Awesome List Updates on Apr 26, 2020
17 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Social Enterprise
Institutions 🏫 / Articles
Twitter Accounts 🐦 / Articles
2. Awesome Ruby
- ActiveWorkflow (⭐852) - An intelligent process and workflow automation platform based on software agents.
Captchas and anti-spam
- ActsAsTextcaptcha (⭐57) - Protection for Rails models with text-based logic question captchas (from Rob Tuley's
Data Processing and ETL
- ruby-stemmer (⭐251) - It Provides Snowball algorithm for stemming purposes.
Git Tools
- git_curate (⭐430) - Peruse and delete git branches ergonomically.
- fast_underscore (⭐34) - Provides a C-optimized method for transforming a string from any capitalization into underscore-separated
3. Awesome Electron
Open Source / Other
- LightProxy (⭐3.1k) - Web debugging proxy.
4. Awesome Crystal
- (⭐12) - Web API for libgphoto2
5. Awesome Research
Math and Programming Online / Enterprise Git Service
- NextJournal: the notebook for reproducible research.
- Basically, NextJournal runs almost anything.
- Focusing on reproducibility.
6. ALL About RSS
Telegram / Telegram RSS bots
universally from / multiple sources
7. Awesome Esolangs
- ArnoldC - Based on the best one-liners of Arnold Schwarzenegger.
- CSS-only-chat (⭐6.5k) - A truly monstrous async web chat using no JS whatsoever on the frontend.
- Anarchy Golf - Informal golfing problems server.
8. Awesome Nlg
- Number Words (⭐194) - Convert a number to an approximated text expression: from '0.23' to 'less than a quarter'.
9. Machine Learning Tutorials
Interview Resources
Artificial Intelligence
Genetic Algorithms
- Stat Trek Website - A dedicated website to teach yourselves Statistics
- Learn Statistics Using Python (⭐854) - Learn Statistics using an application-centric programming approach
- Statistics for Hackers | Slides | @jakevdp - Slides by Jake VanderPlas
- Online Statistics Book - An Interactive Multimedia Course for Studying Statistics
- OpenIntro Statistics - Free PDF textbook
Useful Blogs
- Edwin Chen's Blog - A blog about Math, stats, ML, crowdsourcing, data science
- The Data School Blog - Data science for beginners!
- ML Wave - A blog for Learning Machine Learning
- Andrej Karpathy - A blog about Deep Learning and Data Science in general
- Colah's Blog - Awesome Neural Networks Blog
- Alex Minnaar's Blog - A blog about Machine Learning and Software Engineering
- Statistically Significant - Andrew Landgraf's Data Science Blog
- Simply Statistics - A blog by three biostatistics professors
- Yanir Seroussi's Blog - A blog about Data Science and beyond
- fastML - Machine learning made easy
- Trevor Stephens Blog - Trevor Stephens Personal Page
- no free hunch | kaggle - The Kaggle Blog about all things Data Science
- A Quantitative Journey | outlace - learning quantitative applications
- r4stats - analyze the world of data science, and to help people learn to use R
- Variance Explained - David Robinson's Blog
- AI Junkie - a blog about Artificial Intellingence
- Deep Learning Blog by Tim Dettmers - Making deep learning accessible
- J Alammar's Blog- Blog posts about Machine Learning and Neural Nets
- Adam Geitgey - Easiest Introduction to machine learning
- Ethen's Notebook Collection (⭐2.1k) - Continuously updated machine learning documentations (mainly in Python3). Contents include educational implementation of machine learning algorithms from scratch and open-source library usage
Resources on Quora
Kaggle Competitions WriteUp
Cheat Sheets
Logistic Regression
Model Validation using Resampling
- Cross Validation
Overfitting and Cross Validation
Deep Learning
Neural Machine Translation
Deep Learning Frameworks
Feed Forward Networks
- Recurrent and LSTM Networks
Recurrent Neural Net Tutorial Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Code (⭐863)
The Unreasonable effectiveness of RNNs, Torch Code (⭐11k), Python Code
Long Short Term Memory (LSTM)
Gated Recurrent Units (GRU)
Time series forecasting with Sequence-to-Sequence (seq2seq) rnn models (⭐1k)
Restricted Boltzmann Machine
Autoencoders: Unsupervised (applies BackProp after setting target = input)
Convolutional Neural Networks
Network Representation Learning
Natural Language Processing
- Topic Modeling
Text Clustering
Text Classification
Named Entity Recognitation
Semi Supervised Learning
Computer Vision
Support Vector Machine
Probabilities post SVM
Reinforcement Learning
Decision Trees
- Discover structure behind data with decision trees - Grow and plot a decision tree to automatically figure out hidden rules in your data
Comparison of Different Algorithms
Probabilistic Decision Trees
Random Forest / Bagging
Gradient Boosting Machine
Stacking Models
Vapnik–Chervonenkis Dimension
Bayesian Machine Learning
Other Tutorials
- For a collection of Data Science Tutorials using R, please refer to this list (⭐1.8k).
- For a collection of Data Science Tutorials using Python, please refer to this list (⭐4.6k).
10. Awesome Actions
Pull Requests / Code Coverage
11. Awesome Piracy
Ebooks / Third Party Hosts
- PDFdrive PDF Drive is your search engine for PDF files. No annoying ads, no download limits.
- Memory of the world A new website containing a lot of books.
12. Awesome Jupyter
- IllumiDesk (⭐42) - Docker-based JupyterHub + LTI + nbgrader distribution for education.
13. Awesome Jamstack
- Jamstack resources - Videos and articles about Jamstack.
- the New Dynamic - Pick up tools in our Directory to work with the Jamstack. Browse our showcase and get inspired.
- HeadlessCMS - A List of Content Management Systems for Jamstack Sites.
API / E-commerce
- GoCommerce - A headless e-commerce for Jamstack sites.
- Trolley - A shopping cart designed for the Jamstack.
Serverless / Automation
- Cloudinary - Serverless media (images/videos) management platform. Provides SDKs in every popular language and media widgets for Jamstack to make it easy to manage media, CDN, storage, transformations, and more.
Videos / Automation
- Rise of the Jamstack - Mathias Biillman.
- Jamstack: Silly name, serious stuff - Phil Hawksworth.
- Jamstack Tutorial - Full site using Netlify & Hugo -
- Talks from all the Jamstack Conferences - Jamstack Conf.
- How I Used React, Vue, & Node to Build a Single Jamstack App - Ahmad Awais.
Tutorials / Articles / Automation
Podcasts / Automation
Books / Automation
- Modern Web Development on the Jamstack - By Mathias Biilmann & Phil Hawksworth (published by O'Reilly).
14. Awesome Software Patreons
Open Source Projects
- JHipster - Open Source application platform for creating Spring Boot + Angular/React/Vue projects in seconds.
15. Awesome React Native
- react-native-root-siblings ★452 (⭐588) - Add sibling elements after your app root element.
16. Awesome Cheminformatics
Libraries / Others
- Cookiecutter for Computational Molecular Sciences (⭐353) - Python-centric Cookiecutter for Molecular Computational Chemistry Packages by MolSSL
Resources / Courses
17. Awesome React Components
- react-instagram-zoom-slider (⭐77) - demo - A slider component with pinch to zoom capabilities inspired by Instagram.
- Prev: Apr 27, 2020
- Next: Apr 25, 2020