Awesome List Updates on Mar 11, 2020
13 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Cakephp
- Markup plugin (⭐3) - Allows to use PHP or JS based syntax highlighting.
- Setup:Maintenance (⭐34) - Maintenance shell to go into maintenance mode for all requests with optional IP whitelisting.
- Ratings plugin (⭐9) - Allows users to rate records and displays ratings.
2. Awesome Composer
- CheatSheet - Overview of CLI commands and
Plugins / IRC
- Composer-Patchset (⭐8) - Automatically fetch, update and apply patches to any composer package with a twist - store the patchset as a composer package itself.
Tools / IRC
- Composer-Normalize (⭐1.1k) - The plugin helps to keep your
file(s) consistent by restructuring and sorting entries (normalizing).
Packagist-compatible repositories / IRC
- Packeton (⭐441) - Private self-hosted Composer repository for vendors. Fork of packagist with adding support for authorization, customer users, groups, webhooks.
3. Awesome Jmeter
Automation / Frameworks
- Performance testing framework (⭐405) - Framework both for backend load testing with Apache JMeter and frontend load testing with + webpagetest private instance.
4. Awesome Incident Response
IR Tools Collection / Sandboxing/Reversing Tools
- StringSifter (⭐638) - A machine learning tool that ranks strings based on their relevance for malware analysis.
5. Awesome Transit
GTFS Data Collection and Maintenance Tools / Rust
- IBI Data Tools (⭐123) - A web application that handles GTFS editing, validating, quality checking, and deploying to OpenTripPlanner. (Combines and builds upon the functionality of the deprecated Gtfs Data Manager (⭐24) and GTFS Editor (⭐135).)
National government datasets / Rust
- National Transit Database (USA) - Information and statistics on the transit systems of the United States, run by the Federal Transit Administration.
6. Awesome Economics
Research / Software
- Stata - An industry standard for statistical computations in economics. Free alternatives:
Economics on GitHub / Projects
- macro_puzzles (⭐72) - A list of puzzles in macroeconomics.
- pydsge (⭐37) - Tools to solve, filter, and estimate DSGE models with occasionally binding constraints.
7. Awesome Vue
Resources / Documentaries
- Vue.js: The Documentary by Honeypot (Feb 2020)
8. Awesome React Components
UI Layout / Syntax Highlight
- react-colrow (⭐6) - Responsive grid layout components. Based on css flexbox. Support fraction width, auto grow.
9. Awesome Electron
Boilerplates / Other
- secure-electron-template (⭐1.6k) - Security-focused boilerplate for creating apps with React, Redux, Webpack, and i18next.
10. Awesome Fp Js
- futil-js (⭐994) - A collection of functional utilities that could conceivably be part of a library like lodash/fp, but for some reason or other are not.
11. Awesome Phalcon
CMS & Blogs
- Hummingbird CMS (⭐8) - A CMS based on Phalcon 4 with many powerful features
12. Awesome Engineering Team Management
Culture / Procrastination
- High Performance Organizations Reading List (⭐1.2k) - A list of books, web pages, and videos about how to design better organizations, divided into 3 categories: organization and motivation, health and wellness, and software development specific.
Cognitive Tools / Behavioral
- The six ways to influence people - 6 universal principles of influence that are used to persuade business professionals: reciprocity, consistency, social proof, getting people to like you, authority and scarcity.
Remote Work / Technical Debt
- Awesome Remote Job (⭐35k) - Resources on working remotely, including job boards, coworking spaces, and a list of companies embracing the culture.
Agile / Delivery
- Detecting Agile Bullshit - US Department of Defense guide to detect software projects that are really using agile development versus those that are simply waterfall or spiral development in agile clothing (“agile-scrum-fall”).
Communication / Writing
- Tips for Writing Technical Papers - Another set of tips, specifically using the example of a technical paper describing an improvement of an algorithm.
- Writing for Business - Some tips on how to write in a business context.
13. Awesome Billing
- Business Model Patterns - A list of 15 different ways to sell products and services.
- Axial - Business models - 38 models for inspiration.
Pricing / Usage-based Pricing
- Reconcile Your Monthly GCP Invoice with BigQuery Billing Export - Behind the quest of this developer to track its expenses, you get a glimpse on cloud billing difficulties. While not explicitly pointed out, pricing cloud resources is hard and the result of quantization, granularity and rounding, between space, time and currencies.
Marketplace / Market Research
- Papers we love: Auctions and Bidding (⭐91k) - A collection of papers on bidding and auctions.
Taxes / Currencies
- 2017 Tax Software Developer's Guides - A list of test cases for developers to test their tax code against.
Payments / Electronic invoices
- The Best Payment Gateway for Startups - A benchmark of top payment providers, their pricing and models.
Payments / Bank Accounts
- Open IBAN - Free and public IBAN validation and calculation webservice.
Fraud / Trust Score
- Digital Ocean's Update on Customer Shutdown Incident - Aggressively shutting down user servers is good from a business point of view to prevent fraudster abusing free resources, until it's not.
Fraud / Statistics
- Integer percentages as electoral falsification fingerprints - In the same spirit as above, this paper show that frequency of reported round numbers in election is a signal of man-made anomalies. Might be applicable in some fraud-fighting area.
Business Intelligence / Tools
- Metabase (⭐41k) - Metabase is an open source solution to explore and visualize data and supports lots of databases.
Competitive Analysis / Cloud providers
- More choice, less complexity: New Compute Engine pricing options on tap - A wrap-up of recent GCP pricing features.
- Prev: Mar 12, 2020
- Next: Mar 10, 2020