Awesome List Updates on Apr 07, 2020
12 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Shell
- nushell (⭐29k) - A modern shell written in Rust
Command-Line Productivity
- byobu - Text-based window manager and terminal multiplexer
Shell Script Development / Directory Navigation
- bash-language-server (⭐1.9k) - LSP-based Bash language server
- (⭐451) - Dead simple testing framework for Bash with coverage reporting
- esh (⭐198) - A simple templating engine based on shell, implemented in ~290 lines of POSIX shell and awk.
2. Awesome Leading and Managing
Contents / Quotes That Capture the General Spirit of this List's Contents
3. Awesome Actions
Utility / Docker Container Actions
- Setup Xamarin (⭐33) - Switch between pre-installed versions of Xamarin and Mono for macOS images.
- Setup Cocoapods (⭐31) - Setup specific version of Cocoapods.
Static Analysis / Security
- Secrets Sync Action (⭐312) - Action syncs secrets across multiple repositories.
4. Awesome Scientific Writing
Word Processors
- R Studio (⭐4.6k) - IDE for R.
- bookdown (⭐3.7k) - R package to facilitate writing books and long-form articles, reports with R Markdown 🔖 🔗.
- R Markdown - R package to write R next to Markdown 🔖 🔗.
- Zettlr - Markdown editor which integrates CSL, BibLaTeX, Pandoc and many other tools 🔖 🔗.
- JabRef - Open source bibliography reference manager.
- Mermaid Live Editor - Define simple diagrams instead of drawing them.
- Vega Lite - Define charts and more complex diagrams.
- PlantUML - Define UML diagrams instead of drawing them.
Templates / Articles
- Pandoc Markdown-LaTeX
Boilerplate (⭐98) - Demonstrate
how to integrate Pandoc with an existing LaTeX template which
requires some boilerplate code (i.e. LaTeX preamble), thus avoiding the
- scientific-markdown (⭐44) - Example
for use of Markdown for scientific publications using Pandoc and
- Steve's R Markdown Templates (⭐890) - Academic manuscript, memos, Beamer presentation, syllabus and CV.
Templates / Presentations
- pandoc-starter (⭐524) - Templates for articles, Beamer presentations etc. using Markdown files and Makefiles for getting started with Pandoc.
- slides (⭐3) - Demo for generating
presentations using Pandoc.
Templates / Books
- bookdown-demo (⭐491) - Minimal example of a book based on R Markdown and bookdown.
- Template for writing a PhD thesis in Markdown (⭐1.2k) - Clean organization of files to provide a framework for writing a PhD thesis in mostly Markdown with a little bit of LaTeX, and compiled with Pandoc.
Tutorials / Books
- Book on Riemann solvers (⭐255) - This
example uses a custom
template and shows how to store your notebooks with no output (for version control) while automatically executing them before runningbookbook
, so that PDF and HTML versions include the output.
- Dennis Tenen and Grant Wythoff - Sustainable Authorship in Plain Text using Pandoc and Markdown.
- Teaching and learning with Jupyter (⭐427) - Book written in R Markdown, bookdown and also rendered as HTML, PDF and EPUB.
- Writing scientific papers for ACPD using Emacs Org-mode - Detailed tutorial on authoring a paper by seamlessly integrating with LaTeX commands within Org-mode.
5. Awesome Robotic Tooling
Datasets / Sensor and Acuator Interfaces
- Ford Autonomous Vehicle Dataset - Ford presents a challenging multi-agent seasonal dataset collected by a fleet of Ford autonomous vehicles at different days and times.
6. Awesome Python
- shiv (⭐1.7k) - A command line utility for building fully self-contained zipapps (PEP 441), but with all their dependencies included.
7. Awesome Powershell
- Windows PowerShell Networking Guide - Language specific guide to Windows networking.
Editors and IDEs
- PowerShell ISE - Official PowerShell development environment included with Microsoft Windows.
8. Free for Dev
Issue Tracking and Project Management
- Confluence - Atlassian's content collaboration tool is used to help teams collaborate and share knowledge efficiently. Free plan for up to 10 users.
- Jira — Advanced software development project management tool used in many corporate environments. Free plan for up to 10 users.
9. Awesome Microservices
Java VM / Java
- Dubbo (⭐41k) - A high-performance, java based RPC framework open-sourced by Alibaba.
Rust / Scala
- Tarpc (⭐3.3k) - RPC framework for Rust with a focus on ease of use.
Messaging / Scala
- Beanstalk - Simple, fast work queue.
- Bull (⭐16k) - Fast and reliable Redis-based queue for Node.
Security / Scala
- ORY - Open source identity infrastructure and services.
10. Awesome Keycloak
Community Extensions
11. Awesome Java
Hypermedia Types / Text-Based User Interfaces
- hate (⭐23) - Builds hypermedia-friendly objects according to HAL specification.
12. Awesome Esolangs
- 78 (⭐3) - A single-character command language focused around the numbers 7 and 8.
- Prev: Apr 08, 2020
- Next: Apr 06, 2020