Awesome List Updates on Oct 09, 2020
17 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Functional Programming
Table of Contents / Books
- Learn you a Haskell - Book, but you can read it online for free as well. Very beginner friendly.
2. Awesome Kotlin
Links / Courses
- Jetbrain's Hyperskill Academy - An interactive learning platform for Kotlin and other languages
- Google's Kotlin Codelab - Build your first Kotlin Android App
- Kotlin Course - Tutorial for Beginners by - Learn the Kotlin programming language in this introduction to Kotlin. Kotlin is a general purpose, open source, statically typed “pragmatic” programming language. It is used for many things, including Android development.
Kotlin JavaScript / Integration
- Kotlin/dukat (⭐559) - Converter of to Kotlin external declarations
3. Awesome Research
Graph Making / HTML+CSS+JS
- Graphviz(
): Open source graph visualization software.
4. Public Apis
API: Rig Veda
Description: Gods and poets, their categories, and the verse meters, with the mandal and sukta number
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
API: Vedic Society
Description: Descriptions of all nouns (names, places, animals, things) from vedic literature
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
5. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
C# / Non-X86
PowerShell / Zend
TypeScript / Vapor
6. Mind Expanding Books
Fiction / Horror
Name: It
Author: Stephen King
Goodreads Rating: 4.24
Year Published: 1986
7. Awesome Pentest
Network Tools / Protocol Analyzers and Sniffers
- netsniff-ng (⭐1.2k) - Swiss army knife for network sniffing.
8. Awesome Prometheus
Blog posts and opinions
- Robust Perception - Multiple blog posts about Prometheus by Brian Bazil.
- Grafana - Grafana is an open-source metric analytics & visualization suite tutorial by Prometheus.
9. Awesome Rest
API Gateway / Symfony2
- WSO2 API Management (⭐873) - API management tool with lightweight gateway and API lifecycle management, written in Java.
10. Awesome Mongodb
Libraries / Java
- mongo-queue-java (⭐35) - Java message queue on top of MongoDB
11. Awesome Cli Apps
Version Control / Git
- git-all-branches (⭐7) - Improved
git branch -a
12. Awesome WSL
Books / Miscellaneous Tools
- Learn Windows Subsystem for Linux - A Practical Guide for Developers and IT Professionals
13. Awesome Osint
Social Media Tools / Twitter
- MyTweetAlerts - A tool to create custom email alerts based on Twitter search.
14. Awesome Rust
- cloudflare/boringtun (⭐6.3k) - A Userspace WireGuard VPN Implementation
- fcsonline/drill (⭐2.1k) - A HTTP load testing application inspired by Ansible syntax
- nicohman/eidolon (⭐127) - A steam and drm-free game registry and launcher for linux and macosx
- Weld (⭐311) - Full fake REST API generator
Applications / Audio and Music
- Polaris (⭐2.1k) - A music streaming application.
Applications / Blockchain
- coinbase-pro-rs (⭐148) - Coinbase pro client, supports sync/async/websocket
- ethaddrgen (⭐177) - Custom Ethereum vanity address generator
Applications / Database
- indradb - Graph database
- seppo0010/rsedis (⭐1.8k) - A Redis reimplementation.
Applications / Emulators
- Commodore 64
- kondrak/rust64 (⭐265) - Commodore 64 emulator
- Gameboy
- Gekkio/mooneye-gb (⭐921) - A Game Boy research project and emulator
- joamag/boytacean (⭐635) - GameBoy Color emulator that runs on the Web using WebAssembly.
- mohanson/gameboy (⭐1.4k) - Full featured Cross-platform GameBoy emulator. Forever boys!.
- mvdnes/rboy (⭐616) - A Gameboy Emulator
- Gameboy Advance
- michelhe/rustboyadvance-ng (⭐613) - RustboyAdvance-ng is a Gameboy Advance emulator with desktop, android and WebAssembly support.
- michelhe/rustboyadvance-ng (⭐613) - RustboyAdvance-ng is a Gameboy Advance emulator with desktop, android and WebAssembly support.
Applications / Games
- Zone of Control (⭐380) - A turn-based hexagonal strategy game
Applications / Graphics
- Limeth/euclider (⭐216) - A real-time 4D CPU ray tracer
Applications / Operating systems
- redox-os/redox - A Unix-like general-purpose microkernel-based operating system with a focus on security, stability, performance, correctness, simplicity and pragmatism that aims to be a complete alternative for Linux and BSD.
- thepowersgang/rust_os (⭐772) - An OS kernel written in rust. Non POSIX
Applications / Security tools
- kpcyrd/rshijack (⭐498) - A TCP connection hijacker; rewrite of shijack
- kpcyrd/sn0int (⭐2.2k) - A semi-automatic OSINT framework and package manager
Applications / System tools
- brocode/fblog (⭐487) - Small command-line JSON Log viewer
- ddh (⭐459) - Fast duplicate file finder
- fselect - Find files with SQL-like queries
- lotabout/rargs (⭐521) [rargs] - xargs + awk with pattern matching support
- mitnk/cicada (⭐988) - A bash-like Unix shell
- mmstick/tv-renamer (⭐150) - A tv series renaming application with an optional GTK3 frontend.
- redox-os/ion (⭐1.5k) - Next-generation system shell
- sitkevij/hex (⭐539) - A colorized hexdump terminal utility.
- watchexec (⭐5.7k) - Executes commands in response to file modifications
- XAMPPRocky/tokei (⭐12k) - counts the lines of code
Applications / Text editors
- amp - Inspired by Vi/Vim.
- gchp/iota (⭐1.6k) - A simple text editor
Applications / Text processing
- grex (⭐7.4k) - A command-line tool and library for generating regular expressions from user-provided test cases
- vishaltelangre/ff (⭐338) - Find files (ff) by name!
- xsv - A fast CSV command line tool (slicing, indexing, selecting, searching, sampling, etc.)
Applications / Video
- xiph/rav1e (⭐3.8k) - The fastest and safest AV1 encoder.
Applications / Virtualization
- tailhook/vagga (⭐1.9k) - A containerization tool without daemons
Applications / Web
- Plume-org/Plume (⭐2.1k) - ActivityPub federating blogging application
Applications / Web Servers
- svenstaro/miniserve (⭐6.4k) - A small, self-contained cross-platform CLI tool that allows you to just grab the binary and serve some file(s) via HTTP
Development tools / Web Servers
- clippy - Rust lints
- clog-tool/clog-cli (⭐873) - generates a changelog from git metadata (conventional changelog)
- dotenv-linter (⭐1.9k) - Linter for
- git-journal (⭐620) - The Git Commit Message and Changelog Generation Framework
- just (⭐24k) - A handy command runner for project-specific tasks
- Racer (⭐3.4k) - code completion for Rust
Development tools / Build system
- CMake
- Devolutions/CMakeRust (⭐169) - useful for integrating a Rust library into a CMake project
- SiegeLord/RustCMake (⭐109) - an example project showing usage of CMake with Rust
Development tools / Debugging
- gdbgui (⭐10k) - Browser based frontend for gdb to debug C, C++, Rust, and go.
Development tools / Embedded
- Cross compiling
- japaric/rust-cross (⭐2.5k) - everything you need to know about cross compiling Rust programs
- japaric/xargo (⭐1.1k) - effortless cross compilation of Rust programs to custom bare-metal targets like ARM Cortex-M
Development tools / FFI
- Erlang
- rusterlium/rustler (⭐4.5k) - safe Rust bridge for creating Erlang NIF functions
- Java
- bennettanderson/rjni (⭐74) - use Java from Rust
- drrb/java-rust-example (⭐340) - use Rust from Java
- j4rs - use Java from Rust
- jni - use Rust from Java
- jni-sys - Rust definitions corresponding to jni.h
- rucaja - use Java from Rust
- Lua
- jcmoyer/rust-lua53 (⭐157) - Lua 5.3 bindings for Rust
- lilyball/rust-lua (⭐128) - Safe Rust bindings to Lua 5.1
- mlua-rs/mlua (⭐2k) - High level Lua 5.4/5.3/5.2/5.1 (including LuaJIT) and Roblox Luau bindings to Rust with async/await support
- tickbh/td_rlua (⭐52) [td_rlua] - Zero-cost high-level lua 5.3 wrapper for Rust
- tomaka/hlua (⭐510) - Rust library to interface with Lua
- mruby
- anima-engine/mrusty (⭐205) - mruby safe bindings for Rust
- Python
- dgrunwald/rust-cpython (⭐1.8k) - Python bindings
- getsentry/milksnake (⭐795) - extension for python setuptools that allows you to distribute dynamic linked libraries in Python wheels in the most portable way imaginable.
- PyO3/PyO3 (⭐13k) - Rust bindings for the Python interpreter
- RustPython (⭐20k) - A Python Interpreter written in Rust
Development tools / IDEs
- IntelliJ
- intellij-rust/intellij-rust (⭐4.5k) - Rust plugin for the IntelliJ Platform
- Ride (⭐176) - A Rust IDE
Development tools / Profiling
- ellisonch/rust-stopwatch (⭐82) - A stopwatch library
Libraries / Astronomy
- fitsio - fits interface library wrapping cfitsio
Libraries / Asynchronous
- mio (⭐6.5k) - MIO is a lightweight IO library, with a focus on adding as little overhead as possible over the OS abstractions
Libraries / Audio and Music
- jhasse/ears (⭐91) - A simple library to play Sounds and Musics, on top of OpenAL and libsndfile
Libraries / Automotive
- marcelbuesing/can-dbc (⭐73) [can-dbc] - A parser for the DBC format
- marcelbuesing/tokio-socketcan-bcm (⭐8) [tokio-socketcan-bcm] - Linux SocketCAN BCM support for tokio
Libraries / Caching
- aisk/rust-memcache (⭐140) - Memcached client library
Libraries / Cloud
- AWS [aws]
- awslabs/aws-lambda-rust-runtime (⭐3.4k) [lambda_runtime] - Runtime for AWS Lambda
- awslabs/aws-sdk-rust (⭐3.1k) - The new AWS SDK
- rusoto/rusoto (⭐2.7k) - An AWS SDK for Rust
- awslabs/aws-lambda-rust-runtime (⭐3.4k) [lambda_runtime] - Runtime for AWS Lambda
Libraries / Command-line
- Human-centered design
- rust-cli/human-panic (⭐1.7k) [human-panic] - panic messages for humans
Libraries / Compression
- miniz
- rust-lang/flate2-rs (⭐975) - miniz bindings
- rust-lang/flate2-rs (⭐975) - miniz bindings
- tar
- alexcrichton/tar-rs (⭐650) - tar archive reading/writing
Libraries / Computation
- argmin-rs/argmin (⭐1.1k) [argmin] - Optimization library
- stainless-steel/lapack (⭐84) - LAPACK bindings
Libraries / Cryptography
- briansmith/ring (⭐3.9k) - Safe, fast, small crypto using Rust and BoringSSL's cryptography primitives.
- briansmith/webpki (⭐469) - Web PKI TLS X.509 certificate validation.
- DaGenix/rust-crypto (⭐1.4k) - cryptographic algorithms
- exonum/exonum (⭐1.2k) [exonum] - extensible framework for blockchain projects
- libOctavo/octavo (⭐142) - Modular hash and crypto library
- sfackler/rust-openssl (⭐1.4k) - OpenSSL bindings
Libraries / Database
- SQL [sql]
- Generic
- launchbadge/sqlx (⭐14k) - async PostgreSQL/MySQL/SQLite connection pool with strong typing support
- SeaQL/sea-query (⭐1.3k) - 🔱 A dynamic SQL query builder for MySQL, Postgres and SQLite
- SeaQL/sea-schema (⭐199) - 🌿 SQL schema definition and discovery
- launchbadge/sqlx (⭐14k) - async PostgreSQL/MySQL/SQLite connection pool with strong typing support
- Microsoft SQL
- MySql [mysql]
- AgilData/mysql-proxy-rs (⭐196) - A MySQL Proxy
- blackbeam/mysql_async (⭐384) [mysql_async] - asynchronous Mysql driver based on Tokio.
- blackbeam/rust-mysql-simple (⭐680) [mysql] - A native MySql client
- AgilData/mysql-proxy-rs (⭐196) - A MySQL Proxy
- Oracle
- kubo/rust-oracle (⭐199) [oracle] - Oracle driver
- kubo/rust-oracle (⭐199) [oracle] - Oracle driver
- PostgreSql [postgres, postgresql]
- c410-f3r/wtx (⭐256) - Fast implementation with a low set of external dependencies.
- sfackler/rust-postgres (⭐3.6k) [postgres] - A native PostgreSQL client
- Sqlite [sqlite]
- rusqlite (⭐3.5k) - Sqlite3 bindings
- Generic
Libraries / Date and time
- chronotope/chrono (⭐3.5k) - Date and time library
- Mnwa/ms (⭐35) [ms-converter] - it's a library for converting human-like times to milliseconds
Libraries / Distributed systems
- Antimony
- antimonyproject/antimony (⭐64) [antimony] - stream processing / distributed computation platform
Libraries / Email
- gsquire/sendgrid-rs (⭐111) - Library for SendGrid API
Libraries / Encoding
- ASN.1
- alex/rust-asn1 (⭐104) - ASN.1 (DER) serializer
- Binary
- bincode-org/bincode (⭐2.9k) - A binary encoder/decoder
- jamesmunns/postcard (⭐1k) [postcard] - Postcard is a #![no_std] focused serializer and deserializer for Serde.
- m4b/goblin (⭐1.3k) [goblin] - cross-platform, zero-copy, and endian-aware binary parsing
- bincode-org/bincode (⭐2.9k) - A binary encoder/decoder
- Byte swapping
- BurntSushi/byteorder (⭐1k) - Supports big-endian, little-endian and native byte orders
- Cap'n Proto
- capnproto/capnproto-rust (⭐2.2k) - Cap'n Proto is a type system for distributed systems
- serde_cbor - CBOR support for serde
- Character Encoding
- hsivonen/encoding_rs (⭐403) [encoding_rs] - A Gecko-oriented implementation of the Encoding Standard
- lifthrasiir/rust-encoding (⭐285) - Character encoding support for Rust. (also known as rust-encoding) It is based on WHATWG Encoding Standard, and also provides an advanced interface for error detection and recovery.
- mrhooray/crc-rs (⭐197) - Rust implementation of CRC(16, 32, 64) with support of various standards
- BurntSushi/rust-csv (⭐1.8k) - A fast and flexible CSV reader and writer, with support for Serde
- servo/html5ever (⭐2.2k) - High-performance browser-grade HTML5 parser
- MsgPack
- 3Hren/msgpack-rust (⭐1.2k) - Low/high level MessagePack implementation
- jcreekmore/pem-rs (⭐55) [pem] - Parse and encode PEM-encoded data
- RON (Rusty Object Notation)
- (⭐3.5k) - Rusty Object Notation
Libraries / Filesystem
- Temporary Files
- Stebalien/tempfile (⭐1.3k) - temporary file library
- Stebalien/xattr (⭐63) [xattr] - list and manipulate unix extended file attributes
- zboxfs/zbox (⭐1.5k) [zbox] - Zero-details, privacy-focused embeddable file system.
Libraries / Game development
- Allegro
- SiegeLord/RustAllegro (⭐93) - Allegro 5 bindings
- Entity-Component Systems (ECS)
- amethyst/specs (⭐2.5k) - Specs Parallel ECS
- legion (⭐1.7k) - A feature rich high performance ECS library with minimal boilerplate
- SDL [sdl]
- brson/rust-sdl (⭐179) - SDL1 bindings
- Rust-SDL2/rust-sdl2 (⭐2.8k) - SDL2 bindings
- Victorem
- VictoremWinbringer/Victorem (⭐31) [Victorem] - Easy UDP Game Server and UDP Client framework for creating simple 2D and 3D online game prototype
Libraries / Geospatial
- DaveKram/coord_transforms (⭐33) [coord_transforms] - coordinate transformations (2-d, 3-d, and geospatial)
- vlopes11/geomorph (⭐13) [geomorph] - conversion between UTM, LatLon and MGRS coordinates
Libraries / Graphics
- OpenGL [opengl]
- brendanzab/gl-rs (⭐694) - An OpenGL function pointer loader
- glium/glium (⭐3.6k) - safe OpenGL wrapper.
- glutin - Alternative to GLFW
- Kiss3d - draw simple geometric figures and play with them with one-liners
- PistonDevelopers/glfw-rs (⭐655) - GLFW3 bindings and idiomatic wrapper
- Vulkan [vulkan]
- erupt [erupt] -
- vulkano (⭐4.7k) [vulkano] - Safe and rich Rust wrapper around the Vulkan API
- erupt [erupt] -
Libraries / GUI
- Cocoa
- servo/core-foundation-rs (⭐1.1k) - Rust bindings to Core Foundation and other low level libraries on Mac OS X and iOS
- GTK+ [gtk]
- gtk-rs/gtk4-rs (⭐2k) - GTK4 binding
- relm (⭐2.4k) - Asynchronous, GTK+-based, GUI library, inspired by Elm
- gtk-rs/gtk4-rs (⭐2k) - GTK4 binding
- libui (⭐11k)
- rust-native-ui/libui-rs (⭐931) - libui bindings.
- Sciter
- sciter-sdk/rust-sciter (⭐817) - Sciter bindings
- sciter-sdk/rust-sciter (⭐817) - Sciter bindings
Libraries / Image processing
- image-rs/image (⭐5.2k) - Basic imaging processing functions and methods for converting to and from image formats
- teovoinea/steganography (⭐97) [steganography] - A simple steganography library
Libraries / Language specification
- shnewto/bnf (⭐266) - A library for parsing Backus–Naur form context-free grammars.
Libraries / Mobile
- iOS
- TimNN/cargo-lipo (⭐547) - A cargo lipo subcommand which automatically creates a universal library for use with your iOS application.
Libraries / Network programming
- mattnenterprise/rust-ftp (⭐184) - an FTP client
- NanoMsg
- thehydroimpulse/ (⭐394) - nanomsg bindings
- Stomp
- zslayton/stomp-rs (⭐89) - A STOMP 1.2 client implementation
- ZeroMQ
- erickt/rust-zmq (⭐921) - ZeroMQ bindings
Libraries / Parsing
- m4rw3r/chomp (⭐243) - A fast monadic-style parser combinator
- Marwes/combine (⭐1.3k) - parser combinator library
Libraries / Scripting
- mun (⭐2k) - A compiled, statically-typed scripting language with first class hot reloading support
Libraries / Template engine
- Mustache
- rustache/rustache (⭐213) - a Rust implementation of the Mustache spec
Libraries / Text processing
- BurntSushi/suffix (⭐267) - Linear time suffix array construction (with Unicode support)
- BurntSushi/tabwriter (⭐258) - Elastic tab stops (i.e., text column alignment)
- mgeisler/textwrap (⭐481) [textwrap] - Word wrap text (with support for hyphenation)
- ps1dr3x/easy_reader (⭐87) - A reader that allows forwards, backwards and random navigations through the lines of huge files without consuming iterators
- rust-lang/regex (⭐3.6k) - Regular expressions (RE2 style)
- strsim-rs - String similarity metrics
Libraries / Text search
- BurntSushi/fst (⭐1.8k) [fst] - a fast implementation of ordered sets and maps using finite state machines
Libraries / Virtualization
- beneills/quantum (⭐276) - Advanced quantum computer simulator
Libraries / Web programming
- HTTP Client
- alexcrichton/curl-rust (⭐1k) - libcurl bindings
- async-graphql (⭐3.4k) - A GraphQL server library
- c410-f3r/wtx (⭐256) - HTTP/2 client framework
- DoumanAsh/yukikaze [yukikaze] - Beautiful and elegant Yukikaze is little HTTP client library based on hyper.
- ducaale/xh (⭐6.2k) - Friendly and fast tool for sending HTTP requests
- graphql-client (⭐1.2k) - Typed, correct GraphQL requests and responses.
- hyperium/hyper (⭐15k) - an HTTP implementation
- plabayo/rama (⭐309) - A modular service framework to move and transform your network packets, can be used among other things, to build clients with TLS, JA3/JA4, H2 and QUIC/H3 fingerprint impersonation
- rquest (⭐242) [rquest] - a fast Rust HTTP client with TLS, JA3/JA4, and HTTP2 fingerprint impersonation.
- seanmonstar/reqwest (⭐10k) - an ergonomic HTTP Client.
- HTTP Server
- actix/actix-web (⭐23k) - A lightweight async web framework with websocket support
- Anansi (⭐112) - A simple full-stack web framework
- branca - Implementation of Branca for Authenticated and Encrypted API tokens.
- c410-f3r/wtx (⭐256) - Low and high level HTTP/2 server
- carllerche/tower-web (⭐980) [tower-web] - A fast, boilerplate free, web framework
- Cot (⭐619) - The Rust web framework for lazy developers.
- GildedHonour/frank_jwt (⭐252) - JSON Web Token implementation.
- Gotham (⭐2.3k) - A flexible web framework that does not sacrifice safety, security or speed.
- Graphul (⭐449) - An Express-inspired web framework.
- handlebars-rust (⭐1.3k) - an Iron web framework middleware.
- hyperium/hyper (⭐15k) - an HTTP implementation
- Iron (⭐6.1k) - A middleware-based server framework
- Juniper (⭐5.8k) - GraphQL server library
- miketang84/sapper (⭐615) - A lightweight web framework built on async hyper.
- Nickel (⭐3k) - inspired by Express
- plabayo/rama (⭐309) - A modular service framework to move and transform your network packets, can also be used to fingerprint incoming clients
- poem-web/poem (⭐3.8k) - A full-featured and easy-to-use web framework.
- Rocket (⭐25k) - Rocket is a web framework with a focus on ease-of-use, expressability, and speed
- Rustless (⭐618) - A REST-like API micro-framework inspired by Grape (⭐9.9k) and Hyper (⭐15k)
- Salvo (⭐3.6k) - an easy to use webframework base on hyper and tokio.
- Saphir (⭐92) - A progressive web framework with low-level control, without the pain.
- seanmonstar/warp (⭐9.8k) - A super-easy, composable, web server framework for warp speeds.
- spring-rs (⭐616) - spring-rs is a application framework written in rust inspired by java's spring-boot.
- tiny-http (⭐1.1k) - Low level HTTP server library
- tokio/axum (⭐21k) - Ergonomic and modular web framework built with Tokio, Tower, and Hyper
- tomaka/rouille (⭐1.2k) - Web framework
- Zino (⭐895) - Next-generation framework for composable applications
- Static Site Generators
- cobalt-org/ (⭐1.4k) - Static site generator
- FuGangqiang/ (⭐59) [mdblog] - Static site generator from markdown files.
- getzola/zola (⭐15k) [zola] - An opinionated static site generator with everything built-in.
- grego/blades (⭐341) [blades] - Blazing fast dead simple static site generator.
- leven-the-blog/leven (⭐57) [leven] - A simple, parallelized blog generator.
- rochacbruno/marmite (⭐589) [Marmite] - Zero config blog generator
- cobalt-org/ (⭐1.4k) - Static site generator
15. Awesome Spark
Packages / Interfaces
- Koalas (⭐3.3k)
- Pandas DataFrame API on top of Apache Spark.
16. Awesome Indie
Books / Not specific to indie founders:
- Zero to Sold [$] by Arvid Kahl. How Arvid and his partner Danielle started, ran, and sold the bootstrapped EdTech SaaS FeedbackPanda, with everything that worked, should have worked, and didn't work.
17. Awesome Mac
Utilities / Quality of Life Improvements
- Shareful - Supercharge the system share menu with copy, save, and open actions.
- Prev: Oct 10, 2020
- Next: Oct 08, 2020