Awesome List Updates on Sep 27, 2020
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Competitive Programming
Tutorial Websites
☆: ★★☆
Name: 演算法筆記 (Algorithm Notes) (Chinese)
Description: One of the most popular tutorial websites among the Taiwanese competitive programming community. The maintainer for this website spends immense efforts on researching algorithms.
2. Awesome Flutter
English / Game Engine resources
Portuguese / Game Engine resources
Spanish / Game Engine resources
3. Awesome Home Assistant
Add-ons / Official Add-ons
- DuckDNS (⭐1k) - Updates your Duck DNS IP address and generate SSL using Let's Encrypt.
- File editor (⭐1k) - Browser-based configuration file editor.
- Mosquitto (⭐1k) - Fast and reliable MQTT broker.
- Terminal & SSH (⭐1k) - Allows logging in remotely to using a web terminal or SSH client.
- Samba (⭐1k) - Access your configuration files using Windows network shares.
- NGINX SSL proxy (⭐1k) - Reverse proxy with SSL termination.
- deCONZ (⭐1k) - Control a ZigBee network using ConBee or RaspBee hardware by Dresden Elektronik.
- TellStick (⭐1k) - Run a TellStick and TellStick Duo service.
- Ada (⭐1k) - Ada is voice assistant powered by Almond which is open and privacy-preserving.
- Almond (⭐1k) - The Open, Privacy-Preserving Virtual Assistant.
- HomeMatic (⭐1k) - HomeMatic central based on OCCU.
- Let's Encrypt (⭐1k) - Get a free SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt; an open and automated certificate authority (CA).
- MariaDB (⭐1k) - An open source relational database (fork of MySQL).
4. Awesome Software Architecture
Design Patterns
- Ports and adapters pattern - Decouple the application core logic from the services it uses.
5. Awesome Ansible
- Ansible Later (⭐111) - Another best practice scanner. Checks Playbooks and Roles for best practices and behavior that could potentially be improved.
- Ansible Doctor (⭐136) - Simple annotation like documentation generator for Ansible roles based on Jinja2 templates.
6. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / Computer Vision
- pytessarct (⭐5.9k) - Python-tesseract is an optical character recognition (OCR) tool for python. That is, it will recognize and "read" the text embedded in images. Python-tesseract is a wrapper for Google's Tesseract-OCR Engine (⭐63k).
7. Awesome Typescript
Validation / Playground
- json-schema-to-ts (⭐1.5k) - Dynamic type inference from JSON schemas
8. Tools
Code Playgrounds
9. Awesome Webgl
- First steps in WebGL - Learn what WebGL is and how it works by drawing a triangle.
10. Awesome Code Review
- A Better Code Review Decent set of patterns and anti-patterns for code reviews.
- Prev: Sep 28, 2020
- Next: Sep 26, 2020