetation Index (⭐68) - List of reference, applications of common Vegetation Indices for Multi-spectral, hyper-spectral and UAV images.
45. Awesome Spark
Packages / Utilities
- Optimus (⭐1.5k)
- Data Cleansing and Exploration utilities with the goal of simplifying data cleaning.
Resources / Papers
- Large-Scale Intelligent Microservices - Microsoft paper that presents an Apache Spark-based micro-service orchestration framework that extends database operations to include web service primitives.
46. Awesome React Native
Seeds / Navigation Demos
- Pepperoni ★4383 (⭐4.6k) - (deprecated) Starter kit for Android & iOS, Redux, Immutable.js, disk-persisted app state
47. Awesome Video
Video Players & Playback Libraries / Frameworks & UI Components
- adrg/libvlc-go (⭐457) - Go bindings for libVLC and high-level media player interface.
Video Streaming & Distribution Solutions / RTMP/RTSP/HTTP Protocol Servers
- Create your own video streaming server with Linux - Using Nginx to create a streaming server using RTMP and nginx
- SRT Open Source project (⭐3.2k) - A tool or resource for rtmprtsphttp-protocol-servers.
- Streaming With SRT Protocol in OBS - A tool or resource for rtmprtsphttp-protocol-servers.
- librist - A library that can be used to easily add the RIST protocol to your application.
Standards, Specifications & Industry Resources / Adaptive Streaming Standards
- The Real-Time Messaging Protocol Explained - A tool or resource for adaptive-streaming-standards.
Standards, Specifications & Industry Resources / Best Practices & Guidelines
- SRT Cookbook - More in-depth technical documentaion on the SRT protocol and library.
Standards, Specifications & Industry Resources / Industry Forums & Standards Bodies
- RIST Forum - The RIST forum manage the Reliable Internet Stream Transport (RIST), for transporting live video over unmanaged networks.
- SRT Alliance - Home page for the SRT protocol
48. Awesome Preact
Contents / Components
- Preact Dock (⭐21) - Simple DnD and touch-enabled Dock for Preact apps.
- Preact Particles (⭐7.2k) - Lightweight component to easily add cool particles animations to websites.
49. Awesome Bitcoin Payment Processors
Self-Hosted Bitcoin Payment Processors
Processor: BTCPay Server
Fees: No fees
Lightning: Yes
Directly to Your Wallet: Yes
Conversion to Fiat: Via Strike plugin (⭐12) or Exchange Integration
Requirements: 2 GB RAM, 80 GB Storage, Docker
50. Awesome Db Tools
Schema / Changes
- Prisma Migrate (⭐766) - Declarative database schema migration tool that uses a declarative data modeling syntax to describe your database schema.
51. Awesome Vue
Resources / Books
- Large Scale Apps with Vue 3 and TypeScript Damiano Fusco, Leanpub (September, 2020)
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- tsParticles (⭐8.1k) - A lightweight Javascript library to easily create highly configurable and interactive particle animations
Components & Libraries / Utilities
- v-bucket (⭐43) - 📦 Fast, Simple, and Lightweight State Management for Vue 3.0 built with composition API, inspired by Vuex.
52. Awesome Zsh Plugins
- Make any prompt appear instantly. Reduce your startup time from ~200ms to ~40ms with just one command.
- Asynchronously compile your plugins and functions.
- Cache those expensive
eval $(commands)
- Clone or pull multiple repos in parallel.
- Re-clone all your repos without you having to re-enter them.
53. Awesome React Components
- reactive-button (⭐124) - demo - docs - A beautiful animated button component with progress indicator.
54. Awesome Yew
- Pipe (⭐32) - This is a Rust / Wasm client web app which is a task control center.
55. Awesome Dotnet
- OctoLinker (⭐5.3k) - Navigate through
, and C#/F#/VB.NET project files efficiently with the OctoLinker browser extension for GitHub.
56. Awesome Deep Learning
Table of Contents / Books
- Math and Architectures of Deep Learning - by Krishnendu Chaudhury
Table of Contents / Videos and Lectures
- Machine Learning CS 229 : End part focuses on deep learning By Andrew Ng
Researchers / Websites
Researchers / Tools
- Determined (⭐1.9k) - Deep learning training platform with integrated support for distributed training, hyperparameter tuning, smart GPU scheduling, experiment tracking, and a model registry.
57. Awesome Ssh
Apps / Tools
- xxh (⭐3.9k)
- Bring your favorite shell wherever you go through the ssh.
58. Awesome Bioinformatics
Circos Related / Tools
- fujiplot (⭐79) - A circos representation of multiple GWAS results. [ paper-2018 ]
59. Awesome Django
Third-Party Packages / Security
- django-protected-media (⭐69) - Manages media that are considered sensitive in a protected fashion.
60. Awesome Humane Tech
- ClearURLs
- Addon that removes tracking elements form address bar URLs using 130 rules.
- Wayback Everywhere
- Redirect all pages to snapshots in Wayback Machine and auto-save pages.
Voice Assistants / Wear our badge
- Mycroft AI
- The open and private voice assistant.
- Hack an Engineer
- A media literacy guide for software engineers.
61. Awesome Billing
Pricing / Subscription Plans
- Pricing low-touch SaaS - “In low-touch SaaS, the most common way packages are presented are as different columns in a pricing grid, with each column corresponding to a plan, offered at a different price, with differential access to features or maximum allowable usage along some axis interesting to the business.”
Cost Forecast / Market Research
- Forecasting with sktime (⭐8.2k) - A more detailed tutorial on how to use past data to make temporal forward predictions. And be aware of the differences between sktime and the Prophet project mentioned in the article above.
62. Awesome Ruby
- Truemail - Configurable framework agnostic plain Ruby email validator/verifier. Verify email via Regex, DNS and SMTP. Be sure that email address valid and exists.
- Noticed (⭐2.5k) - ActionMailer-like Notification System for your Ruby on Rails app.
- Ruby Push Notifications (⭐399) - iOS, Android and Windows Phone Push notifications made easy.
- Rpush (⭐2.2k) - The push notification service for Ruby which supports Apple Push Notification Service, Google Cloud Messaging, Amazon Device Messaging and Windows Phone Push Notification Service.
- webpush (⭐395) - Encryption Utilities for Web Push protocol.
63. Awesome Robotic Tooling
Development Environment / Debugging and Tracing
- action-tmate (⭐2k) - Debug your GitHub Actions via SSH by using tmate to get access to the runner system itself.
64. Awesome Crystal
- (⭐10) — compression of series of coordinates
Framework Components
- Shield (⭐55) - Comprehensive security for Lucky framework
- wafalyzer (⭐34) - Web Application Firewall (WAF) Detector - shard + cli
65. Awesome Stacks
Nextjs Blog Starter ↗ / Resources
- TypeScript - 🛠️ - 🐙 (⭐97k) - A typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
66. Awesome R Learning Resources
Books / Uncategorized
- Tidy Modeling with R - This book is a guide to using a new collection of software in the R programming language for model building.
67. Awesome Sre
68. Awesome Ios
Deployment / Distribution
- Screenplay - Instant rollbacks and canary deployments for iOS.
- Hero (⭐22k) - Elegant transition library for iOS & tvOS.
Form & Settings
- Eureka (⭐12k) - Elegant iOS form builder in Swift.
69. Awesome Sass
Libraries and Mixins / Miscellaneous
- Gerillass - A Sass mixin library to help you create modern web sites.
70. Awesome Jmeter
Performance Testing / Mainframe Environments
- JMeter RTE Plugin (⭐19) - JMeter RTE (Remote Terminal Emulator protocol) plugin for testing Mainframe applications.
Books / Utilities
- Apache JMeter: A Practical Beginner's Guide to Automated Testing and Performance Measurement for Your Websites - By Emily H. Halili (Packt Publishing).
- Performance Testing with JMeter, 2nd Edition - By Bayo Erinle (Packt Publishing).
- Performance Testing with JMeter 3, 3rd Edition - By Bayo Erinle (Packt Publishing).
- JMeter Cookbook - By Bayo Erinle (Packt Publishing); 70 insightful and practical recipes to help successfully use Apache JMeter.
- Master Apache JMeter: From load testing to DevOps - By Antonio Gomes Rodrigues, Bruno Demion (Milamber) and Philippe Mouawad (Leanpub, Packt Publishing).
71. Awesome Mac
Reading and Writing Tools / RSS
- Feedy - An elegant and lightweight RSS client and news reader for your Mac.
Communication / Email Clients
- Edison Mail - A customisable, simple, and beautiful email client.
72. Awesome Blazor
- BlazorShop (⭐316) -
Simple shop application built with Blazor WebAssembly.
73. Free for Dev
Code Quality
- SourceLevel — Automated Code Review and Team Analytics. Free for Open Source and organizations up to 5 collaborators.
- Bricks Note Calculator - a note-taking app (PWA) with a powerful built-in multiline calculator.
74. Awesome Engineering Team Management
Roles / Executives
- What do executives do, anyway? - Paraphrasing Andy Grove's book, High Output Management, “the job of an executive is: to define and enforce culture and values for their whole organization, and to ratify good decisions.” The article also details the failures modes of a CEO: forcing his own decisions downstream, or various ways of not resolving conflicts.
Roles / Engineers
- What makes a Senior Dev - “Time, man. You gotta do your fucking time.”
Recruitment / Job Boards
- Awesome Job Boards (⭐1.4k) - Niche job boards by domains, technology, roles and area.
Recruitment / Hiring Process
- Hire people who aren't proven - If anyone else in the world can objectively assess a candidate to be a great player, then you and your startup won't be able to hire the player. Someone will steal the candidate from you. That's why you have to go after people that aren't proven. In short, you need to be extremely good at forecasting talent.
- Why I Never Hire Brilliant Men - 5 simple rules for hiring men, from 1924. Things haven't changed a lot in a century.
- Job Interviewing Guide - A detailed description of a hiring process, a great source of inspiration for when your company gets big enough to start to formalize things up.
Recruitment / Interview
- “It's true that not all developers make positive contributions, however, I think that blaming "lowering hiring standards" (…) is a complete red herring.” (source) - Examples in which developers that might pass tough job interview just fine are bringing negative value later.
Recruitment / Coding Challenge
- Organizational Skills Beat Algorithmic Wizardry - “When it comes to writing code, the number one most important skill is how to keep a tangle of features from collapsing under the weight of its own complexity.”
Onboarding / Negotiation
- Optimize Onboarding - “Your organization has painfully slow onboarding. Endless HR videos, slow security processes, a mountain of fragile technology setup - these all make for a shitty and counterproductive start at a company. Optimize your onboarding to get people doing what you hired them to do.”
- As a manager of a new employee I make an absolute point of being a "helicopter mom" from the moment they hit the area until about week 2 or 3 - Navigating a new organization will be hard the first few weeks, and the presence of a manager can help speed things up.
- A Career Cold Start Algorithm - The author developed an algorithm to ramp-up quickly when joining an existing team where he had a massive knowledge deficit and no pre-existing relationships.
- Meeting everyone on a new team - Right after inheriting a position at the top of an organization of 50 engineers, the author bootstraped the relationship with that big team by meeting everyone in 30 minutes 1:1s. It was a huge time investment, and despite fears of being boring, it allows for recognizing patterns of what change was needed.
Motivation / Negotiation
- Some reasons why enterprise software is good and maybe even fun - The majority of us will not build the next unicorn: we statically have a better chance to build enterprise software. The twist? It might even be more interesting than you expect.
Motivation / Happiness
- “My team tracks life impact as a metric (pages outside business hours) and works to drive that down to zero.” (source) - Maybe the best indicator of a happy team is how little it is disturbed outside office hours.
Team Dynamics / Behavioral
- Eye Candy QA - Retelling of author's job at Apple: “John Louch was my boss. (…) John always shared everything with us, even the don't share this with your team stuff. We were people he trusted, so it was as it should be. It made you feel like you were part of something greater.” Or why sharing some open secret promote strong trust in your entourage.
- “Community already exists, you just create a communication platform for it” (source) - Or why trying to create a community from the ground up might not be the right way of looking at things: a better and more subtle strategy would be to empowers the already existing channels and make them visible.
Engineering / Technology
- “Lots of people make the mistake of thinking there's only two vectors you can go to improve performance, high or wide. High - throw hardware at the problem, on a single machine. Wide - add more machines. There's a third direction you can go, I call it going deep.”
Project Management / Estimations
- Don't (guess)timate your projects, forecast with confidence - “The problem with spending a lot of time on estimating is that it can feel useful, but often is so inaccurate that it hardly yields much value to the business.” The best we can do is measure and forecast.
- Dear Startup: You have no idea how much that costs - “We are completely clueless about how long things should take.” Here is a trick to handle expectation of unreasonable estimates.
Communication / Presentations
- It's time to start writing - On “Jeff Bezos's dotcom-era policy of banning PowerPoint within Amazon”, and how “this is neither about powerpoint nor about reading - it's about thinking.”
- Some tips on public speaking - “If you ever find yourself buffering on output, rather than making hesitation noises, just pause. People will read that as considered deliberation and intelligence.”
Career / Presentations
- Founder to CEO - You can build you own career engine, starting as a technical founder of a startup, building a great team, then grow with the company to learn and become a full-fledge CEO.
Career / Promotion
- If management isn't a promotion, then engineering isn't a demotion - This essay deconstruct why management ends up being seen as a promotion, how its new acquired privileges and powers creates an implicit hierarchy, which in turns creates bad incentives because of loss aversion. At the end, the only way forwards is to change the organization's culture.
Compensation / Salary
Politics / Equity
- “Politics is how a middle manager runs interference and creates distractions to make sure you can't see over, around, or through them, and that the people behind them closer to the money can't see you.” (source).
- The Prince - Machiavelli's ideas on how to accrue honor and power as a leader. Resorting to that level of politics in a company is a sure way to render the culture highly toxic, as well as corrupting and demoralizing the organization at all levels.
- US spy manual has tips for coping with toxic bosses - Derived from WWII-era Simple Sabotage Field Manual, a classic read to spot harassing and demoralizing behaviors.
Health / Burnout
- “Burnout is caused by resentment. (…) No. Burnout is caused when you repeatedly make large amounts of sacrifice and or effort into high-risk problems that fail. It's the result of a negative prediction error in the nucleus accumbens. You effectively condition your brain to associate work with failure.” (source).
Exits / Burnout
- Management Challenges for the 21st Century - Managing Oneself - “There is a great deal of talk today about the "mid-life crisis" of the executive. It is mostly boredom. At age forty-five most executives have reached the peak of their business career and know it.” In paragraph Ⅴ, you'll find why knowledge workers needs to manage themselves, and plan for the second half of their life.
75. Awesome Actions
GitHub Tools and Management / Docker Container Actions
Deployment / Code Coverage
76. Awesome Java
Machine Learning / Text-Based User Interfaces
- DJL - High-level and engine-agnostic framework for deep learning.
- oj! Algorithms - High-performance mathematics, linear algebra and optimisation needed for data science, machine learning and scientific computing.
- Tribuo - Provides tools for classification, regression, clustering, model development and interfaces with other libraries such as scikit-learn, pytorch and TensorFlow.
Microservice / Text-Based User Interfaces
- ActiveRPC - Lightweight and fast library for complex high-load distributed applications and Memcached-like solutions.
Native / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Aparapi (⭐471) - Converts bytecode to OpenCL which allows execution on GPUs.
PDF / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Tabula (⭐1.9k) - Extracts tables from PDF files.
Science / Other
- Chart-FX (⭐526) - Scientific charting library with focus on performance optimised real-time data visualisation at 25 Hz update rates for large data sets.
- LogicNG (⭐140) - Library for creating, manipulating and solving Boolean and Pseudo-Boolean formulas.
Testing / Miscellaneous
- LogCaptor (⭐389) - Captures log entries for unit testing purposes.
Related Awesome Lists / Mocking
People / Socials
- Mani Sarkar - Java champion, Polyglot, Software Crafter involved with @graalvm, AI/ML/DL, Data Science, Developer communities, speaker & blogger. Creator of couple of awesome lists like this one.
77. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Business
- Open E-Commerce App (⭐861) - Open Flutter Project E-commerce App by 4seer.
- Prev: Oct 05 - Oct 11, 2020
- Next: Sep 21 - Sep 27, 2020