Awesome List Updates on Jun 02, 2020
13 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Malware Analysis
Debugging and Reverse Engineering / Other Resources
- BluePill (⭐118) - Framework for executing and debugging evasive malware and protected executables.
2. Awesome Discord Communities
Flight Simulation

Coders Craft
Notable Channels: #general
, #xpl-res
, #dev-chat
, #lua
, #c-cpp
, #microsoft-flight-simulation-dev-chat
, #modeling-texture
Language: English

FlyByWire Simulations
Notable Channels: #help
, #aviation-chat
, #hardware-chat
, #a32nx-chat
, #a380x-chat
, #dev-support
, #atsu-api
, #lighting
, #modeling
, #sound
, #your-controls
Language: English
Making of games, how to rasterize or real time ray tracing, the complexities behind each object movement, everything before publishing in the marketplace.

Notable Channels: #tutorials_and_articles
, #unity
, #programming
, #mobile
, #code_optimization
, #shaders
, #game_jams
, #art
, #audio
, #game_design
, #marketing
, #collaboration
Language: English

Game Dev League
Notable Channels: #events
, #unity
, #unreal-engine
, #gamemaker-studio
, #open-source
, #löve-dev
, #monogame-and-libgdx-dev
, #godot
, #web-dev
, #cryengine-dev
, #vr-dev
, so much more
Language: English

Game Dev Network
Notable Channels: #gamedev-talk
, #career-advice
, #gamejam
, #work-in-progress
, #unity
, #unreal
, #godot
, #gamemaker
, #stride-xenko
, #roblox
, #ui-ux
, #3d-modeling
, #sound
, #looking-for-work
Language: English

Notable Channels: #osu-lazer
, #osu-framework
, #osu-dev
, #difficulty-osu
, #difficulty-taiko
, #difficulty-catch
, #difficulty-mania
, #osu-wiki
, #modding
, #mappers-guild
Language: English

Reddit /r/gamedev
Notable Channels: #gamedev-general
, #show-off-your-stuff
, #unity
, #unreal
, #godot
, #lhtml5-javascript
, #c-cpp-csharp-java
, #opengl-vulkan
, #gamemaker
, #retro
, #audio
, #visuals
, #jobs
Language: English
3. Awesome Esolangs
- AlmostBinary (⭐6) - Code in binary and run on any platform.
4. Awesome Css
Videos 📺 / 2019
- Next-Generation Web Styling - Una Kravets & Adam Argyle @ Chrome Dev Summit 2019.
5. Awesome Actions
GitHub Tools and Management / Docker Container Actions
6. Awesome Powershell
Package Managers
- PowerShell App Deployment Toolkit - Provides a set of functions to perform common application deployment tasks and to interact with the user during a deployment.
7. Awesome Billing
Fraud / Online Payments
- Driving Global Fraud Losses Down While Empowering Business Growth - In this talk by Uber Eats, we learn from the biggest payment processor that “growing businesses with declining loss rates is extremely rare in the industry”. Also, fraud can takes several forms: chargebacks on non-perishable goods, promo abuse, refunds…
Business Intelligence / Metrics
- An Overview of Visa - Great breakdown of Visa business models and metrics.
8. Awesome Engineering Team Management
Culture / Procrastination
- The principles of Amazon service-oriented collaboration - A compilation of anonymous sources from AWS which ehoes the interview above: “teams are ostensibly autonomous and can make any important decision needed to meet their goals.”
Engineering / Engineering Practices
- Embedded Rules of Thumb - Guidelines and heuristics to provide a reasonable approximation of the truth while developing embedded devices. Most also applies to software projects in general.
9. Webcomponents the Right Way
Component Libraries
- TEI Publisher Components (⭐18) - Collection of web components used by TEI Publisher and apps generated by it.
- ember-custom-elements (⭐15) - Render Ember and Glimmer components using custom elements.
- react-shadow (⭐1.3k) - Utilise Shadow DOM in React with all the benefits of style encapsulation.
10. Awesome Ios Books
11. Awesome Ponyfills
12. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Entertainment
- TV Randshow (⭐226) - App to choose a random TV show episode by deandreamatias
13. Awesome Tensorflow Js
Learn / Papers
- TensorFlow.js: Machine Learning for the Web and Beyond - This paper describes the design, API, and implementation of TensorFlow.js, and highlights some of the impactful use cases.
- JSDoop and TensorFlow.js: Volunteer Distributed Web Browser-Based Neural Network Training - The experimental results show that training a neural network in distributed web browsers is feasible and accurate, has a high scalability, and it is an interesting area for research.
Learn / Videos
- Official TensorFlow.js video series - The YouTube content focuses on TensorFlow ecosystem updates.
- TensorFlow.js: ML for the web and beyond - TensorFlow Dev Summit 2020.
- Rock Paper Scissors! - Train Rock Paper Scissors on your machine and watch the results with your webcam!
Learn / Books
- Deep Learning with JavaScript - Learn to use TensorFlow.js to build deep learning models that run directly in the browser, master all the basics of deep learning and explore advanced concepts, like retraining existing models for transfer learning and image generation by Shanqing Cai, Stanley Bileschi, Eric D. Nielsen and Francois Chollet.
- Hands-On Machine Learning with TensorFlow.js - A guide to building ML applications integrated with web technology using the TensorFlow.js library by Kai Sasaki.
Learn / Blog & Posts
- Official TensorFlow.js blog - Covers building models in JavaScript and using them in the browser or in Node.js.
Tools / Tools/Utilities
- CodePen - Best place to build, test and discover front-end code (Tensorflow.js templates).
- Prev: Jun 03, 2020
- Next: Jun 01, 2020