Awesome List Updates on Jun 29 - Jul 05, 2020
62 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Flutter
Device / Bluetooth / NFC / Beacon
- NFC Manager (⭐218) - Generic NFC plugin for iOS and Android by Naoki Okada
2. Awesome Clean Tech
Companies / Materials
Boston Metal | Boston, USA | 2012
Developed a new technology to produce emission free steel in a scalable and cost effective manner. As of 2020 they produced more than 1.000kg of metal alloys since the commissioning of their first reactor.
Companies / Water
Ocean Voyages Institute | Honolulu, USA | 1979
Non-profit founded by international sailors, educators, and conservationists with a mission of teaching maritime arts and sciences and preserving the world’s oceans. They completed multiple cleanup expeditions in the Pacific, the most recent one in June 2020 where they removed 103 tons of fishing nets and consumer plastics from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
Zero Mass Water | Scottsdale, USA | 2014
Produces Hydropanels, a self-contained system that relies on solar power to convert air humidity into clean drinkable water.
More Resources / Social Impact
- Breakthrough Energy Ventures - Venture fund backed by Bill Gates and a group of private investors, with more than $1 billion in committed capital, to build companies that will help stop climate change.
3. Awesome Typescript
Cloud Data Warehousing / Playground
- DDB-Table (⭐130) Strongly typed querys and tables for AWS DynamoDB
Validation / Playground
- computed-types (⭐362) - 🦩 Joi like validations for TypeScript
4. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
TypeScript / Deno
5. Awesome Actions
Notifications and Messages / Code Coverage
6. Awesome Quantified Self
Devices and Wearables / Wealth
- Dreem - Consumer-grade EEG used to monitor and optimize sleep; it also has pulse oxymeter, bone conduction audio, accelerometer and sonometer.
7. Android Security Awesome
Tools / Reverse Engineering
- Noia (⭐114) - Simple Android application sandbox file browser tool
8. Awesome Jamstack
API / Forms
- Formcake - A form backend built for developers: Zapier integrations, zero dependencies, a simple API, and unlimited forms.
9. PlacesToPostYourStartup
- Beta Testing -
10. Awesome Meteor
Getting Started
- Atmosphere - The catalog of Meteor packages, resources and tools.
- Meteorpedia (infrequently updated)
- YouTube videos from meetups around the world
- simple-schema (⭐553) - A JavaScript schema validation package that supports direct validation of MongoDB update modifier objects.
- aldeed:collection2 (⭐1k) - Automatic validation of insert and update operations on the client and server.
- dburles:collection-helpers (⭐500) – Transform your collections with helpers that you define.
- matb33:collection-hooks (⭐653) - Extends Mongo.Collection with before/after hooks for insert/update/remove/find/findOne.
- reywood:publish-composite (⭐548) - publish a set of related documents from various collections using a reactive join.
- jagi:astronomy (⭐611) - The Model layer for Meteor.
- cultofcoders:grapher (⭐275) - Grapher: Meteor Collection Joins + Reactive GraphQL like queries.
- sakulstra:aggregate (⭐39) - Add proper aggregation support for Meteor.
Forms and Templates
- uniforms (⭐1.7k) - Bunch of React components and helpers to easily generate and validate forms. Seamlessly integrate with
- aldeed:autoform (⭐1.4k) - UI components and helpers to easily create basic forms with automatic insert and update events, and automatic reactive validation.
- aldeed:template-extension (⭐220) - A Meteor package: Replace already defined templates, inherit helpers and events from other templates.
- kadira:blaze-layout (⭐2) - Layout Manager for Blaze (works well with Meteor FlowRouter)
Users and Authentication
- accounts-js (⭐1.4k) - A suite of packages aims to provide all the tools you need to build a flexible authentication and accounts management solution for your application.
- alanning:roles (⭐926) - Roles support for the built-in accounts packages.
- meteor-user-status (⭐560) - Keeps track of users and their meta data.
- Meteor Candy - Fastest and easier way to add an admin panel to your app.
- yogiben:admin (⭐833) - A complete admin dashboard solution.
- houston:admin (⭐814) - A zero-config, Django Admin-like admin for Meteor.
- kschingiz:meteor-elastic-apm (⭐3) - Perfomance Monitoring for Meteor based on Elastic APM
- monti-apm-agent (⭐36) - Performance Monitoring for Meteor
- lmachens:kadira (⭐5) - Performance Monitoring for Meteor
- cultofcoders:redis-oplog (⭐358) - Redis Oplog implementation to fully replace MongoDB Oplog in Meteor
- staringatlights:fast-render (⭐58) - An active fork of fast-render
- epotek:method-cache (⭐9) - Meteor method caching using DataLoader
- maestroqadev:pub-sub-lite (⭐47) - Transform publications to be non-reactive.
- artillery-engine-meteor (⭐6) - Artillery load testing for MeteorJS applications.
- meteor-up (⭐1.3k) – Meteor Deployments.
- meteor-google-cloud (⭐31) - Automate Meteor deployments on Google Cloud App Engine Flexible
- mup-aws-beanstalk (⭐126) - Deploy Meteor apps to AWS Elastic Beanstalk using Meteor Up
- meteor-azure (⭐69) - Automate Meteor deployments on Azure App Service
- pm2-meteor (⭐164) - Simplest way to deploy, scale and run Meteor Apps with PM2.
- meteor-hero (⭐39) - Deploy MeteorJS applications for free with one command utilizing Heroku's service.
- meteor-kubernetes-guide (⭐40) - Deploy a Meteor app with Kubernetes.
- meteorhacks:cluster (⭐1) - Clustering solution for Meteor with load balancing and service discovery
- demeteorizer (⭐710) - Converts a Meteor app into a "standard" Node.js application
- percolate:migrations (⭐246) - Simple migration system for Meteor
Docker Images
- ostrio:flow-router-extra (⭐192) - Carefully extended
package. Up-to-date version with support of latest Meteor's releases.
- msavin:parrot (⭐75) - Web router specially designed for building SPAs using Meteor
- meteorhacks:picker (⭐182) - Server Side Router for Meteor.
- ground:db (⭐575) - GroundDB is a thin layer providing Meteor offline database and methods.
- npdev:collections (⭐17) - An easy way to create offline collections with SSR for Meteor
- meteor-service-worker (⭐134) - Meteor specific service worker implementaion.
- meteortesting:mocha (⭐67) - Mocha test driver package for Meteor.
- lmieulet:meteor-coverage (⭐54) - Test coverage for Meteor.
- hubroedu:mocha (⭐3) - Decaffed cultofcoders:mocha fork.
- ostrio:spiderable-middleware (⭐30) - Prerendering (a.k.a. Spiderable) with support of ES6 (ECMAScript2015) - Meteor app crawled perfectly by search engines.
- ostrio:files (⭐1.1k) - Upload files via DDP, HTTP and WebRTC/DC. To Meteor server FS, AWS, GridFS, DropBox or Google Drive. Fast, secure and robust.
- netanelgilad:excel (⭐56) - Parsing and generating excel files (xlsx, xls).
Search, sort and paginate
- percolate:find-from-publication (⭐45) - Enable finding all documents that have been published by a given publication.
- meteor-publish-join (⭐19) - A performant NPM package for publishing non-reactive or aggregated values.
- tmeasday:publish-counts (⭐199) - Publish the count of a cursor, in real time.
- meteorhacks:search-source (⭐147) - Reactive Data Source for Search.
- matteodem:easy-search (⭐436) - Easy-to-use search with Blaze Components (+ Elastic Search Support)
- alethes:pages (⭐406) - Out of the box Meteor pagination.
- meteoric:ionic (⭐1.5k) - Ionic components for Meteor.
- driftyco:ionic (⭐48k) - Official Ionic support for Meteor.
- martijnwalraven:meteor-ios (⭐744) - Integrates native iOS apps with the Meteor platform through DDP.
- delight-im/Android-DDP (⭐271) - DDP for clients on Android.
- okland:accounts-phone (⭐115) - A login service based on mobile phone number for Meteor.
- okland:camera-ui (⭐28) - Meteor package for taking photos with user interface, one function call on desktop and mobile. Allows to choose between camera to photoLibrary on mobile.
- percolatestudio/cordova-plugin-safe-reload (⭐14) - Cordova plugin to watch and recover after a broken Meteor Hot Code Push.
Data Visualization
- aldeed:tabular (⭐363) - Reactive datatables for large or small datasets.
- aslagle:reactive-table (⭐332) - Reactive table for Meteor, using Blaze.
- luixal:blaze-paginated-custom-list (⭐0) - Reactive and paginated item list.
- luixal:meteor-apexcharts (⭐1) - Reactive ApexCharts library packaged for Meteor.
- okgrow:analytics (⭐213) - Google Analytics, Mixpanel, KISSmetrics (and more) integration for meteor.
Cron Jobs
- msavin:sjobs (⭐205) - A Meteor-first jobs queue / task scheduler.
- percolate:synced-cron (⭐502) - Cron system for Meteor. It supports syncronizing jobs between multiple processes.
- ostrio:cron-jobs (⭐16) - Package with similar API to native
methods, but synced between all running Meteor (NodeJS) instances.
Debugging Tools
- meteor-devtools-evolved (⭐147) - A chrome extension.
- msavin:mongol (⭐834) - Visual Editing Tool for Meteor for MongoDB Collections.
- msavin:jetsetter (⭐185) - Visual Get/Set Tool for Meteor Session Variables.
- babrahams:constellation (⭐32) - An extensible dev console for Meteor.
Editor Plugins
- meteor-api - Meteor addons for Atom.
- meteor-zsh (⭐151k) - Completion for the meteor command.
- Meteor Kitchen - Code generator for Meteor.
- iron-cli (⭐639) - A scaffolding command line tool for Meteor applications.
- ESLint-plugin-Meteor (⭐116) - ESLint plugin for Meteor.
Open source apps
- Rocket.Chat - Realtime chat application built with Meteor.
- Wekan (⭐18k) - Open source Trello-like kanban.
- Unchained Shop (⭐143) - Open source Commerce platform developed with Meteor.
- VulcanJS (⭐8k) - A toolkit to quickly build apps with React, GraphQL & Meteor.
- Nosqlclient (⭐3.4k) - MongoDB management tool.
Front End Frameworks
- React - Working with React and Meteor.
- Angular 2 (⭐302) - Working with Angular 2 and Meteor.
- Angular (⭐2.4k) - Working with Angular and Meteor.
- (⭐337) - and Meteor.
- frozeman:build-client (⭐271) - A tool to bundle the client part of a Meteor app.
- Asteroid (⭐739) - An alternative client for a Meteor backend.
- ddp.js (⭐211) - Isomorphic JavaScript DDP client.
- elm (⭐4) - elm as the view layer for a meteor based project.
Alternative Databases
- vlasky:mysql (⭐32) - Reactive MySQL for Meteor
- meteor-pg (⭐24) - New and improved PostgreSQL support for Meteor
- ostrio:neo4jdriver (⭐54) - Neo4j Driver for Meteor, with support of GrapheneDB
- numtel:pg (⭐296) - Reactive PostgreSQL for Meteor
- simple:rethink (⭐305) - RethinkDB integration for Meteor
- meteor-tuts - Free
- Meteor Tips - Free
- When a Meteor finally hits production - Blog post about deploying Meteor apps
Websites / Q&A
Work Opportunities / Community Newsletters
Related / Community Newsletters
Built With Meteor / Community Newsletters
- Qualia - Real Estate Startup
- Code Signal - Skills-based assessment platform
- Pathable - Events managment suite
- MaestroQA - Quality assurance software
11. Awesome Robotic Tooling
Operation System / Server Infrastructure and High Performance Computing
- mass (⭐255) - Self-service, remote installation of Windows, CentOS, ESXi and Ubuntu on real servers turns your data centre into a bare metal cloud.
12. Awesome List
- Flame (⭐1.1k) - Game engine for Flutter.
- Audiovisual (⭐190) - Lighting, audio and video in professional environments.
- WP-CLI (⭐200) - Command-line interface for WordPress.
13. Awesome Kubernetes
Featured On
14. Awesome Powershell
Code and Package Repositories
- PowerShell Test Gallery - A test version of the PowerShell Gallery. Useful when developing new modules.
15. Awesome Raspberry Pi
- Coder for Raspberry Pi - A open source project by Googlers to turn a Raspberry Pi into a simple, tiny, personal web server and web-based development environment.
- Network Presence Detector (⭐370) - Setup a Pi Zero to scan for devices on a WiFi network and use that to determine who is "home".
- P4wnP1 (⭐4.1k) - P4wnP1 is a highly customizable USB attack platform, based on a low cost Raspberry Pi Zero or Raspberry Pi Zero W (required for HID backdoor).
- PoisonTap (⭐6.3k) - Exploits locked/password protected computers over USB, drops persistent WebSocket-based backdoor, exposes internal router, and siphons cookies using Raspberry Pi Zero & Node.js.
16. Awesome Ios
Deployment / Distribution
- — An enterprise-grade mobile DevOps platform that automates the build, test, and publish store of mobile apps for faster, efficient release cycle
17. Awesome Microservices
Frameworks / Runtimes
- GraalVM - High-performance runtime that provides significant improvements in application performance and efficiency which is ideal for microservices.
- Helidon - Collection of Java libraries for writing microservices that run on a fast web core powered by Netty.
- Micronaut - A modern, JVM-based, full-stack framework for building modular, easily testable microservice applications.
API Gateways / Edge Services / Scala
- HAProxy (⭐5.2k) - Reliable, high Performance TCP/HTTP load balancer.
Job Schedulers / Workload Automation / Scala
- Celery (⭐25k) - Asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing. Focused on real-time operation and supports scheduling.
QUIC / Scala
- QUIC-Transport - A UDP-based multiplexed and secure transport.
Security / Scala
- OIDCONN - OpenID Connect 1.0 is a simple identity layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol. It allows clients to verify the identity of the end-user based on the authentication performed by an Authorization Server, as well as to obtain basic profile information about the end-user in an interoperable and REST-like manner.
- PASETO - Paseto is everything you love about JOSE (JWT, JWE, JWS) without any of the many design deficits that plague the JOSE standards. DRAFT
Articles & Papers / Scala
- Building Microservices? Here is What You Should Know - A practical overview, based on real-world experience, of what one would need to know in order to build microservices.
18. Awesome Embedded Rust
Component abstraction crates / Other
: Abstraction crate to ease writing AT based driver crates -
Driver crates / Other
- ADXL313 - SPI - 3-axis accelerometer -
- TC72 - SPI - Microchip TC72 temperature sensor -
Driver crates / WIP
- ublox-cellular-rs (⭐22) - Serial - Cellular driver for the full Ublox cellular serial based family
19. ALL About RSS
Apps / Outline Processor Markup Language
Wechat Mini Apps / Outline Processor Markup Language
Other Apps / Outline Processor Markup Language
Telegram / Telegram RSS bots
🔱 Workflow Automation / 酷Q Plugin
specifically from (a certain platform) / Instagram
RSS2MAIL / Docsify
Feed Analytics / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
Society / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
Tech or IT / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
Telegram Groups / Channels / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
Turn YouTube into Podcast / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
20. Awesome Prometheus
Official resources
- Official Prometheus demo - Official Prometheus demo site managed by Cloud Alchemy Ansible roles updating daily using configuration from Prometheus repository (⭐96).
Deployment tools
- Cloud Alchemy Ansible roles - Ansible roles to manage Prometheus, Alertmanager, Grafana, and common Prometheus exporters.
Alertmanager / Miscellaneous
- Monitoring mixins - Community managed bundles of alerts, recording rules, and Grafana dashboards.
21. Awesome Discord Communities

Notable Channels: #general
, #showcase
, #help
, #dev
, #rust-libs
Language: English \

Notable Channels: #general
, #help
, #electron-builder
, #electron-forge
, #electron-packager
, #fiddle
, #security
, #reactjs
, #vuejs
, #jobs
, #projects
Language: English

Notable Channels: #tsc-meetings
, #general
, #help
, #lookwhatimade
, #developers
, #season-of-docs
Language: English, 日本語 \

Notable Channels: #general
, #reasonconf
, #native-development
, #bucklescript
, #job-openings
, #react
, #ocaml
, #reason-dojo
, #reason-core-dev
Language: English

Notable Channels: #collaboration
, #code-review
, #help
, #react
, #angular
, #vue
, #svelte
, #jquery
, #gatsby
, #node
, #graphql
, #electron
, #threejs
, #webgl
Language: English

Notable Channels: #ideas
, #help-blitz
, #help-react
, #help-prisma
, #help-typescript
, #blitz-content
, #blitz-libraries
, #built-with-blitz
, #dev-general
Language: English, 中文, español

Notable Channels: #general
, #help
, #showcase
, #development
, #starter-kits
, #jobs
, #graphql
, #vuejs
, #data-sourcing
, #markdown
, #drupal
, #craft-cms
, #dato-cms
, #cockpit-cms
Language: English

Invertase OSS
Notable Channels: #notifee
, #apple-authentication
, #general
, #i-need-help
, #i-made-this
, #contributing
, #news
, #modules
Language: English

Notable Channels: Notable Channels: #help-react
, #react-native
, #js
, #styling
, #backend
, #graphql
, #code-review
, #react-router
, #redux
, #react-bootstrap
, #formik
, so much more
Language: English

Notable Channels: #beginner
, #intermediate
, #rom
, #general
, #flutter
, #kotlin
, #firebase
, #dependency-injection
, #rx
, #design
Language: English

Notable Channels: #root
, #custom-roms
, #theming
, #development
, #magisk
, #twrp
, #substratum
, #support-room
Language: English \

Notable Channels: #beginner
, #intermediate
, #general
, #android
, #ios
, #web
, #desktop
, #app-showcase
, #hiring
Language: English \

Android Discord
Notable Channels: #android
, #whatphone
, #tech-support
, #phone-questions
, #themes
, #phonetography
Language: English \

Notable Channels: #general-tech
, #help
, #development
, #theming
, #devices
, #google-general
, #huawei-general
, #oneplus-general
, #samsung-general
, #nokia-general
Language: English
Game Design

Notable Channels: #digital-game-design
, #tabletop-game-design
, #game-development
, #music-and-art
, #find-people
, #get-found
, #current-projects
Language: English

Graphics Programming
Notable Channels: #mathematics
, #questions
, #ray-tracing
, #techniques
, #directx
, #gpu-compute
, #opengl
, #unity-unreal
, #vulkan
, #web
, #algorithms
, #bikeshed
, #engine-dev
, #low-level
Language: English

OpenVFX: The Blender Hub
Notable Channels: #cgi-general
, #resources
, #3d-printing
, #animation-rigging
, #coding
, #grease-pencil
, #materials
, #modeling
, #physics
, #rendering
, #roblox
, so much more
Language: English, Deutsch, português, español, Nederlands, suomi, Magyar, svenska, dansk, हिन्दी

Notable Channels: #shader-programming
, #beginners
, #mathematics
, #showcase
, #live-coding-streams
, #resources
Language: English \

TTRPG Design and Playtesting
Notable Channels: #business
, #game-design
, #math
, #mechanics
, #playtesting
, #visual-design
, #world-design
, #writing
, #game-critique
, #mechanics-critique
, #projects
Language: English
22. Awesome Web Monetization
Resources / Tools
Akita (⭐23) - A browser extension that gives you insight into your involvement with Web Monetization.
Akita presents your top visited monetized sites, how much time you're spending on them, and how much you're contributing (or could contribute) to them.
23. Awesome Swift
Calendar / Barcode
- HorizonCalendar (⭐2.9k) - A declarative, performant, iOS calendar UI component that supports use cases ranging from simple date pickers all the way up to fully-featured calendar apps.
24. Awesome Blazor
Component bundles
- Telerik UI for Blazor - External link ( A native set of UI components for Blazor, including grid, charting, and calendar components.
2D/3D Rendering engines / Charts
- ChartJs.Blazor (⭐705) -
Brings ChartJs (⭐65k) charts to Blazor.
- GG.Net Data Visualization (⭐82) -
Interactive and flexible charts for Blazor Web Apps. Taking its inspiration from the highly popular ggpplot2 R package, GG.Net provides natively rich features for your Data Analysis Workflow. Build publication quality charts with just a few lines of code. Website.
- Plotly.Blazor (⭐380) -
Brings the charting library plotly.js (⭐17k) with over 40 chart types to Blazor (Demo).
2D/3D Rendering engines / Date & time
- BlazorDateRangePicker (⭐199) -
A date range picker component library for Blazor. Demo.
2D/3D Rendering engines / Modal, Toast & Notifications
- Blazored.Modal (⭐796) -
A JavaScript free modal library for Blazor and Razor Components applications.
2D/3D Rendering engines / Others
- Texnomic.Blazor.hCaptcha (⭐7) -
hCaptcha Component for Server-Side Blazor.
25. Awesome Transit
GTFS Realtime Utilities / Rust
- manual-gtfsrt (⭐5) - A Go-based tool that serves a GTFS-RT feed created from editable JSON.
26. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
Network perimeter defenses / Evidence collection
- Gatekeeper (⭐1.3k) - First open source Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) protection system.
27. Awesome Ddd
Sample Projects / PHP
- DDD CQRS Todo Sample (⭐353) - DDD CQRS ADR hexagonal architecture implementation built with PHP 7 and Symfony 5.
28. Awesome Crystal
CLI Utils
- climate (⭐14) - Tiny tool to make your CLI output 🌈 coloured
29. Awesome Tmux
Tools and session management
- dmux (⭐328) Configurable tmux workspace manager written in Rust
30. Awesome Cl
- Lisp Tips (⭐124) - A blog with useful tips and tricks.
- Lisp project of the day - A blog showcasing many Lisp libraries.
31. Static Analysis
Meaning of Symbols:
- ℹ️ indicates that the community does not recommend to use this tool for new projects anymore. The icon links to the discussion issue.
32. Awesome Healthcare
Contents / EHR
- GNUmed - Electronic Medical Record software.
33. Awesome Prisma
🦺 Community Prisma Tools
34. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / GUI
- Lara (⭐149) - Lara Web Engine is a library for developing Web user interfaces in C#
35. Awesome Actions on Google
36. Awesome Devsecops
- Our Approach to Employee Security Training - Pager Duty - Guidelines to running security training within an organisation.
- DevSecCon - Snyk - A network of DevSecOps conferences run by Snyk.
- AppSec Day - OWASP - An Australian application security conference run by OWASP.
- Absolute AppSec - Seth Law & Ken Johnson - Discussions about current events and specific topics related to application security.
- Application Security Podcast - Security Journey - Interviews with industry experts about specific application security concepts.
- BeerSecOps - Aqua Security - Breaking down the silos of Dev, Sec and Ops, discussing topics that span these subject areas.
- DevSecOps Podcast Series - OWASP - Discussions with thought leaders and practitioners to integrate security into the development lifecycle.
- The Secure Developer - Snyk - Discussion about security tools and best practices for software developers.
Secure Development Guidelines
- Application Security Verification Standard - OWASP - A framework of security requirements and controls to help developers design and develop secure web applications.
- Coding Standards - CERT - A collection of secure development standards for C, C++, Java and Android development.
- Proactive Controls - OWASP - OWASP's list of top ten controls that should be implemented in every software development project.
- Secure Coding Guidelines - Mozilla - A guideline containing specific secure development standards for secure web application development.
- Secure Coding Practices Quick Reference Guide - OWASP - A checklist to verify that secure development standards have been followed.
Secure Development Lifecycle Framework
- Secure Development Lifecycle - Microsoft - A collection of tools and practices that serve as a framework for the secure development lifecycle.
- Secure Software Development Framework - NIST - A framework consisting of practices, tasks and implementation examples for a secure development lifecycle.
- Software Assurance Maturity Model (⭐396) - OWASP - A framework to measure and improve the maturity of the secure development lifecycle.
- Cybrary - Cybrary - Subscription based online courses with dedicated categories for cybersecurity and DevSecOps.
- PentesterLab - PentesterLab - Hands on labs to understand and exploit simple and advanced web vulnerabilities.
- Security Training for Engineers - Pager Duty - A presentation created and open-sourced by PagerDuty to provide security training to software engineers.
- Security Training for Everyone - Pager Duty - A presentation created and open-sourced by PagerDuty to provide security training employees.
- Web Security Academy - PortSwigger - A set of materials and labs to learn and exploit common web vulnerabilities.
Dependency Management
- Dependabot - GitHub - Automatically scan GitHub repositories for vulnerabilities and create pull requests to merge in patched dependencies.
- Dependency-Check - OWASP - Scans dependencies for publicly disclosed vulnerabilities using CLI or build server plugins.
- Dependency-Track - OWASP - Monitor the volume and severity of vulnerable dependencies across multiple projects over time.
- JFrog XRay - JFrog - Security and compliance analysis for artifacts stored in JFrog Artifactory.
- NPM Audit - NPM - Vulnerable package auditing for node packages built into the npm CLI.
- Renovate - WhiteSource - Automatically monitor and update software dependencies for multiple frameworks and languages using a CLI or git repository apps.
- - Olivier Mansion & Alexis Tabary - Automated vulnerable dependency monitoring and upgrades for Python projects.
Dynamic Analysis
- Automatic API Attack Tool (⭐443) - Imperva - Perform automated security scanning against an API based on an API specification.
- BurpSuite Enterprise Edition - PortSwigger - BurpSuite's web application vulnerability scanner used widely by penetration testers, modified with CI/CD integration and continuous monitoring over multiple web applications.
- Gauntlt (⭐977) - Gauntlt - A Behaviour Driven Development framework to run security scans using common security tools and test output, defined using Gherkin syntax.
- SSL Labs Scan (⭐1.7k) - SSL Labs - Automated scanning for SSL / TLS configuration issues.
- Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) (⭐12k) - OWASP - An open-source web application vulnerability scanner, including an API for CI/CD integration.
Infrastructure as Code Analysis / Cloud Formation
- Cfn Nag (⭐1.2k) - Stelligent - Scan AWS CloudFormation templates for insecure configuration.
Infrastructure as Code Analysis / Containers
- Clair (⭐10k) - Red Hat - Scan App Container and Docker containers for publicly disclosed vulnerabilities.
- Dagda (⭐1.1k) - Elías Grande - Compares OS and software dependency versions installed in Docker containers with public vulnerability databases, and also performs virus scanning.
- Snyk Container - Snyk - Scan Docker and Kubernetes applications for security vulnerabilities during CI/CD or via continuous monitoring.
Infrastructure as Code Analysis / Terraform
- Tfsec (⭐6.6k) - Liam Galvin - Scan Terraform templates for security misconfiguration and noncompliance with AWS, Azure and GCP security best practice.
Infrastructure as Code Analysis / Kubernetes
- Kube-Score (⭐2.7k) - Gustav Westling - Scan Kubernetes object definitions for security and performance misconfiguration.
- Kubectrl Kubesec (⭐505) - ControlPlane - Plugin for to perform security risk analysis for Kubernetes resources.
Intentionally Vulnerable Applications / Ansible
- Bad SSL (⭐2.8k) - The Chromium Project - A container running a number of webservers with poor SSL / TLS configuration. Useful for testing tooling.
- Damn Vulnerable Web App - Ryan Dewhurst - A web application that provides a safe environment to understand and exploit common web vulnerabilities.
- Juice Shop (⭐9.8k) - OWASP - A web application containing the OWASP Top 10 security vulnerabilities and more.
- NodeGoat (⭐1.8k) - OWASP - A Node.js web application that demonstrates and provides ways to address common security vulnerabilities.
Related Lists / Ruby
- Vulnerable Web Apps Directory - OWASP - A collection of vulnerable web applications for learning purposes.
- Awesome Threat Modelling (⭐1.3k) - Practical DevSecOps - A curated list of threat modeling resources.
- Awesome Dynamic Analysis (⭐899) - Matthias Endler - A collection of dynamic analysis tools and code quality checkers.
- Awesome Static Analysis (⭐13k) - Matthias Endler - A collection of static analysis tools and code quality checkers.
Monitoring / Ansible
- Csper - Csper - A set of Content Security Policy tools that can test policies, monitor CSP reports and provide metrics and alerts.
Secrets Management / Ansible
- Ansible Vault - Ansible - Securely store secrets within Ansible pipelines.
- Azure Key Vault - Microsoft Azure - Securely store secrets within Azure.
- BlackBox (⭐6.6k) - StackExchange - Encrypt credentials within your code repository.
- Chef Vault (⭐407) - Chef - Securely store secrets within Chef.
- CredStash (⭐2.1k) - Fugue - Securely store secrets within AWS using KMS and DynamoDB.
- CyberArk Application Access Manager - CyberArk - Secrets management for applications including secret rotation and auditing.
- Docker Secrets - Docker - Store and manage access to secrets within a Docker swarm.
- Git Secrets (⭐12k) - Amazon AWS - Scan git repositories for secrets committed within code or commit messages.
- Google Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) - Google Cloud Platform - Securely store secrets within GCP.
- HashiCorp Vault - HashiCorp - Securely store secrets via UI, CLI or HTTP API.
- Pinterest Knox (⭐1.2k) - Pinterest - Securely store, rotate and audit secrets.
- Secrets Operations (SOPS) (⭐16k) - Mozilla - Encrypt keys stored within YAML, JSON, ENV, INI and BINARY files.
Static Analysis / Multi-Language Support
- Graudit (⭐1.4k) - Eldar Marcussen - Grep source code for potential security flaws with custom or pre-configured regex signatures.
- LGTM - Semmle - Scan and monitor code for security vulnerabilities using custom or built-in CodeQL queries.
- RIPS - RIPS Technologies - Automated static analysis for PHP, Java and Node.js projects.
- SonarQube - SonarSource - Scan code for security and quality issues with support for a wide variety of languages.
Static Analysis / C / C++
- FlawFinder (⭐463) - David Wheeler - Scan C / C++ code for potential security weaknesses.
Static Analysis / C#
- Puma Scan (⭐443) - Puma Security - A Visual Studio plugin to scan .NET projects for potential security flaws.
Static Analysis / Configuration Files
- Conftest (⭐2.8k) - Instrumenta - Create custom tests to scan any configuration file for security flaws.
Static Analysis / Java
- Deep Dive - - Static analysis for JVM deployment units including Ear, War, Jar and APK.
- Find Security Bugs (⭐2.2k) - OWASP - SpotBugs plugin for security audits of Java web applications. Supports Eclipse, IntelliJ, Android Studio and SonarQube.
- SpotBugs (⭐3.4k) - SpotBugs - Static code analysis for Java applications.
Static Analysis / JavaScript
- ESLint - JS Foundation - Linting tool for JavaScript with multiple security linting rules available.
Static Analysis / Go
- Golang Security Checker (⭐7.6k) - securego - CLI tool to scan Go code for potential security flaws.
Static Analysis / .NET
- Security Code Scan (⭐929) - Security Code Scan - Static code analysis for C# and VB.NET applications.
Static Analysis / PHP
- PHPCS Security Audit (⭐703) - Floe - PHP static analysis with rules for PHP, Drupal 7 and PHP related CVEs.
- Progpilot (⭐319) - Design Security - Static analysis for PHP source code.
Static Analysis / Python
- Bandit (⭐6.1k) - Python Code Quality Authority - Find common security vulnerabilities in Python code.
Static Analysis / Ruby
- Brakeman (⭐6.9k) - Justin Collins - Static analysis tool which checks Ruby on Rails applications for security vulnerabilities.
- DawnScanner (⭐733) - Paolo Perego - Security scanning for Ruby scripts and web application. Supports Ruby on Rails, Sinatra and Padrino frameworks.
Threat Modelling / Ruby
- SecuriCAD - Forseeti - Treat modelling and attack simulations for IT infrastructure.
- IriusRisk - IriusRisk - Draw threat models and capture threats and countermeasures and manage risk.
- Raindance Project (⭐44) - DevSecOps - Use attack maps to identify attack surface and adversary strategies that may lead to compromise.
- SD Elements - Security Compass - Identify and rank threats, generate actionable tasks and track related tickets.
- Threat Dragon - OWASP - Threat model diagramming tool.
- Threat Modelling Tool - Microsoft - Threat model diagramming tool.
- Threatspec - Threatspec - Define threat modelling as code.
37. Awesome Godot
Syntax themes / Godot version unknown
- Godot syntax themes (⭐428) - 13 syntax themes including Ayu Mirage, Darcula, Gruvbox Dark, Monokai, One Dark, Solarized, and more.
38. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Password Managers
- Passbolt - Password manager dedicated for managing passwords in a collaborative way on any Web server, using a MySQL database backend. (Source Code (⭐4.9k))
Software / Search Engines
- sist2 (⭐968) - Lightning-fast file system indexer and search tool.
39. Awesome Playwright
- Moon (⭐232) - Tools for executing Playwright tests in parallel in a Kubernetes cluster.
40. Awesome Ssh
Apps / SSH keys / Authentication
- ServerAuth - Automatically sync SSH access across servers
41. Awesome Json
Command-line tools
- oj (⭐793) - A fast and flexible command line JSON processor.
Format Extensions
- JSON 1.1/JSONX - An evolved version 1.1 with format extension for humans incl. comments, unquoted and multi-line strings, optional and trailing commas and more.
- ojc (⭐35) - A fast JSON parser.
- ojg (⭐793) - A collection of high performance JSON processing and generating tool.
42. Awesome Bitcoin
Market Data API
- JSON REST API (free as well as paid) with access to market data. Also CSV data file download available.
- JSON REST API (free as well as paid) with access to market data, news, metrics, profile, etc.
43. Awesome Diversity
- OpenCIDER - A community building effort to promote computational inclusion and serve as digital equity resource.
44. Awesome Eslint
Preconfigured Configs with ESLint Set up / Other Configs
- Node.js Standard Style (⭐6) - Node.js core config.
- Standard (⭐29k) - JavaScript Standard Style.
- Superlint (⭐5) - JavaScript Supermind Style.
- XO (⭐7.7k) - JavaScript happiness style linter ❤️.
- Healthier (⭐84) - Code style agnostic version of Standard, perfect companion to Prettier.
Parsers / Testing Tools
- TypeScript (⭐15k) - A TypeScript parser that produces output compatible with ESLint.
- BrightScript (⭐44) - BrightScript plugin for Roku development. Includes Parser and Rules.
Globals / Testing Tools
- ES and browser globals (⭐399) (originally from ESLint)
45. Awesome Gbdev
- Game Boy Project Report - Report of an hardware emulator (⭐6) (on a Terasic DE1-SoC Board) developed as final project for the CSEE4840 Embedded Systems Design course at Columbia University.
46. Awesome Keycloak
Community Extensions
47. Awesome Vue
Resources / External Resources
- Vue.js Online Courses Directory - Vue.js courses from top e-learning platforms curated by Classpert, a online course search engine.
Projects Using Vue.js / Apps/Websites
- - LinkSift lets you explore what a website links to.
48. Awesome Waves
- GRPC Server - Public GRPC interface for Mainnet.
- IDE - Online IDE to create Ride smart contracts on Stagenet.
The Ride programming language
- Waves IDE - Online IDE to create smart contracts on Ride.
49. Awesome Deno
Modules / Utils
- fossil (⭐4) - A value-type validation suite.
50. Awesome Rust
- asm-cli-rust (⭐333) - An interactive assembly shell.
- denoland/deno (⭐102k) - A secure JavaScript/TypeScript runtime built with V8 and Tokio
- kytan (⭐496) - High Performance Peer-to-Peer VPN
- linkerd/linkerd2-proxy (⭐2k) - Ultralight service mesh for Kubernetes.
- rx (⭐3.2k) - Vi inspired Modern Pixel Art Editor
51. Awesome Mobile Web Development
Articles and Documentation
- CSS fix for 100vh in mobile WebKit - How to fix issue with 100vh in mobile WebKit.
52. Awesome React Native
Continuous Integration
- react-native-blurhash ★105 (⭐1.3k) - Give your users the loading experience they want.
Utils & Infra / Navigation Demos
- react-native-network-logger ★20 (⭐310) - An HTTP network request monitor for React Native including an in-app interface.
System / Navigation Demos
- react-native-google-nearby-messages ★14 (⭐142) - Communicate with nearby devices using Bluetooth, BLE, WiFi and near-ultrasonic audio by using the Google Nearby Messages API
Storage / Navigation Demos
- react-native-leveldown (⭐22) - Native LevelDB bindings for React Native
53. Awesome Seml
Model Training
- Airflow - Programmatically author, schedule and monitor workflows.
- Data Version Control (DVC) - DVC is a data and ML experiments management tool.
- Facets Overview / Facets Dive - Robust visualizations to aid in understanding machine learning datasets.
- Git Large File System (LFS) - Replaces large files such as datasets with text pointers inside Git.
- HParams (⭐126) - A thoughtful approach to configuration management for machine learning projects.
- Kubeflow - A platform for data scientists who want to build and experiment with ML pipelines.
- Label Studio (⭐11k) - A multi-type data labeling and annotation tool with standardized output format.
- MLFlow - Manage the ML lifecycle, including experimentation, deployment, and a central model registry.
- - Experiment tracking tool bringing organization and collaboration to data science projects.
- Neuraxle (⭐543) - Sklearn-like framework for hyperparameter tuning and AutoML in deep learning projects.
- OpenML - An inclusive movement to build an open, organized, online ecosystem for machine learning.
- Spark Machine Learning - Spark’s ML library consisting of common learning algorithms and utilities.
- TensorBoard - TensorFlow's Visualization Toolkit.
- Tensorflow Extended (TFX) - An end-to-end platform for deploying production ML pipelines.
- Weights & Biases - Experiment tracking, model optimization, and dataset versioning.
54. Awesome Elixir
Files and Directories
- waffle (⭐763) - Flexible file upload and attachment library for Elixir.
55. Awesome Mental Health
- Wrabit - Build a daily writing habit while contributing to mental health research.
- Black Minds Matter - A non-profit organisation that aims to empower communities of Black people aged 13- 25, and wants to make more equal and just society for all.
- Black Therapists Rock - Black Therapists Rock (BTR) is an organization committed to increasing awareness of social and psychological challenges impacting vulnerable communities.
- The Black, African, and Asian Therapy Network - The UK’s largest independent organisation to specialise in working psychologically, informed by an understanding of intersectionality, with people who identify as Black, African, South Asian and Caribbean.
56. Awesome Pagespeed Metrics
Concepts / Field Data (Real User Monitoring - RUM)
- Perfume.js - Open Source Library to collect Field Data.
- Web Vitals (⭐6.7k) - Open Source Library to collect Field Data.
Concepts / User-centric metrics
- Is it useful/meaningful? - Has enough content rendered that users can engage with it? (e.g. LCP (⭐656))
- Is it usable - Can users interact with the page, or is it still busy loading? (e.g TBT (⭐656))
Rendering metrics / First Contentful Paint (FCP)
- Field: Chrome 60+, CrUX
Rendering metrics / Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)
- Lab: Lighthouse/WPT
Rendering metrics / (Hero) Element Timing
- Field: Chrome 77+
- Lab: WPT
Rendering metrics / Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
Rendering metrics / Speed Index
- Lab: Lighthouse, WPT (but slightly different spec)
Interactivity metrics / Time to Interactive (TTI)
Interactivity metrics / Total Blocking Time (TBT)
Interactivity metrics / First Input Delay (FID)
Interactivity metrics / Max Potential First Input Delay
57. Awesome Eosio
Developer Tools / Services
- EOSIO Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) (⭐93) - Ethereum Virtual Machine on EOSIO.
58. Awesome Building Blocks for Web Apps
UI Elements
- CoreUI - Vue admin template.
59. Free for Dev
CI and CD
- — An enterprise-grade mobile DevOps platform that automates the build, test, and publish store of mobile apps for faster, efficient release cycle. Free for 30 minutes max build time per build, 20 monthly builds and 1 concurrent build.
APIs, Data, and ML
- Sheetson - Instantly turn any Google Sheets into a RESTful API. Free plan available.
- Sofodata - Create secure RESTful APIs from CSV files. Upload a CSV file and instantly access the data via its API allowing faster application development. The free plan includes 2 APIs and 2,500 API calls per month. You don't need a credit card.
- - Test management system for Dev and QA teams. Manage test cases, compose test runs, perform tests, track defects, and measure impact. The free tier includes all core features, with 500MB available for attachments and up to 3 users.
IDE and Code Editing
- mockaroo — Mockaroo lets you generate realistic test data in CSV, JSON, SQL, and Excel formats. You can also create mocks for back-end API.
60. Awesome Cryptography
Articles / Hash functions
- Password Insecurity - This article is written for everybody who is interested in password security.
Python / Git
- django-cryptography (⭐382) - Easily encrypt data in Django.
Web-sites / Git
- Applied Crypto Hardening - A lot ready to use best practice examples for securing web servers and more.
61. Awesome Webaudio
Packages / Libraries
- @magenta/music (⭐2k) - A JavaScript library to use machine learning models and generate music in the browser, by having some neat abstractions over the Webaudio API.
- soundfont-player - A soundfont loader/player to play MIDI sounds using WebAudio API.
Packages / Apps
- Web Audio Metronome (⭐576) - metronome app that uses the Web Audio scheduler and setTimeout scheduler
62. Awesome Arch
Arch-based distros / Desktop
- Qubes OS (Archlinux Template) - A security-focused desktop operating system that aims to provide security through isolation (Unofficial Archlinux Template).
AUR Helpers / Search and download
- Auracle (⭐236) (C++) - A flexible command line client for Arch Linux's User Repository.
- pbget (Python) - Retrieve PKGBUILDs and local source files from Git, ABS and the AUR for makepkg.
- repoctl (⭐122) (Go) - Make it easy to manage your local Arch Linux repository.
- yaah (Bash) - A helper for the Archlinux User Repository (AUR).
AUR Helpers / Search and build
- Aurutils (⭐945) (Bash) - Helper tools for the AUR.
- Bauerbill (Python) - An extension of Powerpill with AUR and ABS support.
- PKGBUILDer (⭐69) (Python) - An AUR helper (and library) in Python 3.
- repofish (Bash) - Simple shell script used to manage a local archlinux repository.
- RUA (⭐425) (Rust) - Build tool for Arch Linux providing control, review and jailed build options.
AUR Helpers / Pacman wrappers
- Aura (⭐1.7k) (Haskell) - A secure, multilingual package manager for Arch Linux and the AUR.
- Pacaur (⭐110) (Bash) - An AUR helper that minimizes user interaction.
- Pakku (⭐130) (Nim) -
wrapper with AUR support.
- pikaur (⭐859) (Python) - AUR helper with minimal dependencies. Review PKGBUILDs all in once, next build them all without user interaction.
- Trizen (⭐794) (Perl) - Lightweight AUR Package Manager.
- Yay (⭐11k) (Go) - Yet another Yogurt, an AUR Helper written in Go.
AUR Helpers / Graphical
- Argon (⭐35) (Python | GTK3) - lightweight GUI package manager for Arch Linux.
- Cylon (⭐165) (Bash | TUI) - A CLI TUI menu driven bash shell script supporting updates, maintenance, backups and system checks for an Arch based Linux distro.
- Pamac (Vala | GTK3) - Graphical Package Manager for Manjaro Linux with Alpm, AUR, Appstream, Flatpak and Snap support.
- Pakku GUI (Python | GTK3) - Basic GTK interface to (install|remove|upgrade) packages with
- Octopi (C++ | Qt5) - A graphical user interface for the Arch Linux package management tool
- Yup (⭐139) (Go | TUI) - Arch Linux AUR Helper with ncurses functionality and better searching and sorting.
AUR Helpers / Maintenance
- aur-out-of-date (⭐48) - Determines out-of-date AUR packages w.r.t. upstream version.
- aurpublish (⭐246) - PKGBUILD management framework for the Arch User Repository.
- devtools - Tools for the Arch Linux distribution for building and maintaining official repository packages.
- pkgbuild-watch - Alerts you to upstream activity.
- pkgoutofdate (⭐10) - Checks whether Arch packages are out-of-date.
AUR Helpers / Other
- aur-talk (⭐15) - A script to fetch and display AUR package comments.
- aurvote-utils (⭐10) - A set of utilities for managing AUR votes.
- haskell-aur - Haskell library for accessing Aurweb RPC interface.
- package-query (⭐69) - Tool for querying
and the AUR.
- python3-aur - AUR-related modules and helper utilities (aurploader, aurquery, aurtomatic).
- raur - Rust library for accessing Aurweb RPC interface.
- Prev: Jul 06 - Jul 12, 2020
- Next: Jun 22 - Jun 28, 2020