Awesome List Updates on Jul 21, 2020
12 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Material Ui
- Serverless Permission Policy Generator (⭐47) - An Online Application to generate AWS IAM permissions required for deploying a Serverless stack.
2. Awesome Prometheus
- Prometheus-Basics (⭐1.6k) - Beginner friendly introduction to Prometheus by yolossn.
3. Awesome Python Data Science
Deployment / NLP
- streamlit - Make it easy to deploy the machine learning model
- datapane - A collection of APIs to turn scripts and notebooks into interactive reports.
4. Awesome Cdk
Construct Libraries / Security
- c3 (⭐26) - Enables compliancy with privacy and security best practices.
Construct Libraries / CI/CD
- cdk-blue-green-container-deployment (⭐526) - Blue/Green container deployment with CodeDeploy.
Scaffolding / Multi-accounts setup
- ReactJS + Cognito + CDK Starter (⭐171) - Starter project for ReactJS + Amazon Cognito + Amazon Amplify Framework with AWS CDK support.
Training Materials and Sample Code / Multi-accounts setup
- Official CDK Examples (⭐3.6k) - A set of example projects for the AWS CDK.
- CDK Serverless Workshop - A workshop that guides you through the process of creating and deploying CDK application.
- ECS with CI/CD (⭐41) - Demo of deploying ECS application using CDK.
- Lambda packaging asset - CDK asset which builds lambda function and produces a ZIP file with dependencies.
Blog Posts & Talks / Multi-accounts setup
- Introduction to how and why CDK - By Leo Lapworth.
- AWS CDK Developer Preview Announcement - The first AWS CDK Developer Preview announced on on 27 August 2018.
- AWS Cloud Development Kit introduction with Live Demos - AWS User Group Finland Meetup January 2019.
- Purely Functional Cloud Components with AWS CDK - Bu fogfish.
- Using the CDK to probe multiple accounts (sfn/lambda/sqs/sechub) - Blog post from
Tips & Tricks / Multi-accounts setup
- Reflect on the CDK Type System - Explore the CDK's type system.
5. Awesome Web Animation
- tsParticles (⭐4.3k) - tsParticles is a lightweight typescript/javascript library for creating easily particles animations.
- React tsParticles (⭐4.3k) - ReactJS wrapper for tsParticles
6. Awesome Raspberry Pi
- WebStation SYSMON (⭐192) - An intuitive remotely-accessible system performance monitoring and task management tool for servers and headless Raspberry Pi setups.
7. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- Zipcodebase - Free Zip Code API, access to Worldwide Postal Code Data. Ten thousand free requests/month.
Tools for Teams and Collaboration
- - Interconnected online personas, user stories and context mapping. Helps keep design and dev in sync free for up to 3 personas and two collaborators.
8. Awesome Playcanvas
Automotive / YouTube Playables
- Airstream Basecamp - Travel trailer visualizer.
9. Awesome Ai in Finance
Articles / Plugins
- The-Economist (⭐3.6k) - The Economist.
10. Awesome Lidar
- Hesai - Hesai Technology is a LIDAR manufacturer, founded in Shanghai, China.
- Robosense - RoboSense (Suteng Innovation Technology Co., Ltd.) is a LIDAR sensor, AI algorithm and IC chipset maufactuirer based in Shenzhen and Beijing (China).
- Waymo Open Dataset - The dataset contains independently-generated labels for lidar and camera data, not simply projections.
- PandaSet Open Dataset - Public large-scale dataset for autonomous driving provided by Hesai & Scale. It enables researchers to study challenging urban driving situations using the full sensor suit of a real self-driving-car.
Simulators / Object detection and object tracking
- OSRF Gazebo - OGRE-based general-purpose robotic simulator, ROS/ROS 2 compatible.
11. Awesome React Components
- react-konva (⭐5.6k) - React Konva is a JavaScript library for drawing complex canvas graphics with bindings to the Konva Framework.
- react-sketch (⭐670) - A Sketch tool for React based applications, backed-up by FabricJS
- react-sketch-canvas (⭐399) - Demo Freehand vector drawing tool for React using SVG as canvas. Accepts input from Mouse, touch, and graphic tablets
12. Awesome Wpo
Image Optimizers / Meetups
- Tapnesh-CLI (⭐21) - Tapnesh is a CLI tool that will optimize all your images in parallel easily and efficiently!
- Prev: Jul 22, 2020
- Next: Jul 20, 2020