Awesome List Updates on Jun 24, 2020
15 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Transit
GTFS Realtime Utilities / Rust
- manual-gtfsrt (⭐5) - A Go-based tool that serves a GTFS-RT feed created from editable JSON.
2. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
Network perimeter defenses / Evidence collection
- Gatekeeper (⭐1.3k) - First open source Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) protection system.
3. Awesome Ddd
Sample Projects / PHP
- DDD CQRS Todo Sample (⭐353) - DDD CQRS ADR hexagonal architecture implementation built with PHP 7 and Symfony 5.
4. Awesome Crystal
CLI Utils
- climate (⭐14) - Tiny tool to make your CLI output 🌈 coloured
5. Awesome Tmux
Tools and session management
- dmux (⭐328) Configurable tmux workspace manager written in Rust
6. Awesome Cl
- Lisp Tips (⭐124) - A blog with useful tips and tricks.
- Lisp project of the day - A blog showcasing many Lisp libraries.
7. Static Analysis
Meaning of Symbols:
- ℹ️ indicates that the community does not recommend to use this tool for new projects anymore. The icon links to the discussion issue.
8. Awesome Healthcare
Contents / EHR
- GNUmed - Electronic Medical Record software.
9. Awesome Prisma
🦺 Community Prisma Tools
10. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / GUI
- Lara (⭐149) - Lara Web Engine is a library for developing Web user interfaces in C#
11. Awesome Actions on Google
12. Awesome Seml
- Git Large File System (LFS) - Replaces large files such as datasets with text pointers inside Git.
- OpenML - An inclusive movement to build an open, organized, online ecosystem for machine learning.
- Spark Machine Learning - Spark’s ML library consisting of common learning algorithms and utilities.
13. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- Sheetson - Instantly turn any Google Sheets into a RESTful API. Free plan available.
14. Awesome Webaudio
Packages / Libraries
- soundfont-player - A soundfont loader/player to play MIDI sounds using WebAudio API.
Packages / Apps
- Web Audio Metronome (⭐576) - metronome app that uses the Web Audio scheduler and setTimeout scheduler
15. Awesome Devsecops
- Our Approach to Employee Security Training - Pager Duty - Guidelines to running security training within an organisation.
- DevSecCon - Snyk - A network of DevSecOps conferences run by Snyk.
- AppSec Day - OWASP - An Australian application security conference run by OWASP.
- Absolute AppSec - Seth Law & Ken Johnson - Discussions about current events and specific topics related to application security.
- Application Security Podcast - Security Journey - Interviews with industry experts about specific application security concepts.
- BeerSecOps - Aqua Security - Breaking down the silos of Dev, Sec and Ops, discussing topics that span these subject areas.
- DevSecOps Podcast Series - OWASP - Discussions with thought leaders and practitioners to integrate security into the development lifecycle.
- The Secure Developer - Snyk - Discussion about security tools and best practices for software developers.
Secure Development Guidelines
- Application Security Verification Standard - OWASP - A framework of security requirements and controls to help developers design and develop secure web applications.
- Coding Standards - CERT - A collection of secure development standards for C, C++, Java and Android development.
- Proactive Controls - OWASP - OWASP's list of top ten controls that should be implemented in every software development project.
- Secure Coding Guidelines - Mozilla - A guideline containing specific secure development standards for secure web application development.
- Secure Coding Practices Quick Reference Guide - OWASP - A checklist to verify that secure development standards have been followed.
Secure Development Lifecycle Framework
- Secure Development Lifecycle - Microsoft - A collection of tools and practices that serve as a framework for the secure development lifecycle.
- Secure Software Development Framework - NIST - A framework consisting of practices, tasks and implementation examples for a secure development lifecycle.
- Software Assurance Maturity Model (⭐396) - OWASP - A framework to measure and improve the maturity of the secure development lifecycle.
- Cybrary - Cybrary - Subscription based online courses with dedicated categories for cybersecurity and DevSecOps.
- PentesterLab - PentesterLab - Hands on labs to understand and exploit simple and advanced web vulnerabilities.
- Security Training for Engineers - Pager Duty - A presentation created and open-sourced by PagerDuty to provide security training to software engineers.
- Security Training for Everyone - Pager Duty - A presentation created and open-sourced by PagerDuty to provide security training employees.
- Web Security Academy - PortSwigger - A set of materials and labs to learn and exploit common web vulnerabilities.
Dependency Management
- Dependabot - GitHub - Automatically scan GitHub repositories for vulnerabilities and create pull requests to merge in patched dependencies.
- Dependency-Check - OWASP - Scans dependencies for publicly disclosed vulnerabilities using CLI or build server plugins.
- Dependency-Track - OWASP - Monitor the volume and severity of vulnerable dependencies across multiple projects over time.
- JFrog XRay - JFrog - Security and compliance analysis for artifacts stored in JFrog Artifactory.
- NPM Audit - NPM - Vulnerable package auditing for node packages built into the npm CLI.
- Renovate - WhiteSource - Automatically monitor and update software dependencies for multiple frameworks and languages using a CLI or git repository apps.
- - Olivier Mansion & Alexis Tabary - Automated vulnerable dependency monitoring and upgrades for Python projects.
Dynamic Analysis
- Automatic API Attack Tool (⭐443) - Imperva - Perform automated security scanning against an API based on an API specification.
- BurpSuite Enterprise Edition - PortSwigger - BurpSuite's web application vulnerability scanner used widely by penetration testers, modified with CI/CD integration and continuous monitoring over multiple web applications.
- Gauntlt (⭐977) - Gauntlt - A Behaviour Driven Development framework to run security scans using common security tools and test output, defined using Gherkin syntax.
- SSL Labs Scan (⭐1.7k) - SSL Labs - Automated scanning for SSL / TLS configuration issues.
- Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) (⭐12k) - OWASP - An open-source web application vulnerability scanner, including an API for CI/CD integration.
Infrastructure as Code Analysis / Cloud Formation
- Cfn Nag (⭐1.2k) - Stelligent - Scan AWS CloudFormation templates for insecure configuration.
Infrastructure as Code Analysis / Containers
- Clair (⭐10k) - Red Hat - Scan App Container and Docker containers for publicly disclosed vulnerabilities.
- Dagda (⭐1.1k) - Elías Grande - Compares OS and software dependency versions installed in Docker containers with public vulnerability databases, and also performs virus scanning.
- Snyk Container - Snyk - Scan Docker and Kubernetes applications for security vulnerabilities during CI/CD or via continuous monitoring.
Infrastructure as Code Analysis / Terraform
- Tfsec (⭐6.6k) - Liam Galvin - Scan Terraform templates for security misconfiguration and noncompliance with AWS, Azure and GCP security best practice.
Infrastructure as Code Analysis / Kubernetes
- Kube-Score (⭐2.7k) - Gustav Westling - Scan Kubernetes object definitions for security and performance misconfiguration.
- Kubectrl Kubesec (⭐505) - ControlPlane - Plugin for to perform security risk analysis for Kubernetes resources.
Intentionally Vulnerable Applications / Ansible
- Bad SSL (⭐2.8k) - The Chromium Project - A container running a number of webservers with poor SSL / TLS configuration. Useful for testing tooling.
- Damn Vulnerable Web App - Ryan Dewhurst - A web application that provides a safe environment to understand and exploit common web vulnerabilities.
- Juice Shop (⭐9.8k) - OWASP - A web application containing the OWASP Top 10 security vulnerabilities and more.
- NodeGoat (⭐1.8k) - OWASP - A Node.js web application that demonstrates and provides ways to address common security vulnerabilities.
Related Lists / Ruby
- Vulnerable Web Apps Directory - OWASP - A collection of vulnerable web applications for learning purposes.
- Awesome Threat Modelling (⭐1.3k) - Practical DevSecOps - A curated list of threat modeling resources.
- Awesome Dynamic Analysis (⭐899) - Matthias Endler - A collection of dynamic analysis tools and code quality checkers.
- Awesome Static Analysis (⭐13k) - Matthias Endler - A collection of static analysis tools and code quality checkers.
Monitoring / Ansible
- Csper - Csper - A set of Content Security Policy tools that can test policies, monitor CSP reports and provide metrics and alerts.
Secrets Management / Ansible
- Ansible Vault - Ansible - Securely store secrets within Ansible pipelines.
- Azure Key Vault - Microsoft Azure - Securely store secrets within Azure.
- BlackBox (⭐6.6k) - StackExchange - Encrypt credentials within your code repository.
- Chef Vault (⭐407) - Chef - Securely store secrets within Chef.
- CredStash (⭐2.1k) - Fugue - Securely store secrets within AWS using KMS and DynamoDB.
- CyberArk Application Access Manager - CyberArk - Secrets management for applications including secret rotation and auditing.
- Docker Secrets - Docker - Store and manage access to secrets within a Docker swarm.
- Git Secrets (⭐12k) - Amazon AWS - Scan git repositories for secrets committed within code or commit messages.
- Google Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) - Google Cloud Platform - Securely store secrets within GCP.
- HashiCorp Vault - HashiCorp - Securely store secrets via UI, CLI or HTTP API.
- Pinterest Knox (⭐1.2k) - Pinterest - Securely store, rotate and audit secrets.
- Secrets Operations (SOPS) (⭐16k) - Mozilla - Encrypt keys stored within YAML, JSON, ENV, INI and BINARY files.
Static Analysis / Multi-Language Support
- Graudit (⭐1.4k) - Eldar Marcussen - Grep source code for potential security flaws with custom or pre-configured regex signatures.
- LGTM - Semmle - Scan and monitor code for security vulnerabilities using custom or built-in CodeQL queries.
- RIPS - RIPS Technologies - Automated static analysis for PHP, Java and Node.js projects.
- SonarQube - SonarSource - Scan code for security and quality issues with support for a wide variety of languages.
Static Analysis / C / C++
- FlawFinder (⭐463) - David Wheeler - Scan C / C++ code for potential security weaknesses.
Static Analysis / C#
- Puma Scan (⭐443) - Puma Security - A Visual Studio plugin to scan .NET projects for potential security flaws.
Static Analysis / Configuration Files
- Conftest (⭐2.8k) - Instrumenta - Create custom tests to scan any configuration file for security flaws.
Static Analysis / Java
- Deep Dive - - Static analysis for JVM deployment units including Ear, War, Jar and APK.
- Find Security Bugs (⭐2.2k) - OWASP - SpotBugs plugin for security audits of Java web applications. Supports Eclipse, IntelliJ, Android Studio and SonarQube.
- SpotBugs (⭐3.4k) - SpotBugs - Static code analysis for Java applications.
Static Analysis / JavaScript
- ESLint - JS Foundation - Linting tool for JavaScript with multiple security linting rules available.
Static Analysis / Go
- Golang Security Checker (⭐7.6k) - securego - CLI tool to scan Go code for potential security flaws.
Static Analysis / .NET
- Security Code Scan (⭐929) - Security Code Scan - Static code analysis for C# and VB.NET applications.
Static Analysis / PHP
- PHPCS Security Audit (⭐703) - Floe - PHP static analysis with rules for PHP, Drupal 7 and PHP related CVEs.
- Progpilot (⭐319) - Design Security - Static analysis for PHP source code.
Static Analysis / Python
- Bandit (⭐6.1k) - Python Code Quality Authority - Find common security vulnerabilities in Python code.
Static Analysis / Ruby
- Brakeman (⭐6.9k) - Justin Collins - Static analysis tool which checks Ruby on Rails applications for security vulnerabilities.
- DawnScanner (⭐733) - Paolo Perego - Security scanning for Ruby scripts and web application. Supports Ruby on Rails, Sinatra and Padrino frameworks.
Threat Modelling / Ruby
- SecuriCAD - Forseeti - Treat modelling and attack simulations for IT infrastructure.
- IriusRisk - IriusRisk - Draw threat models and capture threats and countermeasures and manage risk.
- Raindance Project (⭐44) - DevSecOps - Use attack maps to identify attack surface and adversary strategies that may lead to compromise.
- SD Elements - Security Compass - Identify and rank threats, generate actionable tasks and track related tickets.
- Threat Dragon - OWASP - Threat model diagramming tool.
- Threat Modelling Tool - Microsoft - Threat model diagramming tool.
- Threatspec - Threatspec - Define threat modelling as code.
- Prev: Jun 25, 2020
- Next: Jun 23, 2020