Awesome List Updates on May 18 - May 24, 2020
72 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
2. Awesome Talks
Software Development
- Real Software Engineering by Glenn Vanderburg (Software Art Thou 2018) [1:07:57]
3. Awesome Ruby
- que-scheduler (⭐115) - A lightweight cron scheduler for the async job worker Que.
4. Awesome Regression Testing
Online services (a-z↓)
- Visual Regression Tracker (⭐612) - Open Source selfhosted service for visual regression testing
5. Awesome Javascript
- Microbundle (⭐8.1k) - Zero-configuration bundler for tiny modules.
Misc / Other
6. Sublime Bookmarks
Extensions / General Purpose
- LSP — Language Server Protocol support for Sublime Text 3 that gives you IDE features.
7. Awesome Captcha
- koto-bank/kocaptcha (⭐52) - A simple captcha service with a single API endpoint, written in Rust.
- Captcheck - Lightweight, self-hostable CAPTCHA service written in PHP 7 and MySQL. Uses a selection of icons from Font-Awesome. Text-only accessibility mode and support for keyboard-only operation.
- Securimage - Open-source free PHP Captcha script.
- Lokno/click-captcha (⭐28) - A visual, click-based CAPTCHA for human authentication.
- ArgoZhang/SliderCaptcha (⭐234) - Slider captcha supporting mobile.
Other / Chinese
- Hashcash for PHP/JavaScript forms (⭐46) - An alternative to captcha to fight spam, based on proof-of-work.
8. Awesome Esolangs
- 1+ - A surprisingly user-friendly language with a highly-limited instruction set.
9. Awesome Audiovisual
Libraries and frameworks / ArtNet Libraries
- artnet (⭐120) - Node.js module that can be used to send ArtDMX packages to an Art-Net node.
Resources / ArtNet Libraries
- /r/lightingdesign - The Reddit community for lighting designers worldwide.
- /r/techtheatre - The reddit community for all production designers and technicians!
Tutorials / GrandMA2 tutorials
- GMA2 colour picker tutorial - A tutorial for how to add a colour picker in GrandMA2.
10. Awesome Lowcode
Flow-based programming
- Wayscript - A rapid scripting platform for developers.
Visual programming
- Dronahq - Build business apps without coding.
11. Awesome Nlg
- The Schema-Guided Dialogue Dataset (⭐466) - The Schema-Guided Dialogue (SGD) dataset consists of over 20k annotated multi-domain, task-oriented conversations between a human and a virtual assistant.
12. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Games
- Math Matrix (⭐396) -Brain training games composition Mehul Makwana.
13. Awesome Micropython
- MicroMLP (⭐186) - A micro neural network multilayer perceptron for MicroPython (used on ESP32 and Pycom modules).
- micropython-vs1053 (⭐28) - Asynchronous driver for VS1053b MP3 player.
- upy-rtttl (⭐39) - Python Parser for Ring Tone Text Transfer Language (RTTTL).
Communications / DNS
- ICantBelieveItsNotDNS (⭐19) - "I Can't Believe It's Not DNS!" (ICBIND) is an authoritative DNS server for the ESP8266 written in MicroPython.
Communications / FTP
- micropython-ftplib (⭐37) - An FTP client library for MicroPython.
- FTP-Server-for-ESP8266-ESP32-and-PYBD (⭐153) - Small FTP server for ESP8266/ESP32/Pyboard on the MicroPython platform.
- MicroFTPServer (⭐36) - Minimal FTP Server that can run on an ESP8266 with MicroPython.
Communications / GPS
- mpy-agps (⭐13) - MicroPython implementation of assisted location services (AGPS).
Communications / GSM
- micropython-upyphone (⭐426) - A GSM phone using Pyboard and SIM800l.
Communications / IoT
- microhomie (⭐79) - MicroPython implementation of the Homie MQTT convention for IoT.
- uPyEcho (⭐56) - Emulated Belkin WeMo device that works with Amazon Echo (Alexa) using MicroPython on an ESP32.
- SonosRemote (⭐56) - A remote for Sonos installations running on an ESP8266 and using Sonos HTTP API.
Communications / IR
- micropython_ir (⭐268) - Nonblocking device drivers to receive from IR remotes and for IR "blaster" apps.
- micropython-amg88xx (⭐21) - Driver for Grid-EYE thermal infrared array sensor (Adafruit 3538).
- micropython-ys-irtm (⭐28) - MicroPython examples for YS-IRTM 5V NEC Infrared UART transceivers.
- esp8266_ir (⭐49) - Control IR signal by WebSocket.
Communications / LoRaWAN
- uPyLoRaWAN (⭐232) - ESP32 using MicroPython meets LoRa and LoRaWAN.
Communications / MQTT
- micropython-mqtt (⭐615) - A 'resilient' asynchronous MQTT client: recovers from WiFi and broker outages.
- pysmartnode (⭐116) - MicroPython Smart Home framework.
- umqtt_aws_iot (⭐21) - Publish UMQTT messages with MicroPython to AWS IoT.
- micropython-sonoff-switch (⭐10) - Implements an MQTT-controllable switch for the iTead Sonoff Switch using MicroPython.
- uMQTT (⭐9) - MQTT publish for MicroPython on the WiPy board.
Communications / NTP
- esp8266_ntp_webserver (⭐3) - MicroPython + ESP8266 + NTP + web server.
- micropython-ntpd (⭐2) - An implementation of an NTP daemon in MicroPython.
- micropython_ntpserver (⭐3) - An NTP server written for MicroPython.
Communications / Radio
- micropython_remote (⭐76) - Capture and replay 433MHz remote control codes. Control remote switched power adaptors.
- micropython-ys-rf34t (⭐9) - MicroPython examples using YS-RF34T 433MHz ASK/OOK UART transceivers.
Communications / Serial
- mpy-miniterm (⭐22) - Tool for seamless serial debug and file synchronisation with MicroPython devices via the serial REPL.
Communications / SMTP
- uMail (⭐85) - A lightweight, scalable SMTP client for sending email in MicroPython.
Communications / Telnet
- MicroTelnetServer (⭐77) - Simple telnet server for MicroPython and the ESP8266 allowing telnet clients access to the REPL.
Communications / Web
- MicroWebSrv (⭐652) - A micro HTTP web server that supports WebSockets, HTML/Python language templating and routing handlers, for MicroPython (used on Pycom modules & ESP32).
- MicroWebSrv2 (⭐677) - The last micro web server for IoTs (MicroPython) or large servers (CPython), that supports WebSocket, routes, template engine and with really optimized architecture (mem allocations, async I/Os).
- tinyweb (⭐259) - Simple and lightweight HTTP async server for MicroPython.
- upy-websocket-server (⭐84) - MicroPython (ESP8266) WebSocket server implementation.
- micropython-captive-portal (⭐51) - A captive portal demo for MicroPython.
- uPyPortal (⭐41) - A captive portal for MicroPython using ESP32 (Wemos).
- ESP8266WebServer (⭐51) - ESP8266 web server for MicroPython.
- microCoAPy (⭐63) - A mini client/server implementation of CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol) into MicroPython.
- micropyserver (⭐135) - MicroPyServer is a simple HTTP server for MicroPython projects.
- MicroRESTCli (⭐29) - A micro JSON REST web client based on MicroWebCli for MicroPython (used on Pycom modules & ESP32).
- micropython-noggin (⭐18) - A very simple web server for MicroPython.
Communications / WiFi
- micropython-wifimanager (⭐61) - A simple network configuration utility for MicroPython on the ESP8266 board.
Communications / Zigbee
- ZbPy (⭐48) - MicroPython IEEE802.15.4 / Zigbee parser.
Display / E-Paper
- micropython-waveshare-epd (⭐53) - Waveshare ePaper Display driver for devices running Pycom-flavored MicroPython.
Display / LCD Character
- micropython-lcd (⭐20) - Class for controlling the HD44780 from a MicroPython Pyboard.
Display / LCD Graphic
- micropython-hx1230 (⭐5) - MicroPython library for HX1230 96x68 LCD modules.
Display / LCD TFT
- micropython-ili9341 (⭐218) - MicroPython ILI9341 display & XPT2046 touch screen driver.
- st7789_mpy (⭐211) - Fast pure-C driver for MicroPython that can handle display modules on ST7789 chip.
- micropython-ili9341 (⭐134) - MicroPython Driver for ILI9341 display.
- micropython-ili9341 (⭐14) - ILI9341 TFT driver for MicroPython on ESP32.
Display / LED Matrix
- micropython-max7219 (⭐39) - MicroPython driver for MAX7219 8x8 LED matrix.
- ADS7818 (⭐0) - Python class interfacing the ADS7818 AD-converter.
- micropython-ads1219 (⭐4) - MicroPython module for the Texas Instruments ADS1219 ADC.
- micropython-inputs (⭐34) - Classes to count pulses, debounce digital inputs, and calculate moving averages of analog inputs for a MicroPython board.
IO / IO-Expander
- micropython-mcp23017 (⭐76) - MicroPython driver for MCP23017 16-bit I/O Expander.
- micropython-pcf8574 (⭐41) - MicroPython driver for PCF8574 8-Bit I2C I/O Expander with Interrupt.
- micropython-pcf8575 (⭐21) - MicroPython driver for PCF8575 16-Bit I2C I/O Expander with Interrupt.
IO / Rotary Encoder
- micropython-rotary (⭐304) - MicroPython module to read a rotary encoder.
Mathematics / Waveform Generator
- micropython-fourier (⭐82) - Fast Fourier transform in MicroPython's inline ARM assembler.
- ulinalg (⭐32) - Small size matrix handling module with a few linear algebra operations specifically for MicroPython (Python 3).
Motion / Stepper
- uln2003 (⭐48) - Driver for 5V 28BYJ-48 stepper motors.
Sensors / Air Quality
- pms5003_micropython (⭐23) - Driver for PMS5003 air quality sensor for MicroPython.
- micropython-pms5003-minimal (⭐1) - Driver for P air quality sensor for MicroPython.
- polly (⭐12) - SDS011 pollution sensor + Wemos D1 mini pro + MicroPython.
Sensors / Barometer - Air and Water Pressure
- BME280 (⭐108) - MicroPython driver for the BME280 sensor, target platform Pycom devices.
- micropython-bmp280 (⭐97) - Module for the BMP280 sensor.
Sensors / Camera
- Nikon-Trigger-for-MicroPython (⭐3) - Remote trigger for a Nikon camera using an IR LED. For Pyboard v1.1.
Sensors / Compass
- QMC5883 (⭐15) - Python class for the QMC5883 Three-Axis Digital Compass IC.
Sensors / Energy
- MCP39F521 (⭐7) - ESP8266 scripts for reading MCP39F521 power monitors.
Sensors / Gaseous
- CCS811 (⭐30) - Basic MicroPython driver for CCS811 on ESP8266 boards.
Sensors / Motion Inertial
- micropython-mpu6886 (⭐21) - MicroPython I2C driver for MPU6886 6-axis motion tracking device.
Sensors / Touch Resistive
- XPT2046-touch-pad-driver (⭐19) - Driver for XPT2046 touch pad controller used in many TFT modules.
Storage / Databases
- uPyMySQL (⭐24) - Pure MicroPython MySQL Client.
- micropython-redis (⭐21) - A Redis client implementation designed for use with MicroPython.
- picoredis (⭐9) - A very minimal Redis client (not only) for MicroPython.
- micropg (⭐26) - PostgreSQL database driver for MicroPython.
Storage / FRAM
- micropython-fram (⭐1) - Pyboard driver for Ferroelectric RAM module.
Community / SRAM
- MicroPython on Facebook - Like MicroPython on Facebook for competitions, news and updates.
- Melbourne MicroPython Meetup - Regular meetup at CCHS in Melbourne, Australia.
Books / SRAM
- Advanced Programming in MicroPython By Example - By Yury Magda. ISBN 9781090900937.
Resources / SRAM
- MicroPython on Wikipedia - MicroPython on Wikipedia.
- Mu Editor - Code with Mu: a simple Python/MicroPython/CircuitPython editor for beginner programmers.
- Thonny IDE - Thonny: Python IDE for beginners.
14. Awesome Seml
15. Awesome Cpp
- nuklear (⭐9.7k) - A single-header ANSI C gui library. [PublicDomain]
Build Systems
- SW - Cross-platform C++ (and other langs) Build System and Package Manager with a lot of packages available. [GPLv3]
16. Awesome Ros2
Operating systems / Build system (ROS2)
- VxWorks (⭐80) - The Secure, Safe, Reliable, and Certifiable real-time OS for Critical Infrastructure
17. Awesome Embedded Rust
Real-time / Real-time Operating System (RTOS)
- FreeRTOS-rust (⭐402) Rust interface for FreeRTOS with Rust entry point and build support crate.
Driver crates / WIP
- lvgl (⭐728) - no_std LittleVGL (⭐18k) port -
18. Awesome Electron
Open Source / Other
- Beekeeper Studio (⭐16k) - Cross-platform SQL editor and database manager.
19. Awesome Broadcasting
Multimedia content processing
- Brave (⭐663) - Basic Real-time AV Editor - lets you preview, mix, and route live audio and video streams on the cloud.
20. Awesome Transit
GTFS Realtime (and Other Real-time API) Archival Tools / Rust
- GTFS-realtime to SQL - Parses a GTFS-RealTime feed into an SQL database (used in
21. Awesome Libgdx
Resources / Visual Effects
- gdx-gltf (⭐214) - GLTF 3D file format support (import/export), PBR shaders, and others advanced rendering.
22. Awesome Microservices
API Gateways / Edge Services / Scala
- APIcast (⭐309) - APIcast is an API gateway built on top of NGINX. It is part of the Red Hat 3scale API Management Platform.
Configuration & Discovery / Scala
- Microconfig - Modern and simple way of microservice configuration management.
23. Awesome Ios Books
24. Awesome Newsletters
Kotlin / Svelte
- Kotlin Weekly. The weekly newsletter for Kotlin developers, with articles, libraries, videos and podcasts from the Kotlin environment.
25. Awesome Pentest
Windows Utilities / Web Exploitation Books
- Inveigh (⭐2.6k) - Windows PowerShell ADIDNS/LLMNR/mDNS/NBNS spoofer/machine-in-the-middle tool.
- Rubeus (⭐4.2k) - Toolset for raw Kerberos interaction and abuses.
26. Awesome Css
Style Guide / Editor's Draft ✒️
- Fluent UI (⭐18k) by Microsoft
27. Awesome Shell
Multimedia and File Formats / Directory Navigation
- visidata (⭐7.3k) - A terminal spreadsheet multitool for exploring and arranging data (csv/json/xml/xls/yaml/etc)
Applications / Directory Navigation
- nomino (⭐534) - Batch rename utility using regex, sort and map file options.
- pockyt (⭐490) - Read, Manage, and Automate your Pocket collection.
28. Awesome Keycloak
29. Awesome Mac
Encryption / Audio Record and Process
- Deadbolt (⭐355) - The easiest file encryption tool you'll ever use. macOS-compatible, and open-source so you can trust it.
30. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / Computer Vision
- Openpose (⭐32k) - A real-time multi-person keypoint detection library for body, face, hands, and foot estimation
Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- implicit - Fast Python Collaborative Filtering for Implicit Datasets.
- LightFM - A Python implementation of a number of popular recommendation algorithms for both implicit and explicit feedback.
- mljar-supervised (⭐3.1k) - An Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) python package for tabular data. It can handle: Binary Classification, MultiClass Classification and Regression. It provides explanations and markdown reports.
31. Awesome Ctf
- MotherFucking-CTF (⭐42) - Badass lightweight plaform to host CTFs. No JS involved.
- StegOnline - Conduct a wide range of image steganography operations, such as concealing/revealing files hidden within bits (open-source).
- Intro. to CTF Course - A free course that teaches beginners the basics of forensics, crypto, and web-ex.
- Awesome CTF Cheatsheet - CTF Cheatsheet.
32. Awesome Typescript
Typescript Project Starters
- typescript-express-starter (⭐2.8k) - Quick and Easy TypeScript Express Starter.
Libraries / Chrome Extensions
- 🐙 ts-audio (⭐315) - an agnostic and easy-to-use library to work with the
33. Awesome Scifi
Links / Imago (1989) [4.2]
34. Awesome Dotnet
- iCal.NET (⭐818) iCal.NET is an iCalendar (RFC 5545) class library for .NET aimed at providing RFC 5545 compliance, while providing full compatibility with popular calendaring applications and libraries.
Functional programming
- Optuple (⭐29) - .NET Standard Library for giving
(bool, T)
Option-like semantics in a non-obtrusive way; this is, there is no new option type dependency for a library or its users.
- Devtodev (⭐7) - A full-cycle analytics solution for game developers.
Image Processing
- Imgix-CSharp - Easily update image urls to be fast and responsive. [$]
- FormHelper (⭐273) - Form & Validation Helper for ASP.NET Core. Form Helper helps you to create ajax forms and validations without writing any javascript code. (Compatible with Fluent Validation)
- Cloudmersive PDF - Cloudmersive PDF is a native .NET Framework and .NET Core NuGet library and API service that can create, modify, encrypt or convert PDF documents at high scale and fidelity; and is free to use with no expiration [Free]
35. Awesome Dataviz
Websites / Misc
- Data For Visualization blog - Storytelling with data from the software developer's eye
36. Awesome Engineering Team Management
Culture / Procrastination
- A Conversation with Werner Vogels, Learning from the Amazon technology platform - Scaling systems is not only a technical challenge. It has to be about teams and culture too. One lesson learned from the early days of AWS: “Giving developers operational responsibilities has greatly enhanced the quality of the services, both from a customer and a technology point of view. (…) You build it, you run it.”
Cognitive Tools / Behavioral
- On Bullshit - This HN comment perfectly describes the concept. “Unlike lying/fraud, where falsehood is instrumental, Frankfurt defined bullshit as potentially false speech where the truth simply wasn't important. Bullshit is characterized by giving the surface appearance of confidence, intelligence, or a convincing argument; whether it's actually true or not is besides the point.”
Project Management / Estimations
- Apple Aperture: Senior QA - How not to manage projects approaching deadlines: “cutting finished features, yelling at people, and working people to the point of nervous breakdowns. Then they came upon a brilliant idea: let's steal over a hundred engineers from other teams and then the project will magically get done on time.”
37. Awesome Deno
Docs / Official Docs
Modules / CLI utils
- cli-spinner (⭐58) - Show spinners in the terminal while running long tasks.
Modules / Template engine
- dejs (⭐145) - Ejs template engine for deno.
Modules / Utils
- deno-dotenv
- pietvanzoen/deno-dotenv (⭐148) - Dotenv handling for deno.
- cardosomarcos/deno-dotenv (⭐8) - Loads environment variables from .env for Deno projects.
- deno-plugin-prepare (⭐47) - A library for managing Deno native plugin dependencies.
- ms (⭐17) - Easily convert various time formats to milliseconds.
Tools / XML
- clone (⭐4) - A simple utility for the convenient clone.
- denoinit (⭐30) - Denoinit generates useful files for Deno project.
- denoliver (⭐97) - A simple, dependency free file server with live reload.
- denoversion (⭐7) - SemVer and git version management for Deno.
- denox (⭐139) - Like packages.json scripts, but for Deno with permissions support.
- udd (⭐329) - Update Deno dependencies: updates import statements to their latest published version.
- velociraptor (⭐681) - An npm-style script runner for Deno.
Articles / XML
Presentations / XML
Resources in Other Languages / Indonesian
Resources in Other Languages / Spanish
38. Awesome Incident Response
IR Tools Collection / Log Analysis Tools
- AppCompatProcessor (⭐188) - AppCompatProcessor has been designed to extract additional value from enterprise-wide AppCompat / AmCache data beyond the classic stacking and grepping techniques.
IR Tools Collection / Sandboxing/Reversing Tools
- Radare2 (⭐19k) - Reverse engineering framework and command-line toolset.
39. Awesome Macos Screensavers
Animated vintage Apple logo
40. Colorful
Tools / Libraries
- Distinct Colors (⭐121) - Generate a palette of visually distinct colors.
41. Awesome Wardley Maps
Maps in the Wild
- Your story never had a chance - Gameplay, fractal patterns, feedback loops, doctrine. May 9, 2020.
42. Awesome Qsharp
Official Resources
43. Awesome Cheminformatics
Libraries / Machine Learning
- OpenChem (⭐645) - OpenChem is a deep learning toolkit for Computational Chemistry with PyTorch backend.
Libraries / Molecular Dynamics
- NAMD - a parallel molecular dynamics code designed for high-performance simulation of large biomolecular systems.
Libraries / Others
- eiR (⭐3) - Accelerated similarity searching of small molecules
44. Awesome Yew
- Freecell (⭐6) - A patience game written in Rust and Yew.
45. Awesome Flutter
- Official Gallery (⭐6.5k) - Demo for the material design widgets provided by Flutter Team
Animation / Redux / ELM / Dependency Injection
- Animate Do - Animation package inspired in Animate.css by Fernando Herrera.
🇲🇾 Malaysia / Misc
- Telegram Flutter/Dart Dev Malaysia
46. Awesome Testing
Books / Mind Mapping & Documentation
- Testing JavaScript Applications - A book about JavaScript testing tools and techniques for developers.
47. Awesome Rust
Applications / Observability
- OpenTelemetry - OpenTelemetry provides a single set of APIs, libraries, agents, and collector services to capture distributed traces and metrics from your application. You can analyze them using Prometheus, Jaeger, and other observability tools.
48. Awesome Fortran
Graphics Libraries
- DISLIN - a high-level graphing and user-interface library.
- f90gl - public domain implementation of the official NIST Fortran 90 bindings for OpenGL.
- gtk-fortran (⭐205) - a cross-platform library to build Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) using GTK+. Very useful when combined with the Glade RAD tool.
- PGPLOT - cross-platform scientific graphing library.
Math Libs
- FGSL - portable, object-based Fortran interface to the GNU scientific library
- IMSL - The IMSL Fortran Numerical Library is the standard for high performance computing commercial mathematics and statistics libraries
- Lis - a Library of Iterative Solvers for Linear Systems
- NAG Fortran Library - Produced by experts for use in a variety of applications, the NAG Fortran Library has a global reputation for its excellence and, with hundreds of fully documented and tested routines, is the largest collection of mathematical and statistical algorithms available
Fortran Websites
- The Fortran Company - A home page of FORTRAN programming language.
49. Awesome Plotters
Inspiration, Instruction, and Research / Fonts
- How to Draw Generative Art with an Axidraw Pen Plotter - Lots of nice tips, not all specific to the Axidraw, plus some pen reviews and handy 3d-printed tools.
Plotter Art For Sale / Patents
50. Awesome Actions
Utility / Docker Container Actions
- Setup Xcode (⭐278) - Switch between pre-installed versions of Xcode for macOS images.
Notifications and Messages / Code Coverage
51. Free for Dev
Web Hosting
- Bubble — Visual programming to build web and mobile apps without code, free with Bubble branding.
52. Awesome Vue
Projects Using Vue.js / Apps/Websites
- Embalses! - A tool to report water dam level using the U.S. Geological Survey database.
- TravelMap - A simple way for travelers to create a blog based on a Map.
- Proper Cloth Shirt Builder - Custom shirt builder.
- vNotes (⭐54) - Simple and beautiful notepad to Markdown with Vue.js and Local Storage API.
- Dermail (⭐25) - A webmail client written in Vue.js for Dermail, a mail system written in node.js.
- octimine - A patent search engine.
- Draxed - A web based MySQL and PostgreSQL data browser and dashboard manager.
- Jobinja - A Job Board and career platform operating in Iran.
- 滚蛋吧!莆田系 - Show all Putian hospital information
- Livestorm - Webinar / Live events app.
- Global-Exam - Online Training for Language Proficiency Tests
- 12BAY.VN - Applications online flight bookings.
- PLAYCODE.IO - Playground for Rapid Frontend Experiments.
- The Void Radio - Underground House Music Online Radio.
- Bitly Vue - Shorten URLs with VueJS & Bitly API.
- Storyblok - API Based/Decoupled CMS using VueJS for its frontend.
- Moving to HTTPS - Guide to moving different platform/hosting sites to HTTPS
- Euronews - Euronews is a multilingual news media service, headquartered in Lyon, France.
- Guess Right - A 'guess the word' game - Written with Vue/vuex/vue-router (front-end) and Laravel/MySQL (back-end). Code is Open Source on GitHub (⭐2) (although not the live files that run the game at kdcinfo).
- GRAP - Business communication service
- JSON Schema Editor - An intuitive editor for JSON schema built with Vue.js and Firebase.
- Winsome Trivia - A single or multiplayer trivia game featuring over 2,000 unique questions built with Vue.js and powered by the Open Trivia Database.
- Moon Organizer - Lunar calendar app
- Kinderbesteck - A full Online Shop SPA with Vue2.0, Vuex, Vue Router
- Power Thesaurus - A crowdsourced online thesaurus
- PAIXIN - A genuine picture sale website
- 1XBET - A betting company operating since 2007
- CrowdCircus - Europe’s biggest crowdfunding- and crowdinvesting-aggregator
- Todoist Tribute (⭐224) - Todoist clone, written in Rails + Vue
- JSON Editor - A schema-aware JSON editor built with Vue2 and firebase.
- Develteam - A social network for indie game developers.
- Mixsii - A free video chat room site for teens, adults, family, and friends.
- PipQuest - A retro-style puzzle game built in Vue
- Matryx - A decentralized collaboration platform.
- iPrevYou - YouTube™ Player - A chrome app for watching youtube videos on your desktop.
- Item Manager - An application to transfer items for Destiny 2 game.
- Frontend Masters Intro to Vue - Frontend Masters full day course
- TR-101 - A drum synth / sequencer.
- Bazaar - Media sharing platform.
- Vectr - A free vector graphics software
- Habitica - online task management application in the form of a role-playing game.
- MadeWithVueJs - A Gallery of Projects made with Vue.js (also the Site itself uses Vue.js)
- Thousand Ether Homepage - The Million Dollar Homepage reimagined as an Ethereum DApp. Build on Vue.js and open source.
- Let's Enchance - free online image upscale and enhancement with neural networks.
- Pi.TEAM - Online Invoicing and Accounting - Simple to use online accounting and invoicing, free for single users and freelancers.
- Tipe - Next Generation API-first CMS. Create your content with powerful editing tools and access it from anywhere with a GraphQL or REST API. Stop letting your CMS decide how you build your apps.
- Fintechers - Fintech focused job board.
- Devjournal - Collaborative todo list for projects and ideas.
- Bubbleflat - Online platform that helps students and young Professionals find their perfect roommates by searching for people with similar lifestyles, interests, or schools. Laravel & Vuejs
- sunpos - Sun position, elevation, azimuth, ecliptic/equatorial coordinates and sunrise/sunset time (Julian day) calculation and conversion utilities. Web site is programmed using pure JS, Vuejs and i18n Vuejs localization plugin. Visualization is created using D3.js.
- U3xyz - A personal blog base on vue ssr.
- - Ukraine-based internet hypermarket
- Chess Guardian - Answer chess positional questions from your own games.
- Blackjack Break - A quick game of blackjack
- GameVix - Swap your used video game discs with others, hassle free. PWA with Material Design.
- VivifyScrum - Agile project management app for teams that deliver. Customizable Scrum and Kanban boards.
- 9GAG - Popular online platform and social media website
- Kitchen Stories - Cooking platform
- MailRabbit - Create, A/B test, and monitor transactional emails without a developer.
- Cronhub - Painless Cron Monitoring Tool
- wrkprty - Pop-up coworking events for freelancers, remote workers, and professionals looking to get out of the office.
- Broker Notes - 'Study to become a Real Estate Agent' 🏠
- SyncLounge - SyncLounge is a tool to sync Plex content across multiple players in multiple locations.
- - The website of an Italian agency, entirely made with Vue using a Laravel-based headless CMS.
- Pages - Web design inspiration
- Spektrum - The website of Spektrum Media Agency
- SPK The website of SPK Ecosystem
- IDDEF ☪️ The Federation of the Associations that Value Humanity's webpage, CMS, CRM and Donation and all e-commerce pages are designed with Vue.js, Vuex and pure JavaScript 🙏
- Roast an app built to help coffee enthusiasts find their next cup of coffee while learning about Laravel + Vue.js.
- Myanpwel - The website of event ticketing platform.
- CryptoArte - An Ethereum art collection, non-fungible token, and Dapp.
- - is an independent news, information, and entertainment venture.
- Brandy - brand assets manager for your menu bar.
- NBC Sports - NBC Sports is a sports news website.
- WITHIN - Extraordinary stories in Virtual Reality.
- beCamp - A community-organized tech conference in Charlottesville, VA. Website code is open-source.
- Trustpilot - a free and open to all review platform.
- Lagom - Simple, intuitive and fully responsive WHMCS theme
- ScoutMyTrip - Roadtrip Planner - Road trip planning app for India which helps travelers to build their itinerary, discover points of interest, find hotels, gas stations, food joints etc along the route.
- GamersClub - Biggest company of eSport community development in Brazil
- MIT - Official Website of Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
- Elvenar - Elvenar is a browser based fantasy city builder game.
- Beacon - 💙 A service that allows you to share your content across multiple websites.
- Artfinder - Artfinder is a website for buying & selling art paintings.
- GitHubExplorer - Pure static page webapp for exploring GitHub. Using
andGitHub GraphQL API v4
- HappyPlants (⭐291) - A progressive web app for organizing your plants 🌱.
- Pocket Lists - World's friendliest to-do list app.
- Padlet - Collaborative bulletin boards
- Glovo - On-demand delivery
- MySigMail - MySigMail is a free, in browser, email signature generator without creating account
- Wordguru - A simple verbal game where you split into teams and try to guess as many keywords as you can.
- ApiFlash - A Chrome based screenshot API built on top of AWS Lambda for Developers
- Git Superstar - Count your git stars and top repositories.
- Asciiur - Internet's ascii art collection
- Tapestri Designer - Free tool to design PCR primers for genome sequencing experiments (NGS)
- Monocle Reader - Follow feeds, Twitter, YouTube, Blogs and everything else, all in one place.
- Geenes - Generate and apply color palettes to your UI, then export it to sketch or code.
- ExifShot - What and how on photography, beautifully.
- Studolog - Online file sharing platform for students, including tester and reviews. Currently in Czech 🇨🇿 only.
- Premium Poker Tools - What poker players use to study.
- QMK Configurator - Configure, Build, and Download Custom QMK Firmware from your browser.
- Worksome - Marketplace/platform for qualified it professionals and freelancers and companies looking to hire them.
- Translator-vuejs - Translation App built with Vuejs, Yandex API & ResponsiveVoice.js API.
- Big Timer - Fullscreen countdown timer for workshops, meetings and presentations. Big Timer helps workshop facilitators, meeting chairs, design sprinters, presenters and aspiring game show hosts stick to their program.
- Kvalitetskontroll - Norwegian management system tailored for the construction industry.
- Poolside FM - A retro-style music player
- - One of the biggest RSS readers and news aggregators out there.
- AwesomeTechStack - Website Tech Stack Analyzer
- massCode (⭐2k) - An open source code snippets manager for developers. Build with Electron, Vue and Monaco editor.
- ClipLeap - Platform for posting and sharing moments in long videos.
- RSVP Keeper - Online reservations made easy. Get your event up and running in no time. Made with Vue and Go.
- PNGK - Official website for a consultancy company working to find solutions for humanitarian, human rights and other like minded organizations.
- BMWUSA Vehicle Configurator - Vehicle Configurator for BMWUSA
- AtomicWallet - Multi-asset cryptocurrency wallet. Desktop and mobile apps both were built with Vue.
- Helpninja - Simple & fast help desk
- Todo DEV (⭐87) - A simple Todo App made for developers with Vuejs, Vuetify and the powerful Firebase.
- 36 Pixels - French agency website made with vue.js
- - Disposable temporary email service.
- Narrandum - Customer journey mapping tool built using Vue.js, Vuetify, and Feathersjs
- Keep Formula - Keep Formula is a simple app to make your calculations easier.
- - 100% Free Online Tools site.
Resources / External Resources
- Vue.js 資料まとめ(for japanese) by @hashrock
Resources / Community
Resources / Tutorials
- 讲解 Vue.js 官网 中文-含代码、百度云、youtube on bhnddowinf
- 讲解 Vue.js 2 官网 中文-含代码、百度云、youtube on bhnddowinf
- Form Validation In VueJS Using Yup by Vijit Ail (May 2020)
Resources / Books
- Become a Ninja with Vue 3 by Cédric Exbrayat (English and French versions) (May, 2020)
Resources / Courses
- Become a Ninja with Vue 3 - This course teaches how to build a complete application with Vue 3, step by step, using Vue CLI, TypeScript and the Composition API. Each exercise comes with instructions and tests to check 100% of your code.
Projects Using Vue.js / Open Source
- Bael Blog Template - A static generated blog template that uses Netlify CMS for the backend and Netlify for hosting. Features a brutalist aesthetic, fuzzy search, serverless email signup, and more.
Projects Using Vue.js / Commercial Products
- Wijmo - A collection of UI controls with VueJS support.
- ChatWoot - Livechat and agent collaboration over Facebook messenger.
- VueA - VueJS Admin template with multiple layouts and laravel version.
- EducationLink - CRM and sales automation for education agents and colleges.
- Pragmatic v2.0 - Responsive and configurable admin template built with Vue.js and Element.
- Moonitor - Cryptocurrency tracker for Desktop.
- Deskree - Online collaboration platform that combines Ideas, Tasks, and Issues in one place.
- Agiloo - Project Management app for Scrum and Kanban
- ScaffoldHub - Online Web App Generator for VueJS with NodeJS, and MongoDB or SQL.
- Commandeer - Cloud Management Reimagined. A Desktop cloud management app built with Vue.js and Electron.
- Leave Dates - A powerful new way to track your staff leave.
- vREST NG - An enterprise application for Automated API Testing, built with VueJS and Element UI.
Projects Using Vue.js / Interactive Experiences
- CSS ColorVars - Interactive tool code generation (source code (⭐10))
- Nightlight During Conflict - Explore GIS data on nightlight output for countries in conflict.
- User Friendly Justice Data - Explore justice data from Morocco.
Projects Using Vue.js / Enterprise Usage
- Alibaba
- Baidu
- Sina Weibo
- Xiaomi
- Optimizely
- Expedia
- UCWeb
- Line
- Nintendo
- Celtra
- Octimine GmbH
- Hunliji
- Monito - Building the for international money transfers
- Hypefactors - Software for data-driven PR professionals
- Adobe
- Aromajoin - Develop the finest digital scent products based on the harmony of hardware, software and material technology.
Components & Libraries / Frameworks
- quasar-framework (⭐26k) - Quasar Framework. Build responsive websites, hybrid mobile Apps and Electron apps using same code, with VueJs 2.
- vue-material (⭐9.9k) - Material design for Vue.js.
- vuetify (⭐40k) - Material Component Framework for Vue.js 2.
- buefy (⭐9.6k) - Components based on Bulma framework.
- element-ui (⭐54k) - A Vue.js 2.0 UI Toolkit for Web.
- iview-ui - A Vue.js 2.0 UI Framework for web.
- BootstrapVue (⭐15k) - Bootstrap v4 components and grid system for Vue.js.
- fish-ui - A Vue.js 2.0 UI Toolkit for Web
- zircle-ui (⭐944) - A frontend library to develop zoomable user interfaces.
- heyui (⭐2.6k) - ( - A Vue.js 2.0 UI Toolkit for Web.
- Carvue.js - IBM's Carbon Design System for Vue.js
- Osiris UI - 🎨 A Vue.js 2.0 universal responsive UI component library
- @Carbon/vue (⭐612) - Carbon Design System components from the @carbon team.
- MDBootstrap (⭐959) - Powerful UI toolkit based on the latest Bootstrap 4 and Vue 2.6.10, providing a set of slick, responsive page templates, layouts, components and widgets to rapidly build responsive, mobile-first websites and apps.
- vue-material-adapter (⭐104) - Integration of Material Components for Vue.js which follows the best practices recommended by Google: Using Foundations and Adapters
- PrimeVue - The Most Complete UI Component Library for Vue
- CoreUI for Vue.js (⭐625) - CoreUI for Vue.js is a UI Component Library that offers a bunch of cross-browser, responsive, and lightweight Vue.js UI components.
- vux (⭐18k) - [Chinese] Vue UI Components based on WeUI.
- vue-onsenui (⭐8.8k) - Mobile app development framework and SDK using HTML5 and JavaScript. Create beautiful and performant cross-platform mobile apps. Based on Web Components, and provides bindings for Angular 1, 2, React and Vue.js.
- Weex - Weex provides the ability to publish cross platform, so web, Android, and IOS apps can use the same API development functions.
- vant (⭐24k) - A Vue.js 2.0 Mobile UI From YouZan.
- cube-ui - A fantastic mobile ui lib implement by Vue.js 2.
- mand-mobile - A mobile UI toolkit, based on Vue.js 2, designed for financial scenes.
- NutUI (⭐6.3k) - A Vue.js 2.0 UI Toolkit for Mobile Web
- keen-ui (⭐4.1k) - A lightweight collection of essential UI components written with Vue and inspired by Material Design.
- DevExtreme Vue Components (⭐268) - 65+ responsive and feature-complete Vue UI components with customizable Material Design and Bootstrap compliant themes.
- jqwidgets - 70+ Vue.js 2.0 UI Components with Material Design themes.
- Kendo UI for Vue – Over 70 UI components, including a Grid, built for business applications. Fully responsive with support for several Design Languages including Material Design and Bootstrap.
- vue-element-admin (⭐89k) - A magical vue admin based on Element UI 2.x Online Demo
- D2 Admin (⭐13k) - An elegant backstage template build by vue Online Demo
- Vue Material Admin (⭐2.3k) - A vue material design admin template Online Demo
- dashboard (⭐555) - A dashboard scaffolding based on vue.js created by vuejs/vue-cli 4.x. Online Demo
- Nuxt.js (⭐56k) - Versatile Vue.js Framework.
- VuePress (⭐23k) - Minimalistic Vue-powered static site generator.
Components & Libraries / UI Layout
- vue-grid-layout (⭐7.2k) - A draggable and resizable grid layout, for Vue.js.
- vue-masonry (⭐687) - Vue.js directive for masonry blocks layouting.
- vue-virtual-scroll-list (⭐4.5k) - A vue (2.x) component support big data by using virtual scroll list.
- vue-virtual-scroller (⭐10k) - Component to scroll a large amount of elements efficiently (Vue 2.x).
- dnd-grid (⭐305) - A vuejs grid with draggable and resizable boxes
- vue-fullpage.js (⭐1.9k) - Official fullPage.js component for Vue.js.
- splitpanes (⭐2k) - A Vue JS reliable, simple and touch-ready panes splitter / resizer.
- vue-simple-drawer (⭐58) - A tiny drawer panel with bounced animation, nest supported and theme customized. directions: left/right/up/down
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- vue-data-tables (⭐1k) - Vue2.0 DataTables, based on element-ui.
- vue-grid (⭐114) - A flexible grid component for Vue.js
- vue-easytable (⭐3.8k) - A powerful table components based on Vue2.x
- Vue Datatable (⭐633) - VueJS powered Datatable with Laravel server-side loading and JSON template setup
- vue-cheetah-grid (⭐1.5k) - A high-performance grid engine that work on a canvas for Vue.js.
- vue-table-component - A straight to the point Vue component to display tables.
- @lossendae/vue-table - Simple table component for Vue.js 2.x with pagination and sortable columns.
- @marketconnect/vue-pivot-table (⭐225) - A vue component for pivot table
- vueye-datatable (⭐112) - Vueye data table is a responsive data table component based on Vue.js 2, it organizes your data per pages in order to navigate easily.
- fancy-grid-vue (⭐208) - Vue adaptor for FancyGrid.
- vue-easy-toast (⭐118) - A toast plugin for vue/vue2.
- vue-toast-notification (⭐650) - Yet another Vue.js Toast notification plugin.
- VueToastify (⭐232) - A fuss free notification component.
- epic-spinners (⭐3.9k) - Easy to use css spinners collection with vue.js integration.
- vue-loading-overlay (⭐1.3k) - Tiny full screen loading indicator
- vue-ellipse-progress (⭐356) - A flexible Vue.js component to create beautiful animated circular progress bars and loaders
- vue-scroll-progress (⭐100) - Simple Vue.js plugin for page scroll progress bar
- v-tooltip (⭐3.4k) - Easy tooltips with Vue 2.x.
- vue-fontawesome (⭐2.4k) - Font Awesome 5 Vue component
- vue-country-flag (⭐175) - Vue component for country flag icons
- vue-fa (⭐24) - Simple FontAwesome 5 Vue.js 2 component.
- vue-tree-navigation (⭐158) - Vue.js 2 tree navigation with vue-router support
- v-selectmenu (⭐190) - A simple, easier and highly customized menu solution for Vue2.
- vue-navigation-bar (⭐190) - A simple, pretty navbar for your Vue projects.
- vue-easy-slider (⭐357) - Slider Component of Vue.js.
- vue-flux (⭐549) - Image slider which comes with 20 cool transitions.
- vue-chartjs (⭐5.6k) - Vue.js wrapper for Chart.js.
- vue-echarts (⭐10k) - ECharts component for Vue.js.
- vue-chartkick (⭐752) - Create beautiful JavaScript charts with one line of Vue
- vue-apexcharts (⭐1.3k) - Vue.js component for ApexCharts (⭐15k).
- vue-css-donut-chart (⭐129) - Lightweight Vue component for drawing pure CSS donut charts.
- ZingChart-Vue (⭐25) - Vue component made by ZingChart with 35+ chart types.
- flowchart-vue (⭐351) - Flowchart & Flowchart designer component for Vue.js.
- bs-vue-timeline (⭐11) - An alternative responsive boostrap-vue timeline
- vue-functional-calendar (⭐470) - Lightweight, high performance calendar component(Date Picker, Date Range) based on Vue.
- vue-cal (⭐122) - A Vue JS full calendar, no dependency, no BS. 🤘.
- vue2-leaflet (⭐2k) - Vue 2 components for Leaflet maps.
- vue-audio-visual (⭐740) - Vue HTML5 audio visualization components.
- vue-h5-audio-controls (⭐10) - A simple h5 music controller for Vue.
- @egjs/vue-infinitegrid (⭐2.3k) - Arrange infinite card elements according to various layout types like masonry for Vue.js 2.
- sl-vue-tree (⭐345) - A simple customizable draggable tree component for Vue.js
- vue-finder (⭐161) - A component to display hierarchical data, with selection, filtering and drag & drop
- vue-goodshare (⭐449) - Vue.js component for social share with beautiful button design. Simple install, extensive documentation, developer support, SEO friendly, clean code without scripts tracking user activity on the page, high speed. Work with Vue.js 2.x.
- vue-qrcode-reader (⭐2.2k) - A set of Vue.js components for detecting and decoding QR codes.
- reactivesearch-vue (⭐4.9k) - UI components for building data-driven apps with Elasticsearch
- vue-kanban (⭐817) - A flexible drag and drop kanban board component
- v-offline (⭐375) - Simple, tiny and easy to use detection of offline & online events for your Vue app (less than 390b minified)
- vue-connection-listener (⭐89) - Vue event bus plugin listening for online/offline changes.
- vue-prom (⭐145) - Vue promise wrapper component.
- vue-identify-network (⭐68) - ⚡️Identify what kinda internet your users are using!
- vue-highlight-words (⭐75) - Vue component to highlight words within a larger body of text. Ported from react-highlight-words (⭐2.2k)
- vue-command (⭐310) - A fully working Vue.js terminal emulator
- vue-fixed-header (⭐167) - Simple and cross-browser friendly fixed header component for Vue.js written by TypeScript.
- vue-twemoji-picker (⭐224) - A fast plug-n-play Twemoji Picker (+textarea for Twemoji rendering) for Vue.
- vue-tel-input (⭐828) - International Telephone Input with Vue.
- vue-scroll-picker (⭐273) - A scroll picker component for Vue 2.x. Support all gestures of mouse(also wheel) and touch.
- form-create (⭐6.3k) - Form builder with dynamic rendering, data collection, validation, and submission capabilities, supporting json data
- vue-select (⭐4.7k) - A native Vue.js component that provides similar functionality to Select2 without the overhead of jQuery.
- vue-multiselect (⭐6.8k) - Universal select/multiselect/tagging component for Vue.js.
- v-region (⭐921) - A simple region selector, provide Chinese administrative division data.
- vue-cool-select (⭐244) - Bootstrap / Material Design theme, support slots, autocomplete, events, validation and more.
- vue-select-sides (⭐70) - A component for Vue.js to select double-sided data (2-sides).
- vue-draggable-resizable (⭐3.4k) - Vue2 component for draggable and resizable elements.
- vue-smooth-dnd (⭐1.8k) - Vue wrappers of smooth-dnd library. drag and drop, sortable library covering for many cases.
- v-distpicker (⭐978) A flexible, highly available district picker for picking provinces, cities and districts of China for Vue.js 2.x.
- v-image (⭐40) 📷 Tiny little component for input type=file (< 1kb, gzipped)
- radial-color-picker (⭐101) - Minimalistic color picker with a focus on size, accessibility and performance.
- vue-froala-wysiwyg (⭐639) - Official VueJS plugin for Froala WYSIWIG HTML Editor.
- vue-trix (⭐247) - Simple and lightweight Trix rich-text editor for Vue.js
- tiptap (⭐29k) - A renderless and extendable rich-text editor for Vue.js
- ckeditor5-vue (⭐371) - An official CKEditor 5 rich text editor component for Vue.js.
- vue-cropper (⭐4.4k) - A picture clipping plugin for vue2.0
- vue-croppie (⭐261) - Yet another image cropper
- vue-advanced-cropper (⭐1k) - An advanced cropper that gives you opportunity to create almost any cropper that you desire
- vue-upload-component (⭐2.7k) - Vue upload component, Multi-file upload, Upload directory, Drag upload, Drag the directory. Supports Vue >= 2.0
- vue-simple-context-menu (⭐238) - Simple context-menu component built for Vue. Works well with both left and right clicks.
- vue-poll (⭐133) - A Vue.js component for voting
- vue-diagrams (⭐291) - Diagram component for vue.js, inspired by react-diagrams
- vue-simple-password-meter (⭐100) - Lightweight password strength meter with no dependency
- vue-stepper-component (⭐110) - A fully customizable Stepper component with Vuex support and Zero dependencies.
- vue-konva (⭐1.2k) - Vue & Canvas - JavaScript library for drawing complex canvas graphics using Vue.
- link-prevue (⭐244) - Flexible component for generate a link preview.
Components & Libraries / UI Utilities
- vue-global-events (⭐694) – A component to handle global events (like shortcuts) using Vue’s event modifiers
- vue-tabevents (⭐33) – Easy communication between other opened tabs
- vue-responsive (⭐99): Vue.js(2.x) directive to hide/show HTML-elements with the Bootstrap 4, 3 or self defined breakpoints.
- Form Builder (⭐122) - Json template based form builder, based on Vue and Laravel.
- vue-autofocus-directive (⭐33) - Vue autofocus directive.
- vee-validate (⭐11k) - Simple Vue.js input validation plugin.
- vuelidate (⭐6.9k) - Simple, lightweight model-based validation for Vue.js.
- vue-final-validate - Vue validation solution from my development experience, support nested, async.
- vue-not-visible (⭐23) - Vue directive for removing from dom (like v-if) element on screen smaller than breakpoints.
- vuescroll (⭐1.3k) - A scrolling plugin based on Vue.js for uniforming the scrolling in PC and mobile.
- vue-router (⭐19k) - The official router for Vue.js.
- laravel-vue-semantic-ui-pagination (⭐8) - A Vue.js 2.x pagination used with Laravel & Semantic-UI.
- vue-paginate-al (⭐51) - Vue paginate with return your data.
- vue-tiny-pagination (⭐19) - A Vue component for create a tiny pagination.
- laravel-vue-pagination (⭐752) - A Vue.js pagination component for Laravel paginators that works with Bootstrap.
- vue-lpage (⭐5) - Low-level Vue pagination component.
- v-page (⭐100) - A simple pagination bar, including length Menu, i18n support, based on Vue2.x.
- v-odometer (⭐100) - Smoothly transitions numbers with ease. Use this library to give your application a smooth animation, only applicable on numbers.
- vue-slide-up-down (⭐203) Like jQuery's
, but for Vue!
- vue-kinesis (⭐1.5k) A set of components to create interactive animations
- vue-svgicon (⭐919) - A tool to create svg icon components. (vue 2.x).
Components & Libraries / Utilities
- vue-async-computed (⭐1.1k) - Async computed properties for Vue.js.
- vue-api-query (⭐1.7k) - Elegant and simple way to build requests for REST API.
- vue-i18n (⭐7.3k) - Internationalization plugin for Vue.js.
- vscode-vue-i18n-ally (⭐4.3k) - VSCode extension for better Vue-i18n experiences.
- vue-option-events (⭐5) - Bring Vue.js 1 events option and $emit to Vue.js 2.
- vue2-storage (⭐112) Browser storage for Vue.js app
- effector (⭐4.7k) — Fast and powerful reactive state manager. Effector lets you write simple, fast and type safe code and manage reactive state with ease.
- vue-auth-href (⭐16) - A VueJS directive for downloading files that are under a protected route schema
- jsonapi-vuex (⭐156) - Use a JSONAPI api with a Vuex store, with client-side restructuring/normalization of records.
- vue-apollo (⭐6k) - Apollo/GraphQL integration for VueJS.
- vue-types (⭐572) - Vue Prop Types definitions.
- eslint-plugin-vue (⭐4.5k) - Eslint plugin for Vue.js projects.
- fela-vue (⭐7) - CSS-IN-JS mixin for Vue designed for flexibility yet team-oriented.
- vue-loader (⭐5k) - Webpack loader for Vue.js components.
- vue-jsx-hot-loader (⭐41) - Enable HMR for Vue.js components with JSX render functions.
- vue-page-stack (⭐735) - Routing and navigation for your Vue SPA. Vue 单页应用导航管理器
- (⭐625) - bindings for Vue.js and Vuex
Components & Libraries / Integrations
- vue-recaptcha (⭐885) - Google reCAPTCHA component for Vue.js
- vuefire (⭐4) - Firebase for VueJS and Vuex
- vue-gtag (⭐888) - Global Site Tag plugin for Vue
Components & Libraries / Dev Tools
- Storybook - The UI Development Environment. works with v3.2+ later.
- Font Awesome Finder - Chrome extension to search, preview and choose Font Awesome icons and copy the selected icon HTML code & Unicode to clipboard.
- Bit (⭐18k) - Manage and reuse
components between projects. Easily isolate and share components from any project without changing its source code, organize curated collections and install in different projects.
- Vuex CheatSheet - Complete Interactive Vuex API.
- vue-styleguidist (⭐2.5k) - A style guide generator for Vue components with a living style guide.
- vuese (⭐1.7k) - One-stop solution for vue component documentation.
- vue-hubble (⭐12) - A better way to select elements for UI testing in Vue.
- Vue Testing Library (⭐1.1k) - Simple and complete testing utilities that encourage good testing practices. Based on DOM Testing Library and built upon the official Vue Test Utils.
- Vim Vue (⭐1.3k) - Syntax Highlight for Vue.js components.
- Vue VSCode Snippets (⭐1.3k) - Snippets that will supercharge your Vue workflow.
- Vue.js support for WebStorm (⭐2.2k), IntelliJ IDEA, PhpStorm, PyCharm & RubyMine – official Vue.js support by JetBrains
- Vue Mode (⭐330) - Emacs major mode for vue.js.
Components & Libraries / Scaffold
- - Generate full Vue applications with SQL, MongoDB or Firebase Firestore databases.
- VuePlay - Generate disposable Vue playgrounds in seconds. Allows you to test things quickly.
- Mevn-CLI (⭐827) - Light speed setup for MEVN stack based apps.
- vue-enterprise-boilerplate (⭐7.8k) - An ever-evolving, very opinionated architecture and dev environment for new Vue SPA projects using Vue CLI 3.
- vue-starters-directory - Search for available scaffold projects and starter kits for VueJS. Features search and github stats are available.
Components & Libraries / Prerendering
- vue-genesis (⭐586) - 🔥Micro front end, micro service and lightweight solution based on Vue SSR🔥
53. Awesome Sysadmin
Software / Diagramming
- - A.K.A. Easy to use Diagram UI with a plethora of templates. (Source Code (⭐40k))
54. Awesome Product Management
Books / Obsidian
- Inspired: How to Create Tech Products Customers Love - By Marty Cagan.
55. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Software Development - IDE & Tools
- Hakatime (⭐665) - WakaTime server implementation with analytics dashboard.
56. Awesome Waves
- How to Build, Deploy and Test a Waves Ride dApp - How to write simple decentralized appication(dApp) and run it on Waves node. (ru)
- Simple voting on the Waves blockchain - The head of the HOA (homeowners association) asks the tenants of the building: "Dear residents, do you agree with the construction of the kids' playground in the yard of your building?". Objective: implement such voting among tenants on the Waves blockchain.
- Waves Keeper - Official browser extension allows to manage private keys and interact securely and seamlessly with Waves-enabled web services and dApps.
- ItemMarket - Decentralised platform where everyone can tokenize, sell and buy somebody's in-game items in the form of tokens. (read more)
57. Awesome Ios
- Gedatsu (⭐531) - Provide readable format about AutoLayout error console log.
- Sentry - Sentry provides self-hosted and cloud-based error monitoring that helps all software teams discover, triage, and prioritize errors in real-time.
58. Awesome List
- Deno (⭐4.3k) - A secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript that uses V8 and is built in Rust.
Programming Languages
- Python (⭐236k) - General-purpose programming language designed for readability.
- Asyncio (⭐4.7k) - Asynchronous I/O in Python 3.
- Scientific Audio (⭐1.6k) - Scientific research in audio/music.
- CircuitPython (⭐660) - A version of Python for microcontrollers.
- Data Science (⭐2.7k) - Data analysis and machine learning.
- Typing (⭐1.8k) - Optional static typing for Python.
- MicroPython (⭐1.5k) - A lean and efficient implementation of Python 3 for microcontrollers.
Front-End Development
- Preact (⭐916) - App framework.
- Web Performance Budget (⭐118) - Techniques to ensure certain performance metrics for a website.
Computer Science
- Educational Games (⭐928) - Learn while playing.
- Plotters (⭐1.2k) - Computer-controlled drawing machines and other visual art robots.
Decentralized Systems
- Ethereum (⭐325) - Distributed computing platform for smart contract development.
- Homematic (⭐198) - Smart home devices.
59. Awesome Piracy
Streaming Sites / Free Indexers
- How To Stream Movies, TV, Anime & Sports Online 🌟 Huge list by /u/nbatman
Spotify / Third Party Hosts
- BlockTheSpot (⭐6.3k) Video, audio & banner AdBlock/skip for Spotify
60. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Frameworks
- CakePHP - A rapid application development framework.
- Laminas - A framework comprised of individual components (previously Zend Framework).
- Laravel - A web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax.
- Nette - A web framework comprised of mature components.
- Yii2 (⭐14k) - A fast, secure, and efficient web framework.
Table of Contents / Components
- Laravel Components - The Laravel Framework components.
- Laminas Components - The components that make the Laminas Framework.
Table of Contents / Micro Frameworks
- Mezzio - A micro-framework by Laminas.
- Silly (⭐925) - A micro-framework for CLI applications.
Table of Contents / HTTP
- Nyholm PSR-7 (⭐1.2k) - A super lightweight PSR-7 implementation. Very strict and very fast.
- Laminas Diactoros (⭐498) - PSR-7 HTTP Message implementation.
Table of Contents / Middlewares
- PSR-7 Middlewares (⭐666) - Inspiring collection of handy middlewares.
- Stack - A library of stackable middleware for Symfony.
- Laminas Stratigility (⭐55) - Middleware for PHP built on top of PSR-7.
Table of Contents / Email
- Symfony Mailer (⭐1.5k) - A powerful library for creating and sending emails.
Table of Contents / Files
- Flysystem (⭐13k) - Abstraction for local and remote filesystems.
Table of Contents / Dependency Injection
- Symfony DI (⭐4.1k) - A dependency injection container component.
Table of Contents / Testing
- Behat - A behaviour driven development (BDD) testing framework.
Table of Contents / Continuous Integration
- Jenkins - A continuous integration platform with PHP support.
Table of Contents / Documentation
- (⭐804) - A documentation generator that uses Markdown files.
Table of Contents / Event
- CakePHP Event (⭐21) - An event dispatcher library.
- ReactPHP (⭐9k) - An event driven non-blocking I/O library.
Table of Contents / Database
- CakePHP ORM (⭐147) - Object-Relational Mapper, implemented using the DataMapper pattern.
- Laravel Eloquent (⭐2.7k) - A simple ORM.
Table of Contents / Queue
- Enqueue (⭐2.2k) - A message queue packages for PHP that supports RabbitMQ, AMQP, STOMP, Amazon SQS, Redis and Doctrine transports.
Table of Contents / Strings
- Stringy (⭐174) - A string manipulation library with multibyte support.
Table of Contents / Filtering, Sanitizing and Validation
- CakePHP Validation (⭐42) - Another validation library.
Table of Contents / API
- Laminas API Tool Skeleton (⭐50) - An API builder built with the Laminas Framework.
Table of Contents / Caching and Locking
- CakePHP Cache (⭐51) - A caching library.
- Laminas Cache (⭐104) - Another caching library.
Table of Contents / Data Structure and Storage
- CakePHP Collection (⭐89) - A simple collections library.
- Laminas Serializer (⭐34) - Another library for serialising and de-serialising data.
Table of Contents / Internationalisation and Localisation
- CakePHP I18n (⭐28) - Message translation and localization for dates and numbers.
Configuration / Serverless
- Yo! Symfony TOML (⭐202) - A PHP parser for TOML (⭐20k).
Configuration / PHP Installation
- HomeBrew - A package manager for OSX.
Configuration / Development Environment
- Laravel Homestead - A local development environment for Laravel.
- Laradock - A full PHP development environment based on Docker.
- Vagrant - A portable development environment utility.
Configuration / Virtual Machines
- PeachPie (⭐2.4k) - PHP compiler and runtime for .NET and .NET Core.
61. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
macOS-based defenses / Overlay and Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)
- BlockBlock - Monitors common persistence locations and alerts whenever a persistent component is added, which helps to detect and prevent malware installation.
62. Awesome Wp Cli
Third-party packages / Package discovery
- search by WP-CLI package type - Composer packages filtered by type
Third-party packages / Notable packages
- schlessera/wp-cli-psysh (⭐23) - Replace WP-CLI shell standard REPL with PsySH.
Tutorials & guides / Notable packages
- Siteground Webinar: Learn How WP-CLI Can Make Your Life Easier - Practical examples on how you can improve your workflows with WP-CLI.
63. Awesome Free Software
Software / Command Line Tools
- GNU stow - GNU Stow is a symlink farm manager which takes distinct packages of software and/or data located in separate directories on the filesystem, and makes them appear to be installed in the same place. (GNU GPLv3 (⭐14k))
Software / Text Editors
- vim - Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to make creating and changing any kind of text very efficient. (GNU GPL compatible)
64. Awesome Electronics
Learning / University Course Archives
- Berkeley EECS - Comprehensive EE & CS course website archives.
- Dr. Jacob Baker - Courses and tutorials, professor at The University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
- Dr. Abraham, Dr. McDermot, and Dr. Valvano - Courses materials, professors at UT Austin
Videos / Help
- Robert Feranec - 100+ Hardware design tips and tricks. Videos about Schematic design and PCB layout.
65. Awesome React Components
- KendoReact Grid - Powerful data grid component with 100+ ready-to-use features like paging, sorting, export to Excel, and more.
Responsive / Material Design
- mdbootstrap (⭐1.4k) - React Bootstrap with Material Design
66. Public Apis
Cloud Storage & File Sharing
API: Pantry
Description: Free JSON storage for small projects
Auth: No
API: Image-Charts
Description: Generate charts, QR codes and graph images
Auth: No
API: ScrapingDog
Description: Proxy API for Web scraping
CORS: Unknown
67. Awesome Wagtail
Resources / Articles
68. Webcomponents the Right Way
Use Cases
History / 2018
69. Awesome Web Security
- Introduction to OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect - Written by @PhilippeDeRyck.
- $20000 Facebook DOM XSS - Written by @vinodsparrow.
Miscellaneous / Server-Side Request Forgery
70. ALL About RSS
Apps / Outline Processor Markup Language
RSSHub / Outline Processor Markup Language
TTRSS / Outline Processor Markup Language
universally from / multiple sources
specifically from (a certain platform) / GitHub
RSS Feed Finding/Detection / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
WordPress plugins / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
- Ultimate Category Excluder 582 : Exclude category from Feeds
🧩 API / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
Tech or IT / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
Podcast apps that will work with your custom RSS link / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
Podcast Feed Customization / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
- podcast4us 595 : generates RSS feed for
Podcast Statistics / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
Podcast Search Engine / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
Telegram / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
71. Awesome React Native
- React Native: Native Modules made for React developers - on the developer experience with 3rd-party libraries for RN 0.60+
- stacks ★156 (⭐776) - Stacks: a set of layout components for building RN views blazingly fast ⚡, and with debug mode and design system grid you can investigate non-trivial visual issues.
- react-native-wheel-picker-android ★186 (⭐335) - Simple and flexible React native wheel picker for Android, including DatePicker and TimePicker.
- react-native-actions-sheet ★94 (⭐945) - A Cross Platform(Android & iOS) ActionSheet with a flexible api, native performance and zero dependency code
- react-native-draggable-grid ★79 (⭐208) - A React Native draggable and sortable grid component write by typescript.
- react-native-easy-dnd ★39 (⭐125) - Drag and drop component for react-native
- react-native-notifier ★16 (⭐813) - Fast and simple in-app notifications for React Native
- react-native-loader-kit ★1 (⭐19) - Purely native loading animations for React Native.
- react-native-new-feature ★1 (⭐13) - A simple and lightweight What's New component to show your latest React native Features.
- react-native-email-chip ★8 (⭐17) - A simple yet customizable component to display a chip list of emails
Text & Rich Content / Navigation Demos
- react-native-markdown-display ★57 (⭐366) - Highly customizable Markdown renderer using native components for all its elements without any web-view.
- react-native-markdown-editor ★47 (⭐75) - Markdown editor like github comment editor (contains preview, markdown buttons)
- react-native-showdown ★43 (⭐48) - React-native component which renders markdown into a webview!
Utils & Infra / Navigation Demos
- react-native-mov-to-mp4 ★44 (⭐59) - utils for Converting mov file to mp4 for cross-platform playback compatibility.
Forms / Navigation Demos
- react-hook-form ★9346 (⭐31k) - React hooks for forms validation without the hassle.
- redux-hook-form ★2700 (⭐31k) - React hooks for form validation without the hassle. (Web and Native)
System / Navigation Demos
- react-native-ultimate-config (⭐200) - Configure all levels of your react-native app with a single file
- react-native-media-clipboard (⭐46) - React Native module for getting images, URLs, and strings from the clipboard
- react-native-background-downloader ★93 (⭐270) - Help you download large files on iOS and Android both in the foreground and most importantly in the background.
Media / Navigation Demos
- react-native-photoeditorsdk ★24 (⭐82) - React Native module for PhotoEditor SDK (Android & iOS)
- react-native-videoeditorsdk ★18 (⭐107) - React Native module for VideoEditor SDK (Android & iOS)
Storage / Navigation Demos
- RxDB ★12797 (⭐18k) - A realtime Database for JavaScript Applications.
Integrations / Navigation Demos
- react-native-twitter-signin ★140 (⭐164) - Login for your react native applications with client Twitter account
- react-native-intercom *323 (⭐409) - A React Native Intercom Wrapper.
Open Source Apps / Navigation Demos
- ★14 (⭐342) - Calculate, understand and reduce your carbon footprint. Available for Android and iOS, using Expo, Redux Toolkit and Typescript.
Tutorials / Navigation Demos
Newsletters / Navigation Demos
72. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / CloudFormation
- cloudreach/sceptre 🔥🔥🔥🔥 (⭐1.4k) - A CLI tool for automating CloudFormation.
Open Source Repos / SQS
- amazon-sqs-java-messaging-lib 🔥 (⭐150) - Holds the Java Message Service to communicate with SQS.
Open Source Repos / Miscellaneous Repos
- segmentio/stack 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 (⭐2.1k) - A set of Terraform modules for configuring production infrastructure.
- Prev: May 25 - May 31, 2020
- Next: May 11 - May 17, 2020