Awesome List Updates on Jun 04, 2020
15 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Building Blocks for Web Apps
UI Elements
- Webatoms - JavaScript bridge for Xamarin.Forms.
Chat Bot
- Tiledesh - AI-powered live chat.
2. Awesome Homematic
Community Ressources (mostly german language)
- Homematic Blog Lison - Blog, Tutorials und mehr..
3. Awesome Transit
GTFS Libraries / JavaScript
- gtfs-utils (⭐40) – Utilities to process GTFS data sets (e.g., "flattening"
, computing arrival/departure times of trips).
GTFS Realtime Convertors / Rust
- hafas-gtfs-rt-feed (⭐19) – A Javascript tool to generate a GTFS Realtime feed from a HAFAS endpoint.
National government datasets / Rust
- European long-distance transport operators (EU) (Unofficial) (⭐50) - Unofficial list of available API endpoints, GTFS feeds and client libraries
Proprietary (non-standard) vendor APIs / Rust
- HAFAS – Propriety public transport management software by HaCon (list of endpoints)
4. Awesome Slack
- First Contributors - Help / mentorship for open source contributors.
5. Webcomponents the Right Way
6. Awesome Ruby
Web Frameworks
- Pakyow - A framework for building modern web-apps in Ruby. It helps you build working software faster with a development process that remains friendly to both designers and developers.
7. Awesome Cpp
- stdgpu (⭐1.2k) - Efficient STL-like Data Structures on the GPU. [Apache2]
8. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Note-taking & Editors
- Plainpad - A modern note taking application for the cloud, utilizing the best features of progressive web apps technology. (Demo, Source Code (⭐320))
9. Awesome Blazor
2D/3D Rendering engines / Others
- GEmojiSharp.Blazor (⭐133) -
GitHub Emoji for Blazor (Demo).
10. Awesome Ios Books
Game Development
11. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / Misc Scripts / iPython Notebooks / Codebases
- MiniGrad (⭐94) – A minimal, educational, Pythonic implementation of autograd (~100 loc).
12. Awesome Ros2
Packages / Ecosystem
- Webots - Robot simulator for ROS 2.
13. Awesome Jamstack
Books / Automation
- Jumpstart Jamstack Development - By Christopher Pecoraro and Vincenzo Gambino
14. Awesome Devtools
- artoo.js - Client-side scraping utility for the currently loaded uri.
- CSS Stress Test (⭐872) - JavaScript to test each CSS class on a page and report which are hindering performance.
- deCSS3 (⭐312) - A lil' bookmarklet that will strip out your CSS3 rules and show you how gracefully you're degrading.
- DOM Monster - A cross-platform, cross-browser bookmarklet that will analyze the DOM & other features of the page you're on.
- Ramda (⭐23k) - Add Ramda to any page!
- Rulers Guides - A JavaScript library which enables Photoshop-like rulers and guides interface on a web page.
- Viewport Resizer - A browser-based tool to test any website's responsiveness.
Tools / Debugging & Development
- Babel Time Travel - Travel in time as babel transpiles.
- Beeceptor - Rule based API mocking service. When rules are matched, a request is mocked, else target endpoint is hit as usual. Create custom endpoints to test and debug rest APIs.
- DebugJS - Debug your JavaScript in the browser (lol?)
- - Instantly deploy microservices in over 11+ languages (OSS!)
- httpbin - HTTP Request & Response service.
- jsonbin - Custom, mock JSON API
- Loupe - Similar in goal to SlowmoJS, a JavaScript call stack visualizer.
- Mockbin - Generate custom endpoints to test, mock, and track HTTP requests.
- SlowmoJS - Execute JavaScript in slow motion.
Tools / Deobfuscation & Transformation
- AST Explorer - Parse JS to an explorable AST tree via acorn, babel, babylon, espree, esprima, recast, shift, and typescript.
- fixmyjs - Automatically fix your JS, driven by JSHint.
- JSNice - Statistical renaming, type inference and deobfuscation.
Tools / Diffing
- JSONDiffPatch - Run a visual or non-visual diff on two JSON blobs.
Tools / File Sharing
- - Ephemeral file sharing. Convenient, anonymous and secure.
- - Instant file transfer/sharing over WebTorrent
Tools / Generators
- Pure CSS Apple - Pure CSS Apple devices with scrollable media
Tools / Image
- Favic-o-matic - Literally generates every favicon neccessary + markup.
- Squoosh - Compress and optimize images in browser
- SVGOMG - Try SVGO (⭐20k) (SVG Optimizer) in the browser!
Tools / Playgrounds
- codepen - Social development environment for front-end designers and developers. Build and deploy a website, show off your work, build test cases to learn and debug, and find inspiration.
- CodeSandbox - Online code editor and sandbox
- Ellie - The Elm Live Editor
- ES.nextBin - Like RequireBin but ES2015
- JSBin - JS/Coffee/Babel/Babel/Live/JSX/HTML/Markdown/Pug/CSS/Stylus/LESS/Sass
- JSFiddle - JS/ES3/Coffee/HTML/CSS/Sass
- - JS/Typescript/Coffee/LiveScript/Babel/CSS/Sass/LESS/Stylus/HTML/Pug
Tools / Regex
- Debuggex - PCRE/Python/JavaScript regex matching.
- ExtendsClass - PHP/Python/Ruby/JavaScript regex matching.
- reFiddle - Ruby/.NET/JavaScript regex matching.
- RegExplained - JavaScript regex matching.
- Regexr - JavaScript regex matching.
Tools / Transformation
- Sassmeister - Sass/Scss <-> CSS
- Terser - JavaScript parser, mangler and compressor toolkit for ES6+
- WebAssembly Explorer - translate C/C++ to WebAssembly, and then see the machine code generated by the browser.
Resources / Browser Information
Resources / Compatability
Resources / CSS Inliners
Resources / CSS Post Processors
Resources / Documentation
Resources / Easings & Animations
Resources / Glyphs & Icons
Resources / Open JSON & Feeds
- FillText - Generate JSON datasets for testing or demonstration purposes
- Zippopotamus - Zipcode to Geo
Resources / Proxy as a Service
- CORS Anywhere - Proxies any HTTP request through a CORS enabled environment.
Resources / Responsiveness
Resources / Validation & Parsers
- numverify - Validate phone numbers from over 200 countries.
Security / SSL
- GetHTTPSForFree! - Genuinely FREE SSL certificates (courtesy of Let's Encrypt)
- Self-Signed Certificate Generator - A self-signed certificate generator.
The Outside World / Swag
15. Awesome Discord Communities
Computer Science

Computer Science
Notable Channels: #computer-science
, #resources
, #algorithms-and-data-structures
, #information-and-coding-theory
, #cryptography
, #artificial-intelligence
Language: English

Notable Channels: #lectures
, #scratch
, #hello
, #cash
, #credit
, #readability
, #caesar
, #substitution
, #plurality
, #runoff
, #tideman
, #c-to-python-sentimental
, so much more
Language: English
- Prev: Jun 05, 2020
- Next: Jun 03, 2020