Awesome List Updates on May 18, 2020
18 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Webcomponents the Right Way
Class Based
- DNA (⭐37) - Progressive Web Components library.
- Tonic (⭐837) - Minimalist, stable, audit friendly component framework.
2. Awesome Userscripts
Scripts / YouTube
- Hide YouTube recommendations (⭐24) - Hides the thumbnails and titles of the recommended videos to reduce distraction and procrastination.
3. Awesome Wardley Maps
- Wardley Maps on Vimeo - Talks by Simon Wardley and the Wardley mapping community.
4. Awesome Transit
GTFS Libraries / C
- CGTFS (⭐9) - C library for reading static GTFS feeds. Supports reading unpacked feeds into application memory or into SQLite databases.
- RRRR Rapid Real-time Routing (⭐169) - RRRR (usually pronounced R4) is a C-language implementation of the RAPTOR public transit routing algorithm.
GTFS Libraries / Python
- ESRI public-transit-tools (⭐175) - Tools for working with public transit data in ArcGIS (license for ArcGIS required).
- gtfsdb (⭐161) - Python library for converting GTFS files into a relational database.
- gtfsman (⭐22) - Repository-like tool in Python to manage and update a huge number of GTFS feeds.
- gtfspy (⭐160) - Public transport network analysis and travel time computations using Python3. Compatible with Postgres/PostGIS, Oracle, MySQL, and SQLite. Used by gtfspy-webviz (⭐55).
- Make GTFS (⭐11) - A Python library to make GTFS feeds from basic route information.
- Mapzen GTFS (⭐30) - A Python GTFS library that supports reading individual GTFS tables, or constructing a graph to represent each agency in a feed.
- multigtfs (⭐52) - A Django application to import and export GTFS.
GTFS Libraries / C#
- GTFS Feed Parser (⭐71) - .Net/Mono implementation of a GTFS parser.
GTFS Libraries / Go
- Go GTFS Parser (⭐43) - A GTFS parsing library for Go.
GTFS Libraries / PostgreSQL
- gtfs-schema (⭐35) - PostgreSQL schema for GTFS feeds.
GTFS Libraries / Ruby
- GTFS-viz (⭐88) - Ruby script that converts a set of GTFS files into a SQLite database + GeoJSONs (needed by the Transit Map (⭐361) web application)
5. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Code Analysis
- Phpactor (⭐1.5k) - PHP completion, refactoring and introspection tool.
6. Awesome Macos Screensavers
Video Game
One interpretation of The Matrix.
7. Colorful
Tools / Libraries
- color2k (⭐620) - A color parsing and manipulation lib.
8. Awesome Fastapi
Open Source Projects / Other Tools
9. Awesome Python Data Science
Graph Machine Learning / Others
- Little Ball of Fur (⭐707) - A library for sampling graph structured data.
10. Awesome Remote Job
- Eleduck - A remote worker community in China(来自中国的远程工作社区).
11. Awesome Network Analysis
Software / Python
- littleballoffur (⭐707) - Python package for sampling from graph structured data with a scikit-learn like API.
12. Awesome Cmake
13. Awesome Ios Books
Game Development
14. Awesome Crystal
Algorithms and Data structures
- (⭐23) - BlurHash (⭐16k) implementation
15. Awesome Electronics
Learning / Courses
- Khan Academy - Electrical Engineering - Non-profit learning platform with a full course on electrical engineering and related topics.
Learning / Theory
- Lessons In Electric Circuits - Free high quality textbooks and worksheets with emphasis on theory, simulation, and the socratic method.
- Ultimate Electronics: Practical Circuit Design and Analysis - Free online book with interactive schematics & simulations by CircuitLab (under development).
CAD Specific / KiCad
- Forums - User discussion and help forum.
- Footprint Collection (⭐325) - Collection of all the KiCad footprints available online and some scripts to manage them.
Project Sharing Platforms / Altium
- - Another social site for sharing projects. Is well organised by platform, topic and product.
- InventHub - Git-based project hosting and collaboration platform for hardware development.
Blogs / Altium
- - Another blog covering electronics.
Forums / Help
- /r/askelectronics - Sub-reddit dedicated to help on electronics topics.
- Electronics Stack Exchange - Question and answer site for electronics running on the popular Stack Overflow service.
- EEVBlog beginners forum - Good place for beginner questions, other sub-forums on EEVblog should be suitable for questions on more advanced topics.
Podcasts / Help
- The Amp Hour - Off-the-cuff chat about electronics with Chris Gammel and Dave Jones (EEVBlog), often with guests
- MacroFab Engineering Podcast - Weekly podcast where Parker and Stephen from MacroFab discuss EE topics and industry news.
- The Engineering Commons Podcast - Covers general engineering topics from mechanical to electrical.
Other Lists / Help
- PwnKitteh/InsanelyCheapElectronics (⭐360) - A list of cheap electronics from China, that you can use in your projects.
- intajay/open-electronics (⭐559) - Another GitHub list: resources for Electronics Enthusiasts and Hardware Hackers.
- Vitorian/awesome-fpga (⭐343) - Awesome list of FPGA resources.
- cajt/list_of_robot_electronics (⭐340) - A GitHub list of resources, projects and products for robot electronics.
- embedded-boston/awesome-embedded-systems (⭐808) - Awesome list of embedded programming resources.
16. Awesome Deno
Modules / Utils
- deno-context (⭐6) - Propagate deadlines, a cancellation and other request-scoped values to multiple promise. The behaviour is like Go's context.
- invert-kv (⭐3) - Invert key-value pairs in Deno.
- online (⭐7) - Check if you're currently online in Deno.
- qrcode (⭐42) - QR code image generator for Deno.
- recursive-readdir (⭐8) - Recursively read directories in Deno.
Modules / Web utils
- status (⭐15) - HTTP codes and status utility for Deno.
- up (⭐14) - Check if a website is up in Deno.
Tools / XML
- dedep (⭐66) - Manage dependency versions.
- packer-provisioner-deno (⭐5) - A Packer plugin that makes it easy to build virtual machine images with Deno scripts.
- starter (⭐28) - Deno module starter template with GitHub Actions CI
Articles / XML
Resources in Other Languages / Chinese
17. Awesome It Quotes
Quote: “One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man.”
Elbert Hubbard (writer, publisher, artist, and philosopher)
Quote: “If it's a good idea, go ahead and do it. It's much easier to apologize than it is to get permission.”
Grace Hopper (American computer scientist, a pioneer of computer programming who invented one of the first compilers. She popularized the idea of machine-independent programming languages, which led to the development of COBOL.)
18. Awesome Ctf
- IppSec - Video tutorials and walkthroughs of popular CTF platforms.
- Damn Vulnerable Web Application - PHP/MySQL web application that is damn vulnerable.
- Prev: May 19, 2020
- Next: May 17, 2020