Awesome List Updates on May 10, 2020
12 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Engineering Team Management
Politics / Equity
- Power Bends Light - “Most things at most startups are perpetually on fire, but if you can accept that, there is a lot to like. One well-known one: at a fast-growing startup, a hard-working, talented person who has some support from company leadership can often acquire an impressive title (or at least a lot of de facto power) very quickly.”
2. Awesome Nextjs
- Next Right Now (⭐1.3k) - Flexible production-grade boilerplate with Next.js 9 and Vercel, with pre-configured Sentry, cookies, Amplitude, Emotion, FontAwesome, GraphQL/GraphCMS (Apollo), Bootstrap (Reactstrap), i18next (Locize), Jest, Cypress (E2E tests) and CI/CD (GH Actions), with full TypeScript support and support for B2B multi-tenants web apps (monorepo)
- Next & Vercel Typescript template (⭐43) - Serverless, Typescript, Jest, Github CI, SCSS, prettier boilerplate
3. Awesome Cl
- Lisp Koans (⭐3.1k) - The project guides the learner progressively through many Common Lisp language features.
4. Awesome Gbdev
- Complete Technical Reference - by Gekkio.
Peripherals / Opcodes
- Edge of Emulation, a series of articles about emulating and investigating Game Boy accessories. Also available as technical documents (⭐535) in the GBE- emulator documentation.
- Mobile Adapter GB - Internet connectivity and DLC on the Game Boy Color.
- The Game Boy Printer
- Pocket Sonar - A blue cart with built-in sonar hardware.
- Zok Zok Heroes - Zok Zok Heroes' Full Changer, a motion-activated accessory.
- Infrared Madness - Infrared communication on the Game Boy Color.
- Game Boy 4-Player Adapter - DMG-07.
- Barcode Boy - The first Game Boy card-scanner.
- Barcode Taisen Bardigun - A late 90s DMG-GBC barcode reader.
Cartridges / Opcodes
- Gekkio's cartridge analysis:
- Pinout, registers descriptions and VHDL code of some cartridge types on Tauwasser's wiki:
Emulator Development / Misc
- binjgb rewind - Implementing a *rewind- feature.
- About swotGB - Notes about the development of a Game Boy emulator in JavaScript.
Assemblers / Misc
- wla-dx (⭐552) - Yet Another GB-Z80/Z80/... Multi Platform Cross Assembler Package. Documentation.
Emulators / Experimental/Proof of Concepts
- Binjgb (⭐553) - 5Kloc emulator that passes most of the tests. *Rewind- feature. Runs in the browser using WebAssembly.
- gbe-plus (⭐535) - A recently rewritten emulator that has a large effort in preserving the functions of obscure accessories (such as IR link, Mobile Network GB, Barcode Boy, GB Printer, local and online GB Serial Link Cable, ... )
ASM / Syntax highlighting packages
- gbz80-highlight (⭐7) - Notepad+- and gedit syntax highlighting files for RGBDS assembly.
C / Syntax highlighting packages
- Bubble Factory (⭐27) - *Vanilla- SDCC (no gbdk).
5. Awesome Ruby
CLI Utilities
- Tabulo (⭐244) - Plain text table generator with a DRY, column-based API.
6. Awesome Cheminformatics
Applications / Command Line Tools
7. Awesome React Native
- react-native-pointer-interactions ★2 (⭐26) - Expose iPad mouse & trackpads interactions to React Native.
Seeds / Navigation Demos
- React Native Boilerplate Typescript (⭐14) - React Native Boilerplate - Redux + Saga + Reselect + redux-persist + react-navigation + TypeScript
8. Awesome Typescript
Runtime / Playground
- json-decoder (⭐76) - Typesafe JSON decoder and runtime checker
9. Awesome Web Security
- What is going on with OAuth 2.0? And why you should not use it for authentication. - Written by @damianrusinek.
- Facebook OAuth Framework Vulnerability - Written by @AmolBaikar.
- If HttpOnly You Could Still CSRF… Of CORS you can! - Written by @GraphX.
Frontend (like SOP bypass, URL spoofing, and something like that)
- Sending arbitrary IPC messages via overriding Function.prototype.apply - Written by @kinugawamasato.
Backend (core of Browser implementation, and often refers to C or C++ part)
Miscellaneous / Server-Side Request Forgery
- WCTF2019: Gyotaku The Flag - Written by @t0nk42.
10. Awesome React Components
- react-searchbox-awesome (⭐30) - demo - Minimalistic searchbox.
11. Free for Dev
Managed Data Services
- MemCachier — Managed Memcache service. Free for up to 25MB, 1 Proxy Server, and basic analytics
- - Receive notifications on email, Slack, Telegram, Discord, and custom webhooks for new releases from GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Python PyPI, Java Maven, Node.js NPM, Node.js Yarn, Ruby Gems, PHP Packagist, .NET NuGet, Rust Cargo and Docker Hub.
12. Awesome Quantified Self
- Don't Unplug!!! How Technology Saved My Life and Can Save Yours Too - A keynote by Chris Dancy ("the Most Connected Man on Earth") in which he explores how technology helped him become a better person by paying attention to the data he collected about his life.
- Prev: May 11, 2020
- Next: May 09, 2020