Awesome List Updates on Sep 29, 2020

16 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Osint


Code Search

News / Telegram

2. Awesome Preact

Contents / Components

3. Awesome Software Architecture


4. Awesome Qr Code

Apps / Readers

Apps / File Transfer

CLI / File Transfer

Resources / PHP

5. Awesome Billing

Invoice / Electronic invoices

Payments / Bank Accounts

Payments / Online Payments

6. Awesome Engineering Team Management

Engineering / Systems Complexity

Engineering / Technology

Product Management / Standups

Exits / Burnout

7. Awesome Security

Network / Fast Packet Processing

Operating Systems / Online resources

EBooks / Online resources

8. Awesome Home Assistant

Add-ons / Third Party Add-ons

9. Awesome Elixir


10. Awesome Nextjs


11. Awesome Jamstack

Videos / Automation

Tutorials / Articles / Automation

12. Awesome React Components

Editable data grid / spreadsheet

13. Free for Dev

Issue Tracking and Project Management

14. Awesome Gpt3

Demos / Program generation and analysis

Products / Other

15. Awesome Vue

Resources / Tutorials

Resources / Books

Components & Libraries / UI Components

16. Awesome Tensorflow Lite

Past announcements:

TensorFlow Lite models / Other

Ideas and Inspiration / Other

ML Kit examples / Other

Plugins and SDKs / Other

Helpful links / Other

Blog posts / Other

Books / Other

Videos / Other

Podcasts / Other