Awesome List Updates on Jul 06 - Jul 12, 2020
61 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Calculators
Calculator apps: / Web
- - Open-Source command-line style arbitrary precision calculator with mathematical, scientific, programming functions and more.
2. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Text
- StegCloak (⭐3.5k) - Conceal secrets within strings, in plain sight.
3. Awesome Microservices
API Gateways / Edge Services / Scala
- Kuma - Platform agnostic open source control plane for service mesh and microservices.
4. Awesome Job Boards
- Cryptocurrency Jobs - The leading job board for blockchain and cryptocurrency jobs
- CNCF Job Board - Kubernetes and cloud native jobs
- Authentic Jobs - The leading job board for designers, hackers, and creative pros
Programming / JavaScript
Remote / TypeScript
Startups / Aggregator
- BerlinStartupJobs - The hottest jobs at Berlin's finest startups and scaleups since 2011
5. Awesome Regression Testing
Deprecated (a-z↓)
- Gemini (⭐1.5k) - Feature rich framework with support for Selenium (⭐31k) and CasperJS (⭐7.2k). Gemini is deprecated, use hermione instead.
- OcularJS (⭐7) - uses PhantomJS (⭐29k).
6. Awesome Electronics
Videos / Help
- BigClive - YouTube channel about teardowns (including dangerous products), circuit reverse-engineering and tutorials.
- Strange Parts - YouTube channel about electronics, manufacturing, making, world travel, living in and making things in China.
7. Awesome Actions
Utility / Docker Container Actions
- Setup Kubernetes tools (⭐74) - Install Kubernetes tools (kubectl, kustomize, helm, kubeval, conftest, and yq) on the runner.
- Setup Elastic Cloud Control Tool (⭐5) - Install a specific version of ecctl on the runner.
8. Awesome Deep Learning
Table of Contents / Videos and Lectures
- Deepmind x UCL Deeplearning: 2020 version
- Deepmind x UCL Reinforcement Learning: Deep Reinforcement Learning
- CMU 11-785 Intro to Deep learning Spring 2020 Course: 11-785, Intro to Deep Learning by Bhiksha Raj
9. Awesome Django
Third-Party Packages / Admin
- django-import-export (⭐3.1k) - Django application and library for importing and exporting data with admin integration.
- django-loginas (⭐367) - "Log in as user" for the Django admin.
Third-Party Packages / Admin Themes
- django-grappelli (⭐3.8k) - A jazzy skin for the admin.
Third-Party Packages / Async
- channels (⭐6.2k) - Async support for Django.
- starlette (⭐11k) - ASGI framework.
Third-Party Packages / Commands
- django-extensions (⭐6.6k) - Custom management extensions, notably
Third-Party Packages / Configuration
- confidential (⭐74) - Manage configs and secrets (with CLI support).
- django-environ (⭐3.1k) - Environment variables.
- django-constance (⭐1.7k) - A Django app for storing dynamic settings in pluggable backends (Redis and Django model backend built in) with an integration with the Django admin app.
Third-Party Packages / Content Management Systems
- mezzanine (⭐4.8k) - CMS framework.
- puput (⭐638) - Blog app features with Wagtail.
Third-Party Packages / ECommerce
- django-shop (⭐3.2k) - Django-based shop system.
- shuup (⭐2.3k) - Django E-Commerce Platform.
- django-oscar (⭐6.4k) - Domain-driven e-commerce for Django.
Third-Party Packages / Files/Images
- django-cleanup (⭐1.1k) - Zero configuration file/image removal for local and remote files.
Third-Party Packages / Forms
- django-crispy-forms (⭐5.1k) - DRY Django forms.
- django-widget-tweaks (⭐2.1k) - Tweak form field rendering in templates.
- django-autocomplete-light (⭐1.8k) - Add autocompletion to forms.
Third-Party Packages / Model Fields
- django-model-utils (⭐2.7k) - Django model mixins and utilities.
- django-money (⭐1.7k) - Money fields for forms/models.
- django-phonenumber-field (⭐1.5k) - Model/form field for normalized phone numbers.
Third-Party Packages / Models
- django-lifecycle (⭐1.4k) - Declarative model lifecycle hooks, an alternative to Signals.
- django-taggit (⭐3.4k) - Simple model tags.
- django-reversion (⭐3.1k) - Version control for model instances.
Third-Party Packages / Performance
- django-perf-rec - Keep detailed records of the performance of your Django code.
- New Relic - Time middleware, views, and SQL queries.
- django-query-profiler (⭐140) - Django query profiler to help resolve N+1 queries.
- py-spy (⭐13k) - Sampling profiler for Python programs.
Third-Party Packages / Search
- django-haystack (⭐3.6k) - Modular search for Django.
- django-watson (⭐1.2k) - Full-text search plugin.
Third-Party Packages / Static Assets
- django-storages (⭐2.8k) - A single library to support multiple custom storage backends for Django.
- django-compressor (⭐2.8k) - Compress JavaScript/CSS into a single cached file.
- easy-thumbnails (⭐1.4k) - Image thumbnails for Django.
- whitenoise (⭐2.6k) - Simplified static file serving for Python websites.
Third-Party Packages / Task Queues
- beatserver (⭐142) - A periodic task scheduler for Django.
- django-rq (⭐1.9k) - Integration for Redis Queue.
- celery (⭐26k) - Robust and broker-agnostic task queues for bigger, performance-focused projects.
Third-Party Packages / Testing
- pytest-django (⭐1.4k) - Use pytest features in Django.
- django-test-migrations (⭐542) - Test django schema and data migrations, including migrations' order.
- django-test-plus (⭐618) - Useful additions to Django's default TestCase.
- factory-boy (⭐3.6k) - Test fixtures replacement.
- model-bakery (⭐880) - Object factory for Django (rename of legacy Model Mommy project).
- django-fakery (⭐115) - An easy-to-use implementation of Creation Methods for Django, backed by Faker.
Third-Party Packages / URLs
- urlman (⭐120) - A nicer way to do URLs for Django models.
- django-robots (⭐469) - This is a basic Django application to manage robots.txt files following the robots exclusion protocol, complementing the Django Sitemap contrib app.
Third-Party Packages / Users
- django-allauth (⭐9.8k) - Improved user registration including social auth.
- django-organizations (⭐1.3k) - Multi-user accounts for Django projects.
- django-cas-ng (⭐382) - Django-cas-ng is Django CAS (Central Authentication Service) 1.0/2.0/3.0 client library to support SSO (Single Sign On) and Single Logout (SLO).
Third-Party Packages / Views
- django-braces (⭐2k) - Reusable, generic mixins.
- django-extra-views (⭐1.4k) - Extra class-based generic views.
- django-stronghold (⭐397) - Makes all your Django views default login_required.
Python Packages / Views
- bleach (⭐2.7k) - Sanitize your inputs/forms.
- black (⭐40k) - Uncompromising Python code formatter.
- coveragepy (⭐3.1k) - Code coverage measurement.
- huey (⭐5.4k) - A little task queue for Python.
- nplusone (⭐1k) - Auto-detect n+1 queries.
- pillow (⭐13k) - Python Imaging Library.
- pytest (⭐12k) - Testing framework.
- python-slugify (⭐1.5k) - Returns unicode slugs.
- sentry-python (⭐2k) - Error reporting SDK.
Resources / Official Resources
- Documentation - Comprehensive documentation for all Django versions.
- Polls Tutorial - Build a polls tutorial while learning Django internals.
- Source Code (⭐83k) - Hosted on GitHub.
Resources / Community
- IRC Channel - Chat with other Django users at irc://
Projects / Boilerplate
- sos-django-template (⭐24) - Django starter template with separate dev and production settings.
Projects / Open Source Projects
- pythonic-news (⭐532) - Hacker News clone.
- Zulip (⭐22k) - Open-source team chat.
- Django-CRM (⭐2k) - Open Source Python CRM based on Django.
- django-job-portal (⭐587) - Job portal application using Django.
- Built with Django - Curated list of awesome Django projects.
Wagtail / Wagtail Resources
- Wagtail Space - Wagtail conferences around the world.
10. Awesome Rust
Applications / Industrial automation
- slowtec/tokio-modbus (⭐444) - A tokio-based modbus library.
11. Awesome Python
Asynchronous Programming
- trio (⭐6k) - A friendly library for async concurrency and I/O.
12. Awesome Sre
- KubeWeekly - The weekly newsletters for all things Kubernetes. KubeWeekly is curated by Bob Killen, Chris Short, Craig Box, Kim McMahon and Michael Hausenblas
13. Awesome Aws
SDKs and Samples / Rust SDK
14. Awesome Discord Communities

The V Language & Apps
Notable Channels: #v-development
, #v-chat
, #help
, #bugs
, #syntax
, #ideas-and-suggestions
, #documentation
, #js-backend
, #x64-backend
, #v-ui
, #volt
, #gitly
, #vid
, so much more
Language: English, Deutsch, français, 中文, español, 日本語, dansk, 한국어, português, polski, русский, tiếng-việt, italiano
15. Awesome Typescript
Validation / Playground
- zod (⭐36k) - TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference
- runtypes (⭐2.6k) - Runtime validation for static types
- ow (⭐3.8k) - Function argument validation for humans
- superstruct (⭐7.1k) - A simple and composable way to validate data
16. Awesome Web Monetization
Resources / Packages
- monetize.js (⭐15) - An event-driven library to manage and simulate Web Monetization.
- types-wm (⭐3) - TypeScript definitions for Web Monetization
- react-hook-wm (⭐8) - React hooks for integrating with Web Monetization.
- react-monetize (⭐30) - Helpers and hooks to speed up your integration with Web Monetization API.
- ep_monetization (⭐0) - Plugin for applying payment pointer meta tag to Etherpad site.
- wp-connect-coil - Plugin for applying Coil payment pointer meta tag to WordPress site.
- xrptipbot-wordpress-widget - WordPress Widget based on XRPTIPBOT embed code to donate content creators.
- eleventy-plugin-monetization (⭐19) - An Eleventy plugin to monetize posts and site content.
- web-monetization-components (⭐9) - A collection of web components you can use on your web monetized websites.
- revshare (⭐7) - A JS library for revenue sharing.
- web-monetization-proxy (⭐3) - Simple Go proxy for injecting Web Monetization meta tags.
- gridsome-plugin-monetization (⭐15) - Web monetization for Gridsome.
- vuepress-plugin-web-monetization (⭐14) - Adds the web-monetization metatag to your VuePress website.
- jekyll-web_monetization (⭐12) - A Jekyll plugin to add Web MonetizationAPI payment pointers to your site.
Resources / Articles
- Monetizing Content in View - Paying for what you see.
- Web Components - For the Web Monetization API (serie).
Resources / Newsletters
- Newsletter of - Sign up for email updates.
Resources / Tools
Is web monetized (⭐4) - A very simple tool for checking if Web Monetization is enabled.
npm install is-web-monetized -g monetized
You can also test your website with the dependency.
17. Awesome List
Back-End Development
- FastAPI (⭐9.2k) - Python web app framework.
- DevSecOps (⭐1.5k) - Integration of security practices into DevOps.
18. Awesome Fp Js
- rocket-pipes (⭐25) - Powerful pipes, that chain Promise and ADT like Maybe or Either from popular FP libraries. +TS
19. Awesome Design Patterns
Serverless Architecture
- serverless-reference-architectures - serverless microservice patterns with deployment scripts.
20. Awesome Ros2
Companies / Robotics Capture the Flag (RCTF)
- Roboception GmbH - Real-Time Perception for Your Robot.
21. Awesome Icons
- (⭐9.7k) - Pure CSS, SVG & Figma UI Icons Available in SVG Sprite, styled-components, NPM & API. (Website)
- Heroicons (⭐22k) - A set of free high-quality SVG icons for you to use in your web projects. (Website)
22. ALL About RSS
Apps / Outline Processor Markup Language
specifically from (a certain platform) / Telegram
RSS2SLACK / Docsify
Tech or IT / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
😣 Services that have stopped supporting RSS / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
🦾 Others / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
- Amazon Author Page: (An Instance) 697
Podcast apps that will work with your custom RSS link / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
Turn Podcast/MP3 into Video via Podcast Feed / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
23. Awesome Video
Video Players & Playback Libraries / Frameworks & UI Components
- videolan/libvlcsharp (⭐1.6k) - Cross-platform .NET/Mono bindings for LibVLC
Miscellaneous, Experimental & Niche Tools / Community & Collaboration Platforms
- Community events of the VideoLAN non-profit organization - VideoLAN events
24. Awesome Mac
Utilities / General Tools
- Ultra TabSaver (⭐271) - The Open Source Tab Manager for Safari
25. Awesome Math
Signal processing / Stochastic processes
- 📝 Think DSP - Allen B. Downey
26. Awesome WSL
Using WSL / Other WSL Uses
- Arduino setup checklist - Checklist to connect Arduino board from WSL 1.
WSL Tools / Terminals
- Terminator - Feature-rich tabbed terminal. Requires X server.
27. Awesome Ada
OS and Kernels / Apache License
- cubit (⭐79) - CuBitOS is a multi-processor, 64-bit, (partially) formally-verified, general-purpose operating system, currently for the x86-64 architecture.
28. Awesome Linux Containers
- kaniko (⭐13k)
Kaniko is a tool to build container images from a Dockerfile, inside a container or Kubernetes cluster.
- umoci
Umoci is a tool to manipulate OCI container images, and can be used as a rudimentary build tool.
- docker pushrm (⭐118)
A Docker CLI plugin that that lets you push the file from the current directory to a container registry. Supports Docker Hub, Quay and Harbor.
- portainer (⭐26k)
Lightweight Docker management UI.
Security / Links
29. Awesome React Components
- keen-slider (⭐4.6k) - demo - Performant carousel/slider with native touch/swipe behavior.
UI Animation / Syntax Highlight
- framer-motion (⭐23k) - An animation and gesture library.
30. Awesome Raspberry Pi
- Drago - Flexible configuration manager for Wireguard networks that is perfect for establishing secure overlays spanning multiple Raspberry Pis.
- PiVPN - Create a full-featured OpenVPN/WireGuard VPN Server with a single bash command.
31. Awesome Flutter
- Flutter Neumorphic (⭐2.1k) - Ready to use Neumorphic kit for Flutter with 🕶️ dark mode.
Top / Game Engine resources
- AuthPass (⭐2.4k) - Keepass compatible password manager for mobile and desktop by hpoul
32. Free for Dev
- - Free for one server. E-Mail Notifications, public status page, 60-second interval, and more.
- — Free monitoring for five websites, 60-second intervals, public statuspage.
IDE and Code Editing
- Mocklets - an HTTP-based mock API simulator that helps simulate APIs for faster parallel development and more comprehensive testing, with a lifetime free tier.
- Code Time - an extension for time-tracking and coding metrics in VS Code, Atom, IntelliJ, Sublime Text, and more.
33. Awesome Shell
Command-Line Productivity / Directory Navigation
- aliasme (⭐111) - alias helper to change directory quickly
- autojump (⭐16k) - A cd command that learns - easily navigate directories from the command line
- bashmarks (⭐1.8k) - Directory bookmarks for the shell
- bd (⭐918) - Quickly go back to a parent directory
- commacd (⭐357) - A faster way to move around in Bash
- enhancd (⭐2.5k) - 🚀 A next-generation cd command with an interactive filter
- goto (⭐856) - A shell utility for navigation to aliased directories supporting auto-completion
- jump (⭐1.7k) - Jump helps you navigate your file system faster by learning your habits.
- lazy-cd (⭐20) - Simple bash commands for bookmarked navigation of the file system, complete with bash-completion.
- up (⭐164) - Ascend directories by name or count; for bash, zsh, and fish.
34. Awesome Prisma
🏆 Tutorials / ⚙️ Schema Visualization Tools
35. Awesome Ios
Other Testing
- Mockingbird (⭐197) - Simplify software testing, by easily mocking any system using HTTP/HTTPS, allowing a team to test and develop against a service that is not complete, unstable or just to reproduce planned cases.
36. Awesome WebExtensions
- webextension-manifest-loader (⭐7) - Webpack loader that loads browser tailored manifest.json. It also imports all importable properties, allowing you to have 'manifest.json' as your only webpack entry point.
37. Awesome Fastapi
Databases / ODMs
- MongoEngine - A Document-Object Mapper (think ORM, but for document databases) for working with MongoDB from Python.
Developer Tools / Other Tools
- msgpack-asgi (⭐165) - Automatic MessagePack content negotiation.
Official Resources / Other Tools
- Tutorial - Official tutorial showing you how to use FastAPI with most of its features, step by step.
Podcasts / Other Tools
- FastAPI on PythonBytes - Nice overview of the project.
Tutorials / Other Tools
- Deploying Iris Classifications with FastAPI and Docker - Dockerizing a FastAPI application.
- Porting Flask to FastAPI for ML Model Serving - Comparison of Flask vs FastAPI.
- Serving Machine Learning Models with FastAPI in Python - Use FastAPI to quickly and easily deploy and serve machine learning models in Python as a RESTful API.
Talks / Other Tools
- PyConBY 2020: Serve ML models easily with FastAPI - From the talk by Sebastian Ramirez you will learn how to easily build a production-ready web (JSON) API for your ML models with FastAPI, including best practices by default.
- PyCon UK 2019: FastAPI from the ground up - This talk shows how to build a simple REST API for a database from the ground up using FastAPI.
Videos / Other Tools
- Building Web APIs Using FastAPI - Use FastAPI to build a web application programming interface (RESTful API).
- FastAPI - A Web Framework for Python - See how to do numeric validations with FastAPI.
- Serving Machine Learning Models As API with FastAPI - Build a machine learning API with FastAPI.
Boilerplate / Other Tools
- FastAPI and Tortoise ORM (⭐133) - Powerful but simple template for web APIs w/ FastAPI (as web framework) and Tortoise-ORM (for working via database without headache).
- cookiecutter-fastapi (⭐521) - Cookiecutter template for FastAPI projects using: Machine Learning, Poetry, Azure Pipelines and pytest.
- FastAPI and React Template (⭐2.3k) - Full stack cookiecutter boilerplate using FastAPI, TypeScript, Docker, PostgreSQL, and React.
Open Source Projects / Other Tools
- FastAPI with Celery, RabbitMQ, and Redis (⭐536) - Minimal example utilizing FastAPI and Celery with RabbitMQ for task queue, Redis for Celery backend, and Flower for monitoring the Celery tasks.
- JSON-RPC Server (⭐301) - JSON-RPC server based on FastAPI.
- redis-streams-fastapi-chat (⭐225) - A simple Redis Streams backed chat app using Websockets, Asyncio and FastAPI/Starlette.
- TermPair (⭐1.6k) - View and control terminals from your browser with end-to-end encryption.
38. Awesome Ionic
Open Source Projects
39. Awesome Artificial Intelligence
Books / Commerical Tools
- Serverless Machine Learning - a book for machine learning engineers on how to train and deploy machine learning systems on public clouds like AWS, Azure, and GCP, using a code-oriented approach.
40. Awesome Remote Job
- Codility - Online platform that offers sponsored challenges
41. Awesome Chatops
- Better Living Through ChatOps - The benefits ChatOps offers in managing a virtual war room.
- Making a Virtual War Room — the Journey to ChatOps - Creating a virtual war room, step by step.
42. Awesome Cl
CLOS extensions
- dynamic-mixins (⭐31) - simple, dynamic class combination. BSD_2Clause.
Geany (experimental) / Third-party APIs
- Geany-lisp (⭐14) is an experimental lisp mode for the Geany editor.
43. Awesome Lidar
- Hokuyo - Sensor and automation manufacturer, headquartered in Osaka, Japan.
- Luminar - LIDAR manufacturer focusing on compact, auto-grade sensors. Luminar is headquartered Palo Alto, California, USA.
44. Awesome Ddd
- - Steve Smith. Pluralsight author and author of DDD Fundamentals course and Microsoft eShopOnWeb sample app (⭐9.8k).
Sample Projects / .NET (C#/F#)
- eShopOnWeb (⭐9.8k) - Full ASP.NET Core 3.1 reference application from Microsoft showing monolithic deployment architecture
45. Awesome Crystal
Science and Data analysis
- alea (⭐12) - Repeatable sampling, CDF and other utilities to work with probability distributions
46. Awesome Smart Tv
Misc / Official resources
- LIRC - A package that allows you to decode and send infra-red signals of many (but not all) commonly used remote controls.
- awesome-smarttv (⭐115) - Another list of Smart TV resources. Discovered after this one was already done 🙄.
47. Awesome Webaudio
Resources / Tutorials
- Browser Noise: Web Audio Tutorials - Playlist of video tutorials by Dan Tramte, hosted on the Audio Programmer YouTube channel.
48. Awesome Vue
Resources / Community
Resources / Tutorials
- How to Use Vuex in a Laravel Spark Project on
Metric Loop
- How To Set Up Modules in Vuex on
Metric Loop
- How to make API Calls with Vuex on
Metric Loop
- How to Use Vuex to Build a Feature on
Metric Loop
- Build Web Apps with Vue JS 2 & Firebase on
by the Net Ninja
- Vue JS 2 - The Complete Guide (incl. Vue Router & Vuex) on
by Maximilian Schwarzmüller
- Adding Internationalization to a Vue Application (November 2018)
- How to make your components dynamic in Vue JS (September 2019)
- Fragments in Vue JS (December 2019)
- Using Watchers in Vue JS (June 2019)
- Understanding Filters in Vue JS (June 2019)
Resources / Examples
- X-Flowchart-Vue (⭐1.5k) - A flowchart editor with SVG and Vue
- X-WebDesktop-Vue (⭐428) - The WebDesktop system based on Vue
Resources / Blog Posts
Projects Using Vue.js / Apps/Websites
- Vue.js Feed - The latest Vue.js news, tutorials, plugins, and more. Made with Vue.js and Laravel.
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- vue-final-modal (⭐957) Tailwind-friendly, highly customizable, stackable modal component.
Components & Libraries / Utilities
- vue-concurrency (⭐351) - library for encapsulating asynchronous operations and managing concurrency for Vue and Composition API.
49. Awesome Nextjs
- Next.js Static Blog - Next.js static blog powered by the Cosmic Headless CMS
- Devii (⭐497) - A Medium-inspired dev blog starter built with Next.js, React, and TypeScript, with Markdown rendering, syntax highlighting, SEO/meta tags, and RSS feed generation out of the box.
- next-auth (⭐26k) - Easy authentication for Next.js and Serverless
50. Awesome Keycloak
51. Awesome Swift
- OpenCombine (⭐2.7k) - Open source implementation of Apple's Combine framework for processing values over time.
Calendar / Barcode
- ElegantCalendar (⭐905) - The elegant full screen calendar missed in SwiftUI.
Label / Barcode
- Atributika (⭐1.5k) - TConvert text with HTML tags, links, hashtags, mentions into NSAttributedString. Make them clickable with UILabel drop-in replacement.
52. Awesome React Native
- React Native Twitter Clone - React Native Twitter Clone powered by the Cosmic Headless CMS. Read about how it was built.
- react-native-360-image-viewer ★100 (⭐41) - The component helps to simulate 360 degrees image from multiple images.
53. Awesome Lowcode
Visual programming
- Honeycode - Build a better way to work.
54. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Tools
- Jagnik (⭐35) - Simple elegant Photo Text Editing tool in flutter by Bipin Chandra Tripathi
55. Awesome Blazor
- TheIdServer (⭐715) -
OpenID/Connect server base on IdentityServer4.
- Blorc.OpenIdConnect (⭐92) -
The right way to use OpenID Connect on Blazor.
- Blazor-WASM-AzureAD-gRPC (⭐19) -
Blazor WASM, Azure AD, REST & gRPC.
2D/3D Rendering engines / API
- Head Element Helper (⭐158) -
components for changing the document titile and meta elements, with server-side prerendering support for SEO/OGP. (Demo).
Tools & Utilities / Others
- Blazor.SpeechSynthesis (⭐93) -
A library to provide Speech Synthesis API access for Blazor.
- BlazorState.Redux (⭐30) -
Develop Blazor apps with Redux.
- Howler.Blazor (⭐32) -
A Blazor JSInterop wrapper for Howler.js, an audio library.
- jsMind.Blazor (⭐21) -
A Blazor JSInterop wrapper for jsMind, a MindMapping tool.
Courses / Others
- DevOps and Docker Support for .NET Core Blazor Applications - June 2020 - DevOps and Docker Support for .NET Core Blazor Applications, on Udemy. This Docker Support Course with DevOps concepts using ASP.NET Core Blazor will teach you Dockerisation of Blazor Apps.
56. Awesome Wagtail
Apps / Widgets
- wagtail-multi-upload (⭐18) - allows uploading of multiple related images for a page.
Apps / Forms
- Wagtail Simple Captcha (⭐3) - A self-hosted alternative to Wagtail ReCaptcha that easily integrates a django-simple-captcha (⭐1.4k) field into the Wagtail form builder.
57. Awesome Sysadmin
Software / VPN
- Nebula (⭐14k) - A scalable p2p VPN with a focus on performance, simplicity and security.
58. Awesome Powershell
Commandline Productivity
- Jump-Location (⭐455) - PowerShell
that reads your mind. Autojump (⭐14k) implementation for PowerShell.UNMAINTAINED
- Microsoft.PowerShell.UnixCompleters (⭐109) - Get parameter completion for native Unix utilities. Requires zsh or bash.
- PSDepend (⭐248) - PowerShell Dependency Handler
- PSScriptTools (⭐639) - A set of of PowerShell functions you might use to enhance your own functions and scripts or to facilitate working in the console.
- hjson-powershell (⭐3) - Simple powershell module for conversion between HJSON and JSON.
- ImportExcel (⭐2k) - Module to import/export Excel spreadsheets, without Excel.
- powershell-yaml (⭐299) - PowerShell CmdLets for YAML format manipulation.
- PSWriteHTML (⭐578) - PSWriteHTML is a PowerShell module allowing you to create HTML easily.
- PSWritePDF (⭐116) - Module to create, edit, split, merge PDF files on Windows / Linux and MacOS.
- PSWriteWord (⭐213) - Module to create Microsoft Word documents without Microsoft Word installed.
- Kansa (⭐1.3k) - Incident response framework.
Interactive Learning
- Jupyter-PowerShell (⭐103) - Jupyter Kernel for PowerShell.
- PoShLog (⭐117) - Cross-platform, extensible logging module built upon Serilog.
Parallel Processing
- PSThreadJob (⭐157) - Module for running concurrent jobs based on threads rather than processes.
- Harness (⭐71) - Interactive remote PowerShell Payload.
- Invoke-Obfuscation (⭐2.8k) - PowerShell Obfuscator.
- p0wnedShell (⭐1.4k) - PowerShell Runspace Post Exploitation Toolkit.
- PESecurity (⭐544) - Module to check if a Windows binary (EXE/DLL) has been compiled with ASLR, DEP, SafeSEH, StrongNaming, and Authenticode.
- Powershellery (⭐442) - Powershell scripts used for general hackery.
- PowerUpSQL (⭐2k) - Toolkit for Attacking SQL Server.
- Selenium (⭐364) - PowerShell module to run a Selenium WebDriver.
- PSScriptAnalyzer (⭐1.5k) - PSScriptAnalyzer provides script analysis and checks for potential code defects in the scripts by applying a group of built-in or customized rules on the scripts being analyzed.
- AnyBox (⭐189) - Designed to facilitate script input/output with an easily customizable WPF window.
- BurntToast (⭐1.1k) - Module for creating and displaying Toast Notifications on Microsoft Windows 10.
- Graphical (⭐301) - Module to plot colorful console 2D Graphs (Scatter, Bar, Line).
- GraphicalTools (⭐494) - A module that mixes PowerShell and GUIs! - built on Avalonia and gui.cs.
- PS-Menu (⭐153) - Simple module to render interactive console menu.
- PSWriteColor (⭐115) - Write-Color is a wrapper around Write-Host allowing you to create nice looking scripts, with colorized output.
- Terminal-Icons (⭐1.4k) - Module to show file and folder icons in the terminal.
- Universal Dashboard - Cross-platform module for developing websites and REST APIs.
- PoshBot (⭐492) - Powershell-based bot framework.
- PoShKeePass (⭐216) - Module for working with KeePass databases.
59. Awesome Robotic Tooling
Architecture and Design
- rqt_launchtree (⭐46) - An RQT plugin for hierarchical launchfile configuration introspection.
Frameworks and Stacks
- mod_vehicle_dynamics_control (⭐165) - TUM Roborace Team Software Stack - Path tracking control, velocity control, curvature control and state estimation.
Sensor Processing / Radar Processing
- CameraRadarFusionNet (⭐330) - TUM Roborace Team Software Stack - Path tracking control, velocity control, curvature control and state estimation.
Planning and Control / Vector Map
- global_racetrajectory_optimization (⭐293) - This repository contains multiple approaches for generating global racetrajectories.
60. Webcomponents the Right Way
Component Libraries
- Pixano Elements (⭐35) - Re-usable web components dedicated to data annotation tasks.
61. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Personal Dashboards
- Hiccup - A beautiful static homepage to get to your links and services quickly. It has built-in search, editing, PWA support and localstorage caching to easily organize your start page. (Source Code (⭐159))
Software / Software Development - Project Management
- Pagure - A lightweight, powerful, and flexible git-centric forge with features laying the foundation for federated and decentralized development. (Demo)
- Prev: Jul 13 - Jul 19, 2020
- Next: Jun 29 - Jul 05, 2020