Awesome List Updates on May 25 - May 31, 2020
67 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Scientific Writing
Word Processors
- Visual Studio Code - Popular IDE with Markdown support.
- Markdown All in One (⭐2.8k) - Extension for enhanced Markdown support in VSCode, such as preview and auto completion to name a few.
- Markdown Preview Enhanced (⭐4.1k) - Pandoc integration and utilities.
Converters and Filters
- Cicero - Python package which renders HTML presentations from Markdown source using remark or reveal.js 🔗.
Spell Checking and Linting
- restructuredtext-lint (⭐169) - reStructuredText linter.
- textlint - Pluggable linting tool for text and Markdown.
Tutorials / Books
- Katrin Leinweber's Ph.D.
thesis (⭐43) - Automated
work flow involving several tools, but primarily Pandoc,
and Academic Markdown.
2. Awesome Web Performance Budget
Case Studies
- Self-hosting Optimization - How we shaved 1.7 seconds off by self-hosting Optimizely.
- Netflix Performance Improvement by shipping less JS - A Netflix Web Performance Case Study.
- Pinterest Web App Optimization - A Pinterest Progressive Web App Performance Case Study.
- Tinder Web App Performance - A Tinder Progressive Web App Performance Case Study.
- Zillow's Performance Budget - A true story of how Zillow uses performance budgeting.
3. Awesome Tmux
Status Bar
- tmux-colortag (⭐97) a plugin/theme that colors the tmux window tags.
4. Awesome Embedded Rust
no-std crates / WIP
- embedded-websocket: A lightweight server and client websocket library for embedded systems.
5. Awesome Web Monetization
About Web Monetization
6. Awesome Powershell
Interactive Learning
- PSKoans (⭐1.2k) - A simple, fun, and interactive way to learn the PowerShell language through Pester unit testing.
Module Development Templates
- Plaster (⭐643) - Plaster is a template-based file and project generator written in PowerShell.
- PSModuleDevelopment (⭐80) - Get started using module templates in 2 minutes with this module's low entry barrier and casual convenience.
- Catesta (⭐121) - Catesta is a PowerShell module project generator. It uses templates to rapidly scaffold test and build integration for a variety of CI/CD platforms.
Package Managers
- Scoop - A command-line installer for Windows.
- AutoSPInstaller - Automated SharePoint 2010-2019 installation script.
- Client-side SharePoint - API for SharePoint 2010, 2013 and Online.
- SPReplicator (⭐31) - SPReplicator helps replicate SharePoint list data to/from CSV, SQL Server, SharePoint itself and more.
SQL Server
- dbatools - Helps SQL Server Pros be more productive with instance migrations and much more.
7. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Games
- Impossiblocks (⭐112) -Brain training game made by Javi Pacheco.
8. Awesome Robotic Tooling
Datasets / Sensor and Acuator Interfaces
- a2d2_to_ros - Utilities for converting A2D2 data sets to ROS bags.
9. Awesome Java
Configuration / Text-Based User Interfaces
- config (⭐6.2k) - Configuration library supporting Java properties, JSON or its human optimized superset HOCON.
Database / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Debezium - Low latency data streaming platform for change data capture.
Game Development / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Mini2Dx - Beginner-friendly, master-ready framework for rapidly prototyping and building 2D games.
Job Scheduling / Text-Based User Interfaces
- JobRunr (⭐2.5k) - Job scheduling library which utilizes lambdas for fire-and-forget, delayed and recurring jobs. Guarantees execution by single scheduler instance using optimistic locking. Has features for persistence, minimal dependencies and is embeddable.
10. Awesome Micropython
Communications / CAN
- micropython-spacecan - Spacecan is a MicroPython implementation of the SpaceCAN protocol for embedded systems.
Communications / DNS
- MicroDNSSrv (⭐75) - A micro DNS server for MicroPython to simply respond to A queries on multi-domains with or without wildcards (used on Pycom modules & ESP32).
Communications / IoT
- micropython-home-assistant - MicroPython-based scripts to extend your Home Assistant-driven home automation projects.
Communications / NTP
- micropython-ntpclient (⭐6) - NTP client for MicroPython using uasyncio.
Communications / Radio
- micropython-rfsocket (⭐34) - MicroPython implementation of popular 433MHz-based RFSockets.
Communications / REPL
- webrepl - MicroPython WebREPL.
- zepl - MicroPython WebREPL Console Application using ZeroMQ.
- jupyter_micropython_remote - Jupyter kernel to directly execute code on a MicroPython board over the serial/web REPL.
Communications / Web
- uwebsockets (⭐200) - MicroPython WebSocket implementation for ESP8266.
- microdot (⭐1.6k) - The impossibly small web framework for MicroPython.
Display / LCD TFT
- st7789py_mpy (⭐88) - Slow MicroPython driver for 240x240 ST7789 display without CS pin from AliExpress, written in MicroPython.
Display / LED Segment
- micropython-tm1640 - MicroPython Library for 16 digits 7-segment displays controlled by a TM1640.
Display / LEDs
- micropython-ws2801 (⭐2) - A MicroPython library to interface with strands of WS2801 RGB LEDs.
- tlc5947-rgb-micropython - Driver for the TLC5947 24 channel 12-bit PWM LED driver.
- ubutton - A MicroPython library for controlling reading and debouncing pushbutton inputs, including "short" and "long" press callbacks.
- upwmcontroller - A MicroPython library for controlling PWM outputs in an asyncio loop, with features including fading and blinking.
IO / Rotary Encoder
- uencoder - A MicroPython library for reading from a rotary encoder.
Mathematics / Waveform Generator
- micropython-ulab (⭐451) - A NumPy-like fast vector module for MicroPython.
- micropython-mtx - Fast Matrix Multiplication and Linear Solver on MicroPython.
- micropython-vec - Vector Operations on MicroPython.
Sensors / Air Quality
- micropython-pms7003 (⭐33) - MicroPython driver for the PMS7003 Air Quality Sensor.
Sensors / Gaseous
- micropython-scd30 (⭐26) - MicroPython I2C driver for Sensirion SCD30 CO2 sensor module.
Sensors / Load Cell
- micropython-hx711 (⭐79) - MicroPython driver for HX711 24-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter.
Scheduling / Touch Resistive
- micropython-mcron (⭐37) - MicroCRON is a time-based task scheduling program for MicroPython.
Storage / Databases
- nmongo (⭐20) - MongoDB client for CPython and MicroPython, with MongoDB shell-like APIs.
Code Generation / SRAM
- micropy-cli (⭐322) - Micropy CLI is a project management/generation tool for writing MicroPython code in modern IDEs such as Visual Studio Code.
- micropython-stubber (⭐205) - Generate and use stubs for different MicroPython firmwares to use with Visual Studio Code or any IDE and linter.
Shells / On Device
- upy-shell (⭐40) - A simple command line-based shell for MicroPython.
- Micropython-Editor (⭐232) - Small on-board editor for Pyboard, WiPy, ESP8266, ESP32, PyCom and Adafruit devices written in Python.
Shells / On Host
- rshell (⭐983) - Copy or sync files to boards, enter REPL from your terminal.
- mpfshell (⭐407) - A simple shell-based file explorer for ESP8266 and WiPy.
11. Awesome Hacking
- Hackers tools - Tutorial on tools.
12. Awesome Webgl
- Optimizing Scenes for Better WebGL Performance - optimization techniques that proved to work well for creating WebGL-based interactives.
Others / Particles
- Verge3D - an artist-friendly toolkit for creating 3D web experiences.
13. Awesome Javascript
QA Tools / Runner
- JS-Beautifier (⭐8.7k) - Npm cli and library to format JS code.
API / Runner
- FarFetch (⭐58) - Modern Fetch API wrapper for simplicity, with concise file uploading.
14. Awesome Machine Learning
.NET / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- MxNet.Sharp (⭐149) - .NET Standard bindings for Apache MxNet with Imperative, Symbolic and Gluon Interface for developing, training and deploying Machine Learning models in C#.
15. Awesome Open Source Supporters
- Zulip
- Chat for distributed teams.
16. Awesome Web Security
- Attacking .NET deserialization - Written by @pwntester.
17. Awesome Ddd
Free eBooks
- Architecture Patterns with Python - A book about Pythonic application architecture patterns for managing complexity.
Libraries and Frameworks / Python
- dry-python - A set of libraries for pluggable business logic components.
18. Awesome List
Programming Languages
- Julia (⭐1.5k) - High-level dynamic programming language designed to address the needs of high-performance numerical analysis and computational science.
19. Awesome Postgres
Contents / High-Availability
- Slony-I - "Master to multiple slaves" replication system with cascading and failover.
Contents / Utilities
- pg_docs_bot (⭐16) - Browser extension to redirect PostgreSQL docs links to the current version.
- pg-differ (⭐36) - Tool for easy initialization / updating of the structure of PostgreSQL tables, migration alternative (Node.js).
Resources / Blogs
20. Awesome Audiovisual
Lighting / Lighting Software
- Avolites Titan - PC version of the Titan software which runs on the Avolites desk. Free to use until version 11.4 although it spits out random data once in a while. Requires a dongle from version 12.
⚠ not free
- EOS Family - Software for ETC's EOS-family consoles.
⚠ freemium
- GrandMA2 software - Free, offline software for the GrandMA2 lighting console. Includes GrandMA2 OnPC and MA3D. Does not output DMX for free.
⚠ freemium
- GrandMA3 software - Free, offline software for the new GrandMA3 lighting console. Includes GrandMA3 OnPC. Does not output DMX for free.
⚠ freemium
- Hog 4 software - Free, offline software for the Hog 4 lighting console. Includes Hog 4 pc. Does not output DMX for free.
⚠ freemium
- QLC+ - QLC+ is a free and cross-platform software to control DMX or analog lighting systems like moving heads, dimmers, scanners etc. Source Code (⭐916)
✓ open-source
- xLights - Meant for home Christmas light shows but is a great way to sync lights to music on a budget. Source Code (⭐530)
✓ open-source
Lighting / Visualizers
- Capture - Documentation and visualisation software. Capture is a native macOS and Windows application that lets you work with lighting, video, laser, moving scenery and water effects. Does have a free Student Edition.
⚠ freemium
- Depence² - Depence² is a unique application, which combines the design and visualization process with the potential to control the real show.
⚠ not free
- wysiwyg - wysiwyg is an all-in-one lighting design software with fully integrated CAD, plots, data, visualization and virtual show control.
⚠ not free
Audio / Audio Software
- Audacity - Audio file editor and analysis tool, great for cropping down sound effects and music tracks.
✓ open-source
- Ardour - A full realtime audio recording and editing suite. Source Code (⭐3.7k)
✓ open-source
- Linux Show Player - Free cue player designed for stage productions. Source Code (⭐204)
✓ open-source
- QLab - QLab is sound, video, and lighting control for macOS.
⚠ freemium
- REAPER - REAPER is a complete digital audio production application for computers, offering a full multitrack audio and MIDI recording, editing, processing, mixing and mastering toolset.
⚠ freemium
Tools / Audio tools
- Livescript (⭐5) - Insert a musical/theatre-script from Google Docs and use this for a live "autocue" and scroller with everyone on the site.
✓ open-source
Tools / CADs
- AutoCAD - AutoCAD® is computer-aided design (CAD) software that architects, engineers, and construction professionals rely on to create precise 2D and 3D drawings.
⚠ not free
Tools / Timecode
- TCgenerator (⭐3) - Reaper time marker to GrandMA2 TC Generator.
✓ open-source
- Timecode (⭐37) - ArtNet and LTC timecode generator, made with Java.
✓ open-source
- TimelordMTC - Advanced timecode management tool.
⚠ not free
- M2Q (⭐8) - Python application capable to trigger Chamsys Consoles/Software via MIDI for advanced synchronized shows.
✓ open-source
Tools / Monitoring
- AES67 WebMeter (⭐8) - Server that receives an AES67 audio stream and presents a webpage with meters.
✓ open-source
- meters.lv2 (⭐181) - meters.lv2 is a collection of audio-level meters with GUI in LV2 plugin format.
✓ open-source
- Open Sound Meter - Clean, open-source sound meter. Supports RTA, magnitude, phase and impulse response, coherence, group delay and more.
✓ open-source
Libraries and frameworks / Monitoring
- Open Lighting Architecture - A framework for lighting control information. Supports a range of protocols and over a dozen of USB devices. Source Code (⭐632)
Misc/other / GrandMA2 tutorials
- Blender ArtNet (⭐37) - Blender script to push ArtNet data to Evee lights. Runs at 30fps with Evee rendering in the viewport.
✓ open-source
- MIDI Monster (⭐481) - MIDIMonster is a universal control and translation tool. It can translate between many different protocols such as MIDI, Artnet, sACN and OSC.
✓ open-source
21. Awesome Prometheus
Deployment tools
- Ansitheus (⭐23) - Ansible playbook to containerize, configure and deploy Prometheus ecosystem by ntk148v.
- Ansible-prometheus (⭐92) - Ansible playbook for installing Prometheus monitoring system, exporters such as: node, snmp, blackbox, thus alert manager and push gateway by Ernestas Poskus.
- Click-to-deploy Prometheus (⭐718) - Source for Google Click to Deploy Prometheus solutions listed on Google Cloud Marketplace by GoogleCloudPlatform.
- Prometheus Operator (⭐8.9k) - Prometheus Operator creates/configures/manages Prometheus clusters atop Kubernetes by CoreOS.
22. Awesome Quantum Computing
- Microsoft Quantum blog - Microsoft Quantum program-wide updates.
23. Awesome Actions
Collection of Actions / Docker Container Actions
Deployment / Docker
24. Awesome Economics
Research / Software
- Matlab - An industry standard for modeling and numerical optimization in economics. Free alternatives:
25. Awesome Bigdata
Data Ingestion
- redpanda - A Kafka® replacement for mission critical systems; 10x faster. Written in C++.
26. Awesome Smart Tv
Cross-platform frameworks / Official resources
- ZombieBox (⭐98) - An open source Smart TV framework. Strongly typed JavaScript, component based, built-in D-PAD navigation management, abstract video API with DRM for all platforms. Supports many platforms like Tizen, webOS, Android TV, etc.
27. Awesome React Components
- sweetalert2 (⭐17k) - demo/docs - A beautiful, responsive, highly customizable and accessible (WAI-ARIA) replacement for JavaScript's popup boxes. Zero dependencies.
- sweetalert2-react-content (⭐685) - Official SweetAlert2 enhancer adding support for React elements as content
28. Awesome Keycloak
Community Extensions
29. Public Apis
API: Mozilla http scanner (⭐1.9k)
Description: Mozilla observatory http scanner
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
API: Mozilla tls scanner (⭐534)
Description: Mozilla observatory tls scanner
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
30. Awesome Nlg
Neural Natural Language Generation
- aitextgen (⭐1.8k) - A robust Python tool for text-based AI training and generation using GPT-2.
31. Awesome Cli Apps
Version Control / Git
- import-github-labels-cli (⭐17) - Sync labels between Github repos.
Just for Fun / Image Conversion
- ricksay (⭐61) - Quotes from Rick and Morty.
32. Awesome Security
Web / Development
- Insider CLI (⭐486) - A open source Static Application Security Testing tool (SAST) written in GoLang for Java (Maven and Android), Kotlin (Android), Swift (iOS), .NET Full Framework, C# and Javascript (Node.js).
33. Awesome Blazor
Component bundles
- Ant Design Blazor (⭐5.9k) -
A set of enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Blazor. (Docs as Demo).
- ComponentOne Blazor UI Components - External link. A fast datagrid, listview, input and other native Blazor components for server and client-side apps.
34. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Maps and Global Positioning System (GPS)
- Geo2tz (⭐78) - Get the timezone from geo coordinates (lat, lon).
Software / Task Management & To-do Lists
- Task Keeper (⭐68) - List editor for power users, backed by a self-hosted server.
35. Awesome H2o
Blog Posts & Tutorials
36. Awesome Elixir
- Tai (⭐469) - A composable, real time, cryptocurrency market data and trade execution toolkit.
- workbench (⭐119) - From Idea to Execution - Manage your trading operation across a globally distributed cluster.
- elixir_auth_google (⭐273) - The simplest way to add Google OAuth authentication ("Sign in with Google") to your Elixir/Phoenix app.
- swoosh (⭐1.5k) - Compose, deliver and test your Emails (with attachments!) easily in Elixir with adapters for SMTP, Sendgrid, Mandrill, Mailgun, Postmark and lots others, plus Phoenix integration with mailbox preview.
Framework Components
- recaptcha (⭐113) - A simple reCaptcha 2 library for Elixir applications.
Instrumenting / Monitoring
- wobserver (⭐926) - Web based metrics, monitoring, and observer.
Lexical analysis
- abnf_parsec (⭐51) - ABNF in and parser out.
- pathex (⭐349) - Zero-dependency, blazing fast functional lenses.
- hades (⭐27) - A wrapper for NMAP written in Elixir.
ORM and Datamapping
- barrel_ex (⭐0) - Barrel-db distributed document-oriented database REST client in Elixir.
- chromic_pdf (⭐437) - A client for Chrome's DevTools API to generate PDFs (HTML to PDF).
- pdf_generator (⭐339) - A simple wrapper for wkhtmltopdf or puppeteer (HTML to PDF) for use in Elixir projects.
- puppeteer_pdf (⭐98) - Another wrapper around puppeteer (HTML to PDF) for use in Elixir projects.
- flume (⭐78) - A blazing fast job processing system backed by GenStage & Redis.
37. Awesome Flutter
- Build Flavor - Easily build flavors in Flutter (Android and iOS) with flutter_flavorizr by Angelo Cassano
UI / Bottom Sheets
- Rubber Bottom Sheet (⭐564) - Elastic material bottom sheet by Mattia Crovero.
- Modal Bottom Sheet (⭐1.9k) - Modal bottom sheet with Material, Cupertino iOS13 or custom appareance by Jaime Blasco.
Utilities / Game Engine resources
- Flutter Flavorizr (⭐486) - CLI utility to easily generate flavors for Android and iOS in less than 3 minutes by Angelo Cassano
🇳🇬 Nigeria / Misc
- Telegram FlutterLagos
38. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Go / Phoenix
- Learn Go with Tests - Chris James
39. Awesome Qsharp
- Create your first Q# program by using the Quantum Development Kit - Microsoft Learn module.
Coding Contests and Solutions / Official resources
40. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
Resources / Blog Posts
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- ag-grid-vue (⭐14k) - Vue adaptor for ag-Grid.
41. Awesome Game Remakes
- The Force Engine (⭐985) - Jedi Engine for modern systems and the games that used that engine - Dark Forces and Outlaws.
42. Awesome Python Typing
Articles / PEPs
- PEP-3107 - Function Annotations.
- PEP-482 - Literature Overview for Type Hints.
- PEP-483 - The Theory of Type Hints.
- PEP-484 - Type Hints.
- PEP-526 - Syntax for Variable Annotations.
- PEP-544 - Protocols: Structural subtyping (static duck typing).
- PEP-557 - Data Classes.
- PEP-560 - Core support for typing module and generic types.
- PEP-561 - Distributing and Packaging Type Information.
- PEP-563 - Postponed Evaluation of Annotations.
- PEP-585 - Type Hinting Generics In Standard Collections.
- PEP-586 - Literal Types.
- PEP-589 - TypedDict: Type Hints for Dictionaries with a Fixed Set of Keys.
- PEP-591 - Adding a final qualifier to typing.
- PEP-593 - Flexible function and variable annotations.
- PEP-604 - Complementary syntax for Union[].
- PEP-612 - Parameter Specification Variables.
- PEP-613 - Explicit Type Aliases.
43. Awesome Mobile Web Development
Articles and Documentation
- Loading web pages fast on a $20 feature phone - Best practices for building web pages for feature phones.
- The Impact of Web Performance - On performance as a key factor for the business.
- What Does A Foldable Web Actually Mean? - Musings on the impact of foldable phones on web.
44. ALL About RSS
Apps / Outline Processor Markup Language
TestFlight / Early Access / Outline Processor Markup Language
Hosted Readers / Outline Processor Markup Language
Other Apps / Outline Processor Markup Language
- VSCode-RSS (⭐168) 572, 618 : An RSS reader embedded in Visual Studio Code
RSSHub / Outline Processor Markup Language
Telegram / Telegram RSS bots
WordPress plugins / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
Tech or IT / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
😣 Services that have stopped supporting RSS / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
Podcast Feed Validator / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
45. Awesome Python Scientific Audio
Audio Related Packages / Speech Processing
- (⭐3.3k) 🐙 (⭐3.3k) 📦 - Neural building blocks for speaker diarization.
Scientific Papers / Wrappers for Audio Plugins
- neural building blocks for speaker diarization, Video - Hervé Bredin, Ruiqing Yin, Juan Manuel Coria, Gregory Gelly, Pavel Korshunov, Marvin Lavechin, Diego Fustes, Hadrien Titeux, Wassim Bouaziz, Marie-Philippe Gill, ICASSP 2020.
46. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- ScrapingDog — Scrapingdog handles millions of proxies, browsers, and CAPTCHAs to provide you with the HTML of any web page in a single API call. It also includes Web Scraper for Chrome & Firefox and software for instant scraping demand. Free plans are available.
Tools for Teams and Collaboration
- Google Meet — Use Google Meet for your business's online video meeting needs. Meet provides secure, easy-to-join online meetings.
- Google Fonts - Many free fonts are easy and quick to install on a website via a download or a link to Google's CDN.
47. Awesome Selenium
Cloud Services / Desktop GUI Automation (non-browser-centric)
- Mail7 - Disposable email service to automate the email workflow testing, This document explains how to implement Mail7 with Selenium
48. Awesome Cheminformatics
Libraries / General Purpose
- ChemPy (⭐503) - A Python package useful for chemistry (mainly physical/inorganic/analytical chemistry)
Libraries / Web APIs
- CIRpy - Python wrapper for the NCI Chemical Identifier Resolver (CIR).
- chemminetools (⭐35) - Open source web framework for small molecule analysis based on Django.
49. Awesome Nextjs
- The Knests Stack (⭐348) - Full stack boilerplate/hackathon starter with: PostgreSQL, Knex.js, NestJS, Next.js (obviously), GraphQL, React (with hooks and typescript), Material-UI, Docker multistage images for, Docker compose and a Gitlab CI/CD pipeline fully configured.
50. Webcomponents the Right Way
CSS Shadow Parts
Case Studies
Meta Frameworks
- AMP (⭐15k) - Web component framework to easily create user-first experiences for the web.
Component Libraries
- Brightspace UI core (⭐51) - Collection of web components for building Brightspace applications.
- Clever components (⭐198) - Collection of Web Components made by Clever Cloud.
- DataFormsJS (⭐177) - Standalone Components for SPA routing, displaying data from web services, and more.
- Elix (⭐800) - High-quality, customizable web components for common user interface patterns.
- Lion Web Components (⭐1.7k) - Set of highly performant, accessible and flexible Web Components.
- LRNWebComponents (⭐235) - ELMS:LN produced web components for any project.
- Microsoft Graph Toolkit (⭐880) - Collection of web components for the Microsoft Graph.
- Nuxeo Elements (⭐27) - Components for building web applications with Nuxeo using Web Components.
- Tradeshift Elements (⭐14) - Reusable Tradeshift UI Components as Web Components.
- Wired Elements (⭐9.6k) - Set of common UI elements with a hand-drawn, sketchy look.
- Wokwi Elements (⭐154) - Web Components for Arduino and various electronic parts.
Design Systems
- Calcite Components (⭐252) - Shared Web Components for Esri's Calcite design framework.
- Helix UI (⭐56) - Web Component library for the Helix Design System.
- NuML | NUDE Elements (⭐336) - HTML Framework and Design System based on Web Components and runtime CSS generation.
- PatternFly Elements (⭐370) - Collection of flexible and lightweight Web Components based on the Unified Design Kit.
- Spectrum Web Components (⭐1.1k) - Adobe Spectrum design language implementation built with Web Components.
- UI5 Web Components (⭐1.4k) - Set of reusable UI elements implementing SAP Fiori Design Guidelines.
- Zooplus web components (⭐45) - Set of web components that implement Z+ shop style guide.
Class Based
- DNA (⭐37) - Progressive Web Components library.
- Tonic (⭐837) - Minimalist, stable, audit friendly component framework.
- preact-custom-element (⭐336) - Generate/register a custom element from a preact component.
- web-components-benchmark - Benchmark Web Components technologies with various examples.
- web-components-todo - The same todo application built in different Web Components libraries for benchmark purpose.
51. Awesome Userscripts
Scripts / YouTube
- Hide YouTube recommendations (⭐24) - Hides the thumbnails and titles of the recommended videos to reduce distraction and procrastination.
52. Awesome Wardley Maps
Quick Start
- Getting Strategic on Peace and Justice - An engaging animation by Sue Borchardt (5:39).
- Practical Introduction to Wardley Mapping - A step-by-step guide to creating and using Wardley Maps by E. Alex Hudson. PDF/iPad/Kindle.
- Wardley Maps on Vimeo - Talks by Simon Wardley and the Wardley mapping community.
Maps in the Wild
- On user needs and listening to customers - Simon Wardley focuses on one of the most important parts of mapping - the anchor. April 11, 2016.
- Simon Wardley's 100-day Corporate get fit plan - For the newly-appointed executive, to help get you into a position from which you can start to learn and talk about strategy. Aug 21, 2015.
Meetups / ChatGPT
- Australia
53. Awesome Transit
GTFS Libraries / C
- CGTFS (⭐9) - C library for reading static GTFS feeds. Supports reading unpacked feeds into application memory or into SQLite databases.
- RRRR Rapid Real-time Routing (⭐169) - RRRR (usually pronounced R4) is a C-language implementation of the RAPTOR public transit routing algorithm.
GTFS Libraries / Python
- ESRI public-transit-tools (⭐175) - Tools for working with public transit data in ArcGIS (license for ArcGIS required).
- gtfsdb (⭐161) - Python library for converting GTFS files into a relational database.
- gtfsman (⭐22) - Repository-like tool in Python to manage and update a huge number of GTFS feeds.
- gtfspy (⭐160) - Public transport network analysis and travel time computations using Python3. Compatible with Postgres/PostGIS, Oracle, MySQL, and SQLite. Used by gtfspy-webviz (⭐55).
- Make GTFS (⭐11) - A Python library to make GTFS feeds from basic route information.
- Mapzen GTFS (⭐30) - A Python GTFS library that supports reading individual GTFS tables, or constructing a graph to represent each agency in a feed.
- multigtfs (⭐52) - A Django application to import and export GTFS.
GTFS Libraries / C#
- GTFS Feed Parser (⭐71) - .Net/Mono implementation of a GTFS parser.
GTFS Libraries / Go
- Go GTFS Parser (⭐43) - A GTFS parsing library for Go.
GTFS Libraries / PostgreSQL
- gtfs-schema (⭐35) - PostgreSQL schema for GTFS feeds.
GTFS Libraries / Ruby
- GTFS-viz (⭐88) - Ruby script that converts a set of GTFS files into a SQLite database + GeoJSONs (needed by the Transit Map (⭐361) web application)
Web Apps (open source) / Rust
- GTFS Builder - A free web-based application to help you create GTFS files. Maintained by the National Rural Transit Assistance Program (RTAP).
54. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Code Analysis
- Phpactor (⭐1.5k) - PHP completion, refactoring and introspection tool.
55. Awesome Macos Screensavers
Video Game
One interpretation of The Matrix.
56. Colorful
Tools / Libraries
- color2k (⭐620) - A color parsing and manipulation lib.
57. Awesome Fastapi
Open Source Projects / Other Tools
58. Awesome Python Data Science
Graph Machine Learning / Others
- Little Ball of Fur (⭐707) - A library for sampling graph structured data.
59. Awesome Remote Job
- Eleduck - A remote worker community in China(来自中国的远程工作社区).
60. Awesome Network Analysis
Software / Python
- littleballoffur (⭐707) - Python package for sampling from graph structured data with a scikit-learn like API.
61. Awesome Cmake
62. Awesome Ios Books
Game Development
Server Side Swift
63. Awesome Crystal
Algorithms and Data structures
- (⭐23) - BlurHash (⭐16k) implementation
64. Awesome Electronics
Learning / Courses
- Khan Academy - Electrical Engineering - Non-profit learning platform with a full course on electrical engineering and related topics.
Learning / Theory
- Lessons In Electric Circuits - Free high quality textbooks and worksheets with emphasis on theory, simulation, and the socratic method.
- Ultimate Electronics: Practical Circuit Design and Analysis - Free online book with interactive schematics & simulations by CircuitLab (under development).
CAD Specific / KiCad
- Forums - User discussion and help forum.
- Footprint Collection (⭐325) - Collection of all the KiCad footprints available online and some scripts to manage them.
PCB Batching Services / Altium
- PCBShopper - Comparison service for quite a lot of different PCB batching and assembly services.
Project Sharing Platforms / Altium
- Kitspace - Project sharing site that helps you buy parts and re-build projects. Open source and developed by yours truly.
- - Another social site for sharing projects. Is well organised by platform, topic and product.
- InventHub - Git-based project hosting and collaboration platform for hardware development.
- CADLAB - Another Git-based project hosting and collaboration platform for hardware development.
Inventory Management and Purchasing / Altium
- PartsBox - Web service to manage your part inventory with a nice user interface and Octopart integration.
- PartKeepr - Open source web service for managing your part inventory with parametric search and automatic datasheet import.
Miscellaneous Software Projects / Altium
- SnapEDA - Parts library with free symbols & footprints. (Compatible with Eagle, KiCad, Altium, OrCad, Allegro, etc.)
Blogs / Altium
- - Another blog covering electronics.
Forums / Help
- /r/askelectronics - Sub-reddit dedicated to help on electronics topics.
- Electronics Stack Exchange - Question and answer site for electronics running on the popular Stack Overflow service.
- EEVBlog beginners forum - Good place for beginner questions, other sub-forums on EEVblog should be suitable for questions on more advanced topics.
Podcasts / Help
- The Amp Hour - Off-the-cuff chat about electronics with Chris Gammel and Dave Jones (EEVBlog), often with guests
- - Christopher and Elecia White discuss embedded systems development and much more, often with guests.
- The Spark Gap Podcast - Covers a specific EE topic each episode, sometimes with guests.
- MacroFab Engineering Podcast - Weekly podcast where Parker and Stephen from MacroFab discuss EE topics and industry news.
- The Engineering Commons Podcast - Covers general engineering topics from mechanical to electrical.
Other Lists / Help
- PwnKitteh/InsanelyCheapElectronics (⭐360) - A list of cheap electronics from China, that you can use in your projects.
- intajay/open-electronics (⭐559) - Another GitHub list: resources for Electronics Enthusiasts and Hardware Hackers.
- Vitorian/awesome-fpga (⭐343) - Awesome list of FPGA resources.
- cajt/list_of_robot_electronics (⭐340) - A GitHub list of resources, projects and products for robot electronics.
- embedded-boston/awesome-embedded-systems (⭐808) - Awesome list of embedded programming resources.
65. Awesome Deno
Modules / Static site generator
- pagic (⭐1.6k) - The easiest way to generate static html page from markdown, built with Deno.
Modules / Utils
- denon (⭐1.1k) - A file watcher with a for-await generator.
- deno-context (⭐6) - Propagate deadlines, a cancellation and other request-scoped values to multiple promise. The behaviour is like Go's context.
- ensure (⭐3) - Ensure you are running a minimum version of Deno, Typescript, or V8.
- invert-kv (⭐3) - Invert key-value pairs in Deno.
- online (⭐7) - Check if you're currently online in Deno.
- qrcode (⭐42) - QR code image generator for Deno.
- recursive-readdir (⭐8) - Recursively read directories in Deno.
Modules / Web utils
- status (⭐15) - HTTP codes and status utility for Deno.
- up (⭐14) - Check if a website is up in Deno.
- youtube-deno (⭐45) - A Deno client library for the YouTube Data API for any interaction with YouTube.
Tools / XML
- dedep (⭐66) - Manage dependency versions.
- denon (⭐1.1k) - A daemon script runner, like nodemon. Built in and for Deno.
- packer-provisioner-deno (⭐5) - A Packer plugin that makes it easy to build virtual machine images with Deno scripts.
- starter (⭐28) - Deno module starter template with GitHub Actions CI
Articles / XML
Resources in Other Languages / Chinese
Resources in Other Languages / Indonesian
Resources in Other Languages / Spanish
66. Awesome It Quotes
Quote: “One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man.”
Elbert Hubbard (writer, publisher, artist, and philosopher)
Quote: “If it's a good idea, go ahead and do it. It's much easier to apologize than it is to get permission.”
Grace Hopper (American computer scientist, a pioneer of computer programming who invented one of the first compilers. She popularized the idea of machine-independent programming languages, which led to the development of COBOL.)
67. Awesome Ctf
- IppSec - Video tutorials and walkthroughs of popular CTF platforms.
- Damn Vulnerable Web Application - PHP/MySQL web application that is damn vulnerable.
- Prev: Jun 01 - Jun 07, 2020
- Next: May 18 - May 24, 2020