Awesome List Updates on Jun 05, 2020
14 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Waves
- How to use Waves Signer - How to authorize and sign transactions on your website.
- Understanding Waves Signer — Nuxt.js integration step-by-step - How to create demo app for authenticating with Waves Signer and Nuxt.js for SSR (server-side rendering).
- Certificado, Part 1. How to build your first blockchain-based app in 15 minutes - Tutorial on how to create blockchain-based certificate storage (ru).
- Certificado, Part 2. What are Smart Contracts and how to use them in your app - Tutorial on how to create blockchain-based certificate storage (ru).
- How to: offer a free trial for your dApp - Detailed guide to lowering the barrier for users of a dApp (ru).
- Blockchain Trigger: a tool for automatic smart contract invocation - Calling a smart contract, users experience some issues, which hampers mass adoption of blockchain. An instrument called Blockchain Trigger could help resolve these issues (ru).
- How to avoid common mistakes in dApp development - How can we avoid the most common mistakes when developing dApps for Web 3.0 (ru).
- How to write decentralized oracles in Ride - How can we resolve the issue of supplying real-world data to the blockchain? Introducing Oraculus - a smart contract for creating decentralized oracles (ru).
- Billy — motivation bot for Slack and Microsoft Teams - A tool built on the Waves blockchain to reward team members in a non-financial way (ru).
Docker images
- K8s by loxal - The container was built in order to run as a fire-and-forget
in a Kubernetes cluster.
Client libraries / JavaScript/TypeScript
- Waves Signer (⭐23) - library to interact with the Waves blockchain from your web app (example provider (⭐6)).
- vue-waves-signer (⭐2) - Waves Signer implementation for Vue.js.
- pay-crypto-widget (⭐9) - JS widget for accepting crypto payments on your website.
- crypto-donate (⭐3) - HTML widget allowing to donate Waves tokens to content authors.
Client libraries / Python
- ERC20 Gateway Framework (⭐7) - Allows to easily establish a gateway between any ERC-20 token and the Waves blockchain (example (⭐0)).
- Waves-Gateway-Framework (⭐23) - A framework to connect other cryptocurrencies to the Waves blockchain (LTC example (⭐7)).
Projects / Swift
- Billy - A motivation tool for teams. Billy offers a product to create an atmosphere of cooperation, focus the company on the core values, and incentivize sharing by creating an in-team economy.
- WaveFlow - Allows you to create new or use existing exchangers that provide a constant supply and demand for certain traded pairs. Algorithmic pricing is used to ensure consistency of supply and demand - the more popular the token is, the higher its price is set. Each exchanger is a dApp written in Ride (example of trading bot (⭐11)).
French / Swift
- Dev France on Youtube - Une chaîne dédiée à l'apprentissage du développement d'applications décentralisées (dApp) sur la Blockchain Waves.
2. Awesome Python
ASGI Servers
- daphne (⭐2.3k) - A HTTP, HTTP2 and WebSocket protocol server for ASGI and ASGI-HTTP.
3. Awesome Prisma
🦺 Community Prisma Tools
🏆 Tutorials / ⚙️ Schema Visualization Tools
4. Awesome List
Programming Languages
- JavaScript (⭐34k)
- Promises (⭐1.6k)
- Standard Style (⭐396) - Style guide and linter.
- Must Watch Talks (⭐13k)
- Tips (⭐12k)
- Network Layer (⭐557)
- Micro npm Packages (⭐4.6k)
- Mad Science npm Packages (⭐1.1k) - Impossible sounding projects that exist.
- Maintenance Modules (⭐353) - For npm packages.
- npm (⭐4.5k) - Package manager.
- AVA (⭐349) - Test runner.
- ESLint (⭐4.5k) - Linter.
- Functional Programming (⭐6k)
- Observables (⭐340)
- npm scripts (⭐729) - Task runner.
- 30 Seconds of Code (⭐123k) - Code snippets you can understand in 30 seconds.
- Ponyfills (⭐60) - Like polyfills but without overriding native APIs.
5. Nginx Resources
Understanding Nginx
Modules development
Nginx + Lua
6. Awesome Cakephp
- CakephpFixtureFactories plugin (⭐85) - Create your fixtures dynamically on a test basis, accelerate the writing and maintenance of your tests.
7. Static Analysis
Meaning of Symbols:
- ©️ stands for proprietary software. All other tools are Open Source.
8. Awesome Web Archiving
Tools & Software / Acquisition
- Heritrix (⭐2.9k) - An open source, extensible, web-scale, archival quality web crawler. (Stable)
- Heritrix Q&A (⭐2.9k) - A discussion forum for asking questions and getting answers about using Heritrix.
- Heritrix Walkthrough (⭐9) (In Development)
- WebMemex - Browser extension for Firefox and Chrome which lets you archive web pages you visit. (In Development)
Community Resources / Other Awesome Lists
9. Public Apis
API: Transport for London, England
Description: TfL API
CORS: Unknown
10. Awesome Ios Books
Functional Swift
11. Webcomponents the Right Way
12. Awesome Audio Visualization
- YouTube Musical Spectrum (⭐142) - A browser extension that offers audio visualization on your YouTube page with nice musical notes.
13. Awesome Discord Communities
Data Science

Data Science
Notable Channels: #general
, #machine-learning
, #math
, #programming
, #career
, #visualization
, #resources
, #colab
, #papers
Language: English

Data Version Control
Notable Channels: #q-and-a
, #need-help
, #general
, #dev-talk
, #dev-docs
Language: English \

The Data Share
Notable Channels: #machine-learning
, #natural-language-processing
, #analytics
, #programming
, #data-engineering
, #visualizations
, #community
Language: English
Discussions on interview challenges, resume reviews, job opportunities in the field of programming.

CS Career Hub
Notable Channels: #big-n-discussion
, #job-search-blogs
, #career-questions
, #resume-review
, #experienced
, #students
, #communication
, #hiring
, #for-hire
, #devops
, #programming-challenges
Language: English
Tools and libraries needed in your toolbelt to build a Discord bot or automation script through Discord APIs. The list for that itself is quite long and diverse that it calls for its own awesome list. This unaffiliated compilation of Discord API libraries (with comparisons) would be a great start to look for the right tool for your Discord project. There is also an official wiki (though maybe not frequently maintained) that lists similar tools with links to respective Discord servers.
Badge icons are made by Freepik and Pixel Buddha.
To attribute this awesome list (as restricted by the license) see how to attribute.
14. Awesome Ruby
Web Servers
- Falcon (⭐2.7k) - A high-performance web server for Ruby, supporting HTTP/1, HTTP/2 and TLS.
- Prev: Jun 06, 2020
- Next: Jun 04, 2020