Awesome List Updates on Dec 17, 2020

14 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Biological Visualizations

(Non-spatial) Transcriptomics / Gene expression matrices

2. Awesome Vue

Projects Using Vue.js / Apps/Websites

3. Awesome Bigdata


4. Awesome Ios


5. Awesome Elixir


6. Awesome Cryptography

Rust / Git

7. Awesome Cl

Interfaces to other package managers

Utils / Third-party APIs

Apps / Third-party APIs

Plotting / Third-party APIs

8. Awesome Translations

Apps / Translation software

Tools / Libraries and tools for developers

Articles / Machine translation

9. Quick Look Plugins



Preview archives

Note: The BetterZipQL plugin was integrated with the BetterZip app.

Run brew install betterzip to install the BetterZip app and its Quick Look plugin or download manually

The legacy BetterZipQL plugin can be downloaded here.

Suspicious Package

Preview the contents of a standard Apple installer package

Run brew install suspicious-package or download manually


Preview the contents of a macOS app

Run brew install apparency or download manually


SourceCodeSyntaxHighlight (⭐1.6k)

Preview many different source code files

Run brew install --cask --no-quarantine syntax-highlight or download manually (⭐1.6k)

Note: This might overwrite some other Quick Look plugins.


To the extent possible under law, Sindre Sorhus has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.

10. Awesome Robotic Tooling

Sensor Processing / Lidar and Point Cloud Processing

11. Awesome Typescript

Back-end API / Playground

12. Awesome Codepoints

Code Points that Affect Others

Record Holders and Extremes / Breaking and Gluing other characters

13. FOSS for Dev


14. Open Source Flutter Apps

Contents / Finance