Awesome List Updates on Oct 03, 2020
28 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Resource Planning
- Dolibarr - Dolibarr ERP CRM is a modern software package to manage your company or foundation activity (contacts, suppliers, invoices, orders, stocks, agenda, accounting, ...). (Demo, Source Code (⭐5.8k))
2. Awesome Machine Learning
C++ / Computer Vision
- VIGRA (⭐419) - VIGRA is a genertic cross-platform C++ computer vision and machine learning library for volumes of arbitrary dimensionality with Python bindings.
.NET / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- Infer.NET - Infer.NET is a framework for running Bayesian inference in graphical models. One can use Infer.NET to solve many different kinds of machine learning problems, from standard problems like classification, recommendation or clustering through customized solutions to domain-specific problems. Infer.NET has been used in a wide variety of domains including information retrieval, bioinformatics, epidemiology, vision, and many others.
- Synapses (⭐70) - Neural network library in F#.
General-Purpose Machine Learning / Data Analysis / Data Visualization
- MLPNeuralNet (⭐900) - Fast multilayer perceptron neural network library for iOS and Mac OS X. MLPNeuralNet predicts new examples by trained neural networks. It is built on top of the Apple's Accelerate Framework, using vectorized operations and hardware acceleration if available. [Deprecated]
Python / Natural Language Processing
- DeepPavlov (⭐6.8k) - conversational AI library with many pre-trained Russian NLP models.
Python / Data Analysis / Data Visualization
- pastalog (⭐421) - Simple, realtime visualization of neural network training performance.
Tools / Misc
- Sacred (⭐4.3k) - Python tool to help you configure, organize, log and reproduce experiments. Like a notebook lab in the context of Chemistry/Biology. The community has built multiple add-ons leveraging the proposed standard.
3. Awesome Pentest
Reverse Engineering / Reverse Engineering Tools
- angr - Platform-agnostic binary analysis framework.
Steganography Tools / Social Engineering Tools
- StegOnline - Web-based, enhanced, and open-source port of StegSolve.
4. Awesome Piracy
Streaming Sites / HD Streaming
- Unique design, more than 19000 available
5. Awesome Chip 8
Emulator/interpreter development
- High-level guide to making a CHIP-8 emulator - A guide for developing a CHIP-8 interpreter, without code.
Emulator/interpreter development / Testing
- Delay timer test (⭐214) - Test program that checks the delay timer's behavior.
- Random number test (⭐214) - Test program that checks the spread and mask for random number generation.
Software development / Guides and snippets
- chip8-multiply (⭐2) - Multiplication routines for CHIP-8, written in Octo.
6. Public Apis
API: MyAnimeList
Description: Anime and Manga Database and Community
CORS: Unknown
7. Awesome Cakephp
ORM / Database / Datamapping
- Itosho/EasyQuery plugin (⭐26) - Behavior for easily generating some complicated queries like (bulk) insert/upsert etc.
8. Learn to Program
Free programming challenges, hackathons and contests
(dynamic programming, artificial intelligence, algorithms, functional programming, machine learning)
Free programming challenges
(Java, C++, Python, JavaScript, Ruby, C#, PHP and Perl)
9. Awesome Typescript
🆓 Free Courses / Chrome Extensions
10. Awesome Icons
- Boxicons - Boxicons is a simple vector icons set carefully crafted for designers and developers to use in your next project.
- Jam Icons - Jam icons is a set of icons designed for web projects, illustrations, print projects, etc. Shipped in JavaScript, font & SVG versions.
- Remix Icon - Remix Icon is a set of open-source neutral-style system symbols elaborately crafted for designers and developers.
- Themify Icons - Themify Icons is a complete set of icons for use in web design and apps, consisting of 320+ pixel-perfect, hand-crafted icons that draw inspiration from Apple iOS 7.
11. Awesome Interview Questions
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / WordPress
12. Awesome Electronics
Blogs / Altium
- N-O-D-E - Blog about DIY electronics, hardware, and technology.
13. Awesome Neuroscience
Resources / Blogs
- Neuroskeptic - Discover magazine's neuroscience blog which offers a look at the latest developments in neuroscience, psychiatry and psychology through a critical lens.
Resources / Miscellaneous
- neuroSummerSchools (⭐215) - List of summer (and seasonal) summer schools in neuroscience and related fields.
14. Awesome Deep Learning
Table of Contents / Courses
- AWS Machine Learning Machine Learning and Deep Learning Courses from Amazon's Machine Learning university
15. Awesome Nextjs
- Nextatic (⭐47) - 🌍 Static website multi-language boilerplate with user-editable pages and navigation using Netlify CMS + Next.js + SCSS + Typescript.
16. Awesome Cpp
Game Engine
- nCine (⭐1.1k) - A cross-platform 2D game engine with an emphasis on performance, written in C++11 and optionally scriptable in Lua. [MIT] website
17. Awesome Swift
Network / Barcode
- Netswift (⭐25) - A type-safe, high-level networking solution.
18. Awesome Python
Machine Learning
- gym (⭐34k) - A toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms.
19. Awesome Vue
Resources / Examples
- vue-stack-cesium (⭐20) - A minimal sample configuration project with CesiumJS and all the awesome vue features. The project contains many examples how to combine and use certain packages to get started.
20. Awesome Internships
Mock interview platforms
- Pramp - Practice mock interviews with friends and professionals.
21. Awesome Fp Js
- Rambdax (⭐221) - Extended version of Rambda
22. Awesome Raspberry Pi
Useful Apps / Android
- RaspController - Manage your Raspberry Pi remotely, control the GPIO ports, send commands directly through the terminal, view images from a connected camera and obtain data from different sensors. Android
- Raspicast - Cast YouTube videos, media content from your android device, Play local media files, Play streams from playlists (m3u, pls) on your Raspberry Pi. Android
- TeamViewer - Remote into Raspberry Pi while you are on the road!. Android
23. Awesome Sre
Service Level Agreement
24. Awesome Math
Algebra / Analytic Number Theory
- 📝 Understanding Algebra - James W. Brennan
Analysis / Real Analysis
- 📝 Precalculus - Carl Stitz, Jeff Zeager
Analysis / Harmonic Analysis
- 📝 Mathematics of the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) with Audio Applications - Julius O. Smith III (Stanford University)
25. Awesome Firebase
Other / iOS
- 📹 Firebase Live 2020 - Firebase Live is a web series for app developers consisting of talks, tips, and technical tutorials aimed at increasing their productivity, knowledge, and collaboration.
26. Awesome Micro Npm Packages
Modules / Math
- fun-gcd (⭐1) - A tiny math library to get gcd of two numbers using Euclidean algorithm
Modules / Other
- mime-type-check (⭐5) - Get the MIME type of a file by its extension.
27. Awesome Iot
Software / Operating systems
- Snappy Ubuntu - Snappy Ubuntu Core is a new rendition of Ubuntu with transactional updates. It provides a minimal server image with the same libraries as today’s Ubuntu, but applications are provided through a simpler mechanism.
- Tiny OS (⭐1.4k) - TinyOS is an open source, BSD-licensed operating system designed for low-power wireless devices, such as those used in sensor networks, ubiquitous computing, personal area networks, smart buildings, and smart meters.
28. Awesome Kotlin
Links / Resources
- Jobs for Kotlin Developers - All job listings require Kotlin skills
- Podcast: Talking Kotlin - A Podcast on Kotlin and more
- Kotlin Kōans Android app - Learn Kotlin with short coding challenges on your Android device
- Kotlin Guide - An introduction to Kotlin
- Kotlin Quiz - Are You a Kotlin Expert? Test Your Skills with the Kotlin Quiz!
Links / Blogs
- Kotlin Expertise Blog - A Blog with many articles covering basic and advanced Kotlin topics.
- SuperKotlin - A website about Kotlin
- KotlinTesting Blog - Blog about testing with Kotlin
Links / Courses
- Android Kotlin Fundamentals - Android Kotlin Fundamentals leads you through a series of codelabs that teach you the fundamentals of building Android apps in Kotlin.
- Kotlin for Java Developers - 160-minute Android Course.
- Kotlin Programming: Next Level Java Development - Learn coding in Kotlin from scratch!
- Introduction to Kotlin Programming by Hadi Hariri - From Hello World to Interoperability with Java
- Advanced Kotlin Programming - From Nested Functions to Asynchronous Programming
- Kotlin an Introduction - - Kotlin introductory course at
- Building Android Apps with Kotlin: Getting Started - Alex Dunn - Dive into the language set to replace Java while building Android applications. This course will give you a foundation of both Kotlin and Android skills to allow you to build apps faster and cleaner than ever before.
- Kotlin Bootcamp for Programmers - Google - Language fundamentals for developers
- Developing Android Apps with Kotlin - Google - Create concise, secure and performant apps with Kotlin
- Kotlin for Android Developers - Convert an Android app from Java to Kotlin
- Kotlin for Java Developers - JetBrains - Detailed Kotlin introductory course for Java developers
- Kotlin Online Courses at Classpert - Over 80 Kotlin Online Courses - Classpert Online Course and MOOC Search
- Test-Driven Development Tutorial for Android: Getting Started - By Victoria Gonda - Learn the basics of test-driven development, or TDD, and discover how to use TDD effectively when developing your Android apps!
Links / Books
- Fundamental Kotlin, First Edition - Learn Kotlin quickly from the start
- Android Development with Kotlin - Marcin Moskala, Igor Wojda - Learn how to make Android development much faster using a variety of Kotlin features, from basics to advanced, to write better quality code
- Mastering Android Development with Kotlin - Miloš Vasić - Master Android development using a variety of Kotlin features
- Functional Kotlin - Learn Functional Programming in Kotlin from scratch and how to apply Functional Programming with Kotlin to real-life projects with popular libraries like Arrow. By Mario Arias, Rivu Chakraborty
- Reactive Programming in Kotlin - Rivu Chakraborty - Learn how to implement Reactive Programming paradigms with Kotlin, and apply them to Web programming with Spring Framework 5.0 as well as in Android Application Development. By Rivu Chakraborty
- Kotlin Apprentice - Irina Galata, Joe Howard, Richard Lucas & Ellen Shapiro - Beginning programming with Kotlin
- Android Apprentice - Darryl Bayliss & Tom Blankenship - Beginning Android programming using Kotlin
- Hands-on Design Patterns with Kotlin - Alexey Soshin - Book that covers building scalable applications using traditional, reactive, and concurrent design patterns in Kotlin
- Advanced Android App Architecture - In Advanced Android App Architectures, you'll find a diverse and hands-on approach to architecting your apps on Android
- Data Structures & Algorithms in Kotlin - Irina Galata & Matei Suica - A book that teaches you the fundamental tools of implementing key data structures in Kotlin, and how to use them to solve algorithms
- Head First Kotlin - Head First Kotlin is a complete introduction to coding in Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Web
- apollographql/apollo-android (⭐3.8k) - Typesafe GraphQL client for the JVM and Kotlin native
Libraries/Frameworks / Testing
- willowtreeapps/assertk (⭐776) - assertions for kotlin inspired by assertj
Libraries/Frameworks / Dependency Injection
- JLLeitschuh/kotlin-guiced (⭐18) - Convenience Kotlin API over the Google Guice DI Library.
- authzee/kotlin-guice (⭐66) - Guice DSL extensions for Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Coroutines
- konrad-kaminski/spring-kotlin-coroutine (⭐448) - Kotlin coroutine support for Spring.
- marcoferrer/kroto-plus (⭐492) - Protoc plugin for bringing together Kotlin, Protobuf, Coroutines, and gRPC.
Libraries/Frameworks / Functional Programming
- pardom/redux-kotlin (⭐271) - Direct port of Redux for Kotlin.
- reactor/reactor-core (⭐5k) - Non-Blocking Reactive Streams Foundation for the JVM. Natively supports Kotlin, since 3.1.0.M3.
Libraries/Frameworks / Serialization
- Shengaero/kotlin-json (⭐7) - A lightweight, stylistic, optimized, and multiplatform JSON library for Kotlin-JVM and Kotlin-JS
- s4kibs4mi/kotlin-jsonq (⭐30) - A simple Kotlin library to Query over Json Data.
Libraries/Frameworks / Database
- shyiko/levelkt (⭐15) - LevelDB client for Kotlin and/or Java 8+.
- SubiyaCryolite/jds (⭐22) - Jenesis Data Store: a dynamic, cross platform, high performance, ORM data-mapper. Designed to assist in rapid development and data mining.
- fluidsonic/fluid-mongo (⭐33) - Coroutine support for MongoDB built on top of the official Reactive Streams Java Driver
Libraries/Frameworks / Tools
- Vorlonsoft/EasyDokkaPlugin (⭐13) - Gradle Script plugin to generate documentation by Dokka for Kotlin and Java, Android and non-Android projects.
- Vorlonsoft/GradleMavenPush (⭐21) - Gradle Script plugin to upload Gradle Android/Kotlin/Java Artifacts to Maven repositories (JCenter, Maven Central, ...).
- kohesive/keplin (⭐25) - Secure Kotlin scripting and binary lambda-scripts.
Libraries/Frameworks / Compiler Plugins
- aafanasev/sekret (⭐113) - Kotlin compiler plugin to exclude secret properties from toString() of Data class
- AhmedMourad0/no-copy (⭐157) - A Kotlin compiler plugin that performs 'copy-erasure' on data classes.
Libraries/Frameworks / Continuous Integration
- danger/kotlin (⭐505) - Stop saying "you forgot to …" in code review in Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Code Generators
- jhipster/jhipster-kotlin (⭐455) - A scaffold generator to generate web apps or APIs using springboot and angularJS or React
Libraries/Frameworks / Syntax Highlighters
- jneen/rouge (⭐3.3k) - A pure-ruby code highlighter that is compatible with pygments. (wip)
Libraries/Frameworks / Misc
- KotlinNLP/SimpleDNN (⭐98) - SimpleDNN is a machine learning lightweight open-source library part of KotlinNLP and has been designed to support relevant neural network architectures in natural language processing tasks.
Libraries/Frameworks / Parsers
- sargunster/CakeParse (⭐25) - Simple parser combinator library for Kotlin.
Libraries/Frameworks / Extensions
- hankdavidson/ktime (⭐26) - Extensions to the java8 time library
- LukasForst/katlib (⭐82) - A collection of Kotlin extension functions and utilities.
Libraries/Frameworks / Graphics
- nwillc/ksvg (⭐81) - Kotlin SVG image generation DSL, supporting inline and file formats.
- markaren/three.kt (⭐209) - Kotlin port of three.js JavaScript 3D library
Libraries/Frameworks / Data Science
- Kotlin for Data Science - Kotlin for Data Science overview page
- kiegroup/optaplanner - Constraint solving AI for planning and scheduling problems.
- breandan/kotlingrad (⭐531) - Shape-Safe Differentiable Programming with Algebraic Data Types.
Libraries/Frameworks / Command Line Interface
- leprosus/kotlin-cli (⭐38) - Kotlin-CLI - command line interface options parser for Kotlin.
- jimschubert/kopper (⭐39) - A simple Kotlin option parser
Projects / Web
- cbedoy/DYUM (⭐2) - Basic Kotlin Implementation following MVP, and using Third Party library by Natural Analytics Language
- rocketraman/kotlin-web-hello-world (⭐8) - This project shows how to do a web-based "Hello World!" with Kotlin in combination with various JVM - based web frameworks.
- ivanpopelyshev/vertx-facebook-messenger (⭐8) - Seed project for facebook messenger bots. Vertx, Kotlin.
Projects / Misc
- sureshg/InstallCerts (⭐15) - Create a PKCS12 TrustStore by retrieving server certificates.
- vicboma1/GameBoyEmulatorEnvironment (⭐20) - Front-End developed with Kotlin Experimental for my GameBoy Emulator (coroutines).
- jenkinsci/doktor-plugin (⭐22) - Jenkins plugin for automated documentation uploading to Confluence.
Kotlin JavaScript / Frontend
- olegcherr/Aza-Kotlin-CSS (⭐85) - Kotlin DSL for CSS
Kotlin JavaScript / Build Tools
- huston007/kotlin-loader (⭐25) - Kotlin webpack loader.
Kotlin Native / Projects
- perses-games/konan-sfml (⭐18) - Kotlin native with SFML example
- JetBrains/kotlinconf-spinner (⭐628) - Simple spinner-like game intended to demonstrate capabilities of Kotlin/Native software stack.
- Prev: Oct 04, 2020
- Next: Oct 02, 2020