Awesome List Updates on Apr 27 - May 03, 2020
66 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Electron
Open Source / Other
- LightProxy (⭐3.1k) - Web debugging proxy.
2. Awesome Crystal
- (⭐12) - Web API for libgphoto2
3. Awesome Research
Math and Programming Online / Enterprise Git Service
- NextJournal: the notebook for reproducible research.
- Basically, NextJournal runs almost anything.
- Focusing on reproducibility.
4. Awesome Esolangs
- ArnoldC - Based on the best one-liners of Arnold Schwarzenegger.
- CSS-only-chat (⭐6.5k) - A truly monstrous async web chat using no JS whatsoever on the frontend.
- Anarchy Golf - Informal golfing problems server.
5. Awesome Nlg
- Number Words (⭐194) - Convert a number to an approximated text expression: from '0.23' to 'less than a quarter'.
6. Machine Learning Tutorials
Interview Resources
Artificial Intelligence
Genetic Algorithms
- Stat Trek Website - A dedicated website to teach yourselves Statistics
- Learn Statistics Using Python (⭐854) - Learn Statistics using an application-centric programming approach
- Statistics for Hackers | Slides | @jakevdp - Slides by Jake VanderPlas
- Online Statistics Book - An Interactive Multimedia Course for Studying Statistics
- OpenIntro Statistics - Free PDF textbook
Useful Blogs
- Edwin Chen's Blog - A blog about Math, stats, ML, crowdsourcing, data science
- The Data School Blog - Data science for beginners!
- ML Wave - A blog for Learning Machine Learning
- Andrej Karpathy - A blog about Deep Learning and Data Science in general
- Colah's Blog - Awesome Neural Networks Blog
- Alex Minnaar's Blog - A blog about Machine Learning and Software Engineering
- Statistically Significant - Andrew Landgraf's Data Science Blog
- Simply Statistics - A blog by three biostatistics professors
- Yanir Seroussi's Blog - A blog about Data Science and beyond
- fastML - Machine learning made easy
- Trevor Stephens Blog - Trevor Stephens Personal Page
- no free hunch | kaggle - The Kaggle Blog about all things Data Science
- A Quantitative Journey | outlace - learning quantitative applications
- r4stats - analyze the world of data science, and to help people learn to use R
- Variance Explained - David Robinson's Blog
- AI Junkie - a blog about Artificial Intellingence
- Deep Learning Blog by Tim Dettmers - Making deep learning accessible
- J Alammar's Blog- Blog posts about Machine Learning and Neural Nets
- Adam Geitgey - Easiest Introduction to machine learning
- Ethen's Notebook Collection (⭐2.1k) - Continuously updated machine learning documentations (mainly in Python3). Contents include educational implementation of machine learning algorithms from scratch and open-source library usage
Resources on Quora
Kaggle Competitions WriteUp
Cheat Sheets
Logistic Regression
Model Validation using Resampling
- Cross Validation
Overfitting and Cross Validation
Deep Learning
Neural Machine Translation
Deep Learning Frameworks
Feed Forward Networks
- Recurrent and LSTM Networks
Recurrent Neural Net Tutorial Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Code (⭐863)
The Unreasonable effectiveness of RNNs, Torch Code (⭐11k), Python Code
Long Short Term Memory (LSTM)
Gated Recurrent Units (GRU)
Time series forecasting with Sequence-to-Sequence (seq2seq) rnn models (⭐1k)
Restricted Boltzmann Machine
Autoencoders: Unsupervised (applies BackProp after setting target = input)
Convolutional Neural Networks
Network Representation Learning
Natural Language Processing
- Topic Modeling
Text Clustering
Text Classification
Named Entity Recognitation
Semi Supervised Learning
Computer Vision
Support Vector Machine
Probabilities post SVM
Reinforcement Learning
Decision Trees
- Discover structure behind data with decision trees - Grow and plot a decision tree to automatically figure out hidden rules in your data
Comparison of Different Algorithms
Probabilistic Decision Trees
Random Forest / Bagging
Gradient Boosting Machine
Stacking Models
Vapnik–Chervonenkis Dimension
Bayesian Machine Learning
Other Tutorials
- For a collection of Data Science Tutorials using R, please refer to this list (⭐1.8k).
- For a collection of Data Science Tutorials using Python, please refer to this list (⭐4.6k).
7. Awesome Piracy
Ebooks / Third Party Hosts
- PDFdrive PDF Drive is your search engine for PDF files. No annoying ads, no download limits.
- Memory of the world A new website containing a lot of books.
8. Awesome Jamstack
- Jamstack resources - Videos and articles about Jamstack.
- the New Dynamic - Pick up tools in our Directory to work with the Jamstack. Browse our showcase and get inspired.
- HeadlessCMS - A List of Content Management Systems for Jamstack Sites.
API / E-commerce
- GoCommerce - A headless e-commerce for Jamstack sites.
- Trolley - A shopping cart designed for the Jamstack.
Serverless / Automation
- Cloudinary - Serverless media (images/videos) management platform. Provides SDKs in every popular language and media widgets for Jamstack to make it easy to manage media, CDN, storage, transformations, and more.
Videos / Automation
- Rise of the Jamstack - Mathias Biillman.
- Jamstack: Silly name, serious stuff - Phil Hawksworth.
- Jamstack Tutorial - Full site using Netlify & Hugo -
- Talks from all the Jamstack Conferences - Jamstack Conf.
- How I Used React, Vue, & Node to Build a Single Jamstack App - Ahmad Awais.
Tutorials / Articles / Automation
Podcasts / Automation
Books / Automation
- Modern Web Development on the Jamstack - By Mathias Biilmann & Phil Hawksworth (published by O'Reilly).
9. Awesome Software Patreons
Open Source Projects
- JHipster - Open Source application platform for creating Spring Boot + Angular/React/Vue projects in seconds.
10. Awesome React Native
- react-native-root-siblings ★452 (⭐588) - Add sibling elements after your app root element.
11. Awesome Talks
Test-Driven Development
- TDD and Software Design by JB Rainsberger and Sandro Mancuso (YouTube/Carlos Blé 2008) [01:28:50]
- Integrated Tests Are a Scam by JB Rainsberger (DevConFu 2013) [01:04:35]
- Structure and Interpretation of Test Cases by Kevlin Henney (JavaZone 2018) [01:04:23]
12. Awesome Ant Design
- Antd-Pro-Generator for VS Code (⭐12) Generate Service/Mock/Model from Swagger2.0 or OpenApi3.x docs for Ant Design Pro.
13. Awesome Flutter
- Roadmap to Flutter Development (⭐5.6k) - Visual roadmap with principles, patterns, and frameworks for Flutter newbies by Olexandr Leuschenko.
14. Awesome Sre
SRE Tools
- Awesome SRE Tools (⭐617) - A curated list of Site Reliability and Production Engineering tools
15. Awesome Postgres
Contents / Backups
- wal-g (⭐3.2k) - The successor of WAL-E rewritten in Go. Currently supports cloud object storage services by AWS (S3), Google Cloud (GCS), Azure, as well as OpenStack Swift, MinIO, and file system storages. Supports block-level incremental backups, offloading backup tasks to a standby server, provides parallelization and throttling options. In addition to Postgres, WAL-G can be used for MySQL and MongoDB databases.
Contents / CLI
- pgsh (⭐566) - Branch your PostgreSQL Database like Git
- schemaspy (⭐3.2k) - SchemaSpy is a JAVA JDBC-compliant tool for generating your database to HTML documentation, including Entity Relationship diagrams
Contents / Monitoring
- PMM (⭐603) - Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) is a Free and Open Source platform for monitoring and managing PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MongoDB.
- pgmetrics - pgmetrics is an open-source, zero-dependency, single-binary tool that can collect a lot of information and statistics from a running PostgreSQL server and display it in easy-to-read text format or export it as JSON and CSV for scripting.
- - Commercial SaaS agent-based monitoring with a very detailed PostgreSQL plugin. It automatically gathers 100s of stats, displays dashboards on every aspect and sends alerts when something goes wrong (Commercial Software).
Contents / Extensions
- PipelineDB - A PostgreSQL extension that runs SQL queries continuously on streams, incrementally storing results in tables.
Contents / Optimization
- pg_flame (⭐1.6k) - A flamegraph generator for query plans.
- TimescaleDB Tune (⭐437) - a program for tuning a TimescaleDB database to perform its best based on the host's resources such as memory and number of CPUs.
Contents / Utilities
- Hasura GraphQL Engine (⭐31k) - Blazing fast, instant realtime GraphQL APIs on Postgres with fine grained access control, also trigger webhooks on database events.
- pg_activity (⭐2.5k) - top like application for PostgreSQL server activity monitoring.
- PgBouncer - Lightweight connection pooler for PostgreSQL.
- pgpool-II - Middleware that provides connection pooling, replication, load balancing and limiting exceeding connections.
Contents / Language bindings
- Go: pq (⭐9k), pgx (⭐10k)
- Ruby: pg (⭐781)
Resources / Articles
Resources / Videos
- Postgres Conference Youtube channel - Conference videos
Resources / Community
- Mailing lists - Official mailing lists for Postgres for support, outreach, and more. One of the primary channels of communication in the Postgres community.
- Reddit - A reddit community for PostgreSQL users with over 12000 users
- Slack - Slack channel for Postgres with over 7000 users
- Telegram - Several groups for PostgreSQL in different languages: Russian >4200 people, Brazilian Portuguese >2300 people, Indonesian ~1000 people, English >750 people
- #postgresql on Freenode - The most popular IRC channel about Postgres on Freenode with over 1000 users
16. Awesome Javascript
Frameworks / Other
- EHTML (⭐245) - HTML Framework that allows you not to write JavaScript code.
17. PlacesToPostYourStartup
- Postmake -
18. Awesome Amazon Seller
- r/FulfillmentByAmazon - Subreddit for FBA sellers.
19. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- bayeso (⭐94) - A simple, but essential Bayesian optimization package, written in Python.
20. Awesome Nodejs
Resources / Videos
- Mastering REST APIs in Node.js: Zero-To-Hero - Video course on how to make REST APIs using Node.js.
21. Awesome Yew
- Minesweeper (⭐36) - Minesweeper built with Rust, Yew and WebAssembly.
22. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
Windows-based defenses / Overlay and Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)
- Sandboxie - Free and open source general purpose Windows application sandboxing utility.
23. Awesome Bioie
Datasets / Annotated Text Data
- BioScope - paper - a corpus of sentences from medical and biological documents, annotated for negation, speculation, and linguistic scope.
24. Awesome Actions
GitHub Tools and Management / Docker Container Actions
Utility / Docker Container Actions
Pull Requests / Code Coverage
Notifications and Messages / Code Coverage
25. Awesome Ios
- AnyLint (⭐116) - Lint anything by combining the power of Swift & regular expressions.
- QuickDB (⭐18) - Save and Retrieve any
in JUST ONE line of code + more easy usecases.
26. Awesome Android Ui
Name: TagSphereView (⭐123)
License: Apache License V2
27. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Communication - SIP
- SIP3 - VoIP troubleshooting and monitoring platform. (Demo, Source Code)
Software / Feed Readers
Software / Media Streaming - Video Streaming
- Streama (⭐9.8k) - Self hosted streaming media server.
28. Awesome Naming
Data Structures and Algorithms
- Israeli Queue - A type of priority queue and a reference to the infamously unorganized queues in Israel. Here items can cut in line when they have already waiting friends.
29. Awesome Mongodb
Resources / Articles
- Building with Patterns - Series of articles regarding MongoDB Design Patterns and common use case of each Design Pattern with real world examples.
Tools / Data
- mongo-connector (⭐1.9k) - Streaming replication to Elasticsearch, Solr, or MongoDB
30. Awesome Embedded Rust
Driver crates / Other
- MAX6955 - I2C - Driver for Alphanumeric LED display driver - Intro blog post -
Driver crates / WIP
- LSM9DS1 - I2C/SPI - 9-axis motion sensor module
31. Awesome Java
PDF / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Eclipse BIRT - Report engine for creating PDF and other formats (DOCX, XLSX, HTML, etc) using Eclipse-based visual editor.
Template Engine / Other
- Freemarker - Library to generate text output (HTML web pages, e-mails, configuration files, source code, etc.) based on templates and changing data.
32. Awesome Quantum Computing
Development Tools
- Orquestra - Zapata Computing's unified quantum operating environment, allowing for quantum-enabled workflows.
- pytket - Python module for interfacing with Cambridge Quantum Computing's t|ket>; a tool for circuit optimising and qubit allocation.
- Strangeworks Platform - A hardware agnostic platform and interface allowing for focus on development rather than specific hardware solution building.
- Quantum Zeitgeist - Covers the latest news in quantum computing as well as QC companies and careers.
- The Quantum Daily - Outlet for the latest news in quantum computing, presenting articles for both research scientists and the curious Sunday newspaper reader.
- Circuit Sessions - Qiskit series exploring the value and use of quantum circuits through a lecture series by academics and industry researchers.
- Quantum Computing Seminar Series - Qiskit series discussing recent research.
- Quantum Computing Subreddit - Community for discussion of many quantum computing topics.
- Quantum Inferiority - Quantum Programming Chat on matrix, language agnostic, expertise not required.
- Quantum Computing Now - Podcast by Ethan Hansen covering three main topics: the basics of quantum computing, interviews and the latest news.
33. Awesome Charting
Framework-Specific Libraries / React
- nivo (⭐11k) - React components to easily build dataviz apps, built on top of D3.
34. Awesome H2o
Research Papers
- Innovative deep learning artificial intelligence applications for predicting relationships between individual tree height and diameter at breast height İlker Ercanlı. (2020)
35. Awesome Social Enterprise
Wikipedia Links 🔗
Institutions 🏫 / Articles
Twitter Accounts 🐦 / Articles
36. Awesome Ffmpeg
- editly (⭐3.7k) - Declarative video editing tool and library with slick animations and transitions.
37. Awesome Blazor
E-Books / Others
- Blazor Succinctly - April 16, 2020 - A free e-book for starting with the Blazor framework.
38. Awesome Microservices
- Jolie - Open source microservice-oriented programming language.
39. Awesome Interview Questions
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / JavaScript
40. Awesome Tmux
- tmux-tilish (⭐434) Turn tmux into a dynamic window manager with intuitive keybindings (inspired by i3wm/sway)
41. Awesome Deno
Modules / Database
- nessie (⭐527) - Create, migrate and rollback migrations for PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite.
Modules / Utils
- evt (⭐454) - Type safe replacement for EventEmitter.
Tools / XML
- denoify (⭐928) - For NPM module authors that would like to support Deno but do not want to write and maintain a port.
42. Game Datasets
Books / Web
- Drachen, A. Mirza-Babaei, P. Nacke, L. (2018). Games user research. Oxford.
- El-Nasr, S. Drachen, A. Canossa, A. (2013). Game analytics: maximizing the value of player data. Sprigner.
- Han, J., Pei, J., Kamber, M. (2011). Data mining: concepts and techniques. Elsevier.
- Hennig-Thurau, T. Houston, M. (2018). Entertainment science: data analytics and practical theory for movies, games, music and books. Springer.
- Loh, A. Sheng, Y. Ifenthaler, D. (2015). Serious games analytics: methodologies for performance measurement, assessment, and improvement. Springer.
- Russell, S. J., Norvig, P. (2016). Artificial intelligence: a modern approach. Malaysia; Pearson Education Limited.
- Yannakakis, G. N., Togelius, J. (2018). Artificial intelligence and games. Springer.
Dataset / Web
- 380,000 Guesses Dataset - Higher or Lower? - Real-world game data of guessing a number.
- League of Legends Diamond Ranked Games (10 min) - Classify ranked games.
Market Research / Related
- Euro-Monitor, Video Games - Strategic Market Researcher.
- Grand View Research, Digital Media - Syndicated market research studies.
43. Awesome List
Decentralized Systems
- Waves (⭐84) - Open source blockchain platform and development toolset for Web 3.0 apps and decentralized solutions.
44. Awesome Composer
Scripts / IRC
- PhantomJS-Installer (⭐151) - A Composer Package which installs the PhantomJS binary (Linux, Windows, Mac) into /bin of your project.
- Composer-Vendor-Cleanup (⭐3) - A script which removes whitelisted unnecessary files (like tests/docs etc.) from the vendor directory.
Repman / IRC
- & repman-io/repman (⭐531) - A Private PHP Package Repository Manager & Packagist Proxy.
45. Awesome Playwright
- playwright-github-action (⭐343) - GitHub Action to install all the required dependencies.
46. Awesome Hacking
Awesome Repositories
Repository: Mainframe Hacking (⭐428)
Description: List of Awesome Mainframe Hacking/Pentesting Resources
47. Awesome Rust
Applications / Blockchain
- Joystream (⭐1.4k) - A user governed video platform
Development tools / Web Servers
- Rust Search Extension (⭐1.2k) - A handy browser extension to search crates and docs in address bar (omnibox).
48. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- ScrapingAnt — Headless Chrome scraping API and free checked proxies service. Javascript rendering, premium rotating proxies, CAPTCHAs avoiding. Free plans are available.
- — Free DNS hosting for 5 domains.
Issue Tracking and Project Management
- Instabug — A comprehensive bug reporting and in-app feedback SDK for mobile apps. Free plan up to 1 app and one member.
- — Relationship maps with animation, decorations, filters, clustering, spreadsheet imports, etc. The free tier allows unlimited public projects. Graph size unlimited. Free private projects for students. Sandbox mode is available if you prefer not to leave your file publicly online (upload, edit, download, discard).
Data Visualization on Maps
- — Geocoding and Geoparsing via API or CSV Upload. 10k free queries/month.
49. Awesome Cl
Job processing / Third-party APIs
- SBCL's timers, system-wide event schedulers.
50. Awesome Vue
Resources / Community
Components & Libraries / Utilities
- vue-live (⭐261) - A component to demo components, inspired by react-live.
51. Awesome Flame
App Releases / Casual
- KINGA - Android, iOS - Protect the cookie from the pesky flies. By Kevin Omyonga
52. Awesome Dotnet
Functional programming
- JFlepp.Maybe (⭐4) - A Maybe type for C#, aimed as an idiomatic port of the option type in F# to C#
- Stride Game Engine - Stride Game Engine is a 2D/3D cross-platform game engine featuring a scene editor, particles, physically based rendering (PBR), scripting, and much more
Install tools
- Wix Toolset - The most powerful set of tools available to create your Windows installation experience
- CSScript - CS-Script is a CLR based scripting system which uses C# as a programming language. CS-Script currently targets Microsoft implementation of CLR (.NET 2.0/3.0/3.5/4.0/4.5) with full support on Mono. Comes with many additional features, such as script hosting.
- UpdateControls - Update Controls does not require that you implement
or declare aDependencyProperty
. It connects controls directly to CLR properties. This makes it perfect for the Model/View/ViewModel pattern.
- Toms Toolbox (⭐108) - Visual Composition framework to easily build modularized MVVM applications based on the Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF).
- EntityFramework.Exceptions (⭐1.6k) - Use typed Exceptions for Entity Framework Core when your SQL query violates database constraints in SqlServer, MySql, PostgreSQL or SQLite
- SmartSql (⭐1.1k) - SmartSql = MyBatis + Cache(Memory | Redis)+ ZooKeeper + R / W Splitting + Dynamic Repository ....
- Pdfium.Net SDK - Advanced C# PDF library for render, create, edit, merge, split, print, and view PDFs. Open source PDF Viewer is available on GitHub. A NuGet package is also available for easy inclusion into your projects.[$]
- DnsClient.NET (⭐798) - A simple yet very powerful and high performant open source library for the .NET Framework to do DNS lookups.
- Ceras (⭐489) - Ceras is a binary serializer. It converts any object into a byte[] and back. It goes above and beyond in terms of features, speed, and comfort. Supports reference loops, large/complicated inheritance chains, splitting objects into parts and more.
- Protobuf.NET (⭐4.7k) - Protocol buffers is the name of the binary serialization format used by Google for much of their data communications
- SpecFlow - Binding business requirements to .Net code
- (⭐4.3k) - A free, open source, community-focused unit testing tool for the .NET Framework.
- ReportPortal - AI-powered Test Automation Dashboard. Acquire, aggregate and analyze test reports to ascertain release health.
Visual Studio Plugins
- Web Essentials (⭐49) - Web Essentials extends Visual Studio with lots of new features that web developers have been missing for many years
- SideWaffle (⭐655) - A collection of Item Templates for Visual Studio 2012/2013/2015 that makes any web developer's life much easier
53. Awesome React Components
- react-instagram-zoom-slider (⭐77) - demo - A slider component with pinch to zoom capabilities inspired by Instagram.
Photo / Image
- react-imgix (⭐354) - Add fast, responsive images as an image, picture, or background!
54. Awesome Design Systems
Design systems articles
Design tools articles
Pattern libraries articles / Storybook addons
55. Awesome Lidar
- KITTI - Widespread public dataset, pirmarily focusing on computer vision applications, but also contains LIDAR point cloud.
56. Awesome Pentest
Side-channel Tools / Reverse Engineering Tools
- TRRespass (⭐121) - Many-sided rowhammer tool suite able to reverse engineer the contents of DDR3 and DDR4 memory chips protected by Target Row Refresh mitigations.
57. Awesome Ruby
- ActiveWorkflow (⭐852) - An intelligent process and workflow automation platform based on software agents.
Captchas and anti-spam
- ActsAsTextcaptcha (⭐57) - Protection for Rails models with text-based logic question captchas (from Rob Tuley's
Data Processing and ETL
- ruby-stemmer (⭐251) - It Provides Snowball algorithm for stemming purposes.
Git Tools
- git_curate (⭐430) - Peruse and delete git branches ergonomically.
- fast_underscore (⭐34) - Provides a C-optimized method for transforming a string from any capitalization into underscore-separated
Profiler and Optimization
- stackprof (⭐2.1k) - A sampling call-stack profiler for ruby 2.1+.
- test-prof (⭐1.9k) - Ruby Tests Profiling Toolbox
58. Public Apis
API: Studio Ghibli
Description: Resources from Studio Ghibli films
Auth: No
API: UK Bank Holidays
Description: Bank holidays in England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
API: Bitfinex
Description: Cryptocurrency Trading Platform
CORS: Unknown
API: Bitbucket
Description: Bitbucket API
CORS: Unknown
API: Gitter
Description: Chat for Developers
CORS: Unknown
Games & Comics
API: Brawl Stars
Description: Brawl Stars Game Information
CORS: Unknown
API: PandaScore
Description: E-sports games and results
CORS: Unknown
Description: Worldwide geocoding, geoparsing and autocomplete for addresses
API: Quarantine
Description: Coronavirus API with free COVID-19 live updates
Auth: No
Machine Learning
API: Cloudmersive
Description: Image captioning, face recognition, NSFW classification
API: Deepcode
Description: AI for code review
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
API: FilterLists
Description: Lists of filters for adblockers and firewalls
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
API: FraudLabs Pro
Description: Screen order information using AI to detect frauds
CORS: Unknown
API: LoginRadius
Description: Managed User Authentication Service
API: Virushee
Description: Virushee file/data scanning
Auth: No
Description: Some Game of Thrones quotes
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
59. Awesome Creative Coding
Articles • Tutorials / Other
- Tips to Improve Your Generative Artwork - Tips to make your art look better.
- Working With Color in Generative Art - Tips on how to get color right.
60. Awesome Jupyter
- Visual Studio Code - Native desktop notebook frontend.
- IllumiDesk (⭐42) - Docker-based JupyterHub + LTI + nbgrader distribution for education.
61. Awesome Remote Job
Job boards
- remote-es/remotes (⭐2.4k) - Repository listing companies which offer full-time remote jobs with Spanish contracts
Companies with "remote DNA"
- Ergeon - Home Services and construction company. An all-remote company with HQ in Palo Alto, California, but hiring worldwide.
62. Webcomponents the Right Way
Case Studies
History / 2016
63. ALL About RSS
Apps / Outline Processor Markup Language
Hosted Readers / Outline Processor Markup Language
Self Hosted Readers / Outline Processor Markup Language
Terminal-based / programmable RSS readers / Outline Processor Markup Language
💖 Acknowledgement / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
Telegram / Telegram RSS bots
universally from / multiple sources
universally from / newsletter/mail
Browser Booklet / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
🧩 API / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
- Open Reader API: a common feed-syncing API protocol
⛓ OPML management / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
Telegram Groups / Channels / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
- iOS RSS Reader: Prime (Group)
Podcast apps that will work with your custom RSS link / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
Aggregators of Podcasts / Podcast Navigation / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
Podcast Hosting / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
- JustCast: Create a Podcast RSS feed from a Dropbox folder
64. Awesome Lit
Design Systems
- Brightspace UI core (⭐63) - Collection of web components for building Brightspace applications.
Component Libraries
- Wokwi Elements (⭐184) - Web Components for Arduino and various electronic parts.
Standalone Components
- Simple to use, customizable and accessible burger-button element.
- Web component that displays colorfully formatted code with Prism.js and LitElement.
- LitElement web component that utilizes Three.js to display an STL model file.
65. Awesome Cheminformatics
Libraries / Others
- Cookiecutter for Computational Molecular Sciences (⭐353) - Python-centric Cookiecutter for Molecular Computational Chemistry Packages by MolSSL
Resources / Courses
- Simulation in Chemistry and Biochemistry - by Dr. Jay Ponder, a professor from WashU St.Louis.
66. Awesome Discord Communities

Discord Gophers
Notable Channels: #golang
, #job-market-only
, #go-art-only
, #go-news-only
, #discordgo
, #disgord
, #dca
, #arikawa
Language: English

Notable Channels: #clojure
, #common-lisp
, #emacs-lisp
, #racket
, #scheme
, #lisp-gamedev
, #beginner-questions
, #algorithms
, #compiler-theory
Language: English

Notable Channels: #wwdc
, #general
, #swift
, #swiftui
, #firebase
, #xcode
, #general-ios
, #general-macos
, #general-watchos
, #interview
Language: English

TypeScript Community
Notable Channels: #ts-discussion
, #help
, #vue
, #angular
, #react
, #language-design
, #compiler
, #architecture
, #tooling
, #devops
, #site-localization
, #deno
, #meetups
, #projects
Language: English
- Prev: May 04 - May 10, 2020
- Next: Apr 20 - Apr 26, 2020