Awesome List Updates on Sep 24, 2020
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Ios
Deployment / Distribution
- Screenplay - Instant rollbacks and canary deployments for iOS.
2. Awesome Video
Video Streaming & Distribution Solutions / RTMP/RTSP/HTTP Protocol Servers
- Create your own video streaming server with Linux - Using Nginx to create a streaming server using RTMP and nginx
- SRT Open Source project (⭐3.2k) - A tool or resource for rtmprtsphttp-protocol-servers.
- Streaming With SRT Protocol in OBS - A tool or resource for rtmprtsphttp-protocol-servers.
- librist - A library that can be used to easily add the RIST protocol to your application.
Standards, Specifications & Industry Resources / Adaptive Streaming Standards
- The Real-Time Messaging Protocol Explained - A tool or resource for adaptive-streaming-standards.
Standards, Specifications & Industry Resources / Best Practices & Guidelines
- SRT Cookbook - More in-depth technical documentaion on the SRT protocol and library.
Standards, Specifications & Industry Resources / Industry Forums & Standards Bodies
- RIST Forum - The RIST forum manage the Reliable Internet Stream Transport (RIST), for transporting live video over unmanaged networks.
- SRT Alliance - Home page for the SRT protocol
3. Awesome Sre
4. Awesome V
- vproto (⭐55) - Protobuf compiler and runtime in V.
5. Awesome Bitcoin
- Nigiri (⭐280) - CLI to quickly fire up a a Bitcoin regtest box along with Electrs and Esplora. Includes faucet and push commands.
- hal (⭐167) - Bitcoin CLI swiss-army-knife (based on rust-bitcoin).
Blockchain API and Web services
- Esplora (⭐1k) - Self-hosted blockchain explorer.
Blockchain Explorers
- - Blockchain explorer with API (mainnet, testnet and Liquid).
Full nodes
- btcd (⭐6.3k) - Go-based full node since 2013.
6. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / Utilities
- v-bucket (⭐43) - 📦 Fast, Simple, and Lightweight State Management for Vue 3.0 built with composition API, inspired by Vuex.
7. Awesome Ddd
Libraries and Frameworks / JVM
- Spine Event Engine - a CQRS/ES framework for building cloud applications. Defines Bounded Contexts with their Commands, Events, and Entity states in Protobuf. The backend logic is written in Java, on top of the Proto-generated code. Client code in Java, JS or Dart communicates with the backend via gRPC.
8. Awesome Python
- xonsh (⭐8.2k) - A Python-powered, cross-platform, Unix-gazing shell language and command prompt.
9. Awesome Mac
Communication / Email Clients
- Edison Mail - A customisable, simple, and beautiful email client.
10. Awesome Prisma
👾 Projects Using Prisma / Tutorials with NestJS
- NestJS Crud Prisma (⭐60) - Crud for restful api's built with NestJS and Prisma (uses NestJSX CRUD (⭐4k))
11. Awesome Home Assistant
Public Configurations / Other Communities
- Andrea Iannucci (⭐61) - Also known as SeLLeRoNe. Regularly updated.
Dashboards / Custom Cards
- Auto-Entities Card (⭐717) - Dynamically adds entities: 🔮 Magic.
- Animated Weather Card (⭐342) - Nice looking card showing the weather, with subtle animations.
- LG WebOS Remote Control (⭐242) - Remote Control for LG TV WebOS.
DIY / DIY Projects
- QuinLED - DIY Wi-Fi LED dimmers and controllers using ESP32 boards.
- Prev: Sep 25, 2020
- Next: Sep 23, 2020