Awesome List Updates on Oct 01, 2020
39 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Audiovisual
Lighting / Lighting Software
- Freestyler - Free lightning control software
2. Awesome Micro Npm Packages
Modules / Math
- my-prime (⭐2) - A good way to tell if a number is prime or not.
3. Awesome Spark
Packages / Language Bindings
- .NET for Apache Spark (⭐2k)
- .NET bindings.
4. Awesome Python Typing
Tools / Working with types
- typing-json - Lib for working with typed objects and JSON.
5. Awesome Github
Tips, tricks, tools, and add-ons for GitHub power users
- Zenhub - Project management inside of GitHub, including kanban boards and more.
6. Awesome Ocaml
Code Analysis and Linters
- Camelot (⭐45) - Camelot is a modular and fully configurable OCaml linter and stylechecker.
7. Awesome Esolangs
- Technologic - Language in which programs look like the lyrics to the Daft Punk song Technologic.
8. Awesome Math
Foundations of Mathematics / Type Theory
- 📝 Programming in Martin-Lof’s Type Theory - Bengt Nordstrom, Kent Petersson, Jan M. Smith
9. Awesome V
- ved (⭐1.4k) - 1 MB text editor written in V with hardware accelerated text rendering. Compiles in <1s.
10. Awesome Competitive Programming
Tools / Contest Preparation
☆: ★★☆
Name: tcframe (⭐157)
Description: A C++ framework for generating test cases of competitive programming problems.
11. Awesome Earth
- 80,000 Hours - This board presents some of the most promising publicly advertised vacancies we know about. Most of these roles are demanding and difficult to get, but if you’re a good fit for one of them, it could be your best opportunity to work on one of the world’s most pressing problems, or to get the career capital you need to have a big impact later.
12. Awesome Flame
- Maze generator (⭐17) - List of algorithm examples to solve problems like Maze generation and more. By Dannark
Plugins & Libraries
- flame_texturepacker (⭐22) - Import spritesheets from TexturePacker. By Brixto
13. Awesome Cli Apps
Productivity / Calendars
- vdirsyncer (⭐1.6k) - CalDAV sync.
14. Awesome Tailwindcss
- 🔼🌍 CSS to Tailwind CSS Converter - Converts CSS to Tailwind CSS by suggesting classes that best match.
15. Awesome Vue
Resources / External Resources
- Vue Mastery - The ultimate learning resource for Vue developers
Components & Libraries / UI Utilities
- vue-inline-svg (⭐181) - Vue component loads an SVG source dynamically and inline
so you can manipulate the style of it with CSS or JS. (vue 2.x, vue 3.x)
16. Awesome Board Games
Slide, collide and score to win the game of Sorry! Draw cards to see how far you get to move one of your pawns on the board. If you land on a Slide you can zip to the end and bump your opponents' pawns or your own!
Players | Min. Age | Time |
2 - 4 | 6 | 30m |
Klask is a board game that has a ball field shape with two deep holes functioning as goals in each end of the field. The purpose of the game is to push the small ball around on the field with your magnet/gaming piece, shoot the ball past the obstacles and your opponent and into the goal hole.
Players | Min. Age | Time |
2 | 8 | 10m |
Battleball is a football board game but with teams made of players with physical and mechanical enhancements - which has made the sport more intense and more deadly. Plan a strategy and do your best to score two touchdowns without having all of your players be destroyed!
Players | Min. Age | Time |
2 | 8 | 45m |
Connect Four
Connect Four is a two-player connection game in which the players first choose a color and then take turns dropping one colored disc from the top into a seven-column, six-row vertically suspended grid. The pieces fall straight down, occupying the lowest available space within the column. The objective of the game is to be the first to form a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line of four of one's own discs. Connect Four is a solved game. The first player can always win by playing the right moves.
Players | Min. Age | Time |
2 | 6 | 1-10m |
Shadow Hunters
Shadow Hunters is a survival board game set in a devil-filled forest in which three groups of characters—the Shadows, creatures of the night; the Hunters, humans who try to destroy supernatural creatures; and the Neutrals, civilians caught in the middle of this ancient battle—struggle against each other to survive. You belong to one of these groups and must conceal your identity from others since you don't know whom you can trust—at least not initially. Over time, though, someone might decipher who you are through your actions or through Hermit cards, or you might even reveal yourself to use your special ability.
Players | Min. Age | Time |
4-8 | 13 | 45m |
Guess the color of hidden pegs. A deduction game where each player takes turn making a limited number of guesses, using logic to deduce what pegs the opponent has hidden.
Players | Min. Age | Time |
2 | 8 | 30m |
17. Awesome Swift
Logging / Barcode
- HeliumLogger (⭐177) 🐧 - IBM's lightweight logging framework.
Socket / Barcode
- BlueSocket (⭐1.4k) - IBM's cross platform low level socket framework.
- BlueSSLService (⭐97) - SSL/TLS add-in for IBM's low level socket framework.
Webserver / Barcode
- Kitura (⭐7.6k) 🐧 - IBM's web framework and server for web services.
OCR / Barcode
- SwiftOCR (⭐4.6k) - Neural Network based OCR lib.
Cryptography / Barcode
- BlueCryptor (⭐190) - IBM's Cross Platform Crypto library.
- BlueRSA (⭐132) - IBM's Cross Platform RSA Crypto library.
System / Barcode
- BlueSignals (⭐95) - IBM's Cross Platform OS signal handling library.
18. Awesome Cpp
- YARP (Yet Another Robot Platform) (⭐544) - Library and toolkit for communication and device interfaces. [BSD-3-Clause] website
19. Awesome Javascript
MVC Frameworks and Libraries / Runner
- Alpine.js (⭐29k) - offers you the reactive and declarative nature of big frameworks like Vue or React at a much lower cost.
20. Discount for Student Dev
- Loom Pro[FREE] - Loom is a video recording tool that helps you get your message across through instantly shareable videos.
21. Webcomponents the Right Way
- Media player web component.
- Customizable, extensible, accessible and framework agnostic media player.
22. Awesome Keycloak
23. Awesome Embedded Rust
Board support crates / Teensy
Board Support crate for the [Teensy 4.0]
24. Awesome Lidar
- Innoviz - Innoviz technologies / specializes in solid-state LIDARs.
- Cepton - Cepton (Cepton Technologies, Inc.) / pioneers in frictionless, and mirrorless design, self-developed MMT (micro motion technology) lidar technology. The headquarter is located in San Jose, California, USA.
25. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Communication - Email - Complete Solutions
- AnonAddy - Open source email forwarding service for creating aliases. (Source Code (⭐3.7k))
26. Awesome Cl
- trivial-do (⭐19) - Additional dolist style macros for Common Lisp. MIT.
- picl (⭐17) - An (almost) complete port of Python's itertools package, complete with laziness where applicable, and not relying on cl-cont. MIT.
27. Awesome Elixir
- elasticsearch_elixir_bulk_processor (⭐14) - An efficient and flexible way to insert into Elasticsearch.
28. Awesome Home Assistant
Uncategorized / Twitter
- AppDaemon (⭐689) - AppDaemon is a loosely coupled, multi-threaded, sandboxed Python execution environment for writing automation apps.
29. Awesome Bioinformatics
Package suites
- Rust-Bio (⭐1.6k) - Rust implementations of algorithms and data structures useful for bioinformatics. [ paper-2016 ]
- SeqAn (⭐414) - The modern C++ library for sequence analysis.
Sequence Alignment / Pairwise
- WFA (⭐162) - the wavefront alignment algorithm (WFA) which expoit sequence similarity to speed up alignment [ paper-2020 ]
- Parasail (⭐244) - SIMD C library for global, semi-global, and local pairwise sequence alignments [ paper-2016 ]
- MUMmer (⭐476) - A system for rapidly aligning entire genomes, whether in complete or draft form. [ paper-1999 | paper-2002 | paper-2004 | web ]
Sequence Alignment / Multiple Sequence Alignment
- POA (⭐71) - Partial-Order Alignment for fast alignment and consensus of multiple homologous sequences. [ paper-2002 ]
30. Awesome Job Boards
Tech / Europe
- GermanTech Jobs - Dedicated Tech Job Board for Germany
31. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Health and Fitness
- Covid19-Tracker (⭐31) - Tracking the impact of COVID-19 cases based on your location by Aditya Singh
32. Awesome Actions
Utility / Docker Container Actions
- Minisauras (⭐48) - Pulls all the JavaScript and CSS files from your base branch, minify them and creates a pull-request with a new branch.
33. Awesome Devsecops
- DevSecOps Hub - Snyk - Introduction to key DevSecOps concepts, processes and technologies.
34. Awesome Machine Learning
C / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- cONNXr (⭐200) - An
runtime written in pure C (99) with zero dependencies focused on small embedded devices. Run inference on your machine learning models no matter which framework you train it with. Easy to install and compiles everywhere, even in very old devices.
C / Computer Vision
- VLFeat - VLFeat is an open and portable library of computer vision algorithms, which has a Matlab toolbox.
C++ / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- skynet (⭐61) - A library for learning neural networks, has C-interface, net set in JSON. Written in C++ with bindings in Python, C++ and C#.
- Hopsworks (⭐1.2k) - A data-intensive platform for AI with the industry's first open-source feature store. The Hopsworks Feature Store provides both a feature warehouse for training and batch based on Apache Hive and a feature serving database, based on MySQL Cluster, for online applications.
Python / Natural Language Processing
- colibri-core (⭐125) - Python binding to C++ library for extracting and working with basic linguistic constructions such as n-grams and skipgrams in a quick and memory-efficient way.
- genius (⭐233) - A Chinese segment based on Conditional Random Field.
- python-zpar (⭐49) - Python bindings for ZPar (⭐135), a statistical part-of-speech-tagger, constituency parser, and dependency parser for English.
C++ / Sequence Analysis
- ToPS (⭐36) - This is an object-oriented framework that facilitates the integration of probabilistic models for sequences over a user defined alphabet. [Deprecated]
Go / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- go-mxnet-predictor (⭐54) - Go binding for MXNet c_predict_api to do inference with a pre-trained model.
Java / Natural Language Processing
- Apache cTAKES - Apache Clinical Text Analysis and Knowledge Extraction System (cTAKES) is an open-source natural language processing system for information extraction from electronic medical record clinical free-text.
Julia / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- SVM (⭐41) - SVM for Julia. [Deprecated]
Matlab / Natural Language Processing
- NLP - A NLP library for Matlab.
.NET / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- Neural Network Designer - DBMS management system and designer for neural networks. The designer application is developed using WPF, and is a user interface which allows you to design your neural network, query the network, create and configure chat bots that are capable of asking questions and learning from your feedback. The chat bots can even scrape the internet for information to return in their output as well as to use for learning.
.NET / Data Analysis / Data Visualization
- Math.NET Numerics - Numerical foundation of the Math.NET project, aiming to provide methods and algorithms for numerical computations in science, engineering and everyday use. Supports .Net 4.0, .Net 3.5 and Mono on Windows, Linux and Mac; Silverlight 5, WindowsPhone/SL 8, WindowsPhone 8.1 and Windows 8 with PCL Portable Profiles 47 and 344; Android/iOS with Xamarin.
General-Purpose Machine Learning / Data Analysis / Data Visualization
- BPN-NeuralNetwork (⭐33) - It implemented 3 layers of neural networks ( Input Layer, Hidden Layer and Output Layer ) and it was named Back Propagation Neural Networks (BPN). This network can be used in products recommendation, user behavior analysis, data mining and data analysis. [Deprecated]
- Multi-Perceptron-NeuralNetwork (⭐24) - It implemented multi-perceptrons neural network (ニューラルネットワーク) based on Back Propagation Neural Networks (BPN) and designed unlimited-hidden-layers.
- KRHebbian-Algorithm (⭐13) - It is a non-supervisory and self-learning algorithm (adjust the weights) in the neural network of Machine Learning. [Deprecated]
- KRKmeans-Algorithm (⭐23) - It implemented K-Means clustering and classification algorithm. It could be used in data mining and image compression. [Deprecated]
Python / Computer Vision
- face_recognition (⭐54k) - Face recognition library that recognizes and manipulates faces from Python or from the command line.
- imutils (⭐4.6k) - A library containing Convenience functions to make basic image processing operations such as translation, rotation, resizing, skeletonization, and displaying Matplotlib images easier with OpenCV and Python.
Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- ML Model building (⭐29) -> A Repository Containing Classification, Clustering, Regression, Recommender Notebooks with illustration to make them.
- steppy (⭐134) -> Lightweight, Python library for fast and reproducible machine learning experimentation. Introduces a very simple interface that enables clean machine learning pipeline design.
- SimpleAI (⭐978) Python implementation of many of the artificial intelligence algorithms described in the book "Artificial Intelligence, a Modern Approach". It focuses on providing an easy to use, well documented and tested library.
- neuropredict (⭐100) - Aimed at novice machine learners and non-expert programmers, this package offers easy (no coding needed) and comprehensive machine learning (evaluation and full report of predictive performance WITHOUT requiring you to code) in Python for NeuroImaging and any other type of features. This is aimed at absorbing much of the ML workflow, unlike other packages like nilearn and pymvpa, which require you to learn their API and code to produce anything useful.
- imbalanced-learn - Python module to perform under sampling and oversampling with various techniques.
- stacked_generalization (⭐117) - Implementation of machine learning stacking technique as a handy library in Python.
Python / Data Analysis / Data Visualization
- DataVisualization (⭐42) - A GitHub Repository Where you can Learn Datavisualizatoin Basics to Intermediate level.
- Mars (⭐2.7k) - A tensor-based framework for large-scale data computation which is often regarded as a parallel and distributed version of NumPy.
R / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- party - party: A Laboratory for Recursive Partitioning
- partykit - partykit: A Toolkit for Recursive Partitioning.
Tools / Misc
- MLFlow - platform to manage the ML lifecycle, including experimentation, reproducibility and deployment. Framework and language agnostic, take a look at all the built-in integrations.
35. Awesome Raspberry Pi
OS Images
- RasComm RaspberryPi MorseCode Translator (⭐8) - RasComm is a communication device that translates plain text into Morse code (IMC) visually or audibly.
36. Free for Dev
Design and UI
- Lorem Picsum - A Free tool, easy to use, stylish placeholders. After our URL, add your desired image size (width & height), and you'll get a random image.
37. Android Security Awesome
Tools / Dynamic Analysis Tools
- House (⭐1.4k)- House: A runtime mobile application analysis toolkit with a Web GUI, powered by Frida, written in Python.
Tools / Misc Tools
- Android Vulnerability Test Suite (⭐1k) - android-vts scans a device for set of vulnerabilities
- AppMon (⭐1.6k)- AppMon is an automated framework for monitoring and tampering with system API calls of native macOS, iOS, and Android apps. It is based on Frida.
- Internal Blue (⭐702) - Bluetooth experimentation framework based on Reverse Engineering of Broadcom Bluetooth Controllers
- Android Device Security Database - Database of security features of Android devices
Tools / Vulnerable Applications for practice
38. Awesome Geek Podcasts
In Portuguese
- Acabou o café - Podcast sobre desenvolvimento de sistemas e tecnologia do ArchCode.
- Amarelo Criativo - Todos os podcasts da Amarelo criativo. Programas diferentes ao longo da semana para trazer informação sobre o mercado criativo, mundo geek e com o humor bem Amarelo.
- PodProgramar - Podcast sobre desenvolvimento técnologia comando pela Jessi Zanelato e Ana Eliza, abordam temas iniciantes e avançados.
- Start Coding - Start Coding é uma iniciativa online com o objetivo de inserir mulheres na tecnologia. O podcast apresenta temas da computação e a equidade de gênero na área.
In Russian
- UnderJS Podcast - Podcast about JS, React Native, Nodejs.
39. Awesome React Native
System / Navigation Demos
- rn-in-app-review (⭐73) - Help you to integrate in-app review for android and iOS
Storage / Navigation Demos
- typed-async-storage (⭐8) - A wrapper for creating a schema for AsyncStorage and validation using React prop-types.
- Prev: Oct 02, 2020
- Next: Sep 30, 2020