Awesome List Updates on May 25, 2020
13 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Irc
Bots / Self-hosted
- EveIRC (⭐9) - Extendable chat/channel/server-managenent service-providing bot. Using the Cinch Framework (⭐1k).
2. Awesome React Native
- react-native-hole-view ★6 (⭐210) - Component for cutting out click-through holes in any view. Perfect for making tutorial-like overlay
3. Awesome Css
Frameworks 🎨 / Editor's Draft ✒️
- Bonsai - A complete Utility First CSS Framework for less than 50kb.
4. Awesome Jamstack
- Kentico Kontent - A cloud-native headless CMS that scales.
Videos / Automation
- React vs Vue, Gatsby vs Gridsome - building the same site - Ondrej Polesny.
Tutorials / Articles / Automation
5. Colorful
Tools / Web App
- Sorted colors - Sorted named CSS colors in a way that it shows related colors together.
6. Awesome Wardley Maps
Maps in the Wild
- Context, Situation, Components, PaaS, Dead or Alive … it's all semantics isn't it? - tl;dr Caveat Emptor. Feb 4, 2014.
7. Awesome Playcanvas
- Video Tutorials - YouTube playlist for short PlayCanvas tutorials.
8. Awesome Blazor
- DiabloBlazor (⭐101) -
Blazor port of DiabloWeb, making it a double WebAssembly app: a WebAssembly (C#) PWA hosting a WebAssembly (C++) game. Demo.
9. Awesome Crystal
Web Frameworks
- runcobo (⭐50) - An api framework with simple, intuitive and consistent DSL, using jbuilder to render json
10. Awesome Engineering Team Management
Facilities / Standups
- Noise, Cognitive Function, and Worker Productivity - “An increase of 10 dB reduces productivity by approximately 5%.”
Product Management / User-Centered Design
- The product roadmap is dead: welcome to the age of problem roadmaps - “Fall in love with your problems and not with your solutions.”
- The Psychology of Design - An extensive list of cognitive biases and design principles with examples and tips to fine-tune your product and UX.
Product Management / Product Marketing
- Marketing for Engineers (⭐13k) - Lots of resources to help bootstrap your marketing activities and solve practical tasks.
- How the biggest consumer apps got their first 1,000 users - How the biggest apps out there started: from going to your user directly (both online and offline), creating FOMO and word-of-mouth, to build a community first and get press.
11. Webcomponents the Right Way
Component Libraries
- Apollo Elements (⭐413) - Custom elements for using Apollo GraphQL with various web components libraries.
- Blackstone UI (⭐76) - Web components for creating interfaces by Blackstone Publishing.
Starter Kits
- custom-element-boilerplate (⭐157) - Boilerplate for creating a custom element.
- hello-web-components (⭐25) - Simple starter hello world web component written in TypeScript.
12. Awesome Vue
Resources / Blog Posts
- Vue.js from scratch series on YouTube by Paris Nakita Kejser
Projects Using Vue.js / Apps/Websites
- Portfolio Site - Olaolu Olawuyi, A Frontend developer and UX Engineer's portfolio site.
13. Awesome Deno
Modules / Utils
- deno_cron (⭐100) - A cron Job scheduler that allows you to write human readable cron syntax with tons of flexibility
- rubico (⭐274) - 🏞 [a]synchronous function composition; it just works.
- Prev: May 26, 2020
- Next: May 24, 2020