Awesome List Updates on Jul 13 - Jul 19, 2020
57 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Postgres
Contents / Language bindings
2. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
OCaml / PicoLisp
- Functional Programming in OCaml - Michael R. Clarkson
3. Awesome Django
Third-Party Packages / Testing
- django-google-optimize (⭐40) - Django application designed to make running server side Google Optimize A/B tests easy.
4. Awesome Discord Communities
Game Engines

Notable Channels: #general
, #help
, #logic
, #art
, #showcase-team
, #gamejam
, #engine-general
, #bikeshed
, #review-request
, #assets
, #audio
, #documentation
, #ecs
, #editor
, #rendering
Language: English, Deutsch, français, 日本語, русский, 中文, dansk

Notable Channels: #armory
, #armor-paint
, #general
, #armory-dev
, #haxe
, #logic-nodes
, #showcase
Language: English, français \

Bevy Engine
Notable Channels: #general
, #help
, #code-review
, #showcase
, #tutorials
, #dev-general
, #assets
, #audio
, #documentation
, #ecs
, #ui
, #rendering
Language: English

Construct Community
Notable Channels: #general
, #feedback
, #ask
, #js
, #tips
, #tools
, #job-offers
, #addons
, #effects
Language: English \

Notable Channels: #support
, #licensing
, #general
, #showcase
, #ask-for-help
, #coding
, #art-and-assets
, #animation-and-physics
, #audio
, #shaders-and-rendering
, #vfx-visual-effects
, #jobs
Language: English

Notable Channels: #gamedev
, #technical
, #game-design
, #3d_in_gamemaker
, #shaders
, #netcode
, #beta_2_3
, #help
, #gamemaker_showcase
Language: English

Notable Channels: #wip
, #art-and-assets
, #finished-games
, #game-jam
, #general
, #quick-questions
, #engine-development
, #javascript
, #extension
, #wiki
Language: English, Deutsch, français, español, 日本語, português, русский, italiano

Godot Engine
Notable Channels: #general
, #showcase
, #beginner-help
, #help
, #programming
, #visual-script
, #shaders
, #networking
, #engine
, #mobile-dev
, #gnative-dev
, #plugins
, #xr
, #3d
, #ui
Language: English, عربي, español, polski

Official Unity Discord
Notable Channels: #general-unity
, #game-jams
, #completed-projects
, #unitytips
, #general-code
, #editor-extensions
, #dots
, #shaders
, #mobile
, #machine-learning
, so much more
Language: English

ORX Engine Community
Notable Channels: #general
, #support
, #learning
, #orx
, #projects
, #wiki
, #live
Language: English \

Notable Channels: #general
, #development
Language: English \

Notable Channels: #renpy
, #ontopic
, #todayidid
, #social
Language: English \

Twine Games
Notable Channels: #central-planning
, #sugarcube
, #harlowe
, #chapbook
, #snowman
, #twine1-formats
, #compilers
, #general-twine-talk
, #writing-discussion
, #testing-and-released
, #resources
Language: English, Deutsch, español, français

Unity Developer Community
Notable Channels: #unity-help
, #general-programming
, #advanced-programming
, #physics-maths
, #networking
, #art-2d
, #art-3d
, #ui-design
, #audio-engineering
, #projects-showcase
, #udc-jam-week
Language: English

Unreal Slackers
Notable Channels: #unreal-engine
, #design-chat
, #game-jams
, #work-in-progress
, #graphics
, #animation
, #audio
, #cinematics
, #level-design
, #paper2d
, #visual-fx
, #niagra
, #blueprint
, so much more
Language: English
Game Development Tools

Notable Channels: #dx-developer-day
, #dx12-developers
, #dx9-dx11-developers
, #pix
, #showcase
, #bug-reports
, #feature-requests
, #dx-gaming-questions
, #getting-started-guides
Language: English

Notable Channels: #wordedit
, #worldguard
, #craftbook
, #commandbook
, #enginehub
, #api
, #dev-team
, #git-log
, #showcase
Language: English

Notable Channels: #fawe-support
, #fawe-developer-chat
, #ps-developer-chat
, #hv-general-chat
, #is-web
, #programming
Language: English \

Notable Channels: #linuxgsm
, #linux
, #game-server
, #general
, #battlestations
Language: English \

Notable Channels: #general
, #madewithraylib
, #help
, #game-design
, #raspberry-pi
, #raylibtech
, #rayfork
, #raylib
, #raygui
, #rres
, #challenges
, #raylib-bindings
Language: English

Notable Channels: #rpcs3
, #help
, #development
, #media
Language: English \

Notable Channels: #asset-requests
, #games-research
, #research-tips
, #grid-showcase
, #icon-showcase
, #flash-project
, #srm-discussion
, #srm-support
Language: English \

Notable Channels: #general
, #technical-help
, #scripting-help
, #content_discussion
, #bug_reports
, #development
, #suggestions
Language: English
5. Awesome Eslint
Plugins / Practices and Specific ES Features
- RegExp (⭐694) - ESLint plugin for finding regexp mistakes and style guide violations.
6. Awesome Naming
Tools, Applications, Libraries, Frameworks
- uppy (⭐29k) - A dog themed uploader component. The name is a blend of upload and puppy. It even comes with a crash recovery plugin called Golden Retriever.
7. Awesome Rust
Libraries / Authentication
- oauth2 (⭐987) - Extensible, strongly-typed OAuth2 client library
- oxide-auth (⭐709) - A OAuth2 server library, for use in combination with actix or other frontends, featuring a set of configurable and pluggable backends
- yup-oauth2 (⭐227) - An oauth2 client implementation providing the Device, Installed and Service Account flows
8. Awesome Dotfiles
Articles / Introductions
Tools / Ansible
- Ansible - Radically simple configuration-management, application deployment, task-execution, and multinode orchestration engine.
- fresh - Keep your dotfiles fresh. Fresh is a tool to source shell configuration (aliases, functions, etc) from others into your own configuration files.
- GNU Stow - Symlink farm manager which takes distinct packages of software and/or data located in separate directories on the filesystem, and makes them appear to be installed in the same place.
- Pearl (⭐229) - Package manager that allows to control, sync, share dotfiles as packages automatically activated during shells or editors startup. There is a wide range of packages already available. in the Official Pearl Hub (for Linux and OSX).
- rcm (⭐3.1k) - rc file (dotfile) management.
- yadm (⭐5.1k) - Tool for managing a collection of files across multiple computers, using a shared Git repository and some additional features.
Tools / macOS
- zero (⭐282) - Radically simple personal bootstrapping tool for macOS.
Miscellaneous / macOS
- Filesystem Hierarchy Standard - Directory structure and directory contents in Linux distributions.
Related Lists / macOS
- Awesome Dev Env (⭐2.8k) - Curated list of awesome tools, resources and workflow tips making an awesome development environment.
- Awesome Shell (⭐33k) - Curated list of awesome command-line frameworks, toolkits, guides and gizmos.
- Awesome Zsh Plugins (⭐15k) - List of Zsh plugins suitable for use with oh-my-zsh, antigen & Prezto.
- Terminals Are Sexy (⭐12k) - A curated list of Terminal frameworks, plugins & resources for CLI lovers.
Archive/abandoned projects / macOS
9. ALL About RSS
Web Feed Specifications
Telegram / Telegram RSS bots
🧩 API / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
Full Article Extractors / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
RSS2TelegramChannel / Docsify
Obtain translated RSS feed / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
⛓ OPML management / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
10. Awesome Wicket
- JNPM (⭐16) - Java library for JS Node Package Manager(NPM). Provides Wicket resource for transparent obtaining of NPM package and providing required file from it.
11. Awesome Engineering Team Management
Roles / Engineering Managers
- Surprising Things About Working at Well-Known Tech Unicorns - Echoes my own experience on differences between expectations and reality in high growth and visible companies from the point of view of an engineering manager.
12. Awesome Bigdata
Search engine and framework
- Weaviate (⭐12k) - Weaviate is a GraphQL-based semantic search engine with build-in (word) embeddings.
13. Awesome Vscode
POV-Ray / Smarty Template Support
- POV-Ray - Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer (POV-Ray) Extension, includes Syntax Highlighting and Snippets for common POV-Ray scene elements, Render the current scene from within Visual Studio Code
14. Awesome Typescript
Web / Playground
- 🐙 (⭐323) - An open-source social media application built with Typescript on both client-server side.
15. Awesome Cl
Graph databases
- vivace-graph (⭐164) - graph database & Prolog implementation. Takes design inspiration from CouchDB, neo4j and AllegroGraph. It implements an ACID-compliant object graph model with user-defined indexes and map-reduce views. It also implements a master / slave replication scheme for redundancy and horizontal read scaling. Querying the graph is accomplished via a number of Lisp methods or via a Prolog-like query language. MIT.
- "I have used Vivace Graph as an online catalog for millions of products, as the back end for a complex, adaptable VoIP-based IVR, as well as data store for several complex big data analysis systems, and finally as the engine for two recommender systems." (issue #23)
- "Why is vivace graph so fast? I have been comparing it with SQL-based approach and Neo4j, and vivace graph is much, much faster."
Plotting / Third-party APIs
- kai (⭐89) - A high-level plotter library for Common Lisp. A wrapper around the Plotly JS library. MIT.
- cl-spark (⭐96) - sparkline strings for the console:
(spark '(1 1 2 3 5 8))
=> "▁▁▂▃▅▇". MIT.
16. Awesome Powershell
- PoshColor (⭐40) - Colour output from common commands with support for custom themes.
- psInlineProgress (⭐72) - Write inline progress bars in PowerShell.
17. Awesome Ddd
Libraries and Frameworks / Databases
- Serialized - Complete platform for Event Sourcing & CQRS.
18. Awesome Robotic Tooling
Simulation / Version Control
- simbody (⭐2k) - High-performance C++ multibody dynamics/physics library for simulating articulated biomechanical and mechanical systems like vehicles, robots, and the human skeleton.
Electronics and Mechanics / Version Control
- Horizon (⭐883) - EDA is an Electronic Design Automation package supporting an integrated end-to-end workflow for printed circuit board design including parts management and schematic entry.
Sensor Processing / Image Processing
- meshroom (⭐9.2k) - Meshroom is a free, open-source 3D Reconstruction Software based on the AliceVision Photogrammetric Computer Vision framework.
19. Awesome Elixir
- xcribe (⭐61) - Generate API documentation from tests using Swagger (OpenAPI) or API Blueprint specification.
20. Awesome Gdpr
Legal text
- GDPRhub -> GDPR Articles - GDPR articles included commentary.
21. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- v-dropdown-menu (⭐32) - Customizable dropdown menu plugin for vuejs. SSR supported.
- vue-lumino (⭐85) - A component to use Vue.js with Jupyter Lumino (PhosphorJS), integrating DOM & VDOM through event listeners and Vue reactivity system.
- vue-img-cutter (⭐512) - A vue plugin for image cutting tool,it's very convenient to use.
22. Awesome Readme
- kopach/karma-sabarivka-reporter (⭐53) - Project logo. Useful badges, clear readme with screenshots for quick demo. Concise ToC.
- Stack-in-a-box/ (⭐7) - Stands-out because, while only a simple website, it is presented as a very open project for lesser-experienced developers to cut their teeth on, with a friendly, inclusive tone and accessible setup instructions. Includes many common elements found in other beautiful READMEs.
23. Awesome Robotics
Related awesome lists
24. Awesome Audio Visualization
Libraries Audio
- standardized-audio-context (⭐489) - A cross-browser implementation of the AudioContext which aims to closely follow the standard.
- web-audio-beat-detector (⭐461) - A beat detection utility which is using the Web Audio API.
- meyda (⭐1.2k) - Audio feature extraction for JavaScript.
25. Awesome Css
Frameworks 🎨 / Editor's Draft ✒️
- Halfmoon - A responsive front-end framework with a built-in dark mode.
26. Awesome Esolangs
- Ni (⭐6) - Brainfuck-based with more helpful instructions.
27. Awesome Web Monetization
Resources / Packages
- Monetization (⭐5) - A wrapper around the Web Monetization API to monetize apps.
- react-webmonetization-meta (⭐4) - A Web Monetization meta tag manager for React.
28. Awesome Python
Computer Vision
- pytesseract (⭐5.6k) - A wrapper for Google Tesseract OCR.
- logbook - Logging replacement for Python.
- sentry-python (⭐1.8k) - Sentry SDK for Python.
29. Awesome Devsecops
Static Analysis / PHP
- Phan (⭐5.5k) - Phan - Broad static analysis for PHP applications with some support for security scanning features.
30. Free for Dev
Translation Management
- — It's free for libre projects with up to 10,000 string sources for the free tier and Unlimited Self-hosted on-premises.
Storage and Media Processing
- — Smart Image CDN with on-the-fly image optimization and resizing. The free tier includes 500 MB of storage and 2 GB of bandwidth.
Design and UI
- Responsively App - A free dev tool for faster and more precise responsive web application development.
- SceneLab - Online mockup graphics editor with an ever-expanding collection of free design templates
- xLayers - Preview and convert Sketch design files into Angular, React, Vue, LitElement, Stencil, Xamarin, and more (free and open source at (⭐821))
31. Awesome Qsharp
- Quantum Classification (⭐18) - Materials for self-paced "Introduction to Quantum Classification" lab presented at MLADS 2020.
Coding Contests and Solutions / Official resources
- Solution descriptions for Microsoft Q# Coding Contest (Summer 2020) and for the Warmup Round
Blogs / Participants' solutions
- Q# Advent Calendar 2019 - Collection of Q#-related blog posts.
32. Awesome Markdown
Tools / Presentations
- reveal.js - Open source HTML presentation framework with Markdown support
33. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / CloudFormation
- aws-cdk 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 (⭐10k) - Framework for defining cloud infrastructure in code.
Open Source Repos / CloudTrail
- GorillaStack/auto-tag 🔥🔥 (⭐420) - Automatically tag AWS resources on creation, for cost assignment.
Open Source Repos / Lambda
- grycap/scar 🔥🔥🔥 (⭐587) - Transparently execute containers out of Docker images in AWS Lambda.
Open Source Repos / S3
- mickael-kerjean/filestash 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 (⭐7.9k) - A modern web client for S3.
Open Source Repos / Miscellaneous Repos
- Similarweb/finala 🔥🔥🔥 (⭐692) - A resource cloud scanner that analyzes and reports wasteful and unused resources to cut unwanted expenses.
34. Awesome Digitalocean
Commercial integrations
- HostLaunch - Launch a hosting company based on DigitalOcean and ServerPilot.
35. Awesome Terraform
Tutorials and Blog Posts / Beginner Guides
- Using Terraform for Cloud Deployments - Part 1 - Provisioning an EC2 instance.
Tutorials and Blog Posts / How-To
- Easily Deploy A Seneca Microservice to ECS with Wercker and Terraform: Part I, II & III - Illustrates how Terraform can be incorporated into a microservice deployment pipeline.
- Zero Downtime Updates with HashiCorp Terraform - Ensuring zero downtime of your infrastructure.
Tutorials and Blog Posts / Multi-Environment Configuration
- Terraform Design Patterns: the Terrafile - Managing Terraform modules and their versions within Terraform projects with Terrafile.
- Terraform, VPC, and why you want a tfstate file per env - Some gotchas surrounding using Terraform in large projects with multiple environments and how to avoid them.
- Using Pipelines to Manage Environments with Infrastructure as Code - Explains different approaches for building a pipeline to handle infrastructure changes moving from one environment to the next.
Tutorials and Blog Posts / Azure
- New Terraform Azure Automation Resources - Azure Automation.
- Terraforming Azure PaaS - Deploy PaaS Resources on Azure.
Tutorials and Blog Posts / Miscellaneous
- The Segment AWS Stack - Shows the behind the scenes of the infrastructure powered by Terraform that solved The Million Dollar Engineering Problem at Segment.
- Two Weeks with Terraform - Some hard-earned experience from using Terraform in the wild, and some operational wisdom.
- Terraform: Beyond the Basics with AWS - Explanation of a demo using Terraform to provision a sample AWS architecture.
- Terraform cost estimation (⭐700) - Anonymized, secure, and free Terraform cost estimation based on Terraform plan (0.12+) or Terraform state (any version).
Community Modules / Miscellaneous
- rancher-terraform-digitalocean (⭐23) - Rancher server on digitalocean.
- segmentio/stack (⭐2.1k) - Configures production infrastructure with AWS, Docker, and ECS. 💀
- terraform-aws-atlantis (⭐525) - Creates Terraform configurations for running Atlantis on AWS Fargate. Github, Gitlab, and BitBucket are supported.
- terraform-aws-autoscaling (⭐299) - Creates Auto-Scaling Groups and Launch Configurations (verified module).
- terraform-aws-ecr (⭐185) - Manages Docker container registries on AWS ECR.
- terraform-aws-efs (⭐89) - Defines an EFS Filesystem.
- terraform-aws-eks (⭐4.6k) - Creates Elastic Kubernetes Service on AWS (very popular module).
- terraform-aws-jenkins-ha-agents (⭐8) - EC2 Based Jenkins deployment with HA (spot) agents. Runs on EFS for immutability. Fully customizable, with sensible defaults.
- terraform-aws-key-pair (⭐152) - Automatically Generate SSH Key Pairs (Public/Private Keys).
- terraform-aws-modules - Collection of Terraform AWS modules supported by the community (includes official AWS modules).
- terraform-aws-postgresql-rds (⭐85) - Creates PostgreSQL on RDS.
- terraform-aws-rds (⭐914) - Creates RDS resources on AWS (verified module).
- terraform-aws-secure-baseline (⭐1.2k) - Set up your AWS account with the secure baseline configuration based on CIS Amazon Web Services Foundations.
- terraform-aws-security-group (⭐572) - Creates EC2-VPC security groups on AWS (verified module).
- terraform-aws-ssh-bastion-service (⭐208) - Terraform plan to deploy ssh bastion as a stateless service on AWS.
- terraform-aws-vpc (⭐3k) - Creates VPC resources on AWS (verified and very popular module).
- terraform-azurerm-aks (⭐0) - Create AKS resources on Azure.
- terraform-azurerm-iis (⭐6) - Install IIS Server on Azure VM instance.
- terraform-azurerm-mysql (⭐2) - Create MySql Database on Azure.
- terraform-azurerm-redis (⭐1) - Create Redis on Azure.
- terraform-azurerm-sqlserver (⭐8) - Create SQl Server Database on Azure.
- terraform-ecs-jenkins (⭐105) - Provisions Jenkins on AWS ECS using Terraform.
- terraform-google-project-factory (⭐869) - Opinionated Google Cloud Platform project creation and configuration with Shared VPC, IAM, APIs, etc.
- terraform-static-website-s3-cloudfront (⭐38) - Creates static websites on AWS S3 & Cloudfront based on variables.
- tf_aws_bastion_s3_keys (⭐189) - Creates bastion hosts on AWS EC2.
Self-Hosted Registries / Miscellaneous
- anthology (⭐134) - Private Terraform registry implementation as an alternative to the official registry.
- citizen (⭐638) - Private Terraform Module/Provider Registry
- terraform-simple-registry (⭐67) - Simple implementation of the Terraform registry protocols.
Providers / Vendor supported providers
- terraform-provider-healthchecksio (⭐52) - Provider to manage resources.
- terraform-provider-keycloak (⭐745) - Provider to manage the settings of your Keycloak identity provider server.
- terraform-provider-pingdom (⭐120) - Provider to manage Pingdom resources. 💀
- terraform-provider-secrethub (⭐49) - Provider for SecretHub. 💀
- terraform-provider-stripe (⭐243) - Provider for Stripe.
- terraform-provider-uptimerobot (⭐122) - Provider to manage uptimerobot resources.
- terraform-provider-vaulted (⭐38) - Encrypted HashiCorp Vault secrets via Terraform that can be stored in SCM such as Git.
Testing / Community providers
- kitchen-terraform (⭐1.1k) - Provides a set of Test Kitchen plugins which enable a system to use Test Kitchen to converge a Terraform configuration and verify the resulting Terraform state with InSpec controls. 💀
- rspec-terraform (⭐92) - RSpec tests for your Terraform modules. 💀
- terraform_validate (⭐257) - Assists in the enforcement of user-defined standards in Terraform. 💀
- terratest (⭐7.6k) - Terratest is a Go library that makes it easier to write automated tests for your infrastructure code.
Tools / Community providers
- AirIAM (⭐788) - AirIAM is a tool for AWS IAM to least privilege Terraform execution framework.
- atlantis (⭐8.1k) - Unified workflow for collaborating on Terraform through GitHub.
- fogg (⭐298) - A tool for eliminating toil in managing terraform repositories.
- former2 (⭐2.3k) - Generate terraform configuration from your existing resources within your AWS account.
- iam-policy-json-to-terraform (⭐785) - Small tool to convert an IAM Policy in JSON format into a Terraform aws_iam_policy_document
- k2tf (⭐1.2k) - Kubernetes YAML to Terraform HCL converter.
- pre-commit-terraform (⭐3.3k) - pre-commit git hooks to take care of Terraform configurations (auto-format, validate, update docs).
- pretf (⭐104) - drop-in Terraform wrapper that generates Terraform configuration with Python. See pretf documentation 💀
- python-terrafile (⭐38) - Systematically manage external modules from Github for use in Terraform.
- ruby-terraform (⭐110) - Simple Ruby wrapper for invoking terraform commands.
- scratchrelaxtv (⭐31) - Simple Python tool to help with module development - extract vars from
and make module usage stub
- tads-boilerplate (⭐769) - The power of Ansible and Terraform + the simplicity of Docker Swarm = Infrastructure as Code and DevOps best practices.
- tau (⭐74) - Tau is a thin wrapper on top of terraform to manage multiple deployments, dependencies, and secrets. 💀
- terraboard (⭐2k) - Web dashboard to inspect Terraform States.
- terraboot (⭐38) - DSL to generate a terraform configuration and run it.
- terraform-provisioner (⭐13) - Tool for managing multiple provisions of the same Terraform scripts.
- terraform-rake-tasks (⭐4) - Shared Rake tasks for managing terraform plans.
- terraforming (⭐4.3k) - Export existing AWS resources to Terraform style (tf, tfstate). Similar to
. 💀
- terragrunt (⭐8.5k) - Terragrunt is a thin wrapper for Terraform that provides extra tools for keeping your Terraform configurations DRY, working with multiple Terraform modules, and managing remote state.
- terrahelp (⭐379) - Command line utility aimed at providing supplementary functionality which can sometimes prove useful when working with Terraform.
- tfenv (⭐4.6k) - Terraform version manager inspired by rbenv.
- tfscaffold (⭐266) - Framework for controlling multi-environment multi-component terraform-managed AWS infrastructure.
- tfschema (⭐296) - Schema inspector for Terraform providers.
- tfupdate (⭐581) - Update version constraints in your Terraform configurations.
- tfwrapper (⭐8) - Rubygem providing rake tasks for running Hashicorp Terraform sanely.
- xterrafile (⭐66) Systematically manage external modules from the module registry, git, or local directories for use in Terraform (written in Go). 💀
Libraries / IDE
- pyhcl (⭐339) - HCL parser in Python
- rhcl (⭐15) - Pure Ruby HCL parser 💀
Terraform Enterprise Tooling / IDE
- terraform-enterprise-cli (⭐12) - Terraform Enterprise Command Line Interface.
- terraform-enterprise-client (⭐8) - Terraform Enterprise API Ruby Client and Command Line tool.
Videos / IDE
- Building Scalable, Repeatable Infrastructure in the Cloud with Terraform - Demonstrates how Terraform enables the practice of Infrastructure as Code by deploying TeamCity in AWS using a hosted PostgreSQL.
- Creating a Google Compute Instance with Terraform - Example of creating a Google Compute Instance with Terraform code.
- Creating a Terraform Provider for Just About Anything - Learn how to contribute to a Terraform provider or create your own from this walkthrough.
- Evolving Your Infrastructure with Terraform - CTO of OpenCredo provides an extensive look at using Terraform in the real-world with the help of some interesting use-cases.
- How to Extend the Terraform Provider List - In this talk, Paul will walk through the creation of a terraform provider.
- Production ChaosMonkey with Terraform - How DigitalOcean uses Terraform to run production integration tests.
- Running a Terraform Environment at Scale - Running Terraform at scale with hundreds of AWS accounts.
- Setup Continuous Integration for a Terraform module - Example of using CI with Kitchen-Terraform to test, tag and publish our Terraform module, which creates a Google Compute Instance.
- State of Terraform Providerland - How Terraform providers work and how to write one.
- Terraform At Scale - How Segment uses Terraform.
- Terraform w/ Lee Trout - Focuses on development patterns and how to effectively structure Terraform code.
- Terraforming the Composable World - Integrating Terraform with an on-premise bare metal provisioning.
- Untangling Terraform Through Refactoring - How to refactor your Terraform code in a careful way with minimum risk.
Editor Plugins / IDE
- Terraform-lsp (⭐587) (Language Server Protocol for Terraform)
36. Awesome Tensorflow
- Sarus TF2 Models (⭐38) - A long list of recent generative models implemented in clean, easy to reuse, Tensorflow 2 code (Plain Autoencoder, VAE, VQ-VAE, PixelCNN, Gated PixelCNN, PixelCNN++, PixelSNAIL, Conditional Neural Processes).
37. Awesome Saltstack
Blogposts and opinions
- Prometheus - Auto-deploying Consul and Exporters using Saltstack - How to deploy SaltStack, Consul and the Prometheus Node Exporter on Linux.
38. Awesome Jamstack
- TreacleWP - WordPress API hosting.
39. Awesome Ci
Name: minci (⭐27)
Description: minimal self-hosted CI
Features: Languages: any
Supported repositories:
40. Awesome Cpp
- Kigs framework (⭐83) - A free and open source C++ modular multi-purpose cross platform RAD framework. [MIT] website
41. Awesome Swift
- FDChessboardView (⭐78) - A view controller for chess boards
- FDTake (⭐319) - Easily take a photo or video or choose from library.
Form / Barcode
- FDBarGauge (⭐28) - Simulate the level indicator on an audio mixing board
42. Awesome Ios
- FDSoundActivatedRecorder (⭐290) - Start recording when the user speaks.
- FDWaveformView (⭐1.3k) - An easy way to display an audio waveform in your app, including animation.
Form & Settings
- FDTextFieldTableViewCell (⭐25) - Adds a UITextField to the cell and places it correctly.
Project setup
- swift5-module-template (⭐464) - A starting point for any Swift 5 module that you want other people to include in their projects.
43. Awesome Lockpicking
- Practical Lock Picking: A Physical Penetration Tester's Training Guide - Detailed instructions and exercises designed for professional physical security specialists, consultants, and red teams.
Online resources
- Schuyler Towne channel - Lockpicking videos and security talks.
- The Amazing King's Lockpicking pages - Hobbyist's website with detailed pages about locks, tools, and picking techniques.
44. Awesome Fastapi
Databases / Other Tools
- FastAPI-CamelCase - CamelCase JSON support for FastAPI utilizing Pydantic.
- CamelCase Models with FastAPI and Pydantic - Accompanying blog post from the author of the extension.
45. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / Data Analysis / Data Visualization
- Cartopy - Cartopy is a Python package designed for geospatial data processing in order to produce maps and other geospatial data analyses.
Python / Reinforcement Learning
- acme - An Open Source Distributed Framework for Reinforcement Learning that makes build and train your agents easily.
Tools / Misc
- CatalyzeX - Browser extension (Chrome and Firefox) that automatically finds and shows code implementations for machine learning papers anywhere: Google, Twitter, Arxiv, Scholar, etc.
46. Awesome React Native
- Flutter vs React Native - Choosing your approach - Comparison article to help you choose the best approach depending on your project and experience.
47. Awesome Tmux
- nord tmux (⭐1.1k) An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant tmux color theme.
48. Awesome Credit Modeling
Institutional Credit Risk
- Credit Scoring and the Availability, Price, and Risk of Small Business Credit - Finds that small business credit scoring is associated with expanded quantities, higher averages prices, and greater average risk levels for small business credits under $100,000, after controlling for bank size and other differences across banks.
49. Awesome Remote Job
Job boards
- Remote Game Jobs - Find remote work and talent in the game industry.
- Ruby On Remote - All ruby remote jobs in one place
50. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Mad science
- Pipcook (⭐2.6k) - Front-end algorithm framework to create a machine learning pipeline.
Packages / Testing
- axe-core (⭐6.2k) - Accessibility engine for automated Web UI testing.
51. Awesome Wardley Maps
- Go-Wardley (⭐31) - Generates a Wardley map in SVG format from a HCL-based map description file.
52. Public Apis
Description: Biriyani images placeholder
Auth: No
API: Vadivelu HTTP Codes
Description: On demand HTTP Codes with images
Auth: No
API: OpenWeatherMap
Description: Weather
CORS: Unknown
53. Awesome Pascal
- Audio Tools Library.
For manipulating many audio formats file information. // Abandoned since 2005.
- Delphi ASIO & VST Project.
Framework for writing applications using the ASIO interface and VST plugins. It comes with countless DSP algorithms all demonstrated in dozens of examples. // Not very active lately, but the trunk is in a usable state
- Vampyre Imaging Library (⭐113).
Cross-platform native Object Pascal (Delphi and Free Pascal) image loading, saving, and manipulation library.
- dexif (⭐16).
Lazarus port of Delphi EXIF Library to extract Exif Information from Images
- FontIconEditor (⭐52).
Simple component editor that allow you to add icons to a TImageList from a font. You can use any font you want.
- IconFontsImageList (⭐198).
Extended ImageList for Delphi (VCL & FMX) to simple use and manage Icon Fonts (with GDI+ support)
Game dev
- Apus Game Engine (⭐146).
Cross-platform library for making mostly 2D games, GUI applications and web services. Supports UI, text rendering, on-fly localization, particles, basic scripting and many lower level subsystems. Uses OpenGL/GLES and DirectX.
Single controls
- decTreeView (⭐27).
The decTreeView library is an alternative implementation of the TreeView (SysTreeView32) control
Other non-visual
- Rapid.Generics (⭐73).
Rapid generics/defaults equivalent classes for Delphi (XE8+)
54. Awesome Building Blocks for Web Apps
- EmbedSocial's embedfeed - Social media aggregator.
- JustReview - Collect reviews from e-commerce, social media and review service providers and embed on a website.
- ReviewsOnMyWebsite - Collect, monitor and display customer reviews.
55. Awesome Deno
Tools / XML
- dmm (⭐59) - Lightweight Deno Module Manager
Articles / XML
Presentations / XML
56. Webcomponents the Right Way
Component Libraries
- Immersive Custom Elements (⭐134) - Set of web components for embedding immersive (VR & AR) content.
- Ketch.UP (⭐9) - Web components library for Sme.UP.
- Open Business Application Platform Web Components (⭐12) - Collection of web components designed for business applications.
Design Systems
- GOV.UK Web Components (⭐4) - Set of encapsulated web components consuming the GOV.UK Design System.
- @adobe/react-webcomponent (⭐103) - Automate the wrapping of a React component in a custom element.
- Web Components Codemods (⭐6) - Codemods for Web Components.
History / 2013
57. Awesome Flame
Open Source / Casual
- Ghost Rigger (⭐234) - A cyberpunk inspired puzzle game, build for Flutter Hackathon Hack20. By b099l3 and ernestoyaquello
- Prev: Jul 20 - Jul 26, 2020
- Next: Jul 06 - Jul 12, 2020