Awesome List Updates on Mar 23 - Mar 29, 2020
48 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Actions
Utility / Docker Container Actions
2. Awesome Db Tools
Distributions / Zabbix
- dbatools (⭐2.5k) - PowerShell module that you may think of like a command-line SQL Server Management Studio.
3. Awesome Programming for Kids
Upper Elementary
- Swift Playgrounds - Apple's fun iPad app for learning Swift.
- Microsoft MakeCode - A suite of educational tools for kids, including online environments for game development, minecraft modding, hardware hacking, and more.
4. Awesome Eslint
Plugins / Libraries
- JSDoc (⭐1.1k) - Linting rules for JSDoc comments (including the JavaScript within
Plugins / Practices and Specific ES Features
- no-restricted-syntax (⭐5) - Show queried syntax's content in messages.
- sort-keys-fix (⭐97) - Adds fixer for ESLint
Plugins / Testing Tools
- Chai
- Mocha
- Enforcing practices (⭐280) - Linting rules for Mocha.
- Enforcing manageability (⭐13)
- QUnit (⭐30) - Linting rules for QUnit.
5. Awesome Piracy
Courses and Tutorials / Third Party Hosts
6. Awesome Chatops
Frameworks and libraries / Slack
- Bolt (JavaScript, Node.js)
7. Awesome Web Security
Miscellaneous / Server-Side Request Forgery
- Why Facebook's api starts with a for loop - Written by @AntoGarand.
8. Awesome Embedded Rust
Peripheral Access Crates / MSP430
Peripheral access API for MSP430FR2355 microcontrollers (generated using svd2rust)
HAL implementation crates / MSP430
- HAL implementation for the MSP430FR2x5x family of microcontrollers
9. Awesome List
Front-End Development
- Material-UI (⭐239) - Material Design React components for faster and easier web development.
10. Awesome Ssh
Apps / Tools
- sshrc (⭐69)
- Bring your
, etc. with you when youssh
11. Awesome Homematic
- AskSinAnalyzer (⭐55) - Funktelegramm-Dekodierer für den Einsatz in HomeMatic Umgebungen, hilfreich zur Fehlersuche, z.B. wenn der DutyCycle zu hoch ist.
- AskSinAnalyzerXS (⭐34) - AskSinAnalyzer als Desktop App, verzichtet auf den Einsatz eines ESP.
12. Awesome Xamarin
- Xamarin.Forms.Breadcrumb (⭐143) - A control that automatically generated a breadcrumb control
- SimpleStaticMap (⭐2) - Just a simple static map control based on the Static API of Google Maps for your Xamarin Forms project
XPlat APIs
- Shiny ★428 (⭐1.3k) - A Xamarin Framework for Backgrounding & Device Hardware Services.
13. Awesome Yew
- covplot (⭐21) - Live graphs of worldwide CoVID-19 data.
14. Awesome Ddd
Sample Projects / .NET (C#/F#)
- DotNet CQRS Intro (⭐140) - Examples of implementation CQRS with Event Sourcing - evolutionary approach (no CQRS, separate models and commands with the same model, separate models and commands with separate models, separate storage engines, event sourcing).
Sample Projects / JVM languages
- Java CQRS Intro (⭐190) - Examples of implementation CQRS with Event Sourcing - evolutionary approach (no CQRS, separate models and commands with the same model, separate models and commands with separate models, separate storage engines, event sourcing).
15. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Cognito
- amazon-cognito-js 🔥🔥 (⭐203) - Sync SDK for JavaScript.
16. Awesome Coq
Projects / Verified Software
- Incremental Cycles - Verified OCaml implementation of an algorithm for incremental cycle detection in graphs.
Resources / Community
17. Awesome Deep Learning
Researchers / Websites
18. Awesome
- Mailbird - IMAP and POP3 email client, featuring customization, complete touch support and multiple language support.
19. Awesome Icons
- Bootstrap Icons (⭐7.4k) - SVG icons custom designed and built for Bootstrap components. (Website)
- Tabler Icons (⭐18k) - A set of over 3200 free MIT-licensed high-quality SVG icons for you to use in your web projects. (Website)
20. Awesome Deep Learning Resources
YouTube and Videos / Other
- Growing Neat Software Architecture from Jupyter Notebooks - A primer on how to structure your Machine Learning projects when using Jupyter Notebooks.
21. Awesome Cakephp
- Muffin/Obfuscate plugin (⭐36) - Primary key obfuscation/shortening using UUIDs, HashIds, Optimus, Tiny and/or custom obfuscation strategies.
22. Awesome Microservices
Java VM / Java
- Quarkus - A Kubernetes Native Java stack tailored for OpenJDK HotSpot and GraalVM, crafted from the best of breed Java libraries and standards.
PHP / Scala
- Swoft (⭐5.6k) - PHP microservices coroutine framework for building high-performance web systems, APIs, middleware, and basic services.
Python / Scala
- Connexion (⭐4.5k) - Swagger/OpenAPI framework for Python on top of Flask with automatic endpoint validation and OAuth2 support.
Job Schedulers / Workload Automation / Scala
- Dkron - Distributed, fault tolerant job scheduling system.
23. Awesome Phalcon
Application Skeleton
- NovaMOOC (⭐22) - Sample application with API/BackEnd and FrontEnd + Authentication with JWT + Cypress tests with GitHub Actions + Docker compose.
24. Awesome Javascript
Validation / Runner
- Funval (⭐362) - Data validation using functions interfaces (support TypeScript).
Misc / Other
- Idyll (⭐2k) - Create explorable explanations and interactive storytelling essays. Can be embedded in HTML (⭐13).
25. Awesome Geojson
editors & viewers
- Web GIS: tools to view, inspect, and manipulate geospatial data
26. Awesome Foss Apps
Web Apps (frontend only) / Dnote
- golang, react, typescript
- GPLv3 License, AGPLv3 License
27. Awesome Game Remakes
- BStone (⭐302) - A source port of Blake Stone: Aliens Of Gold and Blake Stone: Planet Strike.
28. Awesome Rtc
Server Software / SIP Servers
- Flexisip (⭐104) - SIP server suite comprising proxy, presence and group chat functions.
Developer Resources / Rust Libraries
- libsip - SIP implementation, with a focus towards softphone clients.
- sipcore (⭐24) - Rust framework for creating SIP applications.
- rtcrs/webrtc (⭐2.3k) - WebRTC stack, supporting SDP, RTP, RTCP and SRTP.
Developer Resources / Dart Libraries
- dart-sip-ua (⭐247) - Dart-lang port of JsSIP, capable of SIP over WebSocket.
29. Awesome Firebase
CLI & Editor / iOS
- 🔧 Svarog (⭐36) - Cloud Firestore schema validation with JSON Schema generated Security Rule helper functions.
30. Awesome Streaming
Table of Contents / Streaming Engine
- LightSaber (⭐71) [C++] - Multi-core Window-Based Stream Processing Engine. LightSaber uses code generation for efficient window aggregation.
31. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Arpit Mohan - Distributed Systems Engineer, Java and Golang developer, 3x CTO, blogger.
32. Awesome Gbdev
Cartridges / Misc
- Introduction to Game Boy Hacking - Workshop introducing basic assembly, debugging and reverse engineering.
- GBSOUND.txt (⭐52) - A document detailing the Game Boy sound engine.
- gbdev FAQs - Must read by Jeff Frohwein.
- Game Boy Bootrom - Commented dump of the DMG bootrom.
- Gameboy 2BPP Graphics Format - Information on how the Game Boy interprets VRAM tile data to color pixels.
Emulators / Experimental/Proof of Concepts
- BGB - Powerful emulator and debugger. Provides an accurate hardware emulation.
Websites / Syntax highlighting packages
- - Old home of the scene: examples, sources, complete documentation, guides, tutorials and various tools.
33. Awesome Cl
- CLERIC (⭐34) - a Common Lisp Erlang Interface. An implementation of the Erlang distribution protocol, comparable with erl_interface and jinterface. MIT.
Apps / Third-party APIs
- CodePlayground - an iPhone and iPad app with Lisp support via CCL.
Developer utilities / Third-party APIs
- GTFL - A graphical terminal for Lisp, meant for Lisp programmers who want to debug or visualize their own algorithms. A graphical trace in the browser. BSD-style.
34. Awesome Vue
Resources / Podcasts
Resources / Tutorials
Resources / Blog Posts
Components & Libraries / Utilities
- vue-stripe-checkout (⭐1.1k) - A simple vue plugin for Stripe checkout.
35. Awesome Wardley Maps
Maps in the Wild
- Map Your Improvement Strategy - Because that expert you hired has no magical bullets. Nov 4, 2019.
- The power of situational awareness for digital government - Part 2 Mark Thompson outlines a digital vision to make government a more cohesive, integrated organisation. Oct 9, 2015.
- Time to get mapping - how a blind government can develop sight - Part 1 Mark Thompson outlines a digital vision to make government a more cohesive, integrated organisation. Oct 9, 2015.
- MapScript - Note MapScript is built on Observable. Read their Terms of Service. MapScript feature requests. Hosted version available here.
Meetups / ChatGPT
- Europe
- North America
- California
36. Public Apis
API: Covid-19
Description: Covid 19 spread, infection and recovery
Auth: No
37. Awesome Hacking Locations
France 🇫🇷 / Paris
- Chaostreff weekly on Thursdays @ 18:00
- The only hackerspace with a server room (according to
- Various equipment to print, engrave and cut (everything but yourself)
- Bees, honey
- Quiet office, if you don't have time for fun
Net | Power | Coffee | Food | Shower | Address | Open Hours |
10G+10G | 25kW + UPS | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | Akadeemia tee 21/1 | 24/7 |
Food: Vending Machine + Cafés and Diners + Convenience stores
38. Awesome Plotters
Software / Vector Utilities
- vpype (⭐758) - Plotter-focused Python-based CLI utility for generating and manipulating SVGs, including scaling and optimizing paths.
Software / Fonts
- svg-fonts - Single-line fonts in an SVG format, mainly for use with the Hershey Text Inkscape plugin.
39. Awesome Pentest
Network Tools / Intentionally Vulnerable Systems as Docker Containers
- Ncrack - High-speed network authentication cracking tool built to help companies secure their networks by proactively testing all their hosts and networking devices for poor passwords.
Online Resources / Other Lists Online
- Red Teaming (⭐6.9k) - List of Awesome Red Teaming Resources.
Social Engineering / Social Engineering Tools
- Evilginx2 (⭐11k) - Standalone Machine-in-the-Middle (MitM) reverse proxy attack framework for setting up phishing pages capable of defeating most forms of 2FA security schemes.
40. Awesome Playwright
- playwright-fluent (⭐174) - Fluent API Wrapper around Playwright.
41. Awesome Keycloak
Community, SIGs, Discussion Forums and Mailing Lists
42. Awesome Machine Learning
JavaScript / Misc
- Pipcook (⭐2.6k) - A JavaScript application framework for machine learning and its engineering.
Python / Computer Vision
- neural-dream (⭐136) - A PyTorch implementation of DeepDream.
Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- Lightwood (⭐459) - A Pytorch based framework that breaks down machine learning problems into smaller blocks that can be glued together seamlessly with objective to build predictive models with one line of code.
43. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
Automation and Convention
- Clevis (⭐836) - Plugable framework for automated decryption, often used as a Tang client.
DevSecOps / Policy enforcement
- Tang (⭐474) - Server for binding data to network presence; provides data to clients only when they are on a certain (secured) network.
44. Free for Dev
Tools for Teams and Collaboration
- Tugboat - Preview every pull request, automated and on-demand. Free for all, complimentary Nano tier for non-profits.
45. Awesome Remote Job
Tools / Communication
- Twist — A communications platform where long-form discussions and casual messaging live in harmony.
46. Awesome Swift
Form / Barcode
- ObjectForm (⭐178) - A simple yet powerful library to build form for your class models.
47. Awesome React Components
- @egjs/react-flicking (⭐2.7k) - npm - demo - It's reliable, flexible and extendable carousel.
Time / Date / Age
- react-google-flight-datepicker (⭐383) - Google flight date picker implemented in ReactJS.
- react-open-doodles (⭐65) - Awesome free illustrations as react components.
CSS / Style / Mouse Events
- aesthetic (⭐203) - A powerful type-safe, framework agnostic, CSS-in-JS library for styling components, whether it be plain objects, importing stylesheets, or simply referencing external class names.
48. Awesome Biological Visualizations
- Signal - Mutational signatures extracted from cancer samples and isogenic cell-based experiments.
(Non-spatial) Transcriptomics
- SCope - A visualization tool for large-scale scRNA-seq datasets.
Connectomics / Gene expression matrices
- neuroglancer - Tool for visualization of highly detailed maps of neuronal connectivity in the fly brain.
- Prev: Mar 30 - Apr 05, 2020
- Next: Mar 16 - Mar 22, 2020