Awesome List Updates on Mar 25, 2020
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Tmux
- tmux-thumbs (⭐951) A lightning fast version of tmux-fingers written in Rust, copy/pasting tmux like vimium/vimperator
2. Awesome Sitecore
- Glass.Mapper (⭐124) - Glass.Mapper has been the redevelopment of the very popular Glass.Sitecore.Mapper project. This project aims to create a more robust and more flexible solution that not only works with many different CMS's.
xConnect and xDB
- XdbTracker (⭐5) - API and js-function to allow client-side triggering of Sitecore events/goals and outcomes.
3. Awesome Security
Other Awesome Lists / Other Security Awesome Lists
- Awesome Personal Security (⭐16k) - A curated list of digital security and privacy tips, with links to further resources.
4. Awesome Java
Microservice / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Sentinel (⭐23k) - Flow control component enabling reliability, resilience and monitoring for microservices.
Utility / Mocking
- Arthas (⭐36k) - Allows to troubleshoot production issues for applications without modifying code or restarting servers.
5. Awesome Swift
- CodableCSV (⭐467) 🐧 - Read and write CSV files row-by-row or through Swift's Codable interface.
- CSVParser (⭐86) 🐧 - Fast parser for CSV.
UI / Barcode
- ActivityIndicatorView (⭐1.5k) - A number of preset loading indicators created with SwiftUI.
6. Awesome Keycloak
7. Public Apis
Description: Domains Data API for Developers
8. Awesome Pentest
Windows Utilities / Web Exploitation Books
- ctftool (⭐1.6k) - Interactive Collaborative Translation Framework (CTF) exploration tool capable of launching cross-session edit session attacks.
9. Awesome Cakephp
- Geo plugin (⭐47) - Containing Geocoder behavior and GoogleMaps helper.
10. Awesome Earth
Carbon Reduction
- Beam - Make small automatic donations while you shop online, to support the cleantech startups trying to change the world. Clean Tech investment money has dried up over the years, so crowdsourcing is becoming the only option for many, and with a Chrome extension you can chuck in a dollar when you're buying other stuff.
- Carbon Pricing Dashboard - Maps and statistics on regional, national, and subnational carbon pricing initiatives.
- Climate Action Tracker - See which countries are on track for the Paris Agreement or similar, and which countries are failing horribly. Hint: it's everyone but Morocco and The Gambia.
- ClimateWorks - An NGO partnering with philanthropists to tackle the climate crisis. They seek to ensure investments have the maximum impact.
- Cool Earth - This charity was created to tackle climate change by reducing carbon emissions from rainforest loss.
- Future Earth - Future Earth is a global research programme designed to provide the knowledge needed to support transformations towards sustainability. They focus on systems-based approaches, seeking to deepen the understanding of complex Earth systems and human dynamics across different disciplines.
- Gold Standard - Offset carbon emissions by purchasing verified carbon credits from a variety of certified, environmentally friendly projects.
- Google Cloud Computing - Google are a long way from perfect, but Google Cloud advertises 100% renewable energy. They don't just offset, they actually reduce the electricity usage too, and "strive to build the world’s most energy-efficient computing network by squeezing more out of every watt of power we consume." Their main rival, Amazon AWS, does not do that, and actively hosts oil and gas companies, who use the platform to find more places to dig. Switching to Google Cloud (or a host who in turn is on Google Cloud), is one of many ways to make your platform have less impact on the earth.
- Green-E Carbon Offsets - Green-e Climate is an excellent resource for carbon offsets. The organization holds retailers accountable by monitoring how offsets are transacted and advertised in the retail market, protecting both the buyer and the seller.
- Project Wren - Project Wren are a startup offering a web based, monthly subscription model for offsetting emissions. They also allow for offsetting of flights.
- We Mean Business - A coalition aiming to catalyze business action and driving policy ambition to accelerate the zero-carbon transition.
- Flight Free (UK) - Aviation is the fastest growing contributor to greenhouse gas emissions at a time when we desperately need to reduce them. Pledge to go flight free in 2020.
- Flight Free (USA) - A grassroots campaign which asks people to agree not to fly in the year of 2020 – on condition that 100,000 others will also pledge to do the same.
- Restons Les Pieds Sur Terre - Aviation is the fastest growing contributor to greenhouse gas emissions at a time when we desperately need to reduce them. Pledge to go flight free in 2020.
- Poparide - Get a ride or fill a seat for rideshares between cities in Canada. Having 3 people in the car can be more efficient than some of their big-ass trains and is 1/5th the impact of flying.
- EcoBnB - Find accommodation for a trip with a focus on sustainability. Most locations get their electricity from renewable sources, you wont find loads of single-use plastics, they recycle more than 80% of their waste, etc.
- Home Exchange - Swap homes with another family instead of spending money at a fancy hotel, as hotels have a much higher footprint due to the constant cleaning, overactive AC, etc.
- Seat61 - Train travel is a more rewarding, low-stress alternative to flying, which brings us closer to the countries we visit and reduces our contribution to climate change. It's time to rediscover the pleasure, romance & adventure of travel by train or ship. This site explains how to travel comfortably & affordably by train or ferry where you might think air was now the only option. For help with train travel, ask the Man in Seat 61!
- Slow Travel (Langsamreisen) - A travel company all about sustainable and conscious travel. Piggy back on a cargo ship to get to that new job on the other side of the world. Sailing trips to get around without a footprint. Maybe take the trans-siberian railway.
- Snow Carbon - Wish you could avoid airport queues, tedious transfers and long drives? Want to travel sustainably and enjoyably by train instead - to fantastic accommodation in the best ski resorts in the Alps? Snowcarbon is an independent guide founded by ski journalist Daniel Elkan to help you do exactly that.
- Stay Grounded - A global network of more than 150 member organisations, among them local airport opposition and climate justice groups, NGOs, trade unions, initiatives fostering alternatives to aviation like night trains, and organisations supporting communities which struggle against offset projects or biofuel plantations
- Giki - The Giki app provides accessible, independent, transparent information to help people change habits to live more sustainably. Our 14 badges cover sustainability, health and fairness.
- No Meat Today - Your companion to eat less meat. It's good for you and the planet, but let's be honest, eating less meat is hard. Don't do it alone!
- Able & Cole - Get fruit, veg, pantry staples, and other organic food delivered in returnable, reusable, recyclable packaging. Seasonal boxes of veg so its not traveling around the world, sustainably sourced fish, they've even got beer.
- Bees Wrap - Stop using cling film and start using reusable recyclable wraps made from bees wax and organic jojoba oil.
- Forkful - Sustainable, nutritious eating that is as good for you as it is for the planet. With our powerful recipe search, you can view the nutritional benefit and environmental impact of thousands of recipes at a glance, empowering you to make awesome decisions.
- Happy Cow - Reduce or avoid meat entirely by finding great vegetarian or vegan food all over the world.
- Kitche - Kitche works to reduce waste from inside users’ kitchens and makes it easier than ever before to manage food at home, saving money and reducing food waste all within one app. Scan receipts and stop wasting money!
- Seafood Watch - Seafood Watch recommends seafood that is fished or farmed in ways that promote healthy oceans. They recommend best options, good alternatives, and things to avoid.
- Alternative Apparel - Low impact dyes, and post-consumer recycled polyester are used with Fair Labor Association guidelines.
- Dabchy - Tunisian second hand clothes marketplace.
- Recover Brands - Soft and strong T-shirts, each made from 8 plastic bottles. Closed Loop manufacturing from the start.
- TenTree - Ten tree is a brand that actively promotes environmental stewardship. They have a wide variety of comfortable clothes and accessories and with each purchase, they pledge to plant 10 trees.
- Worn Wear - A set of tools to help our customers partner with Patagonia to take mutual responsibility to extend the life of the products Patagonia makes and customers purchase. You can buy second-hand repaired or re-crafted clothes, or trade in used Patagonia clothes for credit for new items.
- Go Sun - An innovative portable ultra-efficient solar cooker that can be used for backpacking, boating, car camping, etc.
- Sun Oven - Insulated solar oven that can cook food just like a regular oven.
- Artifishial - Artifishal is a film about people, rivers, and the fight for the future of wild fish and the environment that supports them. It explores wild salmon’s slide toward extinction, threats posed by fish hatcheries and fish farms, and our continued loss of faith in nature.
- Garbage Warrior - Garbage Warrior is a feature-length documentary film telling the epic story of maverick architect Michael Reynolds, his crew of renegade house builders from New Mexico, and their fight to introduce radically different ways of living. Imagine a home that heats itself, that provides its own water, hat grows its own food. Imagine that it needs no expensive technology, that it recycles its own waste, that it has its own power source. And now imagine that it can be built anywhere, by anyone, out of the things society throws away. Thirty years ago, architect Michael Reynolds imagined just such a home - then set out to build it. Reynolds believes that in an age of ecological instability and impending natural disaster, his buildings can - and will - change the way we live.
- City Harvest - City Harvest is New York City’s largest food rescue organization. They rescue food and deliver it to hundreds of food pantries, soup kitchens and other community partners.
- Food Cloud - FoodCloud is a social enterprise that connects businesses with surplus food to charities in their local communities that need it via a software platform.
- GrowNYC Food Scrap Collection Schedule - Interactive map with over 150 residential Food Scrap Drop-Off sites in NYC.
- Karma - A Swedish company that lets restaurants sell surplus food at a lower price. It lets you pay less for food and prevent food waste.
- Olio - We connect neighbors to share food, and other things, rather than chuck them away.
- Pieter Pot - Your groceries, delivered without packaging. Pieter Pot delivers your groceries with a cargo bike in beautiful glass jars in The Netherlands. Empty pot? Then we fill it again. This is how we make it fun and easy to do shopping without all those unnecessary (plastic) packaging. That's nice, right?
- Too Good To Go - Sell your surplus food, easily and sustainably! Save delicious food and fight food waste. Find your favorite food and go rescue it.
- Sonny - Never worry about running out of toilet paper again with Sonny, a sustainable alternative to wipes and paper for better hygiene and a greener planet.
- Precious Plastic - Open-source community who share instructions for creating plastic shredders, injectors, and sheet presses, so you can create anything you want from used plastic. Collect plastic from neighbors, clean it, shred it, 3D print a mold, and create anything you can imagine! You can buy the machines too if making them is out of your wheelhouse.
- Bio Bean - The world’s largest recycler of coffee grounds, Bio Bean recycle spent coffee grounds into sustainable products, like coffee logs for fires, and other biomass fuel.
- Bio-plastic Trash Bags - Made from Plant Based (sugar cane) materials instead of fossil fuel.
- Blue Jeans Go Green - Send in your used jeans to get transformed into natural cotton fiber insulation, some of which is used to help with building efforts around the country.
- Burying Food Scraps - Composting can be time consuming, expensive, and if done incorrectly it can actually produce a lot of methane. If you've got a bit of space in your garden, this video shows how simply burying food scraps can be a quick and simple solution to get rid of waste and improve soil quality too.
- Circular Berlin - A Berlin based non-profit developing the local circular economy agenda through research, community-building and practical programmes. Good overview of events and initiatives happening in Berlin.
- Donate Toys - Donate toys that your children have grown out of instead of throwing them away.
- Open Circularity - Lars Zimmermann runs Mifactori Design & Activism Studio in Berlin. This website is where he shares content & thoughts on Open Source Circularity. General idea is - open source all products, allowing them to be repaired or repurposed if they break rather than ending up in landfill.
Footprint Calculators
- Carbon Analytics - Link a Xero accounts to assess each purchase a company makes, calculating the carbon impact of things like fuel, power purchases, transportation and more as well as supply chain impacts.
- - Measure you carbon footprint, learn how to reduce your consumption, offset your impact, communicate, and comply.
- - Calculate your footprint based on flights, driving, shipping, and make tax-deductible donations to offset your emissions.
- Emitwise - The Emitwise Reportwise tool calculates company level GHG emissions in line with the GHG Protocol for scope 1 and 2 emissions. Primarily targeting the UK but would also be useful for other countries.
- Plan A - Software that helps your business calculate, monitor and reduce its carbon footprint. Our platform allows you to track your carbon footprint monthly and learn how to reduce it with the support of a custom sustainability action plan, automatically created based on your worst-performing indicators.
- Protea OSS Carbon Footprint (⭐38) - Open source carbon footprint calculator, the only emissions calculator to use a command line interface.
- The US EPA's Carbon Footprint Calculator - The calculator estimates your footprint in three areas- home energy, transportation and waste. Everyone's carbon footprint is different depending on their location, habits, and personal choices.
- WWF UK Calculator - The planet is in crisis - from climate change to the pollution in our oceans and devastation of our forests. It's up to all of us to fix it. Take your first step with our environmental footprint calculator.
- atmosfair - Calculate the footprint for flights and buy compensation or donate to offset any number of carbon emissions. Tax-deductible in Germany.
- MyClimate - Helping reduce emissions through a whole bunch of different projects, from consulting companies on their footprint (and helping them to reduce), to education at schools, forest restoration, providing people in Rwanda with efficient cook stoves, and a whole bunch more. Fund them via donations, and use their flight/car/house/company footprint calculators.
- Dronecoria - Open-source drone reforestation technology. Drones, coupled with native coated seeds, can transform the efficiency with which we restore ecosystems.
- Arbor Day Foundation - The Arbor Day Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit conservation and education organization. A million members, donors, and partners support our programs to make our world greener and healthier.
- Eden Reforestation Projects - Eden Reforestation Projects reduces extreme poverty and restores healthy forests by employing local villagers to plant millions of trees every year.
- Form Ghana - A forest plantation management company based in central Ghana that provides services in the field of reforestation of degraded Forest Reserves and plantation management.
- Form International - Form International is a forest management and services company that manages forest assets in Africa and delivers a range of technical and financial services to clients worldwide.
- Team Trees - TeamTrees started in May 2019 when the internet challenged Mr. Beast to plant 20 million trees to commemorate hitting the 20M subscriber milestone. Fans then suggested he band together with a bunch of other YouTubers and influencers to make it happen.
- Treedom - Treedom lets you buy or gift a real tree, where somebody will plant it for you and follow it online.
- Trees for the Future - TREES plants all sorts of trees and plants, and nearly all of the trees used are either native or naturalized in the environments where they are planted. They partner with farmers to understand their needs and match them with species that will suit their needs and be environmentally benign.
Renewable Energy
- Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) - You could get money towards renewable heating costs in your home. You can claim for biomass boilers, solar water heating, heat pumps. Payments are made for 7 years and are based on the amount of renewable heat made by your heating system.
- Big Clean Switch - Do energy differently. Switch in minutes to a green electricity tariff from one of the UK's leading suppliers.
- Community Power - Ireland's first community owned electricity supplier which collaborates with Local Sustainable Energy Communities! Whether you are a household, community, business, public or private building, you can switch and buy your electricity from Community Power.
- Ecotricity - 100% green electricity. They generate 1/5th from their fleet of windmills and sunmills, and buy the rest from other green generators. They also turn our customers’ bills into new sources of green energy, making more green electricity all the time.
- Electricity Map - A map showing the energy consumption, renewable penetration and carbon emissions from energy for many countries around the world. If you're country isn't covered you can contribute a data source.
- Good Energy - One of the few energy suppliers in the UK to generate renewable power from their own wind and solar farms, and buy renewable power from small independent renewable generators. From local farmers and community energy schemes to sustainable businesses that generate their own power and sell them the excess. A true renewable supplier, not just coal power + offset credits.
- Green-E - Find a renewable energy provider near you. Green-e certified renewable energy and carbon offset products meet the most stringent environmental and consumer protection standards in North America. You can search below for certified green power and renewable energy certificate programs for your home or business, and carbon offset products to offset your emissions from activities like driving and flying. As a third-party certifier, Green-e® doesn't sell renewable energy or offsets, but offers these links to retailers that do.
- Non-domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) - The non-domestic Renewable Heat Incentive helps businesses, public sector and non-profit organisations meet the cost of installing renewable heat technologies.
- SparkMeter - Humanitarian smart energy metering solution that purchases wasted unused electricity from utilities and resells it to hard-to-reach places and under served markets, thus reducing overall energy consumption.
Home Improvements
- EPA's Responsible Appliance Disposal - RAD is a voluntary partnership program that works with utilities, retailers, manufacturers, state and local government agencies, affiliates, and others to dispose of old refrigerated appliances using the best environmental practices available.
- Environmentally Friendly Roof Insulation - However you heat your home, make sure you aren't leaking heat through insufficient insulation, and save money.
- Hamwells Showers - Shower systems that utilize heat exchangers to recapture heat and filtered pumps to recycle water up to 7 times before it is drained, thus significantly reducing water usage and energy consumption.
- Nebia Showers - Nebia is proud to offer products that transform your mundane shower routine into a ritual, and also contribute to preserving the planet.
- Regency Wood Stove Fireplace Inserts - If solar heating is not an option, wood stove inserts can update your drafty, open wood fireplace. They'll send less heat out the chimney, and more heat around your house, drastically improving your wood burning efficiency. They pump the smoke back into the fire to burn that off too, which sends less crap into the atmosphere. Try to use coffee logs instead of wood.
- Sense - Sense is a home energy monitor that gives real-time insight into your home’s energy usage. Sense gives people the knowledge they need to reduce their energy costs and usage, with profound effects on the environment- the company estimates that its users are saving a total of 53 million pounds of CO2 annually.
- Solar Thermal Energy - Solar thermal technology can be used for cooking, heating your home through radiant floors, radiators, or forced air. It can be used to heat water directly for hot showers too.
- Data Science for Social Good - Berlin based group helping NGOs to make use of their data by connecting them with volunteer data scientists and analysts.
- GoodWork - GoodWork is a Canadian community of environmental changemakers, sustainability professionals, job seekers and volunteers.
- Green Jobs Network - Job board that connects employers with job seekers who are interested in jobs that focus on environmental or social responsibility. Not just tech jobs like some of these boards, they cover all sorts of jobs.
- GreenJobs - Site advertising a wide variety of green jobs to enhance your environmental career.
- Practical guide to finding a climate change job in tech - Nice guide on finding a job in tech tackling climate change.
Land Management
- Creating a Land Trust - A land trust is a charitable organization that acquires land or conservation easements, or that stewards land or easements, for conservation purposes. Land owners may consider designating portions of their land as a land trust, in order to preserve natural features in perpetuity, and be eligible for tax benefits as a result.
- Farm Bot - Farm Bot is a fully automated, open-source, crowd-funded project, which helps you grow food for yourself, your family, and your community. Install FarmBot on a raised bed, urban rooftop, or in a small greenhouse at home. Hyper-local food production has never been easier.
- Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) - NRCS will pay you to steward your land, in ways you define. It offers voluntary programs to eligible landowners and agricultural producers to provide financial and technical assistance to help manage natural resources in a sustainable manner. Programs include emergency watershed protection and flood prevention, watershed rehabilitation, surveys and planning, healthy forest reserve easements, agricultural conservation easements, conservation stewardship, and environmental quality incentives.
- Bloomberg Green - Climate news and insights on the latest in science, environmental impacts, zero-emission tech and green finance.
- Carbon Brief - UK-based website covering the latest developments in climate science, climate policy and energy policy. Clear, data-driven articles and graphics to help improve the understanding of climate change, both in terms of the science and the policy response.
- Heated - Original reporting and analysis on the climate crisis at the top of your inbox every morning, Monday through Thursday. News should arm you with the knowledge you need to effectively fight this crisis.
- Metabolic - Sustainability consultancy in The Netherlands, tracking and reporting on climate action, circular economy, reducing consumption, etc. all over the world.
- The Cleanest Line - Patagonia's blog on their efforts into political engagement for environmental protection of green spaces, global strikes, their efforts subsidizing solar energy in various communities, and all sorts of other climate action.
- The Guardian - The Guardian covers international environmental issues and climate change.
- US Green Build Council - Transforming how buildings are designed, constructed and operated through the LEED construction standard. Articles about benchmarking energy efficiency of materials, city strategy, measuring the health of indoor spaces, reducing off-gassing, and improving air quality.
- Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act - The Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 763) will drive down America's carbon pollution and bring climate change under control, while unleashing American technology innovation and ingenuity. This policy was also introduced in the Senate in 2018 as S. 3791.
- No Fracking in Alaska’s Arctic Wildlife Refuge - Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is one of our last truly wild places — and it has been off-limits to oil companies for decades. But the Trump administration is closer than any administration in history to tearing open the Arctic Refuge for destructive oil and gas drilling.
- Our Children's Trust - Leading the game-changing, youth-driven, global climate recovery campaign to secure the legal right to a stable climate and healthy atmosphere.
- Save Wild Orcas and Wild Salmon - Wild salmon and southern resident killer whales are on the brink of extinction. Now a misguided plan to feed the starving whales with hatchery salmon will push both endangered species closer to the edge, while costing taxpayers millions of dollars per year. Tell NOAA Regional Administrator Barry Thom, WDFW Director Kelly Susewind, and our elected decision makers to stop wasting money on failed plans and invest in science-based solutions: reduce hatchery production, remove dams and change how we harvest salmon.
- U.K. Double Tree Cover - Over the centuries the United Kingdom has cleared its forests, leaving it with some of the lowest levels of woodland in Europe. If the government is serious about protecting the climate, it needs to bring back the lost trees.
- U.S. Gas-powered car free by 2040 - Federal legislation was proposed in both the House of Representatives and the Senate that could radically shift the way the U.S. tackles its climate crisis. The Zero-Emission Vehicles Act would eliminate the sale of gas-powered passenger cars in the U.S. by 2040.
- U.S. Save the "Clean Power Plan" - Fossil-fueled power plants are responsible for nearly 40 percent of America’s carbon footprint. The Clean Power Plan calls for setting limits on this climate-warming pollution from these power plants, specifically at least 32 percent by 2030, compared to 2005 levels. By 2030, the Clean Power Plan could save the United States $20 billion in climate-related costs and deliver up to $34 billion in health benefits.
- UK Government: Act now on the Climate Emergency - Now that Parliament has declared a Climate Emergency, we need you to act like it. For starters, that means banning all new oil and gas production in the UK, including fracking, tripling renewable energy by 2030, planting 700 million trees, introducing a Frequent Flyer Tax, ending the sale of all new petrol and diesel cars by 2030, and more.
- Biking vs. Driving Calculator - Riding your bike can make you a millionaire! You're paying more for your car than you think. A typical American who goes car-free for 35 years can save nearly a million dollars, even adjusted for inflation, and even if they pay for taxi, bus, and car-share trips often. Use the calculator to find how much you can save in your particular situation.
- Commute on Electric Bicycles - Like the idea of cycling but feel like it's a bit far, bit hilly, or no access to a shower at the other end? E-bikes aren't just for the older riders, they've pushed into the mainstream culturally and financially, and are a hell of a lot of fun. Combine it with local "cycle to work schemes" listed here for extra savings, some places do specific deals on e-bikes.
- Pod Point - UK leaders in electric vehicle charging with innovative solutions for homes, workplaces and commercial organizations.
- Waze Carpool - Choose to drive or ride, and match with people based on route and time of day.
- Citizens Climate Lobby - If you’re an English, economics or poly sci major, you probably should consider volunteering for Citizens’ Climate Lobby, an organization focused on confronting climate change through policy.
- ClimateAction.Tech - A global community of tech professionals using our skills, expertise and platforms to support solutions to the climate crisis. The mission is to empower technology professionals to play our part — to meet, discuss, learn and take climate action.
- Economists for Future - Economists for Future growing movement of people committed to galvanising the economics community behind addressing the greatest challenge of our day. If the discipline which dedicates itself to studying the economy cannot sufficiently engage in the economic transformation that the climate science requires, then who else can be expected to do this?
- Eyes of the Reef Hawai'i - Network to inform, engage and train people to identify coral bleaching, disease and invasive species outbreaks. They have a broad outreach program that helps to provide critical training for rapid response monitoring and stewardship of precious marine resources.
- Greenpeace - Greenpeace has many ways for people to get involved. Start small by launching and participating in campaigns and petitions, or go further and discover or create events. Play an active role in achieving a green and peaceful future!
- Habitat for Humanity - Habitat for Humanity is well known for building simple, affordable homes for people in need. But recently the organization has implemented new programs recognizing climate change as a major threat to the environment and which can destroy the homes they build.
- Take Climate Action - Climate Action groups are made up of people like you and together they’ll bring about big systemic change. Join the network and kick-start climate action in your community.
- Tell Microsoft to End Big Oil Contracts - Right now, while our planet speeds toward the brink of the climate crisis, Microsoft is putting its foot on the accelerator. As oil and gas profits continue to fall, giant oil corporations have turned to cloud computing and artificial intelligence (AI) to answer their problems. Microsoft promises companies like ExxonMobil that its analytical tools and other AI technologies will help them discover and pump even more oil at a lower cost. This Greenpeace petition will let Microsoft know this is not acceptable.
- Transition Network - A global movement of communities coming together to reimagine and actively rebuild our world. The terms transition town, transition initiative and transition model refer to grassroot community projects that aim to increase self-sufficiency to reduce the potential effects of peak oil, climate destruction, and economic instability.
- Tree Folks - Tree planting and tree care events around Austin, Texas, from October to April.
- Prev: Mar 26, 2020
- Next: Mar 24, 2020