Awesome List Updates on Nov 30, 2020
13 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Dotnet
Algorithms and Data structures
- Towel (⭐731) - data structures, algorithms, mathematics, metadata, extensions, console, measurements, and other useful stuff
- Ookii.Dialogs.Wpf (⭐1.2k) - Enable WPF applications to access common Windows dialogs such as task dialogs, credential dialog, progress dialog, folder browser dialog, and more
- Ookii.Dialogs.WinForms (⭐628) - Enable Windows Forms applications to access common Windows dialogs such as task dialogs, credential dialog, progress dialog, folder browser dialog, and more
- CompressedStaticFiles (⭐89) - Send compressed static files to the browser without having to compress on demand, also has support for sending more advanced image formats when the browser indicates that i has support for it.
- Downloader (⭐1.4k) - Fast and reliable multipart downloader with asynchronous progress events for .NET applications.
2. Css Protips
Translations / Demo
3. Open Source Mac Os Apps
- RocketChat (⭐1.6k) - Free open source chat system for teams. An alternative to Slack that can also be self hosted.
Utilities / Text
- Boop (⭐3.8k) - A scriptable scratchpad for developers.
- Plain Pasta (⭐85) - Plaintextify your clipboard
Editors / JSON
- JSON Editor (⭐61) - Dead simple JSON editor using josdejong/jsoneditor
Terminal / Text
- OpenInTerminal (⭐5.9k) - Finder Toolbar app for macOS to open the current directory in Terminal, iTerm, Hyper or Alacritty.
Menubar / Text
- Pi Stats (⭐372) - macOS app to visualize Pi-hole information.
Screensaver / Text
- MinimalClock (⭐123) - Simple and elegant screensaver that displays the time.
4. Awesome Developer First
CMS (headless)
- Chromatic - Visual UI testing for storybook.
- Testim - Frontend testing.
5. Awesome Software Patreons
Open Source Projects
Open Source Projects / Libraries
- Asset-Importer-Lib - Loads 40+ 3D file formats into one unified and clean data structure for game-developers.
- HaxeUI - User interface toolkit.
- MicroG, #2 - A free-as-in-freedom re-implementation of Google's proprietary Android user space apps and libraries.
- OpenFL - Cross-platform application framework.
- Tabulator - JavaScript library for building interactive tables.
Open Source Projects / Operating Systems
- Ubuntu Studio, #2 - Ubuntu variant for creating audio, video, graphics etc.
Open Source Projects / Games
- yuzu - Nintendo Switch emulator.
6. Awesome Piracy
Browser Extensions
- Universal Bypass Universal Bypass automatically skips annoying link shorteners.
7. Awesome Datascience
Bloggers / Book Deals (Affiliated)
- Jingles - Review and extract key concepts from academic papers
8. Awesome React Native
Backend / Navigation Demos
- react-native-blob-courier ★8 (⭐106) - Efficiently download and upload blobs on native thread
9. Awesome Ros2
Operating systems / Build system (ROS2)
- eMCOS - POSIX-compliant real-time OS for many-core processors expected to support AUTOSAR in the future.
10. Awesome Blazor
Component bundles
- Element-Blazor (⭐689) -
A blazor component library using Element UI. API imitates Element, CSS directly uses Element's style, HTML structure directly uses Element's HTML structure. Blazor WebAssembly Version demo. Blazor WebAssembly Version PWA Mode demo.
- BlazorFluentUI (⭐817) -
Simple port of FluenUI/Office Fabric React components and style to Blazor. Client-side demo (WebAssembly). Server-side demo (SignalR).
11. Awesome Home Assistant
Dashboards / Custom Cards
- Thermostat Card (⭐671) - Thermostat control card that looks like a Nest Thermostat.
12. Awesome Deep Learning
Table of Contents / Tutorials
Researchers / Websites
Researchers / Frameworks
13. Awesome Web Performance Budget
Case Studies
- Web Performance Optimization case studies - Case studies and experiments demonstrating the impact of web performance optimization (WPO) on user experience and business metrics.
- Prev: Dec 01, 2020
- Next: Nov 29, 2020