Awesome List Updates on Jun 29 - Jul 05, 2020

63 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome Flutter

Device / Bluetooth / NFC / Beacon

2. Awesome Clean Tech

Companies / Materials

Companies / Water

More Resources / Social Impact

3. Awesome Typescript

Cloud Data Warehousing / Playground

Validation / Playground

4. Awesome Actions

Notifications and Messages / Code Coverage

5. Awesome Quantified Self

Devices and Wearables / Wealth

6. Android Security Awesome

Tools / Reverse Engineering

7. Awesome Jamstack

API / Forms

8. PlacesToPostYourStartup


9. Awesome Meteor

Getting Started



Forms and Templates

Users and Authentication





Docker Images






Search, sort and paginate


Data Visualization


Cron Jobs

Debugging Tools

Editor Plugins




Open source apps

Front End Frameworks

Alternative Databases




Websites / Q&A

Work Opportunities / Community Newsletters

Related / Community Newsletters

Built With Meteor / Community Newsletters

10. Awesome Robotic Tooling

Operation System / Server Infrastructure and High Performance Computing

11. Awesome List




12. Awesome Kubernetes

Featured On

13. Awesome Powershell

Code and Package Repositories

14. Awesome Raspberry Pi


15. Awesome Ios

Deployment / Distribution

16. Awesome Microservices

Frameworks / Runtimes

API Gateways / Edge Services / Scala

Job Schedulers / Workload Automation / Scala

QUIC / Scala

Security / Scala

Articles & Papers / Scala

17. Awesome Embedded Rust

Component abstraction crates / Other

Driver crates / Other

Driver crates / WIP

18. ALL About RSS

Apps / Outline Processor Markup Language

Wechat Mini Apps / Outline Processor Markup Language

Other Apps / Outline Processor Markup Language

Telegram / Telegram RSS bots

🔱 Workflow Automation / 酷Q Plugin

specifically from (a certain platform) / Instagram

RSS2MAIL / Docsify

Feed Analytics / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264

Society / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264

Tech or IT / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264

Telegram Groups / Channels / Crypto or Blockchain relevant

Turn YouTube into Podcast / Crypto or Blockchain relevant

19. Awesome Prometheus

Official resources

Deployment tools

Alertmanager / Miscellaneous

20. Awesome Discord Communities



Server Icon

Deno Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #general, #showcase, #help, #dev, #rust-libs
Language: English \

Server Icon

electron Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #general, #help, #electron-builder, #electron-forge, #electron-packager, #fiddle, #security, #reactjs, #vuejs, #jobs, #projects
Language: English

Server Icon

ESLint Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #tsc-meetings, #general, #help, #lookwhatimade, #developers, #season-of-docs
Language: English, 日本語 \

Server Icon

ReasonML Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #general, #reasonconf, #native-development, #bucklescript, #job-openings, #react, #ocaml, #reason-dojo, #reason-core-dev
Language: English

Server Icon

Notable Channels: #collaboration, #code-review, #help, #react, #angular, #vue, #svelte, #jquery, #gatsby, #node, #graphql, #electron, #threejs, #webgl
Language: English


Server Icon

Blitz.js Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #ideas, #help-blitz, #help-react, #help-prisma, #help-typescript, #blitz-content, #blitz-libraries, #built-with-blitz, #dev-general
Language: English, 中文, español

Server Icon

Gatsby Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #general, #help, #showcase, #development, #starter-kits, #jobs, #graphql, #vuejs, #data-sourcing, #markdown, #drupal, #craft-cms, #dato-cms, #cockpit-cms
Language: English

Server Icon

Invertase OSS Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #notifee, #apple-authentication, #general, #i-need-help, #i-made-this, #contributing, #news, #modules
Language: English

Server Icon

Reactiflux Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: Notable Channels: #help-react, #react-native, #js, #styling, #backend, #graphql, #code-review, #react-router, #redux, #react-bootstrap, #formik, so much more
Language: English


Server Icon

/r/AndroidDev Reddit Badge Homepage URL
Notable Channels: #beginner, #intermediate, #rom, #general, #flutter, #kotlin, #firebase, #dependency-injection, #rx, #design
Language: English

Server Icon

/r/AndroidRoot Reddit Badge Homepage URL
Notable Channels: #root, #custom-roms, #theming, #development, #magisk, #twrp, #substratum, #support-room
Language: English \

Server Icon

/r/FlutterDev Reddit Badge Homepage URL
Notable Channels: #beginner, #intermediate, #general, #android, #ios, #web, #desktop, #app-showcase, #hiring
Language: English \

Server Icon

Android Discord Reddit Badge Homepage URL
Notable Channels: #android, #whatphone, #tech-support, #phone-questions, #themes, #phonetography
Language: English \

Server Icon

XDA-Developers Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #general-tech, #help, #development, #theming, #devices, #google-general, #huawei-general, #oneplus-general, #samsung-general, #nokia-general
Language: English

Game Design

Server Icon

/r/GameDesign Reddit Badge Homepage URL
Notable Channels: #digital-game-design, #tabletop-game-design, #game-development, #music-and-art, #find-people, #get-found, #current-projects
Language: English

Server Icon

Graphics Programming Git Repository
Notable Channels: #mathematics, #questions, #ray-tracing, #techniques, #directx, #gpu-compute, #opengl, #unity-unreal, #vulkan, #web, #algorithms, #bikeshed, #engine-dev, #low-level
Language: English

Server Icon

OpenVFX: The Blender Hub
Notable Channels: #cgi-general, #resources, #3d-printing, #animation-rigging, #coding, #grease-pencil, #materials, #modeling, #physics, #rendering, #roblox, so much more
Language: English, Deutsch, português, español, Nederlands, suomi, Magyar, svenska, dansk, हिन्दी

Server Icon

Shadertoy Official Badge Homepage URL
Notable Channels: #shader-programming, #beginners, #mathematics, #showcase, #live-coding-streams, #resources
Language: English \

Server Icon

TTRPG Design and Playtesting Reddit Badge Homepage URL
Notable Channels: #business, #game-design, #math, #mechanics, #playtesting, #visual-design, #world-design, #writing, #game-critique, #mechanics-critique, #projects
Language: English

21. Awesome Web Monetization

Resources / Tools

22. Awesome Swift

Calendar / Barcode

Walkthrough / Barcode

23. Awesome Blazor

Component bundles

2D/3D Rendering engines / Charts

2D/3D Rendering engines / Date & time

2D/3D Rendering engines / Modal, Toast & Notifications

2D/3D Rendering engines / Others

24. Awesome Transit

GTFS Realtime Utilities / Ruby

25. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam

Network perimeter defenses / Evidence collection

26. Awesome Ddd

Sample Projects / PHP

27. Awesome Django

Third-Party Packages / Models

28. Awesome Crystal

CLI Utils

29. Awesome Tmux

Tools and session management

30. Awesome Cl


31. Static Analysis

Meaning of Symbols:

32. Awesome Healthcare

Contents / EHR

33. Awesome Prisma

🦺 Community Prisma Tools

34. Awesome Dotnet Core

Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / GUI

35. Awesome Actions on Google


36. Awesome Devsecops




Secure Development Guidelines

Secure Development Lifecycle Framework


Dependency Management

Dynamic Analysis

Infrastructure as Code Analysis / Cloud Formation

Infrastructure as Code Analysis / Containers

Infrastructure as Code Analysis / Terraform

Infrastructure as Code Analysis / Kubernetes

Intentionally Vulnerable Applications / Ansible

Related Lists / Ruby

Monitoring / Ansible

Secrets Management / Ansible

Static Analysis / Multi-Language Support

Static Analysis / C / C++

Static Analysis / C#

Static Analysis / Configuration Files

Static Analysis / Java

Static Analysis / JavaScript

Static Analysis / Go

Static Analysis / .NET

Static Analysis / PHP

Static Analysis / Python

Static Analysis / Ruby

Threat Modelling / Ruby

37. Awesome Godot

Godot script editor syntax themes / Godot version unknown

38. Awesome Selfhosted

Software / Password Managers

Software / Search Engines

39. Awesome Playwright


40. Awesome Ssh

Apps / SSH keys / Authentication

41. Awesome Json

Command-line tools

Format Extensions


42. Awesome Bitcoin

Market Data API

43. Awesome Diversity


44. Awesome Eslint

Preconfigured Configs with ESLint Set up / Other Configs

Parsers / Testing Tools

Globals / Testing Tools

45. Awesome Gbdev


46. Awesome Keycloak

Community Extensions


47. Awesome Vue

Resources / External Resources

Resources / Examples

Projects Using Vue.js / Apps/Websites

48. Awesome Waves



The Ride programming language

49. Awesome Deno

Modules / Utils

50. Awesome Rust


51. Awesome Mobile Web Development

Articles and Documentation

52. Awesome Remote Job

Articles & Posts

53. Awesome React Native

Continuous Integration


Utils & Infra / Navigation Demos

System / Navigation Demos

Storage / Navigation Demos

54. Awesome Seml

Model Training


55. Awesome Elixir

Files and Directories

56. Awesome Mental Health



57. Awesome Pagespeed Metrics

Concepts / Field Data (Real User Monitoring - RUM)

Concepts / User-centric metrics

Rendering metrics / First Contentful Paint (FCP)

Rendering metrics / Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

Rendering metrics / (Hero) Element Timing

Rendering metrics / Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

Rendering metrics / Speed Index

Interactivity metrics / Time to Interactive (TTI)

Interactivity metrics / Total Blocking Time (TBT)

Interactivity metrics / First Input Delay (FID)

Interactivity metrics / Max Potential First Input Delay

58. Awesome Eosio

Developer Tools / Services

59. Awesome Building Blocks for Web Apps

UI Elements

60. Free for Dev

CI and CD

APIs, Data, and ML


IDE and Code Editing

61. Awesome Cryptography

Articles / Hash functions

Python / Git

Web-sites / Git

62. Awesome Webaudio

Packages / Libraries

Packages / Apps

63. Awesome Arch

Arch-based distros / Desktop

AUR Helpers / Search and download

AUR Helpers / Search and build

AUR Helpers / Pacman wrappers

AUR Helpers / Graphical

AUR Helpers / Maintenance

AUR Helpers / Other