Awesome List Updates on Oct 24, 2020
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Elixir
Algorithms and Data structures
- exor_filter (⭐31) - Nif for xor_filters. 'Faster and Smaller Than Bloom and Cuckoo Filters'.
Artificial Intelligence
- Runhyve - Runhyve is complete virtual machines manager for bhyve on FreeBSD. It's written in Elixir and uses Phoenix framework.
2. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Dependency Injection
- PHP-DI - A dependency injection container that supports autowiring.
Table of Contents / Build Tools
- Box (⭐1.2k) - A utility to build PHAR files.
Table of Contents / NoSQL
- Predis (⭐7.6k) - A feature-complete Redis library.
Configuration / Web Applications
- DBV (⭐1.7k) - A database version control application.
3. Awesome Wardley Maps
Maps in the Wild
- Me versus We - Off the beaten track — pivot. Mar 27, 2020.
- On the diversity of values - On the inclusive and exclusive nature of values. Feb 24, 2020.
- From HS2 to China and … back again - On the changing world of geopolitics. Feb 23, 2020.
- Embedded in memory - Cultural cycles. Oct 2, 2019.
- Exploring value - Values, resilience, principles, enablement systems. Oct 1, 2019.
- From values to rituals - Sep 9, 2019.
- Exploring Brexit - The first rule of Brexit is “you’re wrong”. Sep 5, 2019.
- Exploring Culture - Mapping Culture. Sep 4, 2019.
- What culture is right for you? - Jul 31, 2019.
- What is an expert? - Oct 31, 2018.
- Near field, far field and the crazy ideas - My future career as a Harmony Designer. Jan 17, 2017.
- Something that will change the world of competition - Dec 1, 2016.
- The map is not the territory - Nov 24, 2016.
4. Awesome React Native
Extension / Navigation Demos
- React Native WidgetKit (⭐114) - React Native Library for the iOS WidgetKit Framework
5. Awesome Piracy
DDL Tools / Free Indexers
- youtube-dl 🌟 youtube-dl is a command-line program to download videos from and a few more sites.
6. Awesome Veganism
- Petit Veganne - Amazing French artisanal cheese, soft and creamy brie with different flavours.
- Provamel - Delicious organic and biological plant-based yogurts, milky drinks, and soy desserts.
- Vega - Big selection of plant-based protein powders, power bars, vitamins, and supplements for bodybuilders and fitness people.
7. Awesome Clojure
Editor Plugins
8. Awesome Osint
Main National Search Engines
Browsers / Steam
9. Web Development Resources
Chrome Extensions:
- Website: - News for Busy Developers
10. Awesome Wpo
Events / Conferences
- – The conference will return to Amsterdam! We're a single-track conference with fourteen world-class speakers, covering today’s most important web performance insights.
- #PerfMatters – #PerfMatters Conference is the ONLINE web performance conference by internationally renowned performance developers.
11. Awesome R Learning Resources
Books / Uncategorized
- Happy Git and GitHub for the useR - Happy Git provides opinionated instructions on how to install Git and get it working smoothly with GitHub, in the shell and in the RStudio IDE, develop a few key workflows that cover your most common tasks, and integrate Git and GitHub into your daily work with R and R Markdown. Authors: Jenny Bryan, the STAT 545 TAs, Jim Hester.
- Prev: Oct 25, 2020
- Next: Oct 23, 2020