Awesome List Updates on Feb 28, 2020
17 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Deep Learning
Researchers / Frameworks
2. Awesome Ipfs
- ipfs-action (⭐180) - GitHub Action for delivery of static websites.
3. Awesome Ros2
Working Groups / Robotics Capture the Flag (RCTF)
- Edge AI Working Group
4. Awesome Java
ORM / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Permazen (⭐410) - Language-natural persistence layer.
5. Awesome Pinned Gists
External Services
- douban-box (⭐14) - Update a pinned gist to contain the latest user status about books/movies/music from Douban.
6. Awesome WSL
WSL Tools / X Servers
- Xmanager - X server for Windows from NetSarang. 💰
7. Awesome Jmeter
Distributed Testing / Tutorials & Demo
- Testing in Cloud
- Kubernetes
- jmeter-kubernetes (⭐365) - JMeter cluster support for Kubernetes and OpenShift.
- jmeter-k8s-starterkit (⭐88) - JMeter k8s starter kit, with live test reporting, JMeter monitoring, k8s monitoring and mock as a service.
- kangal (⭐164) - Kubernetes and Go Automatic Loader solution to run performance tests in Kubernetes cluster using multiple load generators.
- aks_testing_fwk (⭐37) - AKS-based scalable JMeter test framework with Grafana reporting.
- Amazon Web Services
- jmeter-ec2 (⭐463) - Automates running Apache JMeter on Amazon EC2.
- gee (⭐16) - A modified version of JMeter-EC2 project.
- os-jmeter-aws (⭐1) - Run JMeter on multiple Amazon EC2 instances, view results in ELK.
- Load Testing with JMeter and Amazon EC2
- Performance Testing in the Cloud with JMeter & AWS
- JMeter distributed testing with Amazon EC2
- jmeter-ecs (⭐44) - JMeter docker image for distributed testing on EC2 Container Service (ECS).
- DigitalOcean
- Lightweight JMeter Cloud - Building your own JMeter Cloud using DigitalOcean, JMeter and Docker.
- Microsoft Azure
- Load Testing Pipeline with JMeter, ACI and Terraform (⭐120) - Scalable cloud load/stress testing pipeline solution with Apache JMeter and Terraform to dynamically provision and destroy the required infrastructure on Azure.
- Kubernetes
8. Awesome Readme
- sulu/sulu (⭐1.2k) - Project logo, useful badges, clear instructions on where to find more information and report bugs, GIF screenshots, nice use of emoticons.
9. Awesome React Components
- jscharting-react (⭐18) – React chart component offering a complete set of chart types and engaging data visualizations with JSCharting.
10. Awesome Vulkan
- Sascha Willems's samples (⭐9.9k) and Deferred rendering of Sponza (⭐175) and his talk of Khronos_meetup_munich.
11. Awesome Cli Apps
Development / Database
- iredis (⭐2.6k) - Redis client with autocompletion and syntax highlighting.
Just for Fun / Image Conversion
- dankcli (⭐55) - Add text to meme image templates.
12. Awesome Clojure
ORM and SQL generation
13. Awesome Seml
Broad Overviews
Model Training
14. Awesome Ant Design
Blazor / Themes
- ant-design-blazor (⭐31) - Ant Design of Blazor(both Server-side and WebAssembly).
15. Awesome Typescript
Web / Playground
- 🐙 Tridactyl (⭐5.5k) - A Firefox browser addon that replaces browser's control mechanism with one modelled on the one true editor, Vim.
16. Awesome Engineering Team Management
Recruitment / Job Boards
- Hiring Without Whiteboards (⭐46k) - List of companies without the kind of CS trivia questions that are associated with bad interview practices.
Recruitment / Interview
- Culture Queries - A sample of question to ask in job interviews to try to understand the values of a company.
- Secret manager trick of hiring data scientists - Convince them that what they're doing is machine learning.
Recruitment / Coding Challenge
- FizzBuzz Enterprise Edition (⭐22k) - A satire of over-engineering for the sake of enterprise-grade software.
- Awesome Interviews (⭐71k) - A huge database of questions sorted by topic to get inspiration from.
Meetings / 1 on 1
- Questions for our first 1:1 - A personal list of high-level questions from a manager.
Objectives and Key Results (OKR) / Delivery
- Awesome OKR (⭐1.6k) - There is no shortage of content on how to measure and communicate objectives.
17. Awesome Web Performance Budget
- How to make Performance Budget - Instructions for developing the performance budget.
- Prev: Feb 29, 2020
- Next: Feb 27, 2020