Awesome List Updates on Jun 08 - Jun 14, 2020
67 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Ipfs
- gomobile-ipfs (⭐331) - IPFS and libp2p on Mobile, with Gomobile.
2. Awesome Couchdb
News & Blog Posts
- The Road to CouchDB 3.0: Prepare for 4.0 (02-26-2020)
Related Projects / Hosting
- FoundationDB - CouchDB 4.0 will utilize FoundationDB.
- Couchbase - NoSQL database.
- Migrating from Apache CouchDB - Comparison of CouchDB and CouchBase
3. Awesome Mac
Utilities / Menu Bar Tools
- Jiffy - Discover and share the best GIFs on GIPHY.
4. Awesome Design Patterns
Serverless Architecture
- serverless patterns - serverless microservice patterns for aws.
5. Awesome Composer
Tools / IRC
- Composer-Unused (⭐1.5k) - A CLI tool, which scans your code and shows unused Composer dependencies.
6. Awesome Kubernetes
Featured On
7. Awesome Rust
Libraries / Artificial Intelligence
- huggingface/tokenizers (⭐9.5k) - Hugging Face's tokenizers for modern NLP pipelines (original implementation) with bindings for Python.
8. Awesome Quant
Python / Trading & Backtesting
- DeepDow (⭐957) - Portfolio optimization with deep learning
Python / Data Sources
- investpy (⭐1.7k) - Financial Data Extraction from with Python!
9. Awesome Embedded Rust
Tools / Paid and commercially available materials
- cargo-hf2 (⭐51) A small cargo subcommand to download cargo builds to Microsoft UF2 bootloaders via HID USB . -
- uf2 (⭐28) Converts binary files to Microsoft's UF2 format for copying over to mass storage device uf2 bootloaders -
10. Awesome Ios
Getting Started
- Classpert - A list of 500 iOS Development courses (free and paid), from top e-learning platforms - Complete catalog of courses from Udacity, Pluralsight, Coursera, Edx, Treehouse and Skillshare.
11. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Frameworks
- Spiral - A high-performance PHP/Go framework.
Configuration / PHP Podcasts
- PHP Internals News - A podcast about PHP internals.
Configuration / PHP Internals Reading
- Externals - PHP internal discussions.
12. Awesome WSL
WSL Tools / Miscellaneous Tools
- wsl2-ssh-pageant (⭐362) - A bridge between Windows Pageant and WSL2.
- WinCryptSSHAgent (⭐525) - Using a Yubikey for SSH Authentication on Windows Seamlessly. Supports WSL and WSL2.
13. Awesome Saltstack
Official resources
- Salt Module Contributions (⭐169) - Salt modules developed by the community.
- Jenkins Salt API Plugin - This plugin sends a SaltStack API message as a build step.
- Rundeck (⭐8) - Generate Rundeck node resources from the Salt Mine.
14. Awesome Network Analysis
Books / Method-specific
- The Book of Trees. Visualizing Branches of Knowledge, by Manuel Lima - Hundreds of beautiful tree diagrams, from all periods of history (2014).
15. Awesome Yew
- Yew-WebRTC-Chat (⭐127) - A simple WebRTC chat made with Yew.
16. Free for Dev
- - Web app development with nothing but Python. Free tier with unlimited apps and 30-second timeouts.
17. Awesome Waves
- How to use Waves Signer - How to authorize and sign transactions on your website.
- Understanding Waves Signer — Nuxt.js integration step-by-step - How to create demo app for authenticating with Waves Signer and Nuxt.js for SSR (server-side rendering).
- Certificado, Part 1. How to build your first blockchain-based app in 15 minutes - Tutorial on how to create blockchain-based certificate storage (ru).
- Certificado, Part 2. What are Smart Contracts and how to use them in your app - Tutorial on how to create blockchain-based certificate storage (ru).
- How to: offer a free trial for your dApp - Detailed guide to lowering the barrier for users of a dApp (ru).
- Blockchain Trigger: a tool for automatic smart contract invocation - Calling a smart contract, users experience some issues, which hampers mass adoption of blockchain. An instrument called Blockchain Trigger could help resolve these issues (ru).
- How to avoid common mistakes in dApp development - How can we avoid the most common mistakes when developing dApps for Web 3.0 (ru).
- How to write decentralized oracles in Ride - How can we resolve the issue of supplying real-world data to the blockchain? Introducing Oraculus - a smart contract for creating decentralized oracles (ru).
- Billy — motivation bot for Slack and Microsoft Teams - A tool built on the Waves blockchain to reward team members in a non-financial way (ru).
Docker images
- K8s by loxal - The container was built in order to run as a fire-and-forget
in a Kubernetes cluster.
Client libraries / JavaScript/TypeScript
- Waves Signer (⭐23) - library to interact with the Waves blockchain from your web app (example provider (⭐6)).
- vue-waves-signer (⭐2) - Waves Signer implementation for Vue.js.
- pay-crypto-widget (⭐9) - JS widget for accepting crypto payments on your website.
- crypto-donate (⭐3) - HTML widget allowing to donate Waves tokens to content authors.
Client libraries / Python
- ERC20 Gateway Framework (⭐7) - Allows to easily establish a gateway between any ERC-20 token and the Waves blockchain (example (⭐0)).
- Waves-Gateway-Framework (⭐23) - A framework to connect other cryptocurrencies to the Waves blockchain (LTC example (⭐7)).
Projects / Swift
- Billy - A motivation tool for teams. Billy offers a product to create an atmosphere of cooperation, focus the company on the core values, and incentivize sharing by creating an in-team economy.
- WaveFlow - Allows you to create new or use existing exchangers that provide a constant supply and demand for certain traded pairs. Algorithmic pricing is used to ensure consistency of supply and demand - the more popular the token is, the higher its price is set. Each exchanger is a dApp written in Ride (example of trading bot (⭐11)).
French / Swift
- Dev France on Youtube - Une chaîne dédiée à l'apprentissage du développement d'applications décentralisées (dApp) sur la Blockchain Waves.
18. Awesome Python
ASGI Servers
- daphne (⭐2.3k) - A HTTP, HTTP2 and WebSocket protocol server for ASGI and ASGI-HTTP.
19. Awesome Prisma
🦺 Community Prisma Tools
🏆 Tutorials / ⚙️ Schema Visualization Tools
20. Nginx Resources
Understanding Nginx
Modules development
Nginx + Lua
21. Awesome Cakephp
- CakephpFixtureFactories plugin (⭐85) - Create your fixtures dynamically on a test basis, accelerate the writing and maintenance of your tests.
22. Static Analysis
Meaning of Symbols:
- ©️ stands for proprietary software. All other tools are Open Source.
23. Awesome Web Archiving
Tools & Software / Acquisition
- Heritrix (⭐2.9k) - An open source, extensible, web-scale, archival quality web crawler. (Stable)
- Heritrix Q&A (⭐2.9k) - A discussion forum for asking questions and getting answers about using Heritrix.
- Heritrix Walkthrough (⭐9) (In Development)
- WebMemex - Browser extension for Firefox and Chrome which lets you archive web pages you visit. (In Development)
Community Resources / Other Awesome Lists
24. Awesome Audio Visualization
- YouTube Musical Spectrum (⭐142) - A browser extension that offers audio visualization on your YouTube page with nice musical notes.
25. Awesome Building Blocks for Web Apps
UI Elements
- Webatoms - JavaScript bridge for Xamarin.Forms.
Chat Bot
- Tiledesh - AI-powered live chat.
26. Awesome Homematic
Community Ressources (mostly german language)
- Homematic Blog Lison - Blog, Tutorials und mehr..
27. Awesome Transit
GTFS Libraries / JavaScript
- gtfs-utils (⭐40) – Utilities to process GTFS data sets (e.g., "flattening"
, computing arrival/departure times of trips).
GTFS Realtime Convertors / Rust
- hafas-gtfs-rt-feed (⭐19) – A Javascript tool to generate a GTFS Realtime feed from a HAFAS endpoint.
National government datasets / Rust
- European long-distance transport operators (EU) (Unofficial) (⭐50) - Unofficial list of available API endpoints, GTFS feeds and client libraries
Proprietary (non-standard) vendor APIs / Rust
- HAFAS – Propriety public transport management software by HaCon (list of endpoints)
28. Awesome Slack
- First Contributors - Help / mentorship for open source contributors.
29. Awesome Ruby
Web Frameworks
- Pakyow - A framework for building modern web-apps in Ruby. It helps you build working software faster with a development process that remains friendly to both designers and developers.
Web Servers
- Falcon (⭐2.7k) - A high-performance web server for Ruby, supporting HTTP/1, HTTP/2 and TLS.
30. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / Misc Scripts / iPython Notebooks / Codebases
- MiniGrad (⭐94) – A minimal, educational, Pythonic implementation of autograd (~100 loc).
31. Awesome Ros2
Packages / Ecosystem
- Webots - Robot simulator for ROS 2.
32. Awesome Jamstack
Books / Automation
- Jumpstart Jamstack Development - By Christopher Pecoraro and Vincenzo Gambino
33. Awesome Devtools
- artoo.js - Client-side scraping utility for the currently loaded uri.
- CSS Stress Test (⭐872) - JavaScript to test each CSS class on a page and report which are hindering performance.
- deCSS3 (⭐312) - A lil' bookmarklet that will strip out your CSS3 rules and show you how gracefully you're degrading.
- DOM Monster - A cross-platform, cross-browser bookmarklet that will analyze the DOM & other features of the page you're on.
- Ramda (⭐23k) - Add Ramda to any page!
- Rulers Guides - A JavaScript library which enables Photoshop-like rulers and guides interface on a web page.
- Viewport Resizer - A browser-based tool to test any website's responsiveness.
Tools / Debugging & Development
- Babel Time Travel - Travel in time as babel transpiles.
- Beeceptor - Rule based API mocking service. When rules are matched, a request is mocked, else target endpoint is hit as usual. Create custom endpoints to test and debug rest APIs.
- DebugJS - Debug your JavaScript in the browser (lol?)
- - Instantly deploy microservices in over 11+ languages (OSS!)
- httpbin - HTTP Request & Response service.
- jsonbin - Custom, mock JSON API
- Loupe - Similar in goal to SlowmoJS, a JavaScript call stack visualizer.
- Mockbin - Generate custom endpoints to test, mock, and track HTTP requests.
- SlowmoJS - Execute JavaScript in slow motion.
Tools / Deobfuscation & Transformation
- AST Explorer - Parse JS to an explorable AST tree via acorn, babel, babylon, espree, esprima, recast, shift, and typescript.
- fixmyjs - Automatically fix your JS, driven by JSHint.
- JSNice - Statistical renaming, type inference and deobfuscation.
Tools / Diffing
- JSONDiffPatch - Run a visual or non-visual diff on two JSON blobs.
Tools / File Sharing
- - Ephemeral file sharing. Convenient, anonymous and secure.
- - Instant file transfer/sharing over WebTorrent
Tools / Generators
- Pure CSS Apple - Pure CSS Apple devices with scrollable media
Tools / Image
- Favic-o-matic - Literally generates every favicon neccessary + markup.
- Squoosh - Compress and optimize images in browser
- SVGOMG - Try SVGO (⭐20k) (SVG Optimizer) in the browser!
Tools / Playgrounds
- codepen - Social development environment for front-end designers and developers. Build and deploy a website, show off your work, build test cases to learn and debug, and find inspiration.
- CodeSandbox - Online code editor and sandbox
- Ellie - The Elm Live Editor
- ES.nextBin - Like RequireBin but ES2015
- JSBin - JS/Coffee/Babel/Babel/Live/JSX/HTML/Markdown/Pug/CSS/Stylus/LESS/Sass
- JSFiddle - JS/ES3/Coffee/HTML/CSS/Sass
- - JS/Typescript/Coffee/LiveScript/Babel/CSS/Sass/LESS/Stylus/HTML/Pug
Tools / Regex
- Debuggex - PCRE/Python/JavaScript regex matching.
- ExtendsClass - PHP/Python/Ruby/JavaScript regex matching.
- reFiddle - Ruby/.NET/JavaScript regex matching.
- RegExplained - JavaScript regex matching.
- Regexr - JavaScript regex matching.
Tools / Transformation
- Sassmeister - Sass/Scss <-> CSS
- Terser - JavaScript parser, mangler and compressor toolkit for ES6+
- WebAssembly Explorer - translate C/C++ to WebAssembly, and then see the machine code generated by the browser.
Resources / Browser Information
Resources / Compatability
Resources / CSS Inliners
Resources / CSS Post Processors
Resources / Documentation
Resources / Easings & Animations
Resources / Glyphs & Icons
Resources / Open JSON & Feeds
- FillText - Generate JSON datasets for testing or demonstration purposes
- Zippopotamus - Zipcode to Geo
Resources / Proxy as a Service
- CORS Anywhere - Proxies any HTTP request through a CORS enabled environment.
Resources / Responsiveness
Resources / Validation & Parsers
- numverify - Validate phone numbers from over 200 countries.
Security / SSL
- GetHTTPSForFree! - Genuinely FREE SSL certificates (courtesy of Let's Encrypt)
- Self-Signed Certificate Generator - A self-signed certificate generator.
The Outside World / Swag
34. Awesome Flutter
Media / Audio
- AssetsAudioPlayer (⭐761) Simultaneous playback of audio from assets/network/file and displaying notifications [android / ios / web / macos]
35. Awesome Plotters
Software / Vector Creation
- makio135/plotter - An Observable notebook collection full of plotter-oriented work.
36. Awesome H2o
Research Papers
- An Open Source AutoML Benchmark Peter Gijsbers, Erin LeDell, Sebastien Poirier, Janek Thomas, Berndt Bischl, Joaquin Vanschoren. (2019)
37. ALL About RSS
🔱 Workflow Automation / 酷Q Plugin
Small single-board computers / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
38. Awesome Swift
- StateViewController (⭐310) - Stateful UIVIewController composition — the MVC cure for Massive View Controllers.
- Futures (⭐58) 🐧 - Lightweight promises for iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS, and server-side.
Other Data
- CoreXLSX (⭐846) - Excel spreadsheet (XLSX) format support.
Auto Layout / Barcode
- EasySwiftLayout (⭐348) - Lightweight Swift framework for Apple's Auto-Layout.
UI / Barcode
- UltraDrawerView (⭐238) - Lightweight, fast and customizable Drawer View implementation identical to Apple Maps, Stocks and etc.
Payment / Barcode
- AnimatedCardInput (⭐39) - Customisable and easy to use Credit Card UI.
39. Awesome Webaudio
Packages / Apps
- AudioMass - free, open source, web-based Audio and Waveform Editor.
- Csound IDE - web IDE for CSound programming language.
- jamhub (⭐33) - low-latency remote music collaboration & jam.
Obsolete / Community
- Web Audio Modules - synthesizers and audio effects processors for web browsers (both API and implementations).
40. Awesome Eslint
Plugins / Security
- no-secrets (⭐135) - An eslint plugin that detects potential secrets/credentials.
- no-unsanitized (⭐230) - Checks for
, etc.
- ScanJS config (⭐88) and plugin (⭐28) - Security-related rules.
- Security (⭐2.2k) - ESLint rules for Node Security.
- xss (⭐66) - Tries to detect XSS issues in codebase before they end up in production.
41. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Communication - Custom Communication Systems
- MiAOU - Multi-room persistent chat server. (Source Code (⭐545))
Software / Note-taking & Editors
- Plainpad - A modern note taking application for the cloud, utilizing the best features of progressive web apps technology. (Demo, Source Code (⭐320))
42. Awesome Malware Analysis
Debugging and Reverse Engineering / Other Resources
- BluePill (⭐118) - Framework for executing and debugging evasive malware and protected executables.
43. Awesome Esolangs
- AlmostBinary (⭐6) - Code in binary and run on any platform.
44. Awesome Css
Videos 📺 / 2019
- Next-Generation Web Styling - Una Kravets & Adam Argyle @ Chrome Dev Summit 2019.
45. Awesome Actions
GitHub Tools and Management / Docker Container Actions
46. Awesome Powershell
Package Managers
- PowerShell App Deployment Toolkit - Provides a set of functions to perform common application deployment tasks and to interact with the user during a deployment.
47. Awesome Billing
Fraud / Online Payments
- Driving Global Fraud Losses Down While Empowering Business Growth - In this talk by Uber Eats, we learn from the biggest payment processor that “growing businesses with declining loss rates is extremely rare in the industry”. Also, fraud can takes several forms: chargebacks on non-perishable goods, promo abuse, refunds…
Business Intelligence / Metrics
- An Overview of Visa - Great breakdown of Visa business models and metrics.
48. Awesome Engineering Team Management
Culture / Procrastination
- The principles of Amazon service-oriented collaboration - A compilation of anonymous sources from AWS which ehoes the interview above: “teams are ostensibly autonomous and can make any important decision needed to meet their goals.”
Engineering / Engineering Practices
- Embedded Rules of Thumb - Guidelines and heuristics to provide a reasonable approximation of the truth while developing embedded devices. Most also applies to software projects in general.
49. Awesome Ponyfills
50. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Entertainment
- TV Randshow (⭐226) - App to choose a random TV show episode by deandreamatias
51. Awesome Tensorflow Js
Learn / Papers
- TensorFlow.js: Machine Learning for the Web and Beyond - This paper describes the design, API, and implementation of TensorFlow.js, and highlights some of the impactful use cases.
- JSDoop and TensorFlow.js: Volunteer Distributed Web Browser-Based Neural Network Training - The experimental results show that training a neural network in distributed web browsers is feasible and accurate, has a high scalability, and it is an interesting area for research.
Learn / Videos
- Official TensorFlow.js video series - The YouTube content focuses on TensorFlow ecosystem updates.
- TensorFlow.js: ML for the web and beyond - TensorFlow Dev Summit 2020.
- Rock Paper Scissors! - Train Rock Paper Scissors on your machine and watch the results with your webcam!
Learn / Books
- Deep Learning with JavaScript - Learn to use TensorFlow.js to build deep learning models that run directly in the browser, master all the basics of deep learning and explore advanced concepts, like retraining existing models for transfer learning and image generation by Shanqing Cai, Stanley Bileschi, Eric D. Nielsen and Francois Chollet.
- Hands-On Machine Learning with TensorFlow.js - A guide to building ML applications integrated with web technology using the TensorFlow.js library by Kai Sasaki.
Learn / Blog & Posts
- Official TensorFlow.js blog - Covers building models in JavaScript and using them in the browser or in Node.js.
Tools / Tools/Utilities
- CodePen - Best place to build, test and discover front-end code (Tensorflow.js templates).
52. Awesome Nextjs
- Feednext (⭐323) - An open source social media application.
- CourseLit (⭐746) - An open source alternative to Thinkific, Teachable etc.
53. Awesome List
Programming Languages
- JavaScript (⭐34k)
- Promises (⭐1.6k)
- Standard Style (⭐396) - Style guide and linter.
- Must Watch Talks (⭐13k)
- Tips (⭐12k)
- Network Layer (⭐557)
- Micro npm Packages (⭐4.6k)
- Mad Science npm Packages (⭐1.1k) - Impossible sounding projects that exist.
- Maintenance Modules (⭐353) - For npm packages.
- npm (⭐4.5k) - Package manager.
- AVA (⭐349) - Test runner.
- ESLint (⭐4.5k) - Linter.
- Functional Programming (⭐6k)
- Observables (⭐340)
- npm scripts (⭐729) - Task runner.
- 30 Seconds of Code (⭐123k) - Code snippets you can understand in 30 seconds.
- Ponyfills (⭐60) - Like polyfills but without overriding native APIs.
Content Management Systems
- Sitecore (⭐73) - .NET digital marketing platform that combines CMS with tools for managing multiple websites.
54. Awesome Blazor
2D/3D Rendering engines / Others
- GEmojiSharp.Blazor (⭐133) -
GitHub Emoji for Blazor (Demo).
Others / Others
- BlazorLazyLoading (⭐98) -
Production ready lazy loading implementation. Full lazy loading support for WASM and Server (pages, components, dlls) with abstractions to implement modularization if you wish (custom endpoints, custom manifests, etc).
55. Awesome Wardley Maps
Maps in the Wild
- Wenn Customizing zur Legacy wird - Analyse eines ERP-Systems mit Wardley Maps und strategischem Domain-driven Design. Jun 2, 2020.
- Building a working map of Ethereum 1.0 - 10,000 feet view of Ethereum's user needs and capabilities. Aug 13, 2019.
56. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
57. Public Apis
Description: Each Country separately and Worldwide Graphs for Coronavirus. Daily updates
Auth: No
Sports & Fitness
Description: Current and historical MLB statistics
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
API: Transport for London, England
Description: TfL API
CORS: Unknown
58. Awesome Ios Books
Functional Swift
Game Development
🇷🇺 Russian books
59. Awesome Digital History
Archives and primary sources / Switzerland
- Amtsdruckschriften - Federal Gazette, Administrative Case Law of the Federal Authorities and more documents from the Swiss Federal Archives.
60. Awesome Python Typing
Tools / Testing
- pytest-mypy-testing (⭐31) - Pytest plugin to test mypy static type analysis.
61. Webcomponents the Right Way
Component Libraries
- Nightingale (⭐111) - Data visualisation web components for the life sciences.
- TEI Publisher Components (⭐18) - Collection of web components used by TEI Publisher and apps generated by it.
- ember-custom-elements (⭐15) - Render Ember and Glimmer components using custom elements.
- react-shadow (⭐1.3k) - Utilise Shadow DOM in React with all the benefits of style encapsulation.
62. Awesome Micropython
- PyPi - This filter shows just the MicroPython libraries on PyPi. Note: You cannot
pip install
MicroPython libraries. See the MicroPython docs for more information on managing packages with MicroPython.
- GitHub Search - Search GitHub for repositories containing MicroPython.
- GitHub Topic - MicroPython - Browse GitHub Topics for projects tagged with MicroPython.
- - query for MicroPython.
- GitLab Explore - Explore repositories on GitLab.
Sensors / Distance Laser
- Qwiic_TOF_Module_RFD77402 (⭐2) - Qwiic TOF Module (RFD77402) time-of-flight rangefinding module.
63. Awesome Crystal
Code Analysis and Metrics
- (⭐9) - Using multiple ways to find programming language used in files, based on Github's Linguist
- simple_retry (⭐6) - Simple tool for retrying failed code blocks
Third-party APIs
- (⭐49) - Stripe api wrapper
64. Awesome Discord Communities
Competitive Programming

CP Community
Notable Channels: #beginner-questions
, #general-cp
, #problem-spoilers
, #ioi
, #math
, #errichto-yt
, #vplanet
Language: English

Notable Channels: #general
, #platform-errors
, #platform-bugs
, #suggestions
, #support
, #solution-discussions
Language: Romanian \

Notable Channels: #general
, #general-avansati
, #resurse
, #concursuri
, #potd-problems
, #ajutor
, #cf-atcoder
Language: Romanian, English \
Discussions on the concepts behind modern, and classical computing and its kin.
Computer Science

Computer Science
Notable Channels: #computer-science
, #resources
, #algorithms-and-data-structures
, #information-and-coding-theory
, #cryptography
, #artificial-intelligence
Language: English

Notable Channels: #lectures
, #scratch
, #hello
, #cash
, #credit
, #readability
, #caesar
, #substitution
, #plurality
, #runoff
, #tideman
, #c-to-python-sentimental
, so much more
Language: English
Internet of Things

/r/Home Automation
Notable Channels: #suggestions
, #smartspeakers
, #smarthub
, #lighting
, #security
, #iot-dev
, #buy-sell-trade
Language: English \

Home Assistant
Notable Channels: #homeassistant
, #support
, #automations
, #frontend
, #devices
, #templates
, #add-ons
, #apps
, #cameras
, #diy
, #node-red
, #voice-assistants
, #zigbee
, #development
Language: English

Notable Channels: #general
, #homekit
, #ui
, #config
, #raspberry-pi
, #raspbian-image
, #macos
, #bwindows
, #docker
, #verified-plugins
, #plugins
, #homebridge-beta-testing
, #plugin-development
Language: English

Notable Channels: #general
, #homekit-discussion
, #hk-showcase
, #hk-questions-help
, #homepod-discussion
, #hp-questions-help
, #homebridge-discussion
, #hb-plugin-showcase
Language: English

Notable Channels: #general
, #show-your-work
, #tools
, #flixel
, #heaps
, #kha
, #nme
, #haxepunk
, #react
, #haxe-ui
, #lix
, #coconut
Language: English
Server Applications

Notable Channels: #general
, #software
, #hardware
, #media-suggestions
Language: English \

Notable Channels: #general
, #devel
Language: English \

Notable Channels: #general
, #customization-theming
, #groups
, #organizr-support
Language: English \

Pi-hole & AdGuard
Notable Channels: #blocklist-discussion
, #gaming
, #programming
, #adguard-discussion
, #adguard-support
, #pihole-discussion
, #pihole-support
, #browser-adblocking
, #mobile-adblocking
Language: English
Everything red and blue teams are leaglly allowed to do; securty asssessment, reverse engineering, loopholes in networks, vulnerability research and so on.

Շђє ๓คภץ ђคՇร Ċ̵͕l̶̀͘u̸̍͝b̵͌͐
Notable Channels: #infosec-general
, #technical-chat
, #student-zone
, #blue-team-zone
, #ctf
, #malware-phishing
, #cyber-threat-intel
, #digital-forensics
Language: English

Notable Channels: Will open on August 5-8, 2021
Language: English \

Notable Channels: #general
, #hacking-resources
, #questions-and-answers
, #hacktivity
, #hackthebox
, #mother-ctfs
, #h1-2006-ctf
, #ctfs
, #a-little-something-to-get-you-started
Language: English

InfoSec & Coding
Notable Channels: #general
, #questions
, #programming
, #hacking
, #webdev
, #opearting-systems
, #ctf
, #resources
Language: English \

Notable Channels: #windows-os
, #unix-family
, #mac-os
, #ethical-hacking
, #ctf-discussion
, #job-discussion
, #networking
, #cryptography
, #mobile-devices
, #web-dev
, #python
Language: English

Reverse Engineering
Notable Channels: #help
, #ctf
, #starting-out
, #mobile
, #exploits-and-vulns
, #hardware
, #malware
, #tools
, #software-protections
Language: English

The Cyber Mentor
Notable Channels: #web-app-course
, #zero-to-hero
, #red-teaming
, #reverse-engineering
, #linux
, #web-apps
, #htb
, #tryhackme
, #forensics
, #job-postings
Language: English

Whitehat Hacking
Notable Channels: #cyber-news
, #hacking
, #mac-os
, #windows
, #linux
, #ios
, #android
, #hardware
, #coding
, #malware-analysis
, #training
, #c-re-arm-x86-help
Language: English
Flight Simulation

Coders Craft
Notable Channels: #general
, #xpl-res
, #dev-chat
, #lua
, #c-cpp
, #microsoft-flight-simulation-dev-chat
, #modeling-texture
Language: English

FlyByWire Simulations
Notable Channels: #help
, #aviation-chat
, #hardware-chat
, #a32nx-chat
, #a380x-chat
, #dev-support
, #atsu-api
, #lighting
, #modeling
, #sound
, #your-controls
Language: English
Making of games, how to rasterize or real time ray tracing, the complexities behind each object movement, everything before publishing in the marketplace.

Notable Channels: #tutorials_and_articles
, #unity
, #programming
, #mobile
, #code_optimization
, #shaders
, #game_jams
, #art
, #audio
, #game_design
, #marketing
, #collaboration
Language: English

Game Dev League
Notable Channels: #events
, #unity
, #unreal-engine
, #gamemaker-studio
, #open-source
, #löve-dev
, #monogame-and-libgdx-dev
, #godot
, #web-dev
, #cryengine-dev
, #vr-dev
, so much more
Language: English

Game Dev Network
Notable Channels: #gamedev-talk
, #career-advice
, #gamejam
, #work-in-progress
, #unity
, #unreal
, #godot
, #gamemaker
, #stride-xenko
, #roblox
, #ui-ux
, #3d-modeling
, #sound
, #looking-for-work
Language: English

Notable Channels: #osu-lazer
, #osu-framework
, #osu-dev
, #difficulty-osu
, #difficulty-taiko
, #difficulty-catch
, #difficulty-mania
, #osu-wiki
, #modding
, #mappers-guild
Language: English

Reddit /r/gamedev
Notable Channels: #gamedev-general
, #show-off-your-stuff
, #unity
, #unreal
, #godot
, #lhtml5-javascript
, #c-cpp-csharp-java
, #opengl-vulkan
, #gamemaker
, #retro
, #audio
, #visuals
, #jobs
Language: English
Gaming on Linux

Notable Channels: #linux-gaming
, #proton-steamplay-gaming
, #wine-gaming
, #cloud-streaming-stadia
, #tech-support
, #emulation
, #developer-stuff
, #hardware
, #vr_and_ar
, #your-content
Language: English

Linux Gaming
Notable Channels: #support-general
, #support-hardware
, #support-gaming
, #new-to-linux
, #tech-general
, #coding
, #unixporn
, #original-content
Language: English

Notable Channels: #news
, #general
, #irc
, #requests_and_feedback
, #lutris_support
, #linux_support
, #installer_creation
Language: English

ProtonDB Official Server
Notable Channels: #protondb-website
, #proton-game-support
, #proton
, #linux
, #linux-support
, #general-game-support
Language: English
Developing for virtual, augmented, and mixed reality; the head-mounted displays that stimulate our perception of a whole new world. The applications of VR are endless.

Project North Star
Notable Channels: #build-planning
, #northstar3-2
, #jenson-redesing
, #triton
, #exii-raspberry-pi
, #cad
, #eye-tracking
, #calibration
, #steamvr
, #mechanical
, #firmware
, #troubleshooting
Language: English, Deutsch, français, español, 日本語, 韓國語

Notable Channels: #udon-questions
, #vrchat-development
, #avatars
, #avatar-rigging
, #animation
, #shaders
, #3d-modeling
, #worlds
, #world-lighting
, #oculus-quest-development
, so much more
Language: English, Deutsch, اَلْعَرَبِيَّةُ, français, 汉语, español, 日本語, dansk, 한국어, português, polski, русский

Virtual Reality
Notable Channels: #vr-dev
, #tech-advice
, #oculus-quest
, #oculus-rift
, #oculus-go
, #valve-index
, #pimax-vr
, #htc-vive
, #windows-mixed-reality
, #playstation-vr
, #vr-flightsims
Language: English
Data manupulation and visualization, machine learning frameworks and artificial intelligence.

Notable Channels: #quick-questions
, #machine-learning-projects
, #resources
, #math-questions
, #programming-questions
, #andrew-ng-coursera-machine-learning
Language: English

Artificial Intelligence
Notable Channels: #questions
, #machine-learning
, #deep-learning
, #reinforcement-learning
, #natural-language-processing
, #systems-neuroscience
, #computer-vision
, so much more
Language: English

Notable Channels: #__main__
, #help
Language: English \

Notable Channels: #tf-general
, #ai-ethics
, #tensorflow-javascript
, #tensorflow-python
, #convolutional-neural-network
, #recurrent-neural-network
, #generative-adversarial-networks
Language: English
Data Science

Data Science
Notable Channels: #general
, #machine-learning
, #math
, #programming
, #career
, #visualization
, #resources
, #colab
, #papers
Language: English

Data Version Control
Notable Channels: #q-and-a
, #need-help
, #general
, #dev-talk
, #dev-docs
Language: English \

The Data Share
Notable Channels: #machine-learning
, #natural-language-processing
, #analytics
, #programming
, #data-engineering
, #visualizations
, #community
Language: English
Discussions on interview challenges, resume reviews, job opportunities in the field of programming.

CS Career Hub
Notable Channels: #big-n-discussion
, #job-search-blogs
, #career-questions
, #resume-review
, #experienced
, #students
, #communication
, #hiring
, #for-hire
, #devops
, #programming-challenges
Language: English
Tools and libraries needed in your toolbelt to build a Discord bot or automation script through Discord APIs. The list for that itself is quite long and diverse that it calls for its own awesome list. This unaffiliated compilation of Discord API libraries (with comparisons) would be a great start to look for the right tool for your Discord project. There is also an official wiki (though maybe not frequently maintained) that lists similar tools with links to respective Discord servers.
Badge icons are made by Freepik and Pixel Buddha.
To attribute this awesome list (as restricted by the license) see how to attribute.
65. Awesome Deno
Modules / Utils
- deno_notify (⭐46) - Send desktop notifications on all platforms.
Tools / XML
- vscode-deno (⭐1.5k) - VS Code extension that provides Deno support using the
TypeScript Deno language service plugin
Resources in Other Languages / Indonesian
66. Awesome Cpp
- stdgpu (⭐1.2k) - Efficient STL-like Data Structures on the GPU. [Apache2]
- implot (⭐5.1k) - Immediate Mode Plotting widgets for imgui. [MIT]
67. Awesome Wpo
- HTTP/2 in Action by Barry Pollard - Barry Pollard
- Web Performance in Action by Jeremy Wagner - Jeremy L. Wagner
- Book of Speed - Stoyan Stefanov
- Designing for Performance: Weighing Aesthetics and Speed - Lara Callender Hogan
- High Performance Browser Networking: What every web developer should know about networking and web performance - Ilya Grigorik
- High Performance JavaScript - Nicholas C. Zakas
- Lean sites – Barbara Bermes
- Time Is Money: The Business Value of Web Performance – Tammy Everts
- Using WebPagetest - Rick Viscomi, Andy Davies, Marcel Duran
- Web Page Size, Speed, and Performance - Terrence Dorsey
- Web Performance Daybook Volume 2 - Stoyan Stefanov
- Web Performance Tuning - Patrick Killelea
- You Don't Know JS: Async & Performance - Kyle Simpson
- Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP Performance end-to-end - Colin McKinnon
- Web Components in Action - Ben Farrell
Case studies
- WPOStats - Case studies and experiments demonstrating the impact of web performance optimization (WPO) on user experience and business metrics.
- Browser Diet - A collaborative guide about frontend performance.
- PageSpeed Insights Rules - A guide created by PageSpeed Team. Deprecated. This is deprecated and will be shut down in May 2019. Version 5 is the latest and provides both real-world data from the Chrome User Experience Report and lab data from Lighthouse.
- Best Practices for Speeding Up Your site - The list includes 35 best practices divided into 7 categories, created by Yahoo! Exceptional Performance team.
Events / Conferences
- Velocity – At Velocity, web operations, performance, and DevOps professionals learn to build fast, resilient, and highly available sites and apps.
Analyzers / Meetups
- - Get the web's modern capabilities on your own sites and apps with useful guidance and analysis from
- Confess (⭐872) - Uses PhantomJS to headlessly analyze web pages and generate manifests.
- DebugBear - DebugBear is a site monitoring tool based on Lighthouse. See how your scores and metrics changed over time, with a focus on understanding what caused each change. DebugBear is a paid product with a free 30-day trial.
- Page Speed - The PageSpeed family of tools is designed to help you optimize the performance of your site. PageSpeed Insights products will help you identify performance best practices that can be applied to your site, and PageSpeed optimization tools can help you automate the process.
- Lighthouse (⭐29k) - Auditing and performance metrics tool for Progressive Web Applications.
- YSlow (⭐2.2k) - YSlow analyzes web pages and suggests ways to improve their performance based on a set of rules for high-performance web pages.
- YSlow for PhantomJS - YSlow for PhantomJS also introduces new output formats for automated test frameworks: TAP (Test Anything Protocol) and JUnit.
- Grunt-WebPageTest (⭐35) - Grunt plugin for continuous measurement of WebPageTest. (Demo)
- Grunt-yslow (⭐91) - Grunt task for testing page performance using PhantomJS, a headless WebKit browser.
- Grunt-perfbudget (⭐856) - A Grunt.js task for enforcing a performance budget (more on performance budgets).
- Web Tracing Framework (⭐2.6k) - Web Tracing Framework is a set of libraries, tools, and visualizers for the tracing and investigation of complex web applications
- Yandex.Tank (⭐2.5k) - An extensible open-source load testing tool for advanced Linux users which is especially good as a part of an automated load testing suite.
- Yellow Lab Tools - Online quick and easy tool that audits frontend bad practices, reveals performance issues, and profiles JavaScript.
- Pagelocity - A web performance optimization and analysis tool.
- Varvy - Test your site to see if it follows the Google guidelines for speed.
- Web Bloat Score Calculator - Compare size of a page to a compressed image of the same page
- Speed Racer (⭐1.9k) - Collect performance metrics for your library/application using Chrome headless.
- Speedrank - Speedrank monitors the performance of your site in the background. It displays Lighthouse reports over time and delivers recommendations for improvement. Speedrank is a paid product with 14-day-trial.
Analyzers - API / Meetups
- Node-yslowjs (⭐9) - YSlow.js on Node.js is a simple Node.js wrapper for programmatically running phantomjs yslow.js.
- PSI (⭐3.1k) - PageSpeed Insights for Node.js - with reporting.
Bundle Analyzer / Meetups
- Bundlesize (⭐4.5k) - Keep your bundle size in check.
- source-map-explorer (⭐3.9k) - Analyze and debug bundle space usage through source maps.
- Bundlephobia - Helps you find the performance impact of adding an npm package to your frontend bundle.
- Webpack bundle analyzer (⭐13k) - webpack plugin and CLI utility that represents bundle content as a convenient interactive zoomable treemap.
- Disc - Visualise the module tree of browserify project bundles and track down bloat.
- Lasso-analyzer (⭐4) - analyze and Visualise project bundles created by Lasso.
- - Check your webpack bundle stats on every pull request, and track them over time.
- Compression webpack plugin (⭐1.4k) - Prepare compressed versions of assets to serve them with Content-Encoding.
Benchmark - CSS / Meetups
- CSS-perf (⭐573) - Completely unscientific way of testing CSS performance. Most of these tests will revolve around methodologies and techniques for determining effective CSS architecture. Put another way, I want to know what works best given a particular comparison of CSS strategies.
Benchmark - JavaScript / Meetups
- Benchmark.js - A robust benchmarking library that works on nearly all JavaScript platforms, supports high-resolution timers, and returns statistically significant results.
- JSlitmus (⭐166) - JSLitmus is a lightweight tool for creating ad-hoc JavaScript benchmark tests.
- Matcha (⭐562) - Matcha allows you to design experiments that will measure the performance of your code. It is recommended that each bench focus on a specific point of impact in your application.
- Timing.js (⭐1.5k) - Timing.js is a small set of helpers for working with the Navigation Timing API to identify where your application is spending its time. Useful as a standalone script, DevTools Snippet, or bookmarklet.
- Stats.js (⭐8.8k) - This class provides a simple info box that will help you monitor your code performance.
- PerfTests (⭐1) - Performance tests of JavaScript inheritance models.
- Memory-stats.js (⭐2.1k) - minimal monitor for JS Heap Size via performance memory.
Benchmark - PHP / Meetups
- PHPench (⭐53) - PHPench creates a graphical output for a PHP benchmark. Plot the runtime of any function in realtime with GnuPlot and create an image out of the result.
- php-bench (⭐13) - Benchmark and profile PHP code blocks whilst measuring the performance footprint.
Bookmarklets / Meetups
- Yahoo YSlow for Mobile/Bookmarklet - YSlow analyzes web pages and suggests ways to improve their performance based on a set of rules for high-performance web pages.
- PerfMap (⭐3.8k) - A bookmarklet to create a frontend performance heatmap of resources loaded in the browser using the Resource Timing API.
- DOM Monster (⭐559) - A cross-platform, cross-browser bookmarklet that will analyze the DOM & other features of the page you're on, and give you its bill of health.
- CSS Stress - CSS Stress is a Testing and Performance Profiling.
- Performance-Bookmarklet (⭐1.1k) - Analyze the current page through the Resource Timing API, Navigation Timing API and User-Timing - Sort of a light live WebPageTest. As Chrome Extension and Firefox Add-on under the name Performance-Analyser.
CDN / Meetups
- PageCDN - A state-of-the-art opensource CDN with aggressive content optimization using brotli-11 compression, HTTP/2 server push, better HTTP/2 multiplexing, and more. Supports 100s of libraries and 2000+ WordPress themes already. Easy to use, easy to link, and very fast.
- jsDelivr (⭐5.8k) - Similar to Google Hosted Libraries, jsDelivr is an open-source CDN that allows developers to host their own projects and anyone to link to our hosted files on their sites.
- Google Hosted Libraries - Google Hosted Libraries is a content distribution network for the most popular, open-source JavaScript libraries.
- CDNjs - An open-source CDN for JavaScript and CSS sponsored by CloudFlare that hosts everything from jQuery and Modernizr to Bootstrap.
- jQuery - jQuery CDN – Latest Stable Versions, powered by MaxCDN.
- 🇨🇳 UpYun CDN - CDN provided by upyun.
- 🇨🇳 Bootstrap 中文网开放 CDN 服务 - Bootstrap Chinese net open CDN service (only HTTP).
- 🇷🇺 Yandex CDN - Yandex Content Delivery Network hosts popular third-party JavaScript and CSS libraries (best for use in Russia).
CDN - Monitor / Meetups
- CDNperf - finds you fast and reliable JavaScript CDNs that make your sites snappy and happy.
CDN - Utilities / Meetups
- Gulp-google-cdn (⭐82) - Replaces script references with Google CDN ones.
Extensions / Meetups
- Browser Calories (⭐131) - The easiest way to measure your performance budget.
Generators / Meetups
- Glue (⭐2.5k) - Glue is a simple command-line tool to generate sprites:
- Pitomba-spriter (⭐19) - Spriter is a simple and flexible dynamic sprite generator for CSS, using Python. It can process CSS both synchronous and asynchronous as it provides classes to be used in your Python code and also a watcher that listens to your filesystem and changes CSS and sprite as soon as a static is changed.
- Grunt-spritesmith (⭐1.1k) - Grunt task for converting a set of images into a sprite sheet and corresponding CSS variables.
- Grunt-sprite-css-replace - Grunt task that generates a sprite from images referenced in a style sheet and then updates the references with the new sprite image and positions.
- Grunt-svg-sprite - SVG sprites & stacks galore — Grunt plugin wrapping around svg-sprite that reads in a bunch of SVG files, optimizes them and creates SVG sprites and CSS resources in various flavors.
- Gulp-sprite (⭐15) - gulp task for creating an image sprite and the corresponding style sheets for Gulp.
- Gulp-svg-sprites (⭐335) - gulp task for creating SVG sprites.
- SvgToCSS (⭐2) - Optimizes and renders SVG files in CSS / Sass sprites.
- Assetgraph-sprite (⭐36) - Assetgraph transform for auto-generating sprites based on the CSS dependency graph.
- Sprite Cow - Sprite Cow helps you get the background-position, width, and height of sprites within a spritesheet as a nice bit of copyable CSS.
- ZeroSprites - ZeroSprites is a CSS sprites generator aimed at area minimization using algorithms used in the field of VLSI floorplanning.
- CSS Sprite Generator - CSS sprites allow you to combine multiple images into a single file.
- Sprity (⭐480) - A modular image sprite generator with a lot of features: supports retina sprites, supports different output formats, generates sprites and proper style files out of a directory of images, etc...
- Sprite Factory (⭐621) - The sprite factory is a ruby library that can be used to generate CSS sprites. It combines individual image files from a directory into a single unified sprite image and creates an appropriate CSS style sheet for use in your web application.
Image Optimizers / Meetups
- Grunt-smushit (⭐83) - Grunt plugin to remove unnecessary bytes of PNG and JPG using Yahoo Smushit.
- Gulp-smushit (⭐33) - Gulp plugin to optimize PNG and JPG using Yahoo Smushit. Made on top of smosh.
- Smush it - Smush it uses optimization techniques specific to image format to remove unnecessary bytes from image files. It is a "lossless" tool, which means it optimizes the images without changing their look or visual quality.
- Imagemin (⭐5.6k) - Minify images seamlessly with Node.js.
- Sharp (⭐30k) - The typical use case for this high-speed Node.js module is to convert large images of many formats to smaller, web-friendly JPEG, PNG, and WebP images of varying dimensions.
- Gm (⭐7k) - GraphicsMagick and ImageMagick for Node.js.
- Exexif (⭐13k) - Pure elixir library to extract tiff and exif metadata from JPEG files.
- ExifCleaner - GUI app to remove EXIF metadata from images and video files with drag and drop. Free and open source.
- OptiPNG - OptiPNG is a PNG optimizer that recompresses image files to a smaller size, without losing any information.
- Grunt-contrib-imagemin (⭐1.2k) - Minify PNG and JPEG images for Grunt.
- Gulp-imagemin (⭐1.9k) - Minify PNG, JPEG, GIF and SVG images with imagemin for Gulp.
- Grunt-WebP (⭐118) - Convert your images to WebP format.
- Gulp-WebP (⭐221) - Convert images to WebP for Gulp.
- Imageoptim - Free app that makes images take up less disk space and load faster, without sacrificing quality. It optimizes compression parameters, and removes junk metadata and unnecessary color profiles.
- Grunt-imageoptim (⭐479) - Make ImageOptim, ImageAlpha, and JPEGmini part of your automated build process.
- ImageOptim-CLI (⭐3.5k) - Automates ImageOptim, ImageAlpha, and JPEGmini for Mac to make batch optimization of images part of your automated build process.
- Tinypng - Advanced lossy compression for PNG images that preserves full alpha transparency.
- Kraken Web-interface - Optimize your images and will be available for download for 12 hours.
- Compressor - Online image compressor for JPG, PNG, SVG and GIF.
- Shrinkray - One-click optimization for images in your GitHub repos
- mozjpeg (⭐5.5k) - Improved JPEG encoder.
- Jpegoptim (⭐1.6k) - Utility to optimize/compress JPEG files.
- ZopfliPNG (⭐3.5k) - A command-line program to optimize PNG images.
- AdvPNG - Recompress PNG files to get the smallest possible size.
- Leanify (⭐840) - Lightweight lossless file minifier/optimizer.
- Trimage - A cross-platform tool for losslessly optimizing PNG and JPG files.
- ImageEngine - Cloud service for optimizing, resizing and caching images on the fly with great mobile support.
Lazyloaders / Meetups
- lazyload (⭐937) - Lazyload images, iframes, widgets with a standalone JavaScript lazyloader ~1kb
- lozad.js (⭐7.5k) - Highly performant, light ~0.9kb, and configurable lazy loader in pure JS with no dependencies for responsive images, iframes, and more
Loaders / Meetups
- HeadJS (⭐4.2k)- The only script in your HEAD. for Responsive Design, Feature Detections, and Resource Loading.
- RequireJS - RequireJS is a JavaScript file and module loader. It is optimized for in-browser use, but it can be used in other JavaScript environments, like Rhino and Node.js.
- Labjs - is an open-source (MIT license) project supported by Getify Solutions. The core purpose of LABjs is to be an all-purpose, on-demand JavaScript loader, capable of loading any JavaScript resource, from any location, into any page, at any time.
- Defer.js (⭐69) - Async Everything: Make the meat of your pages load faster with this JS morsel.
- InstantClick (⭐5.5k) - InstantClick makes the following links in your site instant.
- JIT (⭐511) - A JIT (Just In Time) plugin loader for Grunt. The load time of Grunt does not slow down even if there are many plugins.
Metrics Monitor / Meetups
- Phantomas (⭐2.3k) - PhantomJS-based web performance metrics collector and monitoring tool.
- Showslow - open source tool that helps monitor various site performance metrics over time. It captures the results of YSlow, Page Speed Insights, WebPageTest and dynaTrace Ajax Edition.
- Bench (⭐25) - Using Phantomas (a PhantomJS-backed client performance metrics scrapper). Benchmark a page, store results in MongoDB, and display results via the built-in server.
- Keepfast (⭐104) - Tool to monitor indicators related to the performance of a web page.
- GTmetrix - GTmetrix uses Google Page Speed and Yahoo! YSlow to grade your site's performance and provides actionable recommendations to fix these issues.
- - Free site and SSL Monitoring with response time alerting (on Slack, Twitter, Mattermost, Discord or custom Webhook).
- Pingdom site Speed Test - Test the load time of that page, analyze it, and find bottlenecks.
- Dotcom-tools - analyze your website's speed in real browsers from 20 locations worldwide.
- WebPageTest - Run a free site speed test from multiple locations around the globe using real browsers (IE and Chrome) and at real consumer connection speeds. You can run simple tests or perform advanced testing including multi-step transactions, video capture, content blocking and much more. Your results will provide rich diagnostic information including resource-loading waterfall charts, Page Speed optimization checks and suggestions for improvements.
- - is an open-source tool that will check your site against web performance best practice rules and use the Navigation Timing API to collect metrics. It will create XML & HTML output of the result.
- Grunt-phantomas (⭐284) - Grunt plugin wrapping phantomas to measure frontend performance.
- Perfjankie - Runtime Browser Performance regression suite (Demo (⭐0)).
- BrowserView Monitoring - Continually checks web page load times in Internet Explorer, Chrome and Firefox from multiple points around the world.
- New Relic Browser Monitoring - Monitor your browser-side applications in real time, with a focus on real end users’ experiences.
- DareBoost - Real Browser Monitoring. Offers complete reports about web performance and quality using YSlow, Page Speed and numerous custom tips.
Metrics Monitor - API / Meetups
- WebPageTest API Wrapper for Node.js (⭐1.6k) - WebPageTest API Wrapper is an npm package that wraps WebPageTest API for Node.js as a module and a command-line tool.
Minifiers - HTML / Meetups
- Django-htmlmin (⭐543) - django-html in an HTML minifier for Python with full support for HTML 5. It supports Django, Flask and any other Python web framework. It also provides a command-line tool that can be used for static sites or deployment scripts.
- HTMLMinifier (⭐5k) - HTMLMinifier is a highly configurable, well-tested, Javascript-based HTML minifier, with lint-like capabilities.
- Grunt-contrib-htmlmin (⭐424) - A grunt plugin to minify HTML that uses HTMLMinifier.
- Gulp-htmlmin (⭐725) - A gulp plugin to minify HTML that uses HTMLMinifier.
- Grunt-htmlcompressor (⭐35) - Grunt plugin for HTML compression, using htmlcompressor.
- HTML_minifier (⭐12) - Ruby wrapper for kangax html-minifier.
- HTML_press (⭐35) - Ruby gem for compressing html, that removes all whitespace junk, and leaves only HTML.
- Koa HTML Minifier (⭐32) - Middleware that minifies your HTML responses using html-minifier. It uses html-minifier's default options which are all turned off by default, so you have to set the options otherwise it's not going to do anything.
- HTML Minifier Online - A HTML min tool by kangax (HTMLMinifier Creator).
- Html-minifier (⭐132) - A simple Windows command-line tool to minify your HTML, Razor views & Web Forms views
Minifiers - JS & CSS / Meetups
- YUI Compressor (⭐3k) - JavaScript compressor which, in addition to removing comments and white-spaces, obfuscates local variables using the smallest possible variable name. This obfuscation is safe, even when using constructs such as 'eval' or 'with' (although the compression is not optimal is those cases) Compared to jsmin, the average savings is around 20%.
- UglifyJS2 (⭐13k) - UglifyJS is a JavaScript parser, minifier, compressor or beautifier toolkit, written in JavaScript.
- CSSO (⭐3.8k) - CSS minimizer unlike others. In addition to usual minification techniques, it can perform structural optimization of CSS files, resulting in smaller file size compared to other minifiers.
- CSSmin.js (⭐76) - cssmin.js is a JavaScript port of YUICompressor's CSS minifier.
- Grunt-contrib-concat (⭐811) - A Grunt plugin to concatenate files.
- Grunt-contrib-uglify (⭐1.5k) - A Grunt plugin to concatenate and minify JavaScript files.
- Clean-css (⭐4.2k) - A fast, efficient, and well-tested CSS minifier for node.js.
- Django-compressor (⭐2.8k) - Compresses linked and inline JavaScript or CSS into a single cached file.
- Django-pipeline (⭐1.5k) - Pipeline is an asset packaging library for Django, providing both CSS and JavaScript concatenation and compression, built-in JavaScript template support, and optional data-URI image and font embedding.
- JShrink (⭐753) - JShrink is a PHP class that minifies JavaScript so that it can be delivered to the client quicker.
- JSCompress - The most minimalistic online JS Compress tool.
- CSSshrink (⭐1.1k) - Because CSS is ospon the critical path to rendering pages. It must be small! Or else!
- Grunt-cssshrink (⭐28) - This is just a grunt wrapper for CSS Shrink.
- Gulp-cssshrink (⭐22) - Shrinks CSS files using cssshrink for Gulp.
- Prettyugly (⭐6) - Uglify (strip spaces) or prettify (add consistent spaces) CSS code.
- Grunt-contrib-cssmin (⭐795) - CSS Minifier for Grunt.
- Grunt-uncss (⭐3.8k) - A grunt task for removing unused CSS from your projects.
- Gulp-uncss (⭐938) - A gulp task for removing unused CSS from your projects.
Miscellaneous / Meetups
- Socialite.js - Socialite provides a very easy way to implement and activate a plethora of social sharing buttons — any time you wish. On document load, on article hover, on any event.
- uCSS (⭐1.6k) - uCSS is made for crawling (large) sites to find unused CSS selectors, but not remove unused CSS.
- HTTPinvoke (⭐343)- A no-dependencies HTTP client library for browsers and Node.js with a promise-based or Node.js-style callback-based API to progress events, text, and binary file upload and download, partial response body, request and response headers, status code.
- Critical (⭐10k) - Extract & Inline Critical-path CSS in HTML pages (alpha).
- Csscolormin (⭐12) - Utility that minifies CSS colors, example: min("white"); // minifies to "#fff".
- Lazysizes (⭐18k) - High-performance lazy loader for images (responsive and normal), iframes, and scripts, that detects any visibility changes triggered through user interaction, CSS or JavaScript without configuration.
- Perf-Tooling - Perf Tooling is a shared resource to keep track of new and existing performance tools.
- TMI (⭐1.6k) - TMI (Too Many Images) - discover your image weight on the web.
SVG / Meetups
- SVGO (⭐21k) - SVGO is a Nodejs-based tool for optimizing SVG vector graphics files.
- SVG OMG - SVGOMG is SVGO's Missing GUI, aiming to expose the majority, if not all the configuration options of SVGO.
- Grunt-svgmin (⭐433) - Minify SVG using SVGO for Grunt.
- Gulp-svgmin - Minify SVG with SVGO for Gulp.
- Scour - Scour is an open-source Python script that aggressively cleans SVG files, removing a lot of 'cruft' that certain tools or authors embed into their documents.
- SVG Cleaner (⭐1.6k) - SVG Cleaner could help you to clean up your SVG files from unnecessary data. It has a lot of options for cleanup and optimization, works in batch mode, and provides threaded processing on multicore processors.
Web Components / Meetups
- Polymer Bundler (⭐431) - Polymer-bundler is a library for packaging project assets for production to minimize network round-trips.
- Gulp-vulcanize (⭐100) - Concatenate a set of Web Components into one file that use Vulcanize.
Web server Benchmarks / Meetups
- HTTPerf (⭐994) - httperf is a tool for measuring web server performance. It provides a flexible facility for generating various HTTP workloads and for measuring server performance.
- Apache JMeter - Open source load testing tool: It is a Java platform application.
- Locust - An open-source load testing tool. Define user behaviour with Python code, and swarm your system with millions of simultaneous users.
- Autoperf (⭐178) - Autoperf is a ruby driver for httperf, designed to help you automate load and performance testing of any web application - for a single endpoint, or through log replay.
- HTTPerf.rb (⭐13) - Simple Ruby interface for httperf, written in Ruby.
- PHP-httperf (⭐5) - PHP Port of HTTPerf.rb.
- HTTPerf.js (⭐25) - JS Port of HTTPerf.rb.
- (⭐11) - Python Port of HTTPerf.rb.
- Gohttperf (⭐4) - Go Port of HTTPerf.rb.
- beeswithmachineguns (⭐6.5k) - A utility for arming (creating) many bees (micro EC2 instances) to attack (load test) targets (web applications).
- k6 - An open-source load testing tool built for developers. Easy to integrate into CI pipelines. Tests are written in ES6 JS and you can test APIs, microservices and sites using HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2 and WebSocket.
Web server Modules / Meetups
- PageSpeed Module - PageSpeed speeds up your site and reduces page load time. This open-source web server module automatically applies web performance best practices to pages and associated assets (CSS, JavaScript, images) without requiring that you modify your existing content or workflow. PageSpeed is available as a module for Apache 2.x and Nginx 1.x.
- WebP-detect (⭐244) - WebP with Accept negotiation.
- Web Performance Working Group - The mission of the Web Performance Working Group, part of the Rich Web Client Activity, is to provide methods to measure aspects of application performance of user agent features and APIs.
- Page Visibility - This specification defines a means for site developers to programmatically determine the current visibility state of the page in order to develop power and CPU-efficient web applications.
- Navigation Timing - This specification defines a unified interface to store and retrieve high resolution performance metric data related to the navigation of a document.
- Resource Timing - This specification defines an interface for web applications to access the complete timing information for resources in a document.
- User Timing - This specification defines an interface to help web developers measure the performance of their applications by giving them access to high-precision timestamps.
- Performance Timeline - This specification defines a unified interface to store and retrieve performance metric data. This specification does not cover individual performance metric interfaces.
- CSS will-change - This specification defines the
CSS property which allows an author to declare ahead-of-time what properties are likely to change in the future, so the UA can set up the appropriate optimizations some time before they’re needed. This way, when the actual change happens, the page updates in a snappy manner.
- Resource Hints - This specification defines the dns-prefetch, preconnect, prefetch, and prerender relationships of the HTML Link Element (<link>). These primitives enable the developer, and the server generating or delivering the resources, to assist the user agent in the decision process of which origins it should connect to, and which resources it should fetch and preprocess to improve page performance.
- HTTP Archive - It's a permanent repository of web performance information such as size of pages, failed requests, and technologies utilized. This performance information allows us to see trends in how the Web is built and provides a common data set from which to conduct web performance research.
- iamakulov/awesome-webpack-perf (⭐959) - A curated list of webpack tools for web performance
- Prev: Jun 15 - Jun 21, 2020
- Next: Jun 01 - Jun 07, 2020