Awesome List Updates on Jul 20, 2020
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Mac
Developer Tools / Version Control
- Gitfox - Commit faster, improve your code quality with superior diffs - and look good doing it.
2. Awesome Chip 8
- COSMAC Elf Group - Group for discussion of the COSMAC Elf, as well as anything else RCA 1802-related, including COSMAC VIP and CHIP-8.
Emulator/interpreter development / Testing
- chip8-test-rom (⭐189) - corax89's CHIP-8 test program, which tests most instructions for correct (Super-CHIP compliant) behavior.
3. Awesome Ios
Other Testing
- SnapshotTesting (⭐3.8k) - Delightful Swift snapshot testing.
4. Awesome Wardley Maps
Maps in the Wild
- Thoughts on 'value' in the Value Chain - It is important to understand the need and outcome. It is vital to understand the value desired. Jul 17, 2020.
5. Awesome Bitcoin
Additional Resources
- Meta-list of Bitcoin resources, from books, articles, to podcasts.
- Jameson Lopp Bitcoin Resource List Very detailed curated Bitcoin resource list and meta-list by J. Lopp
6. Awesome Sysadmin
Software / Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment
- werf - Open Source CI/CD tool for building Docker images and deploying to Kubernetes via GitOps. (Source Code (⭐4.1k))
7. Awesome Robotic Tooling
Operation System / Network Distributed File System
- ansible-role-nfs (⭐201) - Installs NFS utilities on RedHat/CentOS or Debian/Ubuntu.
8. Awesome Newsletters
- UI Dev Newsletter. A hand-curated list of articles, tutorials, opinions, and tools related to User Interface development.
General Web Development
- FreeCodeCamp. Weekly selection of five articles, videos or entire courses from FreeCodeCamp learning platform.
Security / Svelte
- tl;dr sec. A weekly distillation of the best security tools, blog posts, and conference talks, covering AppSec, cloud and container security, DevSecOps, and more.
9. Awesome Decentralized
- Element (formerly Riot): Collaboration client for the web. Chat, VOIP video, file transfer, end-to-end crypto.
- ☠️: Transfer files directly to another browser, your peer will be able to download the file directly from you.
10. Awesome Elixir
- elixir-map-to-xml (⭐5) - Converts an Elixir map to an XML document.
- elixir-xml-to-map (⭐53) - Creates an Elixir Map data structure from an XML string.
11. Awesome Cdk
Construct Libraries / APIs
- cdk-chalice (⭐37) - AWS CDK construct for AWS Chalice (Python Serverless Microframework for AWS).
- auto-cdk (⭐22) - Automatically generate api-gateway/lambda integrations with the filesystem (beta).
Construct Libraries / Databases
- aws-cdk-dynamodb-seeder (⭐31) - A simple CDK seeder for DynamoDB.
- cdk-tweet-sentiment - Identify sentiments in tweets and log them into an Amazon DynamoDB table.
- cdk-postgresql (⭐20) - AWS CDK Constructs for PostgreSQL.
- cdk-sqlserver-seeder (⭐5) - CDK construct that executes custom SQL scripts against SQL Server database.
Construct Libraries / Static Websites
- cdk-static-website (⭐526) - CDK component that creates a static website using S3, configures CloudFront (CDN) and maps a custom domain via Route53 (DNS).
Construct Libraries / Security
- cdk-passwordless (⭐16) - Construct for having passwordless authentication using userpool.
Construct Libraries / Ops
- cdk-instanceStopRule (⭐0) - CDK component which creates an instance with a CloudWatch rule to stop it at the end of the day.
Construct Libraries / Queue
- cdk-tweet-queue - Fills up an SQS queue with tweets from a tweeter search query.
- cdk-ses-template-mailer (⭐12) - Constructs to create AWS SES email templates + microservice to send templated emails with AWS SES.
- cdk-sqs-monitored (⭐11) - SQS Construct with dead letter queue and configured alarms.
Construct Libraries / CI/CD
- aws-delivlib (⭐318) - Synthesizes CI/CD pipelines for multi-language software delivery (used by the CDK itself).
Construct Libraries / Monitoring
- cdk-watchful (⭐449) - Automatic dashboards and alarms for CDK apps.
Construct Libraries / Workflows
- cdk-pull-request-check (⭐526) - CDK component that automatically check pull requests.
- cdk-github-webhook (⭐526) - CDK component that provisions GitHub webhooks.
- cdk-codepipeline-slack (⭐526) - CDK component that provisions a #slack approval workflow.
- cdk-codecommit-backup (⭐526) - Backup CodeCommit repositories to S3.
- Alexa Deployment Pipeline (⭐35) - Construct which creates a CodePipeline to deploy Alexa Skills to Lambda and to the Developer console using AWS SAM and DeployToAlexa action.
- cdk-developer-tools-notifications (⭐526) - Slack / Microsoft Teams / Email notifications for developer tools: CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, CodePipeline.
High-Level Frameworks / Multi-accounts setup
- punchcard (⭐474) - TypeScript framework to unify infrastructure and runtime code for the CDK, so you can declare constructs and implement runtime logic within the context of one Node.js application.
- aws-cdk-pure (⭐83) - A toolkit to develop purely functional and high-order cloud components with AWS CDK.
Scaffolding / Multi-accounts setup
- cra-template-aws-cdk (⭐16) - Create React App template using AWS CDK for out of the box, simple provisioning of serverless React apps.
- create-cdk-app (⭐14) - Create CDK apps from templates.
- awscdk-jsii-template (⭐18) - A GitHub template repository to generate a ready environment to build, test and publish your JSII construct lib for AWS CDK.
Language Support / Multi-accounts setup
- AWS-CDK-Kotlin-DSL (⭐13) - A Wrapper library of AWS CDK Java. CI automatically generates code and deploys it by daily.
- aws-cdk-maven-plugin (⭐10) - A plugin to define and deploy your AWS CDK applications using Java and Maven.
Library Publishing / Multi-accounts setup
- GitHub Action - GitHub Action for AWS CDK.
- jsii-publish (⭐17) - A Docker image and GitHub action to build and publish CDK constructs created via JSII (⭐2.1k).
Training Materials and Sample Code / Multi-accounts setup
- Infrastructure is Code with the AWS CDK - Recording of re:Invent 2018 session.
- GitHub Changelog Crawler (⭐234) - A fully fledged CDK app written by Nathan Peck which uses Fargate, API Gateway, Lambda, CloudFront, S3, ElastiCache, and Dynamodb.
- Example templates for aws cdk (⭐113) - Working TypeScript snippets from several AWS projects.
- Open CDK Guide (⭐738) - Open source guide on CDK and best practices.
- Colorteller Example (⭐3) - Great example project using Fargate and Appmesh.
- CDK Patterns (⭐1.9k) - An opensource collection of serverless architecture patterns built with CDK.
- Create a CI/CD pipeline using CodePipeline and CodeBuild - The cra-pipeline (⭐39) project on GitHub shows an AWS CodePipeline with AWS CodeBuild to deploy a static React application.
- React SPA with server-side rendering on AWS Lambda - The cra-serverless (⭐157) project is a serverless architecture to add pre-rendering to a React website created with create-react-app.
- Mini Tutorial: Setup AWS Lambda + ACM + API Gateway with AWS Cloud Development Kit (⭐8) - Deploy a functional public API that receives an HTML form (e.g. /contact_us.html) POST request and delivers its data to Pushover notification service.
- Example of REST API built with CDK (⭐13) - Source code that powers REST APIs at
- dilbert-feed (⭐26) - A serverless application written in Go that allows you to enjoy Dilbert in your RSS feed reader without any ads.
- django-postgres-vue-gitlab-ecs - An example Django + Vue.js web app deployed with CDK using GitLab CI.
Blog Posts & Talks / Multi-accounts setup
- How to Build a CDK Construct Library - By Philipp Garbe.
- CDK All The Things: A Whirlwind Tour - By Kevin S Lin.
- Contributing to the AWS Cloud Development Kit - By Mike Cowgill from Intuit.
- First look into AWS Cloud Development Kit - By Philipp Garbe.
- Boost your AWS Infrastructure with the CDK - SlideShare by Philipp Garbe.
- Getting started with AWS CDK for Amazon ECS - By Nathan Peck.
- AWS re:Invent 2018, best of show: CDK - Aller Media Tech Blog.
- AWS CDK — a glimpse into the future - By Nordcloud Engineering.
- AWS Infrastructure as Code with CDK - By Ross Rhodes.
- Callbacks with AWS Step Functions - By Ross Rhodes.
- Using the CDK for CodePipelines Setup - By Stefan Freitag.
- Using the CDK for AWS MSK Setup - By Stefan Freitag.
- GitHub repository (⭐6) - By Jake Scott.
- tecRacer Amazon AWS Blog - Several Blog Posts from by Gernot Glawe.
- Using CDK to build a UDP NLB Logging Service - By ClouderDex.
- GitHub Repo (⭐2) - By ClouderDex.
- Scheduled Lambda Functions and CI/CD pipeline with AWS CDK - By Maarten Thoelen.
- GitHub Repo (⭐4) - By Maarten Thoelen.
- AWS Client VPN with mutual TLS - By Kirill Merkushev.
- CDK Step Functions - By Matt Morgan.
- Loading DynamoDB with Custom Resources - By Matt Morgan.
- Loading DynamoDB with Provider Framework - By Matt Morgan.
- German: React SPA und server-side rendering (SSR) mit AWS Lambda und CloudFront - By superluminar GmbH.
- Introducing AWS CDK with a real life Lambda and API gateway example - By Alexander Fortin.
- CloudWatch Dashboards as Code (the Right Way) Using AWS CDK - By Simon-Pierre Gingras.
Related Projects / Multi-accounts setup
- jsii (⭐2.1k) - JavaScript interop interface, the technology that CDK uses to create language bindings (currently supports .NET, Java and Python).
Tips & Tricks / Multi-accounts setup
- Testing Your Construct Library CodeBuild Configuration Locally (⭐933) - With the
Docker Image.
- Prev: Jul 21, 2020
- Next: Jul 19, 2020