Awesome List Updates on May 14, 2020
17 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Flutter
Animation / Redux / ELM / Dependency Injection
- Animate Do - Animation package inspired in Animate.css by Fernando Herrera.
2. Awesome Newsletters
Kotlin / Svelte
- Kotlin Weekly. The weekly newsletter for Kotlin developers, with articles, libraries, videos and podcasts from the Kotlin environment.
3. Awesome Pentest
Windows Utilities / Web Exploitation Books
- Inveigh (⭐2.6k) - Windows PowerShell ADIDNS/LLMNR/mDNS/NBNS spoofer/machine-in-the-middle tool.
- Rubeus (⭐4.2k) - Toolset for raw Kerberos interaction and abuses.
4. Awesome Css
Style Guide / Editor's Draft ✒️
- Fluent UI (⭐18k) by Microsoft
5. Awesome Deno
Docs / Official Docs
Modules / CLI utils
- cli-spinner (⭐58) - Show spinners in the terminal while running long tasks.
Modules / Template engine
- dejs (⭐145) - Ejs template engine for deno.
Modules / Utils
- deno-dotenv
- pietvanzoen/deno-dotenv (⭐148) - Dotenv handling for deno.
- cardosomarcos/deno-dotenv (⭐8) - Loads environment variables from .env for Deno projects.
- deno-plugin-prepare (⭐47) - A library for managing Deno native plugin dependencies.
- ms (⭐17) - Easily convert various time formats to milliseconds.
Tools / XML
- clone (⭐4) - A simple utility for the convenient clone.
- denoinit (⭐30) - Denoinit generates useful files for Deno project.
- denoversion (⭐7) - SemVer and git version management for Deno.
- udd (⭐329) - Update Deno dependencies: updates import statements to their latest published version.
Articles / XML
Presentations / XML
Resources in Other Languages / Indonesian
Resources in Other Languages / Spanish
6. Awesome Shell
Multimedia and File Formats / Directory Navigation
- visidata (⭐7.3k) - A terminal spreadsheet multitool for exploring and arranging data (csv/json/xml/xls/yaml/etc)
Applications / Directory Navigation
- nomino (⭐534) - Batch rename utility using regex, sort and map file options.
- pockyt (⭐490) - Read, Manage, and Automate your Pocket collection.
7. Awesome Scifi
Links / Imago (1989) [4.2]
8. Awesome Keycloak
9. Webcomponents the Right Way
10. Public Apis
API: Image-Charts
Description: Generate charts, QR codes and graph images
Auth: No
API: ScrapingDog
Description: Proxy API for Web scraping
CORS: Unknown
11. Awesome Mac
Encryption / Audio Record and Process
- Deadbolt (⭐355) - The easiest file encryption tool you'll ever use. macOS-compatible, and open-source so you can trust it.
12. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Files
- Flysystem (⭐13k) - Abstraction for local and remote filesystems.
13. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- mljar-supervised (⭐3.1k) - An Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) python package for tabular data. It can handle: Binary Classification, MultiClass Classification and Regression. It provides explanations and markdown reports.
14. Awesome Ctf
- MotherFucking-CTF (⭐42) - Badass lightweight plaform to host CTFs. No JS involved.
- StegOnline - Conduct a wide range of image steganography operations, such as concealing/revealing files hidden within bits (open-source).
- Intro. to CTF Course - A free course that teaches beginners the basics of forensics, crypto, and web-ex.
- Awesome CTF Cheatsheet - CTF Cheatsheet.
15. Awesome Actions
Notifications and Messages / Code Coverage
16. Awesome Typescript
Typescript Project Starters
- typescript-express-starter (⭐2.8k) - Quick and Easy TypeScript Express Starter.
Libraries / Chrome Extensions
- 🐙 ts-audio (⭐315) - an agnostic and easy-to-use library to work with the
17. Awesome React Native
Integrations / Navigation Demos
- react-native-twitter-signin ★140 (⭐164) - Login for your react native applications with client Twitter account
- Prev: May 15, 2020
- Next: May 13, 2020