Awesome List Updates on Jun 08 - Jun 14, 2020

67 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome Ipfs


2. Awesome Couchdb

News & Blog Posts

Related Projects / Hosting

3. Awesome Mac

Utilities / Menu Bar Tools

4. Awesome Design Patterns

Serverless Architecture

5. Awesome Composer

Tools / IRC

6. Awesome Kubernetes

Featured On

7. Awesome Rust

Libraries / Artificial Intelligence

8. Awesome Quant

Python / Trading & Backtesting

Python / Data Sources

9. Awesome Embedded Rust

Tools / Paid and commercially available materials

10. Awesome Ios

Getting Started

11. Awesome Php

Table of Contents / Frameworks

Configuration / PHP Podcasts

Configuration / PHP Internals Reading

12. Awesome WSL

WSL Tools / Miscellaneous Tools

13. Awesome Saltstack

Official resources


14. Awesome Network Analysis

Books / Method-specific

15. Awesome Yew


16. Free for Dev


17. Awesome Waves



Docker images

Client libraries / JavaScript/TypeScript

Client libraries / Python

Projects / Swift

French / Swift

18. Awesome Python

ASGI Servers



19. Awesome Prisma

🦺 Community Prisma Tools

🏆 Tutorials / ⚙️ Schema Visualization Tools

20. Nginx Resources

Understanding Nginx




Modules development




Nginx + Lua



21. Awesome Cakephp


22. Static Analysis

Meaning of Symbols:

23. Awesome Web Archiving

Tools & Software / Acquisition

Community Resources / Other Awesome Lists

24. Awesome Audio Visualization


25. Awesome Building Blocks for Web Apps

UI Elements

Chat Bot

26. Awesome Homematic

Community Ressources (mostly german language)

27. Awesome Transit

GTFS Libraries / JavaScript

GTFS Realtime Convertors / Rust

National government datasets / Rust

Proprietary (non-standard) vendor APIs / Rust

28. Awesome Slack


29. Awesome Ruby

Web Frameworks

Web Servers

30. Awesome Machine Learning

Python / Misc Scripts / iPython Notebooks / Codebases

31. Awesome Ros2

Packages / Ecosystem

32. Awesome Jamstack

Books / Automation

33. Awesome Devtools


Tools / Debugging & Development

Tools / Deobfuscation & Transformation

Tools / Diffing

Tools / File Sharing

Tools / Generators

Tools / Image

Tools / Playgrounds

Tools / Regex

Tools / Transformation

Resources / Browser Information

Resources / Compatability

Resources / CSS Inliners

Resources / CSS Post Processors

Resources / Documentation

Resources / Easings & Animations

Resources / Glyphs & Icons

Resources / Open JSON & Feeds

Resources / Proxy as a Service

Resources / Responsiveness

Resources / Validation & Parsers

Security / SSL

The Outside World / Swag

34. Awesome Flutter

Media / Audio

35. Awesome Plotters

Software / Vector Creation

36. Awesome H2o

Research Papers

37. ALL About RSS

🔱 Workflow Automation / 酷Q Plugin

Small single-board computers / Crypto or Blockchain relevant

38. Awesome Swift



Other Data

Auto Layout / Barcode

UI / Barcode

Payment / Barcode

39. Awesome Webaudio

Packages / Apps

Obsolete / Community

40. Awesome Eslint

Plugins / Security

41. Awesome Selfhosted

Software / Communication - Custom Communication Systems

Software / Note-taking & Editors

42. Awesome Malware Analysis

Debugging and Reverse Engineering / Other Resources

43. Awesome Esolangs


44. Awesome Css

Videos 📺 / 2019

45. Awesome Actions

GitHub Tools and Management / Docker Container Actions

46. Awesome Powershell

Package Managers

47. Awesome Billing

Fraud / Online Payments

Business Intelligence / Metrics

48. Awesome Engineering Team Management

Culture / Procrastination

Engineering / Engineering Practices

49. Awesome Ponyfills



50. Open Source Flutter Apps

Contents / Entertainment

51. Awesome Tensorflow Js

Learn / Papers

Learn / Videos

Learn / Books

Learn / Blog & Posts

Tools / Tools/Utilities

52. Awesome Nextjs


53. Awesome List

Programming Languages

Content Management Systems

54. Awesome Blazor

2D/3D Rendering engines / Others

Others / Others

55. Awesome Wardley Maps

Maps in the Wild

56. Awesome Vue

Resources / Tutorials

57. Public Apis


Sports & Fitness


58. Awesome Ios Books


Functional Swift


Game Development


🇷🇺 Russian books

59. Awesome Digital History

Archives and primary sources / Switzerland

60. Awesome Python Typing

Tools / Testing

61. Webcomponents the Right Way


Component Libraries







62. Awesome Micropython


Sensors / Distance Laser

63. Awesome Crystal

Code Analysis and Metrics


Third-party APIs

64. Awesome Discord Communities

Competitive Programming

Server Icon

CP Community Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #beginner-questions, #general-cp, #problem-spoilers, #ioi,#icpc, #math, #errichto-yt, #vplanet
Language: English

Server Icon

Kilonova Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #general, #platform-errors, #platform-bugs, #suggestions, #support, #solution-discussions
Language: Romanian \

Server Icon

RoAlgo Official Badge Git Repository
Notable Channels: #general, #general-avansati, #resurse, #concursuri, #potd-problems, #ajutor, #cf-atcoder
Language: Romanian, English \

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Discussions on the concepts behind modern, and classical computing and its kin.

Computer Science

Server Icon

Computer Science Homepage URL
Notable Channels: #computer-science, #resources, #algorithms-and-data-structures,#theory-of-computation, #information-and-coding-theory, #cryptography, #artificial-intelligence
Language: English

Server Icon

cs50 Official Badge Homepage URL
Notable Channels: #lectures, #scratch, #hello,#mario, #cash, #credit, #readability, #caesar, #substitution, #plurality, #runoff, #tideman, #c-to-python-sentimental, so much more
Language: English

Internet of Things

Server Icon

/r/Home Automation Reddit Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #suggestions, #smartspeakers, #smarthub, #lighting, #security, #iot-dev, #buy-sell-trade
Language: English \

Server Icon

Home Assistant Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #homeassistant, #support, #automations, #frontend, #devices, #templates, #add-ons, #apps, #cameras, #diy, #node-red, #voice-assistants, #zigbee, #development
Language: English

Server Icon

Homebridge Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #general, #homekit, #ui, #config, #raspberry-pi, #raspbian-image, #macos, #bwindows, #docker, #verified-plugins, #plugins, #homebridge-beta-testing, #plugin-development
Language: English

Server Icon

r/HomeKit Reddit Badge Homepage URL
Notable Channels: #general, #homekit-discussion, #hk-showcase, #hk-questions-help, #homepod-discussion, #hp-questions-help, #homebridge-discussion, #hb-plugin-showcase
Language: English


Server Icon

Haxe Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #general, #show-your-work, #tools, #flixel, #heaps, #kha, #nme, #haxepunk, #react, #haxe-ui, #lix, #coconut
Language: English

Server Applications

Server Icon

/r/Plex Reddit Badge Homepage URL
Notable Channels: #general, #software, #hardware, #media-suggestions
Language: English \

Server Icon

LibreNMS Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #general, #devel
Language: English \

Server Icon

Organizr Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #general, #customization-theming, #groups, #organizr-support
Language: English \

Server Icon

Pi-hole & AdGuard
Notable Channels: #blocklist-discussion, #gaming, #programming, #adguard-discussion, #adguard-support, #pihole-discussion, #pihole-support, #browser-adblocking, #mobile-adblocking
Language: English

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Everything red and blue teams are leaglly allowed to do; securty asssessment, reverse engineering, loopholes in networks, vulnerability research and so on.

Server Icon

Շђє ๓คภץ ђคՇร Ċ̵͕l̶̀͘u̸̍͝b̵͌͐ Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #infosec-general, #technical-chat, #student-zone, #blue-team-zone, #ctf, #malware-phishing, #cyber-threat-intel, #digital-forensics
Language: English

Server Icon

DEFCON Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: Will open on August 5-8, 2021
Language: English \

Server Icon

Hacker101 Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #general, #hacking-resources, #questions-and-answers, #hacktivity, #hackthebox, #mother-ctfs, #h1-2006-ctf, #ctfs, #a-little-something-to-get-you-started
Language: English

Server Icon

InfoSec & Coding
Notable Channels: #general, #questions, #programming, #hacking, #webdev, #opearting-systems, #ctf, #resources
Language: English \

Server Icon

Notable Channels: #windows-os, #unix-family, #mac-os, #ethical-hacking, #ctf-discussion, #job-discussion, #networking, #cryptography, #mobile-devices, #web-dev, #python
Language: English

Server Icon

Reverse Engineering Git Repository
Notable Channels: #help, #ctf, #starting-out, #mobile, #exploits-and-vulns, #hardware, #malware, #tools, #software-protections
Language: English

Server Icon

The Cyber Mentor Official Badge Homepage URL
Notable Channels: #web-app-course, #zero-to-hero, #red-teaming, #reverse-engineering, #linux, #web-apps, #htb, #tryhackme, #forensics, #job-postings
Language: English

Server Icon

Whitehat Hacking
Notable Channels: #cyber-news, #hacking, #mac-os, #windows, #linux, #ios, #android, #hardware, #coding, #malware-analysis, #training, #c-re-arm-x86-help
Language: English

Flight Simulation

Server Icon

Coders Craft
Notable Channels: #general, #xpl-res, #dev-chat, #lua, #c-cpp, #microsoft-flight-simulation-dev-chat, #modeling-texture
Language: English

Server Icon

FlyByWire Simulations Official Badge Git Repository
Notable Channels: #help, #aviation-chat, #hardware-chat, #a32nx-chat, #a380x-chat, #dev-support, #atsu-api, #lighting, #modeling, #sound, #your-controls
Language: English

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Making of games, how to rasterize or real time ray tracing, the complexities behind each object movement, everything before publishing in the marketplace.

Server Icon

Brackeys Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #tutorials_and_articles, #unity, #programming, #mobile, #code_optimization, #shaders, #game_jams, #art, #audio, #game_design, #marketing, #collaboration
Language: English

Server Icon

Game Dev League Homepage URL
Notable Channels: #events, #unity, #unreal-engine, #gamemaker-studio, #open-source, #löve-dev, #monogame-and-libgdx-dev, #godot, #web-dev, #cryengine-dev, #vr-dev, so much more
Language: English

Server Icon

Game Dev Network Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #gamedev-talk, #career-advice, #gamejam, #work-in-progress, #unity, #unreal, #godot, #gamemaker, #stride-xenko, #roblox, #ui-ux, #3d-modeling, #sound, #looking-for-work
Language: English

Server Icon

osu!dev Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #osu-lazer, #osu-framework, #osu-dev, #difficulty-osu, #difficulty-taiko, #difficulty-catch, #difficulty-mania, #osu-wiki, #modding, #mappers-guild
Language: English

Server Icon

Reddit /r/gamedev Reddit Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #gamedev-general, #show-off-your-stuff, #unity, #unreal, #godot, #lhtml5-javascript, #c-cpp-csharp-java, #opengl-vulkan, #gamemaker, #retro, #audio, #visuals, #jobs
Language: English

Gaming on Linux

Linux Distributions↰

Server Icon

GamingOnLinux Official Badge Homepage URL
Notable Channels: #linux-gaming, #proton-steamplay-gaming, #wine-gaming, #cloud-streaming-stadia, #tech-support, #emulation, #developer-stuff, #hardware, #vr_and_ar, #your-content
Language: English

Server Icon

Linux Gaming
Notable Channels: #support-general, #support-hardware, #support-gaming, #new-to-linux, #tech-general, #coding, #unixporn, #original-content
Language: English

Server Icon

Notable Channels: #news, #general, #irc, #requests_and_feedback, #lutris_support, #linux_support, #installer_creation
Language: English

Server Icon

ProtonDB Official Server Official Badge Homepage URL
Notable Channels: #protondb-website, #proton-game-support, #proton, #linux, #linux-support, #general-game-support
Language: English

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Developing for virtual, augmented, and mixed reality; the head-mounted displays that stimulate our perception of a whole new world. The applications of VR are endless.

Server Icon

Project North Star Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #build-planning, #northstar3-2, #jenson-redesing, #triton, #exii-raspberry-pi, #cad, #eye-tracking, #calibration, #steamvr, #mechanical, #firmware, #troubleshooting
Language: English, Deutsch, français, español, 日本語, 韓國語

Server Icon

VRChat Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #udon-questions, #vrchat-development, #avatars, #avatar-rigging, #animation, #shaders, #3d-modeling, #worlds, #world-lighting, #oculus-quest-development, so much more
Language: English, Deutsch, اَلْعَرَبِيَّةُ‎, français, 汉语, español, 日本語, dansk, 한국어, português, polski, русский

Server Icon

Virtual Reality
Notable Channels: #vr-dev, #tech-advice, #oculus-quest, #oculus-rift, #oculus-go, #valve-index, #pimax-vr, #htc-vive, #windows-mixed-reality, #playstation-vr, #vr-flightsims
Language: English

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Data manupulation and visualization, machine learning frameworks and artificial intelligence.

Server Icon

Notable Channels: #quick-questions, #machine-learning-projects, #resources, #math-questions, #programming-questions, #andrew-ng-coursera-machine-learning
Language: English

Server Icon

Artificial Intelligence Homepage URL
Notable Channels: #questions, #machine-learning, #deep-learning, #reinforcement-learning, #natural-language-processing, #systems-neuroscience, #computer-vision, so much more
Language: English

Server Icon

Sentdex Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #__main__, #help
Language: English \

Server Icon

Notable Channels: #tf-general, #ai-ethics, #tensorflow-javascript, #tensorflow-python, #convolutional-neural-network, #recurrent-neural-network, #generative-adversarial-networks
Language: English

Data Science

Server Icon

Data Science
Notable Channels: #general, #machine-learning, #math, #programming, #career, #visualization, #resources, #colab, #papers
Language: English

Server Icon

Data Version Control Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #q-and-a, #need-help, #general, #dev-talk, #dev-docs
Language: English \

Server Icon

The Data Share
Notable Channels: #machine-learning, #natural-language-processing, #analytics, #programming, #data-engineering, #visualizations, #community
Language: English

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Discussions on interview challenges, resume reviews, job opportunities in the field of programming.

Server Icon

CS Career Hub Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #big-n-discussion, #job-search-blogs, #career-questions, #resume-review, #experienced, #students, #communication, #hiring, #for-hire, #devops, #programming-challenges
Language: English

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Tools and libraries needed in your toolbelt to build a Discord bot or automation script through Discord APIs. The list for that itself is quite long and diverse that it calls for its own awesome list. This unaffiliated compilation of Discord API libraries (with comparisons) would be a great start to look for the right tool for your Discord project. There is also an official wiki (though maybe not frequently maintained) that lists similar tools with links to respective Discord servers.

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Badge icons are made by Freepik and Pixel Buddha.

To attribute this awesome list (as restricted by the license) see how to attribute.

65. Awesome Deno

Modules / Utils

Tools / XML

Resources in Other Languages / Indonesian

66. Awesome Cpp



67. Awesome Wpo


Case studies


Events / Conferences

Analyzers / Meetups

Analyzers - API / Meetups

Bundle Analyzer / Meetups

Benchmark - CSS / Meetups

Benchmark - JavaScript / Meetups

Benchmark - PHP / Meetups

Bookmarklets / Meetups

CDN / Meetups

CDN - Monitor / Meetups

CDN - Utilities / Meetups

Extensions / Meetups

Generators / Meetups

Image Optimizers / Meetups

Lazyloaders / Meetups

Loaders / Meetups

Metrics Monitor / Meetups

Metrics Monitor - API / Meetups

Minifiers - HTML / Meetups

Minifiers - JS & CSS / Meetups

Miscellaneous / Meetups

SVG / Meetups

Web Components / Meetups

Web server Benchmarks / Meetups

Web server Modules / Meetups