Awesome List Updates on Aug 31 - Sep 06, 2020
56 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Gpt3
Products / Other
- Visually stunning presentations that you can design instantly
2. Awesome Ios
- Apphud (⭐211) - A complete solution to integrate auto-renewable subscriptions and regular in-app purchases in 30 minutes with no server code required.
3. Android Security Awesome
Tools / App Vulnerability Scanners
- Devknox - IDE plugin to build secure Android apps. Not maintained anymore.
4. ALL About RSS
an IMAGE to explain what RSS is
a VIDEO to explain what RSS is
a WEBPAGE (in English) to explain what RSS is
a WEBPAGE (in Chinese) to explain what RSS is
Apps / Outline Processor Markup Language
Hosted Readers / Outline Processor Markup Language
Terminal-based / programmable RSS readers / Outline Processor Markup Language
Telegram / Telegram RSS bots
🔱 Workflow Automation / 酷Q Plugin
universally from / search results
RSS2KINDLE / Docsify
RSS2WIDGET / For browser
Reddit RSS fix / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
Multi-subject / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
Tutorials when knowing how to run code / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
Aggregators of Podcasts / Podcast Navigation / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
5. Awesome R Learning Resources
Topic Areas / Uncategorized
- Subreddit - r/Rlanguage - R Programming Language - A Reddit subreddit focused on implementing the R programming language for statistics and data science.
- Subreddit - r/programming - The R Project for Statistical Computing - A Reddit subreddit focused on using R for statistical computing.
Blogs / Uncategorized
- Avery Robbins - Avery Robbins loves to learn and to share useful or awesome things that have benefited him personally. This website is a tool for him to actively do just that: share knowledge, ideas, and tips that are helpful.
- Tony ElHabr - Tony ElHabr is passionate mostly about energy markets and sports analytics. His blog provides detailed tutorials, project explanations, and presentations.
- Data meets Narrative - Rebecca Barter enjoys making sense of complex, messy and sometimes nonsensical datasets, such as electronic health records, and insurance claims. Her dual passions are explaining “seemingly complicated” concepts to others in plain English, and exploring and uncovering the stories that underlie complex datasets.
- HighlandR - John Mackintosh's blog is a place for him to showcase demonstrations or workshops, notes he's learned at work, chart makeovers, and techniques and technology that he doesn't currently use in his role.
- Julia Silge - Julia Silge is a data scientist and software engineer at RStudio where she work on open source modeling tools. She is passionate about making beautiful charts, the statistical programming language R, Jane Austen, black coffee, and red wine.
- rweekly - Weekly Updates from the Entire R Community by Bruce Zhao, Colin Fay, Eric Nantz, Hao Zhu, Jon Calder, Jonathan Carroll, Maëlle Salmon, Ryo Nakagawara, and Wolfram Qin.
- r-bloggers - was created by Tal Galili and is a blog aggregator of content contributed by bloggers who write about R (in English). The site helps R bloggers and users to connect and follow the R blogosphere.
- Ryo Nakagawara - Ryo Nakagawara is a Data Scientist and has been doing work as both a reporting analyst and a software developer in R and SQL to improve ACDI and VOCA data pipelines, create R packages, reproducible reports, dashboards, and Shiny apps to communicate how his projects worldwide are progressing.
- Statistics Globe - Joachim Schork started this platform to share his statistical know-how and to improve his own statistical skills by discussing with other statisticians and programmers.
Books / Uncategorized
- A Sufficient Introduction to R - This book is intended to guide people that are completely new to programming along a path towards a useful skill level using R. Author: Derek L. Sonderegger.
- An Introduction to Statistical Learning - This book provides an introduction to statistical learning methods. Authors: Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie and Robert Tibshirani.
- An Introduction to R - This introduction to R is derived from an original set of notes describing the S and S-Plus environments written in 1990–2 by Bill Venables and David M. Smith when at the University of Adelaide.
- Exploratory Data Analysis with R - This book covers the essential exploratory techniques for summarizing data with R. These techniques are typically applied before formal modeling commences and can help inform the development of more complex statistical models. Author: Roger D. Peng.
- ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis - This book provides a hands-on introduction to ggplot2 with lots of example code and graphics. It also explains the grammar on which ggplot2 is based. Author: Hadley Wickham.
- Introduction to R & Spatial Data with Raster and Terra - This document provides a concise introduction to R. It emphasizes what you need to know to be able to use the language in any context. Author: Professor Robert Hijmans.
- Learning Statistics with R - Learning Statistics with R covers the contents of an introductory statistics class, as typically taught to undergraduate psychology students, focusing on the use of the R statistical software. Author: Danielle Navarro.
- Modern R with the tidyverse - The idea of Chapters 1 to 7 is to make you efficient with R as quickly as possible, especially if you already have prior programming knowledge. Starting with Chapter 8 you will learn more advanced topics, especially programming with R. Author: Bruno Rodrigues.
- Practical Regression and Anova using R - The emphasis of this text is on the practice of regression and analysis of variance. The objective is to learn what methods are available and more importantly, when they should be applied. Author: Julian Faraway.
- Practicals and Exercises - This series of exercises reviews some of the content discussed during the author's lectures, and introduces some other basic concepts about working with data in R. Author: Charles DiMaggio, PhD.
- R Packages - In this book you will learn how to turn your code into packages that others can easily download and use. Author: Hadley Wickham.
- R Programming for Data Science - This book brings the fundamentals of R programming to you, using the same material developed as part of the industry-leading Johns Hopkins Data Science Specialization. Author: Roger Peng.
- Statistical Inference via Data Science - This is intended to be a gentle introduction to the practice of analyzing data and answering questions using data the way data scientists, statisticians, data journalists, and other researchers would. Authors: Chester Ismay and Albert Y. Kim.
- Text Mining with R - This book serves as an introduction of text mining using the tidytext package and other tidy tools in R. Authors: Julia Silge and David Robinson.
- The Art of R Programming - This book is for those who wish to learn about developing software in R. Author: Norman Matloff.
- The R Inferno - A book about trouble spots, oddities, traps, and glitches in R. Author: Patrick Burns.
- The R Language - An introduction to R written by the authors of the R language.
Podcasts / Uncategorized
- Not so Standard Deviations - A data science podcast where Roger Peng and Hilary Parker talk about the latest in data science and data analysis in academia and industry.
- The R-Podcast - Practical advice on how to take advantage of R to accomplish innovative and robust data analyses. Hosted by Eric Nantz.
6. Awesome Earth
Carbon Reduction
- Patch - Patch is the API for negative emissions. Developers can use Patch's API to make any transaction carbon neutral with a wide range of negative emission methods (e.g. direct air carbon capture, bio-oil geosequestration, enhanced weathering, reforestation and more).
7. Awesome Nextjs
- Nextjs Apollo Nexus (⭐3) - GraphQL Apollo Client-Server integration in Next.js with Nexus Schema (Code first approach).
- Slow TV Map - A fun way to discover relaxing virtual experiences. Next.js + Chakra UI + MySQL hosted on Vercel.
- Next.js Tutorial - In depth Next.js tutorials.
8. Awesome Elm
Learning Guides
- Elm patterns - A collection of common patterns in Elm.
9. Awesome Eslint
Plugins / CSS in JS
- CSS-modules (⭐152) - Lint undefined or unused rules for css modules.
- Styled Components
- Better Styled Components (⭐65) - Auto fixable ESlint's rules for styled components.
- styled-components-a11y (⭐144) - A11y for Styled Components.
10. Public Apis
Description: Fake Rest API for developers
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
API: Brazilian Chamber of Deputies Open Data
Description: Provides legislative information in Apis XML and JSON, as well as files in various formats
Auth: No
11. Awesome Rust
Applications / Database
- Materialize (⭐5.9k) - Streaming SQL database powered by Timely Dataflow 💲
12. Awesome Godot
GDScript/C# editor support / Godot version unknown
- Emacs (⭐327) - Syntax highlighting, code folding, indentation and autocompletion.
- Vim (⭐525) - Syntax highlighting, autocompletion and linting using the LSP server provided by the Godot editor. Also supports the Godot shader language.
13. Awesome Interview Questions
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / Angular
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / JavaScript
14. Awesome Jupyter
- nbdev (⭐4.8k) - Develop, package and distribute Python packages to PyPI using Jupyter as a Literate Programing environment.
15. Awesome Android Ui
List / Grid
Name: Kiel - Declarative RecyclerView Adapters (⭐371)
License: Apache License V2
Name: RangeSeekBar (⭐2.2k)
License: Apache License V2
Name: CircleTimer (⭐16)
License: Apache License V2
16. Awesome Security
Network / Scanning / Pentesting
- monsoon (⭐440) - Very flexible and fast interactive HTTP enumeration/fuzzing.
17. Awesome Actions
GitHub Tools and Management / Docker Container Actions
Utility / Docker Container Actions
- Compress with UPX (⭐55) - The Ultimate Packer for eXecutables.
- Pull the New Go Module Version Into the Proxy Cache (⭐26) - Ensures the latest version of your Go module is in the proxy cache. Also updates the documentation upon release.
- Delete Run Artifacts - Deletes all artifacts at the end of a workflow run.
- GitHub Environment Variables Action (⭐182) - Expose environment variables such as the branch/tag name, repository slug, and ref slug.
- GitHub Action Locks (⭐16) - Guarantee atomic execution of your GitHub Action workflows.
Utility / Dependencies
- Highlight New NPM Dependencies (⭐26) - Comments on pull requests newly added NPM dependencies information.
Static Analysis / Linting
Pull Requests / Code Coverage
- Ticket Check Action (⭐41) - Automatically add a ticket or issue number to the start of all Pull Request titles.
- Pull Request Stats (⭐349) - Print relevant stats about reviewers.
GitHub Pages / Code Coverage
Notifications and Messages / Code Coverage
Deployment / Docker
- Update a Container Repository Description From - Supported Registries: Docker Hub, Quay, Harbor.
Deployment / Kubernetes
Machine Learning Ops / Terraform
18. Awesome Fp Js
- omg-curry (⭐137) - Comprehensive Curry Library with Operator Curry, Curry from functions, Decurry and Infifnite Curries.
19. Awesome Ruby
Image Processing
- ImageProcessing (⭐892) - High-level image processing wrapper for libvips and ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick
20. Awesome Ansible
Official resources
- Latest Ansible Documentation - Latest user guide and documentation for Ansible.
- Ansible Tutorial by leucos (⭐2.3k) - 12 Step Tutorial for Ansible.
- Ansible Tutorial Series on Ansible - Tutorials on how to Install and use Ansible.
- Ansible YouTube Channel - Official Ansible YouTube channel.
- Introduction to Ansible - Introduction to Ansible by Cloud Academy.
- Mitogen for Ansible - Speed up Ansible substantially with Mitogen.
- Molecule - Molecule aids in the development and testing of Ansible roles.
- Excel Ansible Inventory (⭐97) - Turn any Excel Spreadsheet into an Ansible Inventory.
21. Awesome Prisma
🦺 Community Prisma Tools
22. Awesome Lockpicking
Locksport associations and organizations
- Sportsfreunde der Sperrtechnik - Deutschland e.V. - German lock picking sports club who hosts the german lock picking masters and offers workshops on how to pick locks.
Novel lock attack techniques and research
- SpiKey - Acoustic-based physical key inference.
23. Awesome Python
- SimPy - A process-based discrete-event simulation framework.
24. Awesome Smart Tv
Testing / Official resources
- Suitest - Test automation solution for Smart TVs, gaming consoles, streaming sticks etc.
25. Awesome Pentest
Web Exploitation / Web shells and C2 frameworks
- PhpSploit (⭐2.2k) - Full-featured C2 framework which silently persists on webserver via evil PHP oneliner.
26. Awesome Stock Resources
Icons / Icons Packages and Collections
27. Awesome Artificial Intelligence
Code / Commerical Tools
- ExplainX (⭐423)- ExplainX is a fast, lightweight, and scalable explainable AI framework for data scientists to explain any black-box model to business stakeholders.
28. Awesome Firebase
- 🔌 FlutterFire (⭐8k) - Collection of Firebase plugins for Flutter apps.
29. Awesome Mac
Utilities / Productivity
- iCMD - Fuzzy menubar search and vim/easymotion emulation which works globally for every native MacOS app.
30. Awesome Appimage
AppImage consumption tools / Linux distributions
- Deepin - When you double-click an AppImage or any other executable file that lacks execute permissions, a user-friendly dialog explains the situation and asks for your permission to set the execute permission and execute the executable.
- Nitrux - Promotes the use of AppImage as the main format for getting applications, has a built in app center featuring AppImages.
AppImage developer tools / Templates
- mini-qml (⭐46) - Minimal Qml application template with deployment for Linux (AppImage), Windows, macOS and WebAssembly.
31. Awesome Jmeter
Automation / Conversion
- swaggerjmx (⭐113) - Tool to convert Swagger UI specification into JMeter test plans.
32. Awesome Regression Testing
Blog posts (a-z↓)
- - Blog with practical guides and runnable examples on Playwright and Puppeteer.
33. Awesome Mental Health
- Nyxo – Open source sleep tracking and sleep coaching app for iOS and Android.
- Sanvello - Daily tools for stress, anxiety, and depression alongside a supportive community. Based on cognitive behavioral therapy & mindfulness meditation.
34. Awesome Quant
Python / Indicators
- finta (⭐2.2k) - Common financial technical analysis indicators implemented in Pandas.
Python / Trading & Backtesting
- Pandas TA (⭐5.7k) - Pandas TA is an easy to use Python 3 Pandas Extension with 115+ Indicators. Easily build Custom Strategies.
35. Colorful
Color Palettes / Web App
- ColorsWall - Place to store your color Palettes and generate tool.
36. Awesome Tall Stack
- 🔓 - repository (⭐4) - Built using Laravel & Tailwind CSS.
- 🔓 - repository (⭐68) - Built using Laravel & Tailwind CSS.
- 🔓 - repository (⭐17) - Built using Laravel & Tailwind CSS.
- 🔓 - repository (⭐35) - Built using Laravel, Alpine.js & Tailwind CSS.
- 🔓 - repository (⭐315) - Discover new Laravel Nova packages.
- 🔐 - Website uptime && SSL monitoring.
37. Awesome Humane Tech
- Owntracks
- A privacy-respecting mobile app that allows you to keep track of your own location.
38. Awesome Engineering Team Management
Career / Presentations
- My questions for prospective employers (Director/VP roles) - Be prepared to ask them as a recruiter or being asked about them for senior management roles.
- “Since managers are not tied to a sector (in the way nurses or musicians are), the good ones tend to go where they are paid good money and the bad ones end up wreaking havoc where they are paid at least some money. That, also, is Baumol in action.” (source) - Explains how the pool of professional managers gets distributed into the various sectors of the economy.
Career / Promotion
- How to discipline overeager engineer - Over-achieving talent is looking for a management promotion. Management does not recognize effort. Engineer become disgruntled and management is looking to discipline him. A case-study of a bad situation in which both side shows clumsiness.
Career / Performance Reviews
- Incentive Pay Considered Harmful - “Incentives (or bribes) simply can't work in the workplace. (…) Most software managers have no choice but to go along with performance review systems that are already in place. If you're in this position, the only way to prevent teamicide is to simply give everyone on your team a gushing review”.
- “If anything in your performance review is a surprise, then I have failed as a manager.” (source).
- “This is what I loved about working at Netflix. We didn't have performance reviews. It was assumed that your performance was good to excellent, otherwise you wouldn't be working there anymore. You had a constant feedback loop with your manager on performance, but nothing was ever formal.” (source).
- “The system a software developer works in shapes their performance so much more than individual differences.” (source).
39. Awesome Lowcode
- Appian - Discover the power of low-code automation.
Visual programming
- Softr - From zero to a website in 5 minutes, using building blocks.
40. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Finance
- Bank Git (⭐36) - An app to manage bank account by breaking it into branches by Yash Johri.
41. Awesome Prometheus
Blog posts and opinions
- Alerting issues with Alertmanager - Addressing alert flapping and duplicates in Alertmanager by Ali Sattari.
42. Awesome Lidar
- Ibeo - Ibeo Automotive Systems GmbH is an automotive industry / environmental detection laserscanner / LIDAR manufacturer, based in Hamburg, Germany.
43. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- Hoppscotch - A free, fast, and beautiful API request builder.
- BigDataCloud - Provides fast, accurate, and free (Unlimited or up to 10K-50K/month) APIs for modern web like IP Geolocation, Reverse Geocoding, Networking Insights, Email and Phone Validation, Client Info and more.
Tools for Teams and Collaboration
- — A decentralized and open-source communication tool built on Matrix. Group chats, direct messaging, encrypted file transfers, voice and video chats, and easy integration with other services.
Code Quality
- DeepSource - DeepSource continuously analyzes source code changes, finding and fixing issues categorized under security, performance, anti-patterns, bug-risks, documentation, and style. Native integration with GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket.
- — End-to-end incident management, alerting, on-call management, and response orchestration platform for network operations, site reliability engineering, and DevOps teams. Free for up to 5 users.
- — 1,000 subscribers/month, 12,000 emails/month free
Analytics, Events and Statistics
- — Free user analytics platform for 500K actions, 90-day data retention, 30+ one-click integration.
44. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / DynamoDB
- aws-dynamodb-examples 🔥🔥 (⭐479) - Samples using the Java SDK.
Open Source Repos / Security
- salesforce/policy_sentry 🔥🔥🔥🔥 (⭐1.8k) - IAM Least Privilege Policy Generator.
45. Awesome Bigdata
- Data warehouse schema design - dimensional modeling and star schema - Introduction to schema design for data warehouse using the star schema method.
46. Awesome Static Website Services
Search / Provided by the Host
- Jets.js - Native CSS search engine
47. Awesome Swift
UI / Barcode
- Arale (⭐46) - A custom stretchable header view for UIScrollView or any its subclasses with UIActivityIndicatorView support for content reloading.
- BetterSafariView (⭐598) - A better way to present a SFSafariViewController or start a ASWebAuthenticationSession in SwiftUI.
48. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
Resources / Examples
- VueJS Example Projects on Github
Projects Using Vue.js / Apps/Websites
- - A website that helps web developers find tons of free and open source HTML, CSS, and JavaScript assets.
Components & Libraries / Frameworks
- oruga (⭐1.1k) - UI components for Vue.js without CSS framework dependency.
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- vue-quintable (⭐29) - A responsive and highly configurable table based on Vue 2.x and Bootstrap 4.x
Components & Libraries / UI Utilities
- vue-lazy (⭐3) - Lightweight Image/Picture lazyload based on Intersection API
49. Webcomponents the Right Way
Case Studies
- API documentation and live playground for Web Components.
- Standalone chess board web component.
- Web component for drawing patterns with CSS.
- Custom element that allows to create a dark mode toggle or switch.
- Lightweight emoji picker, distributed as a web component.
- Web component built with Svelte to view files.
- Web component to visualize JSON data in a tree view.
- Lite YouTube embed with a focus on visual performance.
- MIDI file player and visualizer web components.
- Web component for rendering interactive 3D models.
- Custom element to progressively enhance image placeholders.
- Accessible range slider custom element with keyboard support.
- Web component for creating documentation from OpenAPI Specification.
- Web component for writing and rendering shaders.
- Rich text editor custom element for everyday writing.
- Bring web vitals (⭐7k) quickly into your page using custom elements.
Component Libraries
- Warp View (⭐8) - Collection of charting web components for Warp 10.
Design Systems
- Lyne Components (⭐31) - Building blocks of the Lyne Design System are based on Web Components.
Class Based
- Panel (⭐270) - Web Components + Virtual DOM: web standards for powerful UIs.
50. Awesome Bitcoin
Python Libraries
- bitcoin_tools (⭐298) - Python library for building and analyzing transactions and scripts (both standard and custom). Comes along with a UTXO set analysis tool. Includes several examples and exhaustive documentation.
- oogway - A secure Bitcoin utility library for Python.
51. Awesome Unity
- uFrame (Paid) - Create maintainable games faster, better, more stable, and consistent than ever before.
Tips and Tricks
- Unity Labs' Super Science (⭐722) - Gems of Unity Labs for user education.
52. Awesome Robotic Tooling
Sensor Processing / Machine Learning
- tf-agents (⭐2.5k) - A reliable, scalable and easy to use TensorFlow library for Contextual Bandits and Reinforcement Learning.
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping / Vector Map
- gdal (⭐3.8k) - GDAL is an open source X/MIT licensed translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats.
Network and Middleware / Controller Area Network
- canopen (⭐367) - A Python implementation of the CANopen standard. The aim of the project is to support the most common parts of the CiA 301 standard in a Pythonic interface.
53. Awesome Geek Podcasts
In English
- Azure Friday - Scott Hanselman sits down with the actual engineers who build Azure on his journey to learn how to program the cloud. No marketing, no BS, just two engineers and a laptop in short manageable chunks.
- Bootstrapped - Both Ian and Andrey are experienced startup founders, both have had major blows and successes in their career. You can learn a lot listening to them.
- Defensive Security Podcast - Defensive Security is a Cyber Security Podcast covering breaches and strategies for defense.
- DevelopersHangout - Two Developers talk about challenges, articles, news, books and other podcasts that came across their radar every 2 weeks. Laravel, PHP are two key topics, and other great podcasts like the ones listed above.
- Eat Sleep Code Podcast - On the show we’ll be talking to passionate people about a wide range of developer-related topics.
- Surveillance Report - A weekly security and privacy news roundup to keep you up-to-speed on important updated in our digital world. Uploaded every weekend!.
- The Bug Bounty Podcast - A Podcast about bugs, bounties and its researchers. Hosted by Fisher.
- The CyberWire Daily - The daily cybersecurity news and analysis industry leaders depend on. Published each weekday, the program also included interviews with a wide spectrum of experts from industry, academia, and research organizations all over the world.
- The Cybrary Podcast - It discusses about industry leaders and professionals from all aspects on the cybersecurity and IT fields give insight into how they got where they are today and what new and emerging technology we should be taking notice of.
54. Awesome Blazor
2D/3D Rendering engines / Others
- Stl.Fusion (⭐1.9k) -
.NET Core and Blazor library that attempts to dramatically improve the way we implement real-time and high-load services by introducing a novel kind of "computed observables" - immutable, thread-safe, and most importantly, almost invisible for developers. Samples (⭐164). Overview (⭐1.9k).
- Blazor-DragDrop (⭐413) -
Easy-to-use Drag and Drop library for Blazor.
- BlazorTransitionableRoute (⭐174) -
Allows current and previous route to exist enabling transition animations of UI/UX design systems.
- Blazor.Grids (⭐46) -
Component library for CSS grids with extra features, such as moving and resizing interactively. Create your own dashboard with ease. (Demo).
- Blazor.TreeViews (⭐72) -
Component library for tree views. (Demo).
Tools & Utilities / Others
- Blazor I18n/Localization Text (⭐260) -
Localizing contents text in Blazor (Demo).
- MvvmBlazor (⭐244) -
BlazorMVVM is a small framework for building Blazor and BlazorServerside apps. With it's simple to use MVVM pattern you can boost up your development speed while minimizing the hazzle to just make it work.
55. Awesome Opensource Apps
Name: Tinre (⭐57)
Description: A fast and powerful URL Shortener built with Laravel, VueJS, and Tailwind CSS.
Link: (⭐57)
56. Awesome Libgdx
Resources / Algorithms and AI
- Simple Graphs (⭐44) - A java library for graph data structures and algorithms (including fast pathfinding).
Resources / Physics
- jbump (⭐31) - Easy to implement AABB collision detection useful for platformers and other simple 2D games.
- Prev: Sep 07 - Sep 13, 2020
- Next: Aug 24 - Aug 30, 2020