Awesome List Updates on Oct 07, 2020
19 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Algorithms Education
Competitions / Advanced
- Google Code Jam - Google’s largest coding competition, calls on programmers around the world to put their skills to the test by solving multiple rounds of algorithmic puzzles.
2. Awesome Vagrant
- All available build in provisioning providers - official doc.
3. Awesome Gif
Libraries / Swift
- SwiftyGif (⭐1.7k) - High performance & easy to use Gif engine.
4. Awesome Remote Job
Job boards aggregators
- UN Talent - Vacancies at the United Nations and its agencies.
5. Awesome Jamstack
API / E-commerce
- Commerce.js - API-first eCommerce platform for developers.
6. Awesome Clojure
7. Awesome Earth
- World Cleanup Day - World Cleanup Day is a civic movement, uniting 180 countries and millions of people across the world to clean up the planet. In one day. Volunteers and partners worldwide come together to rid our planet of trash – cleaning up litter and mismanaged waste from our beaches, rivers, forests, and streets.
8. Awesome Tailwindcss
Useful Links
- 💙 Play - Advanced online playground for Tailwind CSS.
9. Awesome Django
Third-Party Packages / Caching
- django-cachalot (⭐1.3k) - Caches your Django ORM queries and automatically invalidates them.
- django-cacheops (⭐2.1k) - A slick ORM cache with automatic granular event-driven invalidation.
10. Awesome Mac
Communication / Collaboration and Team Tools
- Element - Create, share communicate. Chat and call securely.
Audio and Video Tools / File Sharing
- Recordia - Record audio directly from the menu bar or with a global keyboard shortcut.
11. Awesome Json
Command-line tools
- jo (⭐4.6k) - A small utility to create JSON objects
12. Awesome Love2d
- YALG (⭐10) - A very simple, cross-platform, reactive UI for last minute UIs.
13. Awesome Kotlin
Links / Resources
- Kotlin Standard Functions cheat-sheet - Learn how to use kotlin's standard library with lambda functions
Libraries/Frameworks / Validation
- deva666/KValidation (⭐24) - Validation library
Libraries/Frameworks / Networking
- seniorjoinu/reliable-udp (⭐30) - Multiplexed, coroutine-powered reliable UDP for Kotlin using fountain codes
14. Free for Dev
CDN and Protection
- Skypack — The 100% Native ES Module JavaScript CDN. Free for 1 million requests per domain per month.
15. Awesome Postgres
Contents / PaaS (PostgreSQL as a Service)
- Google Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL - Fully-managed database service that makes it easy to set up, maintain, manage, and administer your PostgreSQL relational databases on Google Cloud Platform.
16. Awesome Cdk
High-Level Frameworks / Multi-accounts setup
- cdk-stepfunctions-patterns (⭐46) - A set of Step Functions high-level resiliency patterns.
17. Awesome Actions
GitHub Tools and Management / Docker Container Actions
- Copybara Action (⭐97) - Move and transform code between repositories (ideal to maintain several repos from one monorepo).
18. Awesome Fuzzing
Papers / USENIX Security
- FuzzGuard: Filtering out Unreachable Inputs in Directed Grey-box Fuzzing through Deep Learning, 2020
19. Awesome Ada
Online Books
- ada-95-tutorial - A book going from beginner to advanced concepts in Ada 95, complete with source files.
- ada-at-rosetta-code - A collection of programming tasks and their sample solutions in Ada.
Text Modes / Apache License
- vim-ada-bundle (⭐7) - Maintained Ada Bundle : Complete Ada-Mode for Vim/NeoVim.
VSCode Extensions / Apache License
- ada-vscode (⭐1) - Basic syntax highlighting for Ada and GPR.
Runtimes / Apache License
- adawebpack (⭐56) - GNAT RTL for WASM and bindings for Web API.
Terminal User Interface / Apache License
- curses (⭐14) - Advanced UNIX Terminal UI Ada Binding Package.
3D / Apache License
- engine-3d (⭐2) - A 3D engine for DOS-talgics.
Generation / Apache License
- record-flux (⭐111) - RecordFlux: Toolset for the formal specification of messages and the generation of verifiable binary parsers and message generators in SPARK.
Math / Apache License
- lalg (⭐4) - Interface to dense linear algebra packages.
Cryptography / Apache License
- threefish (⭐5) - Ada Implementation of the Threefish-256 Encryption Algorithm.
- ada-crypto-library (⭐84) - This is a crypto library for Ada with a nice API and is written for the i386 and x86_64 hardware architecture.
- spark-nacl (⭐116) - SPARK 2014 re-implementation of the TweetNaCl crypto library.
- libsodium-ada (⭐8) - A secure cryptographic library (libsodium for Ada).
- ada-libsecret (⭐2) - Ada Binding for the libsecret library.
Compression / Apache License
- ada-lzma (⭐6) - Ada binding for liblzma compression library.
Parsers, Scanners, Linters, Analysers, Interpreters and Prettyprinters / Apache License
- libadalang (⭐148) - Libadalang is a library for parsing and semantic analysis of Ada code. It is meant as a building block for integration into other tools (IDE, static analyzers, etc).
Networking and Communication Middleware / Apache License
- adasockets (⭐14) - IPv4 socket library (TCP, UDP, and multicast).
- dbus-ada - The D_Bus/Ada library provides an Ada binding to the D-Bus message bus system.
- zeromq-ada - Binding to the ZeroMQ comunications-library.
Chatting and Communication / Apache License
- axmpp (⭐8) - With the AXMPP library you can connect to a Jabber server to send and receive messages.
- weechat-ada (⭐3) - Ada 2012 library for WeeChat plug-ins.
- weechat-canberra (⭐1) - A WeeChat plug-in written in Ada 2012 that plays sounds using Canberra.
- weechat-emoji (⭐2) - A WeeChat plug-in written in Ada 2012 that displays emoji.
Graphics and Multimedia / Apache License
- orka - The OpenGL 4.6 Rendering Kernel in Ada 2012.
- adagl (⭐10) - Multiplatform Ada/OpenGL bindings (ported to native/OpenGL, A2JS/WebGL and WASM/WebGL).
- sdlada (⭐118) - Ada 2012 bindings to SDL 2.
- ada-nanovg (⭐1) - Ada bindings to NanoVG.
- free-type-ada (⭐1) - FreeType binding for Ada 2005.
General Purpose Computing / Apache License
- cuda-ada - CUDA/Ada is an Ada binding to NVIDIA's CUDA parallel computing platform and programming model.
- opencl-ada (⭐15) - An Ada binding for the OpenCL host API.
Sound / Apache License
- opus-ada (⭐2) - Ada 2012 bindings for the Opus audio codec.
- canberra-ada (⭐4) - Ada 2012 bindings for libcanberra, an implementation of the XDG Sound Theme and Name Specifications.
- ada-soundio (⭐6) - Ada bindings for libsoundio.
- oto (⭐3) - Ada binding to OpenAL which tries to mimic original API while using Ada types.
Localization / Apache License
- zanyblue - An Ada package allowing the externalization of application messages into a properties file.
Utilities / Apache License
- a-stream-tools - Stream utilities for Ada2005 and 2012.
Robotics / Apache License
- rclada (⭐11) - Ada client library for ROS2/RCL.
- player-ada (⭐4) - Ada bindings for the player robotic platform.
Linux and POSIX / Apache License
- florist - POSIX Ada binding, IEEE Standards 1003.5(b,c).
- wposix (⭐4) - Ada Windows POSIX binding.
- ada-v4l2 (⭐0) - Ada Posix Binding to Video 4 Linux, used for RPI.
- inotify-ada (⭐8) - An Ada 2012 library for monitoring filesystem events using Linux' inotify API.
- dl-ada (⭐1) - Minimal binding to libdl.
Windows and .NET / Apache License
- win32ada (⭐17) - Ada API to the Windows library.
- ada-net-framework (⭐5) - Ada bindings to the Microsoft NetFramework Api.
- ada-winrt (⭐12) - Ada bindings for the Microsft WinRT Api.
- ada-win32 (⭐3) - Ada bindings for the Microsoft Win32 Api.
Drivers / Apache License
- em-brick (⭐0) - emBRICK driver and support for emBRICK in Ada.
Applications / Apache License
- micro-tem-pi (⭐2) - Raspberry Pi using a BBC Micro:Bit as temperature sensor.
Simulation / Apache License
- covid-19-simulator (⭐11) - Multi engine/algorithms COVID-19 simulator. Ada, Qt code under the hood.
Generators and Translators / Apache License
- ada-magic - SofCheck AdaMagic is ACATS validated and certified Ada compiler targeting C and/or C++ (4 command line switches for fine tuning). ObjectAda and several other commercial compilers share engine with AdaMagic. MapuSoft distributes AdaMagic as integral component of AppCOE.
- Prev: Oct 08, 2020
- Next: Oct 06, 2020