Awesome List Updates on Mar 18, 2020
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Geojson
editors & viewers
- Web GIS: tools to view, inspect, and manipulate geospatial data
2. Awesome Foss Apps
Web Apps (frontend only) / Dnote
- golang, react, typescript
- GPLv3 License, AGPLv3 License
3. Awesome Game Remakes
- BStone (⭐302) - A source port of Blake Stone: Aliens Of Gold and Blake Stone: Planet Strike.
4. Awesome Rtc
Server Software / SIP Servers
- Flexisip (⭐104) - SIP server suite comprising proxy, presence and group chat functions.
Developer Resources / Rust Libraries
- libsip - SIP implementation, with a focus towards softphone clients.
- sipcore (⭐24) - Rust framework for creating SIP applications.
- rtcrs/webrtc (⭐2.3k) - WebRTC stack, supporting SDP, RTP, RTCP and SRTP.
Developer Resources / Dart Libraries
- dart-sip-ua (⭐247) - Dart-lang port of JsSIP, capable of SIP over WebSocket.
5. Awesome Gbdev
Emulators / Experimental/Proof of Concepts
- BGB - Powerful emulator and debugger. Provides an accurate hardware emulation.
6. Awesome Vue
Resources / Podcasts
Resources / Tutorials
Resources / Blog Posts
7. Awesome Firebase
CLI & Editor / iOS
- 🔧 Svarog (⭐36) - Cloud Firestore schema validation with JSON Schema generated Security Rule helper functions.
8. Awesome Streaming
Table of Contents / Streaming Engine
- LightSaber (⭐71) [C++] - Multi-core Window-Based Stream Processing Engine. LightSaber uses code generation for efficient window aggregation.
9. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Arpit Mohan - Distributed Systems Engineer, Java and Golang developer, 3x CTO, blogger.
- Prev: Mar 19, 2020
- Next: Mar 17, 2020