Awesome List Updates on Nov 22, 2020
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Discord Communities
Other Sciences
Biological Sciences
Notable Channels: #biology
, #questions
, #resources
, #molecular-biology
, #microbiology
, #anatomy-and-physiology
, #bioengineering
, #bioinformatics
, #ecology
, #medical-sciences
Language: English
Notable Channels: #highschool-chemistry
, #general-chemistry
, #introductory-organic
, #tech
, #laboratory
, #physical-chemistry
, #inorganic-chemistry
, #organic-chemistry
, #biochemistry
Language: English
Climate Science
Notable Channels: #climate-change-general
, #resources
, #questions-and-debates
, #politics-activism-policy
, #ecology-biology-sustainibility
Language: English
Homework Help
Notable Channels: #challenges
, #math
, #post-calculus
, #chemistry
, #physics
, #english
, #social-science
, #history
, #computer-science
, #studio-art
, so much more
Language: English
Science and Technology
Notable Channels: #astronomy
, #biology
, #chemistry
, #environment
, #mathematics
, #geometry
, #calculus
, #physics
, #psychology
, #technology
, so much more
Language: English
Discussions on bare-bones circuit boards, microprocessors, and bleeding edge hardware.
2. Awesome Crypto Papers
Online crypto challenges / Post-quantum cryptography
3. Public Apis
Description: Lookup for a name and returns nameday date
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
API: IBM Text to Speech
Description: Convert text to speech
4. Awesome Selenium
Tools / Javascript
- CodeceptJS - Modern Era Acceptance Testing Framework for NodeJS.
Web Scraping / Mining / Desktop GUI Automation (non-browser-centric)
- Scrapy - Python, mainly a scraper/miner - fast, well documented and, can be linked with Django Dynamic Scraper for nice mining deployments, or Scrapy Cloud for PaaS (server-less) deployment, works in terminal or an server stand-alone process, can be used with Celery, built on top of Twisted.
Specifications / Desktop GUI Automation (non-browser-centric)
- WebDriver - This specification defines the WebDriver API, a platform and language-neutral interface and associated wire protocol that allows programs or scripts to introspect into, and control the behavior of, a web browser.
5. Awesome Java
Data Structures / Text-Based User Interfaces
- RoaringBitmap (⭐3.4k) - Fast and efficient compressed bitmap.
Distribution / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Getdown (⭐498) - System for deploying Java applications to end-user computers and keeping them up to date. Developed as an alternative to Java Web Start.
- JavaPackager (⭐997) - Maven and Gradle plugin which provides an easy way to package Java applications in native Windows, macOS or GNU/Linux executables, and generate installers for them.
Document Processing / Text-Based User Interfaces
- fastexcel (⭐650) - High performance library to read and write large Excel (XLSX) worksheets.
HTTP Clients / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Google HTTP Client (⭐1.4k) - Pluggable HTTP transport abstraction with support for, Apache HTTP Client, Android, Google App Engine, XML, Gson, Jackson and Protobuf.
6. Awesome Robotic Tooling
Sensor Processing / Machine Learning
- nnstreamer-ros (⭐13) - A set of Gstreamer plugins and ROS examples that allow Gstreamer developers to adopt neural network models easily and efficiently and neural network developers to manage neural network pipelines and their filters easily and efficiently.
7. PlacesToPostYourStartup
- -
8. Awesome Rust
Applications / Blockchain
- Phala-Network/phala-blockchain (⭐332) - Confidential smart contract blockchain based on Intel SGX and Substrate
9. Awesome R Learning Resources
Topic Areas / Uncategorized
- R - discoRd server - Dedicated discoRd server with the following topic-based channels:
for more general discussions,R-Share
for showing off your data visuals,General R Help
for asking questions and sharing learning resources, andTopical Help/Discussion
for issues dealing with statistics, dbi, tidymodels, shiny, natural-science, social-science, bayesians, gis, and finance.
- The ultimate R data.table cheat sheet - Find code for dozens of data tasks in this searchable cheat sheet of R data.table and Tidyverse code. Author: Sharon Machlis.
YouTube / Uncategorized
- IDG TECHtalk - Do More with R playlist includes tutorials on shiny, data.table, getting API data, using Git and Github with R, writing your own packages, run Python in R code, RStudio addins and keyboard shortcuts, dashboards and flexdashboards.
- Shiny Developer Series - The goals of the Shiny Developer Series are to showcase the innovative applications and packages in the ever-growing Shiny ecosystem, as well as the brilliant developers behind them!
- Prev: Nov 23, 2020
- Next: Nov 21, 2020