Awesome List Updates on Dec 17, 2020
14 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Biological Visualizations
(Non-spatial) Transcriptomics / Gene expression matrices
- EBI Single Cell Expression Atlas - Single cell gene expression across species.
- MORPHEUS - Versatile matrix visualization and analysis software.
- Clustergrammer - Visualize high-dimensional data as interactive hierarchically clustered heatmaps.
2. Awesome Vue
Projects Using Vue.js / Apps/Websites
- Gamebrary - Open source tool to organize video game collections.
3. Awesome Bigdata
- HASH - open source simulation and visualization platform.
4. Awesome Ios
- attranslate (⭐341) - Semi-automatically translate or synchronize .strings files or crossplatform-files from different languages.
5. Awesome Elixir
- extrace (⭐59) - Elixir wrapper for Recon Trace.
6. Awesome Cryptography
Rust / Git
- mundane (⭐1.1k) - is a Rust cryptography library backed by BoringSSL that is difficult to misuse, ergonomic, and performant.
7. Awesome Cl
Interfaces to other package managers
- flatpack-common-lisp - A BuildStream project for building Flatpak based runtime environments for Common Lisp applications.
Utils / Third-party APIs
- calispel (⭐32) - CSP-like channels for common lisp. With blocking, optionally buffered channels and a "CSP select" statement. ISC-style.
- "It is complete, flexible and easy to use. I would recommend Calispel over Lparallel and ChanL." @Ambrevar. discussion (⭐2.7k)
Apps / Third-party APIs
- cl-phonetic (⭐25) - Phonetic pattern matching library for Common Lisp (intended to replace the Sylvia library for Python). MIT.
- cl-string-generator (⭐23) - Generate string from regular expression. MIT.
Plotting / Third-party APIs
- ADW-Charting - A simple chart drawing library written completely in Common Lisp. Also includes a backend to Google's chart service. BSD-like.
8. Awesome Translations
Apps / Translation software
- OmegaT - Free translation memory / CAT software that works on Windows, macOS and Linux.
Tools / Libraries and tools for developers
- Jsproxy for Crowdin - Add-on to Crowdin.
Articles / Machine translation
- Approaches to Machine Translation - A paper-review on different techniques for machine translation.
- Neural Machine Translation - A paper-review that trace back the origins of modern NMT architectures to word and sentence embeddings and earlier examples of the encoder-decoder network family. It will conclude with a short survey of more recent trends in the field.
9. Quick Look Plugins
Preview archives
Note: The BetterZipQL plugin was integrated with the BetterZip app.
Run brew install betterzip
to install the BetterZip app and its Quick Look plugin or download manually
The legacy BetterZipQL plugin can be downloaded here.
Suspicious Package
Preview the contents of a standard Apple installer package
Run brew install suspicious-package
or download manually
Preview the contents of a macOS app
Run brew install apparency
or download manually
SourceCodeSyntaxHighlight (⭐1.6k)
Preview many different source code files
Run brew install --cask --no-quarantine syntax-highlight
or download manually (⭐1.6k)
Note: This might overwrite some other Quick Look plugins.
To the extent possible under law, Sindre Sorhus has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.
10. Awesome Robotic Tooling
Sensor Processing / Lidar and Point Cloud Processing
- SA-SSD (⭐466) - Structure Aware Single-stage 3D Object Detection from Point Cloud.
11. Awesome Typescript
Back-end API / Playground
- 🐙 ZenTS (⭐34) - A modern Node.js and TypeScript first framework for building rich web applications
12. Awesome Codepoints
Code Points that Affect Others
The Regional Indicator Symbols U+1F1E6 to U+1F1FF resemble the 26 latin characters. They are used to create flag emoji. Since the Unicode consortium didn’t feel like getting on board with international politics, the solution to flags is to combine these 26 characters to the respective ISO code for a country. Examples:
Country ISO Code Code Points Emoji (if supported) USA US U+1F1FA + U+1F1F8 Germany DE U+1F1E9 + U+1F1EA China CN U+1F1E8 + U+1F1F3
Record Holders and Extremes / Breaking and Gluing other characters
- A close second place in this regard goes to the CJK unified ideographs 妛, 挧, 暃, 椦, 槞, 蟐, 袮, 閠, 駲, 墸, 壥, and 彁. These so-called “ghost characters” came to Unicode via the Japanese JIS standard, where they were added, because they were mis-read or misinterpreted from other signs, when JIS was compiled from original printed text sources.
13. FOSS for Dev
- Atom (⭐60k) - Opensource,fully-featured,hackable text editor for coding.
14. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Finance
- Receipt Manager (⭐205) - Receipt parser, manager and tracker by Monolidth
- Prev: Dec 18, 2020
- Next: Dec 16, 2020