Awesome List Updates on Oct 08, 2020
13 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Django
Third-Party Packages / Editors
- django-summernote (⭐1.1k) - Summernote is a simple WYSIWYG editor.
2. Awesome Devsecops
Infrastructure as Code Analysis / Containers
- Trivy (⭐22k) - Aqua Security - Simple and comprehensive vulnerability scanner for containers.
3. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Automation
- MeTube (⭐7.6k) - Web GUI for youtube-dl, with playlist support. Allows downloading videos from dozens of websites.
4. Awesome Shell
Customization / Directory Navigation
- powerlevel10k (⭐42k) - Super flexible awesome powerline ZSH theme
System Utilities / Directory Navigation
- ccat (⭐3.1k) - ccat is the colorizing cat. It works similar to cat but displays content with syntax highlighting.
Downloading and Serving / Directory Navigation
- httpie (⭐31k) - HTTPie is a command line HTTP client, a user-friendly cURL replacement
Applications / Directory Navigation
- kanban.bash (⭐869) - commandline asciii kanban board for minimalist productivity bash hackers (csv-based)
Shell Script Development / Directory Navigation
- powscript (⭐149) - bash transpiler written in bash (coffeescript for bash)
5. Awesome Tailwindcss
- 🎨🌍🔧 Hypercolor - Collection of pre-configured Tailwind CSS gradients with directional options.
6. Awesome Design Systems
Accessibility (a11y)
- Stark - Empowers you to design with accessibility in mind from conception of brand to fruition of product. Contrast checker, colorblind simulation and color suggestions.
- Zeplin JSON export tokens - Design tokens Zeplin extension to generate your tokens in JSON format.
- Theo (⭐2k) - Theo is an abstraction for transforming and formatting Design Tokens.
7. Awesome Silverstripe Cms
Official Websites
- - Framework and CMS.
- - Silverstripe Ltd., the company behind the CMS.
Documentation & Tutorials
- API Docs - Autogenerated API documentation.
- Technical Documentation - For developers. Explains all core concepts.
- Using the CMS - Documentation for end users how to use the core features.
- Silverstripe Lessons - Learn how to build a Silverstripe site step by step with a real-world project.
Video Channels
- Official Silverstripe Vimeo Channel - Various videos from meetups and conferences.
- Stack Overflow - Silverstripe related questions on Stack Overflow.
- Silverstripe User Slack - Community slack channel for instant help or hanging around with other developers.
- Forum - Official forum for asking questions or discussing.
Conferences & Meetups
- European Silverstripe Conference - Every year in another country.
- Meetups - A list of Silverstripe related Meetups.
Module Listings
- SSMods: Detailed Module Search - Alternative module search.
- Most Used Modules - Shows which modules are downloaded most.
General Modules
- Multiuser editing alert (⭐15) - Alerts users in the Silverstripe CMS when multiple people are editing the same page.
I18N (Internationalisation)
- Fluent (⭐91) - Multi-language translate module for Silverstripe, without having to manage separate site trees.
- Autotranslate (⭐4) - Creates automatic translations of fields using Google Translate API.
Development Helpers
- Debugbar (⭐55) - Shows debugging statistics in your browser.
- IdeAnnotator (⭐44) - Auto-generates class annotations on dev/build.
- Populate (⭐26) - Populate your database through YAML files.
- Mock DataObjects (⭐18) - Allows DataObjects to self-populate intelligently with fake data.
- Version Truncator (⭐34) - Automatically delete old SiteTree page versions.
- UserSwitcher (⭐16) - Adds a small form both in the frontend and backend to quickly login as any user.
- Masquerade (⭐15) - Allows an Administrator to "login" as another "Member". This can be useful for debugging and remote support.
Fancy Form Fields
- Markdown Field (⭐11) - Can replace your HTMLEditorFields (using TinyMCE) so you can utilise Markdown syntax.
- Code Editor Field (⭐25) - Gives you a syntax-highlighted text area field - great for CMS-based YAML or HTML.
Virtualisation / Docker
- brettt89/silverstripe-web - Apache + PHP Docker image with pre-installed PHP modules for Silverstripe support.
- brettt89/sspak - SSPak Docker image.
- brettt89/silverstripe-solr-cwp - CWP Solr Docker image.
Virtualisation / Vagrant
- Twisted Bytes - Useful vagrant box with multiple PHP versions, MariaDB or PostgreSQL, mail catcher and much more.
- Twisted Bytes Box Templates - Useful templates for different development scenarios using the Twisted Bytes vagrant box.
- Laravel Homestead (⭐3.8k) - Prepackaged box for local development.
- Scotchbox - Popular LAMP/LEMP stack for local development.
- Zauberfisch Vagrant Boxes (⭐6) - Preconfigured Vagrant boxes for SS3 and SS4.
8. Awesome Cl
C, C++
- with-c-syntax (⭐144) - a fun package which introduces the C language syntax into Common Lisp. (Yes, this package is not for practical coding, I think.) WTFPL Licence.
Function extensions
- cl-advice (⭐1) - an attempt of portable layer advice library for SBCL, CCL, LispWorks and Allegro. Not in Quicklisp.
9. Awesome Uncopyright
- MyStockPhotos - A collection of images dedicated to the public domain through CC0.
- Wikipedia: PD software - List of PD software on Wikipedia.
10. Awesome Quant
Python / Financial Instruments and Pricing
- gs-quant (⭐8.2k) - Python toolkit for quantitative finance
11. Awesome Userscripts
Scripts / GitHub
- GitHub collapse markdown (⭐1.8k) - Toggle markdown headers.
12. Awesome Cryptography
Clojure / Git
- secrets.clj (⭐93) - A Clojure library designed to generate cryptographically strong random numbers suitable for managing data such as passwords, account authentication, security tokens, and related secrets.
13. Awesome Bioinformatics
Quantification / Clustering
- Cufflinks (⭐312) - Cufflinks assembles transcripts, estimates their abundances, and tests for differential expression and regulation in RNA-Seq samples. [ paper-2010 ]
- RSEM (⭐424) - A software package for estimating gene and isoform expression levels from RNA-Seq data. [ paper-2011 | web ]
VCF File Utilities / Structural variant callers
- bcftools (⭐686) - Set of tools for manipulating VCF files. [ paper-2016 | paper-2017 | web ]
- Prev: Oct 09, 2020
- Next: Oct 07, 2020