Awesome List Updates on Mar 27, 2020
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Python
Natural Language Processing
- General
- gensim (⭐15k) - Topic Modeling for Humans.
- (⭐2.3k) - Stand-alone language identification system.
- nltk - A leading platform for building Python programs to work with human language data.
- pattern (⭐8.7k) - A web mining module.
- polyglot (⭐2.3k) - Natural language pipeline supporting hundreds of languages.
- pytext (⭐6.3k) - A natural language modeling framework based on PyTorch.
- PyTorch-NLP (⭐2.2k) - A toolkit enabling rapid deep learning NLP prototyping for research.
- spacy - A library for industrial-strength natural language processing in Python and Cython.
- Stanza (⭐7.1k) - The Stanford NLP Group's official Python library, supporting 60+ languages.
2. Awesome Cmake
- Tutorial (⭐33) - Tutorial and Example on How to Properly Use Modern CMake.
3. Awesome Crystal
Network Protocols
- (⭐69) - AMQP 0-9.1, a messaging protocol, implemented by eg. RabbitMQ
4. Awesome Sitecore
- SitecoreCognitiveServices (⭐0) - SDK integrating Microsoft's Cognitive Services into Sitecore.
- Sitecore.Demo.Group (⭐15) - Habitat Group Demo site - a developer example of a Habitat Based Demo.
- LinkList (⭐0) - Sitecore LinkList Field Type.
- SitecoreDataImporter (⭐0) - SPEAK application to import CSV / JSON / XML into Sitecore Items.
SXA (Sitecore Experience Accelerator)
- Scriban syntax coloring and auto completion (⭐1) - Scriban syntax coloring and intellisense for known objects extension for Visual Studio Code.
- DynamicWorkflows (⭐2) - Rule Engine-based workflow management tool.
5. Awesome Ipfs
- iprfc (⭐4) - IETF RFC downloader which stores RFCs on IPFS and indexes them with RTradeLtd/Lens.
6. Awesome Earth
- A Good Company - The Plastic-Free Store - Everyday products including notebooks, toothbrushes, phone cases, art supplies, water bottles, etc. designed with by a company with complete transparency that has extremely ambitious environmental standards including plastic-free low-carbon materials including bio-plastics, bamboo, stone paper, and recycled aluminum.
- CuloClean Water Bottle Bidet - CuloClean is the portable bidet that you can plumb in your plastic bottle, fully discreet, efficient and portable. It is specially designed so that it fits in the two most common diameters of water bottle on the market.
- Improve how you do laundry - Six tips for a more sustainable laundry routine.
- Who Gives a Crap - We make all of our products with environmentally friendly materials, and we donate 50% of our profits to help build toilets for those in need.
Consumer Products
- Earth Hero - Our brands are made with better materials, cleaner production, a lower carbon footprint, higher quality, and with less waste. When you shop on EarthHero, you contribute to a better future for us all.
- Fairphone - A phone for everyone who cares about how their products are made. It improves the conditions of the people who make it and uses materials that are better for the planet.
- Grayl Water Filter - Water bottle with built in filter that works like a french press. Great for urban and outdoor use.
- Palm-Oil Free Products - Make sure your makeup, biofuel, popcorn, candy, and other various products are palm-oil free. The World Wildlife Fund estimates that 48 football fields worth of rainforest are cut down every minute! It’s estimated that palm oil plantations now cover around 27 million hectares. The forests being clear cut are often habitat for orangutans, who will be completely gone within 5-10 years at this rate.
- Pela Case - 100% Compostable phone case for iPhone and Android made with flax. Also zero-waste screen protectors and sunglasses.
- All Plants - Vegan Prepared Meals - Get super tasty and 100% plant-based meals cooked by chefs and delivered straight to your door. Two people getting six meals works out at £5 a meal, which is amazing. Use this referral link to get £10 off your first box. We'll get £10 off our next box, so we'll spend that saving on trees on Offset Earth. 🥳
- EIT Food - EIT Food is Europe’s leading food innovation initiative, working to make the food system more sustainable, healthy and trusted by consumers.
Footprint Calculators
- Impact Forecast - The Climate impact forecast is a quick-and-easy tool to see and improve the carbon footprint of business ideas in the startup phase, and a stepping stone towards more meticulous life cycle assessment for established companies.
Home Improvements
- All Green - A selection of environmentally friendly products for the home, garden, pets and other stuff.
- Lehman's Appliances - Off the grid and super efficient appliances, including gas refrigerators, freezers, composting toilets, wood stoves, water heaters and pumps.
7. Awesome Vue
Resources / Books
- Vue.js by Chris Minnick and Nat Dunn, Webucator (February, 2020)
8. Awesome Ember
Packages / Articles
Packages / Videos
- EmberConf 2020 - Videos of the sessions from EmberConf 2020.
9. Awesome Naming
- Glue Code - Jenga and LEGO bricks don't share the same interface but you can always glue them together.
10. Awesome List
- Web Archiving (⭐2.2k) - An effort to preserve the Web for future generations.
- Prev: Mar 28, 2020
- Next: Mar 26, 2020