Awesome List Updates on Jun 01 - Jun 07, 2020
60 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Coq
Projects / Libraries
- Coq record update (⭐43) - Library which provides a generic way to update Coq record fields.
Projects / Plugins
- Hierarchy Builder (⭐97) - Collection of commands for declaring Coq hierarchies based on packed classes.
Projects / Type Theory and Mathematics
- Graph Theory (⭐34) - Formalized graph theory results.
Resources / Community
2. Awesome Flame
Other Articles & Tutorials
- Killing gnats with Flutter and Flame - Build your first game with ads and i18n. By Bo Hellgren
- Flutter Web and Flame (⭐136) - Hands on with Flame for web. By Aseem Wangoo
Open Source / Casual
- Snaake! (⭐76) - A simple casual snake game. By lucasnlm
3. Awesome Ada
VSCode Extensions / Apache License
- adacore-ada - Language Support for Ada. It includes Language Server for Ada (⭐248).
4. Awesome Ci
Name: RazorOps
Description: RazorOps is a Container-Native CI/CD platform. Instantly build, test and deploy Docker images to Kubernetes
Features: Languages: Docker, Ruby, Python, Node.js, JavaScript, PHP, Go, Rust, Java, etc
Supported repositories: GitHub, BitBucket, GitLab, Webhooks
Documentation: Documentation
Price: Pricing - Free for Open Source, Free plan with limitations
5. Awesome Xamarin
- VSMac-CodeCoverage (⭐73) - Gather code coverage results for your unit test projects from Visual Studio for Mac.
- VSMac-CodeDistribution (⭐9) - A Visual Studio for Mac extension that visualises code distribution between projects. Particularly useful for Xamarin projects to understand the amount of code shared between platforms.
6. Awesome List
- Real-Time Communications (⭐382) - Network protocols for near simultaneous exchange of media and data.
- Playwright (⭐1k) - Node.js library to automate Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API.
7. Awesome Ponyfills
8. Awesome Db Tools
Schema / Changes
- yuniql (⭐418) - Yet another schema versioning and migration tool just made with native .NET Core 3.0+ and hopefully better.
9. Awesome Opensource Documents
Programming Languages / C
- C Programming (Site, cc-sa) - comprehensive look at the C programming language and its features
Programming Languages / Ruby
- Ruby Regexp (⭐78) (Site (⭐78), cc-nc-sa) - step by step guide to Ruby regular expressions
Programming Languages / Javascript
- Eloquent JavaScript (Site, cc-nc) - about JavaScript, programming, and the wonders of the digital
- JavaScript RegExp (⭐90) (Site (⭐90), cc-nc-sa) - step by step guide to JavaScript regular expressions
Programming Languages / Python
- Think Python (⭐868) (Site, cc-nc) - How to Think Like a Computer Scientist
- Automate the Boring Stuff with Python (Site, cc-nc-sa) - learn how to use Python to write programs that do in minutes what would take you hours to do by hand - no prior programming experience required
- Practical Python Programming (⭐8k) (Site, cc-sa) - covers foundational aspects of Python programming with an emphasis on script writing, data manipulation, and program organization
- Python Basics (⭐538) (Site, cc-nc-sa) - Introduction to Python
- Google's Python Class (Site, cc) - this is a free class for people with a little bit of programming experience who want to learn Python (Note that this course is designed for Python 2.6 or later, not Python 3.x)
- Think DSP (⭐3k) (Site, cc-nc) - introduction to Digital Signal Processing in Python
- Python re(gex)? (⭐1.3k) (Site (⭐1.3k), cc-nc-sa) - step by step guide to learning Python regular expressions
10. Awesome Powershell
Editors and IDEs
- PoshTools for Visual Studio - Provides IntelliSense, script debugging, and Pester testing support for PowerShell to Visual Studio.
- WSLab (⭐994) - Windows Server rapid lab deployment scripts.
11. Awesome Sre
- DevOpsLinks - A weekly newsletter about SRE, SysAdmin and DevOps news, tools, tutorials and opinions.
- SRE Weekly - Weekly Site Reliability Newsletter.
- O’Reilly Systems Engineering and Operations Newsletter - Weekly systems engineering and operations news and insights from industry insiders.
12. Awesome Discord Communities

Microsoft Community
Notable Channels: #general-chat
, #insiders-chat
, #tech-support
, #purchase-advice
, #development
, #it-pros
, #servers
, #surface
, #office
, #unix
Language: English
Linux Distributions

Arch Linux [unofficial]
Notable Channels: #news
, #home
, #arch-support
, #other-distros
, #programming
, #ricing
, #wallpapers
Language: English \

Fedora Linux
Notable Channels: #home
, #man-pages
, #silverblue-containers
, #server-rhel-centos
, #arm-raspberry
, #showcase
, #gaming-general
, #hardware-for-linux
Language: English

Gentoo Linux
Notable Channels: #chat
, #support
, #screenshots
, #general-development
, #ebuilds
, #resources
, #containers
Language: English, 日本語 \

Linux Mint Community
Notable Channels: #support-mint
, #support-lmde
, #support-other-os
, #support-nos
, #general
, #tech-talk
, #user-created-content
Language: English

Manjaro Linux
Notable Channels: #kde
, #xfce
, #gnome
, #manjaro-arm
, #help-general
, #help-installation
, #programming
, #customizations
Language: English

Notable Channels: #support
, #chat
, #project
, #packaging
, #factory
, #admin
, #artwork
, #docs
, #gnome
, #xfce
Language: English, français, Deutsch, italiano, polski, español, Nederlands \

Ubuntu Hideout
Notable Channels: #tech-talk
, #coding-cave
, #system-installation
, #software-installation,
, #hardware-drivers
, #networking
, #programming
Language: English
13. Awesome Ember
Packages / a11y
- ember-a11y-refocus (⭐18) - Provides an unobtrusive navigation narration element for Ember applications.
Packages / Charts
- ember-charts (⭐785) - A charting library built with the Ember.js and d3.js frameworks.
Packages / Control flow
- Generators
- ember-concurrency (⭐691) - Ember.js Addon that enables you to write concise, worry-free, cancelable, restartable, asynchronous tasks.
- ember-master-tab (⭐11) - A library that provides a service which helps running a function on only one tab of an Ember application.
Packages / Examples
14. Awesome Prisma
📚 Docs
🎙️ Events
🦺 Community Prisma Tools
🤔 How Tos / ⚙️ Schema Visualization Tools
🐦 Twitter / ⚙️ Schema Visualization Tools
🏆 Tutorials / ⚙️ Schema Visualization Tools
🏆 Tutorials / Tutorials with Nexus
👨👩👧👦 Community / Tutorials with NestJS
👾 Projects Using Prisma / Tutorials with NestJS
15. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Asset Management
- Symfony Asset (⭐3.1k) - Manages URL generation and versioning of web assets.
- Symfony Encore (⭐2.2k) - A simple but powerful API for processing and compiling assets built around Webpack.
16. Awesome Typescript
💵 Paid Courses / Chrome Extensions
- Angular with TypeScript (Manning)
17. Awesome Lidar
- Livox - LIDAR manufacturer.
18. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Tools
- Enigma Signal Meter (⭐23) - Align your satellite dish by reading signal from satellite receiver by Krkadoni
19. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
Cloud platform security / Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR)
- Falco - Behavioral activity monitor designed to detect anomalous activity in containerized applications, hosts, and network packet flows by auditing the Linux kernel and enriched by runtime data such as Kubernetes metrics.
20. Awesome Coins
☤ Universal GUI Apps / Physical Coin Wallets
- DeBank - DeFi wallet, view assets and debts in Ethereum DeFi projects.
21. Awesome Embedded Rust
Board support crates / 1BitSquared
22. Android Security Awesome
Tools / Dynamic Analysis Tools
23. Awesome Software Patreons
Open Source Projects
Open Source Projects / Messaging and social media
- Secure Scuttlebutt - A distributed and secure peer-to-peer protocol and social network.
Open Source Projects / Open Source Art
- MyPaint - Painting and drawing program that works nicely with pressure-sensitive tablets, and its dynamic brush engine library.
24. Awesome Transit
GTFS Validators / Rust
- GTFSVTOR (⭐28) - An open-source GTFS validator implemented in Java licensed under GPLv3 maintained by Mecatran.
25. Awesome Flutter
- Animated Selection Slide (⭐374) An animated selection widget by swiping by Sezgin Bilgetay.
- Flutter Tags (⭐508) - Tags with different customizations by Di Natale Antonino.
Text & Rich Content / Image Picker
- TeX (⭐290) - Render Mathematics Equations with full HTML and JavaScript support by Shahzad Akram
Top / Game Engine resources
- GitJournal (⭐3.6k) - Journaling your data in a Git Repo by Vishesh Handa
26. Awesome Eslint
Configs / Configs by Well-Known Companies/Organizations
- Airbnb-typescript (⭐1k) - Airbnb's ESLint config with TypeScript support.
- Wikimedia (⭐28) - Shareable config for Wikimedia's style guide, used by MediaWiki.
Configs / Other Prominent Configs (100 stars or so)
- Canonical (⭐594) - Shareable config for Canonical style guide (⭐18).
- Standard (⭐2.6k) - Shareable config for JavaScript Standard Style (⭐29k).
- XO (⭐267) - Shareable config for XO (⭐7.7k).
Configs / Other Configs
- Ash-Nazg (⭐6) - One config to rule them all!
- Cecilia (⭐7) - ESLint configuration for awesome projects.
- ES - Shareable config for very strict code.
- Hardcore (⭐417) - The most strict (but practical) ESLint config out there.
- Problems (⭐68) - Shareable config that only catches actual problems, and doesn't enforce stylistic preferences.
- Supermind (⭐4) - Shareable config for Supermind style.
Plugins / Libraries
- jQuery (⭐32) - Linting rules for jQuery, including versioned configs for deprecated features.
Plugins / Testing Tools
- AVA (⭐230) - Linting rules for AVA.
- Cucumber (⭐7) - Linting rules for Cucumber.
27. Awesome Ciandcd
secure tools
- Deepfence Enterprise - Full life cycle Cloud Native Workload Protection platform for kubernetes, virtual machines and serverless.
- Deepfence Threat Mapper (⭐2.3k) - Powerful runtime vulnerability scanner for kubernetes, virtual machines and serverless.
28. Awesome Elixir
Framework Components
- surface (⭐2.1k) - A server-side rendering component library for Phoenix.
- broadway (⭐2.5k) - Concurrent and multi-stage data ingestion and data processing with Elixir.
29. Awesome Quantum Computing
Development Tools
- Paddle Quantum (⭐536) - Baidu's python toolkit for quantum machine learning.
- Quantum Computing: An Applied Approach - A hands on introduction into quantum computing that explains the foundations of quantum computing to the mathematics behind quantum systems.
30. Awesome Ros2
Packages / Client libraries
- ros2_rust (⭐613) - Rust bindings for ROS2.
31. Awesome Pinned Gists
External Services
- book-box (⭐19) - Update a pinned gist to contain your latest reads from goodreads
- covid-box (⭐11) - Update a gist to contain global or country specific coronavirus stats.
- shortcut-box (⭐11) - Update a pinned gist to contain random IDE shortcut
- toggl-box (⭐7) - Update a pinned gist to contain your weekly Toggl time tracking stats
- youtube-box (⭐8) - Update a pinned gist to show your latest YouTube videos
32. Awesome Keycloak
33. Awesome Nextjs
- Tottem (⭐976) - Bookmark manager on steroid built with NextJs / Auth0 / Apollo Tools / Prisma2
- next-connect (⭐1.6k) - The Express/Connect-compatible router and middleware layer for Next.js.
34. Awesome Broadcasting
- Lame - A high quality MPEG Audio Layer III (MP3) encoder.
- Opus - A totally open, royalty-free, highly versatile audio codec.
- TwoLame - An MPEG Audio Layer 2 (MP2) encoder.
Animation, Graphics & Video Playout
- Macadam (⭐108) - Blackmagic Node.js bindings that support HTML/CSS (via Electron) and SVG (via Sevruga (⭐5)) graphics.
Radio Production
- LibreTime - Radio broadcast & automation platform (fork of Airtime).
Software-defined radio
- Gqrx SDR - An open source software defined radio receiver (SDR).
35. Awesome Swift
Video / Barcode
- MobilePlayer (⭐3.1k) - A powerful and completely customizable media player for iOS.
36. Public Apis
Games & Comics
API: FIFA Ultimate Team
Description: FIFA Ultimate Team items API
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
API: Geoapify
Description: Forward and reverse geocoding, address autocomplete
37. Awesome Creative Coding
- Synthèse d'images avec OpenGL (ES) - Book in french, which covers OpenGL, OpenGL ES and WebGL.
- Hands-On Music Generation with Magenta - Explore the role of deep learning in music generation and assisted music composition.
Online Books
- XEM WebGL Guide - Step-by-step guide to WebGL.
Web Programming • Libraries
- OGL.js (⭐3.8k) - JavaScript 3D library (WebGL).
Schools • Workshops / Other
- UAL Creative Computing Institute - school in London working at the intersection of creativity and computational technologies
Blogs • Websites / Other
- (⭐13) - Compilation of WebGL experiments including comparisons on WebGL frameworks and physics engine (oimo.js, cannon.js, ammo.js)
- WebAudio Weekly - Newsletter to know everything about the WebAudio API
38. Awesome Cheminformatics
Resources / Blogs
- Cheminformatics 2.0 - Blog of Alex M. Clark, a research scientist at Collaborative Drug Discovery.
- Depth-First - Blog of Richard L. Apodaca, a chemist living in La Jolla, California.
See Also / Books
39. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Kinesis
- amazon-kinesis-client 🔥🔥🔥 (⭐612) Client library for Amazon Kinesis.
Open Source Repos / S3
- bloomreach/s4cmd 🔥🔥🔥🔥 (⭐1.3k) - S3 command line tool, faster than S3cmd for large files.
Open Source Repos / DevOps
- k1LoW/awspec 🔥🔥🔥🔥 (⭐1.2k) - RSpec tests your resources.
40. Awesome Actions
GitHub Tools and Management / Docker Container Actions
Monitoring / Code Coverage
- Check bundlephobia (⭐51) - Comments new and modified package size according to website and rejects PR on threshold surpassed.
41. Awesome Ios
TextField & TextView / Collection View Layout
- CHIOTPField (⭐276) - A set of textfields that can be used for One-time passwords, SMS codes, PIN codes, etc.
Reactive Programming
- Verge (⭐682) - Verge is a faster and scalable state management library for UIKit and SwiftUI
42. Awesome Micropython
Communications / MQTT
- MQBoard (⭐123) - A micro-framework for using MQTT with asyncio on MicroPython boards, primarily on the ESP32.
- sonoff-mqtt by davea (⭐60) - MicroPython scripts to control Sonoff/ESP8266 using MQTT.
- micropython-thingspeak-mqtt-esp8266 (⭐26) - Publish and Subscribe to ThingSpeak using MQTT with MicroPython running on ESP8266/ESP32 platforms.
- micropython-debounce-switch (⭐8) - MicroPython Class for Debouncing Switches.
Debugging / SRAM
- esp32-backtrace (⭐27) - ESP32 Exception Stack Backtrace Analyzer.
43. Awesome Deep Learning
Researchers / Datasets
- MIT Vision Texture - Image archive (100+ images) (Formats: ppm)
Researchers / Miscellaneous
44. ALL About RSS
Self Hosted Readers / Outline Processor Markup Language
specifically from (a certain platform) / Links on social streams
- Filter RSS 377 : Create an RSS feed from all the links shared on your social streams.
- Siftlink 628 : monitors your friend stream on Twitter, pulls out the links and creates an RSS feed for you
Podcast RSS feed submission page for audio platforms / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
Discussion Forums / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
Sponsors / Sharing APP Promo codes with my Telegram Channel subscribers
45. Awesome Qsharp
46. Awesome Fp Js
- rubico (⭐276) - 🏞 [a]synchronous functional syntax
Resources / Books
- scriptum (⭐384) - a no-frills functional programming library and a online course based on it
47. Awesome Nlg
Neural Natural Language Generation
- This Word Does Not Exist (⭐1k) - This is a project allows people to train a variant of GPT-2 that makes up words, definitions and examples from scratch.
48. Awesome Irc
Bots / Self-hosted
- EveIRC (⭐9) - Extendable chat/channel/server-managenent service-providing bot. Using the Cinch Framework (⭐1k).
49. Awesome React Native
- react-native-hole-view ★6 (⭐210) - Component for cutting out click-through holes in any view. Perfect for making tutorial-like overlay
50. Awesome Css
Frameworks 🎨 / Editor's Draft ✒️
- Bonsai - A complete Utility First CSS Framework for less than 50kb.
51. Awesome Jamstack
Jamstack Sites Showcase
- ProtonDB - React/MaterialUI/Firebase hosted on Netlify since August 2018. Prominent in Linux gaming community.
- Kentico Kontent - A cloud-native headless CMS that scales.
Videos / Automation
- React vs Vue, Gatsby vs Gridsome - building the same site - Ondrej Polesny.
Tutorials / Articles / Automation
52. Colorful
Tools / Web App
- Sorted colors - Sorted named CSS colors in a way that it shows related colors together.
53. Awesome Wardley Maps
Maps in the Wild
- Context, Situation, Components, PaaS, Dead or Alive … it's all semantics isn't it? - tl;dr Caveat Emptor. Feb 4, 2014.
54. Awesome Playcanvas
- Video Tutorials - YouTube playlist for short PlayCanvas tutorials.
55. Awesome Blazor
- DiabloBlazor (⭐101) -
Blazor port of DiabloWeb, making it a double WebAssembly app: a WebAssembly (C#) PWA hosting a WebAssembly (C++) game. Demo.
Component bundles
- DevExpress Blazor UI Components (⭐404) -
A set of native UI Blazor components (including a Data Grid, Pivot Grid, Scheduler, and Charts) for both Blazor server-side and Blazor client-side platforms.
56. Awesome Crystal
Web Frameworks
- runcobo (⭐50) - An api framework with simple, intuitive and consistent DSL, using jbuilder to render json
57. Awesome Engineering Team Management
Cognitive Tools / Collections
- 40 powerful concepts for understanding the world - Concepts are named and describe succinctly in the tweet thread.
- Tools for better thinking - “Collection of thinking tools and frameworks to help you solve problems, make decisions and understand systems.”
Cognitive Tools / Problem Solving
- First principles and asking why - “Our ability to think in abstractions can weaken our judgement, as those abstractions may no longer be as true as they once were. Also a similarly dangerous evolutionary trait is our ability to think in analogy, where we make assumptions based on the comparison of two things that are not actually related.” Elon Musk explains it better.
- “People who excel at software design become convinced that they have a unique ability to understand any kind of system at all, from first principles, without prior training, thanks to their superior powers of analysis. Success in the artificially constructed world of software design promotes a dangerous confidence.” - A reminder of the needs of humility and recognition of limits in our industry, from a panel on the Moral Economy of Tech.
- The Art of Powerful Questions - Catalyzing Insight, Innovation, and Action - “Leaders believe that they are being paid for fixing problems rather than for fostering breakthrough thinking.”
Cognitive Tools / Brainstorming
- Yes, and… - “A rule-of-thumb in improvisational comedy (…). It is also used in business and other organizations as a principle that improves the effectiveness of the brainstorming process, fosters effective communication, and encourages the free sharing of ideas.”
- Strong Opinions, Weakly Held — a framework for thinking - “Allow your intuition to guide you to a conclusion, no matter how imperfect — this is the 'strong opinion' part. Then – and this is the 'weakly held' part – prove yourself wrong.”
Cognitive Tools / Behavioral
- Avoiding Intellectual Phase Lock - Anticipating an important result so much, humans by nature are susceptible to introduce subtle confirmation bias. To combat IPL, you might introduce random unknowns to suppress any attempt to game the system toward the object of your desire. I.e. avoid to cheat yourself to success.
Facilities / Standups
- Noise, Cognitive Function, and Worker Productivity - “An increase of 10 dB reduces productivity by approximately 5%.”
Product Management / Product Strategy
- Coglode: bite-size behavioral research analysis - Mostly applied behaviour insights to help you build up strategies and tactics on product, design and planning.
Product Management / User-Centered Design
- The product roadmap is dead: welcome to the age of problem roadmaps - “Fall in love with your problems and not with your solutions.”
- The Psychology of Design - An extensive list of cognitive biases and design principles with examples and tips to fine-tune your product and UX.
Product Management / Product Marketing
- Marketing for Engineers (⭐13k) - Lots of resources to help bootstrap your marketing activities and solve practical tasks.
- How the biggest consumer apps got their first 1,000 users - How the biggest apps out there started: from going to your user directly (both online and offline), creating FOMO and word-of-mouth, to build a community first and get press.
58. Webcomponents the Right Way
- generic-components (⭐548) - Collection of generic web components with a focus on accessibility, and ease of use.
- howto-components (⭐860) - Collection of web components that implement common web UI patterns.
- vanilla-retro-js (⭐14) - Vanilla JS UI component library of HTML deprecated tags.
- web-components-examples (⭐2.9k) - Series of web components examples, related to the MDN web components documentation.
Case Studies
Component Libraries
- Apollo Elements (⭐413) - Custom elements for using Apollo GraphQL with various web components libraries.
- Blackstone UI (⭐76) - Web components for creating interfaces by Blackstone Publishing.
- elements-sk (⭐29) - Collection of custom elements for "a la carte" web development.
- Lume (⭐1.2k) - Custom elements for defining 2D or 3D scenes rendered with CSS3D or WebGL.
Design Systems
- Bolt Design System (⭐288) - Twig and Web Component-powered UI components, reusable visual styles and tooling.
- Crayons (⭐189) - Collection of web components that adheres to the Freshworks Design System.
Starter Kits
- custom-element-boilerplate (⭐157) - Boilerplate for creating a custom element.
- hello-web-components (⭐25) - Simple starter hello world web component written in TypeScript.
- nutmeg (⭐115) - Build, test, and publish vanilla Web Components with a little spice.
59. Awesome Vue
Resources / Blog Posts
- Vue.js from scratch series on YouTube by Paris Nakita Kejser
Projects Using Vue.js / Apps/Websites
- Portfolio Site - Olaolu Olawuyi, A Frontend developer and UX Engineer's portfolio site.
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- vue-file-toolbar-menu (⭐149) - UI file/toolbar menus for Vue apps
- vue-toggles (⭐50) - A highly customizable and accessible toggle component
Components & Libraries / Integrations
- vue-postgrest (⭐82) - Vue.js integration for postgREST: flexible, powerful and easy to use.
60. Awesome Deno
Modules / Automation
- autopilot (⭐491) - Autopilot - Cross-platform web automation with Deno.
Modules / Utils
- deno_cron (⭐100) - A cron Job scheduler that allows you to write human readable cron syntax with tons of flexibility
- rubico (⭐274) - 🏞 [a]synchronous function composition; it just works.
- Prev: Jun 08 - Jun 14, 2020
- Next: May 25 - May 31, 2020