Awesome List Updates on Jun 04, 2020

15 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Building Blocks for Web Apps

UI Elements

Chat Bot

2. Awesome Homematic

Community Ressources (mostly german language)

3. Awesome Transit

GTFS Libraries / JavaScript

GTFS Realtime Convertors / Rust

National government datasets / Rust

Proprietary (non-standard) vendor APIs / Rust

4. Awesome Slack


5. Webcomponents the Right Way


6. Awesome Ruby

Web Frameworks

7. Awesome Cpp


8. Awesome Selfhosted

Software / Note-taking & Editors

9. Awesome Blazor

2D/3D Rendering engines / Others

10. Awesome Ios Books

Game Development

11. Awesome Machine Learning

Python / Misc Scripts / iPython Notebooks / Codebases

12. Awesome Ros2

Packages / Ecosystem

13. Awesome Jamstack

Books / Automation

14. Awesome Devtools


Tools / Debugging & Development

Tools / Deobfuscation & Transformation

Tools / Diffing

Tools / File Sharing

Tools / Generators

Tools / Image

Tools / Playgrounds

Tools / Regex

Tools / Transformation

Resources / Browser Information

Resources / Compatability

Resources / CSS Inliners

Resources / CSS Post Processors

Resources / Documentation

Resources / Easings & Animations

Resources / Glyphs & Icons

Resources / Open JSON & Feeds

Resources / Proxy as a Service

Resources / Responsiveness

Resources / Validation & Parsers

Security / SSL

The Outside World / Swag

15. Awesome Discord Communities

Computer Science

Server Icon

Computer Science Homepage URL
Notable Channels: #computer-science, #resources, #algorithms-and-data-structures,#theory-of-computation, #information-and-coding-theory, #cryptography, #artificial-intelligence
Language: English

Server Icon

cs50 Official Badge Homepage URL
Notable Channels: #lectures, #scratch, #hello,#mario, #cash, #credit, #readability, #caesar, #substitution, #plurality, #runoff, #tideman, #c-to-python-sentimental, so much more
Language: English