Awesome List Updates on Aug 25, 2020
19 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Appimage
AppImage developer tools / Templates
- mini-qml (⭐46) - Minimal Qml application template with deployment for Linux (AppImage), Windows, macOS and WebAssembly.
2. Awesome Jmeter
Automation / Conversion
- swaggerjmx (⭐113) - Tool to convert Swagger UI specification into JMeter test plans.
3. Awesome Regression Testing
Blog posts (a-z↓)
- - Blog with practical guides and runnable examples on Playwright and Puppeteer.
4. Awesome Mental Health
- Nyxo – Open source sleep tracking and sleep coaching app for iOS and Android.
- Sanvello - Daily tools for stress, anxiety, and depression alongside a supportive community. Based on cognitive behavioral therapy & mindfulness meditation.
5. Awesome Quant
Python / Trading & Backtesting
- Pandas TA (⭐5.7k) - Pandas TA is an easy to use Python 3 Pandas Extension with 115+ Indicators. Easily build Custom Strategies.
6. Colorful
Color Palettes / Web App
- ColorsWall - Place to store your color Palettes and generate tool.
7. Awesome Geek Podcasts
In English
- Surveillance Report - A weekly security and privacy news roundup to keep you up-to-speed on important updated in our digital world. Uploaded every weekend!.
8. Awesome Tall Stack
- 🔓 - repository (⭐4) - Built using Laravel & Tailwind CSS.
- 🔓 - repository (⭐68) - Built using Laravel & Tailwind CSS.
- 🔓 - repository (⭐17) - Built using Laravel & Tailwind CSS.
- 🔓 - repository (⭐35) - Built using Laravel, Alpine.js & Tailwind CSS.
- 🔓 - repository (⭐315) - Discover new Laravel Nova packages.
- 🔐 - Website uptime && SSL monitoring.
9. Awesome Humane Tech
- Owntracks
- A privacy-respecting mobile app that allows you to keep track of your own location.
10. Awesome Blazor
Tools & Utilities / Others
- Blazor I18n/Localization Text (⭐260) -
Localizing contents text in Blazor (Demo).
- MvvmBlazor (⭐244) -
BlazorMVVM is a small framework for building Blazor and BlazorServerside apps. With it's simple to use MVVM pattern you can boost up your development speed while minimizing the hazzle to just make it work.
11. Awesome Engineering Team Management
Career / Presentations
- My questions for prospective employers (Director/VP roles) - Be prepared to ask them as a recruiter or being asked about them for senior management roles.
- “Since managers are not tied to a sector (in the way nurses or musicians are), the good ones tend to go where they are paid good money and the bad ones end up wreaking havoc where they are paid at least some money. That, also, is Baumol in action.” (source) - Explains how the pool of professional managers gets distributed into the various sectors of the economy.
Career / Promotion
- How to discipline overeager engineer - Over-achieving talent is looking for a management promotion. Management does not recognize effort. Engineer become disgruntled and management is looking to discipline him. A case-study of a bad situation in which both side shows clumsiness.
Career / Performance Reviews
- Incentive Pay Considered Harmful - “Incentives (or bribes) simply can't work in the workplace. (…) Most software managers have no choice but to go along with performance review systems that are already in place. If you're in this position, the only way to prevent teamicide is to simply give everyone on your team a gushing review”.
- “If anything in your performance review is a surprise, then I have failed as a manager.” (source).
- “This is what I loved about working at Netflix. We didn't have performance reviews. It was assumed that your performance was good to excellent, otherwise you wouldn't be working there anymore. You had a constant feedback loop with your manager on performance, but nothing was ever formal.” (source).
- “The system a software developer works in shapes their performance so much more than individual differences.” (source).
12. Awesome Lowcode
- Appian - Discover the power of low-code automation.
13. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Finance
- Bank Git (⭐36) - An app to manage bank account by breaking it into branches by Yash Johri.
14. Awesome Prometheus
Blog posts and opinions
- Alerting issues with Alertmanager - Addressing alert flapping and duplicates in Alertmanager by Ali Sattari.
15. Awesome Lidar
- Ibeo - Ibeo Automotive Systems GmbH is an automotive industry / environmental detection laserscanner / LIDAR manufacturer, based in Hamburg, Germany.
16. Free for Dev
Analytics, Events and Statistics
- — Free user analytics platform for 500K actions, 90-day data retention, 30+ one-click integration.
17. Webcomponents the Right Way
Case Studies
- API documentation and live playground for Web Components.
- Standalone chess board web component.
- Web component for drawing patterns with CSS.
- Custom element that allows to create a dark mode toggle or switch.
- Lightweight emoji picker, distributed as a web component.
- Web component built with Svelte to view files.
- Web component to visualize JSON data in a tree view.
- Lite YouTube embed with a focus on visual performance.
- Web component for rendering interactive 3D models.
- Custom element to progressively enhance image placeholders.
- Accessible range slider custom element with keyboard support.
- Web component for creating documentation from OpenAPI Specification.
- Web component for writing and rendering shaders.
- Rich text editor custom element for everyday writing.
- Bring web vitals (⭐7k) quickly into your page using custom elements.
18. Awesome Swift
UI / Barcode
- BetterSafariView (⭐598) - A better way to present a SFSafariViewController or start a ASWebAuthenticationSession in SwiftUI.
19. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Security
- salesforce/policy_sentry 🔥🔥🔥🔥 (⭐1.8k) - IAM Least Privilege Policy Generator.
- Prev: Aug 26, 2020
- Next: Aug 24, 2020