Awesome List Updates on Dec 09, 2020
14 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Newsletters
CSS / Svelte
- Tailwind Weekly. Weekly newsletter about all things TailwindCSS.
2. Awesome Tailwindcss
Starters & Themes
- 🚀 Shopify Theme Lab (⭐758) - Shopify theme development starter using Vue and Tailwind CSS.
3. Awesome Dos
Development tools
- Turbo C 2.01 - C IDE and compiler from Borland first released in 1987.
- Turbo C++ 1.01 - C++ IDE and compiler from Borland released in 1991.
Open source DOS games / Commercial games with published source code
- Hexen: Beyond Heretic (⭐35) - Indirect sequel to Heretic.
- Original SourceForge link for Heretic/Hexen.
4. Awesome Sre
5. Awesome Cassandra
Tools / Custom Time Series
- Instaclustr Minotaur (⭐5) - Command line tool for consistent rebuilding of a Cassandra cluster.
6. Awesome Robotic Tooling
Sensor Processing / Lidar and Point Cloud Processing
- CamVox (⭐462) - A low-cost SLAM system based on camera and Livox lidar.
7. Awesome Jmeter
Best Practices
8. Awesome Ocaml
- New Implementations
- Irmin (⭐1.9k) — A distributed database that follows the same design principles as Git.
- Obigstore — A database with BigTable-like data model atop LevelDB.
- RunOrg (⭐12) - It is a WIP database server written in OCaml.
- dokeysto (⭐10) - dumb OCaml key-value store, string keys and string values. Optional on-the-fly LZ4 compression of values or tokyocabinet backend.
9. Awesome Wagtail
Apps / SEO and SMO
- Wagtail Yoast (⭐35) - A tool to improve readability of your texts with SEO recommendations.
Apps / Media
- Wagtail SVG (⭐35) - A Wagtail module for managing SVG files within the admin.
10. Awesome Javascript
Misc / Other
- javascript-algorithms (⭐187k) - Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings.
11. Awesome Kubernetes
Featured On
12. Awesome Arch
Arch-based projects / Not Linux
- PacBSD - A lightweight and flexible BSD distribution that provides a base system for use of
package manager.
Arch-based distros / Desktop
- MagpieOS - Get a fresh experience of Arch.
13. Awesome Pentest
Open Sources Intelligence (OSINT) / Penetration Testing Report Templates
- Depix (⭐26k) - Tool for recovering passwords from pixelized screenshots (by de-pixelating text).
14. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
Threat intelligence / Threat signature packages and collections
- FireEye's Red Team Tool Countermeasures (⭐2.6k) - Collection of Snort and YARA rules to detect attacks carried out with FireEye's own Red Team tools, first released after FireEye disclosed a breach in December 2020.
- YARA Rules (⭐4k) - Project covering the need for IT security researchers to have a single repository where different Yara signatures are compiled, classified and kept as up to date as possible.
- Prev: Dec 10, 2020
- Next: Dec 08, 2020