Awesome List Updates on Apr 06 - Apr 12, 2020
58 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Mac
Design and Product / Other Tools
- ExifCleaner - Remove exif metadata from images and videos with drag and drop.
Utilities / Productivity
- Pomodoro Cycle (⭐84) - Pomodoro tracker
2. Awesome Pinned Gists
External Services
- movie-box (⭐22) - Update a pinned gist to contain your media center stats from
3. Awesome React Components
Form Components / Drag and Drop
- react-drag-sizing (⭐19) - "Drag to resize" (sizing) as React Component.
Form Components / Rich Text Editor
- react-editor (⭐55) - Simple richtext editor that can insert images and HTML.
Framework bindings / integrations / Mouse Events
- react-threejs (⭐81) - Simplest bindings between React & Three.js
4. Awesome Text Editing
Code editors
- CodeJar - CodeJar is a micro code editor for the browser
5. Awesome Vulkan
- glsl_trace (⭐31) - library for shader debugging and profiling for Vulkan and OpenGL. [MIT]
6. Awesome Powershell
API Wrapper
- PSGitHub (⭐161) - Module contains commands to manage GitHub through its REST API.
- Posh-GitHub (⭐72) - Cmdlets that expose the GitHub API.
- Posh-Gist (⭐37) - Cmdlets for interacting with GitHub Gist.
- PSGist (⭐42) - A module to work with GitHub Gists.
- PSAppVeyor (⭐14) - A module to interact with the AppVeyor REST API.
- PSSlack (⭐254) - Module for simple Slack integration.
- PSTelegramAPI (⭐26) - Module for Telegram APIs
- PSTeams (⭐328) - A module for sending formatted messages to a Microsoft Teams Channel.
- Learn PowerShell | Achieve More - Personal blog of Boe Prox who moderated for the Scripting Guy.
- PowerShell for SysAdmins: Workflow Automation Made Easy - Learn how to manage and automate your desktop and server environments.
Code and Package Repositories
- PowerShell Gallery - Official PowerShell package repository, used by PowerShellGet.
Commandline Productivity
- pslinq (⭐70) - LINQ (LINQ2Objects) for PowerShell.
- PSDirTag (⭐16) - DirTags are relative paths that appear as variables in the PowerShell prompt that update as you navigate. Saves keystrokes when navigating folder structures.
- PSUtil (⭐98) - Designed to make the user's console life more convenient. It includes shortcuts, aliases, key bindings and convenience functions geared towards greater efficiency and less typing.
- PowerShell PowerUp (⭐96) - Powerful server management framework.
Package Managers
- PowerShellGet (⭐318) - PowerShellGet is the Package Manager for PowerShell. Packages are available on PowerShellGallery.
Parallel Processing
- PoshRSJob (⭐490) - Provides an alternative to PSJobs with greater performance and less overhead to run commands in the background.
- Pester (⭐2.8k) - PowerShell BDD style testing framework.
- Format-Pester (⭐75) - PowerShell module for documenting Pester's results - exports Pester results to HTML, Word, text files using PScribo (⭐204).
- PowerShell on Linux and Open Source - Brief introduction to PowerShell open source project and how it runs on Linux.
7. Awesome Cassandra
Cassandra Deployment / Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Proprietary Technology
8. Awesome Pentest
Hash Cracking Tools / Zealandia
- GoCrack (⭐1.2k) - Management Web frontend for distributed password cracking sessions using hashcat (or other supported tools) written in Go.
9. Free for Dev
- LeanCloud — Mobile backend. 1GB of data storage, 256MB instance, 3K API requests/day, and 10K pushes/day are free. (API is very similar to Parse Platform)
10. Awesome AutoHotkey
- AHKDb (⭐13) - by AHKDb - A database library for tab-separated data.
Window Management / Web
- Open-Show-Apps (⭐100) - Open, restore or minimize the desired Window's or Chrome's Apps. Forum thread: link
11. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / CloudFormation
- cfncluster 🔥🔥🔥 (⭐761) - Framework that deploys and maintains HPC clusters.
12. Awesome R
Database Management
- redux (⭐94) - Redis client for R.
Machine Learning
- mlr (⭐1.6k) - Extensible framework for classification, regression, survival analysis and clustering [DEPRECIATED]
- mlr3
(⭐949) - Next generation extensible framework for classification, regression, survival analysis and clustering
13. Awesome Xamarin
- BreachDetector ★11 (⭐83) - Detect root, emulation, debug mode and other security concerns in your Xamarin apps.
- Permissions ★255 (⭐286) - Simple cross platform plugin to check connection status of mobile device, gather connection type, bandwidths, and more.
- Circle Image Control (⭐245) - Simple but elegant way of display circle images in your Xamarin.Forms projects.
14. Awesome Godot
Plugins and scripts / Godot version unknown
- Godot Game Tools (⭐377) - Blender plugin to ease importing assets into Godot.
15. Awesome Mongodb
Tools / Monitoring
- mongotail (⭐194) - Log all MongoDB queries in a "tail"able way
16. Awesome Java
JVM and JDK / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Dragonwell8 (⭐4.2k) - Downstream version of OpenJDK optimized for online e-commerce, financial, logistics applications.
17. Awesome Cpp
Inter-process communication
- eCAL (⭐11) - Pub/sub, client/server, C++/Python/C#, various message protocols (protobuf, capnproto ..). [Apache2] website
18. Awesome Seml
Broad Overviews
Model Training
Deployment and Operation
19. Awesome Okr
Open Source Projects
20. Awesome Blazor
E-Books / Others
- Blazor, A Beginners Guide - March 18, 2020 - A free e-book for getting started with the Blazor framework. Examples source code (⭐24).
21. Awesome Quant
Python / Trading & Backtesting
- freqtrade (⭐35k) - Free, open source crypto trading bot
22. Awesome Flutter
🇵🇰 Pakistan / Misc
23. Awesome Cakephp
- Cake/Localized plugin (⭐211) - Localized validation and ready-to-use translation PO files.
24. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
Security monitoring / Network Security Monitoring (NSM)
- VAST (⭐622) - Free and open-source network telemetry engine for data-driven security investigations.
- Zeek - Powerful network analysis framework focused on security monitoring, formerly known as Bro.
25. Awesome Bioie
Code Libraries / Pre-LLM Guides, Lectures, and Courses
- Med7 - paper - code (⭐199) - a Python package and model (for use with spaCy) for doing NER with medication-related concepts.
26. Awesome K6
- k6 generator (⭐22k) - Tool for converting Swagger/OpenAPI specifications to k6 test scripts.
27. Awesome Cmake
- Arduino-CMake-Toolchain (⭐136) - CMake toolchain for all official and 3rd party Arduino platforms.
28. Awesome WSL
WSL Tools / WSL Utilities
- pinentry-wsl-ps1 (⭐92) - Store passwords for gpg-agent in Windows Credential Manager
- WslShortcut - Run WSL commands directly in Windows. Also allows to use WSL
/etc. in Visual Studio Code or another software. Combines functionality of utilities likewslgit
etc. with simpler usage.
29. Awesome Corda
- Corda Pre-Production Network - A UAT network providing a pre-production environment run by the Corda Network Foundation.
30. Public Apis
Documents & Productivity
API: Code::Stats
Description: Automatic time tracking for programmers
API: ColorfulClouds
Description: Weather
31. Awesome Remote Job
Articles & Posts
32. Awesome Scala Native
Functional Programming
- Quicklens (⭐744) - Modify deeply nested case class fields.
Unit Tests
- µTest (⭐459) - Library for unit tests.
- ScalaCheck (⭐1.8k) - Property-based testing for Scala.
- ScalaTest (⭐1.1k) - Testing library.
- specs2 (⭐728) - Software Specifications for Scala.
- MUnit (⭐336) - Scala testing library with actionable errors and extensible APIs.
- SDL2 and OpenGL (⭐37) - Bindings for the graphical frameworks SDL2 and OpenGL.
- GNU Scientific Library (⭐3) - Bindings for GNU Scientific Library (GSL).
- BLAS (⭐27) - Bindings for BLAS, a library for Linear Algebra.
File Formats and Parsers
- ScalaPB (⭐1.2k) - Protocol Buffer compiler for Scala.
- scalapb-argonaut (⭐1) - JSON and Protocol Buffer converters for ScalaPB based on Argonaut.
- sconfig (⭐96) - HOCON (⭐96) parser.
Web Development
- sttp (⭐1.3k) - HTTP Client library.
- scala-native-loop (⭐46) - Event loop and async-oriented IO for Scala Native
33. Awesome Food
Videos / Italian Cuisine
- Jamie Oliver - A notorious british chef, this guy has books and restaurants everywhere
Videos / Asian cuisine
- Peaceful Cuisine - Asian cooking, relaxing and beautiful
- Asian at Home - She talks too much but the food looks great
34. Toolsforactivism
Open-source host-it-yourself:
- Spoke (⭐186) - Text-distribution tool for organizations to mobilize supporters and members into action. Spoke allows you to upload phone numbers, customize scripts and assign volunteers to communicate with supporters while allowing organizations to manage the process.
35. Awesome Malware Analysis
Other / Other Resources
- Malware Persistence (⭐160) - Collection of various information focused on malware persistence: detection (techniques), response, pitfalls and the log collection (tools).
36. Awesome Ddd
Free eBooks
- DDD Magazine from Xebia #1 - This magazine is packed with visionary and practical insights, based on personal, business, and customer experiences to support you on your DDD journey
Training Courses
- DDD Workshop by Xebia - public and in-house Domain-driven design workshops from foundation to professional level.
Video Collections
- Virtual Domain-driven design - A youtube collection of recorded meetups session from Virtual Domain-driven design
Community Resources
- Virtual Domain-driven design community - Online meetups with panel discussions, online collaborations and resource sharing.
- Domain-driven design heuristics - Domain-Driven Design Heuristics is a community driven site to document and discuss about Design Heuristics.
- Kenny Baas-Schwegler - DDD, BDD, Socio-technical, EventStorming and continuous delivery blogs.
Sample Projects / .NET (C#/F#)
- Event Sourcing .NET (⭐3.2k) - samples and resources about Event Sourcing and CQRS in .NET. Contains also a self-paced kit of how to built own Event Store
Libraries and Frameworks / .NET
- Marten (⭐2.6k) - Postgresql as a Document Database and Event Store for .Net Applications.
37. Awesome Robotic Tooling
Behavior and Decision / Vector Map
- FlexBE - Graphical editor for hierarchical state machines, based on ROS's smach.
38. Awesome Machine Learning
Go / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- goro (⭐374) - A high-level machine learning library in the vein of Keras.
Go / Reinforcement learning
- gold (⭐347) - A reinforcement learning library.
39. Awesome Vscode
Groovy / More
- VsCode Groovy Lint - Groovy lint, format, prettify and auto-fix
40. Awesome Emails
Tools / Misc
- Email Link Builder - Make mailto links that open email drafts with prefilled Recipients, Subject, Body and more.
Self-Hosted Services / Misc
- SimpleLogin (⭐5k) - Self-hosted email alias solution.
41. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Java / Bootstrap
- The Java Web Scraping Handbook - Kevin Sahin (PDF, HTML)
42. Awesome Embedded and Iot Security
Software Tools / Analysis Frameworks
- HAL – The Hardware Analyzer (⭐480) - A comprehensive reverse engineering and manipulation framework for gate-level netlists.
- IoTSecFuzz - Framework for automatisation of IoT layers security analysis: hardware, software and communication.
- Killerbee (⭐707) - Framework for Testing & Auditing ZigBee and IEEE 802.15.4 Networks.
- PRET (⭐3.6k) - Printer Exploitation Toolkit.
- Routersploit (⭐11k) - Framework dedicated to exploit embedded devices.
Software Tools / Analysis Tools
- Firmwalker (⭐942) - Searches extracted firmware images for interesting files and information.
Books / RFID NFC Tools
- 2017, Aditya Gupta, Aaron Guzman: IoT Penetration Testing Cookbook
Research Papers / RFID NFC Tools
- 2019, Almakhdhub et al: BenchIoT: A Security Benchmark for the Internet of Things
Case Studies / RFID NFC Tools
Free Training / RFID NFC Tools
- CSAW Embedded Security Challenge 2019 (⭐33) - CSAW 2019 Embedded Security Challenge (ESC).
- Embedded Security CTF - Microcorruption: Embedded Security CTF.
- Rhme-2016 (⭐286) - Riscure Hack me 2 is a low level hardware CTF challenge.
- Rhme-2017/2018 (⭐84) - Riscure Hack Me 3 embedded hardware CTF 2017-2018.
Websites / RFID NFC Tools
- Hacking Printers Wiki - All things printer.
- Router Passwords - Default login credential database sorted by manufacturer.
Websites / Blogs
43. Awesome Ios
- Playbook (⭐1.2k) - A library for isolated developing UI components and automatically snapshots of them.
Core Data
- CloudCore (⭐158) - Robust CloudKit synchronization: offline editing, relationships, shared and public databases, field-level deltas, and more.
- Vault - Safe place for your encryption keys.
44. Awesome Keycloak
45. Awesome Ada
Encryption / Apache License
- ada-keystore (⭐34) - Ada Keystore - protect your sensitive data with secure storage.
Math / Apache License
- hungarian (⭐2) - Ada binding to the fast Stachniss' Hungarian solver.
Algorithms, Containers and Protocols / Apache License
- ada-language-server (⭐248) - Adacore server implemention of the the Microsoft Language Protocol for Ada and SPARK.
- ada-lsp (⭐11) - Language Server Protocol for Ada.
- ada-lsp-client (⭐1) - Prototype implementation of LSP client - Visual Studio 2017.
Cryptography / Apache License
- fletcher (⭐0) - Trivial implementation of fletcher_16 checksum computation algorithm.
- base58-ada (⭐3) - Base58 encoding and decoding in Ada.
- libsparkcrypto (⭐27) - A cryptographic library implemented in SPARK.
- sip-hash (⭐1) - A pure Ada implementation of the SipHash PRF.
- libkeccak (⭐33) - A SPARK implementation of the Keccak family of sponge functions and related constructions.
- ascon-spark (⭐3) - Ada/SPARK implementation of the Ascon Authenticated Encryption with Additional Data Algorithm.
- spark-sip-hash (⭐5) - Ada/SPARK implementation of the SipHash keyed hash function.
- spark-norx (⭐8) - Ada/SPARK implementation of the NORX Authenticated Encryption with Additional Data Algorithm.
- stotp (⭐8) - Timed One-Time-Pad (RFC 6238) implementation in SPARK.
- xxhash-ada (⭐1) - Extremely fast non-cryptographic Hash algorithm, xxhash is working at speeds close to RAM limits.
Simulation / Apache License
- ghdl (⭐2.5k) - VHDL 2008/93/87 simulator.
46. Awesome WebExtensions
- Matrix channel by Mozilla.
- webextensions-jsdom (⭐18) - Load popup, sidebar and background with JSDOM based on the manifest.json.
- webextensions-api-fake (⭐16) - In-memory WebExtensions API Fake Implementation (includes TypeScript types).
- webextensions-api-mock (⭐4) - WebExtensions API as sinon stubs (includes TypeScript types).
- webextensions-schema (⭐3) - Programmatically consume the WebExtensions Schema JSON files.
47. Awesome Python
48. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Media Streaming - Audio Streaming
- Stretto (⭐619)
- Music player with Youtube/Soundcloud import and iTunes/Spotify discovery. (Demo, Clients (⭐9))MIT
49. Awesome Embedded Rust
no-std crates / WIP
- endian_codec: (En/De)code rust types as packed bytes with specific order (endian). Supports derive. -
50. Awesome Rust
Applications / Graphics
- turnage/valora - A library for generative fine art
Applications / System tools
- ajeetdsouza/zoxide (⭐25k) - A fast alternative to
that learns your habits
- orhun/kmon (⭐2.7k) - Linux Kernel Manager and Activity Monitor
51. Awesome Wardley Maps
Maps in the Wild
- Research Skills Framework - The RSF Map and Mapping Kit build upon Simon Wardley's maps. Retrieved Mar 30, 2020.
52. Awesome Swift
- SwiftCoroutine (⭐835) 🐧 - Coroutines for iOS, macOS and Linux.
Core Data
- CloudCore (⭐158) - Robust CloudKit synchronization: offline editing, relationships, shared and public databases, and more.
53. Awesome List
- Game Remakes (⭐909) - Actively maintained open-source game remakes.
- Database Tools (⭐4.4k) - Everything that makes working with databases easier.
54. Awesome Cli Apps
Version Control / Git
- semantic-git-commit-cli (⭐147) - Ensure semantic commits messages.
55. Awesome Quantum Computing
Development Tools
- PennyLane (⭐2.1k) - Open source framework for quantum computing and quantum machine learning that integrates various other platforms.
- Musty Thoughts - Personal blog of Michał Stęchły, includes many articles for people starting to learn about quantum computing.
56. Awesome Scientific Computing
Finite Elements
- libceed - Code for Efficient Extensible Discretizations. (C, 2-clause BSD, GitHub (⭐205))
57. Awesome Crystal
CLI Builders
- Keimeno (⭐14) - A lightweight text user interface library in Crystal
Data Generators
- prime (⭐2) - A prime number generator
Machine Learning
- (⭐22) - Bindings for MXNet
- iterm2 (⭐6) - Display images within the terminal using the ITerm2 Inline Images Protocol
Science and Data analysis
- ishi (⭐48) - Graph plotting package with a small API and sensible defaults powered by gnuplot
Third-party APIs
- google (⭐25) - Google API wrapper
- host_meta (⭐3) - A Web Host Metadata ( client
- office365 (⭐9) - Microsoft Graph API wrapper
- web_finger (⭐9) - A WebFinger ( client
Official Documentation Translations
- public_suffix (⭐2) - A small library designed to make the Public Suffix List ( easier to use
58. Awesome Actions
GitHub Tools and Management / Docker Container Actions
Collection of Actions / Docker Container Actions
Utility / Docker Container Actions
- Linguist (⭐6) - Checks a repository and produces information about used languages in output.
- Twilio Voice Call (⭐14) - Make Twilio voice call with defined text.
Utility / Environments
Monitoring / Code Coverage
- Size Limit Action (⭐446) - Comments cost comparison of your JS in PRs and rejects them if limit is exceeded.
GitHub Pages / Code Coverage
- Deploy A Static Site to GitHub Pages (⭐27) - Deploy to custom directory and ignore folder/file.
Notifications and Messages / Code Coverage
Deployment / Docker
External Services / Terraform
Build / Terraform
Localization / Terraform
- Translation (⭐40) - Translate text from any language to any language.
Tutorials / Terraform
- Prev: Apr 13 - Apr 19, 2020
- Next: Mar 30 - Apr 05, 2020