Awesome List Updates on Jun 15 - Jun 21, 2020
70 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Wpo
Image Optimizers / Meetups
- - Intelligent real-time image optimizations, image transformations with a global delivery network and storage.
2. Awesome Seed Rs
- seed-icons - Library with collections of icons to include in Seed-based application.
3. Awesome Tmux
- tmux-power (⭐591) 8 powerline style themes for tmux, easily to expand.
- tmux-fzf-url (⭐570) For opening urls from browser quickly without mouse.
4. Awesome Osint
Email Search / Email Check / Steam
- Reacher - Real-time email verification API, written in Rust, 100% open-source.
5. Awesome Shell
Command-Line Productivity
- tldr (⭐697) - A fully-functional bash client for tldr, simplified and community-driven man pages
6. Awesome Vagrant
- Vagrant Online Courses at Classpert List of Vagrant Online Courses (free and paid)
7. Awesome Digitalocean
Commercial integrations
- SimpleBackups - Tool for scheduling DigitalOcean backups (files & databases) on auto-pilot.
- - Hourly to Daily DigitalOcean backups. Tool for scheduling more frequent DigitalOcean backups
8. Awesome Magento2
Adminhtml / Backend
- Clean Admin Menu (⭐144) - Merges 3rd party extensions to a single menu.
9. Awesome Naming
- Tree shaking - Shake the dependency tree until all the dead parts are falling off and you end up with a nice lean tree.
10. Android Security Awesome
Tools / Online Analyzers
- App Detonator - Detonate APK binary to provide source code level details including app author, signature, build, and manifest information. 3 Analysis/day free quota.
Tools / Dynamic Analysis Tools
- AndroPyTool (⭐356) - a tool for extracting static and dynamic features from Android APKs. It combines different well-known Android app analysis tools such as DroidBox, FlowDroid, Strace, AndroGuard, or VirusTotal analysis.
Exploits/Vulnerabilities/Bugs / Malware
- Kharon Malware Dataset - 7 malware which have been reverse-engineered and documented
- AndroZoo - AndroZoo is a growing Android application collection from several sources, including the official Google Play app market.
- Android PRAGuard Dataset - The dataset contains 10479 samples, obtained by obfuscating the MalGenome and the Contagio Minidump datasets with seven different obfuscation techniques.
11. Awesome Embedded Rust
Community / Community Chat Rooms
- - For discussion of the Real-Time Interrupt-driven Concurrency framework
12. Awesome Jmeter
JMeter Performance / Utilities
- JMeter Performance and Tuning Tips - By Ubik Ingenierie.
13. Awesome Streaming
Table of Contents / Readings
- Grokking Streaming Systems by Josh Fischer & Ning Wang
14. Awesome Vue
Projects Using Vue.js / Apps/Websites
- - FOSS Discord templates listing website 💬
15. Awesome Microservices
Go / Erlang
- Go-micro (⭐22k) - A distributed systems development framework.
- Micro (⭐12k) - A distributed systems runtime for the cloud and beyond.
16. Awesome Prisma
🏆 Tutorials / Tutorials with Nexus
🏆 Tutorials / Tutorials with NestJS
17. Awesome Ddd
Sample Projects / .NET (C#/F#)
- Equinox Project (⭐6.3k) - Full ASP.NET Core 3.1 application with Clean Architecture, DDD, CQRS and Event Sourcing concepts
Libraries and Frameworks / .NET
- NetDevPack - A smart set of common classes and implementations to improve your development productivity using .NET (DDD, CQRS, Specification Pattern, MediatR, Validations, Notifications).
18. Awesome Cheminformatics
Libraries / General Purpose
- MolecularGraph.jl (⭐183) - A graph-based molecule modeling and chemoinformatics analysis toolkit fully implemented in Julia
19. Awesome Python
DevOps Tools
- SSH-style Deployment
- cuisine (⭐1.3k) - Chef-like functionality for Fabric.
- fabric (⭐15k) - A simple, Pythonic tool for remote execution and deployment.
- Monitoring
- psutil (⭐10k) - A cross-platform process and system utilities module.
20. Awesome Cmake
Examples / Templates
- ModernCppStarter (⭐4.3k) - A template for modern C++ projects using CMake, CI, code coverage, clang-format, reproducible dependency management, tests using doctest (⭐5.8k) and much more.
21. Awesome Django
Third-Party Packages / Admin
- impostor (⭐159) - Impostor is a Django application which allows staff members to login as a different user by using their own username and password.
Projects / Boilerplate
- django-docker-heroku-template (⭐36) - A template with Docker, GitHub Actions, and Heroku set up for dev/test/prod, plus various other best practices.
22. Awesome Blazor
Tools & Utilities / Others
- Blazor Highcharts (⭐32) -
A port of the popular Highcharts library. Demo.
23. Awesome Keycloak
24. Awesome Lumen
25. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Media Streaming - Audio Streaming
- moOde Audio - Audiophile-quality music playback for the wonderful Raspberry Pi family of single board computers. (Source Code (⭐1.1k))
26. Public Apis
API: Brazil Central Bank Open Data
Description: Brazil Central Bank Open Data
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
27. Awesome Engineering Team Management
Engineering to Management Transition
- Advice to New Managers: Don't Joke About Firing People - “The second you became their manager you forfeited the right to joke around in any capacity about their employment at the company.”
28. Free for Dev
Artifact Repos
- — 1 GB Free private/public Maven Repository.
29. Awesome Flutter
Templates / Preferences
- Smart Washing Machine (⭐886) - Smart washing machine UI challenge app with Box2D physic engine by Tomasz Pawlikowski
30. Awesome Actions
Collection of Actions / Docker Container Actions
Static Analysis / Testing
Tutorials / Terraform
- Deploying Self-Hosted GitHub Actions Runners with Docker - Deploy self-hosted GitHub Actions runners with Docker and Docker Swarm to DigitalOcean.
31. Awesome Deno
Articles / XML
Resources in Other Languages / Italian
32. Awesome D3
- d3-upset (⭐14) - Functions for plotting an UpSet plot [upset, bar, intersections, venn, relationships]
33. Awesome Ebpf
Reference Documentation / Kernel Documentation
- linux/Documentation/networking/filter.rst - eBPF specification (somewhat outdated; information should still be valid, but not exhaustive).
34. ALL About RSS
RSS Extensions / Outline Processor Markup Language
specifically from (a certain platform) / SoundCloud
RSS Editor / Docsify
RSS2WIDGET / For website
Feed item filtering / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
🦾 Others / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
- 657 : Today's News on a Map
35. Awesome Elixir
- Programming Elixir 1.6 - The book provides introduction to functional and concurrent programming with Elixir by Dave Thomas (2014).
- Programming Phoenix 1.4 - Definitive guide to build web applications with the Phoenix framework by Chris McCord, José Valim and Bruce Tate (2015).
36. Awesome Robotic Tooling
Documentation and Presentation
- Reveal-Hugo (⭐581) - A Hugo theme for Reveal.js that makes authoring and customization a breeze. With it, you can turn any properly-formatted Hugo content into a HTML presentation.
- Hugo-Webslides (⭐115) - This is a Hugo template to create WebSlides presentation using markdown.
Requirements and Safety
- awesome-safety-critical (⭐1.5k) - List of resources about programming practices for writing safety-critical software.
Frameworks and Stacks
- awesome-ros2 (⭐1.3k) - A curated list of awesome Robot Operating System Version 2.0 (ROS 2) resources and libraries.
- Apollo (⭐23k) - High performance, flexible architecture which accelerates the development, testing, and deployment of Autonomous Vehicles.
- PythonRobotics (⭐18k) - This is a Python code collection of robotics algorithms, especially for autonomous navigation.
- astrobee (⭐788) - Astrobee is a free-flying robot designed to operate as a payload inside the International Space Station (ISS).
Development Environment / Code and Run
- Visual Studio Code (⭐146k) - Code editor for edit-build-debug cycle.
Development Environment / Lint and Format
- pylint (⭐4.7k) - Pylint is a Python static code analysis tool which looks for programming errors, helps enforcing a coding standard, sniffs for code smells and offers simple refactoring suggestions.
Development Environment / Debugging and Tracing
- gdb-frontend (⭐2.6k) - GDBFrontend is an easy, flexible and extensionable gui debugger.
- tracy (⭐5.6k) - A real time, nanosecond resolution, remote telemetry frame profiler for games and other applications.
Development Environment / Version Control
- bfg-repo-cleaner (⭐9.7k) - Removes large or troublesome blobs like git-filter-branch does, but faster.
Simulation / Version Control
- Webots (⭐2.5k) - Webots is an open source robot simulator compatible (among others) with ROS and ROS2.
- lgsv (⭐2.1k) - LG Electronics America R&D Center has developed an HDRP Unity-based multi-robot simulator for autonomous vehicle developers.
- awesome-CARLA (⭐538) - A curated list of awesome CARLA tutorials, blogs, and related projects.
- car_demo (⭐489) - This is a simulation of a Prius in gazebo 9 with sensor data being published using ROS kinetic.
- open-simulation-interface (⭐243) - A generic interface for the environmental perception of automated driving functions in virtual scenarios.
Electronics and Mechanics / Version Control
- phobos (⭐506) - An add-on for Blender allowing to create URDF, SDF and SMURF robot models in a WYSIWYG environment.
- NASA-3D-Resources (⭐2.7k) - Here you'll find a growing collection of 3D models, textures, and images from inside NASA.
Sensor Processing / Machine Learning
- fastai (⭐24k) - The fastai library simplifies training fast and accurate neural nets using modern best practices.
- gym (⭐31k) - A toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms.
- tensorflow_ros_cpp (⭐60) - A ROS package that allows to do Tensorflow inference in C++ without the need to compile TF yourself.
Sensor Processing / Image Processing
- vision_opencv (⭐437) - Packages for interfacing ROS with OpenCV, a library of programming functions for real time computer vision.
- tf-pose-estimation - Deep Pose Estimation implemented using Tensorflow with Custom Architectures for fast inference.
- yolact (⭐4.7k) - A simple, fully convolutional model for real-time instance segmentation.
Sensor Processing / Lidar and Point Cloud Processing
- point_cloud_io (⭐162) - ROS nodes to read and write point clouds from and to files (e.g. ply, vtk).
- robot_body_filter (⭐53) - A highly configurable LaserScan/PointCloud2 filter that allows to dynamically remove the 3D body of the robot from the measurements.
- pointcloud_to_laserscan (⭐279) - Converts a 3D Point Cloud into a 2D laser scan.
- PotreeConverter (⭐535) - Builds a potree octree from las, laz, binary ply, xyz or ptx files.
- laser_line_extraction (⭐346) - A ROS packages that extracts line segments from LaserScan messages.
Localization and State Estimation / Lidar and Point Cloud Processing
- GeographicLib (⭐34) - A C++ library for geographic projections.
- ntripbrowser (⭐29) - A Python API for browsing NTRIP (Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol).
- imu_tools (⭐697) - IMU-related filters and visualizers.
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping / Lidar
- loam_velodyne (⭐1.5k) - Laser Odometry and Mapping (Loam) is a realtime method for state estimation and mapping using a 3D lidar.
- maplab (⭐2.2k) - An open visual-inertial mapping framework.
- interactive_slam (⭐691) - In contrast to existing automatic SLAM packages, we with minimal human effort.
- Kitware SLAM - LiDAR-only visual SLAM developped by Kitware, as well as ROS and ParaView wrappings for easier use.
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping / Visual
- LARVIO (⭐588) - A lightweight, accurate and robust monocular visual inertial odometry based on Multi-State Constraint Kalman Filter.
- fiducials (⭐236) - Simultaneous localization and mapping using fiducial markers.
Behavior and Decision / Vector Map
- py_trees_ros (⭐99) - Behaviours, trees and utilities that extend py_trees for use with ROS.
Planning and Control / Vector Map
- HypridAStarTrailer - A path planning algorithm based on Hybrid A* for trailer truck.
- open_street_map (⭐72) - ROS packages for working with Open Street Map geographic information.
- fastrack (⭐68) - A ROS implementation of Fast and Safe Tracking (FaSTrack).
- traffic-editor (⭐104) - A graphical editor for robot traffic flows.
- openrave (⭐595) - Open Robotics Automation Virtual Environment: An environment for testing, developing, and deploying robotics motion planning algorithms.
User Interaction / Graphical User Interface
- cage (⭐720) - This is Cage, a Wayland kiosk. A kiosk runs a single, maximized application.
- pencil (⭐8.6k) - A tool for making diagrams and GUI prototyping that everyone can use.
User Interaction / Command Line Interface
- ag (⭐25k) - A code-searching tool similar to ack, but faster.
- pkgtop (⭐269) - Interactive package manager and resource monitor designed for the GNU/Linux.
- gocui (⭐9k) - Minimalist Go package aimed at creating Console User Interfaces.
- bat (⭐41k) - A cat(1) clone with wings.
Data Visualization and Mission Control / Command Line Interface
- Pangolin (⭐1.9k) - Pangolin is a lightweight portable rapid development library for managing OpenGL display / interaction and abstracting video input.
- (⭐848) - is a toolkit for visualizing autonomous and robotics data in the XVIZ protocol.
Data Visualization and Mission Control / Point Cloud
- CloudCompare (⭐2.7k) - CloudCompare is a 3D point cloud (and triangular mesh) processing software.
Data Visualization and Mission Control / RViz
- mapviz (⭐308) - Modular ROS visualization tool for 2D data.
- rviz_cinematographer (⭐147) - Easy to use tools to create and edit trajectories for the rviz camera.
Operation System / Database and Record
- nextcloud (⭐22k) - Nextcloud is a suite of client-server software for creating and using file hosting services.
Operation System / Server Infrastructure and High Performance Computing
- polyaxon (⭐3.3k) - A platform for reproducing and managing the whole life cycle of machine learning and deep learning applications.
- enroot (⭐441) - A simple, yet powerful tool to turn traditional container/OS images into unprivileged sandboxes.
Network and Middleware / Real-Time Kernel
- realtime_support (⭐58) - Minimal real-time testing utility for measuring jitter and latency.
Security / Sensor and Acuator Interfaces
- How-to-Secure-A-Linux-Server (⭐14k) - An evolving how-to guide for securing a Linux server.
- brutespray (⭐1.7k) - Automatically attempts default creds on found services.
- hardening (⭐1.1k) - A quick way to make a Ubuntu server a bit more secure.
Datasets / Sensor and Acuator Interfaces
- dataset-api (⭐455) - This is a repo of toolkit for ApolloScape Dataset, CVPR 2019 Workshop on Autonomous Driving Challenge and ECCV 2018 challenge.
37. Awesome Ios Books
🇷🇺 Russian books
38. Awesome Fuzzing
Papers / IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE S&P)
39. PlacesToPostYourStartup
- AngelList -
- Saijo's Tools List -
40. Awesome Transit
GTFS Analysis Tools / Rust
- GTFS Kit (⭐58) - A Python 3.6+ tool kit for analyzing General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) data. Supersedes GTFSTK.
- Busbuzzard (⭐10) - Inference of probabilistic schedules from empirical data about transit vehicles.
GTFS Realtime Utilities / Rust
- gtfs-rt-admin (⭐7) - An admin tool for managing GTFS-RT service alerts (JavaScript and Java).
41. Awesome Iot
Software / Libraries and Tools
- MIMIC IoT Simulator - Simulate large IoT environments for agile development / testing / proof-of-concept / training of IoT Applications based on MQTT, CoAP, REST
42. Awesome Waves
- How to build a dApp for team motivation - Billy is DApp in the form of a bot that allows for an incentive and reward system aiming to motivate employees through Slack, a business communication platform (ru).
43. Awesome React Native
- react-native-anchor-point ★14 (⭐173) - Make the fancy 3D transform easier in react native
44. Awesome Jamstack
No-Code Platforms
- Draftbox - Lightning fast, secure front-end for your WordPress or Ghost blog, without coding.
Tutorials / Articles / Automation
45. Awesome Love2d
- Visual Studio Code - VS Code is a new type of tool that combines the simplicity of a code editor with what developers need for their core edit-build-debug cycle.
- Local Lua Debugger - Simple Lua debugger with no dependencies. Löve specific launch.json example provided.
- Lua for Visual Studio Code - Provides Intellisense and Linting for Lua in VSCode.
- Lua Language Server - Various language features for Lua to make development easier and faster; includes LÖVE code completion and documentation.
- Visual Studio Code LÖVE Launcher - A Löve Launcher Extension for Visual Studio Code.
46. Awesome Building Blocks for Web Apps
Consent Management
- Consent Management Provider - German management tool for Cookie Consent.
- Cookiebot - Cookie tracking manager.
- FlyingForms - Building, versioning and managing forms.
47. Awesome V
- vgram (⭐148) - Telegram bot library.
48. Awesome Fastapi
- FastAPI Auth (⭐150) - Pluggable auth that supports the OAuth2 Password Flow with JWT access and refresh tokens.
- FastAPI Login (⭐656) - Account management and authentication (based on Flask-Login (⭐3.6k)).
- FastAPI Permissions (⭐503) - Row-level permissions.
Databases / ORMs
- FastAPI SQLAlchemy (⭐630) - Simple integration between FastAPI and SQLAlchemy.
- GINO (⭐2.7k) - A lightweight asynchronous ORM built on top of SQLAlchemy core for Python asyncio.
- ORM (⭐1.8k) - An async ORM.
Databases / Query Builders
- asyncpgsa (⭐416) - A wrapper around asyncpg (⭐7.1k) for use with SQLAlchemy Core.
- Databases (⭐3.9k) - Async SQL query builder that works on top of the SQLAlchemy Core expression language.
Databases / ODMs
- Motor - Asynchronous Python driver for MongoDB.
Databases / Other Tools
- Pydantic-SQLAlchemy (⭐1.2k) - Convert SQLAlchemy models to Pydantic models.
Developer Tools / Other Tools
- FastAPI Client Generator (⭐337) - Generate a mypy- and IDE-friendly API client from an OpenAPI spec.
- FastAPI Versioning (⭐676) - API versioning.
- Jupyter Notebook REST API (⭐80) - Run your Jupyter notebooks as RESTful API endpoints.
Utils / Other Tools
- FastAPI Contrib (⭐631) - Opinionated set of utilities: pagination, auth middleware, permissions, custom exception handlers, MongoDB support, and Opentracing middleware.
- FastAPI Plugins (⭐407) - Redis and Scheduler plugins.
- FastAPI ServiceUtils (⭐34) - Generator for creating API services.
- Prerender Python Starlette (⭐15) - Starlette middleware for Prerender.
- SlowApi (⭐1.3k) - Rate limiter (based on Flask-Limiter).
- Starlette Exporter (⭐318) - One more prometheus integration for FastAPI and Starlette.
Official Resources / Other Tools
- Documentation - Comprehensive documentation.
Podcasts / Other Tools
- Build The Next Generation Of Python Web Applications With FastAPI - In this episode of Podcast Init, the creator of FastAPI, Sebastián Ramirez, shares his motivations for building FastAPI and how it works under the hood.
Courses / Other Tools
- Test-Driven Development with FastAPI and Docker - Learn how to build, test, and deploy a text summarization microservice with Python, FastAPI, and Docker.
Serverless / Other Tools
- Vercel - (formerly Zeit) (example (⭐82)).
Boilerplate / Other Tools
- FastAPI Model Server Skeleton (⭐424) - Skeleton app to serve machine learning models production-ready.
- cookiecutter-spacy-fastapi (⭐527) - Quick deployments of spaCy models with FastAPI.
- Pywork (⭐11) - Yeoman generator to scaffold a FastAPI app.
- FastAPI Nano (⭐916) - Simple FastAPI template with factory pattern architecture.
Open Source Projects / Other Tools
- Dispatch (⭐5.3k) - Manage security incidents.
- Mailer (⭐60) - Dead-simple mailer micro-service for static websites.
- Sprites as a service (⭐309) - Generate your personal 8-bit avatars using Cellular Automata.
- Slackers (⭐78) - Slack webhooks API.
49. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
Security monitoring / Network Security Monitoring (NSM)
- Stenographer (⭐1.8k) - Full-packet-capture utility for buffering packets to disk for intrusion detection and incident response purposes.
Security monitoring / Service and performance monitoring
- Zabbix - Mature, enterprise-level platform to monitor large-scale IT environments.
50. Webcomponents the Right Way
Component Libraries
- Blaze UI Atoms (⭐1.5k) - Set of web components powered by Blaze CSS.
Testing Solutions
- shadow-automation-selenium (⭐97) - Shadow DOM automation using Selenium.
History / 2012
51. Awesome WSL
Additional Resources / Miscellaneous Tools
- Microsoft WSL Official Documentation
52. Awesome Clojure
Web Framework
53. Awesome Deep Learning
Table of Contents / Books
- Practical Deep Learning for Cloud, Mobile, and Edge - A book for optimization techniques during production.
Table of Contents / Courses
- Deep Learning Online Course list at Classpert List of Deep Learning online courses (some are free) from Classpert Online Course Search
Table of Contents / Papers
54. Awesome Billing
Business Intelligence / Tools
- Free, open-source SQL client for Windows and Mac with builtin graphs.
55. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Testing
- Infection (⭐2.1k) - An AST-based PHP Mutation testing framework.
Configuration / PHP Internals Reading
- PHP RFCs - The home of PHP RFCs (Request for Comments).
56. Awesome Swift
Keyboard / Barcode
- KeyboardShortcuts (⭐2.1k) - Add user-customizable global keyboard shortcuts to your macOS app. Includes a Cocoa and SwiftUI component.
Mock / Barcode
- Mocker (⭐1.1k) - Mock Alamofire and URLSession requests without touching your code implementation
57. Awesome Eslint
Plugins / Misc
- Only-Error (⭐16) - Convert all rules to errors.
- Only-Warn (⭐161) - Convert all rules to warnings.
Plugins / Testing Tools
- Testing Library (⭐989) - Linting rules for Testing Library.
58. Awesome React Components
Editable data grid / spreadsheet
- jqwidgets-react-grid - Filtering, Pagination, Grouping, Export to Excel, PDF, CRUD and more.
- Smart React Grid - Fast and feature-complete data grid with Material Design.
- hamburger-react (⭐938) - demo/docs - Animated hamburger menu icons for React.
- Smart React Chart - Feature complete Charting library.
Form Components / Date / Time picker
- jQWidgets Scheduler - Feature complete Scheduling library.
59. Awesome Newsletters
General Web Development
- JAMstacked. An email update on the evolving JAMstack ecosystem.
60. Awesome Security
Network / Anti-Spam
- Spam Scanner - Anti-Spam Scanning Service and Anti-Spam API by @niftylettuce.
- rspamd (⭐1.9k) - Fast, free and open-source spam filtering system.
61. Awesome Audiovisual
Tools / Timecode
- Time MIDI sender (⭐1) - A free tool for sending time data to DasLight (via MIDI).
✓ open-source
Resources / ArtNet Libraries
- awesome-linuxaudio (⭐1.3k) - A Awesome list with all things Linux audio.
62. Awesome Vehicle Security
Libraries and Tools / Python
- Scapy (⭐11k) - A python library to send, receive, edit raw packets. Supports CAN and automotive protocols: see the automotive doc
63. Awesome Ios
- Grid (⭐1.8k) - The most powerful Grid container missed in SwiftUI.
64. Awesome Vulkan
- vulkan (⭐138) - Haskell bindings for Vulkan and Vulkan Memory Allocator [BSD-3-Clause]
65. Awesome Crystal
Dependency Injection
- Athena Dependency Injection (⭐9) - Robust dependency injection service container framework
Framework Components
- Athena Event Dispatcher (⭐14) - A Mediator and Observer pattern event library
Network Protocols
- crystal-mqtt (⭐20) - A MQTT client
Web Frameworks
- Athena (⭐215) - A web framework comprised of reusable, independent components
Official Documentation Translations
- Crank (⭐51) - A Procfile-based application manager (like Foreman)
66. Awesome Pinned Gists
External Services
- steam-box (⭐167) - Update a pinned gist to contain your Steam playtime leaderboard.
67. Discount for Student Dev
IDE and Code Editing
- JetBrains IDE pack [FREE] - Free professional developer IDEs and tools from JetBrains, including:
- CLion - C/C++ IDE
- DataGrip - Database/SQL IDE
- DataSpell - Data analysis IDE
- dotCover, dotMemory, dotTrace - .NET Tools
- GoLand - Go IDE
- IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate - Java IDE
- PhpStorm - PHP IDE
- PyCharm - Python IDE
- ReSharper - Visual Studio Extension for .NET
- ReSharper C++ - Visual Studio Extension for C++
- Rider - .NET IDE
- RubyMine - Ruby IDE
- WebStorm - JavaScript IDE
- SQLGate [FREE] - Simple but powerful IDE for multiple SQL databases. Access to most Standard Subscription features for 1 year.
Version Control
- GitKraken [FREE] - Pro version of the GitKraken Client. Sign into the desktop version after getting your Github Student Developer Pack.
- Sentry [FREE] - Open-source error tracking that helps developers monitor and fix crashes in real time. Also included via Github Student Developer Pack.
- Working Copy [FREE] - Powerful Git client for iOS that clones, edits, commits, pushes. All Pro features for free while you are a student via Github Student Developer Pack.
- Github Desktop [FREE] - Focus on what matters instead of fighting with Git. Whether you're new to Git or a seasoned user, GitHub Desktop simplifies your development workflow.
- Imgbot [FREE] - Imgbot is a GitHub App that automatically optimizes your images. Free image optimization for all your public and private projects while you are a student.
- Restyled [FREE] - With Restyled, automatically re-format Pull Requests to have consistent style. Run Restyled for free on private repositories while you're a student.
Web Hosting
- Pageclip [FREE] - A server for your static websites and HTML forms. Free basic plan while you are a student.
Design and Photo Editing
- Icons8[FREE] - Icons8 provides design resources: icons, UI illustrations, photos and software to class up your projects. Full 3-month all access subscription with icons, photos, illustrations, and music via Github Student Developer Pack.
- Figma [FREE] - Receive Professional Team features for free when verified as a student.
- Iconscout [FREE] - Iconscout is design resources marketplace to get high quality icons, illustrations and stock images. Download 60 premium icons per month for 1 year.
- Taskade - Team Productivity [DISCOUNT] - Students get 50% permanent discount on Taskade Pro subscriptions. Use the coupon code "students50" on checkout and start collaborating on Taskade with team task, notes and chat.
- Netlicensing [FREE] - A cost-effective and integrated Licensing-as-a-Service (LaaS) solution for your software on any platform from Desktop to IoT and SaaS. Basic Plan free while you are a student at GitHub Student Developer Pack.
- Google Cloud Platform [TEMPORARILY FREE] - Access Cloud Services and G-Suite either on a trial of 14 days or register for one year through educational license or by card details.
- Microsoft Azure - Microsoft Azure is an ever-expanding set of cloud services to help you build, manage, and deploy applications. Level up your ideas by learning cloud computing skills and get a $100 credit with your free Azure for Students account—no credit card required.
- [FREE] - Get unlimited email addresses and mailboxes for automating email tests with our powerful APIs. Free Essential plan while you're a student.
- Semaphore [FREE / DISCOUNT]- Free account for students and educators with a 25% discount for qualifying schools and institutions.
Management Systems
- PushBots [FREE] - The easiest way to engage your mobile & web app users via push notifications. Free Premium account for 6 months.
Programming Help
- Evernote [DISCOUNT] - Capture, organize, and share notes from anywhere. Get 50% off a full year of Evernote Premium.
- Transloadit [FREE] - A versatile uploading & encoding API to automate any file conversion. The Startup plan for free, including 10GB of encoding credit.
Domain Name Registers
- .tech [DISCOUNT] - One year registration on .tech TLD for $0.99, with free renewals for referrals.
-[FREE] - Domain names, web hosting, and websites. One free domain name and free Advanced Security (SSL, privacy protection, and more) via Github Student Developer Pack.
- Cryptolens [FREE] - License and sell your software securely.10 licenses and any number of end-users for free for students.
- Termius [FREE] - SSH client that works on desktop and mobile. Termius securely syncs data across all your devices. Free access to the Premium plan while you're a student.
- Astra [FREE] - Security suite for your website - firewall, malware scanner & managed bug bounty platform.6 month access to website firewall & malware scanner.
- BrowserStack [FREE] - Test your web apps with BrowserStack's Real Device Cloud, which gives you instant access to 2000+ browsers and real iOS and Android devices.Free Automate Mobile Plan for 1 parallel and 1 user for 1 year.
Software Modeling Tools
- Vertabelo [FREE] - Visual database design online. 100% free academic accounts for students and lecturers who are learning or teaching database modeling.
- Vaadin [FREE] - Best open source Java framework for building Progressive Web Applications.Free Pro subscription license to access the commercial components and tools via Github Student Developer Pack.
Visual Analytics
- Tableau Desktop [FREE] - One Year Professional License for Students.
- Appfigures [FREE] - App Store analytics, optimization, and intelligence. Free access to the Grow plan for 1 year.
Password Managers
- Dashlane [FREE] - 1 year of free Dashlane Premium for Students, offer for new and existing users with eligible student emails ($3.33/month thereafter)
- RoboForm [FREE] - Free for students and professors with a valid college or university email address for the first year ($12/year thereafter)
Software Packs
- Intel Tools for Students [FREE] - Free access to the select Intel® Software Development Products, including: Intel® XDK, Intel® Video Pro Analyzer, Intel® System Studio, Intel® Parallel Studio XE Composer Edition and Intel® Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition (includes Fortran and C/C++).
- Exploratory [FREE] - Exploratory’s Simple UI experience makes it possible for Anyone to use the latest and the most advanced innovation in Data Science to discover deep insights.Student Registration Available for pricing.
Learning Resources
- Frontend Masters [FREE] - Advance your skills with in-depth JavaScript, Node.js & front-end engineering courses. Getting your career started in field of FullStack Development with this amazing course. Free 6-months access to all courses and workshops.
- One Month [FREE] - Learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Python in just 30 days!You will get Free 30-day One Month subscription.
- SymfonyCasts [FREE] - Master Symfony and PHP with video tutorials and code challenges. Free 3-month subscription for students.
- Educative [FREE] - Level up on trending coding skills at your own pace with interactive, text-based courses. Get 6 free months of 60+ courses covering in-demand topics like Web Development, Python, Java, and Machine Learning.
- Interview Cake [FREE] - Interview Cake makes coding interviews a piece of cake with practice questions, data structures and algorithms reference pages, cheat sheets, and more. Access to the full coding interview prep course for 3 weeks.
- Adafruit [FREE] - Adafruit is an open-source hardware and open-source educational electronics company based in NYC, USA.One year of Adafruit IO+ and discounts on selected hardware.
- DataCamp [FREE] - DataCamp helps companies and individuals make better use of data. Our users build data fluency while learning from the world’s top data scientists.Free 3-month individual subscription for students.
- PomoDone [FREE] - With PomoDone, hack and track your time and boost your productivity by applying Pomodoro technique to your workflow -- eliminate distraction, sharpen focus and prevent burnout.PomoDone Lite plan free for 2-years.
- HazeOver [FREE] - Get focused while working on your projects or studying with HazeOver for Mac.Free app license, including minor updates.
- Github Campus Experts [FREE] - GitHub Campus Experts are students who build technical communities on campus, with training and support from GitHub.Apply to become part of the program while you’re a student.
68. Awesome Firebase
- 🔧 Typesaurus (⭐348) - Type-safe TypeScript-first ODM for Firestore.
69. Awesome Quant
Python / Data Sources
- yliveticker (⭐149) - Live stream of market data from Yahoo Finance websocket.
Python / Visualization
- D-Tale (⭐4.8k) - Visualizer for pandas dataframes and xarray datasets.
70. Awesome Yew
- Yew Fullstack Boilerplate (⭐58) - Highly opinionated boilerplate for creating full stack applications with Rust.
- Chord Quiz (⭐16) - Practice recognizing chords in this Rust/Yew/WebAssembly app.
- Prev: Jun 22 - Jun 28, 2020
- Next: Jun 08 - Jun 14, 2020