Awesome List Updates on May 04 - May 10, 2020

70 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Colorful

Tools / Libraries

2. Awesome Quant

Elixir/Erlang / Data Visualization

3. Awesome Ruby

Database Drivers


Web Servers

4. Awesome Embedded and Iot Security

Hardware Tools / Misc Tools

Hardware Tools / Bluetooth BLE Tools

Hardware Tools / ZigBee Tools

Hardware Tools / SDR Tools

Hardware Tools / RFID NFC Tools

Books / RFID NFC Tools

Websites / Blogs

5. Awesome Vue

Components & Libraries / UI Components

6. Awesome Fastapi

PaaS / Other Tools

IaaS / Other Tools

Serverless / Other Tools

Open Source Projects / Other Tools

7. Awesome Icons


8. Awesome Piracy

Download Managers / Free Indexers

Streaming Sites / HD Streaming

Streaming Sites / Anime

9. Awesome Product Management

Articles / Obsidian

10. Awesome Deno

Tools / XML

11. Awesome Quantum Computing

Development Tools

12. Awesome Mobile Web Development

Articles and Documentation

13. Awesome Flutter

🇺🇿 Uzbekistan / Misc

14. Awesome Social Enterprise

News 📰 / Articles

Twitter Accounts 🐦 / Articles

15. Awesome Selfhosted

Software / Communication - Email - Complete Solutions

16. Awesome React Components


Component Collections / Material Design

17. Awesome Rust

Applications / Database

18. Awesome Ada

VSCode Extensions / Apache License

19. Awesome Ctf




20. Awesome Crystal

Science and Data analysis

21. Awesome Javascript

Misc / Other

22. Awesome Tap

Producers / Swift

23. Awesome Cl

Migration tools

Web frameworks / Clack plugins

Others / OpenAPI, OData, OpenRPC

24. Awesome Testing

Books / Mind Mapping & Documentation

25. Awesome Github

Tips, tricks, tools, and add-ons for GitHub power users

26. Awesome Sitecore



xConnect and xDB

27. Awesome Keycloak


28. Awesome Swift

Images / Barcode

29. Awesome WSL

WSL Tools / WSL Utilities

30. Awesome Cytodata

Datasets / Raw Images

31. Awesome Streaming

Table of Contents / Data Pipeline

32. Awesome Elm

Examples / Other editors

33. Awesome Xamarin



34. Awesome Embedded Rust

Driver crates / WIP

no-std crates / WIP

35. Awesome Css

Parsers 🔍 / Editor's Draft ✒️

Preprocessors 💊 / Editor's Draft ✒️

Frameworks 🎨 / Editor's Draft ✒️

Toolkits 🔧 / Editor's Draft ✒️

CSS Development at Large-Scale Websites / Editor's Draft ✒️

Code Style Guidelines 📖 / Editor's Draft ✒️

Style Guide / Editor's Draft ✒️

Naming conventions & Methodologies 💡 / Editor's Draft ✒️

CSS in JS / Editor's Draft ✒️

CSS Polyfills / Editor's Draft ✒️

Miscellaneous / Editor's Draft ✒️

Podcasts 📻 / Editor's Draft ✒️

Twitter 🛰️ / Editor's Draft ✒️

Books 📚 / 2015

Tutorials 🎬 / 2015

36. Awesome Engineering Team Management

Engineering to Management Transition

Building Teams

Roles / Executives

Roles / CTO & VP of Engineering

Roles / Engineering Managers

Roles / Engineers

Roles / Consultants

Recruitment / Hiring Process

Recruitment / Coding Challenge

Recruitment / Negotiation

Motivation / Negotiation

Motivation / Procrastination

Culture / Procrastination

Cognitive Tools / Explaining

Cognitive Tools / Systems

Cognitive Tools / Behavioral

Team Dynamics / Behavioral

Engineering / Systems Complexity

Engineering / Technology

Engineering / Engineering Practices

Engineering / Technical Debt

Remote Work / Technical Debt

Meetings / 1 on 1

Facilities / Standups

Product Management / Standups

Product Management / Product-Market Fit

Product Management / Product Strategy

Project Management / Specifications

Agile / Delivery

Objectives and Key Results (OKR) / Delivery

Training / Delivery

Communication / Knowledge

Communication / Writing

Communication / Style

Compensation / Equity

Politics / Equity

Re-organizations / Team-level

Re-organizations / Company-level

Health / Stress

Health / Burnout

Setbacks and Failures / Burnout

Exits / Burnout

37. Awesome Pokemon

Development Projects / Miscellaneous

38. Awesome Iam

Trust & Safety / Captcha

39. Awesome Ddd

Libraries and Frameworks / .NET

40. Awesome Ios


41. Awesome Open Source Supporters


42. Awesome Scientific Writing


Templates / Books

43. Awesome Digital History

Archives and primary sources / Germany

Archives and primary sources / North America

Archives and primary sources / Switzerland

Learning / Switzerland

44. Awesome Seed Rs


45. Awesome Yew


46. Awesome Json Datasets


47. Awesome Creative Coding



48. Awesome


49. Awesome React Native


Open Source Apps / Navigation Demos

50. Awesome Jamstack


API / File management

51. Engineering Blogs

Companies / F companies

Companies / S companies

52. ALL About RSS

Self Hosted Readers / Outline Processor Markup Language

✳ Information Aggregators / 酷Q Plugin

RSS2WIDGET / For website

QQ / 酷Q Plugin

🔱 Workflow Automation / 酷Q Plugin

RSS2KINDLE / Docsify

RSS2MAIL / Docsify

universally from / webpage/html

specifically from (a certain platform) / Matters

specifically from (a certain platform) / Telegram

specifically from (a certain platform) / Instagram

specifically from (a certain platform) / Twitter

specifically from (a certain platform) / Facebook

specifically from (a certain platform) / 9GAG

specifically from (a certain platform) / Itunes

specifically from (a certain platform) / Links on social streams

specifically from (a certain platform) / Comments of V2EX post




RSS2SPEECH / Docsify

RSS2NOTION / Docsify

Reddit RSS fix / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264

RSS Feed Finding/Detection / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264

News / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264

Entertainment / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264

Jobs / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264

Tech or IT / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264

Multi-subject / Crypto or Blockchain relevant

Aggregators of Indieblogs / Crypto or Blockchain relevant

Telegram Groups / Channels / Crypto or Blockchain relevant

Aggregators of Podcasts / Podcast Navigation / Crypto or Blockchain relevant

53. Awesome Sre




54. Awesome Geek Podcasts

In French

55. Awesome Billing

Pricing / Usage-based Pricing

Pricing / Subscription Plans

Cost Forecast / Market Research

Marketplace / Market Research

Marketplace / Cloud Resources

Coupons and Vouchers / Currencies

Payments / Online Payments

Fraud / Online Payments

Fraud / Statistics

Fraud / Billing

Business Intelligence / Data Engineering

56. Awesome Blazor

2D/3D Rendering engines / Others

57. Awesome Eslint

Tools / Testing Tools

58. Public Apis



URL Shorteners


59. Awesome Msr

Data Sets


Research Outlets

60. Free for Dev

Messaging and Streaming

Translation Management


Commenting Platforms

61. Awesome Robotic Tooling

Simulation / Version Control

62. Awesome Esolangs



63. Awesome K6


64. Awesome Wardley Maps

Maps in the Wild

65. Awesome List

Programming Languages

66. Awesome Actions

Static Analysis / Security

67. Awesome Leading and Managing

Contents / Quotes That Capture the General Spirit of this List's Contents

68. Awesome Postgres

Contents / Utilities

69. Webcomponents the Right Way


Custom Elements

Shadow DOM

HTML Templates

CSS Shadow Parts


Case Studies


Usage Metrics

Form-associated Custom Elements

Constructable Stylesheet Objects

Custom State Pseudo Class

Polyfills / Custom Elements polyfills

Polyfills / Customized Built-in Elements polyfills

Polyfills / Shadow DOM shims

Polyfills / HTML Templates polyfills

70. Awesome Material Ui
