Awesome List Updates on Apr 14, 2020

13 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Cassandra

Books / Custom Time Series

2. Awesome Transit

Web Apps (open source) / Rust

3. Awesome Lidar



4. Awesome Cl

HTML generators and templates / Isomorphic web frameworks

Readline, ncurses and other graphical helpers / Third-party APIs

Shells, shells interfaces / Third-party APIs

Other scripting utilities / Third-party APIs

Date and time / Third-party APIs

5. Awesome Leading and Managing

Contents / Quotes That Capture the General Spirit of this List's Contents

6. Awesome Nodejs

Packages / Miscellaneous

7. Awesome Actions

Collection of Actions / Docker Container Actions

Static Analysis / Security

Deployment / Code Coverage

8. Awesome Waves


9. Awesome React Components

UI Animation / Syntax Highlight

10. Awesome Standard

code/project generators

11. Awesome Embedded and Iot Security

Case Studies / RFID NFC Tools

Websites / Tutorials and Technical Background

12. Computer Science

How to show your progress / Advanced math

13. Awesome Ssh

Apps / Network

Apps / Automation

Apps / Alternatives to SSH