Awesome List Updates on Aug 04, 2020
16 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Hacking
Tools / Other
- Ciphey (โญ15k) - Automated decryption tool using artificial intelligence & natural language processing.
2. Awesome Robotic Tooling
Security / Sensor and Acuator Interfaces
- openscap (โญ1.1k) - The oscap program is a command line tool that allows users to load, scan, validate, edit, and export SCAP documents.
3. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Travel
- ShareACab (โญ78) - Cab Sharing App for college students by DevClub IIT Delhi.
4. Awesome Cakephp
- App template (โญ374) - An empty CakePHP project for use with composer.
5. Awesome Ada
Online / Apache License
- compiler-explorer - Run GNAT FSF compilers interactively from your web browser and interact with the assembly.
6. Awesome Math
- Recreations in Math - H. E. Licks (1917)
- Magic Squares and Cubes - W. S. Andrews (1917)
Algebra / Analytic Number Theory
- ๐ First Course in Algebra - Herbert E. Hawkes, William A. Luby, Frank C. Touton (1910)
- ๐ Second Course in Algebra - Herbert E. Hawkes, William A. Luby, Frank C. Touton (1911)
- ๐ Algebra: An Elementary Text-Book, Part I - G. Chrystal (1904)
- ๐ Algebra: An Elementary Text-Book, Part II - G. Chrystal (1900)
Geometry and Topology / Graph Theory
- ๐ Plane Geometry - George Wentworth and David Eugene Smith (1913)
- ๐ Planes and Spherical Trigonometry - George Wentworth and David Eugene Smith (1915)
- ๐ Coordinate Geometry - Henry Buchard Fine and Henry Dallas Thompson (1911)
- ๐ Analytic Geometry - Lewis Parker Siceloff, George Wentworth, David Eugene Smith (1922)
Analysis / Real Analysis
- ๐ Calculus Made Easy - Silvanus P. Thompson (1910)
- ๐ Elements of Differential and Integral Calculus - William Anthony Granville (1911)
Analysis / Ordinary Differential Equations
- ๐ Differential Equations - H. B. Phillips (1922)
7. Awesome Wpo
Analyzers / Meetups
- Screpy - AI-Based SEO Analysis & Monitoring Tool
8. Awesome Terraform
Boilerplates / IDE
- Terraform Generator (โญ269) - Scaffolding for a new terraform module or project with support of test frameworks (terratest and kitchen-terraform)
9. Awesome Engineering Team Management
Engineering to Management Transition
- โSo the trick is basically to put them (your direct reports) in charge, not you. You have the supporting role, they can request things from you. But the goal needs to be very clear.โ (source) - A recipe on how to work with your direct reports, from a section of 7 habits of highly effective people.
10. Awesome Blazor
- Blazor + Umbraco Heartcore (โญ12) -
Example of using Umbraco Heartcore with Blazor.
Machine Learning
- Scalable sentiment analysis (โญ4.6k) -
A sample ables to make sentiment analysis prediction/detection of what the user is writing in a very UI interactive app (Blazor based) in the client side and running an ML.NET model (Sentiment analysis based on binary-classification) in the server side.
- (โญ57) -
A "server-less" general purpose optimization suite for algorithm parameters. Also provides offline optimization of Quantconnect Lean (โญ11k) trading algorithms. Demo (
- Baseball Machine Learning Workbench (โญ52) -
A web application that showcases performing what-if analysis using in-memory Machine Learning models. Live demo.
- BlazorML5 (โญ58) -
ML5 Machine Learning for Blazor with JSInterop mechanism.
- Bolero.TodoMVC (โญ41) -
A TodoMVC clone using Bolero.
- BlazorFileReader (โญ425) -
Read-only File streams in Blazor. Demo.
- BlazorChatSample (โญ245) -
Blazor chat demo using SignalR JS client with interop.
- Money (โญ206) -
A money manager implemented using CQRS+ES. Demo.
- NethereumBlazor (โญ125) -
Ethereum blockchain explorer and simple wallet.
- Planning Poker (โญ64) โ
An app to play Planning Poker for distributed teams. The app is implemented using Blazor and shows how to switch between client-side and server-side mode with a configuration change. Demo.
- C# Regex Tester online (โญ10) -
Online tool for verify .Net regex syntax. (Demo).
- C# Regex Online tool (โญ4) -
Online tool for verify .Net regex syntax, see splits list, table etc. (Demo).
- Blazor Wake-on-LAN (โญ31) -
Wake-on-LAN app for local networks. Blazor Server + EF Core + DI + CI.
- BlazingWaffles (โญ5) -
A Blazor app that wraps Waffle Generator (โญ141). The generator outputs readable gibberish that can be used in place of Lorum Ipsum. Demo.
- Nethereum Playground (โญ26) -
Compile and run Nethereum snippets on the browser. You can run it here:
Tools & Utilities / Others
- Blazor PDF (โญ88) -
Generate de PDF document with iTextSharp from a Blazor Server App.
- Blazor-Color-Picker (โญ34) -
Opens a palette with the Material colors for Blazor application.
Others / Others
- SpotifyService (โญ19) -
A high-level Spotify API library for Blazor WebAssembly projects that enables Spotify playback in the browser, manages OAuth 2.0 authorization, provides easy access to the Spotify Web API and uses IndexedDB caching.
Tooling / Others
- Blazor Minimum Project Templates (โญ49) -
A project templates package of Blazor apps without JavaScript and CSS libraries.
- Blazor REPL (โญ249) -
Write, compile, execute and share Blazor components entirely in the browser -
- WebCompiler (โญ157) -
A dotnet global tool for compilation, minification, and compression of scss, css and js.
- Tracetool (โญ40) -
Tracetool viewer, client Api for Dotnet, Java, Javasvript, C++ , Python, Delphi.
11. Awesome Flutter
๐ฎ๐ณ India / Misc
- Telegram Flutter India ๐ฎ๐ณ
12. Awesome Ros2
Companies / Robotics Capture the Flag (RCTF)
- Ericsson Research - Connect ROS2 applications to 5G networks for M2M communication.
- synapticon - ROS compatible motion control and drive products with efforts to support ROS2.
13. Awesome Icons
- Bootstrap Icons - Official open source SVG icon library for Bootstrap.
- teenyicons - Tiny minimal 1px icons designed to fit in the smallest places.
- DevUI Icons, by Huawei Cloud (โญ19) - DevUI font icons.
- Ant Design Icons, by Ant Financial - โญ Ant Design SVG Icons.
14. Awesome Javascript
API / Runner
- Optic (โญ1.4k) - Optic automatically documents and tests your APIs.
- SWR (โญ31k) - React Hooks library for remote data fetching.
15. PlacesToPostYourStartup
- Hackerspad -
16. Awesome Gbdev
ASM / Music drivers and trackers
- gb asm tutorial - Step by step tutorial, building several ROMs to accompany its explanations.
- Prev: Aug 05, 2020
- Next: Aug 03, 2020