Awesome List Updates on Sep 21 - Sep 27, 2020
58 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Django
Third-Party Packages / Editors
- django-markdown-editor (⭐847) - Awesome Django Markdown Editor, supported for Bootstrap & Semantic-UI.
Python Packages / Views
- faker (⭐18k) - Faker is a Python package that generates fake data for you.
2. Awesome Javascript
Video/Audio / Other
- AmplitudeJS - Open Source HTML5 Web Audio Library. Design your web audio player, the way you want. No dependencies required.
3. Awesome Billing
Accounting / Bookkeeping
- Sequence (⭐497) - API that store, validate and reports asset movements. Also known as a Ledger. Sequence is immutable, scalable, and easy to use.
4. Awesome Ddd
Training Courses
- DDD Workshops across Europe and Online - Public Workshops by Eric Evans, Alberto Brandolini, Mathias Verraes, Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, Nick Tune, and many more.
Conferences / Ruby
- Domain-Driven Design Europe - The Leading DDD conference (online during COVID19)
5. Awesome Appimage
AppImage developer tools / Deployment tools for Python applications
- PyAppImage (⭐19) - Ultimately simple python-to-appimage bundler.
6. Awesome Electron
Open Source / Other
- Mouseless (⭐133) - Keyboard shortcut training and look-up.
- Glyphfinder (⭐132) - Unicode character search.
7. Awesome Blazor
Component bundles
- Syncfusion Blazor UI Components -
The most comprehensive native Blazor component library including Data Grid, Charts, Scheduler, Diagram and Document Editor components. (Demo).
Courses / Others
- Build a web app with Blazor WebAssembly and Visual Studio Code - Build a web app with Blazor WebAssembly and Visual Studio Code, on Microsoft Learn.
8. Game Datasets
Dataset / Web
- CartolaFC - Popular brazilian fantasy football (from 2014 to 2017).
9. Awesome Seed Rs
- Dota Underlord Perfect Build (⭐0) - An app to help build optimal deck in Dota Underlord.
10. Awesome Python Typing
Tools / Linters
- flake8-annotations (⭐155) - Plugin for flake8 to check for presence of type annotations in function definitions.
11. Awesome Quant
Python / Data Sources
- iexfinance (⭐648) - Python Interface for retrieving real-time and historical prices and equities data from The Investor's Exchange.
- pyEX (⭐408) - Python interface to IEX with emphasis on pandas, support for streaming data, premium data, points data (economic, rates, commodities), and technical indicators.
12. Awesome Godot
GDScript/C# editor support / Godot version unknown
- JetBrains Rider (C#) (⭐417) - Syntax highlighting, autocompletion and run configurations.
13. Awesome Markdown
Tools / Miscellaneous
- mdformat (⭐229) - CommonMark compliant Markdown formatter
14. Awesome Tailwindcss
- 🎨🌍🔧 Grayscale Design - A Luminance-based color palette generator.
Starters & Themes
- 🚀 Eleventy Starter (⭐270) - Production-ready, SEO-friendly blog starter using Tailwind CSS.
15. Awesome Terraform
Tools / Community providers
- tfmigrate (⭐1.2k) - A Terraform state migration tool for GitOps.
16. Awesome Credit Modeling
Peer-to-Peer Lending
- Network based credit risk models - Peer-to-Peer lending platforms may lead to cost reduction, and to an improved user experience. These improvements may come at the price of inaccurate credit risk measurements. The authors propose to augment traditional credit scoring methods with “alternative data” that consist of centrality measures derived from similarity networks among borrowers, deduced from their financial ratios.
Model Explainability
- Explainable Machine learning in Credit Risk Management - Proposes an explainable AI model that can be used in credit risk management and, in particular, in measuring the risks that arise when credit is borrowed employing credit scoring platforms.
17. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Assembly Language / Blazor
- Wizard Code, A View on Low-Level Programming - Tuomo Tuomo Venäläinen (PDF) (🗃️ archived)
18. Awesome Postgres
Contents / Extensions
- PGAudit - The PostgreSQL Audit Extension (or pgaudit) provides detailed session and/or object audit logging via the standard logging facility provided by PostgreSQL.
19. Vertx Awesome
- Starter Single Verticle API (⭐2) - REST API Starter and Project Template ready to deploy with lots of plumbing code, examples, and documentation to quickly develope an API with almost no knowledge of vert.x and without any waste of time.
20. Awesome Arch
Other projects / Other
- Arch Linux on EC2 - Amazon EC2 AMIs based on Arch Linux
21. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
Automation and Convention
- Watchtower - Container-based solution for automating Docker container base image updates, providing an unattended upgrade experience.
DevSecOps / Fuzzing
- OneFuzz (⭐2.8k) - Self-hosted Fuzzing-as-a-Service (FaaS) platform.
22. Awesome Bioie
Techniques and Models / BERT models
- PubMedBERT - paper - A BERT model trained from scratch on PubMed, with versions trained on abstracts+full texts and on abstracts alone.
23. Awesome Web Archiving
Tools & Software / Replay
- OpenWayback (⭐491) - The open source project aimed to develop Wayback Machine, the key software used by web archives worldwide to play back archived websites in the user's browser. (Stable)
Community Resources / Blogs and Scholarship
Community Resources / Twitter
24. Awesome Tall Stack
- Laravel Views (⭐493) - Laravel package to create beautiful common views like data tables using the TALL stack.
25. PlacesToPostYourStartup
26. Awesome Wardley Maps
Maps in the Wild
- The What, The Why and Some How of Wardley Mapping - A conversation with Simon Wardley. Aug 4, 2020.
- Doctrine or Dogma? - Challenge your Wardley mapping assumptions in a friendly way. Aug 2, 2020.
- Estratégia com Wardley Maps - Jun 7, 2020.
27. Awesome Bigdata
- Dagster (⭐13k) - a data orchestrator for machine learning, analytics, and ETL.
- Elasticsearch 7 and Elastic Stack - LiveVideo tutorial that covers searching, analyzing, and visualizing big data on a cluster with Elasticsearch, Logstash, Beats, Kibana, and more.
28. Mind Expanding Books
Philosophy And Psychology
Name: Utilitarianism
Author: Geoffrey Scarre
Goodreads Rating: 3.50
Year Published: 1996
Fiction / Science Fiction
Name: Dune Chronicles
Author: Frank Herbert
Goodreads Rating: 4.19
Year Published: 2006
Name: The Forever War
Author: Joe Haldemann
Goodreads Rating: 4.15
Year Published: 1974
Design / Miscellaneous
Name: Mismatch: How Inclusion Shapes Design
Author: Kat Holmes, John Maeda
Goodreads Rating: 4.14
Year Published: 2018
29. Awesome Wp Cli
Third-party packages / Notable packages
- php-stubs/wp-cli-stubs (⭐15) - WP-CLI function and class declaration stubs for static analysis.
30. Awesome Vehicle Security
Who to Follow
31. Awesome Micropython
Communications / Cryptography
- mpyaes (⭐27) - MicroPython module for AES encryption.
- micropython-aes (⭐19) - AES algorithm with pure python implementation.
Communications / RTC
- micropython-mcp7940 (⭐1) - Driver for the Microchip MCP7940 RTC.
Display / E-Paper
- ssd1675a (⭐8) - Driver for SSD1675-based e-paper displays.
Display / GUI
- lvgl (⭐280) - An object-oriented, component-based high-level GUI library with MicroPython binding.
- micropython-lcd160cr-gui (⭐32) - Simple touch-driven event based GUI for the Pyboard and LCD160CR colour display.
- micropython_ra8875 (⭐12) - MicroPython device driver and nano-GUI for RA8875 based displays.
Sensors / Camera
- micropython-camera-driver (⭐490) - OV2640 camera driver for MicroPython on ESP32.
Sensors / Temperature Digital
- micropython-tmp1075 (⭐0) - Driver for the TI TMP1075 temperature sensor.
- micropython-sht11 (⭐2) - Driver for Sensirion SHT11 temperature and humidity sensor.
- micropython-lm75a (⭐5) - Driver for the NXP LM75A digital temperature sensor.
Frameworks / SRAM
- micrOS (⭐114) - MicroPython-based IoT Framework.
- terkin-datalogger (⭐62) - Flexible data logger application for MicroPython and CPython.
Code Generation / SRAM
- micropy-stubs (⭐30) - Automatically Generated Stub Packages for Micropy-Cli and whomever else.
32. Awesome Ebpf
Reference Documentation / eBPF Essentials
- - A gateway to discover all the basics of eBPF, including a listing of the main related projects and of community resources.
- Cilium's BPF and XDP Reference Guide - In-depth documentation about most features and aspects of eBPF.
33. Awesome Web Monetization
Resources / Tutorials
- 'A Web Monetization Story' - An interactive, story-based Web Monetization tutorial for online creators.
34. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / Data Analysis / Data Visualization
- ParaMonte (⭐282) - A general-purpose Python library for Bayesian data analysis and visualization via serial/parallel Monte Carlo and MCMC simulations. Documentation can be found here.
Fortran / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- neural-fortran (⭐415) - A parallel neural net microframework. Read the paper here.
Python / Natural Language Processing
- Pattern (⭐8.8k) - A web mining module for the Python programming language. It has tools for natural language processing, machine learning, among others.
Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- skorch (⭐6k) - A scikit-learn compatible neural network library that wraps PyTorch.
Python / Misc Scripts / iPython Notebooks / Codebases
- Hyperparameter-Optimization-of-Machine-Learning-Algorithms (⭐1.3k) - Code for hyperparameter tuning/optimization of machine learning and deep learning algorithms.
35. Awesome Math
Foundations of Mathematics / Logic
- 📝 Open Logic Textbook - collaborative effort, main contributors listed here
Foundations of Mathematics / Category Theory
- 📝 Category Theory in Context - Emily Riehl (John Hopkins University)
36. Awesome Raspberry Pi
- Drumbooth controller with touch interface (⭐9) - Project using Java, JavaFX, Pi4J and Arduino to control 8 relays and LED strips.
- Rhasspy - Open source, fully offline set of voice assistant services that works well with Home Assistant, Node-RED, MQTT and more.
Books / iOS
- Control Your Home with Raspberry Pi - Teaches you how to turn a Raspberry Pi into a secure, modular, open source and self-hosted home automation gateway with Docker Compose, MQTT and TLS.
- Getting Started with Java on the Raspberry Pi - A lot of info and history about Java itself and how to install and use it on the Raspberry Pi with a lot of example projects.
37. Awesome Cpp
- UnQLite (⭐2.2k) - A self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional NoSQL engine. [BSD-2-Clause] website
38. Awesome Waves
Client libraries / Rust
- waves-lib-rust (⭐1) - Library to work with Waves blockchain.
39. Awesome Linux Containers
- swarmpit (⭐2.7k)
Lightweight mobile-friendly Docker Swarm management UI.
Security / Tools
- oci-seccomp-bpf-hook (⭐218)
OCI hook to trace syscalls and generate a seccomp profile.
40. Awesome Ocaml
Mobile Applications
- Articles:
41. Awesome Elixir
Cloud Infrastructure and Management
- k8s (⭐321) - Kubernetes Elixir client with CRD support, multi-cluster support, pluggable auth, and configurable middleware.
42. Awesome Mysql
- Database Systems Lecture Notes - lecture notes on Database Systems (available in pdf, html, odt and markdown) including a Chapter on SQL that covers basic set-up, exercises and problems.
43. Awesome Python Scientific Audio
Audio Related Packages / Data augmentation
- audiomentations (⭐1.4k) 🐙 (⭐1.4k) 📦 - Audio Data Augmentation.
44. Awesome Firebase
Server-side (Cloud Functions, BigQuery etc) / iOS
- 🔌 Firestore Queue System (⭐6) - Simple queue system using Firestore and Cloud Functions.
Follow / Community
- 🔥 Firebase Developers Discord - an open community dedicated to Firebase and its services, where you can to socialize and help other web and app developers from around the world.
45. Awesome Audiovisual
Tools / Timecode
- El-Tee-See - LTC wav file generator.
46. Awesome Engineering Team Management
Roles / Executives
- “The CEO positions himself as a controlling, micromanaging individual at the center of everything. This makes it possible for the CEO to intercept financials and other crucial numbers en route to people who might catch on.” (source) - Or how fraud can endure at the top level. That's generally why you need a board of directors as an oversight.
Remote Work / Technical Debt
- The Surprising Traits of Good Remote Leaders - “the confidence, intelligence and extroversion that have long propelled ambitious workers into the executive suite are not enough online because they simply don't translate into virtual leadership. (…) Instead, workers who are organized, dependable and productive take the reins of virtual teams.” As the source paper say it best: “virtually, the emphasis shifts from saying to doing.”
47. Awesome Dotnet
Application Frameworks
- Newbe.Claptrap (⭐216) - This is a set of server-side development frameworks with reactive, event sourcing and Actor pattern as basic theories. On top of this, developers can develop "distributed", "scale out", and "easy to test" application more simply.
Authentication and Authorization
- Logibit Hawk (⭐36) - A F# Hawk (⭐1.9k) authentication library
Build Automation
- MSBuild (⭐5.3k) - The Microsoft Build Engine (MSBuild) is the build platform for .NET and Visual Studio
Code Snippets
- Sharplab - Run C# code using different branches and versions of Roslyn, see the IL that was produced and examine the JIT's output.
- Swashbuckle (⭐3.1k) - Seamlessly adds a Swagger to Web API projects.
- Silk.NET (⭐4.3k) - A cross-platform, high-performance, low-level .NET Standard wrapper for many advanced APIs such as OpenGL, OpenCL, OpenAL, OpenXR, Assimp, GLFW, as well as many others. In addition to wrapping over Native APIs, it also comes with its own Windowing and Input abstraction. This makes game and application development with Silk.NET a breeze, and has pretty much everything a 3D application developer would need.
- RealTimeGraphX (⭐219) - RealTimeGraphX is a data type agnostic, high performance plotting library for WPF, UWP and soon, Xamarin Forms.
- Lara (⭐155) - Lara Web Engine is a library for developing Web user interfaces in C#
- Empty Keys UI - Multi-platform and multi-engine XAML based user interface library [Free][Proprietary]
- ResX Resource Manager (⭐1.4k) - The most popular free tool to localize all kind of applications with resx-based resources.
- pinvoke (⭐2.1k) - A library containing P/Invoke code for latest Windows OS.
- MKL.NET (⭐169) - A simple cross platform .NET API for Intel MKL.
- Rant (⭐3k) - The Rant Procedural Text Generation DSL
- Fluent NHibernate (⭐1.7k) - Fluent, XML-less, compile safe, automated, convention-based mappings for NHibernate.
Package Management
- Cloudsmith - A fully managed package management SaaS, with support for NuGet, Npm, Docker and much more. [Free for Public/OSS] [$]
- Docotic.Pdf - PDF library to create, read, edit, draw, and print PDF documents in .NET and .NET Core applications. 100% managed, without unsafe blocks. [$] [Free for OSS]
- ITextSharp (⭐1.4k) - iText is a PDF library that allows you to CREATE, ADAPT, INSPECT and MAINTAIN documents in the Portable Document Format (PDF)[$] [Free for OSS]
Reactive Programming
- Dynamic Data (⭐1.8k) - Reactive Extensions (Rx) for collections
- ProtoBuf (⭐309) - Generate C# code for protocol buffer serialization from a .proto specification.
Template Engine
- Scriban (⭐3.3k) - A fast, powerful, safe and lightweight text templating language and engine for .NET
- Verify (⭐3k) - Verification tool to enable simple approval of complex models and documents.
- Open Live Writer (⭐2.5k) - Blog writer which integrated with WordPress, Blogger, et. al. Open Live Writer makes it easy to write, preview, and post to your blog.
- Papercut (⭐3k) - Papercut is an open source (.NET based) test email viewer that runs locally with a built-in SMTP server designed to receive and notify of test email messages.
- SmartCode (⭐573) - SmartCode = IDataSource -> IBuildTask -> IOutput => Build Everything!!! (Including [Code generator])
UI Automation
- FlaUI (⭐2.3k) - FlaUI is a .NET library which helps with automated UI testing of Windows applications (Win32, WinForms, WPF, Store Apps, ...).
- PuppeteerSharp (⭐3.5k) - Puppeteer Sharp is a .NET port of the official Node.JS Puppeteer API.
- PuppeteerSharp.Contrib (⭐83) - Contributions to Puppeteer Sharp that provides a convenient way to write readable and robust browser tests.
Visual Studio Plugins
- VsVIM (⭐3.7k) - VIM in Visual Studio
Parser Library
- CSLY (⭐381) - A light embedded C# lexer/parser generator.
48. Public Apis
Description: Data on national, regional, and religious holidays via API
49. Awesome Flutter
Utilities / Game Engine resources
- FlutterGen (⭐1.5k) - Assets code generator for your images, fonts, colors, etc — Get rid of String-based APIs.
Bangladesh / Misc
50. Awesome Robotic Tooling
Electronics and Mechanics / Version Control
- kicad-3rd-party-tools (⭐646) - Tools made by others to augment the KiCad PCB EDA suite.
- OpenMDAO (⭐409) - An open-source framework for efficient multidisciplinary optimization.
Sensor Processing / Image Processing
- Simd (⭐1.8k) - C++ image processing and machine learning library with using of SIMD: SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2, AVX-512, VMX(Altivec) and VSX(Power7), NEON for ARM.
Network and Middleware / Real-Time Kernel
- ocpp (⭐165) - The Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) is a network protocol for communication between electric vehicle chargers and a central backoffice system.
51. Awesome Actions
GitHub Tools and Management / Docker Container Actions
- GitHub Codeowners Validator (⭐217) - Ensures the correctness of your GitHub CODEOWNERS file. It supports public and private GitHub repositories and also GitHub Enterprise installations.
Utility / Docker Container Actions
- Paths Filter (⭐2.1k) - Conditionally run actions based on files modified by PR, feature branch or pushed commits.
52. Awesome Cl
Natural Language Processing
- 🚀 sparser (⭐58) - A natural language understanding system for English. Eclipse.
a model-driven, rule-based language text analysis system for large volume, high-precision information extraction. At its heart, Sparser is a bottom-up, phrase-structure-based chart parser, optimized for semantic grammars and partial parsing.
- April (⭐618) - The APL programming language (a subset thereof) compiling to Common Lisp. Replace hundreds of lines of number-crunching code with a single line of APL. Apache2.
- snakes (⭐46) - Python style generators for Common Lisp. Includes a port of itertools. Apache2.
Non-deterministic, logic programming
- Temperance (⭐59) - logic programming. MIT. A focus on performance, with General Game Playing in mind.
HTTP Servers / Hunchentoot plugins
- 👍 easy-routes (⭐60) - a routes handling system on top of Hunchentoot. It supports dispatch based on HTTP method, arguments extraction from the url path, decorators, url generation from route name, etc. MIT.
Job processing / Third-party APIs
- one-more-re-nightmare (⭐143) - a fast-ish regular expression compiler in Common Lisp. BSD_2Clause.
Shells, shells interfaces / Third-party APIs
- Clesh (⭐70) - extends Common Lisp to embed shell code in a manner similar to perl's backtick. FreeBSD.
Apps / Third-party APIs
- cl-yacc (⭐57) - a LALR(1) parser generator. MIT.
- cl-shlex (⭐8) - simple lexical analyzer for shell-like syntaxes. MIT.
- smug (⭐109) - parser combinators for Common Lisp. SMUG makes it simple to create quick extensible recursive descent parsers without funky syntax or impenetrable macrology. MIT.
i18n / Third-party APIs
- gettext (⭐12) - a port of the gettext runtime to Common Lisp. GPL3.
Linting, code formatting / Third-party APIs
- sblint (⭐123) - a linter for Common Lisp source code using SBCL, suited for Reviewdog (slides). BSD_2Clause.
- trivial-formatter (⭐41) - code formatter for Common Lisp. MIT.
53. Awesome Earth
Carbon Reduction
- 1% for the Planet - A membership program for businesses and individuals, allowing them to donate 1% of their gross yearly profits or salary back to environmental nonprofits to create a healthier planet.
- Climworks - Climeworks Direct Air Capture technology captures CO₂ from air, mixes the CO₂ with water used by a geothermal energy plant, then pumps it deep underground. Through natural processes, the CO₂ reacts with the basaltic rock – and turns into stone within a few years, permanently and safely. Iceland is one of several locations around the world that provide ideal conditions for our pioneering process. Subscribe monthly to offset a little bit of your footprint, and support the growth of this early stage technology.
- Possible - Combining individual and local actions with larger systemic change, we face our climate dread with a can-do attitude and sense of fun. Possible are tackling the climate crisis by inspiring people to act in 5 key areas - eat & buy, travel, energy, nature and talking.
- The National Grid ESO - Monitor the generation types that make up your electricity supply and see when the cleanest time to use electricity will be. See the carbon impact level of electricity generation, how your region compares to others in the UK and be notified when a record towards decarbonisation breaks.
- Ecologi - Help the planet from your sofa, for less than a cheap bottle of wine per month. Watch your own forest come to life and offset your entire footprint for $6.50/€6 per-month. Then get your friends, family, business, and even your dog signed up!
- EcoTree - Support the European forests and reap the benefits. Plant trees as an original and meaningful gift. Building complex, resistant, and multifunctional forests to promote resilience. For every tree harvested, three new ones are planted.
- Land Life Company - Using drones and automated planting, they plant at scale in urban environments using a fraction of the water. Their mission is to reforest the world’s 2 billion hectares of degraded land.
- Tree-Nation - With Tree-Nation you can plant trees everywhere, even in the most remote locations. You will know who is planting your trees, where they are located and how they are being planted.
- Treeware - Loads of open-source developers have a "Buy me a coffee" button on their software. Now you can have "Buy me a tree!" on your GitHub repository. Get the same "Yay somebody cares about my work" AND lessen the existential dread all in one. Powered by Offset Earth.
- WeForest - WeForest empowers communities to advance and implement innovative, high standard, scalable and lasting solutions to restore forest landscapes.
- Trine - Solar Crowd-investing - Invest in solar projects bringing clean energy to emerging markets. Local solar partners will distribute and manage the solar products on the ground. If the loan is successful you will receive your investment and interest in return.
- Abundance Investment - Abundance offer a crowdfunding marketplace for socially and environmentally beneficial projects. Make direct investments in a range of businesses that share your values, through an ISA or a pension.
- Amalgamated Bank - Personal and business banking from a Certified B Corporation. They're fossil fuel free in our lending, powered by 100% renewable energy and have a long, proud history of providing affordable access to banking and being a champion of immigrants’ and workers’ rights. NOT a FDIC member, but part of GABV (the Global Alliance of Banking on Values).
- Aspiration - Aspiration offers socially-conscious and sustainable cash management services and investment products, so you can make money while making the world a better place. And, unlike the Big Banks, we don’t use your deposits to fund oil pipelines or turn your fees into campaign contributions to the politicians that work against you.**
- Beneficial State Bank - From fairly priced checking accounts for individuals and families that help you stay on track, to business and nonprofit financial tools that assist you in growing your organization. This bank is a B Corp, a FDIC member, and part of GABV (the Global Alliance of Banking on Values). Recommended by Stop The Money Pipeline.
- Betterment - Socially Responsible Investing - Super reliable, tax efficient, Traditional and Roth IRA / 401(k), and they now offer checking too. Betterment is not socially responsible by default, you need to select the SRI portfolio for each and every goal (account) you set up with them. They have divested from oil, but you should review their SRI strategy to see if you think it's good enough.
- Climate-KIC Marketplace - Marketplace full of investment opportunities into early-stage startups. The dealflow stems from EIT Climate-KIC’s Accelerator programme, the largest climate-focused acceleration programme in the world.
- Corner Card - Discover Switzerland's first climate-friendly credit card: with every card you make an active contribution to the compensation of CO2 emissions - without any additional costs for you. Complete climate compensation Whether a flight ticket, a new shirt or an overnight stay in a hotel - goods and services paid for with the Climate Credit Card are 100% CO2 compensated.
- Ditch Dirty Banks - Anyone with a Chase, Wells Fargo, Citi Bank account could do the world a favour by cutting that card in half. Customers of any of the fossil fuel funding banks in this list could. Phone up, tell them to cancel your account because they're funding still funding coal and fracking, and put another little ding in their bottom line. Find an ethical bank, they've usually got better fees and more friendly support staff anyway.
- EQ Investors - Impact investing is an exciting and rapidly growing industry powered by investors who are determined to generate social and environmental impact as well as financial returns.
- Ecology Building Society - Need a savings account or a mortgage, but don't want the money being used for the usual awful stuff banks fund? Ecology are dedicated to improving the environment by supporting and promoting ecological building practices and sustainable communities. They'll even give mortgage to folks trying to buy woodlands, or to buy fields and create woodland!
- Global Alliance for Banking on Values - The Global Alliance for Banking on Values (GABV) is a network of banking leaders from around the world committed to advancing positive change in the banking sector. Their goal is to change the banking system so that it is more transparent, supports economic, social and environmental sustainability, and is composed of a diverse range of banking institutions serving the real economy.
- Good Money Week - Helping you find sustainable and ethical options for banking, pensions, savings and investments.
- Hargreaves Lansdown Responsible Investment - Hargreaves Lansdown are a big name in finance, offering savings accounts and pensions. They will let you invest in pretty much anything, but they've put together a list of "responsible investment" funds to help you defer some of the thinking to the finance brains. The term 'responsible investment' is often used as a catch-all to describe funds managed with social, environmental, or other responsible criteria in mind, so maybe sift through this list to find ones that sound good to you, whether you use HL or not.
- Market Forces AU: Sustainable Banks - Find out which banks do and don’t have a record of funding fossil fuels. Each institution is sorted into categories clearly defining those that fund fossil fuels and those with no current record of funding the industry. Importantly, you can take action and contact every single bank, credit union and building society listed.
- NextEnergy Solar Fund - NextEnergy Solar Fund is a specialist investment company that invests in operating solar power plants in the UK and Italy, with the objective of securing attractive shareholder returns through RPI-linked dividends. The Company achieves this by acquiring solar power plants on agricultural, industrial and commercial sites. Invest through an ISA or SIPP on usual UK trading platforms like HL/Fidelity/etc.
- Stop the Money Pipeline - Banks, insurance companies, and asset managers are funding, insuring and investing in the climate crisis. Stopping this money pipeline is one of the most important ways we can address the climate emergency.
- Thrive Renewables - Thrive Renewables connects people to sustainable energy. We offer accessible opportunities for individuals and businesses to invest in clean energy projects that deliver financial, environmental and social rewards. With over 25 years in the industry, we have a wide network of professional contacts and are constantly on the look out for new projects which enhance our portfolio, match our investment criteria and have the potential to generate financial, environmental and social returns.
- Tomorrow One Bank - German bank which considers the future of our planet to be more important than access to VIP lounges at airports. Skip extra insurance products and fuel discounts, and get a premium account that focuses on climate protection.
- Triodos Bank - Modern financial and banking services for savers, investors, and organisations who want to change the world for the better. Current accounts, personal savings, ISAs, business lending, and all sorts of other options for individuals, businesses, and charities.
- Triodos Crowdfunding - Invest directly in pioneering organisations delivering positive change, such as community solar schemes, renewable energy projects, ethical food supermarkets.
- Allbirds - Our shoes are made with merino wool, tencel made from rainfall-fed FSC-certified eucalyptus forests, recycled plastic bottles (for laces), 'Sweetfoam' soles made from castor bean oil and ProForest-protected sugarcane. At 7.6 kg per pair for our wool runners, our process uses 60% less energy than materials used in typical synthetic shoes. We offset the rest, making Allbirds a carbon-neutral business.
- Bam - Bamboo Clothing - Bamboo clothing company that are entirely dedicated to sustainability beyond purely carbon emissions, they're aiming for zero chemical pollution, zero waste to landfill, zero deforestation in their suppliers (and their suppliers, and their suppliers...) and zero water wasted. They've got active wear, casual wear, underwear, gift cards for birthdays, the whole thing.
- Boody Eco Wear Essentials - Everyday essentials made from hypoallergenic and breathable FSC-certified bamboo viscose yarn, OEKO-TEX 100 certified organic by Ecocert.
- Cariuma - Old-School sneakers, new school ethics. Cariuma's sneakers are handcrafted with premium natural materials, an obsessive eye for detail, and a conscious mind. They care deeply about our craftsmen, and ensure that they earn fair wages and experience safe working conditions. Some of their shoes are carbon negative, and they are committed to carbon-neutral shipping processes, which they do by purchasing carbon offsets for each shipment.
- Knowledge Cotton Apparel - Clothing made from certified organic cotton, recycled PET, linen, wool, tencel, and recycled nylon sent via certified carbon neutral shipping in recyclable packaging.
- Kushel - Our bathrobes and towels are made from reforested beech wood and organic cotton, made in Portugal. Sourced from FSC-certified reforested forestry operations in Europe without irrigation. This mix needs 90% less water and emits 44% less CO2. By planting 2 trees for each towel and by compensating the carbon emissions and blue-water usage, we are a climate & resource positive textile brand, and the first certified B corporation in Germany.
- Loop A Life - 100% Circular Fashion - This circular textile award winning brand sets the new standard by clothing from local raw salvaged materials, recycling them without any chemicals, generating no wastewater, recycling their own products at end-of-life, researching and developing new ways to develop circular products. They organize local sorting campaigns, workshops, collection campaigns, and facilitate other fashion companies in their circular transition. Each sweater saves 500 liters of water, 60mJ of energy, uses zero chemicals, and saves at least 6kg of C02 emissions (when compared to traditional manufacturing).
- Lost in Samsara - Bags, Jewelry, and Accessories - Stylish products produced ethically from upcycled materials. Bags made from cement bags, tires, and jewelry made from upcycled bullet casings.
- Norm Shoes - Our shoes are made from 90% recycled materials: recycled polyester (6 plastic bottles per pair), recycled rubber, and fairtrade rubber. The impact for one pair of Norm shoes is only 6,5 kg of CO2 equivalent (80% lower than the industry average). We partner with a Belgian NGO, Graine de Vie, to plant two trees in Madagascar for each pair we sell and we offset our emissions as well.
- Runamics Running & Sports Gear - Crowd-funded for-purpose eco-friendly alternatives to traditional sports gear. We combine merino wool with wood-based cellulosic fibres like Lyocell. We make experiments with highly innovative fibres like biodegradable elastic fibres or “polyester-like” substitutes. WE're climate neutral always working to reduce our footprint, use plastic-free packaging and ship globally with DHL GoGreen.
- Vesica Piscis Shoes - Hand made stylish shoes made from recycled materials. Recycled cotton, recycled polyester fabric picking from plastic bottles, X-ray plates, fishing nets, etc. They use virgin natural rubber, bamboo, and a small amount of organic cotton.
- Vinted Used Clothes Marketplace - Your community for pre-loved fashion. Buy and sell quality used apparel.
Consumer Products
- Katadyn Water Filters - Katadyn develops and manufactures durable and portable water filters, desalinators and chemical disinfectants for daily use, camping, trekking, or global journeys. The vast product line ranges from water filters and Micropur tablets to the smallest manual desalinator for marine applications. Aid organizations as well as the military rely on them.
- Lehman's - One-stop shop for non-electric, homesteading, survival, handmade, Amish made, plastic free, durable, quality goods. If you envision switching to live a simpler life, this place has all the tools you need to do so.
- TomatoInk - TomatoInk is an eco-friendly, low-cost provider of ink and toner. By packaging ink in remanufactured cartridges, we pass along substantial savings both financial and environmental to you. “Our factory collects high-quality used cartridges. There, they are professionally cleaned and inspected and any defective parts get replaced. The cartridges then get filled with high-quality ink comparable to that used in name-brand cartridges. And finally, every single cartridge is inspected and test printed.”
- Ecocina Rocket Stoves - Wood fired cook stove that uses ~40-50% less fuel than traditional fires and emits ~1/3 the CO2. Learn how to build one! Check out their research center at Aprovecho.
- Insulated Cooking - Discover a great way not only to use less energy in food preparation, but to serve tastier and more nutritious meals at the same time. Any recipe that calls for boiling, simmering, steaming, or roasting will often taste better— hot from the haybox — than it would with regular stove preparation ... and you'll save heat energy at the same time. You can pick up a pot-sized thermal cooker, or simply put a blanket in a cooler.
- Preserve Extra Food With A Solar Dehydrator - A solar food dehydrator is a device that removes moisture from food to aid in its preservation. You can buy a simple one or make your own. Food drying is a method of preserving fruit, vegetables, and animal proteins that has been practiced since antiquity.
- Biggest Little Farm - The Biggest Little Farm chronicles the eight-year quest of John and Molly Chester as they trade city living for 200 acres of barren farmland and a dream to harvest in harmony with nature. Through dogged perseverance and embracing the opportunity provided by nature's conflicts, the Chesters unlock and uncover a biodiverse design for living that exists far beyond their farm, its seasons, and our wildest imagination. Featuring breathtaking cinematography, captivating animals, and an urgent message to heed Mother Nature's call, The Biggest Little Farm provides us all a vital blueprint for better living and a healthier planet.
- Farm Drop - Next day delivery in London for groceries and household products from local and independent producers.
- Grocy - Grocy is a web-based self-hosted groceries and household management solution for your home. Scan barcodes, track your purchases, automate and optimize your shopping list, waste less by keeping track of what's expiring next, plan meals, and more.
- Makkelijke Moestuin (Easy Vegetable Garden) - We make the vegetable garden easy. Thanks to our stuff and app, you can immediately garden like a pro. Setting up your vegetable garden perfectly is 80% of the work. Our stuff is specially made for that. With the other 20% - maintenance - our app helps you completely. You harvest 5 times as much per m² as from an ordinary vegetable garden. Ka-ching!
- We Are Phenix - Buy unsold goods from local businesses at a reduced price. Sell expired products to clients, donate to charities, reuse organic waste for animal food, and more. With over 100k meals saved per day, we are well on our way to reach the objective of zero food waste.
- Geev - An online application to exchange stuffs and food between people. Easily discuss, meet and give a second life to objects and food. The more you give the more people trust you when you want to get something.
- The Rotten Fruit Box - 100% Natural Freeze-Dried Fruit Snacks from Spain and Portugal shipped to you. The fruit you’re enjoying would have otherwise gone unused and rotted away on the ground. We also think that the name "Rotten" helps bring attention to the serious issue of food waste. Delicious, healthy, 100% natural, with a long shelf life, our freeze dried fruit snack pouches are ideal for home, work, office, to take to school, camping or just about anywhere. Help reduce food waste. Help small local farmers. 100% compostable packaging, ships with your local postal service because it is the lowest carbon footprint option.
- EU: Right to Repair - Cracked screens, weak batteries, broken charging ports... We’d like to fix them, but instead we end up buying a new smartphone because repairs are too expensive, difficult or impossible. Reducing the lifespan of a product may drive sales, but this comes at the expense of consumers, workers and the planet. Ask the European Union to give people the Right to Repair by requiring manufacturers to design repairable smartphones and provide spare parts and repair information to all repairers and consumers.
- Algramo - Vending machines and mobile refill units for refilling reusable plastic bottles with staple goods from shampoo to salad dressing in packaging that is designed to be returned, cleaned, and reused. With over 2,000 bodegas in Santiago and plans to expand in the US soon, Algramo, translates to "by the gram", also solves the issue of "poverty tax" where small packages can cost as much as 50% more than the same product in a larger size.
- Litterati - Empowering people to clean the planet. Photograph a piece of litter, tag it, and discard properly. Participate in a challenge and hold wasteful brands accountable.
- OpenStreetMap: Zero Waste (Overpass) - OpenStreetMap has the tag zero_waste=* for shops who sell items without packaging.
- Original Unverpackt - Zero packaging supermarket in Berlin. Original Unverpackt hat sich als erster Supermarkt weltweit dem Zero-Waste-Lifestyle gewidmet.
Footprint Calculators
- Eco Passenger - More than a quarter of worldwide greenhouse gases emissions come from the transportation sector, and more important, it is the sector where we have seen the highest growth in these emissions the last decades and it is not stopping. To help, EcoPassenger is a calculator to compare the energy consumption, CO2 and exhaust atmospheric emissions for planes, cars, and trains, for passenger transport.
- How Good - Future-Proof your products. HowGood data offers data to businesses and consumers about product sustainability from 350+ independent sources on over 1 million products. Extensive data library on product sustainability designed to help brands and retailers use that data to source better and consumers to buy better, to build a better world.
- Joro - Effortlessly track your personal carbon footprint by securely connecting your credit and debit cards. Joro combines financial data and academic datasets to develop real-time carbon footprint estimates. The bank integration uses Plaid, and is US only for now, but has plans to roll out to Europe. Sign up to the newsletter to find out.
- Zellar - Get an energy profile for your company to understand your energy consumption, and how much CO2 is being generated to power your business. We’ll then let you compare your profile to other local businesses or similar businesses across the UK, then track performance over time. Get advice and even unlock funds to finance any investments you may need to make on your journey to zero carbon.
Home Improvements
- Ecobee - Improve how people consume energy to create a more sustainable future. Live in harmony with a thermostat and sensor that learn and adapt to your schedule. Lower the manufacturing footprint by buying one of their refurbished products.
- Lancey - An efficient radiator to control your electricity consumption while improving comfort, with a connected thermostat to adapt to your needs and the characteristics of your home. A built-in battery stores electricity during off-peak hours, allowing you to automatically use cheaper and cleaner energy.
- Mist Showers - The emissions of a typical shower equal 3.5 – 7 km of driving. The mist shower, a satisfying but forgotten technology which uses very little water and energy, could be a solution. You can DIY convert almost any shower into a mist shower. The five-nozzle mist shower offers significant water and energy savings compared to a “normal” shower and does so without sacrificing comfort.
- PlanetCare Microfibre Laundry Filters - 35% of microplastics are fibers that are released when we wash our clothes. With consumer and industrial laundry filters, tackle the problem close to the source – with a filter in your washing machine. PlanteCare makes efficient, practical and affordable laundry filters that allow every household to stop sending microfibres into the environment.
- PowerX - A plug-and-play smart-controller for water and gas headers. It learns what water temperatures you like and heats only as much water as you need. It will also detect the ideal time to heat your water, as prices change every 15 minutes, so you can save money with no impact on hot water levels. Save hundreds of dollars, reduce carbon emissions equivalent to 10 fully grown trees – every year!
- Rigo Paint - Made From Flax - Decorating your house? Check out RigoStep water-based paints, and oil paints depend on locally grown flax, which is heated and pressed by traditional windmills to extract the oil. Once mixed with other solvents, this forms the liquid base for the paint.
Renewable Energy
- Project Sunroof - Find out if you could save money switching to solar panels. This Google project uses Google Earth imagery to analyze your roof shape and local weather patterns to create a personalized solar plan. Adjust your electric bill to fine-tune your savings estimate and the recommended number of solar panels for your home, then compare loan, lease, and purchase options for your solar panels based on your results.
- UK Carbon Intensity - This officially backed open API from Oxford University and the National Grid ESO gives a snapshot of how much carbon each unit of electricity consumed in the UK emits for every half hour. Also carries forecasts, regional breakdowns with some great charts and re-useable widgets. They also have an app.
- Ocean Savers Cleaning Supplies - "Pre-mixed" cleaning sprays that you will find in the supermarket are over 90% water, with the active ingredient (the part that actually does the cleaning) making up a fraction of the total liquid. Oceansaver provide just the active ingredients, so people can reuse plastic bottles, reducing the consumption of single-use plastic.
- Smol - Zero plastic dishwasher and laundry tablet subscription. Contains child lock, they're FSC certified, half the price of traditional brands, and animal cruelty free.
- The Crappy Planet - Bamboo Toilet Paper - According to the EPA, one hardwood tree produces approximately 45 kg of toilet paper and about 83 million toilet rolls are produced every day. Bamboo toilet paper production requires less energy, one-fifth of the water, produces considerably more fiber on less land area, generates 30-35% more oxygen than other plants and trees, and it reduces the amount of carbon dioxide by about the same amount. In addition, the production process requires that water and other materials are collected, reused and recycled. Finally, we invest 25% of our profits to stop deforestation and global warming.
- The Good Roll - Mail order 100% tree-friendly toilet paper made from post-consumer recycled paper. 50% of net profit from sales of The Good Roll is invested in the installation of safe toilets in East Africa.
- MakeSense Jobs - Makesense inspires and empowers citizens, entrepreneurs and organizations to build an inclusive and sustainable society together. MakeSense's Job and assignment announcements platform for associations and social entrepreneurs who recruit profiles passionate about the impact. Job types include internship, freelance, civic service, partner, program, volunteer mission, mentoring.
- Clean Trails - Step by step, and little by little, our aim is to eliminate waste on all the trails that grace our public lands. We believe we can do that in a positive and proactive manner by educating, encouraging, and reconnecting outdoor users to our pristine places.
- - The world’s largest climate modelling experiment. Evidence of how our climate is changing is vital to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Help discover how the climate could look by running software on your computer.
- TBD Community - More than 3,000 impact-driven companies and organisations use tbd* to look for new team members, in English and German but many of the jobs are in Germany.
- Democracy Now! - Independent global news produced daily, hosted by award-winning journalists Amy Goodman and Juan González. Our reporting includes breaking daily news headlines and in-depth interviews with people on the front lines of the world’s most pressing issues by a diversity of voices. Free from government funding, corporate sponsorship, underwriting or advertising revenue.
- People Fixing the World - BBC World Service - Brilliant solutions to the world’s problems. We meet people with ideas to make the world a better place and investigate whether they work.
- TIL Climate Podcast - This MIT podcast breaks down the science, technologies, and policies behind climate change, how it’s impacting us, and what we can do about it. Each quick episode gives you the what, why, and how on climate change -- from real scientists -- to help us make informed decisions for our future.
- Talking Headways: A Book Club for the Future of Transportation - We explore the intersection of sustainable transportation, urban planning, city living, economic development, and anything else that piques our interest. A staple and almost an obligatory source of information on the latest trends in urban mobility and urban planning.
- The Climate Fix - We shine a spotlight on people and organisations working on sustainable solutions, help connect them to talent & investment as well as give people hope that there are climate solutions as well as climate problems.
- The Energy Transition Show - Straight talk about the world’s transition from fossil fuels to renewables with energy expert Chris Nelder.
- State of the Planet - News from the Earth Institute at Columbia University. Columbia’s Earth Institute blends research in the physical and social sciences, education and practical solutions to help guide the world onto a path toward sustainability.
- Commute on Electric Motorbikes - Electric cars are still priced beyond the reach of many, but swapping a car for an electric motorbike will leave plenty of cash in your pocket. The average used car sells for $20,840 in the USA, and you can get a lot of electric motorbike for $3,000. Finding a used electric motorbike will get that manufacturing footprint off your conscience too.
- DHL GoGreen - GoGreen Solutions include both standardized products and customized solutions to help customers develop their own eco-friendly business models and green supply chains. With our carbon reports, climate neutral products, and green optimization, we give customers transparency, offset unavoidable emissions, and identify ways in which our customers can reduce emissions and waste. These optimization measures achieve savings potential that most companies would not be able to achieve on their own.
- Share Now - With car-sharing, you don't have to buy or lease a car. Share Now cars are available around every street corner in loads of cities around the world. Find us in 16 major cities in 8 countries in Europe and all over the US – for all your plans, big and small. Includes free parking, no need to pay for maintenance, insurance, or petrol, and loads of them are electric too! Package deals available for businesses to help employees ditch their car when active/public transportation is not an option.
- TomTom's EV Station Finder - With TomTom's EV charging infrastructure, 'eco-routing' to calculate energy efficient routes (!), in-range EV station finder, real-time availability monitoring, on-demand information, TomTom is continuing to invest in the largest electric vehicle map coverage with 330,000+ charging points in 50 countries throughout Europe, The Americas, the Middle East, and Asia.
- VanMoof - "City-proof" bikes, with electric assist, which ship fully assembled. They're baked full of anti-theft tech, and they'll hunt your bike down if it does get stolen. In some countries there is a subscription service where they'll fix things up for you if you have any trouble, but just the base bike alone is a stunning beautiful electric bike with dynamo hubs, built in lights, and sturdy mudguards, so you can ride it all day and night.
- Workhorse - Electric Delivery Vehicles - All-electric by design, with composite technology, and a 100-mile range, it's expected to be more economical than traditional delivery vans. Our current delivery vans, E-100 and E-GEN, have more than 4 million miles on them and are used by some of the premier package delivery companies in the world.
54. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- Abstract API — API suite for various use cases, including IP geolocation, gender detection, or email validation.
- Atlas toolkit - Lightweight library to develop single-page web applications that are instantly accessible. Available for Java, Node.js, Perl, Python, and Ruby.
- — Hosted machine learning algorithms. Unlimited free tasks for development, limit of 16 MB data/task.
- — Text analysis with machine learning, free 300 queries/month.
- MockAPI — MockAPI is a simple tool that lets you quickly mock up APIs, generate custom data, and perform operations using a RESTful interface. MockAPI is meant to be a prototyping/testing/learning tool. One project/4 resources per project for free.
- — Extract data from dynamic sites, turn dynamic websites into APIs, five projects free.
- — Data scraping with visual interface and plugins. The free plan includes unlimited scraping on a shared server.
- — NLP for developers.
- — Turn any website into a parameterized API. 30k API calls per month.
- Zenscrape — Web scraping API with headless browsers, residentials IPs, and straightforward pricing. One thousand free API calls/month and extra credits for students and non-profits.
Tools for Teams and Collaboration
- TeleType — share terminals, voice, code, whiteboard, and more. no sign-in is required for end-to-end encrypted collaboration for developers.
- - Free personal email and calendar.
Managed Data Services
- — Online real-time monitoring and administration service for Redis, Monitoring for 1 Redis instance free
IDE and Code Editing
- - Spring Boot app generator with custom database and REST API.
55. Awesome Powershell
- Slack PowerShell team - Large chat room dedicated to PowerShell. Bridged with
56. Awesome Vue
Resources / External Resources
- - An extensive list of websites created with the Vue.js Javascript framework.
Resources / Podcasts
Projects Using Vue.js / Apps/Websites
- Back Home/回家 - A flight searching engine for the flights from oversea to China Mainland (and China to oversea) that still fly during COVID-19.
Components & Libraries / UI Utilities
- portal-vue - A Vue Plugin to render your component's template anywhere in the DOM (Works on the virtualDOM level, doesn't move nodes within the DOM)
57. Awesome Seml
58. Awesome Ibmcloud
- cloudland (⭐67) - Cloudland, a light weight infrastructure as a service project, plus OpenShift 4 platform as a service deployment engine, is a system framework to manage VM instances, software defined networks (SDN), volumes.
- Prev: Sep 28 - Oct 04, 2020
- Next: Sep 14 - Sep 20, 2020