Awesome List Updates on Apr 07, 2020

12 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Shell


Command-Line Productivity

Shell Script Development / Directory Navigation

2. Awesome Leading and Managing

Contents / Quotes That Capture the General Spirit of this List's Contents

3. Awesome Actions

Utility / Docker Container Actions

Static Analysis / Security

4. Awesome Scientific Writing

Word Processors



Templates / Articles

Templates / Presentations

Templates / Books

Tutorials / Books

5. Awesome Robotic Tooling

Datasets / Sensor and Acuator Interfaces

6. Awesome Python


7. Awesome Powershell


Editors and IDEs

8. Free for Dev

Issue Tracking and Project Management

9. Awesome Microservices

Java VM / Java

Rust / Scala

Messaging / Scala

Security / Scala

10. Awesome Keycloak

Community Extensions

11. Awesome Java

Hypermedia Types / Text-Based User Interfaces

12. Awesome Esolangs
