Awesome List Updates on Aug 17 - Aug 23, 2020
57 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Wicket
Web Frameworks / WicketStuff
- Vuecket (⭐30) - Web Framework which integrates VueJS and Wicket and most natural way for both of them
2. Awesome React Native
- react-native-responsive-linechart ★41 (⭐190) - Draw Line and Area charts easily. Works responsively.
3. Awesome Audio Visualization
Libraries Visualization
- Cava (⭐3.1k) - A cross-platform terminal visualizer.
4. Free for Dev
Browser-based hardware emulation written in Javascript
- JsLinux — a really fast x86 virtual machine capable of running Linux and Windows 2k.
- v86 — an x86 virtual machine capable of running Linux and other OS directly into the browser.
5. Awesome Tall Stack
- Alptail - A collection of open-source UI components, using Tailwind CSS and Alpine.js.
- Blade Icons (⭐1.7k) - A package to easily make use of SVG icons in your Laravel Blade views.
- Blade Script (⭐45) - A package to easily add transpiled & minified scripts to your Blade components.
- Blade Style (⭐17) - A package to easily minify styles and make use of sass, less, etc. in your Blade components.
- Laravel Form Components (⭐625) - A set of Blade components to rapidly build forms with Tailwind CSS Custom Forms and Bootstrap 4.
- Laravel TALL Preset (⭐1.7k) - A front-end preset for Laravel to scaffold an application using the TALL stack.
- Laravel TALL Preset (⭐8) - A preset for installing the TALL stack with just one command.
- Tailwind UI - Beautiful UI components built with Tailwind CSS. Offers Alpine.js integration.
- TALL Forms (⭐610) - A dynamic, responsive Laravel Livewire form component with realtime validation, file uploads, array fields, blade form input components and more.
6. Js Must Watch
7. Awesome Rust
Applications / Database
- sled - A (beta) modern embedded database
8. Awesome Social Enterprise
News 📰 / Finding Articles
- Galileo Impact Stories | YouTube | Kickstarter | Website
- A small but growing organization dedicated to covering impact investing. Content is often Russia oriented and not always directly about social enterprises but much of the content is relative. Here is a video summarizing their work in 2019.
News 📰 / Articles
- State of Social Entrepreneurship 2020 - Overview of SE in 2020 by Echoing Green.
Todo / Articles
- Read these books and articles before adding them:
- An Army of Problem Solvers by Shaun Loney
- Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship by Teresa Chahine
- Educating at Scale for Sustainable Development and Social Enterprise Growth by Sara Calvo
9. Awesome Pinned Gists
External Services
- goodreads-box (⭐26) - Update a pinned gist to show your currently reading books and progress on Goodreads.
10. Awesome Pokemon
Development Projects / APIs
- graphql-pokemon (⭐503) - Get information of a Pokémon with GraphQL.
11. Awesome WSL
WSL Tools / X Servers
- GWSL - An X server for Windows 10 with an app launcher, distro manager, shortcut creator, and ssh launcher.
12. Awesome Lowcode
Flow-based programming
- AppFlow - Securely integrate apps and automate data flows at any scale, without code.
Online database creator apps
- Coda - All-in-one doc.
13. Awesome Prisma
🦺 Community Prisma Tools
14. Awesome Opensource Apps
Name: Django-shop (⭐3k)
Description: A Django based shop system
Name: Django Project
Description: Official Django Website and Documentation
Name: Lavendel
Description: Cross platform desktop app >2.5kb containing a cute timer
15. Awesome Ponyfills
Browser Features
16. Awesome Interview Questions
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / Java
17. Awesome Malware Analysis
Detection and Classification / Other Resources
- fn2yara (⭐1.5k) - FN2Yara is a tool to generate Yara signatures for matching functions (code) in an executable program.
Browser Malware / Other Resources
- Bytecode Viewer (⭐14k) - Combines multiple Java bytecode viewers and decompilers into one tool, including APK/DEX support.
Deobfuscation / Other Resources
- PyInstaller Extractor (⭐2.6k) - A Python script to extract the contents of a PyInstaller generated Windows executable file. The contents of the pyz file (usually pyc files) present inside the executable are also extracted and automatically fixed so that a Python bytecode decompiler will recognize it.
- uncompyle6 (⭐3.6k) - A cross-version Python bytecode decompiler. Translates Python bytecode back into equivalent Python source code.
Debugging and Reverse Engineering / Other Resources
- OllyDumpEx - Dump memory from (unpacked) malware Windows process and store raw or rebuild PE file. This is a plugin for OllyDbg, Immunity Debugger, IDA Pro, WinDbg, and x64dbg.
- Scylla Imports Reconstructor (⭐1k) - Find and fix the IAT of an unpacked / dumped PE32 malware.
- ScyllaHide (⭐3.3k) - An Anti-Anti-Debug library and plugin for OllyDbg, x64dbg, IDA Pro, and TitanEngine.
Miscellaneous / Other Resources
- Tsurugi Linux - Linux distribution designed to support your DFIR investigations, malware analysis and OSINT (Open Source INTelligence) activities.
18. Public Apis
API: Penguin Publishing
Description: Books, book covers and related data
Auth: No
19. Awesome Blazor
Tools & Utilities / Others
- Blazor.ScriptInjection (⭐26) -
Smart script tags in Blazor components, ideal for lazy loading of javascript files.
20. Learn to Program
Free Learn to code and game at the same time
(C#, C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Bash, C, Clojure, Dart, F#, Go, Groovy, Haskell, Lua, ObjectiveC, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Ruby, Rust, Scala, Swift, VB.NET)
21. Awesome Wagtail
Apps / Widgets
- wagtail-color-panel (⭐53) - Introduces panels for selecting colors in Wagtail.
Apps / SEO and SMO
- wagtail-meta-preview (⭐33) - Adds ability to get share previews for Facebook, Twitter and Google in the Wagtail admin.
Resources / Articles
- PythonEatsTail - Complete written and video tutorials to create a Wagtail site with multiple languages, authentication and more
Open-source sites / Lists
- Federal Election Commission (⭐99) – The content management system (CMS) for the new Federal Election Commission website.
22. Awesome Firebase
- 🔌 firebase-kotlin-sdk (⭐685) - Kotlin-first SDK for Firebase supporting multiplatform projects (
CLI & Editor / iOS
- 🔧 Firetable (⭐5.1k) - Excel/Google Sheets like UI for Firebase/Firestore. No more admin portals!
23. Awesome Credit Modeling
Credit Scoring
- Classification methods applied to credit scoring: Systematic review and overall comparison - The need for controlling and effectively managing credit risk has led financial institutions to excel in improving techniques designed for this purpose, resulting in the development of various quantitative models by financial institutions and consulting companies. Hence, the growing number of academic studies about credit scoring shows a variety of classification methods applied to discriminate good and bad borrowers. This paper aims to present a systematic literature review relating theory and application of binary classification techniques for credit scoring financial analysis. The general results show the use and importance of the main techniques for credit rating, as well as some of the scientific paradigm changes throughout the years.
24. Awesome Actions
Pull Requests / Code Coverage
25. Awesome Appimage
AppImage consumption tools / Desktop integration
- AppImage Desktop Maker (⭐14) - Creates menu entries for AppImages without the need for a daemon.
AppImage consumption tools / Sandboxes
- Firejail (⭐5.8k) - Optional sandbox with support for AppImage built in.
AppImage consumption tools / Package managers
- Zap (⭐510) - AppImage package manager. Downloads the AppImage if it does not exist. If it already exists, updates it with AppImageUpdate. Integrates AppImage into the system.
AppImage developer tools / Deployment tools for .NET Core (Mono) applications
- .NET Core AppImage example (⭐46) - Example of how to deploy .NET Core (Mono) applications as an AppImage using
dotnet publish -f netcoreapp3.1 -r linux-x64
from within a.cs
AppImage developer tools / Metadata tools
- AppStream Generator - Very simple generator for AppStream MetaInfo files which application authors can use to add metadata (like descriptions, screenshots, links) to their AppImage.
- AppStream MetaInfo Creator - More elaborate generator for AppStream MetaInfo files by the author of the AppStream metainfo format.
AppImage developer tools / QC tools
- appimage-testsuite (⭐19) - AppImage testing environment based on Docker containers for various Linux distributions.
AppImage developer tools / Continuous integration
- GitHub Actions example (⭐49) - Example of how to upload AppImages built using GitHub Actions to GitHub Releases.
- appimage.yml (⭐599) - Bigger, more complex example of how to build and upload AppImages using GitHub Actions.
Resources / Miscellaneous
- help-wanted - AppImage issues that the AppImage team would like your help with. A great way to get started contributing to the project.
26. Awesome Ci
Description: Continuous Integration services for sourcehut, the hacker's forge
Features: open-source; supports many Linux distros, BSDs and even Plan9; runs anonymous jobs that aren't tied to a repository; post-build triggers for email, webhooks, etc.; powerful API for complex build scenarios; git and mercurial support; SSH login after build failures
Supported repositories: any supported by (GitHub, GitLab etc.),,
Documentation: Documentation
Price: Free and donation based ($2-$10/month) plans
27. Awesome Css
Books 📚 / 2015
- Every Layout: Relearn CSS Layout – Solving responsive layout problems using algorithmic design.
28. Progressive Enhancement Resources
Support Tables
- Is Houdini ready yet? - Overview of support for Houdini (low-level APIs exposing parts of the CSS rendering engine) across browsers.
29. Awesome Json
- simdjson (⭐18k) - Parsing gigabytes of JSON per second.
30. Awesome Streaming
Table of Contents / Streaming Library
- Tributary (⭐449) [Python] - A python library for constructing dataflow graphs. Supports synchronous, reactive data streams built using python generators that mimic complex event processors, as well as lazily-evaluated acyclic graphs and functional currying streams.
31. Awesome Mac
Utilities / Clipboard Tools
- Maccy - Lightweight clipboard manager for macOS.
Utilities / Window Management
- AltTab - Open source window switcher with window previews.
32. Awesome Devtools
Resources / Glyphs & Icons
33. Awesome Agriculture
- farm-calculators (⭐18) - WordPress plugin for calculating various farming and crop related information.
Climate, Environment and Weather
- agroclimatology (⭐18) - Ruby client for interacting with the NASA (POWER) Agroclimatology Web Resource.
- evapotranspiration (⭐14) - Ruby library for calculating reference crop evapotranspiration (ETo).
Data Standardization, Interoperability and APIs
- agx-ruby (⭐5) - Ruby client for Proagrica's agX platform APIs.
34. Awesome Naming
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
- Confusion matrix - A tabular summary of a classifiers "confusion", i.e. how often it thought to make correct predictions when it actually didn't.
User Interface Design
- Optimistic UI - User interfaces that assume expensive operations will complete successfully thereby improving the perceived performance.
- Scrolling - Screen content is often less like a book with discrete pages and more like a continuous roll of parchment, i.e. a scroll.
- Framework - In software architecture (like in actual architecture) frameworks provide basic structure to build upon that guide and constrain the further development.
35. Awesome Embedded Rust
Driver crates / Other
- dht-sensor - 1-Wire - DHT11/DHT22 temperature/humidity sensor driver - github (⭐31) -
36. Awesome Security
Network / Scanning / Pentesting
- Boofuzz (⭐2k) - Fuzzing engine and fuzz testing framework.
Endpoint / Anti-Virus / Anti-Malware
- rkhunter - A Rootkit Hunter for Linux
Endpoint / Forensics
- Rekall (⭐1.9k) - The Rekall Framework is a completely open collection of tools, implemented in Python under the Apache and GNU General Public License, for the extraction and analysis of digital artifacts computer systems.
Datastores / Online resources
- acra (⭐1.3k) - Database security suite: proxy for data protection with transparent "on the fly" data encryption, data masking and tokenization, SQL firewall (SQL injections prevention), intrusion detection system.
37. Awesome Elixir
- geohash_nif (⭐1) - Drop in replacement for Geohash encode/decode library implemented as a NIF.
- wheretz (⭐11) - Elixir version of Ruby gem for lookup of timezone by georgraphic coordinates.
38. Awesome Yew
- RustMart (⭐271) - Single Page Application (SPA) written using Rust, Wasm and Yew.
39. Awesome Cassandra
Cassandra Deployment / Cassandra Deployment on Kubernetes / Kubernetized Cassandra
- Strapdata - Elassandra Operator for Kubernetes (⭐11) - The Elassandra Kubernetes Operator automates the deployment and management of Elassandra clusters deployed in multiple Kubernetes clusters.
40. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Task Management & To-do Lists
- Planka - Realtime kanban board for workgroups (alternative to Trello). (Demo, Source Code (⭐8.8k))
Software / Web Servers
- Nginx Proxy Manager - Nginx Proxy Manager is an easy way to accomplish reverse proxying hosts with SSL termination. (Source Code (⭐25k))
Software / Wikis
- Zim - Graphical text editor used to maintain a collection of wiki pages. Each page can contain links to other pages, simple formatting and images. (Source Code (⭐2k))
41. Awesome Ros2
Operating systems / Build system (ROS2)
- PYNQ - Python-based rapid prototyping of high performance ML applications running on XILINX FPGAs.
Courses / Build system (ROS2)
- ROS2 Autoware Course
- Autoware Course Lecture 1: Development Environment
- Autoware Course Lecture 2: ROS2 101
- Autoware Course Lecture 3: ROS 2 Tooling - Develop Like a Pro
- Autoware Course Lecture 4: Platform HW, RTOS and DDS
- Autoware Course Lecture 5: Autonomous Driving Stacks
- Autoware Course Lecture 6: Autoware 101
- Autoware Course Lecture 7: Object Perception: LIDAR
- Autoware Course Lecture 8: Object Perception: CAMERA
- Autoware Course Lecture 9: Object Perception: Radar
- Autoware Course Lecture 10: State Estimation for Localization
- Autoware Course Lecture 11: LGSVL Simulator
- Autoware Course Lecture 12: Motion Control
42. Awesome Cpp
- PGM-index (⭐798) - A data structure that enables fast lookup, predecessor, range searches and updates in arrays of billions of items using orders of magnitude less space than traditional indexes. [Apache2] website
43. Awesome Algorithms
- Programiz - Easy to follow tutorials on data structures and algorithms along with suitable examples.
Online Judges / Randomized Algorithms
- Codility - Compete to land coding jobs at top companies
Blogs / Randomized Algorithms
- Algorithm Tutorials by Tanuj Khattar - Excellent blog by Tanuj Khattar. Covers tutorials on some interesting data structures along with example problems to solve.
44. Awesome Microservices
PHP / Scala
- Hyperf (⭐6.3k) - Hyperf is an extremely performant and flexible PHP CLI framework based on Swoole 4.5+, powered by the state-of-the-art coroutine server and a large number of battle-tested components.
API Gateways / Edge Services / Scala
- Open Service Mesh - Lightweight and extensible cloud native service mesh.
Organization Design / Team Dynamics / Scala
- How Do Committees Invent? 🔸PDF - Melvin E. Conway, Datamation magazine 1968. The original article defining Conway's Law.
- Service per Team - Each team is responsible for one or more business functions (e.g. business capabilities). A team owns a code base consisting of one or more modules. Its code base is sized so as to not exceed the cognitive capacity of team. The team deploys its code as one or more services. A team should have exactly one service unless there is a proven need to have multiple services.
- Start with Team Cognitive Load - Team Topologies 🔺YT - DOES19 London. The "monoliths vs microservices" debate often focuses on technological aspects, ignoring strategy and team dynamics. Instead of technology, smart-thinking organizations are beginning with team cognitive load as the guiding principle for modern software. In this talk, we explain how and why, illustrated by real case studies.
45. ALL About RSS
Web Feed Specifications
🧩 API / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
Apps / Outline Processor Markup Language
💖 Acknowledgement / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
🔱 Workflow Automation / 酷Q Plugin
universally from / Kanban
specifically from (a certain platform) / Instagram
specifically from (a certain platform) / Wechat Subscription Accounts (微信公众号)
RSS2WIDGET / For website
RSS2WIDGET / For desktop
📄 Academic literature / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
😣 Services that have stopped supporting RSS / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
- Web of Science: As of November, 2019, the ability to make new RSS feeds in Web of Science has been removed.
Podcast apps that will work with your custom RSS link / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
Podcast Search Engine / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
Podcast RSS feed submission page for audio platforms / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
46. Awesome Diversity
- Open Source Diversity - Open Source Diversity is a community gathering resources, building networks and collaborating for more diversity & inclusion in free & open source software communities.
- Techqueria - A non-profit organization that serves the largest community of Latinx in Tech.
- Women Hack For Non-Profits - A community of women in tech building open source projects for non-profit organizations and individuals with a cause.
- Write/Speak/Code - A 501c3, tax-exempt non-profit that hosts an annual conference and meetup events designed to help you fully own your expertise through writing, speaking, and open source.
- DDD Europe - Domain-Driven Design Europe is a focused on software design and modeling. They have an amazing commitment to diversity and improving their event.
- PyMCon - PyMCon is an asynchronous-first virtual conference for the Bayesian community organized by the PyMC community with a strong emphasis on diversity and inclusion from the organizing committee to attendees.
Ally Resources
- Contributor Covenant - By Coraline Ada Ehmke.
- A11y Project - A community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.
- Accessibility Cloud - Simplifies sharing and obtaining accessibility data in a standardized, future-proof, easy-to-use way.
- CHAOSS D&I Workgroup - Collection of resources for projects to create a diversity and inclusion report.
- Chayn - A volunteer network tackling gender based violence globally by creating intersectional survivor-led resources on the web.
- Diversity Tickets - Help events reach a more diverse audience. And help you to find these events.
- SignDict - An open dictionary for sign language.
- The Supernova Project - A global effort that aims to contribute to addressing abuse within the LGBTQIA+ communities.
- Wheelmap - The world's biggest crowdsourced and open database for wheelchair-accessible places.
- WikiProject Women in Red - Increasing the representation of women on Wikipedia through biographies and articles of women’s achievements.
47. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
Communications security (COMSEC) / Service meshes
- Geneva (Genetic Evasion) - Novel experimental genetic algorithm that evolves packet-manipulation-based censorship evasion strategies against nation-state level censors to increase availability of otherwise blocked content.
DevSecOps / Service meshes
- Bane (⭐1.2k) - Custom and better AppArmor profile generator for Docker containers.
- Trivy (⭐22k) - Simple and comprehensive vulnerability scanner for containers and other artifacts, suitable for use in continuous integration pipelines.
DevSecOps / Compliance testing and reporting
- Chef InSpec - Language for describing security and compliance rules, which become automated tests that can be run against IT infrastructures to discover and report on non-compliance.
- OpenSCAP Base - Both a library and a command line tool (
) used to evaluate a system against SCAP baseline profiles to report on the security posture of the scanned system(s).
48. Awesome Python
GUI Development
- DearPyGui (⭐13k) - A Simple GPU accelerated Python GUI framework
Job Scheduler
- Prefect (⭐15k) - A modern workflow orchestration framework that makes it easy to build, schedule and monitor robust data pipelines.
49. Awesome Crypto Papers
Introducing people to data security and cryptography / General cryptographic interest
- The security impact of a new cryptographic library - Introductory paper on NaCl, discussing important aspects of implementing cryptography and using it as a larger building block in security systems, by Daniel J. Bernstein, Tanja Lange, Peter Schwabe.
Specific topics / Secret key cryptography
- The Security and Performance of the Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) of Operation - Design, analysis and security of GCM, and, more specifically, AES GCM mode, by David A. McGrew and John Viega.
- GCM Security Bounds Reconsidered - An analysis and algorithm for nonce generation for AES GCM with higher counter-collision probability, by Yuichi Niwa, Keisuke Ohashi, Kazuhiko Minematsu, Tetsu Iwata.
- Proxy-Mediated Searchable Encryption in SQL Databases Using Blind Indexes - An overview of existing searchable encryption schemes, and analysis of scheme built on AES-GCM, blind index and bloom filter by Eugene Pilyankevich, Dmytro Kornieiev, Artem Storozhuk.
Specific topics / Cryptanalysis
- Too much crypto - Analysis of number of rounds for symmetric cryptography primitives, and suggestions to do fewer rounds, by Jean-Philippe Aumasson.
- How to Break MD5 and Other Hash Functions - A 2005 paper about modular differential collision attack on MD5, MD4 and other hash functions, by Xiaoyun Wang and Hongbo Yu.
- New attacks on Keccak-224 and Keccak-256 - A 2012 paper about using the combination of differential and algebraic techniques for collision attacks on SHA-3, by Itai Dinur, Orr Dunkelman, Adi Shamir.
- A Single-Key Attack on the Full GOST Block Cipher - An attack ("Reflection-Meet-inthe-Middle Attack") on GOST block cipher that allows to recover key with 2^225 computations and 2^32 known plaintexts, by Takanori Isobe.
Specific topics / Zero Knowledge Proofs
- Multi-Theorem Preprocessing NIZKs from Lattices - Construction of non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) proofs using lattice-based preprocessing models, by Sam Kim and David J. Wu.
Specific topics / Key Management
- Selecting Cryptographic Key Sizes - Classic paper from 1999 with guidelines for the determination of key sizes for symmetric cryptosystems, RSA, ECC, by Arjen K. Lenstra and Eric R. Verheul.
Online crypto challenges / Post-quantum cryptography
- MTC3 - xipher contest with more than 200 challenges of different levels, a moderated forum, and a hall-of-fame.
50. Awesome Pascal
Game dev
- DarkGlass (⭐6).
DarkGlass is a general purpose game engine written using Delphi.
51. Awesome Robotic Tooling
Development Environment / Debugging and Tracing
- gdb-dashboard (⭐9.3k) - GDB dashboard is a standalone .gdbinit file written using the Python API that enables a modular interface showing relevant information about the program being debugged.
Development Environment / Version Control
- lazygit (⭐34k) - A simple terminal UI for git commands, written in Go with the gocui library.
Planning and Control / Vector Map
- dual quaternions ros (⭐26) - ROS python package for dual quaternion SLERP.
Datasets / Sensor and Acuator Interfaces
- Atlatec Sample Map Data - 3D map for autonomous driving and simulation created from nothing but two cameras and GPS in downtown San Francisco.
52. Awesome Humane Tech
- Declaration of Digital Autonomy - Our technology must respect the rights and freedoms of people who use it.
- A New Digital Manifesto - Our inalienable rights within the digital age.
- awesome security (⭐9k) - Software, libraries, documents, books, resources and cool stuff about security.
- Universal Android Debloater - Debloat non-rooted smartphones, to improve privacy, security and battery life.
- MailTrackerBlocker
- An email tracker, read receipt and spy pixel blocker plugin for macOS Apple Mail.
- Pleroma
- A free, federated social microblogging server built on open protocols.
- PixelFed
- A free and ethical photo sharing platform, powered by ActivityPub federation.
- PeerTube
- ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser.
- Funkwhale
- A federated social platform to enjoy and share music.
- Socialhome
- A federated personal profile with social networking functionality.
- friendica
- A decentralized social communications platform.
- GNU Social
- The free/libre software social networking platform.
Social networks / Wear our badge
- SocialAmnesia (⭐751) - Electron app to ensure your social media accounts only show your posts from recent history.
- YouTubeSearchFixer
- Firefox addon to fix search, de-clutter home page and make UI less distracting.
Internet of Things / Wear our badge
- Gladys Assistant
- A privacy-first, open-source home assistant.
- Golden Cheetah
- Performance software for Cyclists, Runners and Triathletes that reads from many devices.
- Remote Workplace Communications Access - Recommendations for Employers In Times of Expanded Telework.
- Improving Virtual Workspace Meetings - Accessibility Tips for a Better Virtual Meeting Experience.
53. Awesome Esolangs
- Dots (⭐5) - A turing-complete language using "." symbol only.
- Japt (⭐72) - Reduced JavaScript for golfing.
- Jelly (⭐779) - Golfing language based on J.
- Tru (⭐3) - A stack-based language with prefix-free brackets.
54. Awesome Jupyter
- treebeard (⭐152) - GitHub Action for testing/scheduling Jupyter notebooks.
55. Awesome Seed Rs
Projects Using Seed
- Music composer (⭐6) - A basic music composition app.
56. Awesome Nextjs
- next-boilerplate (⭐1.6k) - A well-structured production ready Next.js boilerplate with Typescript, Redux, Express.js, Sass, Css, EnvConfig, Reverse Proxy, Bundle
- Next-Postgres-With-Typescript (⭐20) - Forum-like fullstack web app with Next 7.0.2 + Sequelize 4/Postgres + Typescript + Redux + Passport Local Auth + Emotion
- Nextjs Blog Starter - 🚀 The perfect starter code for your blog based on Next.js framework. ⚡️ Made with Next.js, TypeScript, ESLint, Prettier, PostCSS, Tailwind CSS.
- next-joi (⭐111) - Validate Next.js API Routes, with joi.
57. Awesome Vue
Projects Using Vue.js / Apps/Websites
- National Institutes of Health (NIH): FEVS Survey Results - National Institutes of Health (NIH) data visualization of Federal Viewpoints Survey (FEVS) survey results.
- U Can Stock - U.S. stock market information platform for Korean. It's built with Vue, Vuex, Vuetify, Nuxt and Firebase.
- Prev: Aug 24 - Aug 30, 2020
- Next: Aug 10 - Aug 16, 2020